121 lines
3.9 KiB
121 lines
3.9 KiB
# Set an output prefix, which is the local directory if not specified
PREFIX?=$(shell pwd)
# Setup name variables for the package/tool
NAME := binctr
PKG := github.com/genuinetools/$(NAME)
# Set any default go build tags
BUILDTAGS := seccomp apparmor
# Set the build dir, where built cross-compiled binaries will be output
IMAGE := alpine
IMAGE_DATA_FILE := image/bindata.go
# Populate version variables
# Add to compile time flags
VERSION := $(shell cat VERSION.txt)
GITCOMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
GITUNTRACKEDCHANGES := $(shell git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no)
-X $(PKG)/image.NAME=$(notdir $(IMAGE)) \
-X $(PKG)/image.SHA=$(shell docker inspect --format "{{.Id}}" $(IMAGE))
GO_LDFLAGS=-ldflags "-w $(CTIMEVAR)"
GO_LDFLAGS_STATIC=-ldflags "-w $(CTIMEVAR) -extldflags -static"
all: clean build fmt lint test staticcheck vet ## Runs a clean, build, fmt, lint, test, staticcheck, and vet
.PHONY: build
build: $(BUILDDIR)/$(notdir $(IMAGE)) ## Builds a static executable or package
@mkdir -p $@
@echo "+ $@"
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build \
-tags "$(BUILDTAGS) static_build" \
@echo "Static container for $(IMAGE) created at: $@"
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: ## Verifies all files have men `gofmt`ed
@echo "+ $@"
@gofmt -s -l . | grep -v '.pb.go:' | grep -v vendor | tee /dev/stderr
.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Verifies `golint` passes
@echo "+ $@"
@golint ./... | grep -v '.pb.go:' | grep -v vendor | tee /dev/stderr
.PHONY: test
test: ## Runs the go tests
@echo "+ $@"
@go test -v -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) cgo" $(shell go list ./... | grep -v vendor)
.PHONY: vet
vet: ## Verifies `go vet` passes
@echo "+ $@"
@go vet $(shell go list ./... | grep -v vendor) | grep -v '.pb.go:' | tee /dev/stderr
.PHONY: staticcheck
staticcheck: ## Verifies `staticcheck` passes
@echo "+ $@"
@staticcheck $(shell go list ./... | grep -v vendor) | grep -v '.pb.go:' | tee /dev/stderr
.PHONY: cover
cover: ## Runs go test with coverage
@echo "" > coverage.txt
@for d in $(shell go list ./... | grep -v vendor); do \
go test -race -coverprofile=profile.out -covermode=atomic "$$d"; \
if [ -f profile.out ]; then \
cat profile.out >> coverage.txt; \
rm profile.out; \
fi; \
.PHONY: bump-version
BUMP := patch
bump-version: ## Bump the version in the version file. Set BUMP to [ patch | major | minor ]
@go get -u github.com/jessfraz/junk/sembump # update sembump tool
$(eval NEW_VERSION = $(shell sembump --kind $(BUMP) $(VERSION)))
@echo "Bumping VERSION.txt from $(VERSION) to $(NEW_VERSION)"
@echo "Updating links to download binaries in README.md"
sed -i s/$(VERSION)/$(NEW_VERSION)/g README.md
git add VERSION.txt README.md
git commit -vsam "Bump version to $(NEW_VERSION)"
@echo "Run make tag to create and push the tag for new version $(NEW_VERSION)"
.PHONY: tag
tag: ## Create a new git tag to prepare to build a release
git tag -sa $(VERSION) -m "$(VERSION)"
@echo "Run git push origin $(VERSION) to push your new tag to GitHub and trigger a travis build."
.PHONY: image.tar
docker pull --disable-content-trust=false $(IMAGE)
docker export $(shell docker create $(IMAGE) sh) > $@
$(IMAGE_DATA_FILE): image.tar
GOMAXPROCS=1 go generate
.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Cleanup any build binaries or packages
@echo "+ $@"
$(RM) $(NAME)
$(RM) -r $(BUILDDIR)
@sudo $(RM) -r rootfs
$(RM) *.tar
-@docker rm $(shell docker ps -aq) /dev/null 2>&1
.PHONY: help
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'