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2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
/*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:t;c-basic-offset:8;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 -*-│
vi: set et ft=c ts=8 tw=8 fenc=utf-8 :vi
Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at │
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "third_party/nsync/mu.h"
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
#include "libc/calls/calls.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "libc/thread/thread.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/cv.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/mu_wait.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/testing/closure.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/testing/smprintf.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/testing/testing.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/testing/time_extra.h"
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
// clang-format off
/* The state shared between the threads in each of the tests below. */
typedef struct test_data_s {
testing t;
int n_threads; /* Number of test threads; constant after init. */
int loop_count; /* Iteration count for each test thread; constant after init */
/* mu_in_use protects i, id, loop_count, and finished_threads. */
void *mu_in_use; /* points at mu, mutex, or rwmutex depending on which is in use. */
void (*lock) (void *); /* operations on mu_in_use */
void (*unlock) (void *);
nsync_mu mu;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_rwlock_t rwmutex;
int i; /* counter incremented by test loops. */
volatile int id; /* id of current lock-holding thread in some tests. */
nsync_cv done; /* Signalled when finished_threads==n_threads. */
int finished_threads; /* Count of threads that have finished. */
} test_data;
/* Indicate that a thread has finished its operations on test_data
by incrementing td.finished_threads, and signal td.done when it reaches td.n_threads.
See test_data_wait_for_all_threads(). */
static void test_data_thread_finished (test_data *td) {
(*td->lock) (td->mu_in_use);
if (td->finished_threads == td->n_threads) {
nsync_cv_broadcast (&td->done);
(*td->unlock) (td->mu_in_use);
/* Wait until all td.n_threads have called test_data_thread_finished(),
and then return. */
static void test_data_wait_for_all_threads (test_data *td) {
(*td->lock) (td->mu_in_use);
while (td->finished_threads != td->n_threads) {
nsync_cv_wait_with_deadline_generic (&td->done, td->mu_in_use,
td->lock, td->unlock,
nsync_time_no_deadline, NULL);
(*td->unlock) (td->mu_in_use);
/* --------------------------------------- */
/* The body of each thread executed by test_mu_nthread()
and test_mutex_nthread.
*td represents the test data that the threads share, and id is an integer
unique to each test thread. */
static void counting_loop (test_data *td, int id) {
int n = td->loop_count;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
(*td->lock) (td->mu_in_use);
td->id = id;
if (td->id != id) {
testing_panic ("td->id != id");
(*td->unlock) (td->mu_in_use);
test_data_thread_finished (td);
CLOSURE_DECL_BODY2 (counting, test_data *, int)
/* Versions of nsync_mu_lock() and nsync_mu_unlock() that take "void *"
arguments, to avoid call through a function pointer of a different type,
which is undefined. */
static void void_mu_lock (void *mu) {
nsync_mu_lock ((nsync_mu *) mu);
static void void_mu_unlock (void *mu) {
nsync_mu_unlock((nsync_mu *) mu);
/* Create a few threads, each of which increments an
integer a fixed number of times, using an nsync_mu for mutual exclusion.
It checks that the integer is incremented the correct number of times. */
static void test_mu_nthread (testing t) {
int loop_count = 100000;
nsync_time deadline;
deadline = nsync_time_add (nsync_time_now (), nsync_time_ms (1500));
do {
int i;
test_data td;
bzero ((void *) &td, sizeof (td));
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
td.t = t;
td.n_threads = 5;
td.loop_count = loop_count;
td.mu_in_use = &;
td.lock = &void_mu_lock;
td.unlock = &void_mu_unlock;
for (i = 0; i != td.n_threads; i++) {
closure_fork (closure_counting (&counting_loop, &td, i));
test_data_wait_for_all_threads (&td);
if (td.i != td.n_threads*td.loop_count) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("test_mu_nthread final count inconsistent: want %d, got %d",
td.n_threads*td.loop_count, td.i));
loop_count *= 2;
} while (nsync_time_cmp (nsync_time_now (), deadline) < 0);
/* void pthread_mutex_lock */
static void void_pthread_mutex_lock (void *mu) {
pthread_mutex_lock ((pthread_mutex_t *) mu);
/* void pthread_mutex_unlock */
static void void_pthread_mutex_unlock (void *mu) {
pthread_mutex_unlock ((pthread_mutex_t *) mu);
/* Create a few threads, each of which increments an
integer a fixed number of times, using a pthread_mutex_t for mutual exclusion.
It checks that the integer is incremented the correct number of times. */
static void test_mutex_nthread (testing t) {
int loop_count = 100000;
nsync_time deadline;
deadline = nsync_time_add (nsync_time_now (), nsync_time_ms (1500));
do {
int i;
test_data td;
bzero ((void *) &td, sizeof (td));
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
td.t = t;
td.n_threads = 5;
td.loop_count = loop_count;
td.mu_in_use = &td.mutex;
td.lock = &void_pthread_mutex_lock;
td.unlock = &void_pthread_mutex_unlock;
pthread_mutex_init (&td.mutex, NULL);
for (i = 0; i != td.n_threads; i++) {
closure_fork (closure_counting (&counting_loop, &td, i));
test_data_wait_for_all_threads (&td);
if (td.i != td.n_threads*td.loop_count) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("test_mutex_nthread final count inconsistent: want %d, got %d",
td.n_threads*td.loop_count, td.i));
pthread_mutex_destroy (&td.mutex);
loop_count *= 2;
} while (nsync_time_cmp (nsync_time_now (), deadline) < 0);
/* void pthread_rwlock_wrlock */
static void void_pthread_rwlock_wrlock (void *mu) {
pthread_rwlock_wrlock ((pthread_rwlock_t *) mu);
/* void pthread_rwlock_unlock */
static void void_pthread_rwlock_unlock (void *mu) {
pthread_rwlock_unlock ((pthread_rwlock_t *) mu);
/* Create a few threads, each of which increments an
integer a fixed number of times, using a pthread_rwlock_t for mutual exclusion.
It checks that the integer is incremented the correct number of times. */
static void test_rwmutex_nthread (testing t) {
int loop_count = 100000;
nsync_time deadline;
deadline = nsync_time_add (nsync_time_now (), nsync_time_ms (1500));
do {
int i;
test_data td;
bzero ((void *) &td, sizeof (td));
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
td.t = t;
td.n_threads = 5;
td.loop_count = loop_count;
td.mu_in_use = &td.rwmutex;
td.lock = &void_pthread_rwlock_wrlock;
td.unlock = &void_pthread_rwlock_unlock;
pthread_rwlock_init (&td.rwmutex, NULL);
for (i = 0; i != td.n_threads; i++) {
closure_fork (closure_counting (&counting_loop, &td, i));
test_data_wait_for_all_threads (&td);
if (td.i != td.n_threads*td.loop_count) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("test_mutex_nthread final count inconsistent: want %d, got %d",
td.n_threads*td.loop_count, td.i));
pthread_rwlock_destroy (&td.rwmutex);
loop_count *= 2;
} while (nsync_time_cmp (nsync_time_now (), deadline) < 0);
/* --------------------------------------- */
/* The body of each thread executed by test_try_mu_nthread().
*td represents the test data that the threads share, and id is an integer
unique to each test thread. */
static void counting_loop_try_mu (test_data *td, int id) {
int i;
int n = td->loop_count;
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
while (!nsync_mu_trylock (&td->mu)) {
sched_yield ();
td->id = id;
if (td->id != id) {
testing_panic ("td->id != id");
n = td->loop_count;
nsync_mu_unlock (&td->mu);
test_data_thread_finished (td);
/* Test that acquiring an nsync_mu with nsync_mu_trylock()
using several threads provides mutual exclusion. */
static void test_try_mu_nthread (testing t) {
int loop_count = 100000;
nsync_time deadline;
deadline = nsync_time_add (nsync_time_now (), nsync_time_ms (1500));
do {
int i;
test_data td;
bzero ((void *) &td, sizeof (td));
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
td.t = t;
td.n_threads = 5;
td.loop_count = loop_count;
td.mu_in_use = &;
td.lock = &void_mu_lock;
td.unlock = &void_mu_unlock;
for (i = 0; i != td.n_threads; i++) {
closure_fork (closure_counting (&counting_loop_try_mu, &td, i));
test_data_wait_for_all_threads (&td);
if (td.i != td.n_threads*td.loop_count) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("test_try_mu_nthread final count inconsistent: want %d, got %d",
td.n_threads*td.loop_count, td.i));
loop_count *= 2;
} while (nsync_time_cmp (nsync_time_now (), deadline) < 0);
/* --------------------------------------- */
/* An integer protected by a mutex, and with an associated
condition variable that is signalled when the counter reaches 0. */
typedef struct counter_s {
nsync_mu mu; /* protects value */
int value;
nsync_cv cv; /* signalled when value becomes 0 */
} counter;
/* Return a counter with initial value "initial". */
static counter *counter_new (int initial) {
counter *c = (counter *) malloc (sizeof (*c));
bzero ((void *) c, sizeof (*c));
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
c->value = initial;
return (c);
/* Increment *c by "increment". */
static void counter_inc (counter *c, int increment) {
if (increment != 0) {
nsync_mu_lock (&c->mu);
c->value += increment;
if (c->value == 0) {
nsync_cv_broadcast (&c->cv);
nsync_mu_unlock (&c->mu);
/* Wait on *c's condition variable until the counter
becomes 0, or abs_deadline is reached. */
static int counter_wait_for_zero_with_deadline (counter *c, nsync_time abs_deadline) {
int value;
nsync_mu_rlock (&c->mu);
while (c->value != 0 &&
nsync_cv_wait_with_deadline (&c->cv, &c->mu, abs_deadline, NULL) == 0) {
value = c->value;
nsync_mu_runlock (&c->mu);
return (value);
/* Wait on *c's condition variable until the counter becomes 0. */
static void counter_wait_for_zero (counter *c) {
int value = counter_wait_for_zero_with_deadline (c, nsync_time_no_deadline);
if (value != 0) {
testing_panic (smprintf ("wait_for_zero() about to return with "
"non-zero value %d", value));
/* Return the current value of *c. */
static int counter_value (counter *c) {
int value;
nsync_mu_rlock (&c->mu);
value = c->value;
nsync_mu_runlock (&c->mu);
return (value);
/* --------------------------------------- */
CLOSURE_DECL_BODY9 (attempt_trylock, testing , const char *, int, nsync_mu *,
int, int, int *, int, counter *)
/* Call nsync_mu_trylock(), and compares the result to expected_acquire.
If the lock was acquired, then:
- if expected_value != -1, compare *value against expected_value.
- increment *value.
- if release is non-zero, release the lock before returning.
In any case, the counter *done is decremented. */
static void attempt_trylock (testing t, const char *id, int verbose,
nsync_mu *mu, int expected_acquire, int release,
int *value, int expected_value, counter *done) {
int acquired = nsync_mu_trylock (mu);
if (acquired != expected_acquire) {
testing_panic (smprintf ("attempt_trylock %s: expected "
"nsync_mu_trylock() to return %d but got %d",
id, expected_acquire, acquired));
if (verbose) {
TEST_LOG (t, ("attempt_trylock %s %d\n", id, acquired));
if (acquired) {
nsync_mu_assert_held (mu);
if (expected_value != -1 && *value != expected_value) {
testing_panic (smprintf ("attempt_trylock %s expected "
"value %d, *value=%d",
id, expected_value, *value));
if (verbose) {
TEST_LOG (t, ("attempt_trylock %s incremented value to %d\n", id, *value));
if (release) {
nsync_mu_unlock (mu);
counter_inc (done, -1);
/* Call nsync_mu_rtrylock(), and compare the result to expected_acquire.
If the lock was acquired, then:
- if expected_value != -1, compare *value against expected_value.
- if release is non-zero, release the lock before returning.
In any case, decrement *done. */
static void attempt_rtrylock (testing t, const char *id, int verbose,
nsync_mu *mu, int expected_acquire, int release,
int *value, int expected_value, counter *done) {
int acquired = nsync_mu_rtrylock (mu);
if (acquired != expected_acquire) {
testing_panic (smprintf ("attempt_rtrylock %s: expected "
"nsync_mu_rtrylock() to return %d but got %d",
id, expected_acquire, acquired));
if (verbose) {
TEST_LOG (t, ("attempt_rtrylock %s %d\n", id, acquired));
if (acquired) {
nsync_mu_rassert_held (mu);
if (expected_value != -1 && *value != expected_value) {
testing_panic (smprintf ("attempt_rtrylock %s expected "
"value %d, *value=%d",
id, expected_value, *value));
if (release) {
nsync_mu_runlock (mu);
counter_inc (done, -1);
CLOSURE_DECL_BODY9 (lock_unlock, testing, const char *, int, nsync_mu *,
int *, int, nsync_time, counter *, counter *)
/* First acquire *mu, then:
- if expected_value != -1, compare *value against expected_value.
- increment *value.
- sleep for "sleep".
Then release *mu and decrement *done. */
static void lock_unlock (testing t, const char *id, int verbose, nsync_mu *mu, int *value,
int expected_value, nsync_time sleep, counter *sleeping, counter *done) {
if (verbose) {
TEST_LOG (t, ("lock_unlock %s\n", id));
if (sleeping != NULL) {
counter_inc (sleeping, -1);
nsync_mu_lock (mu);
nsync_mu_assert_held (mu);
if (expected_value != -1 && *value != expected_value) {
testing_panic (smprintf ("lock_unlock %s expected "
"value %d, *value=%d",
id, expected_value, *value));
if (verbose) {
TEST_LOG (t, ("lock_unlock %s incremented value to %d\n", id, *value));
nsync_time_sleep (sleep);
nsync_mu_unlock (mu);
counter_inc (done, -1);
/* First acquire *mu in read mode, then:
- if expected_value != -1, compare *value against expected_value.
- sleep for "sleep".
Then release *mu and decrement *done. */
static void rlock_runlock (testing t, const char *id, int verbose, nsync_mu *mu,
int *value, int expected_value, nsync_time sleep,
counter *sleeping, counter *done) {
if (verbose) {
TEST_LOG (t, ("rlock_runlock %s\n", id));
if (sleeping != NULL) {
counter_inc (sleeping, -1);
nsync_mu_rlock (mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (mu);
if (expected_value != -1 && *value != expected_value) {
testing_panic (smprintf ("rlock_runlock %s expected "
"value %d, *value=%d", id, expected_value, *value));
nsync_time_sleep (sleep);
nsync_mu_runlock (mu);
counter_inc (done, -1);
/* Check that the time since start_time is between expected_duration-1ms.
If the time exceeds expected_duration+slop_duration, return 1, else 0. */
static int check_times (testing t, const char *id, nsync_time start_time,
nsync_time expected_duration, nsync_time slop_duration) {
int exceeds_count = 0;
nsync_time now;
nsync_time measured_duration;
now = nsync_time_now ();
measured_duration = nsync_time_sub (now, start_time);
if (nsync_time_cmp (measured_duration,
nsync_time_sub (expected_duration, nsync_time_ms (5))) < 0) {
char *m_str = nsync_time_str (measured_duration, 2);
char *e_str = nsync_time_str (expected_duration, 2);
TEST_ERROR (t, ("check_times %s too short a delay: %s instead of %s",
id, m_str, e_str));
free (m_str);
free (e_str);
if (nsync_time_cmp (nsync_time_add (expected_duration, slop_duration), measured_duration) < 0) {
return (exceeds_count);
/* Check the operation of nsync_mu as a reader/writer lock. */
static void test_rlock (testing t) {
int loop;
int i;
int max_write_wait_exceeded;
int max_read_wait_exceeded;
nsync_time time_unit;
nsync_time slop_duration;
nsync_time delay_duration;
nsync_time writer_duration;
nsync_time reader_duration;
static const int loop_count = 5;
static const int read_threads = 3;
static const int limit = 3;
static const int verbose = 0;
max_write_wait_exceeded = 0;
max_read_wait_exceeded = 0;
time_unit = nsync_time_ms (100);
slop_duration = nsync_time_add (nsync_time_add (time_unit, time_unit), time_unit);
delay_duration = time_unit;
writer_duration = time_unit;
reader_duration = nsync_time_add (time_unit, time_unit);
max_write_wait_exceeded = 0;
max_read_wait_exceeded = 0;
for (loop = 0; loop != loop_count; loop++) {
counter *lock_unlock_sleeping;
counter *rlock_runlock_sleeping;
counter *lock_unlock_done;
counter *rlock_runlock_done;
nsync_time read_start_time;
nsync_mu mu;
int value = 0;
counter *thread_done;
nsync_time start_time;
nsync_mu_init (&mu);
start_time = nsync_time_now ();
/* ------------------------------------ */
/* Acquire lock with nsync_mu_rtrylock(). This thread will
hold a read lock until the next line with =====. */
thread_done = counter_new (1);
attempt_rtrylock (t, "a", verbose, &mu, 1, 0, &value, 0, thread_done);
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
/* Can get read lock holding read lock. */
closure_fork (closure_attempt_trylock (&attempt_rtrylock,
t, "b", verbose, &mu, 1, 1, &value, 0, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
/* Can't get write lock holding read lock. */
closure_fork (closure_attempt_trylock (&attempt_trylock, t, "c", verbose,
&mu, 0, 1, &value, -1, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
if (!nsync_mu_is_reader (&mu)) {
TEST_FATAL(t, ("expected mu held in reader mode"));
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
closure_fork (closure_lock_unlock (&rlock_runlock, t, "d", verbose,
&mu, &value, 0, nsync_time_zero /*no delay*/,
NULL, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
lock_unlock_done = counter_new (1);
lock_unlock_sleeping = counter_new (1);
closure_fork (closure_lock_unlock (&lock_unlock, t, "e", verbose,
&mu, &value, 0, writer_duration,
lock_unlock_sleeping, lock_unlock_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (lock_unlock_sleeping);
nsync_time_sleep (delay_duration); /* give time for lock_unlock() thread to wait. */
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
rlock_runlock_done = counter_new (read_threads);
rlock_runlock_sleeping = counter_new (read_threads);
for (i = 0; i != read_threads; i++) {
/* read lock will be acquired after lock_unlock() completes */
closure_fork (closure_lock_unlock (&rlock_runlock, t, "f", verbose,
&mu, &value, 1, reader_duration,
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_wait_for_zero (rlock_runlock_sleeping);
nsync_time_sleep (delay_duration); /* time for rlock_runlock() threads to wait. */
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
if (counter_value (lock_unlock_done) == 0) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("thread was able to acquire write lock while read lock held"));
if (counter_value (rlock_runlock_done) == 0) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("thread was able to acquire read lock with "
"other reader and waiting writer"));
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
/* Still can't get write lock. */
closure_fork (closure_attempt_trylock (&attempt_trylock, t, "g", verbose,
&mu, 0, 1, &value, -1, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
/* Now can't get read lock because a writer is waiting. */
closure_fork (closure_attempt_trylock (&attempt_rtrylock, t, "h", verbose,
&mu, 0, 1, &value, -1, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
nsync_mu_runlock (&mu);
/* ==================================== */
read_start_time = nsync_time_now ();
counter_wait_for_zero (lock_unlock_done); /* Now can get write lock. */
max_write_wait_exceeded += check_times (t, "i", start_time,
nsync_time_add (nsync_time_add (delay_duration, delay_duration), writer_duration),
counter_wait_for_zero (rlock_runlock_done); /* And now an get read lock again. */
max_read_wait_exceeded += check_times (t, "j", read_start_time,
reader_duration, slop_duration);
free (thread_done);
free (lock_unlock_done);
free (rlock_runlock_done);
free (lock_unlock_sleeping);
free (rlock_runlock_sleeping);
if (verbose) {
TEST_LOG (t, ("read lock max_write_wait_exceeded %d max_read_wait_exceeded %d\n",
max_write_wait_exceeded, max_read_wait_exceeded));
if (max_write_wait_exceeded > limit) {
TEST_ERROR (t, ("lock_unlock() took too long %d "
"(more than %d) times out of %d",
max_write_wait_exceeded, limit, loop_count));
if (max_read_wait_exceeded > limit) {
TEST_ERROR (t, ("rlock_runlock() took too long %d "
"(more than %d) times out of %d",
max_read_wait_exceeded, limit, loop_count));
max_write_wait_exceeded = 0;
max_read_wait_exceeded = 0;
for (loop = 0; loop != loop_count; loop++) {
counter *lock_unlock_sleeping;
counter *rlock_runlock_sleeping;
counter *lock_unlock_done;
counter *rlock_runlock_done;
nsync_time read_start_time;
nsync_mu mu;
int value = 0;
counter *thread_done;
nsync_time start_time;
nsync_mu_init (&mu);
start_time = nsync_time_now ();
/* ------------------------------------ */
/* Acquire lock with nsync_mu_trylock(). This thread will hold
a write lock until the next line with =====. */
thread_done = counter_new (1);
attempt_trylock (t, "A", verbose, &mu, 1, 0, &value, 0, thread_done);
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
/* Can't get read lock while holding write lock. */
closure_fork (closure_attempt_trylock (&attempt_rtrylock, t, "B", verbose,
&mu, 0, 1, &value, -1, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
if (nsync_mu_is_reader (&mu)) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("expected mu held in write mode"));
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
/* Can't get write lock while holding write lock. */
closure_fork (closure_attempt_trylock (&attempt_trylock, t, "C", verbose,
&mu, 0, 1, &value, -1, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
lock_unlock_done = counter_new (1);
lock_unlock_sleeping = counter_new (1);
closure_fork (closure_lock_unlock (&lock_unlock, t, "D", verbose,
&mu, &value, 1, writer_duration,
lock_unlock_sleeping, lock_unlock_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (lock_unlock_sleeping);
nsync_time_sleep (delay_duration); /* give time for lock_unlock() thread to wait. */
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
rlock_runlock_done = counter_new (read_threads);
rlock_runlock_sleeping = counter_new (read_threads);
for (i = 0; i != read_threads; i++) {
/* not guaranteed will complete after lock_unlock() above */
closure_fork (closure_lock_unlock (&rlock_runlock, t, "E", verbose,
&mu, &value, -1, reader_duration,
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_wait_for_zero (rlock_runlock_sleeping);
nsync_time_sleep (delay_duration); /* time for rlock_runlock() threads to wait. */
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
if (counter_value (lock_unlock_done) == 0) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("thread was able to acquire write lock "
"while other write lock held"));
if (counter_value (rlock_runlock_done) == 0) {
TEST_FATAL (t, ("thread was able to acquire read lock "
"while write lock held"));
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
/* Still can't get read lock while holding write lock. */
closure_fork (closure_attempt_trylock (&attempt_rtrylock, t, "F", verbose,
&mu, 0, 1, &value, -1, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
counter_inc (thread_done, 1);
/* Still can't get write lock while holding write lock. */
closure_fork (closure_attempt_trylock (&attempt_trylock, t, "G", verbose,
&mu, 0, 1, &value, -1, thread_done));
counter_wait_for_zero (thread_done);
nsync_mu_assert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_rassert_held (&mu);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
/* ==================================== */
read_start_time = nsync_time_now ();
counter_wait_for_zero (lock_unlock_done); /* Now can get write lock. */
max_write_wait_exceeded += check_times (t, "H", start_time,
nsync_time_add (nsync_time_add (delay_duration, delay_duration), writer_duration),
counter_wait_for_zero (rlock_runlock_done); /* And now can get read lock again. */
max_read_wait_exceeded += check_times (t, "I", read_start_time,
reader_duration, slop_duration);
free (thread_done);
free (lock_unlock_done);
free (rlock_runlock_done);
free (lock_unlock_sleeping);
free (rlock_runlock_sleeping);
if (verbose) {
TEST_LOG (t, ("write lock max_write_wait_exceeded %d "
"max_read_wait_exceeded %d\n",
max_write_wait_exceeded, max_read_wait_exceeded));
if (max_write_wait_exceeded > limit) {
TEST_ERROR (t, ("lock_unlock() took too long %d (more than %d) "
"times out of %d",
max_write_wait_exceeded, limit, loop_count));
if (max_read_wait_exceeded > limit) {
TEST_ERROR (t, ("rlock_runlock() took too long %d (more than %d) "
"times out of %d",
max_read_wait_exceeded, limit, loop_count));
/* --------------------------------------- */
/* Measure the performance of an uncontended nsync_mu. */
static void benchmark_mu_uncontended (testing t) {
int i;
int n = testing_n (t);
nsync_mu mu;
nsync_mu_init (&mu);
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
/* Return whether int *value is one. */
static int int_is_1 (const void *value) { return (*(const int *)value == 1); }
/* Return whether int *value is two. */
static int int_is_2 (const void *value) { return (*(const int *)value == 2); }
/* Return whether int *value is three. */
static int int_is_3 (const void *value) { return (*(const int *)value == 3); }
/* Set *value to 1, wait for it to become 2, then set it to 3. *value is under
*mu */
static void waiter (nsync_mu *mu, int *value) {
nsync_mu_lock (mu);
*value = 1;
nsync_mu_wait (mu, &int_is_2, value, NULL);
*value = 3;
nsync_mu_unlock (mu);
CLOSURE_DECL_BODY2 (waiter, nsync_mu *, int *)
/* Measure the performance of an uncontended nsync_mu
with a blocked waiter. */
static void benchmark_mu_uncontended_waiter (testing t) {
int i;
int n = testing_n (t);
nsync_mu mu;
int value = 0;
nsync_mu_init (&mu);
closure_fork (closure_waiter (&waiter, &mu, &value));
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
nsync_mu_wait (&mu, &int_is_1, &value, NULL);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
value = 2;
nsync_mu_wait (&mu, &int_is_3, &value, NULL);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
/* Measure the performance of an uncontended nsync_mu
with a blocked waiter using nsync_mu_unlock_without_wakeup. */
static void benchmark_mu_uncontended_no_wakeup (testing t) {
int i;
int n = testing_n (t);
nsync_mu mu;
int value = 0;
nsync_mu_init (&mu);
closure_fork (closure_waiter (&waiter, &mu, &value));
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
nsync_mu_wait (&mu, &int_is_1, &value, NULL);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
nsync_mu_unlock_without_wakeup (&mu);
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
value = 2;
nsync_mu_wait (&mu, &int_is_3, &value, NULL);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
/* Measure the performance of an uncontended
nsync_mu in read mode. */
static void benchmark_rmu_uncontended (testing t) {
int i;
int n = testing_n (t);
nsync_mu mu;
nsync_mu_init (&mu);
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
nsync_mu_rlock (&mu);
nsync_mu_runlock (&mu);
/* Measure the performance of an uncontended nsync_mu
in read mode with a blocked waiter. */
static void benchmark_rmu_uncontended_waiter (testing t) {
int i;
int n = testing_n (t);
nsync_mu mu;
int value = 0;
nsync_mu_init (&mu);
closure_fork (closure_waiter (&waiter, &mu, &value));
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
nsync_mu_wait (&mu, &int_is_1, &value, NULL);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
nsync_mu_rlock (&mu);
nsync_mu_runlock (&mu);
nsync_mu_lock (&mu);
value = 2;
nsync_mu_wait (&mu, &int_is_3, &value, NULL);
nsync_mu_unlock (&mu);
/* Measure the performance of an uncontended pthread_mutex_t. */
static void benchmark_mutex_uncontended (testing t) {
int i;
int n = testing_n (t);
pthread_mutex_t mu;
pthread_mutex_init (&mu, NULL);
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&mu);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mu);
pthread_mutex_destroy (&mu);
/* Measure the performance of an uncontended pthread_rwlock_t. */
static void benchmark_wmutex_uncontended (testing t) {
int i;
int n = testing_n (t);
pthread_rwlock_t mu;
pthread_rwlock_init (&mu, NULL);
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
pthread_rwlock_wrlock (&mu);
pthread_rwlock_unlock (&mu);
pthread_rwlock_destroy (&mu);
/* Measure the performance of an uncontended
pthread_rwlock_t in read mode. */
static void benchmark_rmutex_uncontended (testing t) {
int i;
int n = testing_n (t);
pthread_rwlock_t mu;
pthread_rwlock_init (&mu, NULL);
for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
pthread_rwlock_rdlock (&mu);
pthread_rwlock_unlock (&mu);
pthread_rwlock_destroy (&mu);
/* ---------------------------------------
Benchmarks for contended locks. */
/* It's hard to write these as benchmark functions, since we wish to measure
throughput over an extended period (a second or two), rather than get the
latency of a few iterations. */
/* A contended_state represents state shared between threads
in the contended benchmarks. */
typedef struct contended_state_s {
testing t;
/* locks to test */
nsync_mu mu;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_rwlock_t rwmutex;
int count; /* counter protected by a lock above */
nsync_mu start_done_mu;
int start; /* whether threads should start, under start_done_mu */
int not_yet_done; /* threads not yet complete, under start_done_mu */
} contended_state;
static int contended_state_may_start (const void *v) {
return (((const contended_state *)v)->start);
static int contended_state_all_done (const void *v) {
return (((const contended_state *)v)->not_yet_done == 0);
/* Wait for cs.start to become non-zero, then loop, acquiring and
releasing mu on each iteration until cs.deadline is reached, then decrement
cs.not_yet_done. */
static void contended_state_contend_loop (contended_state *cs,
void *mu, void (*lock) (void *),
void (*unlock) (void *)) {
int n = testing_n (cs->t);
int j;
int i;
nsync_mu_rlock (&cs->start_done_mu);
nsync_mu_wait (&cs->start_done_mu, &contended_state_may_start, cs, NULL);
nsync_mu_runlock (&cs->start_done_mu);
for (j = 0; j < n; j += 10000) {
for (i = 0; i != 10000; i++) {
(*lock) (mu);
(*unlock) (mu);
nsync_mu_lock (&cs->start_done_mu);
nsync_mu_unlock (&cs->start_done_mu);
typedef void (*func_any) (void *);
CLOSURE_DECL_BODY4 (contended_state_contend_loop, contended_state *, void *, func_any, func_any)
/* Start the threads in a contended test, wait for them to finish,
and print the number of iterations achieved. */
static void contended_state_run_test (contended_state *cs, testing t,
void *mu, void (*lock) (void *),
void (*unlock) (void *)) {
int i;
cs->t = t;
cs->not_yet_done = 4; /* number of threads */
cs->start = 0;
cs->count = 0;
for (i = 0; i != cs->not_yet_done; i++) {
closure_fork (closure_contended_state_contend_loop (
&contended_state_contend_loop, cs, mu, lock, unlock));
nsync_mu_lock (&cs->start_done_mu);
cs->start = 1;
nsync_mu_wait (&cs->start_done_mu, &contended_state_all_done, cs, NULL);
nsync_mu_unlock (&cs->start_done_mu);
/* Measure the performance of highly contended
nsync_mu locks, with small critical sections. */
static void benchmark_mu_contended (testing t) {
contended_state cs;
bzero ((void *) &cs, sizeof (cs));
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
contended_state_run_test (&cs, t, &, (void (*) (void*))&nsync_mu_lock,
(void (*) (void*))&nsync_mu_unlock);
/* Measure the performance of highly contended
pthread_mutex_t locks, with small critical sections. */
static void benchmark_mutex_contended (testing t) {
contended_state cs;
bzero ((void *) &cs, sizeof (cs));
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
pthread_mutex_init (&cs.mutex, NULL);
contended_state_run_test (&cs, t, &cs.mutex, &void_pthread_mutex_lock,
pthread_mutex_destroy (&cs.mutex);
/* Measure the performance of highly contended
pthread_rwlock_t locks, with small critical sections. */
static void benchmark_wmutex_contended (testing t) {
contended_state cs;
bzero ((void *) &cs, sizeof (cs));
2022-09-11 18:53:52 -07:00
pthread_rwlock_init (&cs.rwmutex, NULL);
contended_state_run_test (&cs, t, &cs.rwmutex, &void_pthread_rwlock_wrlock,
pthread_rwlock_destroy (&cs.rwmutex);
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
testing_base tb = testing_new (argc, argv, 0);
TEST_RUN (tb, test_rlock);
TEST_RUN (tb, test_mu_nthread);
TEST_RUN (tb, test_mutex_nthread);
TEST_RUN (tb, test_rwmutex_nthread);
TEST_RUN (tb, test_try_mu_nthread);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_mu_contended);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_mutex_contended);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_wmutex_contended);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_mu_uncontended);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_rmu_uncontended);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_mutex_uncontended);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_wmutex_uncontended);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_rmutex_uncontended);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_mu_uncontended_waiter);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_mu_uncontended_no_wakeup);
BENCHMARK_RUN (tb, benchmark_rmu_uncontended_waiter);
return (testing_base_exit (tb));