/* DOSIO.C - file I/O and alloc subroutines for MSDOS - BVI * * 1996-02-28 V 1.0.0 * 1998-04-12 V 1.0.1 * 1999-01-14 V 1.1.0 * 1999-04-27 V 1.1.1 * 1999-07-02 V 1.2.0 beta * 1999-09-01 V 1.2.0 final * 2000-05-02 V 1.3.0 alpha * * NOTE: Edit this file with tabstop=4 ! * * Copyright 1996-2000 by Gerhard Buergmann * Gerhard.Buergmann@altavista.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * See file COPYING for information on distribution conditions. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bvi.h" #include "set.h" char *terminal = "ansi"; extern maxy; struct WINDOW scr; int stdscr = 0; int COLS = 80; int LINES = 25; int ECHO = TRUE; int NODEL = FALSE; static struct stat buf; int filemode; int inch(void); void attrset(int attr) { switch(attr) { case A_NORMAL: textcolor(P(P_CO) & 0x07); textbackground((P(P_CO) & 0xf0) >> 4); break; case A_BOLD: textcolor((P(P_CO) & 0x07) | 0x08); textbackground((P(P_CO) & 0xf0) >> 4); break; case A_REVERSE: textcolor((P(P_CO) & 0xf0) >> 4); textbackground(P(P_CO) & 0x0f); break; case A_BLINK: textcolor((P(P_CO) & 0xf0) >> 4); textbackground(P(P_CO) & 0x0f); break; } } int getch() { int x; if (NODEL) if (!kbhit()) return(ERR); x = bioskey(0); if ((x & 0xff) == 0) return(x); else { x &= 0xff; if (ECHO) putch(x); return(x); } } void delch() { int x, y; x = wherex(); y = wherey(); movetext(x + 1, y, COLS - x, y, x, y); gotoxy(COLS, y); putch(' '); gotoxy(x, y); } void insch(int c) { char line[80]; int x, y; x = wherex(); y = wherey(); gettext(x, y, COLS - x, y, line); puttext(x + 1, y, COLS - x + 1, y, line); putch(c); } int inch() { return peek(0xb800, (wherex() - 1) + (wherey() - 1) * COLS); } int mvinch(int y, int x) { gotoxy(x + 1, y + 1); return inch(); } /*********** Save the patched file ********************/ int save(char *fname, PTR start, PTR end, int flags) { int fd; char string[255]; char *newstr; off_t written; off_t filesize; unsigned n, to_write; if (!fname) { emsg("No file|No current filename"); return 0; } if (stat(fname, &buf) == -1) { newstr = "[New file] "; } else { if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { sprintf(string, "\"%s\" Is a directory", fname); msg(string); return 0; } newstr = ""; } if (filemode == PARTIAL) flags = O_RDWR; if ((fd = open(fname, flags, 0666)) < 0) { sysemsg(fname); return 0; } if (filemode == PARTIAL) { if (block_read) { filesize = block_read; sprintf(string, "\"%s\" range %lu-%lu", fname, (unsigned long)block_begin, (unsigned long)(block_begin - 1 + filesize)); if (lseek(fd, block_begin, SEEK_SET) < 0) { sysemsg(fname); return 0; } } else { msg("Null range"); return 0; } } else { filesize = end - start + 1L; sprintf(string, "\"%s\" %s%lu@bytes", fname, newstr, (long)filesize); } written = 0; do { to_write = (filesize - written) > 0xfffe ? 0xfffe : (filesize - written); if ((n = write(fd, start + written, to_write)) == 0xffff) { sysemsg(fname); close(fd); return(0L); } written += (off_t)n; } while (written < filesize); close(fd); edits = 0; msg(string); return 1; } off_t load(char *fname) { int fd = -1; char string[MAXCMD]; unsigned chunk, n; buf.st_size = filesize = 0L; if (fname != NULL) { if (stat(fname, &buf) == -1) { filemode = NEW; } else if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { filemode = DIRECTORY; } else if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) { if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY)) > 0) { filemode = REGULAR; if (access(fname, 2)) { P(P_RO) = TRUE; params[P_RO].flags |= P_CHANGED; } } else { sysemsg(fname); filemode = ERROR; } } } else { filemode = NEW; } if (mem != NULL) farfree(mem); if (block_flag) { memsize = block_size + 1000; } else if (filemode == REGULAR) { memsize = buf.st_size + 100; } else { memsize = 1000; } if (farcoreleft() < memsize) { move(maxy, 0); endwin(); printf("\n\nOut of memory\n"); exit(0); } mem = (char huge *)farmalloc(memsize); clear_marks(); if (block_flag && (filemode == REGULAR)) { if (lseek(fd, block_begin, SEEK_SET) < 0) { sysemsg(fname); filemode = ERROR; } else { chunk = block_size > 0xfffe ? 0xfffe : block_size; do { if ((n = read(fd, mem + filesize, chunk)) == 0xffff) { sysemsg(fname); filemode = ERROR; break; } filesize += (off_t)n; } while (filesize < buf.st_size); if ((filesize == 0) { sprintf(string, "\"%s\" No such range: %lu-%lu", fname, (unsigned long)block_begin, (unsigned long)(block_end)); } else { sprintf(string, "\"%s\" range %lu-%lu", fname, (unsigned long)block_begin, (unsigned long)(block_begin + filesize - 1)); } filemode = PARTIAL; block_read = filesize; msg(string); P(P_OF) = block_begin; params[P_OF].flags |= P_CHANGED; } } else if (filemode == REGULAR) { chunk = buf.st_size > 0xfffe ? 0xfffe : buf.st_size; do { if ((n = read(fd, mem + filesize, chunk)) == 0xffff) { sysemsg(fname); filemode = ERROR; break; } filesize += (off_t)n; } while (filesize < buf.st_size); } if (fd > 0) close(fd); if (filemode != REGULAR) { filesize = 0L; } if (fname != NULL) { switch (filemode) { case NEW: sprintf(string, "\"%s\" [New File]", fname); break; case REGULAR: sprintf(string, "\"%s\" %s%lu bytes", fname, P(P_RO) ? "[Read only] " : "", (long)filesize); break; case DIRECTORY: sprintf(string, "\"%s\" Directory", fname); break; } if (filemode != ERROR) msg(string); } pagepos = mem; maxpos = (PTR)(mem + filesize); loc = HEX; x = AnzAdd; y = 0; repaint(); return(filesize); } int addfile(char *fname) { int fd; off_t oldsize; unsigned chunk, n; if (stat(fname, &buf)) { sysemsg(fname); return 1; } if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { sysemsg(fname); return 1; } oldsize = filesize; if (enlarge(buf.st_size)) return 1; chunk = buf.st_size > 0xfffe ? 0xfffe : buf.st_size; do { if ((n = read(fd, mem + filesize, chunk)) == 0xffff) { sysemsg(fname); filemode = ERROR; return 1; } filesize += (off_t)n; } while (filesize < buf.st_size); maxpos = mem + filesize; close(fd); setpage(mem + oldsize); return 0; } void bvi_init(char *dir) { char *poi; char *initstr; char rcpath[255]; shell = getenv("COMSPEC"); if (shell == NULL || *shell == '\0') shell = "COMMAND.COM"; strcpy(rcpath, dir); poi = strrchr(rcpath, '\\'); *poi = '\0'; strcat(rcpath, "\\BVI.RC"); if ((initstr = getenv("BVIINIT")) != NULL) { docmdline(initstr); } read_rc("BVI.RC"); read_rc(rcpath); } int enlarge(off_t add) { PTR newmem; off_t savecur, savepag, savemax, saveundo; savecur = curpos - mem; savepag = pagepos - mem; savemax = maxpos - mem; saveundo = undo_start - mem; newmem = (PTR)farrealloc(mem, memsize + add); if (newmem == NULL) { emsg("Out of memory"); return 1; } mem = newmem; memsize += add; curpos = mem + savecur; pagepos = mem + savepag; maxpos = mem + savemax; undo_start = mem + saveundo; current = curpos + 1; return 0; } void do_shell() { system(""); } off_t alloc_buf(off_t n, char **buffer) { if ((*buffer = (char *)farrealloc(*buffer, n)) == NULL) { emsg("No buffer space available"); return 0L; } return n; } void d_memmove(PTR dest, PTR src, off_t n) { unsigned len; long chunk; PTR source; PTR destin; chunk = n; if (dest < src) { /* copy forward */ source = src; destin = dest; while (chunk > 0L) { len = chunk > 0x7ffe ? 0x7ffe : chunk; movmem(source, destin, len); chunk -= len; source += len; destin += len; } } else { /* copy backward */ source = src + n; destin = dest + n; while (chunk > 0L) { len = chunk > 0x7ffe ? 0x7ffe : chunk; chunk -= len; source -= len; destin -= len; movmem(source, destin, len); } } } void d_memcpy(PTR dest, PTR src, off_t n) { unsigned len; long chunk; PTR source; PTR destin; source = src; destin = dest; chunk = n; while (chunk > 0L) { len = chunk > 0x7ffe ? 0x7ffe : chunk; movmem(source, destin, len); chunk -= len; source += len; destin += len; } }