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import sys
import unittest
from test import support
pwd = support.import_module('pwd')
def _getpwall():
# Android does not have getpwall.
if hasattr(pwd, 'getpwall'):
return pwd.getpwall()
elif hasattr(pwd, 'getpwuid'):
return [pwd.getpwuid(0)]
return []
class PwdTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_values(self):
entries = _getpwall()
for e in entries:
self.assertEqual(len(e), 7)
self.assertEqual(e[0], e.pw_name)
self.assertIsInstance(e.pw_name, str)
self.assertEqual(e[1], e.pw_passwd)
self.assertIsInstance(e.pw_passwd, str)
self.assertEqual(e[2], e.pw_uid)
self.assertIsInstance(e.pw_uid, int)
self.assertEqual(e[3], e.pw_gid)
self.assertIsInstance(e.pw_gid, int)
self.assertEqual(e[4], e.pw_gecos)
self.assertIsInstance(e.pw_gecos, str)
self.assertEqual(e[5], e.pw_dir)
self.assertIsInstance(e.pw_dir, str)
self.assertEqual(e[6], e.pw_shell)
self.assertIsInstance(e.pw_shell, str)
# The following won't work, because of duplicate entries
# for one uid
# self.assertEqual(pwd.getpwuid(e.pw_uid), e)
# instead of this collect all entries for one uid
# and check afterwards (done in test_values_extended)
def test_values_extended(self):
entries = _getpwall()
entriesbyname = {}
entriesbyuid = {}
if len(entries) > 1000: # Huge passwd file (NIS?) -- skip this test
self.skipTest('passwd file is huge; extended test skipped')
for e in entries:
entriesbyname.setdefault(e.pw_name, []).append(e)
entriesbyuid.setdefault(e.pw_uid, []).append(e)
# check whether the entry returned by getpwuid()
# for each uid is among those from getpwall() for this uid
for e in entries:
if not e[0] or e[0] == '+':
continue # skip NIS entries etc.
self.assertIn(pwd.getpwnam(e.pw_name), entriesbyname[e.pw_name])
self.assertIn(pwd.getpwuid(e.pw_uid), entriesbyuid[e.pw_uid])
def test_errors(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, pwd.getpwuid)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, pwd.getpwuid, 3.14)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, pwd.getpwnam)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, pwd.getpwnam, 42)
if hasattr(pwd, 'getpwall'):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, pwd.getpwall, 42)
# try to get some errors
bynames = {}
byuids = {}
for (n, p, u, g, gecos, d, s) in _getpwall():
bynames[n] = u
byuids[u] = n
allnames = list(bynames.keys())
namei = 0
fakename = allnames[namei]
while fakename in bynames:
chars = list(fakename)
for i in range(len(chars)):
if chars[i] == 'z':
chars[i] = 'A'
elif chars[i] == 'Z':
chars[i] = chr(ord(chars[i]) + 1)
namei = namei + 1
fakename = allnames[namei]
except IndexError:
# should never happen... if so, just forget it
fakename = ''.join(chars)
self.assertRaises(KeyError, pwd.getpwnam, fakename)
# In some cases, byuids isn't a complete list of all users in the
# system, so if we try to pick a value not in byuids (via a perturbing
# loop, say), pwd.getpwuid() might still be able to find data for that
# uid. Using sys.maxint may provoke the same problems, but hopefully
# it will be a more repeatable failure.
# Android accepts a very large span of uids including sys.maxsize and
# -1; it raises KeyError with 1 or 2 for example.
fakeuid = sys.maxsize
self.assertNotIn(fakeuid, byuids)
if not support.is_android:
self.assertRaises(KeyError, pwd.getpwuid, fakeuid)
# -1 shouldn't be a valid uid because it has a special meaning in many
# uid-related functions
if not support.is_android:
self.assertRaises(KeyError, pwd.getpwuid, -1)
# should be out of uid_t range
self.assertRaises(KeyError, pwd.getpwuid, 2**128)
self.assertRaises(KeyError, pwd.getpwuid, -2**128)
if __name__ == "__main__":