2021-08-08 04:08:33 +00:00
# Minimal tests for dis module
from test . support import captured_stdout
from test . bytecode_helper import BytecodeTestCase
import difflib
import unittest
import sys
2022-05-13 12:05:12 +00:00
import cosmo
2021-08-08 04:08:33 +00:00
import dis
import io
import re
import types
import contextlib
def get_tb ( ) :
def _error ( ) :
try :
1 / 0
except Exception as e :
tb = e . __traceback__
return tb
tb = _error ( )
while tb . tb_next :
tb = tb . tb_next
return tb
TRACEBACK_CODE = get_tb ( ) . tb_frame . f_code
class _C :
def __init__ ( self , x ) :
self . x = x == 1
def sm ( x ) :
x = x == 1
def cm ( cls , x ) :
cls . x = x == 1
dis_c_instance_method = """ \
% 3 d 0 LOAD_FAST 1 ( x )
2 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
4 COMPARE_OP 2 ( == )
6 LOAD_FAST 0 ( self )
8 STORE_ATTR 0 ( x )
10 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
""" % (_C.__init__.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,)
dis_c_instance_method_bytes = """ \
0 LOAD_FAST 1 ( 1 )
2 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
4 COMPARE_OP 2 ( == )
6 LOAD_FAST 0 ( 0 )
8 STORE_ATTR 0 ( 0 )
10 LOAD_CONST 0 ( 0 )
dis_c_class_method = """ \
% 3 d 0 LOAD_FAST 1 ( x )
2 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
4 COMPARE_OP 2 ( == )
6 LOAD_FAST 0 ( cls )
8 STORE_ATTR 0 ( x )
10 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
""" % (_C.cm.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2,)
dis_c_static_method = """ \
% 3 d 0 LOAD_FAST 0 ( x )
2 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
4 COMPARE_OP 2 ( == )
6 STORE_FAST 0 ( x )
8 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
""" % (_C.sm.__code__.co_firstlineno + 2,)
# Class disassembling info has an extra newline at end.
dis_c = """ \
Disassembly of % s :
% s
Disassembly of % s :
% s
Disassembly of % s :
% s
""" % (_C.__init__.__name__, dis_c_instance_method,
_C . cm . __name__ , dis_c_class_method ,
_C . sm . __name__ , dis_c_static_method )
def _f ( a ) :
print ( a )
return 1
dis_f = """ \
% 3 d 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 ( print )
2 LOAD_FAST 0 ( a )
% 3 d 8 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
""" % (_f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,
_f . __code__ . co_firstlineno + 2 )
dis_f_co_code = """ \
0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 ( 0 )
2 LOAD_FAST 0 ( 0 )
8 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
def bug708901 ( ) :
for res in range ( 1 ,
10 ) :
dis_bug708901 = """ \
% 3 d 0 SETUP_LOOP 18 ( to 20 )
2 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 ( range )
4 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
% 3 d 6 LOAD_CONST 2 ( 10 )
>> 12 FOR_ITER 4 ( to 18 )
14 STORE_FAST 0 ( res )
% 3 d 16 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 12
>> 20 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
""" % (bug708901.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,
bug708901 . __code__ . co_firstlineno + 2 ,
bug708901 . __code__ . co_firstlineno + 3 )
def bug1333982 ( x = [ ] ) :
assert 0 , ( [ s for s in x ] +
1 )
dis_bug1333982 = """ \
% 3 d 0 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 0 )
4 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 ( AssertionError )
6 LOAD_CONST 2 ( < code object < listcomp > at 0 x . . . , file " %s " , line % d > )
8 LOAD_CONST 3 ( ' bug1333982.<locals>.<listcomp> ' )
12 LOAD_FAST 0 ( x )
% 3 d 18 LOAD_CONST 4 ( 1 )
% 3 d >> 26 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
""" % (bug1333982.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,
__file__ ,
bug1333982 . __code__ . co_firstlineno + 1 ,
bug1333982 . __code__ . co_firstlineno + 2 ,
bug1333982 . __code__ . co_firstlineno + 3 )
% 3 d 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 ( spam )
4 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
dis_module_expected_results = """ \
Disassembly of f :
4 0 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
Disassembly of g :
5 0 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
expr_str = " x + 1 "
dis_expr_str = """ \
1 0 LOAD_NAME 0 ( x )
2 LOAD_CONST 0 ( 1 )
simple_stmt_str = " x = x + 1 "
dis_simple_stmt_str = """ \
1 0 LOAD_NAME 0 ( x )
2 LOAD_CONST 0 ( 1 )
6 STORE_NAME 0 ( x )
8 LOAD_CONST 1 ( None )
annot_stmt_str = """ \
x : int = 1
y : fun ( 1 )
lst [ fun ( 0 ) ] : int = 1
# leading newline is for a reason (tests lineno)
dis_annot_stmt_str = """ \
2 LOAD_CONST 0 ( 1 )
4 STORE_NAME 0 ( x )
6 LOAD_NAME 1 ( int )
3 10 LOAD_NAME 2 ( fun )
12 LOAD_CONST 0 ( 1 )
4 18 LOAD_CONST 0 ( 1 )
20 LOAD_NAME 4 ( lst )
22 LOAD_NAME 2 ( fun )
24 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 0 )
30 LOAD_NAME 1 ( int )
34 LOAD_CONST 2 ( None )
compound_stmt_str = """ \
x = 0
while 1 :
x + = 1 """
# Trailing newline has been deliberately omitted
dis_compound_stmt_str = """ \
1 0 LOAD_CONST 0 ( 0 )
2 STORE_NAME 0 ( x )
2 4 SETUP_LOOP 12 ( to 18 )
3 >> 6 LOAD_NAME 0 ( x )
8 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
12 STORE_NAME 0 ( x )
>> 18 LOAD_CONST 2 ( None )
dis_traceback = """ \
% 3 d 0 SETUP_EXCEPT 12 ( to 14 )
% 3 d 2 LOAD_CONST 1 ( 1 )
4 LOAD_CONST 2 ( 0 )
12 JUMP_FORWARD 40 ( to 54 )
% 3 d >> 14 DUP_TOP
16 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 ( Exception )
18 COMPARE_OP 10 ( exception match )
24 STORE_FAST 0 ( e )
28 SETUP_FINALLY 12 ( to 42 )
% 3 d 30 LOAD_FAST 0 ( e )
32 LOAD_ATTR 1 ( __traceback__ )
34 STORE_FAST 1 ( tb )
40 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
>> 42 LOAD_CONST 0 ( None )
44 STORE_FAST 0 ( e )
46 DELETE_FAST 0 ( e )
50 JUMP_FORWARD 2 ( to 54 )
% 3 d >> 54 LOAD_FAST 1 ( tb )
""" % (TRACEBACK_CODE.co_firstlineno + 1,
TRACEBACK_CODE . co_firstlineno + 2 ,
TRACEBACK_CODE . co_firstlineno + 3 ,
TRACEBACK_CODE . co_firstlineno + 4 ,
TRACEBACK_CODE . co_firstlineno + 5 )
def _fstring ( a , b , c , d ) :
return f ' { a } { b : 4 } { c !r} { d !r: 4 } '
dis_fstring = """ \
% 3 d 0 LOAD_FAST 0 ( a )
4 LOAD_CONST 1 ( ' ' )
6 LOAD_FAST 1 ( b )
8 LOAD_CONST 2 ( ' 4 ' )
10 FORMAT_VALUE 4 ( with format )
12 LOAD_CONST 1 ( ' ' )
14 LOAD_FAST 2 ( c )
16 FORMAT_VALUE 2 ( repr )
18 LOAD_CONST 1 ( ' ' )
20 LOAD_FAST 3 ( d )
22 LOAD_CONST 2 ( ' 4 ' )
24 FORMAT_VALUE 6 ( repr , with format )
""" % (_fstring.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1,)
def _g ( x ) :
yield x
class DisTests ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def get_disassembly ( self , func , lasti = - 1 , wrapper = True ) :
# We want to test the default printing behaviour, not the file arg
output = io . StringIO ( )
with contextlib . redirect_stdout ( output ) :
if wrapper :
dis . dis ( func )
else :
dis . disassemble ( func , lasti )
return output . getvalue ( )
def get_disassemble_as_string ( self , func , lasti = - 1 ) :
return self . get_disassembly ( func , lasti , False )
def strip_addresses ( self , text ) :
return re . sub ( r ' \ b0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ \ b ' , ' 0x... ' , text )
def do_disassembly_test ( self , func , expected ) :
2022-05-13 12:05:12 +00:00
t = self . maxDiff
self . maxDiff = None # to get full disassembly
2021-08-08 04:08:33 +00:00
got = self . get_disassembly ( func )
if got != expected :
got = self . strip_addresses ( got )
2022-05-13 12:05:12 +00:00
# filename issue because within zip store?
expected = expected . replace ( " .pyc " , " .py " )
2021-08-08 04:08:33 +00:00
self . assertEqual ( got , expected )
2022-05-13 12:05:12 +00:00
self . maxDiff = t
2021-08-08 04:08:33 +00:00
def test_opmap ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( dis . opmap [ " NOP " ] , 9 )
self . assertIn ( dis . opmap [ " LOAD_CONST " ] , dis . hasconst )
self . assertIn ( dis . opmap [ " STORE_NAME " ] , dis . hasname )
def test_opname ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( dis . opname [ dis . opmap [ " LOAD_FAST " ] ] , " LOAD_FAST " )
def test_boundaries ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( dis . opmap [ " EXTENDED_ARG " ] , dis . EXTENDED_ARG )
self . assertEqual ( dis . opmap [ " STORE_NAME " ] , dis . HAVE_ARGUMENT )
def test_dis ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( _f , dis_f )
def test_bug_708901 ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( bug708901 , dis_bug708901 )
def test_bug_1333982 ( self ) :
# This one is checking bytecodes generated for an `assert` statement,
# so fails if the tests are run with -O. Skip this test then.
if not __debug__ :
self . skipTest ( ' need asserts, run without -O ' )
self . do_disassembly_test ( bug1333982 , dis_bug1333982 )
def test_big_linenos ( self ) :
def func ( count ) :
namespace = { }
func = " def foo(): \n " + " " . join ( [ " \n " ] * count + [ " spam \n " ] )
exec ( func , namespace )
return namespace [ ' foo ' ]
# Test all small ranges
for i in range ( 1 , 300 ) :
expected = _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT % ( i + 2 )
self . do_disassembly_test ( func ( i ) , expected )
# Test some larger ranges too
for i in range ( 300 , 5000 , 10 ) :
expected = _BIG_LINENO_FORMAT % ( i + 2 )
self . do_disassembly_test ( func ( i ) , expected )
from test import dis_module
self . do_disassembly_test ( dis_module , dis_module_expected_results )
def test_disassemble_str ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( expr_str , dis_expr_str )
self . do_disassembly_test ( simple_stmt_str , dis_simple_stmt_str )
self . do_disassembly_test ( annot_stmt_str , dis_annot_stmt_str )
self . do_disassembly_test ( compound_stmt_str , dis_compound_stmt_str )
def test_disassemble_bytes ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( _f . __code__ . co_code , dis_f_co_code )
def test_disassemble_class ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( _C , dis_c )
def test_disassemble_instance_method ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( _C ( 1 ) . __init__ , dis_c_instance_method )
def test_disassemble_instance_method_bytes ( self ) :
method_bytecode = _C ( 1 ) . __init__ . __code__ . co_code
self . do_disassembly_test ( method_bytecode , dis_c_instance_method_bytes )
def test_disassemble_static_method ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( _C . sm , dis_c_static_method )
def test_disassemble_class_method ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( _C . cm , dis_c_class_method )
def test_disassemble_generator ( self ) :
gen_func_disas = self . get_disassembly ( _g ) # Disassemble generator function
gen_disas = self . get_disassembly ( _g ( 1 ) ) # Disassemble generator itself
self . assertEqual ( gen_disas , gen_func_disas )
def test_disassemble_fstring ( self ) :
self . do_disassembly_test ( _fstring , dis_fstring )
def test_dis_none ( self ) :
try :
del sys . last_traceback
except AttributeError :
self . assertRaises ( RuntimeError , dis . dis , None )
def test_dis_traceback ( self ) :
try :
del sys . last_traceback
except AttributeError :
try :
1 / 0
except Exception as e :
tb = e . __traceback__
sys . last_traceback = tb
tb_dis = self . get_disassemble_as_string ( tb . tb_frame . f_code , tb . tb_lasti )
self . do_disassembly_test ( None , tb_dis )
def test_dis_object ( self ) :
self . assertRaises ( TypeError , dis . dis , object ( ) )
class DisWithFileTests ( DisTests ) :
# Run the tests again, using the file arg instead of print
def get_disassembly ( self , func , lasti = - 1 , wrapper = True ) :
output = io . StringIO ( )
if wrapper :
dis . dis ( func , file = output )
else :
dis . disassemble ( func , lasti , file = output )
return output . getvalue ( )
code_info_code_info = """ \
Name : code_info
Filename : ( . * )
Argument count : 1
Kw - only arguments : 0
Number of locals : 1
Stack size : 3
Constants :
0 : % r
Names :
0 : _format_code_info
1 : _get_code_object
Variable names :
0 : x """ % (( ' Formatted details of methods, functions, or code. ' ,)
if sys . flags . optimize < 2 else ( None , ) )
def tricky ( x , y , z = True , * args , c , d , e = [ ] , * * kwds ) :
def f ( c = c ) :
print ( x , y , z , c , d , e , f )
yield x , y , z , c , d , e , f
code_info_tricky = """ \
Name : tricky
Filename : ( . * )
Argument count : 3
Kw - only arguments : 3
Number of locals : 8
Stack size : 7
Constants :
0 : None
1 : < code object f at ( . * ) , file " (.*) " , line ( . * ) >
2 : ' tricky.<locals>.f '
Variable names :
0 : x
1 : y
2 : z
3 : c
4 : d
5 : e
6 : args
7 : kwds
Cell variables :
0 : [ edfxyz ]
1 : [ edfxyz ]
2 : [ edfxyz ]
3 : [ edfxyz ]
4 : [ edfxyz ]
5 : [ edfxyz ] """
# NOTE: the order of the cell variables above depends on dictionary order!
co_tricky_nested_f = tricky . __func__ . __code__ . co_consts [ 1 ]
code_info_tricky_nested_f = """ \
Name : f
Filename : ( . * )
Argument count : 1
Kw - only arguments : 0
Number of locals : 1
Stack size : 8
Constants :
0 : None
Names :
0 : print
Variable names :
0 : c
Free variables :
0 : [ edfxyz ]
1 : [ edfxyz ]
2 : [ edfxyz ]
3 : [ edfxyz ]
4 : [ edfxyz ]
5 : [ edfxyz ] """
code_info_expr_str = """ \
Name : < module >
Filename : < disassembly >
Argument count : 0
Kw - only arguments : 0
Number of locals : 0
Stack size : 2
Flags : NOFREE
Constants :
0 : 1
Names :
0 : x """
code_info_simple_stmt_str = """ \
Name : < module >
Filename : < disassembly >
Argument count : 0
Kw - only arguments : 0
Number of locals : 0
Stack size : 2
Flags : NOFREE
Constants :
0 : 1
1 : None
Names :
0 : x """
code_info_compound_stmt_str = """ \
Name : < module >
Filename : < disassembly >
Argument count : 0
Kw - only arguments : 0
Number of locals : 0
Stack size : 2
Flags : NOFREE
Constants :
0 : 0
1 : 1
2 : None
Names :
0 : x """
async def async_def ( ) :
await 1
async for a in b : pass
async with c as d : pass
code_info_async_def = """ \
Name : async_def
Filename : ( . * )
Argument count : 0
Kw - only arguments : 0
Number of locals : 2
Stack size : 16
Constants :
0 : None
1 : 1 """
class CodeInfoTests ( unittest . TestCase ) :
test_pairs = [
( dis . code_info , code_info_code_info ) ,
( tricky , code_info_tricky ) ,
( co_tricky_nested_f , code_info_tricky_nested_f ) ,
( expr_str , code_info_expr_str ) ,
( simple_stmt_str , code_info_simple_stmt_str ) ,
( compound_stmt_str , code_info_compound_stmt_str ) ,
( async_def , code_info_async_def )
2022-05-13 12:05:12 +00:00
@unittest.skipIf ( " tiny " in cosmo . MODE , " docstrings not present " )
2021-08-08 04:08:33 +00:00
def test_code_info ( self ) :
self . maxDiff = 1000
for x , expected in self . test_pairs :
self . assertRegex ( dis . code_info ( x ) , expected )
2022-05-13 12:05:12 +00:00
@unittest.skipIf ( " tiny " in cosmo . MODE , " docstrings not present " )
2021-08-08 04:08:33 +00:00
def test_show_code ( self ) :
self . maxDiff = 1000
for x , expected in self . test_pairs :
with captured_stdout ( ) as output :
dis . show_code ( x )
self . assertRegex ( output . getvalue ( ) , expected + " \n " )
output = io . StringIO ( )
dis . show_code ( x , file = output )
self . assertRegex ( output . getvalue ( ) , expected )
def test_code_info_object ( self ) :
self . assertRaises ( TypeError , dis . code_info , object ( ) )
def test_pretty_flags_no_flags ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( dis . pretty_flags ( 0 ) , ' 0x0 ' )
# Fodder for instruction introspection tests
# Editing any of these may require recalculating the expected output
def outer ( a = 1 , b = 2 ) :
def f ( c = 3 , d = 4 ) :
def inner ( e = 5 , f = 6 ) :
print ( a , b , c , d , e , f )
print ( a , b , c , d )
return inner
print ( a , b , ' ' , 1 , [ ] , { } , " Hello world! " )
return f
def jumpy ( ) :
# This won't actually run (but that's OK, we only disassemble it)
for i in range ( 10 ) :
print ( i )
if i < 4 :
if i > 6 :
else :
print ( " I can haz else clause? " )
while i :
print ( i )
i - = 1
if i > 6 :
if i < 4 :
else :
print ( " Who let lolcatz into this test suite? " )
try :
1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError :
print ( " Here we go, here we go, here we go... " )
else :
with i as dodgy :
print ( " Never reach this " )
finally :
print ( " OK, now we ' re done " )
# End fodder for opinfo generation tests
expected_outer_line = 1
_line_offset = outer . __code__ . co_firstlineno - 1
code_object_f = outer . __code__ . co_consts [ 3 ]
expected_f_line = code_object_f . co_firstlineno - _line_offset
code_object_inner = code_object_f . co_consts [ 3 ]
expected_inner_line = code_object_inner . co_firstlineno - _line_offset
expected_jumpy_line = 1
# The following lines are useful to regenerate the expected results after
# either the fodder is modified or the bytecode generation changes
# After regeneration, update the references to code_object_f and
# code_object_inner before rerunning the tests
#_instructions = dis.get_instructions(outer, first_line=expected_outer_line)
#print('expected_opinfo_outer = [\n ',
#',\n '.join(map(str, _instructions)), ',\n]', sep='')
#_instructions = dis.get_instructions(outer(), first_line=expected_f_line)
#print('expected_opinfo_f = [\n ',
#',\n '.join(map(str, _instructions)), ',\n]', sep='')
#_instructions = dis.get_instructions(outer()(), first_line=expected_inner_line)
#print('expected_opinfo_inner = [\n ',
#',\n '.join(map(str, _instructions)), ',\n]', sep='')
#_instructions = dis.get_instructions(jumpy, first_line=expected_jumpy_line)
#print('expected_opinfo_jumpy = [\n ',
#',\n '.join(map(str, _instructions)), ',\n]', sep='')
Instruction = dis . Instruction
expected_opinfo_outer = [
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 8 , argval = ( 3 , 4 ) , argrepr = ' (3, 4) ' , offset = 0 , starts_line = 2 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CLOSURE ' , opcode = 135 , arg = 0 , argval = ' a ' , argrepr = ' a ' , offset = 2 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CLOSURE ' , opcode = 135 , arg = 1 , argval = ' b ' , argrepr = ' b ' , offset = 4 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' BUILD_TUPLE ' , opcode = 102 , arg = 2 , argval = 2 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 6 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 3 , argval = code_object_f , argrepr = repr ( code_object_f ) , offset = 8 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 4 , argval = ' outer.<locals>.f ' , argrepr = " ' outer.<locals>.f ' " , offset = 10 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' MAKE_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 132 , arg = 9 , argval = 9 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 12 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' STORE_FAST ' , opcode = 125 , arg = 2 , argval = ' f ' , argrepr = ' f ' , offset = 14 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 0 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 16 , starts_line = 7 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 0 , argval = ' a ' , argrepr = ' a ' , offset = 18 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 1 , argval = ' b ' , argrepr = ' b ' , offset = 20 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 5 , argval = ' ' , argrepr = " ' ' " , offset = 22 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 6 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' 1 ' , offset = 24 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' BUILD_LIST ' , opcode = 103 , arg = 0 , argval = 0 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 26 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' BUILD_MAP ' , opcode = 105 , arg = 0 , argval = 0 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 28 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 7 , argval = ' Hello world! ' , argrepr = " ' Hello world! ' " , offset = 30 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 7 , argval = 7 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 32 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 34 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 2 , argval = ' f ' , argrepr = ' f ' , offset = 36 , starts_line = 8 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' RETURN_VALUE ' , opcode = 83 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 38 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
expected_opinfo_f = [
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 5 , argval = ( 5 , 6 ) , argrepr = ' (5, 6) ' , offset = 0 , starts_line = 3 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CLOSURE ' , opcode = 135 , arg = 2 , argval = ' a ' , argrepr = ' a ' , offset = 2 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CLOSURE ' , opcode = 135 , arg = 3 , argval = ' b ' , argrepr = ' b ' , offset = 4 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CLOSURE ' , opcode = 135 , arg = 0 , argval = ' c ' , argrepr = ' c ' , offset = 6 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CLOSURE ' , opcode = 135 , arg = 1 , argval = ' d ' , argrepr = ' d ' , offset = 8 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' BUILD_TUPLE ' , opcode = 102 , arg = 4 , argval = 4 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 10 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 3 , argval = code_object_inner , argrepr = repr ( code_object_inner ) , offset = 12 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 4 , argval = ' outer.<locals>.f.<locals>.inner ' , argrepr = " ' outer.<locals>.f.<locals>.inner ' " , offset = 14 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' MAKE_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 132 , arg = 9 , argval = 9 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 16 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' STORE_FAST ' , opcode = 125 , arg = 2 , argval = ' inner ' , argrepr = ' inner ' , offset = 18 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 0 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 20 , starts_line = 5 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 2 , argval = ' a ' , argrepr = ' a ' , offset = 22 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 3 , argval = ' b ' , argrepr = ' b ' , offset = 24 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 0 , argval = ' c ' , argrepr = ' c ' , offset = 26 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 1 , argval = ' d ' , argrepr = ' d ' , offset = 28 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 4 , argval = 4 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 30 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 32 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 2 , argval = ' inner ' , argrepr = ' inner ' , offset = 34 , starts_line = 6 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' RETURN_VALUE ' , opcode = 83 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 36 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
expected_opinfo_inner = [
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 0 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 0 , starts_line = 4 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 0 , argval = ' a ' , argrepr = ' a ' , offset = 2 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 1 , argval = ' b ' , argrepr = ' b ' , offset = 4 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 2 , argval = ' c ' , argrepr = ' c ' , offset = 6 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_DEREF ' , opcode = 136 , arg = 3 , argval = ' d ' , argrepr = ' d ' , offset = 8 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' e ' , argrepr = ' e ' , offset = 10 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 1 , argval = ' f ' , argrepr = ' f ' , offset = 12 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 6 , argval = 6 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 14 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 16 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 0 , argval = None , argrepr = ' None ' , offset = 18 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' RETURN_VALUE ' , opcode = 83 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 20 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
expected_opinfo_jumpy = [
Instruction ( opname = ' SETUP_LOOP ' , opcode = 120 , arg = 52 , argval = 54 , argrepr = ' to 54 ' , offset = 0 , starts_line = 3 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 0 , argval = ' range ' , argrepr = ' range ' , offset = 2 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 1 , argval = 10 , argrepr = ' 10 ' , offset = 4 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 1 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 6 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' GET_ITER ' , opcode = 68 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 8 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' FOR_ITER ' , opcode = 93 , arg = 32 , argval = 44 , argrepr = ' to 44 ' , offset = 10 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' STORE_FAST ' , opcode = 125 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 12 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 1 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 14 , starts_line = 4 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 16 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 1 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 18 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 20 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 22 , starts_line = 5 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 2 , argval = 4 , argrepr = ' 4 ' , offset = 24 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' COMPARE_OP ' , opcode = 107 , arg = 0 , argval = ' < ' , argrepr = ' < ' , offset = 26 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE ' , opcode = 114 , arg = 32 , argval = 32 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 28 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' JUMP_ABSOLUTE ' , opcode = 113 , arg = 10 , argval = 10 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 30 , starts_line = 6 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 32 , starts_line = 7 , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 3 , argval = 6 , argrepr = ' 6 ' , offset = 34 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' COMPARE_OP ' , opcode = 107 , arg = 4 , argval = ' > ' , argrepr = ' > ' , offset = 36 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE ' , opcode = 114 , arg = 10 , argval = 10 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 38 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' BREAK_LOOP ' , opcode = 80 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 40 , starts_line = 8 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' JUMP_ABSOLUTE ' , opcode = 113 , arg = 10 , argval = 10 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 42 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_BLOCK ' , opcode = 87 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 44 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 1 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 46 , starts_line = 10 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 4 , argval = ' I can haz else clause? ' , argrepr = " ' I can haz else clause? ' " , offset = 48 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 1 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 50 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 52 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' SETUP_LOOP ' , opcode = 120 , arg = 52 , argval = 108 , argrepr = ' to 108 ' , offset = 54 , starts_line = 11 , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 56 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE ' , opcode = 114 , arg = 98 , argval = 98 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 58 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 1 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 60 , starts_line = 12 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 62 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 1 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 64 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 66 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 68 , starts_line = 13 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 5 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' 1 ' , offset = 70 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' INPLACE_SUBTRACT ' , opcode = 56 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 72 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' STORE_FAST ' , opcode = 125 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 74 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 76 , starts_line = 14 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 3 , argval = 6 , argrepr = ' 6 ' , offset = 78 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' COMPARE_OP ' , opcode = 107 , arg = 4 , argval = ' > ' , argrepr = ' > ' , offset = 80 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE ' , opcode = 114 , arg = 86 , argval = 86 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 82 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' JUMP_ABSOLUTE ' , opcode = 113 , arg = 56 , argval = 56 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 84 , starts_line = 15 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 86 , starts_line = 16 , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 2 , argval = 4 , argrepr = ' 4 ' , offset = 88 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' COMPARE_OP ' , opcode = 107 , arg = 0 , argval = ' < ' , argrepr = ' < ' , offset = 90 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE ' , opcode = 114 , arg = 56 , argval = 56 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 92 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' BREAK_LOOP ' , opcode = 80 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 94 , starts_line = 17 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' JUMP_ABSOLUTE ' , opcode = 113 , arg = 56 , argval = 56 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 96 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_BLOCK ' , opcode = 87 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 98 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 1 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 100 , starts_line = 19 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 6 , argval = ' Who let lolcatz into this test suite? ' , argrepr = " ' Who let lolcatz into this test suite? ' " , offset = 102 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 1 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 104 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 106 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' SETUP_FINALLY ' , opcode = 122 , arg = 70 , argval = 180 , argrepr = ' to 180 ' , offset = 108 , starts_line = 20 , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' SETUP_EXCEPT ' , opcode = 121 , arg = 12 , argval = 124 , argrepr = ' to 124 ' , offset = 110 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 5 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' 1 ' , offset = 112 , starts_line = 21 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 7 , argval = 0 , argrepr = ' 0 ' , offset = 114 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE ' , opcode = 27 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 116 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 118 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_BLOCK ' , opcode = 87 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 120 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' JUMP_FORWARD ' , opcode = 110 , arg = 28 , argval = 152 , argrepr = ' to 152 ' , offset = 122 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' DUP_TOP ' , opcode = 4 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 124 , starts_line = 22 , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 2 , argval = ' ZeroDivisionError ' , argrepr = ' ZeroDivisionError ' , offset = 126 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' COMPARE_OP ' , opcode = 107 , arg = 10 , argval = ' exception match ' , argrepr = ' exception match ' , offset = 128 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE ' , opcode = 114 , arg = 150 , argval = 150 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 130 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 132 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 134 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 136 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 1 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 138 , starts_line = 23 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 8 , argval = ' Here we go, here we go, here we go... ' , argrepr = " ' Here we go, here we go, here we go... ' " , offset = 140 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 1 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 142 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 144 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_EXCEPT ' , opcode = 89 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 146 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' JUMP_FORWARD ' , opcode = 110 , arg = 26 , argval = 176 , argrepr = ' to 176 ' , offset = 148 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' END_FINALLY ' , opcode = 88 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 150 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_FAST ' , opcode = 124 , arg = 0 , argval = ' i ' , argrepr = ' i ' , offset = 152 , starts_line = 25 , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' SETUP_WITH ' , opcode = 143 , arg = 14 , argval = 170 , argrepr = ' to 170 ' , offset = 154 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' STORE_FAST ' , opcode = 125 , arg = 1 , argval = ' dodgy ' , argrepr = ' dodgy ' , offset = 156 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 1 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 158 , starts_line = 26 , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 9 , argval = ' Never reach this ' , argrepr = " ' Never reach this ' " , offset = 160 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 1 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 162 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 164 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_BLOCK ' , opcode = 87 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 166 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 0 , argval = None , argrepr = ' None ' , offset = 168 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' WITH_CLEANUP_START ' , opcode = 81 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 170 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' WITH_CLEANUP_FINISH ' , opcode = 82 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 172 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' END_FINALLY ' , opcode = 88 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 174 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_BLOCK ' , opcode = 87 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 176 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 0 , argval = None , argrepr = ' None ' , offset = 178 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_GLOBAL ' , opcode = 116 , arg = 1 , argval = ' print ' , argrepr = ' print ' , offset = 180 , starts_line = 28 , is_jump_target = True ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 10 , argval = " OK, now we ' re done " , argrepr = ' " OK, now we \' re done " ' , offset = 182 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' CALL_FUNCTION ' , opcode = 131 , arg = 1 , argval = 1 , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 184 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' POP_TOP ' , opcode = 1 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 186 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' END_FINALLY ' , opcode = 88 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 188 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 0 , argval = None , argrepr = ' None ' , offset = 190 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' RETURN_VALUE ' , opcode = 83 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 192 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False ) ,
# One last piece of inspect fodder to check the default line number handling
def simple ( ) : pass
expected_opinfo_simple = [
Instruction ( opname = ' LOAD_CONST ' , opcode = 100 , arg = 0 , argval = None , argrepr = ' None ' , offset = 0 , starts_line = simple . __code__ . co_firstlineno , is_jump_target = False ) ,
Instruction ( opname = ' RETURN_VALUE ' , opcode = 83 , arg = None , argval = None , argrepr = ' ' , offset = 2 , starts_line = None , is_jump_target = False )
class InstructionTests ( BytecodeTestCase ) :
def test_default_first_line ( self ) :
actual = dis . get_instructions ( simple )
self . assertEqual ( list ( actual ) , expected_opinfo_simple )
def test_first_line_set_to_None ( self ) :
actual = dis . get_instructions ( simple , first_line = None )
self . assertEqual ( list ( actual ) , expected_opinfo_simple )
def test_outer ( self ) :
actual = dis . get_instructions ( outer , first_line = expected_outer_line )
self . assertEqual ( list ( actual ) , expected_opinfo_outer )
def test_nested ( self ) :
with captured_stdout ( ) :
f = outer ( )
actual = dis . get_instructions ( f , first_line = expected_f_line )
self . assertEqual ( list ( actual ) , expected_opinfo_f )
def test_doubly_nested ( self ) :
with captured_stdout ( ) :
inner = outer ( ) ( )
actual = dis . get_instructions ( inner , first_line = expected_inner_line )
self . assertEqual ( list ( actual ) , expected_opinfo_inner )
def test_jumpy ( self ) :
actual = dis . get_instructions ( jumpy , first_line = expected_jumpy_line )
self . assertEqual ( list ( actual ) , expected_opinfo_jumpy )
# get_instructions has its own tests above, so can rely on it to validate
# the object oriented API
class BytecodeTests ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def test_instantiation ( self ) :
# Test with function, method, code string and code object
for obj in [ _f , _C ( 1 ) . __init__ , " a=1 " , _f . __code__ ] :
with self . subTest ( obj = obj ) :
b = dis . Bytecode ( obj )
self . assertIsInstance ( b . codeobj , types . CodeType )
self . assertRaises ( TypeError , dis . Bytecode , object ( ) )
def test_iteration ( self ) :
for obj in [ _f , _C ( 1 ) . __init__ , " a=1 " , _f . __code__ ] :
with self . subTest ( obj = obj ) :
via_object = list ( dis . Bytecode ( obj ) )
via_generator = list ( dis . get_instructions ( obj ) )
self . assertEqual ( via_object , via_generator )
def test_explicit_first_line ( self ) :
actual = dis . Bytecode ( outer , first_line = expected_outer_line )
self . assertEqual ( list ( actual ) , expected_opinfo_outer )
def test_source_line_in_disassembly ( self ) :
# Use the line in the source code
actual = dis . Bytecode ( simple ) . dis ( ) [ : 3 ]
expected = " {:>3} " . format ( simple . __code__ . co_firstlineno )
self . assertEqual ( actual , expected )
# Use an explicit first line number
actual = dis . Bytecode ( simple , first_line = 350 ) . dis ( ) [ : 3 ]
self . assertEqual ( actual , " 350 " )
2022-05-13 12:05:12 +00:00
@unittest.skipIf ( " tiny " in cosmo . MODE , " docstrings not present " )
2021-08-08 04:08:33 +00:00
def test_info ( self ) :
self . maxDiff = 1000
for x , expected in CodeInfoTests . test_pairs :
b = dis . Bytecode ( x )
self . assertRegex ( b . info ( ) , expected )
def test_disassembled ( self ) :
actual = dis . Bytecode ( _f ) . dis ( )
self . assertEqual ( actual , dis_f )
def test_from_traceback ( self ) :
tb = get_tb ( )
b = dis . Bytecode . from_traceback ( tb )
while tb . tb_next : tb = tb . tb_next
self . assertEqual ( b . current_offset , tb . tb_lasti )
def test_from_traceback_dis ( self ) :
tb = get_tb ( )
b = dis . Bytecode . from_traceback ( tb )
self . assertEqual ( b . dis ( ) , dis_traceback )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
unittest . main ( )