223 lines
5.7 KiB
223 lines
5.7 KiB
package main
import (
aaprofile "github.com/docker/docker/profiles/apparmor"
_ "github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/nsenter"
specs "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go"
const (
// BANNER is what is printed for help/info output.
BANNER = ` _ _ _
| |__ (_)_ __ ___| |_ _ __
| '_ \| | '_ \ / __| __| '__|
| |_) | | | | | (__| |_| |
|_.__/|_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|
Fully static, self-contained container including the rootfs
that can be run by an unprivileged user.
Embedded Image: %s - %s
Version: %s
Build: %s
defaultRoot = "/tmp/binctr"
defaultRootfsDir = "rootfs"
defaultApparmorProfile = "docker-default"
var (
containerID string
pidFile string
root string
allocateTty bool
consoleSocket string
detach bool
readonly bool
hooks specs.Hooks
hookflags stringSlice
debug bool
vrsn bool
// stringSlice is a slice of strings
type stringSlice []string
// implement the flag interface for stringSlice
func (s *stringSlice) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", *s)
func (s *stringSlice) Set(value string) error {
*s = append(*s, value)
return nil
func (s stringSlice) ParseHooks() (hooks specs.Hooks, err error) {
for _, v := range s {
parts := strings.SplitN(v, ":", 2)
if len(parts) <= 1 {
return hooks, fmt.Errorf("parsing %s as hook_name:exec failed", v)
cmd := strings.Split(parts[1], " ")
exec, err := exec.LookPath(cmd[0])
if err != nil {
return hooks, fmt.Errorf("looking up exec path for %s failed: %v", cmd[0], err)
hook := specs.Hook{
Path: exec,
if len(cmd) > 1 {
hook.Args = cmd[:1]
switch parts[0] {
case "prestart":
hooks.Prestart = append(hooks.Prestart, hook)
case "poststart":
hooks.Poststart = append(hooks.Poststart, hook)
case "poststop":
hooks.Poststop = append(hooks.Poststop, hook)
return hooks, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid hook, try 'prestart', 'poststart', or 'poststop'", parts[0])
return hooks, nil
func init() {
// Parse flags
flag.StringVar(&containerID, "id", image.NAME, "container ID")
flag.StringVar(&pidFile, "pid-file", "", "specify the file to write the process id to")
flag.StringVar(&root, "root", defaultRoot, "root directory of container state, should be tmpfs")
flag.Var(&hookflags, "hook", "Hooks to prefill into spec file. (ex. --hook prestart:netns)")
flag.BoolVar(&allocateTty, "t", true, "allocate a tty for the container")
flag.StringVar(&consoleSocket, "console-socket", "", "path to an AF_UNIX socket which will receive a file descriptor referencing the master end of the console's pseudoterminal")
flag.BoolVar(&detach, "d", false, "detach from the container's process")
flag.BoolVar(&readonly, "read-only", false, "make container filesystem readonly")
flag.BoolVar(&vrsn, "version", false, "print version and exit")
flag.BoolVar(&vrsn, "v", false, "print version and exit (shorthand)")
flag.BoolVar(&debug, "D", false, "run in debug mode")
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf(BANNER, image.NAME, image.SHA, version.VERSION, version.GITCOMMIT))
if vrsn {
fmt.Printf("%s, commit: %s, image: %s, image digest: %s", version.VERSION, version.GITCOMMIT, image.NAME, image.SHA)
// Set log level.
if debug {
// Parse the hook flags.
var err error
hooks, err = hookflags.ParseHooks()
if err != nil {
//go:generate go run generate.go
func main() {
if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "init" {
// Initialize the spec.
spec := specconv.Example()
// Set the spec to be rootless.
// Setup readonly fs in spec.
spec.Root.Readonly = readonly
// Setup tty in spec.
spec.Process.Terminal = allocateTty
// Pass in any hooks to the spec.
spec.Hooks = &hooks
// Set the default seccomp profile.
spec.Linux.Seccomp = defaultSeccompProfile
// Install the default apparmor profile.
if apparmor.IsEnabled() {
// Check if we have the docker-default apparmor profile loaded.
if _, err := aaprofile.IsLoaded(defaultApparmorProfile); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("AppArmor enabled on system but the %s profile is not loaded. apparmor_parser needs root to load a profile so we can't do it for you.", defaultApparmorProfile)
} else {
spec.Process.ApparmorProfile = defaultApparmorProfile
// Unpack the rootfs.
if err := unpackRootfs(spec); err != nil {
// Initialize the container object.
c := &container.Container{
ID: containerID,
Spec: spec,
PIDFile: pidFile,
ConsoleSocket: consoleSocket,
Root: root,
Detach: detach,
Rootless: true,
// Run the container.
status, err := c.Run()
if err != nil {
// Remove the rootfs after the container has exited.
if err := os.RemoveAll(defaultRootfsDir); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("removing rootfs failed: %v", err)
// Exit with the container's exit status.
func runInit() {
factory, _ := libcontainer.New("")
if err := factory.StartInitialization(); err != nil {
// as the error is sent back to the parent there is no need to log
// or write it to stderr because the parent process will handle this
panic("libcontainer: container init failed to exec")