
567 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.9~svn20110310 //
AND bvi.h 90;" d
ANSI bmore.h 104;" d
ANSI bvi.h 120;" d
APPEND comm.c 51;" d file:
APPEND comm.c 54;" d file:
ASCII bmore.h 83;" d
ASCII bvi.h 97;" d
ASCII_DEL bvi.h 106;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
A_ATTRIBUTES doscur.h 56;" d
A_BLINK doscur.h 54;" d
A_BOLD doscur.h 52;" d
A_CHARTEXT doscur.h 55;" d
A_NORMAL doscur.h 50;" d
A_REVERSE doscur.h 53;" d
A_STANDOUT doscur.h 51;" d
AnzAdd bmore.c /^int AnzAdd;$/;" v
AnzAdd bvi.c /^int AnzAdd, Anzahl, Anzahl3;$/;" v
Anzahl bvi.c /^int AnzAdd, Anzahl, Anzahl3;$/;" v
Anzahl3 bvi.c /^int AnzAdd, Anzahl, Anzahl3;$/;" v
Ausgabe_Datei bvi.c /^FILE *Ausgabe_Datei;$/;" v
BACKWARD bmore.h 85;" d
BACKWARD bvi.h 99;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
BLOCK_BEGIN bvi.h /^ BLOCK_BEGIN = 1,$/;" e enum:_block_datum
BLOCK_END bvi.h /^ BLOCK_END = 2,$/;" e enum:_block_datum
BLOCK_LEN bvi.h /^ BLOCK_LEN = 4$/;" e enum:_block_datum
BLOCK_SPECIAL bmore.h 75;" d
BLOCK_SPECIAL bvi.h 66;" d
BS bmore.h 88;" d
BS bvi.h 102;" d
BUFFER bmore.h 116;" d
BUFFER bvi.h 134;" d
BVICTRL bmore.h 92;" d
BVICTRL bvi.h 105;" d
CHARACTER_SPECIAL bmore.h 74;" d
CMDLNG bvi.h 108;" d
CMDSZ comm.c 57;" d file:
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
COLS dosio.c /^int COLS = 80;$/;" v
CR bmore.h 86;" d
CR bvi.h 100;" d
DELIM bmore.h 107;" d
DELIM bmore.h 112;" d
DELIM bvi.h 123;" d
DELIM bvi.h 130;" d
DIRECTORY bmore.h 73;" d
DIRECTORY bvi.h 64;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
ECHO dosio.c /^int ECHO = TRUE;$/;" v
END bmore.h 79;" d
END bvi.h 70;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
ERR doscur.h 147;" d
ERROR bmore.h 70;" d
ERROR bvi.h 61;" d
ESC bmore.h 89;" d
ESC bvi.h 103;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
ESC doscur.h 31;" d
FALSE bmore.h 100;" d
FALSE bvi.h 116;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
FALSE doscur.h 29;" d
FORWARD bmore.h 84;" d
FORWARD bvi.h 98;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
HAVE_CURSES_H acconfig.h 5;" d
HAVE_FCNTL_H dosconf.h 40;" d
HAVE_LOCALE_H dosconf.h 44;" d
HAVE_MEMMOVE dosconf.h 31;" d
HAVE_NCURSES_H acconfig.h 3;" d
HAVE_NCURSES_TERM_H acconfig.h 11;" d
HAVE_STRDUP dosconf.h 34;" d
HAVE_STRTOL dosconf.h 37;" d
HELPFILE bmore.c 43;" d file:
HELPFILE bmore.c 45;" d file:
HEX bvi.h 96;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
Home bm_unix.c /^char *Home; \/* go to home *\/$/;" v
JOEHTG bvi.h 43;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
KEY_BACKSPACE doscur.h 42;" d
KEY_DC doscur.h 45;" d
KEY_DOWN doscur.h 34;" d
KEY_ENTER doscur.h 41;" d
KEY_F doscur.h 33;" d
KEY_F0 doscur.h 32;" d
KEY_HOME doscur.h 43;" d
KEY_IC doscur.h 46;" d
KEY_LEFT doscur.h 36;" d
KEY_LL doscur.h 44;" d
KEY_NPAGE doscur.h 38;" d
KEY_PPAGE doscur.h 39;" d
KEY_RETURN doscur.h 40;" d
KEY_RIGHT doscur.h 37;" d
KEY_UP doscur.h 35;" d
LINES dosio.c /^int LINES = 25;$/;" v
LROTATE bvi.h 88;" d
LSHIFT bvi.h 86;" d
MAXCMD bmore.h 115;" d
MAXCMD bvi.h 133;" d
MAXNAME comm.c 58;" d file:
MAX_ONE_ARG comm.c 63;" d file:
MAX_ONE_FILE comm.c 65;" d file:
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
NEED_PUTC_CHAR acconfig.h 9;" d
NEED_PUTC_CHAR bm_unix.c 52;" d file:
NEG bvi.h 93;" d
NEW bmore.h 72;" d
NEW bvi.h 63;" d
NL bmore.h 87;" d
NL bvi.h 101;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
NODEL dosio.c /^int NODEL = FALSE;$/;" v
NOT bvi.h 94;" d
NO_ADDR comm.c 60;" d file:
NO_ARG comm.c 61;" d file:
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
NO_SYSERRL acconfig.h 7;" d
NULL bmore.h 95;" d
NULL bvi.h 111;" d
OFF_T_MAX io.c 47;" d file:
ONE bmore.h 80;" d
ONE bvi.h 71;" d
ONE_ARG comm.c 62;" d file:
ONE_FILE comm.c 64;" d file:
OR bvi.h 91;" d
P set.h 77;" d
PARTIAL bmore.h 76;" d
PARTIAL bvi.h 67;" d
PRINTF bmore.c 38;" d file:
PRINTF bmore.c 40;" d file:
PTR bmore.h 105;" d
PTR bmore.h 111;" d
PTR bvi.h 121;" d
PTR bvi.h 129;" d
P_AW set.h 54;" d
P_BOOL set.h 42;" d
P_CHANGED set.h 45;" d
P_CM set.h 55;" d
P_CO set.h 72;" d
P_EB set.h 56;" d
P_HL set.h 70;" d
P_IC set.h 57;" d
P_LI set.h 67;" d
P_MA set.h 58;" d
P_MM set.h 59;" d
P_MO set.h 63;" d
P_NUM set.h 43;" d
P_OF set.h 60;" d
P_RE set.h 71;" d
P_RO set.h 61;" d
P_SS set.h 62;" d
P_TE set.h 65;" d
P_TEXT set.h 44;" d
P_TT set.h 64;" d
P_US set.h 66;" d
P_WL set.h 68;" d
P_WS set.h 69;" d
REGULAR bmore.h 71;" d
REGULAR bvi.h 62;" d
REPLACE bmore.h 91;" d
RROTATE bvi.h 89;" d
RSHIFT bvi.h 87;" d
SEARCH bmore.h 90;" d
SEARCH bvi.h 104;" d
SKIP_WHITE bvi.h 136;" d
STAR bmore.h 81;" d
STAR bvi.h 72;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
STDC_HEADERS dosconf.h 28;" d
S_GLOBAL bvi.h 83;" d
S_ISBLK bvi.h 198;" d
S_ISCHR bvi.h 197;" d
S_ISDIR bvi.h 196;" d
S_ISFIFO bvi.h 200;" d
S_ISREG bvi.h 199;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
TBUFSIZ bm_dos.c 32;" d file:
TBUFSIZ bm_unix.c 32;" d file:
TRUE bmore.h 99;" d
TRUE bvi.h 115;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
TRUE doscur.h 28;" d
U_APPEND bvi.h 80;" d
U_BACK bvi.h 79;" d
U_DELETE bvi.h 78;" d
U_EDIT bvi.h 75;" d
U_INSERT bvi.h 77;" d
U_TILDE bvi.h 81;" d
U_TRUNC bvi.h 76;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
VERSION patchlevel.h 1;" d
WINDOW doscur.h 60;" d
WRITE comm.c 50;" d file:
WRITE comm.c 53;" d file:
XOR bvi.h 92;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
_block_datum bvi.h /^typedef enum _block_datum {$/;" g
act_pat re.c /^char act_pat[MAXCMD]; \/* found pattern *\/$/;" v
addch doscur.h 95;" d
addfile dosio.c /^addfile(char *fname)$/;" f
addfile io.c /^addfile(fname)$/;" f
addr_flag comm.c /^int addr_flag;$/;" v
addr_form bmore.c /^char addr_form[15];$/;" v
addr_form bvi.c /^char addr_form[15];$/;" v
addstr doscur.h 99;" d
again recomp.c /^int again = 0;$/;" v
alloc_buf dosio.c /^alloc_buf(off_t n, char **buffer)$/;" f
alloc_buf io.c /^alloc_buf(n, buffer)$/;" f
altfile comm.c /^static char *altfile = NULL; \/* alternate file *\/$/;" v file:
ambigous comm.c /^char *ambigous = "Ambigous|Too many file names";$/;" v
ambvalue comm.c /^char *ambvalue = "Ambigous|Too many values";$/;" v
arrnum bmore.c /^int arrnum = 0;$/;" v
arrnum bvi.c /^int arrnum = 0;$/;" v
ascii_comp recomp.c /^ascii_comp(smem, pattern)$/;" f
ascii_flag bmore.c /^int ascii_flag = 0;$/;" v
attrset dosio.c /^attrset(int attr)$/;" f
backsearch re.c /^backsearch(start, mode)$/;" f
beep doscur.h 76;" d
block_begin bvi.c /^off_t block_begin, block_end, block_size;$/;" v
block_datum bvi.h /^} block_datum;$/;" t typeref:enum:_block_datum
block_end bvi.c /^off_t block_begin, block_end, block_size;$/;" v
block_flag bvi.c /^int block_flag = 0;$/;" v
block_read io.c /^static off_t block_read;$/;" v file:
block_size bvi.c /^off_t block_begin, block_end, block_size;$/;" v
bmbeep bmore.c /^bmbeep() {$/;" f
bmore_search_pat bmore.c /^char bmore_search_pat[BUFFER]; \/* \/ or ? command *\/$/;" v
bmregexec bmore.c /^bmregexec(scan)$/;" f
bmsearch bmore.c /^bmsearch(ch)$/;" f
bregexec re.c /^bregexec(start, scan)$/;" f
buf comm.c /^static struct stat buf;$/;" v typeref:struct:stat file:
buf dosio.c /^static struct stat buf;$/;" v typeref:struct:stat file:
buf io.c /^static struct stat buf;$/;" v typeref:struct:stat file:
buf set.c /^static char buf[MAXCMD+1];$/;" v file:
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
buffer1 bmore.c /^char buffer1[MAXCMD], buffer2[MAXCMD];$/;" v
buffer2 bmore.c /^char buffer1[MAXCMD], buffer2[MAXCMD];$/;" v
bvi_init dosio.c /^bvi_init(char *dir)$/;" f
bvi_init io.c /^bvi_init(dir)$/;" f
bytepos bmore.c /^off_t bytepos, oldpos;$/;" v
c_argc comm.c /^static int c_argc = 0;$/;" v file:
c_argv comm.c /^static char *c_argv[9];$/;" v file:
c_flag bmore.c /^int c_flag = 0, d_flag = 0, r_flag = 0;$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
calc_addr re.c /^calc_addr(pointer, def_addr)$/;" f
calc_size bvi.c /^calc_size(arg)$/;" f
cbreak doscur.h 136;" d
chk_comm comm.c /^chk_comm(flag)$/;" f
chtype doscur.h 58;" d
clear doscur.h 83;" d
clear_marks edit.c /^clear_marks()$/;" f
clear_sc bm_unix.c /^char *clear_sc; \/* clear screen *\/$/;" v
clearscreen bm_dos.c /^clearscreen()$/;" f
clearscreen bm_unix.c /^clearscreen()$/;" f
clearstr comm.c /^clearstr()$/;" f
cleartoeol bm_dos.c /^cleartoeol()$/;" f
cleartoeol bm_unix.c /^cleartoeol()$/;" f
clrtoeol doscur.h 79;" d
cmdbuf bmore.c /^static char cmdbuf[MAXCMD];$/;" v file:
cmdstr bvi.c /^char cmdstr[MAXCMD+1] = "";$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
cnt bmore.c /^static int cnt = 0;$/;" v file:
contrd edit.c /^char contrd[][4] = {"NUL", " ^A", " ^B", " ^C", " ^D", " ^E", " ^F", "BEL",$/;" v
contru edit.c /^char contru[][4] = {"NUL", "SOH", "STX", "ETX", "EOT", "ENQ", "ACK", "BEL",$/;" v
copyright bmore.c /^char *copyright = "GPL (C) 1990-2019 by Gerhard Buergmann";$/;" v
copyright bvi.c /^char *copyright = "(C) GPL 1996-2019 by Gerhard Buergmann";$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
corr bmore.c /^int corr = 0, do_header = 0, to_print;$/;" v
cur_back edit.c /^cur_back()$/;" f
cur_forw edit.c /^cur_forw(check)$/;" f
curfile bvi.c /^int curfile; \/* number of the current file *\/$/;" v
curpos bvi.c /^PTR curpos;$/;" v
curr_file bmore.c /^FILE *curr_file = NULL, *help_file;$/;" v
current bvi.c /^PTR current;$/;" v
current_start bvi.c /^PTR current_start;$/;" v
d_flag bmore.c /^int c_flag = 0, d_flag = 0, r_flag = 0;$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
d_memcpy dosio.c /^d_memcpy(PTR dest, PTR src, off_t n)$/;" f
d_memmove dosio.c /^d_memmove(PTR dest, PTR src, off_t n)$/;" f
dbug bm_dos.c /^FILE *dbug;$/;" v
delch dosio.c /^delch()$/;" f
deleteln doscur.h 110;" d
dlines bm_unix.c /^int dum_opt, dlines;$/;" v
do_append bvi.c /^do_append(count, buf)$/;" f
do_back edit.c /^do_back(n, start)$/;" f
do_delete edit.c /^do_delete(n, start)$/;" f
do_exit comm.c /^do_exit()$/;" f
do_ft edit.c /^do_ft(ch, flag)$/;" f
do_header bmore.c /^int corr = 0, do_header = 0, to_print;$/;" v
do_ins_chg edit.c /^do_ins_chg(start, arg, mode)$/;" f
do_logic set.c /^do_logic(mode, str)$/;" f
do_mark edit.c /^do_mark(mark, addr)$/;" f
do_next bmore.c /^do_next(n)$/;" f
do_over bvi.c /^do_over(loc, n, buf)$/;" f
do_put bvi.c /^do_put(loc, n, buf)$/;" f
do_shell dosio.c /^do_shell()$/;" f
do_shell io.c /^do_shell()$/;" f
do_substitution re.c /^do_substitution(delim, line, startpos, endpos)$/;" f
do_tilde bvi.c /^do_tilde(count)$/;" f
do_undo bvi.c /^do_undo()$/;" f
do_z edit.c /^do_z(mode)$/;" f
docmdline comm.c /^docmdline(cmdline)$/;" f
doecmd comm.c /^doecmd(arg, force)$/;" f
doset set.c /^doset(arg)$/;" f
doshell bm_dos.c /^doshell(cmd)$/;" f
doshell bm_unix.c /^doshell(cmd)$/;" f
doupdate doscur.h 143;" d
dum_opt bm_unix.c /^int dum_opt, dlines;$/;" v
dup_print_flag bmore.c /^int dup_print_flag = 0;$/;" v
echo doscur.h 128;" d
edit edit.c /^edit(mode)$/;" f
edits bvi.c /^int edits = 0;$/;" v
emptyclass bmore.c /^char *emptyclass = "Empty byte class '[]' or '[^]'";$/;" v
emptyclass re.c /^char *emptyclass = "Bad character class|Empty byte class '[]' or '[^]' cannot match";$/;" v
emsg bmore.c /^emsg(s)$/;" f
emsg comm.c /^emsg(s)$/;" f
end_addr comm.c /^PTR end_addr;$/;" v
end_word re.c /^end_word(start)$/;" f
endwin doscur.h 137;" d
enlarge dosio.c /^enlarge(off_t add)$/;" f
enlarge io.c /^enlarge(add)$/;" f
env bvi.c /^jmp_buf env; \/* context for `longjmp' function *\/$/;" v
erase doscur.h 81;" d
erase_ln bm_unix.c /^char *erase_ln; \/* erase line *\/$/;" v
erasechar doscur.h 75;" d
estring bmore.c /^char estring[MAXCMD] = ""; \/* string for shell escape *\/$/;" v
extra comm.c /^char *extra = "Extra chars|Extra characters at end of command";$/;" v
exval bmore.c /^int exval = 0;$/;" v
fbuf set.c /^static char fbuf[MAXCMD+1];$/;" v file:
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
ffp set.c /^static FILE *ffp;$/;" v file:
file_nr bmore.c /^int file_nr = 0; \/* number of current input file *\/$/;" v
fileinfo edit.c /^fileinfo(fname)$/;" f
filemode dosio.c /^int filemode;$/;" v
filemode io.c /^int filemode;$/;" v
files bmore.c /^char **files; \/* list of input files *\/$/;" v
files bvi.c /^char **files; \/* list of input files *\/$/;" v
filesize bmore.c /^off_t screen_home, filesize;$/;" v
filesize bvi.c /^off_t filesize, memsize, undosize;$/;" v
flags set.h /^ int flags;$/;" m struct:param
flash doscur.h 77;" d
flushinp doscur.h 120;" d
fname_buf bvi.c /^char *fname_buf = NULL;$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
fnum bm_unix.c /^int fnum, no_intty, no_tty, slow_tty;$/;" v
from_file set.c /^static int from_file = 0;$/;" v file:
fsearch re.c /^fsearch(start, end, smem)$/;" f
fsearch_end re.c /^fsearch_end(start, end, smem, s_end)$/;" f
fullname set.h /^ char *fullname; \/* full parameter name *\/$/;" m struct:param
getbegyx doscur.h 105;" d
getcbuff edit.c /^static char getcbuff[BUFFER];$/;" v file:
getch dosio.c /^getch()$/;" f
getcmdstr set.c /^getcmdstr(p, x)$/;" f
getcnext edit.c /^static char *getcnext = NULL;$/;" v file:
getmaxyx doscur.h 106;" d
getyx doscur.h 104;" d
got_int bm_dos.c /^int got_int;$/;" v
got_int bm_unix.c /^int got_int;$/;" v
help_file bmore.c /^FILE *curr_file = NULL, *help_file;$/;" v
helppath bmore.c /^char helppath[MAXCMD];$/;" v
hex_comp recomp.c /^hex_comp(smem, pattern)$/;" f
hexchar recomp.c /^hexchar()$/;" f
highlight bm_dos.c /^highlight()$/;" f
highlight bm_unix.c /^highlight()$/;" f
hl_spat edit.c /^long hl_spat = 0;$/;" v
home bm_dos.c /^home()$/;" f
home bm_unix.c /^home()$/;" f
icnt bmore.c /^static int icnt = 0;$/;" v file:
idlok doscur.h 141;" d
ignore_case recomp.c /^int ignore_case = 0;$/;" v
inch dosio.c /^inch()$/;" f
init_byte bmore.c /^off_t init_byte = 0;$/;" v
init_search bmore.c /^int init_search = 0;$/;" v
initscr doscur.h 73;" d
initterm bm_dos.c /^initterm()$/;" f
initterm bm_unix.c /^initterm()$/;" f
insch dosio.c /^insch(int c)$/;" f
insertln doscur.h 108;" d
jmpproc bvi.c /^jmpproc(sig)$/;" f
keypad doscur.h 133;" d
last_motion bvi.c /^PTR last_motion;$/;" v
last_search bmore.c /^off_t last_search = 0;$/;" v
linbuf edit.c /^char linbuf[16384];$/;" v
line bvi.c /^static char line[MAXCMD+1];$/;" v file:
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
lineout edit.c /^lineout()$/;" f
load dosio.c /^load(char *fname)$/;" f
load io.c /^load(fname)$/;" f
loc bvi.c /^int loc;$/;" v
magic recomp.c /^int magic = 1;$/;" v
main bmore.c /^main(argc, argv)$/;" f
main bvi.c /^main(argc, argv)$/;" f
mark bvi.c /^static int mark;$/;" v file:
markbuf bvi.c /^PTR markbuf[26];$/;" v
maxpos bvi.c /^PTR maxpos;$/;" v
maxx bmore.c /^int maxx, maxy;$/;" v
maxx bvi.c /^int maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;" v
maxy bmore.c /^int maxx, maxy;$/;" v
maxy bvi.c /^int maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;" v
mem bvi.c /^PTR mem = NULL;$/;" v
memcpy bvi.h 126;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
memmove bm_unix.c /^memmove(s1, s2, n)$/;" f
memmove bvi.h 127;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
memmove io.c /^memmove(s1, s2, n)$/;" f
memsize bvi.c /^off_t filesize, memsize, undosize;$/;" v
morefiles comm.c /^char *morefiles = "more files@to edit";$/;" v
move doscur.h 91;" d
movebyte edit.c /^movebyte()$/;" f
msg comm.c /^msg(s)$/;" f
mvaddch doscur.h 93;" d
mvaddstr doscur.h 97;" d
mvgetch doscur.h 112;" d
mvgetstr doscur.h 115;" d
mvinch dosio.c /^mvinch(int y, int x)$/;" f
mvinsch doscur.h 125;" d
mvprintw doscur.h 101;" d
mvscanw doscur.h 122;" d
mvwaddch doscur.h 92;" d
mvwaddstr doscur.h 96;" d
mvwgetch doscur.h 111;" d
mvwgetstr doscur.h 114;" d
mvwprintw doscur.h 100;" d
mvwscanw doscur.h 121;" d
mymaxx bmore.c /^int mymaxx = 0, mymaxy = 0;$/;" v
mymaxy bmore.c /^int mymaxx = 0, mymaxy = 0;$/;" v
name bmore.c /^char *name = NULL;$/;" v
name bvi.c /^char *name = NULL;$/;" v
new_screen edit.c /^new_screen()$/;" f
newwin doscur.h 74;" d
nextchar bmore.c /^nextchar()$/;" f
nl doscur.h 131;" d
no_intty bm_dos.c /^int no_intty, no_tty;$/;" v
no_intty bm_unix.c /^int fnum, no_intty, no_tty, slow_tty;$/;" v
no_tty bm_dos.c /^int no_intty, no_tty;$/;" v
no_tty bm_unix.c /^int fnum, no_intty, no_tty, slow_tty;$/;" v
noaddr comm.c /^char *noaddr = "No address allowed@on this command";$/;" v
nobytes bvi.c /^char *nobytes = "No bytes@in the buffer";$/;" v
nodelay doscur.h 127;" d
noecho doscur.h 129;" d
nonl doscur.h 132;" d
noprev re.c /^char *noprev = "No previous expression";$/;" v
noraw doscur.h 139;" d
normal bm_dos.c /^normal()$/;" f
normal bm_unix.c /^normal()$/;" f
notfound re.c /^char *notfound = "Fail|Pattern not found";$/;" v
notimeout doscur.h 140;" d
noval comm.c /^char *noval = "No value@for binary operation";$/;" v
nowrtmsg comm.c /^char *nowrtmsg = "No write@since last change (:%s! overrides)";$/;" v
nstate bm_unix.c /^struct termios ostate, nstate;$/;" v typeref:struct:
numarr bmore.c /^char numarr[64]; \/* string for collecting number *\/$/;" v
numarr bvi.c /^char numarr[MAXCMD+1]; \/* string for collecting number *\/$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
numfiles bmore.c /^int numfiles; \/* number of input files *\/$/;" v
numfiles bvi.c /^int numfiles; \/* number of input files *\/$/;" v
nvalue set.h /^ off_t nvalue;$/;" m struct:param
off_t bmore.h 106;" d
off_t bvi.h 122;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
oldbuf comm.c /^static char oldbuf[CMDSZ]; \/** for :!! command **\/$/;" v file:
oldpos bmore.c /^off_t bytepos, oldpos;$/;" v
open_file bmore.c /^open_file(name)$/;" f
ostate bm_unix.c /^struct termios ostate, nstate;$/;" v typeref:struct:termios
out_len bmore.c /^int out_len;$/;" v
outmsg comm.c /^outmsg(s)$/;" f
pagepos bvi.c /^PTR pagepos;$/;" v
param set.h /^struct param {$/;" s
params set.c /^struct param params[] = {$/;" v typeref:struct:param
patcpy re.c /^patcpy(s1, s2, delim)$/;" f
pattern re.c /^char pattern[MAXCMD + 1];$/;" v
poi recomp.c /^char *poi;$/;" v
precount bmore.c /^long precount = -1; \/* number preceding command *\/$/;" v
precount bvi.c /^long precount = -1;$/;" v
printline edit.c /^printline(mempos, scpos)$/;" f
printout bmore.c /^printout(lns)$/;" f
printw doscur.h 103;" d
progname bmore.c /^static char progname[10];$/;" v file:
progname bvi.c /^static char progname[8];$/;" v file:
prompt bmore.c /^int prompt = 1;$/;" v
pushback bmore.c /^pushback(n, where)$/;" f
putchr bm_unix.c /^putchr(ch)$/;" f
putchr bm_unix.c /^putchr(char ch)$/;" f
putline bmore.c /^putline(buf, num)$/;" f
quit edit.c /^quit()$/;" f
r_flag bmore.c /^int c_flag = 0, d_flag = 0, r_flag = 0;$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
range bvi.c /^range(ch)$/;" f
raw doscur.h 138;" d
rdline bmore.c /^rdline(ch, sstring)$/;" f
read_rc set.c /^read_rc(fn)$/;" f
refresh doscur.h 134;" d
rep_buf bvi.c /^char rep_buf[BUFFER];$/;" v
repaint edit.c /^repaint() \/***** redraw screen *********************\/$/;" f
repl_count comm.c /^int repl_count = -1;$/;" v
reset_tty bm_dos.c /^reset_tty ()$/;" f
reset_tty bm_unix.c /^reset_tty()$/;" f
resetty doscur.h 145;" d
rev_end bm_unix.c /^char *rev_start, *rev_end; \/* enter and exit standout mode *\/$/;" v
rev_start bm_unix.c /^char *rev_start, *rev_end; \/* enter and exit standout mode *\/$/;" v
rsearch re.c /^rsearch(start, end, smem)$/;" f
save dosio.c /^save(char *fname, PTR start, PTR end, int flags)$/;" f
save io.c /^save(fname, start, end, flags)$/;" f
save_chk comm.c /^save_chk(fname, start, end, flags)$/;" f
savetty doscur.h 144;" d
sbracket bmore.c /^sbracket(start, scan, count)$/;" f
sbracket re.c /^sbracket(start, scan, count)$/;" f file:
scanw doscur.h 124;" d
scr dosio.c /^struct WINDOW scr;$/;" v typeref:struct:WINDOW
screen bvi.c /^int screen, status, statsize;$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
screen_home bmore.c /^off_t screen_home, filesize;$/;" v
scrolldown edit.c /^scrolldown(lns)$/;" f
scrollok doscur.h 142;" d
scrollup edit.c /^scrollup(lns)$/;" f
search_pat re.c /^char search_pat[BUFFER]; \/* \/ or ? command *\/$/;" v
searching re.c /^searching(ch, line, startpos, endpos, flag)$/;" f
set_tty bm_dos.c /^set_tty ()$/;" f
set_tty bm_unix.c /^set_tty()$/;" f
setcur edit.c /^setcur()$/;" f
setpage edit.c /^setpage(addr)$/;" f
shell bvi.c /^char *shell;$/;" v
shortname set.h /^ char *shortname; \/* permissible abbreviation *\/$/;" m struct:param
showparms set.c /^showparms(all)$/;" f
sig bm_dos.c /^sig()$/;" f
sig bm_unix.c /^sig(sig)$/;" f
size bvi.c /^off_t size;$/;" v
slow_tty bm_unix.c /^int fnum, no_intty, no_tty, slow_tty;$/;" v
smode bmore.c /^static int smode;$/;" v file:
smode recomp.c /^int smode;$/;" v
smsg comm.c /^smsg(s)$/;" f
spos bvi.c /^PTR spos;$/;" v
sstring bmore.c /^char sstring[MAXCMD] = ""; \/* string for search *\/$/;" v
standend doscur.h 89;" d
standout doscur.h 88;" d
start_addr comm.c /^PTR start_addr;$/;" v
statpos edit.c /^statpos()$/;" f
statsize bvi.c /^int screen, status, statsize;$/;" v
status bvi.c /^int screen, status, statsize;$/;" v
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
stdscr dosio.c /^int stdscr = 0;$/;" v
strcasecmp bmore.h 109;" d
strcasecmp bvi.h 125;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
strdup io.c /^strdup(s)$/;" f
string bmore.c /^char string[MAXCMD];$/;" v
string bvi.c /^char string[MAXCMD+1];$/;" v
strncasecmp bmore.h 108;" d
strncasecmp bvi.h 124;" d
2014-10-08 00:00:00 +00:00
stty bm_unix.c 34;" d file:
stuffin edit.c /^stuffin(s)$/;" f
svalue set.h /^ char *svalue;$/;" m struct:param
sysemsg comm.c /^sysemsg(s)$/;" f
terminal dosio.c /^char *terminal = "ansi";$/;" v
terminal io.c /^char *terminal;$/;" v
tmpbuf edit.c /^char tmpbuf[10];$/;" v
to_print bmore.c /^int corr = 0, do_header = 0, to_print;$/;" v
toggle edit.c /^toggle()$/;" f
trunc_cur bvi.c /^trunc_cur()$/;" f
undo_buf bvi.c /^char *undo_buf = NULL;$/;" v
undo_count bvi.c /^off_t undo_count;$/;" v
undo_start bvi.c /^PTR undo_start;$/;" v
undosize bvi.c /^off_t filesize, memsize, undosize;$/;" v
usage bmore.c /^usage()$/;" f
usage bvi.c /^usage()$/;" f
vgetc bm_dos.c /^vgetc()$/;" f
vgetc bm_unix.c /^vgetc()$/;" f
vgetc edit.c /^vgetc()$/;" f
waddch doscur.h 94;" d
waddstr doscur.h 98;" d
wait_return comm.c /^wait_return(flag)$/;" f
wclear doscur.h 82;" d
wclrtoeol doscur.h 78;" d
wdeleteln doscur.h 109;" d
werase doscur.h 80;" d
wgetch doscur.h 113;" d
wgetstr doscur.h 116;" d
winsertln doscur.h 107;" d
wmove doscur.h 90;" d
wordsearch re.c /^wordsearch(start, mode)$/;" f
wprintw doscur.h 102;" d
wrefresh doscur.h 135;" d
wrstat bvi.c /^static int wrstat = 1;$/;" v file:
wscanw doscur.h 123;" d
x bvi.c /^int maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;" v
xpos edit.c /^xpos()$/;" f
xx bvi.c /^int maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;" v
y bvi.c /^int maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;" v
yank_buf bvi.c /^char *yank_buf = NULL;$/;" v
yanked bvi.c /^off_t yanked = 0L;$/;" v
yd_addr comm.c /^yd_addr()$/;" f