vendor | ||
.gitignore | ||
circle.yml | ||
generate.go | ||
main.go | ||
main_unix.go | ||
Makefile | ||
nginx.png | ||
README.md | ||
rlimit_linux.go | ||
rootfs_ops.go | ||
seccomp.go | ||
seccomp.json | ||
signals.go | ||
spec.go | ||
tty.go | ||
utils.go | ||
Create fully static, including rootfs embedded, binaries that pop you directly into a container. Can be run by an unprivileged user.
This is based off a crazy idea from @crosbymichael who first embedded an image in a binary :D
You may have noticed you can't file an issue. That's because this is using a crazy person's (aka my) fork of libcontainer and until I get the patches into upstream there's no way in hell I'm fielding issues from whoever is crazy enough to try this.
Nginx running with my user "jessie".
This uses the new Golang vendoring so you need go 1.6 or
in your env.
You will also need libapparmor-dev
and libseccomp-dev
Most importantly you need userns in your kernel (CONFIG_USER_NS=y
or else this won't even work.
$ make static
Static container created at: ./bin/alpine
Run with ./bin/alpine
# building a different base image
$ make static IMAGE=busybox
Static container created at: ./bin/busybox
Run with ./bin/busybox
$ ./alpine
$ ./busybox --read-only
Running with custom commands & args
# let's make an nginx binary
$ make static IMAGE=nginx
Static container created at: ./bin/nginx
Run with ./bin/nginx
$ ./bin/nginx nginx -g "daemon off;"
# But we have no networking! Don't worry we can fix this
# Let's install my super cool binary for setting up networking in a container
$ go get github.com/jfrazelle/netns
# now we can add this as a prestart hook
$ ./bin/nginx --hook prestart:netns nginx -g "daemon off;"
# let's get the ip file
$ cat .ip
$ ./bin/alpine -h
_ _ _
| |__ (_)_ __ ___| |_ _ __
| '_ \| | '_ \ / __| __| '__|
| |_) | | | | | (__| |_| |
|_.__/|_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|
Fully static, self-contained container including the rootfs
that can be run by an unprivileged user.
Embedded Image: alpine - sha256:70c557e50ed630deed07cbb0dc4d28aa0f2a485cf7af124cc48f06bce83f784b
Version: 0.1.0
GitCommit: 13fcd27-dirty
-D run in debug mode
-console string
the pty slave path for use with the container
-d detach from the container's process
-hook value
Hooks to prefill into spec file. (ex. --hook prestart:netns) (default [])
-id string
container ID (default "nginx")
-pid-file string
specify the file to write the process id to
make container filesystem readonly
-root string
root directory of container state, should be tmpfs (default "/run/binctr")
-t allocate a tty for the container (default true)
-v print version and exit (shorthand)
print version and exit
Cool things
The binary spawned does NOT need to oversee the container process if you run in detached mode with a PID file. You can have it watched by the user mode systemd so that this binary is really just the launcher :)
Caps the binary needs to unpack and set the right perms on the roofs for the userns user
- CAP_CHOWN: chown the rootfs to the userns user
- CAP_FOWNER: chmod rootfs
- CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE: symlinks
These can be dropped after the rootfs is unpacked and chowned.
Caps for libcontainer
- CAP_SETUID, CAP_SETGID: so we can write to
, innsexec.c
See: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/user_namespaces.7.html