/* BVI - Binary Visual Editor * * 1996-02-28 V 1.0.0 * 1999-01-27 V 1.1.0 * 1999-04-22 V 1.1.1 * 1999-07-01 V 1.2.0 beta * 1999-10-22 V 1.2.0 final * 2000-05-10 V 1.3.0 alpha * 2000-10-24 V 1.3.0 final * 2002-01-03 V 1.3.1 * 2004-01-04 V 1.3.2 * 2006-04-04 V 1.3.3 * 2013-08-23 V 1.4.0alpha * 2014-10-07 V 1.4.0 * 2019-10-12 V 1.4.1 * 2023-03-06 V 1.4.2 * * NOTE: Edit this file with tabstop=4 ! * * Copyright 1996-2023 by Gerhard Buergmann * gerhard@puon.at * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * See file COPYING for information on distribution conditions. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "bvi.h" #include "set.h" #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H # include <locale.h> #endif char *copyright = "(C) GPL 1996-2023 by Gerhard Buergmann"; jmp_buf env; /* context for `longjmp' function */ int loc; int maxx, maxy, x, xx, y; int screen, status, statsize; off_t size; PTR mem = NULL; PTR curpos; PTR maxpos; PTR pagepos; PTR spos; char *name = NULL; char *shell; char string[MAXCMD+1]; char cmdstr[MAXCMD+1] = ""; FILE *Ausgabe_Datei; int edits = 0; int AnzAdd, Anzahl, Anzahl3; off_t filesize, memsize, undosize; long precount = -1; int block_flag = 0; off_t block_begin, block_end, block_size; char **files; /* list of input files */ int numfiles; /* number of input files */ int curfile; /* number of the current file */ int arrnum = 0; char numarr[MAXCMD+1]; /* string for collecting number */ char rep_buf[BUFFER]; PTR current; PTR last_motion; PTR current_start; PTR undo_start; off_t undo_count; off_t yanked = 0L; char *yank_buf = NULL; char *undo_buf = NULL; char *fname_buf = NULL; PTR markbuf[26]; char addr_form[15]; char *nobytes = "No bytes@in the buffer"; static char progname[8]; static char line[MAXCMD+1]; static int mark; static int wrstat = 1; void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-R] [-c cmd | +cmd] [-f script]\n\ [-s skip] [-e end] [-n length] file ...\n\ file offset/size: 10k, 20m, 1g, 0x1000 hex, 0200 octal\n", progname); exit(1); } int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int ch; int lflag; long count; int n = 1; int script = -1; off_t inaddr; char *poi; #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif poi = strrchr(argv[0], DELIM); if (poi) strncpy(progname, ++poi, 7); else strncpy(progname, argv[0], 7); strtok(progname, "."); if (!strcasecmp(progname, "bview")) { params[P_RO].flags |= P_CHANGED; P(P_RO) = TRUE; } else if (!strcasecmp(progname, "bvedit")) { /* This should be the beginners version */ } if (isatty(fileno(stdin)) == 0) { // Guckes fprintf(stderr, "Input is not from a terminal\n"); exit(1); } while (n < argc) { switch (argv[n][0]) { case '-': if (argv[n][1] == 'R') { params[P_RO].flags |= P_CHANGED; P(P_RO) = TRUE; } else if (argv[n][1] == 'c') { if (argv[n + 1] == NULL) { usage(); } else { strcpy(cmdstr, argv[++n]); } } else if (argv[n][1] == 'f') { if (argv[n + 1] == NULL || argv[n + 1][0] == '-') { usage(); } else { script = ++n; } } else if (argv[n][1] == 's') { if (argv[n + 1] == NULL || argv[n + 1][0] == '-') { usage(); } else { block_begin = calc_size(argv[++n]); block_flag |= BLOCK_BEGIN; } } else if (argv[n][1] == 'e') { if (argv[n + 1] == NULL || argv[n + 1][0] == '-') { usage(); } else { block_end = calc_size(argv[++n]); block_flag |= BLOCK_END; } } else if (argv[n][1] == 'n') { if (argv[n + 1] == NULL || argv[n + 1][0] == '-') { usage(); } else { block_size = calc_size(argv[++n]); block_flag |= BLOCK_LEN; } } else if (argv[n][1] == 'w') { if (argv[n][2] == '\0') { usage(); } else { params[P_LI].flags |= P_CHANGED; P(P_LI) = atoi(argv[n] + 2); } } else usage(); n++; break; case '+': /* +cmd */ if (argv[n][1] == '\0') { strcpy(cmdstr, "$"); } else { strcpy(cmdstr, &argv[n][1]); } n++; break; default: /* must be a file name */ name = strdup(argv[n]); files = &(argv[n]); numfiles = argc - n; n = argc; break; } } /* TODO default block_size - end of file up to max 64 KB with warning */ switch (block_flag) { case BLOCK_BEGIN: /* Acc. to SF-Error 3036881 we should use the whole rest of the file */ /* block_size = 1024; block_end = block_begin + block_size - 1; */ break; case BLOCK_END: block_begin = 0; block_size = block_end - block_begin + 1; break; case BLOCK_BEGIN|BLOCK_END: block_size = block_end - block_begin + 1; break; case BLOCK_LEN: block_begin = 0; block_end = block_begin + block_size - 1; break; case BLOCK_BEGIN|BLOCK_LEN: block_end = block_begin + block_size - 1; break; case BLOCK_END|BLOCK_LEN: block_begin = block_end + 1 - block_size; break; case BLOCK_BEGIN|BLOCK_END|BLOCK_LEN: if (block_end - block_begin != block_size + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Ambigous block data\n"); exit(1); } break; } if (block_flag && !numfiles) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read a range of a nonexisting file\n"); exit(1); } if (numfiles > 1) fprintf(stderr, "%d files to edit\n", numfiles); curfile = 0; /****** Initialisation of curses ******/ initscr(); attrset(A_NORMAL); maxy = LINES; if (params[P_LI].flags & P_CHANGED) maxy = P(P_LI); P(P_SS) = maxy / 2; P(P_LI) = maxy; maxy--; keypad(stdscr, TRUE); scrollok(stdscr, TRUE); nonl(); cbreak(); noecho(); /* address column width */ /* default is 8 + 2 blanks */ /* if block_begin has 8 hex digits or more */ /* reserve 1 hex digit more than required */ char tmp[sizeof(block_begin) * 2 + 3]; AnzAdd = sprintf(tmp, "%llX", (long long unsigned)block_begin) + 1; if (AnzAdd < 8) AnzAdd = 8; if (AnzAdd > sizeof(block_begin) * 2) AnzAdd = sizeof(block_begin) * 2; sprintf(addr_form, "%%0%dllX ", AnzAdd); AnzAdd = sprintf(tmp, addr_form, block_begin); Anzahl = ((COLS - AnzAdd - 1) / 16) * 4; P(P_CM) = Anzahl; maxx = Anzahl * 4 + AnzAdd + 1; Anzahl3 = Anzahl * 3; statsize = 35; status = Anzahl3 + Anzahl - statsize; screen = Anzahl * (maxy - 1); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); filesize = load(name); bvi_init(argv[0]); params[P_TT].svalue = terminal; if (block_flag && (P(P_MM) == TRUE)) { P(P_MM) = FALSE; params[P_TT].flags |= P_CHANGED; } if (script > -1) read_rc(argv[script]); if (*cmdstr != '\0') docmdline(cmdstr); msg(fname_buf); /* main loop */ do { setjmp(env); current = (PTR)(pagepos + y * Anzahl + xpos()); if (wrstat) statpos(); wrstat = 1; setcur(); ch = vgetc(); while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { if (arrnum < MAXCMD) numarr[arrnum++] = ch; ch = vgetc(); } numarr[arrnum] = '\0'; if (arrnum != 0) precount = strtoll(numarr, (char **)NULL, 10); else precount = -1; lflag = arrnum = 0; switch (ch) { case '^': x = AnzAdd; loc = HEX; break; /* case '0': x = AnzAdd + Anzahl3; loc = ASCII; break; */ case '$': x = AnzAdd - 1 + Anzahl3 + Anzahl; loc = ASCII; break; case '\t': toggle(); break; case '~': if (precount < 1) precount = 1; sprintf(rep_buf, "%ld~", precount); do_tilde((off_t)precount); lflag++; break; case KEY_HOME: case 'H': if (precount > 0) { y = --precount; if (y > maxy - 1) { scrolldown(y - maxy + 1); y = maxy - 1; } } else y = 0; if (loc == HEX) x = AnzAdd; else x = AnzAdd + Anzahl3; break; case 'M': y = maxy / 2; if ((PTR)(pagepos + screen) > maxpos) y = (int)(maxpos - pagepos) / Anzahl / 2; if (loc == HEX) x = AnzAdd; else x = AnzAdd + Anzahl3; break; case KEY_LL: case 'L': if (precount < 1) precount = 1; n = maxy - 1; if ((PTR)((pagepos + screen)) > maxpos) n = (int)(maxpos - pagepos) / Anzahl; if (precount < n) y = n + 1 - precount; if (loc == HEX) x = AnzAdd; else x = AnzAdd + Anzahl3; break; case BVICTRL('H'): case ASCII_DEL: case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_LEFT: case 'h': do { if (x > (AnzAdd + 2) && x < (Anzahl3 + AnzAdd + 1)) x -= 3; else if (x > (Anzahl3 + AnzAdd - 2)) x--; } while (--precount > 0); if (x < AnzAdd + Anzahl3) loc = HEX; else loc = ASCII; break; case ' ': case KEY_RIGHT: case 'l': do { /* if (x < (Anzahl3 + 6)) x += 3; */ if (x < (Anzahl3 + AnzAdd - 2)) x += 3; else if (x > (Anzahl3 + 3) && x < (Anzahl3 + AnzAdd - 1 + Anzahl)) x++; } while (--precount > 0); if (x < AnzAdd + Anzahl3) loc = HEX; else loc = ASCII; break; case '-': case KEY_UP : case 'k': do { if (y > 0) y--; else scrollup(1); } while(--precount > 0); break; case '+': case CR: if (loc == HEX) x = AnzAdd; else x = AnzAdd + Anzahl3; case 'j': case BVICTRL('J'): case BVICTRL('N'): case KEY_DOWN: do { if ((PTR)((pagepos + (y + 1) * Anzahl)) > maxpos) break; if (y < (maxy - 1)) y++; else scrolldown(1); } while(--precount > 0); break; case '|': if (precount < 1) break; if (loc == ASCII) x = AnzAdd - 1 + Anzahl3 + precount; else x = 5 + 3 * precount; if (x > AnzAdd - 1 + Anzahl3 + Anzahl) { x = AnzAdd - 1 + Anzahl3 + Anzahl; loc = ASCII; } break; case ':' : clearstr(); addch(ch); refresh(); getcmdstr(cmdstr, 1); if (strlen(cmdstr)) docmdline(cmdstr); break; case BVICTRL('B'): case KEY_PPAGE: /**** Previous Page ****/ if (mem <= (PTR)(pagepos - screen)) pagepos -= screen; else pagepos = mem; repaint(); break; case BVICTRL('D'): if (precount > 1) P(P_SS) = precount; scrolldown(P(P_SS)); break; case BVICTRL('U'): if (precount > 1) P(P_SS) = precount; scrollup(P(P_SS)); break; case BVICTRL('E'): if (y > 0) y--; scrolldown(1); break; case BVICTRL('F'): case KEY_NPAGE: /**** Next Page *****/ if (maxpos >= (PTR)(pagepos + screen)) { pagepos += screen; current += screen; if (current - mem >= filesize) { current = mem + filesize; setpage((PTR)(mem + filesize - 1L)); } repaint(); } break; case BVICTRL('G'): fileinfo(name); wrstat = 0; break; case BVICTRL('L'): /*** REDRAW SCREEN ***/ new_screen(); break; case BVICTRL('Y'): if (y < maxy - 1) y++; scrollup(1); break; case 'A': smsg("APPEND MODE"); current = (PTR)(mem + filesize - 1L); setpage(current++); cur_forw(0); setcur(); undosize = filesize; undo_count = edit(ch); break; case 'B': case 'b': setpage(backsearch(current, ch)); break; case 'e': setpage(end_word(current)); break; case ',': do_ft(-1, 0); break; case ';': do_ft(0, 0); break; case 'F': case 'f': case 't': case 'T': do_ft(ch, 0); break; case 'G': last_motion = current; if (precount > -1) { if ((precount < P(P_OF)) || (precount - P(P_OF)) > (filesize - 1L)) { beep(); } else { setpage((PTR)(mem + precount - P(P_OF))); } } else { setpage((PTR)(mem + filesize - 1L)); } break; case 'g': last_motion = current; clearstr(); outmsg("Goto Hex Address:"); refresh(); getcmdstr(cmdstr, 18); clearstr(); if (cmdstr[0] == '^') { inaddr = P(P_OF); } else if (cmdstr[0] == '$') { inaddr = filesize + P(P_OF) - 1L; } else { off_t ltmp; sscanf(cmdstr, "%llx", (long long unsigned *)<mp); inaddr = ltmp; } if (inaddr < P(P_OF)) break; inaddr -= P(P_OF); if (inaddr < filesize) { setpage(mem + inaddr); } else { if (filesize == 0L) break; sprintf(string, "Max. address of current file : %06llX", (long long unsigned)(filesize - 1L + P(P_OF))); emsg(string); } break; case '?': case '/': /**** Search String ****/ case '#': case '\\': clearstr(); addch(ch); refresh(); if (getcmdstr(line, 1)) break; last_motion = current; hl_spat = P(P_HL); searching(ch, line, current, maxpos - 1, P(P_WS)); if (hl_spat) { repaint(); } break; case ESC: /* un-highlight */ hl_spat = FALSE; repaint(); break; case 'n': /**** Search Next ****/ case 'N': last_motion = current; hl_spat = P(P_HL); searching(ch, "", current, maxpos - 1, P(P_WS)); if (hl_spat) { repaint(); } break; case 'm': do_mark(vgetc(), current); break; case '\'': case '`': if ((ch == '`' && loc == ASCII) || (ch == '\'' && loc == HEX)) toggle(); mark = vgetc(); if (mark == '`' || mark == '\'') { setpage(last_motion); last_motion = current; } else { if (mark < 'a' || mark > 'z') { beep(); break; } else if (markbuf[mark - 'a'] == NULL) { beep(); break; } setpage(markbuf[mark - 'a']); } break; case 'D': if (precount < 1) precount = 1; sprintf(rep_buf, "%ldD", precount); trunc_cur(); break; case 'o': /* overwrite: this is an overwriting put */ if (precount < 1) precount = 1; sprintf(rep_buf, "%ldo", precount); do_over(current, yanked, yank_buf); break; case 'P': if (precount < 1) precount = 1; if ((undo_count = alloc_buf(yanked, &undo_buf)) == 0L) break; sprintf(rep_buf, "%ldP", precount); if (do_append((off_t)yanked, yank_buf)) break; /* we save it not for undo but for the dot command memcpy(undo_buf, yank_buf, yanked); */ repaint(); break; case 'r': case 'R': if (filesize == 0L) break; if (precount < 1) precount = 1; sprintf(rep_buf, "%ld%c", precount, ch); undo_count = edit(ch); lflag++; break; case 'u': do_undo(); break; case 'W': case 'w': // loc = ASCII; setpage(wordsearch(current, ch)); break; case 'y': count = range(ch); if (count > 0) { /* sprintf(string, "$%ld$", (long)yanked); msg(string); vgetc(); */ if ((yanked = alloc_buf((off_t)count, &yank_buf)) == 0L) { break; } memcpy(yank_buf, current, yanked); } else if (count < 0) { if ((yanked = alloc_buf(-(off_t)count, &yank_buf)) == 0L) { break; } memcpy(yank_buf, current, yanked); } else { break; } /* sprintf(string, "%ld bytes yanked", labs(count)); msg(string); */ break; case 'z': do_z(vgetc()); break; case 'Z': if (vgetc() == 'Z') do_exit(); else beep(); break; case '.': if (!strlen(rep_buf)) { beep(); } else { stuffin(rep_buf); } break; default : if P(P_MM) { if (precount < 1) precount = 1; switch (ch) { case 'I': sprintf(rep_buf, "%ldI", precount); current = mem; setpage(mem); repaint(); undo_count = edit('i'); lflag++; break; /* undo does not work correctly !!! */ case 's': sprintf(rep_buf, "%lds", precount); if (do_delete((off_t)precount, current)) break; precount = 1; undo_count = edit('i'); lflag++; break; case 'a': if (cur_forw(1)) break; current++; case 'i': sprintf(rep_buf, "%ld%c", precount, ch); undo_count = edit(ch); lflag++; break; case 'p': sprintf(rep_buf, "%ldp", precount); do_put(current, yanked, yank_buf); break; case 'c': case 'd': count = range(ch); if (count > 0) do_delete((off_t)count, current); else if (count < 0) do_back(-(off_t)count, current); if (ch == 'c') { precount = 1; undo_count = edit('i'); lflag++; } break; case 'x': sprintf(rep_buf, "%ldx", precount); do_delete((off_t)precount, current); break; case 'X': sprintf(rep_buf, "%ldX", precount); do_back((off_t)precount, current); break; default: flushinp(); beep(); } } else { switch (ch) { case 'x': if (precount < 1) precount = 1; if ((off_t)precount + current == maxpos) { sprintf(rep_buf, "%ldx", precount); do_delete((off_t)precount, current); } else { movebyte(); flushinp(); beep(); } break; case 'd': case 'i': case 'I': case 'p': case 'X': movebyte(); default: flushinp(); beep(); } } } if (lflag) lineout(); } while (1); } off_t calc_size(arg) char *arg; { off_t val; extern int errno; char *poi; errno = 0; val = strtoll(arg, &poi, 0); if (val < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "negative begin/size/end not allowed\n"); usage(); } if (poi == arg || errno != 0) { /* cygwin gdb displays errno incorrectly as 0 */ fprintf(stderr, "invalid begin/size/end (hex nr 0x#, octal 0#)\n"); usage(); } switch (*poi) { case 'k': case 'K': val *= 1024; break; case 'm': case 'M': val *= 1048576; break; case 'g': case 'G': val *= 1024*1024*1024LL; break; case '\0': break; default: usage(); } return (off_t)val; } void trunc_cur() { undosize = filesize; undo_count = (off_t)(maxpos - current); undo_start = current; filesize = pagepos - mem + y * Anzahl + xpos(); maxpos = (PTR)(mem + filesize); if (filesize == 0L) { emsg(nobytes); } else cur_back(); edits = U_TRUNC; repaint(); } int do_append(count, buf) off_t count; char *buf; { if (filesize + count > memsize) { if (enlarge(count + 100L)) return 1; } memcpy(mem + filesize, buf, count); undo_start = mem + filesize - 1L; setpage(undo_start + count); edits = U_APPEND; undosize = filesize; filesize += count; maxpos += count; return 0; } void do_tilde(count) off_t count; { if (filesize == 0L) return; undo_start = current; if (current + count > maxpos) { beep(); return; } if ((undo_count = alloc_buf(count, &undo_buf)) == 0L) return; memcpy(undo_buf, current, undo_count); while (count--) { if (isupper((int)(*current))) *current = tolower((int)(*current)); else if (islower((int)(*current))) *current = toupper((int)(*current)); current++; cur_forw(0); } edits = U_TILDE; setcur(); } void do_undo() { off_t n, tempsize; char temp; PTR set_cursor; PTR s; PTR d; if (undo_count == 0L) { emsg("Nothing to undo"); return; } set_cursor = undo_start; switch (edits) { case U_EDIT: case U_TILDE: n = undo_count; s = undo_buf; d = undo_start; while (n--) { temp = *d; *d = *s; *s = temp; s++; d++; } break; case U_APPEND: case U_TRUNC: tempsize = filesize; filesize = undosize; undosize = tempsize; maxpos = (PTR)(mem + filesize); if (filesize) set_cursor = maxpos - 1L; else set_cursor = maxpos; break; case U_INSERT: filesize -= undo_count; maxpos -= undo_count; memcpy(undo_buf, undo_start, undo_count); memmove(undo_start, undo_start + undo_count, maxpos - undo_start); edits = U_DELETE; break; case U_BACK: case U_DELETE: filesize += undo_count; maxpos += undo_count; memmove(undo_start + undo_count, undo_start, maxpos - undo_start); memcpy(undo_start, undo_buf, undo_count); edits = U_INSERT; break; } setpage(set_cursor); if (edits == U_TRUNC && undosize > filesize) cur_back(); repaint(); } void do_over(loc, n, buf) PTR loc; off_t n; PTR buf; { if (n < 1L) { emsg(nobytes); return; } if (loc + n > maxpos) { beep(); return; } if ((undo_count = alloc_buf(n, &undo_buf)) == 0L) return; undo_start = loc; memcpy(undo_buf, loc, n); memcpy(loc, buf, n); edits = U_EDIT; setpage(loc + n - 1); repaint(); } void do_put(loc, n, buf) PTR loc; off_t n; PTR buf; { if (n < 1L) { emsg(nobytes); return; } if (loc >= maxpos) { beep(); return; } if (filesize + n > memsize) { if (enlarge(n + 1024)) return; } if ((undo_count = alloc_buf(n, &undo_buf)) == 0L) return; undo_start = loc + 1; edits = U_INSERT; filesize += n; maxpos += n; memmove(undo_start + n, undo_start, maxpos - loc); memcpy(undo_start, buf, n); setpage(loc + n); repaint(); } /* argument sig not used, because only SIGINT will be catched */ void jmpproc(sig) int sig; { if (P(P_EB)) beep(); repaint(); clearstr(); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); longjmp(env, 0); } off_t range(ch) int ch; { int ch1; long count; ch1 = vgetc(); while (ch1 >= '0' && ch1 <= '9') { numarr[arrnum++] = ch1; ch1 = vgetc(); } numarr[arrnum] = '\0'; if (arrnum != 0) count = strtol(numarr, (char **)NULL, 10); else count = 1; arrnum = 0; sprintf(rep_buf, "%ld%c%s%c", precount, ch, numarr, ch1); switch (ch1) { case '/': /**** Search String ****/ case '\\': strcat(rep_buf, "\n"); clearstr(); addch(ch1); refresh(); if (getcmdstr(line, 1)) break; end_addr = searching(ch1, line, current, maxpos - 1, FALSE); if (!end_addr) { beep(); return 0; } return(end_addr - current); case '?': case '#': strcat(rep_buf, "\n"); clearstr(); addch(ch1); refresh(); if (getcmdstr(line, 1)) break; start_addr = searching(ch1, line, current, maxpos - 1, FALSE); if (!start_addr) { beep(); return 0; } return(start_addr - current); case 'f': case 't': precount = count; end_addr = do_ft(ch1, 1); if (!end_addr) { beep(); return 0; } return (end_addr + 1 - current); case 'F': case 'T': precount = count; start_addr = do_ft(ch1, 1); if (!start_addr) { beep(); return 0; } return (start_addr - current); case '$': trunc_cur(); return 0; case 'G': if (count == -1) { trunc_cur(); return 0; } else if ((count < P(P_OF)) || (count - (off_t)P(P_OF)) > (filesize - 1L)) { beep(); return 0; } else { if (mem + count < current) { return(mem + count - current); } else { return(count - (current - mem)); } } case ' ': return precount; case '`': case '\'': mark = vgetc(); if (mark < 'a' || mark > 'z') { beep(); return 0; } end_addr = markbuf[mark - 'a']; if (end_addr == NULL) { beep(); return 0; } if (end_addr < current) { return(end_addr - current); } else { return(end_addr - current + 1); } } beep(); return 0; }