Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
// -*- C++ -*-
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
vector synopsis
namespace std
template <class T, class Allocator = allocator<T> >
class vector
typedef T value_type;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::reference reference;
typedef typename allocator_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef implementation-defined iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_iterator;
typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
explicit vector(const allocator_type&);
explicit vector(size_type n);
explicit vector(size_type n, const allocator_type&); // C++14
vector(size_type n, const value_type& value, const allocator_type& = allocator_type());
template <class InputIterator>
vector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const allocator_type& = allocator_type());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
constexpr vector(from_range_t, R&& rg, const Allocator& = Allocator()); // C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(const vector& x);
vector(vector&& x)
vector(initializer_list<value_type> il);
vector(initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type& a);
vector& operator=(const vector& x);
vector& operator=(vector&& x)
allocator_type::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value ||
allocator_type::is_always_equal::value); // C++17
vector& operator=(initializer_list<value_type> il);
template <class InputIterator>
void assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
constexpr void assign_range(R&& rg); // C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void assign(size_type n, const value_type& u);
void assign(initializer_list<value_type> il);
allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;
iterator begin() noexcept;
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
iterator end() noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept;
reverse_iterator rend() noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept;
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept;
size_type size() const noexcept;
size_type max_size() const noexcept;
size_type capacity() const noexcept;
bool empty() const noexcept;
void reserve(size_type n);
void shrink_to_fit() noexcept;
reference operator[](size_type n);
const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
reference at(size_type n);
const_reference at(size_type n) const;
reference front();
const_reference front() const;
reference back();
const_reference back() const;
value_type* data() noexcept;
const value_type* data() const noexcept;
void push_back(const value_type& x);
void push_back(value_type&& x);
template <class... Args>
reference emplace_back(Args&&... args); // reference in C++17
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
constexpr void append_range(R&& rg); // C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void pop_back();
template <class... Args> iterator emplace(const_iterator position, Args&&... args);
iterator insert(const_iterator position, const value_type& x);
iterator insert(const_iterator position, value_type&& x);
iterator insert(const_iterator position, size_type n, const value_type& x);
template <class InputIterator>
iterator insert(const_iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
constexpr iterator insert_range(const_iterator position, R&& rg); // C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator insert(const_iterator position, initializer_list<value_type> il);
iterator erase(const_iterator position);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
void clear() noexcept;
void resize(size_type sz);
void resize(size_type sz, const value_type& c);
void swap(vector&)
noexcept(allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_swap::value ||
allocator_traits<allocator_type>::is_always_equal::value); // C++17
bool __invariants() const;
template <class Allocator = allocator<T> >
class vector<bool, Allocator>
typedef bool value_type;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef implementation-defined iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_iterator;
typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef iterator pointer;
typedef const_iterator const_pointer;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
class reference
reference(const reference&) noexcept;
operator bool() const noexcept;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
reference& operator=(bool x) noexcept;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
reference& operator=(const reference& x) noexcept;
iterator operator&() const noexcept;
void flip() noexcept;
class const_reference
const_reference(const reference&) noexcept;
operator bool() const noexcept;
const_iterator operator&() const noexcept;
explicit vector(const allocator_type&);
explicit vector(size_type n, const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()); // C++14
vector(size_type n, const value_type& value, const allocator_type& = allocator_type());
template <class InputIterator>
vector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const allocator_type& = allocator_type());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<container-compatible-range<bool> R>
constexpr vector(from_range_t, R&& rg, const Allocator& = Allocator());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(const vector& x);
vector(vector&& x)
vector(initializer_list<value_type> il);
vector(initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type& a);
vector& operator=(const vector& x);
vector& operator=(vector&& x)
allocator_type::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value ||
allocator_type::is_always_equal::value); // C++17
vector& operator=(initializer_list<value_type> il);
template <class InputIterator>
void assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
constexpr void assign_range(R&& rg); // C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void assign(size_type n, const value_type& u);
void assign(initializer_list<value_type> il);
allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;
iterator begin() noexcept;
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
iterator end() noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept;
reverse_iterator rend() noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept;
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept;
size_type size() const noexcept;
size_type max_size() const noexcept;
size_type capacity() const noexcept;
bool empty() const noexcept;
void reserve(size_type n);
void shrink_to_fit() noexcept;
reference operator[](size_type n);
const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
reference at(size_type n);
const_reference at(size_type n) const;
reference front();
const_reference front() const;
reference back();
const_reference back() const;
void push_back(const value_type& x);
template <class... Args> reference emplace_back(Args&&... args); // C++14; reference in C++17
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
constexpr void append_range(R&& rg); // C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void pop_back();
template <class... Args> iterator emplace(const_iterator position, Args&&... args); // C++14
iterator insert(const_iterator position, const value_type& x);
iterator insert(const_iterator position, size_type n, const value_type& x);
template <class InputIterator>
iterator insert(const_iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
constexpr iterator insert_range(const_iterator position, R&& rg); // C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator insert(const_iterator position, initializer_list<value_type> il);
iterator erase(const_iterator position);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
void clear() noexcept;
void resize(size_type sz);
void resize(size_type sz, value_type x);
void swap(vector&)
noexcept(allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_swap::value ||
allocator_traits<allocator_type>::is_always_equal::value); // C++17
void flip() noexcept;
bool __invariants() const;
template <class InputIterator, class Allocator = allocator<typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>>
vector(InputIterator, InputIterator, Allocator = Allocator())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
-> vector<typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type, Allocator>; // C++17
template<ranges::input_range R, class Allocator = allocator<ranges::range_value_t<R>>>
vector(from_range_t, R&&, Allocator = Allocator())
-> vector<ranges::range_value_t<R>, Allocator>; // C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class Allocator> struct hash<std::vector<bool, Allocator>>;
template <class T, class Allocator> bool operator==(const vector<T,Allocator>& x, const vector<T,Allocator>& y);
template <class T, class Allocator> bool operator< (const vector<T,Allocator>& x, const vector<T,Allocator>& y);
template <class T, class Allocator> bool operator!=(const vector<T,Allocator>& x, const vector<T,Allocator>& y);
template <class T, class Allocator> bool operator> (const vector<T,Allocator>& x, const vector<T,Allocator>& y);
template <class T, class Allocator> bool operator>=(const vector<T,Allocator>& x, const vector<T,Allocator>& y);
template <class T, class Allocator> bool operator<=(const vector<T,Allocator>& x, const vector<T,Allocator>& y);
template <class T, class Allocator>
void swap(vector<T,Allocator>& x, vector<T,Allocator>& y)
template <class T, class Allocator, class U>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typename vector<T, Allocator>::size_type
erase(vector<T, Allocator>& c, const U& value); // C++20
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class T, class Allocator, class Predicate>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typename vector<T, Allocator>::size_type
erase_if(vector<T, Allocator>& c, Predicate pred); // C++20
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<class T>
inline constexpr bool is-vector-bool-reference = see below; // exposition only, since C++23
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template<class T, class charT> requires is-vector-bool-reference<T> // Since C++23
struct formatter<T, charT>;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
} // std
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#include <__algorithm/copy.h>
#include <__algorithm/equal.h>
#include <__algorithm/fill_n.h>
#include <__algorithm/iterator_operations.h>
#include <__algorithm/lexicographical_compare.h>
#include <__algorithm/remove.h>
#include <__algorithm/remove_if.h>
#include <__algorithm/rotate.h>
#include <__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h>
#include <__assert> // all public C++ headers provide the assertion handler
#include <__bit_reference>
#include <__concepts/same_as.h>
#include <__config>
#include <__debug>
#include <__format/enable_insertable.h>
#include <__format/formatter.h>
#include <__format/formatter_bool.h>
#include <__functional/hash.h>
#include <__functional/unary_function.h>
#include <__iterator/advance.h>
#include <__iterator/distance.h>
#include <__iterator/iterator_traits.h>
#include <__iterator/reverse_iterator.h>
#include <__iterator/wrap_iter.h>
#include <__memory/addressof.h>
#include <__memory/allocate_at_least.h>
#include <__memory/allocator_traits.h>
#include <__memory/pointer_traits.h>
#include <__memory/swap_allocator.h>
#include <__memory/temp_value.h>
#include <__memory/uninitialized_algorithms.h>
#include <__memory_resource/polymorphic_allocator.h>
#include <__ranges/access.h>
#include <__ranges/concepts.h>
#include <__ranges/container_compatible_range.h>
#include <__ranges/from_range.h>
#include <__ranges/size.h>
#include <__split_buffer>
#include <__type_traits/is_allocator.h>
#include <__type_traits/is_constructible.h>
#include <__type_traits/is_nothrow_move_assignable.h>
#include <__type_traits/noexcept_move_assign_container.h>
#include <__type_traits/type_identity.h>
#include <__utility/exception_guard.h>
#include <__utility/forward.h>
#include <__utility/move.h>
#include <__utility/pair.h>
#include <__utility/swap.h>
#include <climits>
#include <cstring>
#include <iosfwd> // for forward declaration of vector
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <version>
// standard-mandated includes
// [iterator.range]
#include <__iterator/access.h>
#include <__iterator/data.h>
#include <__iterator/empty.h>
#include <__iterator/reverse_access.h>
#include <__iterator/size.h>
// [vector.syn]
#include <compare>
#include <initializer_list>
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
# pragma GCC system_header
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#include <__undef_macros>
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator /* = allocator<_Tp> */>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typedef allocator<_Tp> __default_allocator_type;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typedef vector __self;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef _Allocator allocator_type;
typedef allocator_traits<allocator_type> __alloc_traits;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef typename __alloc_traits::size_type size_type;
typedef typename __alloc_traits::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename __alloc_traits::pointer pointer;
typedef typename __alloc_traits::const_pointer const_pointer;
// TODO: Implement iterator bounds checking without requiring the global database.
typedef __wrap_iter<pointer> iterator;
typedef __wrap_iter<const_pointer> const_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
static_assert((is_same<typename allocator_type::value_type, value_type>::value),
"Allocator::value_type must be same type as value_type");
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
static_assert(is_same<allocator_type, __rebind_alloc<__alloc_traits, value_type> >::value,
"[allocator.requirements] states that rebinding an allocator to the same type should result in the "
"original allocator");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector() _NOEXCEPT_(is_nothrow_default_constructible<allocator_type>::value)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI explicit vector(const allocator_type& __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER <= 14
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI explicit vector(size_type __n);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI explicit vector(size_type __n, const allocator_type& __a);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI vector(size_type __n, const value_type& __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class = __enable_if_t<__is_allocator<_Allocator>::value> >
vector(size_type __n, const value_type& __x, const allocator_type& __a)
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
if (__n > 0)
__construct_at_end(__n, __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator,
__enable_if_t<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<value_type, typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference>::value,
int> = 0>
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI vector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
template <class _InputIterator,
__enable_if_t<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<value_type, typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference>::value,
int> = 0>
vector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a);
template <
class _ForwardIterator,
__enable_if_t<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<value_type, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference>::value,
int> = 0>
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI vector(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
template <class _ForwardIterator,
__enable_if_t<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<value_type, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference>::value,
int> = 0>
vector(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <_ContainerCompatibleRange<_Tp> _Range>
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr vector(from_range_t, _Range&& __range,
const allocator_type& __alloc = allocator_type()) : __end_cap_(nullptr, __alloc) {
if constexpr (ranges::forward_range<_Range> || ranges::sized_range<_Range>) {
auto __n = static_cast<size_type>(ranges::distance(__range));
__init_with_size(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range), __n);
} else {
__init_with_sentinel(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range));
class __destroy_vector {
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI __destroy_vector(vector& __vec) : __vec_(__vec) {}
if (__vec_.__begin_ != nullptr) {
__alloc_traits::deallocate(__vec_.__alloc(), __vec_.__begin_, __vec_.capacity());
vector& __vec_;
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI ~vector() { __destroy_vector(*this)(); }
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI vector(const vector& __x, const __type_identity_t<allocator_type>& __a);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector& operator=(const vector& __x);
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il, const allocator_type& __a);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector& operator=(initializer_list<value_type> __il)
{assign(__il.begin(), __il.end()); return *this;}
#endif // !_LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(vector&& __x)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector(vector&& __x, const __type_identity_t<allocator_type>& __a);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector& operator=(vector&& __x)
_NOEXCEPT_((__noexcept_move_assign_container<_Allocator, __alloc_traits>::value));
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator,
__enable_if_t<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<value_type, typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference>::value,
int> = 0>
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void assign(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
template <
class _ForwardIterator,
__enable_if_t<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<value_type, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference>::value,
int> = 0>
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void assign(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <_ContainerCompatibleRange<_Tp> _Range>
constexpr void assign_range(_Range&& __range) {
if constexpr (ranges::forward_range<_Range> || ranges::sized_range<_Range>) {
auto __n = static_cast<size_type>(ranges::distance(__range));
__assign_with_size(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range), __n);
} else {
__assign_with_sentinel(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void assign(size_type __n, const_reference __u);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void assign(initializer_list<value_type> __il)
{assign(__il.begin(), __il.end());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
allocator_type get_allocator() const _NOEXCEPT
{return this->__alloc();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
reverse_iterator rbegin() _NOEXCEPT
{return reverse_iterator(end());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
{return const_reverse_iterator(end());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
reverse_iterator rend() _NOEXCEPT
{return reverse_iterator(begin());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_reverse_iterator rend() const _NOEXCEPT
{return const_reverse_iterator(begin());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_iterator cbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
{return begin();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_iterator cend() const _NOEXCEPT
{return end();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
{return rbegin();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_reverse_iterator crend() const _NOEXCEPT
{return rend();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type size() const _NOEXCEPT
{return static_cast<size_type>(this->__end_ - this->__begin_);}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type capacity() const _NOEXCEPT
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
{return static_cast<size_type>(__end_cap() - this->__begin_);}
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
bool empty() const _NOEXCEPT
{return this->__begin_ == this->__end_;}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void reserve(size_type __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI reference operator[](size_type __n) _NOEXCEPT;
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI const_reference operator[](size_type __n) const _NOEXCEPT;
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI reference at(size_type __n);
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI const_reference at(size_type __n) const;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(!empty(), "front() called on an empty vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return *this->__begin_;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(!empty(), "front() called on an empty vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return *this->__begin_;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(!empty(), "back() called on an empty vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return *(this->__end_ - 1);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(!empty(), "back() called on an empty vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return *(this->__end_ - 1);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
value_type* data() _NOEXCEPT
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
{return std::__to_address(this->__begin_);}
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
const value_type* data() const _NOEXCEPT
{return std::__to_address(this->__begin_);}
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void push_back(const_reference __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void push_back(value_type&& __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class... _Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
reference emplace_back(_Args&&... __args);
void emplace_back(_Args&&... __args);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <_ContainerCompatibleRange<_Tp> _Range>
constexpr void append_range(_Range&& __range) {
insert_range(end(), std::forward<_Range>(__range));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void pop_back();
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI iterator insert(const_iterator __position, const_reference __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI iterator insert(const_iterator __position, value_type&& __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class... _Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI iterator emplace(const_iterator __position, _Args&&... __args);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator insert(const_iterator __position, size_type __n, const_reference __x);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator,
__enable_if_t<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value &&
is_constructible< value_type, typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference>::value,
int> = 0>
insert(const_iterator __position, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <_ContainerCompatibleRange<_Tp> _Range>
constexpr iterator insert_range(const_iterator __position, _Range&& __range) {
if constexpr (ranges::forward_range<_Range> || ranges::sized_range<_Range>) {
auto __n = static_cast<size_type>(ranges::distance(__range));
return __insert_with_size(__position, ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range), __n);
} else {
return __insert_with_sentinel(__position, ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range));
template <
class _ForwardIterator,
__enable_if_t<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value &&
is_constructible< value_type, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference>::value,
int> = 0>
insert(const_iterator __position, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator insert(const_iterator __position, initializer_list<value_type> __il)
{return insert(__position, __il.begin(), __il.end());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI iterator erase(const_iterator __position);
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI iterator erase(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void clear() _NOEXCEPT
size_type __old_size = size();
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void resize(size_type __sz);
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void resize(size_type __sz, const_reference __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
_NOEXCEPT_(!__alloc_traits::propagate_on_container_swap::value ||
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
bool __dereferenceable(const const_iterator* __i) const;
bool __decrementable(const const_iterator* __i) const;
bool __addable(const const_iterator* __i, ptrdiff_t __n) const;
bool __subscriptable(const const_iterator* __i, ptrdiff_t __n) const;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
pointer __begin_ = nullptr;
pointer __end_ = nullptr;
__compressed_pair<pointer, allocator_type> __end_cap_ =
__compressed_pair<pointer, allocator_type>(nullptr, __default_init_tag());
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __invalidate_iterators_past(pointer __new_last);
// Allocate space for __n objects
// throws length_error if __n > max_size()
// throws (probably bad_alloc) if memory run out
// Precondition: __begin_ == __end_ == __end_cap() == 0
// Precondition: __n > 0
// Postcondition: capacity() >= __n
// Postcondition: size() == 0
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __vallocate(size_type __n) {
if (__n > max_size())
auto __allocation = std::__allocate_at_least(__alloc(), __n);
__begin_ = __allocation.ptr;
__end_ = __allocation.ptr;
__end_cap() = __begin_ + __allocation.count;
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI size_type __recommend(size_type __new_size) const;
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __construct_at_end(size_type __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __construct_at_end(size_type __n, const_reference __x);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
void __init_with_size(_InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, size_type __n) {
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
if (__n > 0) {
__construct_at_end(__first, __last, __n);
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
void __init_with_sentinel(_InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last) {
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
template <class _Iterator, class _Sentinel>
void __assign_with_sentinel(_Iterator __first, _Sentinel __last);
template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Sentinel>
void __assign_with_size(_ForwardIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, difference_type __n);
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
iterator __insert_with_sentinel(const_iterator __position, _InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last);
template <class _Iterator, class _Sentinel>
iterator __insert_with_size(const_iterator __position, _Iterator __first, _Sentinel __last, difference_type __n);
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
void __construct_at_end(_InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, size_type __n);
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __append(size_type __n);
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __append(size_type __n, const_reference __x);
iterator __make_iter(pointer __p) _NOEXCEPT { return iterator(this, __p); }
const_iterator __make_iter(const_pointer __p) const _NOEXCEPT { return const_iterator(this, __p); }
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __swap_out_circular_buffer(__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&>& __v);
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI pointer __swap_out_circular_buffer(__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&>& __v, pointer __p);
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __move_range(pointer __from_s, pointer __from_e, pointer __to);
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __move_assign(vector& __c, true_type)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void __move_assign(vector& __c, false_type)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __destruct_at_end(pointer __new_last) _NOEXCEPT
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
if (!__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type __old_size = size();
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Up>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
inline void __push_back_slow_path(_Up&& __x);
template <class... _Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
inline void __emplace_back_slow_path(_Args&&... __args);
// The following functions are no-ops outside of AddressSanitizer mode.
// We call annotatations only for the default Allocator because other allocators
// may not meet the AddressSanitizer alignment constraints.
// See the documentation for __sanitizer_annotate_contiguous_container for more details.
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __annotate_contiguous_container(const void *__beg, const void *__end,
const void *__old_mid,
const void *__new_mid) const
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
if (!__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated() && __beg != nullptr && __asan_annotate_container_with_allocator<_Allocator>::value)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__sanitizer_annotate_contiguous_container(__beg, __end, __old_mid, __new_mid);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __annotate_contiguous_container(const void*, const void*, const void*,
const void*) const _NOEXCEPT {}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __annotate_new(size_type __current_size) const _NOEXCEPT {
__annotate_contiguous_container(data(), data() + capacity(),
data() + capacity(), data() + __current_size);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __annotate_delete() const _NOEXCEPT {
__annotate_contiguous_container(data(), data() + capacity(),
data() + size(), data() + capacity());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __annotate_increase(size_type __n) const _NOEXCEPT
__annotate_contiguous_container(data(), data() + capacity(),
data() + size(), data() + size() + __n);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __annotate_shrink(size_type __old_size) const _NOEXCEPT
__annotate_contiguous_container(data(), data() + capacity(),
data() + __old_size, data() + size());
struct _ConstructTransaction {
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
explicit _ConstructTransaction(vector &__v, size_type __n)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
: __v_(__v), __pos_(__v.__end_), __new_end_(__v.__end_ + __n) {
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__v_.__end_ = __pos_;
if (__pos_ != __new_end_) {
__v_.__annotate_shrink(__new_end_ - __v_.__begin_);
vector &__v_;
pointer __pos_;
const_pointer const __new_end_;
_ConstructTransaction(_ConstructTransaction const&) = delete;
_ConstructTransaction& operator=(_ConstructTransaction const&) = delete;
template <class ..._Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __construct_one_at_end(_Args&& ...__args) {
_ConstructTransaction __tx(*this, 1);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__alloc_traits::construct(this->__alloc(), std::__to_address(__tx.__pos_),
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
allocator_type& __alloc() _NOEXCEPT
{return this->__end_cap_.second();}
const allocator_type& __alloc() const _NOEXCEPT
{return this->__end_cap_.second();}
pointer& __end_cap() _NOEXCEPT
{return this->__end_cap_.first();}
const pointer& __end_cap() const _NOEXCEPT
{return this->__end_cap_.first();}
void __clear() _NOEXCEPT {__base_destruct_at_end(this->__begin_);}
void __base_destruct_at_end(pointer __new_last) _NOEXCEPT {
pointer __soon_to_be_end = this->__end_;
while (__new_last != __soon_to_be_end)
__alloc_traits::destroy(__alloc(), std::__to_address(--__soon_to_be_end));
this->__end_ = __new_last;
void __copy_assign_alloc(const vector& __c)
{__copy_assign_alloc(__c, integral_constant<bool,
void __move_assign_alloc(vector& __c)
!__alloc_traits::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value ||
{__move_assign_alloc(__c, integral_constant<bool,
void __throw_length_error() const {
void __throw_out_of_range() const {
void __copy_assign_alloc(const vector& __c, true_type)
if (__alloc() != __c.__alloc())
__alloc_traits::deallocate(__alloc(), this->__begin_, capacity());
this->__begin_ = this->__end_ = __end_cap() = nullptr;
__alloc() = __c.__alloc();
void __copy_assign_alloc(const vector&, false_type)
void __move_assign_alloc(vector& __c, true_type)
__alloc() = std::move(__c.__alloc());
void __move_assign_alloc(vector&, false_type)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template<class _InputIterator,
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
class _Alloc = allocator<__iter_value_type<_InputIterator>>,
class = enable_if_t<__has_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value>,
class = enable_if_t<__is_allocator<_Alloc>::value>
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(_InputIterator, _InputIterator)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
-> vector<__iter_value_type<_InputIterator>, _Alloc>;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template<class _InputIterator,
class _Alloc,
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
class = enable_if_t<__has_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value>,
class = enable_if_t<__is_allocator<_Alloc>::value>
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Alloc)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
-> vector<__iter_value_type<_InputIterator>, _Alloc>;
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <ranges::input_range _Range,
class _Alloc = allocator<ranges::range_value_t<_Range>>,
class = enable_if_t<__is_allocator<_Alloc>::value>
vector(from_range_t, _Range&&, _Alloc = _Alloc())
-> vector<ranges::range_value_t<_Range>, _Alloc>;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__swap_out_circular_buffer(__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&>& __v)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
using _RevIter = std::reverse_iterator<pointer>;
__v.__begin_ = std::__uninitialized_allocator_move_if_noexcept(
__alloc(), _RevIter(__end_), _RevIter(__begin_), _RevIter(__v.__begin_))
std::swap(this->__begin_, __v.__begin_);
std::swap(this->__end_, __v.__end_);
std::swap(this->__end_cap(), __v.__end_cap());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__v.__first_ = __v.__begin_;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::pointer
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__swap_out_circular_buffer(__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&>& __v, pointer __p)
pointer __r = __v.__begin_;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
using _RevIter = std::reverse_iterator<pointer>;
__v.__begin_ = std::__uninitialized_allocator_move_if_noexcept(
__alloc(), _RevIter(__p), _RevIter(__begin_), _RevIter(__v.__begin_))
__v.__end_ = std::__uninitialized_allocator_move_if_noexcept(__alloc(), __p, __end_, __v.__end_);
std::swap(this->__begin_, __v.__begin_);
std::swap(this->__end_, __v.__end_);
std::swap(this->__end_cap(), __v.__end_cap());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__v.__first_ = __v.__begin_;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return __r;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__vdeallocate() _NOEXCEPT
if (this->__begin_ != nullptr)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__alloc_traits::deallocate(this->__alloc(), this->__begin_, capacity());
this->__begin_ = this->__end_ = this->__end_cap() = nullptr;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::size_type
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::max_size() const _NOEXCEPT
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return std::min<size_type>(__alloc_traits::max_size(this->__alloc()),
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
// Precondition: __new_size > capacity()
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::size_type
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__recommend(size_type __new_size) const
const size_type __ms = max_size();
if (__new_size > __ms)
const size_type __cap = capacity();
if (__cap >= __ms / 2)
return __ms;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return std::max<size_type>(2 * __cap, __new_size);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
// Default constructs __n objects starting at __end_
// throws if construction throws
// Precondition: __n > 0
// Precondition: size() + __n <= capacity()
// Postcondition: size() == size() + __n
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__construct_at_end(size_type __n)
_ConstructTransaction __tx(*this, __n);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
const_pointer __new_end = __tx.__new_end_;
for (pointer __pos = __tx.__pos_; __pos != __new_end; __tx.__pos_ = ++__pos) {
__alloc_traits::construct(this->__alloc(), std::__to_address(__pos));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
// Copy constructs __n objects starting at __end_ from __x
// throws if construction throws
// Precondition: __n > 0
// Precondition: size() + __n <= capacity()
// Postcondition: size() == old size() + __n
// Postcondition: [i] == __x for all i in [size() - __n, __n)
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__construct_at_end(size_type __n, const_reference __x)
_ConstructTransaction __tx(*this, __n);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
const_pointer __new_end = __tx.__new_end_;
for (pointer __pos = __tx.__pos_; __pos != __new_end; __tx.__pos_ = ++__pos) {
__alloc_traits::construct(this->__alloc(), std::__to_address(__pos), __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__construct_at_end(_InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, size_type __n) {
_ConstructTransaction __tx(*this, __n);
__tx.__pos_ = std::__uninitialized_allocator_copy(__alloc(), __first, __last, __tx.__pos_);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
// Default constructs __n objects starting at __end_
// throws if construction throws
// Postcondition: size() == size() + __n
// Exception safety: strong.
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__append(size_type __n)
if (static_cast<size_type>(this->__end_cap() - this->__end_) >= __n)
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + __n), size(), __a);
// Default constructs __n objects starting at __end_
// throws if construction throws
// Postcondition: size() == size() + __n
// Exception safety: strong.
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__append(size_type __n, const_reference __x)
if (static_cast<size_type>(this->__end_cap() - this->__end_) >= __n)
this->__construct_at_end(__n, __x);
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + __n), size(), __a);
__v.__construct_at_end(__n, __x);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(size_type __n)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__n > 0)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(size_type __n, const allocator_type& __a)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__n > 0)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(size_type __n, const value_type& __x)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__n > 0)
__construct_at_end(__n, __x);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator, __enable_if_t<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<_Tp, typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference>::value,
int> >
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__init_with_sentinel(__first, __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator, __enable_if_t<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<_Tp, typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference>::value,
int> >
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a)
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __a)
__init_with_sentinel(__first, __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _ForwardIterator, __enable_if_t<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<_Tp, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference>::value,
int> >
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
size_type __n = static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(__first, __last));
__init_with_size(__first, __last, __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _ForwardIterator, __enable_if_t<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<_Tp, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference>::value,
int> >
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a)
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __a)
size_type __n = static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(__first, __last));
__init_with_size(__first, __last, __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(const vector& __x)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __alloc_traits::select_on_container_copy_construction(__x.__alloc()))
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__init_with_size(__x.__begin_, __x.__end_, __x.size());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(const vector& __x, const __type_identity_t<allocator_type>& __a)
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__init_with_size(__x.__begin_, __x.__end_, __x.size());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(vector&& __x)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
: __end_cap_(nullptr, std::move(__x.__alloc()))
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::__debug_db_swap(this, std::addressof(__x));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
this->__begin_ = __x.__begin_;
this->__end_ = __x.__end_;
this->__end_cap() = __x.__end_cap();
__x.__begin_ = __x.__end_ = __x.__end_cap() = nullptr;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(vector&& __x, const __type_identity_t<allocator_type>& __a)
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__a == __x.__alloc())
this->__begin_ = __x.__begin_;
this->__end_ = __x.__end_;
this->__end_cap() = __x.__end_cap();
__x.__begin_ = __x.__end_ = __x.__end_cap() = nullptr;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::__debug_db_swap(this, std::addressof(__x));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typedef move_iterator<iterator> _Ip;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
assign(_Ip(__x.begin()), _Ip(__x.end()));
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__il.size() > 0)
__construct_at_end(__il.begin(), __il.end(), __il.size());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il, const allocator_type& __a)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
: __end_cap_(nullptr, __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__il.size() > 0)
__construct_at_end(__il.begin(), __il.end(), __il.size());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#endif // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>&
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::operator=(vector&& __x)
_NOEXCEPT_((__noexcept_move_assign_container<_Allocator, __alloc_traits>::value))
__move_assign(__x, integral_constant<bool,
return *this;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__move_assign(vector& __c, false_type)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
if (__alloc() != __c.__alloc())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typedef move_iterator<iterator> _Ip;
assign(_Ip(__c.begin()), _Ip(__c.end()));
__move_assign(__c, true_type());
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__move_assign(vector& __c, true_type)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__move_assign_alloc(__c); // this can throw
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
this->__begin_ = __c.__begin_;
this->__end_ = __c.__end_;
this->__end_cap() = __c.__end_cap();
__c.__begin_ = __c.__end_ = __c.__end_cap() = nullptr;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::__debug_db_swap(this, std::addressof(__c));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>&
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::operator=(const vector& __x)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
if (this != std::addressof(__x))
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
assign(__x.__begin_, __x.__end_);
return *this;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator, __enable_if_t<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<_Tp, typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference>::value,
int> >
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::assign(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__assign_with_sentinel(__first, __last);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
template <class _Iterator, class _Sentinel>
void vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__assign_with_sentinel(_Iterator __first, _Sentinel __last) {
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _ForwardIterator, __enable_if_t<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<_Tp, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference>::value,
int> >
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::assign(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__assign_with_size(__first, __last, std::distance(__first, __last));
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Sentinel>
void vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__assign_with_size(_ForwardIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, difference_type __n) {
size_type __new_size = static_cast<size_type>(__n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__new_size <= capacity())
if (__new_size > size())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_ForwardIterator __mid = std::next(__first, size());
std::copy(__first, __mid, this->__begin_);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__mid, __last, __new_size - size());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
pointer __m = std::__copy<_ClassicAlgPolicy>(__first, __last, this->__begin_).second;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__first, __last, __new_size);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::assign(size_type __n, const_reference __u)
if (__n <= capacity())
size_type __s = size();
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::fill_n(this->__begin_, std::min(__n, __s), __u);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__n > __s)
__construct_at_end(__n - __s, __u);
this->__destruct_at_end(this->__begin_ + __n);
__construct_at_end(__n, __u);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::begin() _NOEXCEPT
return __make_iter(this->__begin_);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::const_iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::begin() const _NOEXCEPT
return __make_iter(this->__begin_);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::end() _NOEXCEPT
return __make_iter(this->__end_);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::const_iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::end() const _NOEXCEPT
return __make_iter(this->__end_);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::reference
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::operator[](size_type __n) _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n < size(), "vector[] index out of bounds");
return this->__begin_[__n];
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::const_reference
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::operator[](size_type __n) const _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n < size(), "vector[] index out of bounds");
return this->__begin_[__n];
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::reference
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::at(size_type __n)
if (__n >= size())
return this->__begin_[__n];
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::const_reference
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::at(size_type __n) const
if (__n >= size())
return this->__begin_[__n];
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::reserve(size_type __n)
if (__n > capacity())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
if (__n > max_size())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__n, size(), __a);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::shrink_to_fit() _NOEXCEPT
if (capacity() > size())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(size(), size(), __a);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
catch (...)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
template <class _Up>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__push_back_slow_path(_Up&& __x)
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + 1), size(), __a);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
// __v.push_back(std::forward<_Up>(__x));
__alloc_traits::construct(__a, std::__to_address(__v.__end_), std::forward<_Up>(__x));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::push_back(const_reference __x)
if (this->__end_ != this->__end_cap())
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::push_back(value_type&& __x)
if (this->__end_ < this->__end_cap())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
template <class... _Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__emplace_back_slow_path(_Args&&... __args)
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + 1), size(), __a);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
// __v.emplace_back(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
__alloc_traits::construct(__a, std::__to_address(__v.__end_), std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
template <class... _Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::reference
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::emplace_back(_Args&&... __args)
if (this->__end_ < this->__end_cap())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return this->back();
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::pop_back()
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(!empty(), "vector::pop_back called on an empty vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
this->__destruct_at_end(this->__end_ - 1);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::erase(const_iterator __position)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__position)) == this,
"vector::erase(iterator) called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__position != end(),
"vector::erase(iterator) called with a non-dereferenceable iterator");
difference_type __ps = __position - cbegin();
pointer __p = this->__begin_ + __ps;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
this->__destruct_at_end(std::move(__p + 1, this->__end_, __p));
if (!__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated())
this->__invalidate_iterators_past(__p - 1);
return __make_iter(__p);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::erase(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__first)) == this,
"vector::erase(iterator, iterator) called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__last)) == this,
"vector::erase(iterator, iterator) called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__first <= __last, "vector::erase(first, last) called with invalid range");
pointer __p = this->__begin_ + (__first - begin());
if (__first != __last) {
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
this->__destruct_at_end(std::move(__p + (__last - __first), this->__end_, __p));
if (!__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated())
this->__invalidate_iterators_past(__p - 1);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return __make_iter(__p);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__move_range(pointer __from_s, pointer __from_e, pointer __to)
pointer __old_last = this->__end_;
difference_type __n = __old_last - __to;
pointer __i = __from_s + __n;
_ConstructTransaction __tx(*this, __from_e - __i);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
for (pointer __pos = __tx.__pos_; __i < __from_e;
++__i, (void) ++__pos, __tx.__pos_ = __pos) {
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::move_backward(__from_s, __from_s + __n, __old_last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, const_reference __x)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__position)) == this,
"vector::insert(iterator, x) called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
pointer __p = this->__begin_ + (__position - begin());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
// We can't compare unrelated pointers inside constant expressions
if (!__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated() && this->__end_ < this->__end_cap())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__p == this->__end_)
__move_range(__p, this->__end_, __p + 1);
const_pointer __xr = pointer_traits<const_pointer>::pointer_to(__x);
if (__p <= __xr && __xr < this->__end_)
*__p = *__xr;
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + 1), __p - this->__begin_, __a);
__p = __swap_out_circular_buffer(__v, __p);
return __make_iter(__p);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, value_type&& __x)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__position)) == this,
"vector::insert(iterator, x) called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
pointer __p = this->__begin_ + (__position - begin());
if (this->__end_ < this->__end_cap())
if (__p == this->__end_)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__move_range(__p, this->__end_, __p + 1);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
*__p = std::move(__x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + 1), __p - this->__begin_, __a);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__p = __swap_out_circular_buffer(__v, __p);
return __make_iter(__p);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
template <class... _Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::emplace(const_iterator __position, _Args&&... __args)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__position)) == this,
"vector::emplace(iterator, x) called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
pointer __p = this->__begin_ + (__position - begin());
if (this->__end_ < this->__end_cap())
if (__p == this->__end_)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__temp_value<value_type, _Allocator> __tmp(this->__alloc(), std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__move_range(__p, this->__end_, __p + 1);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
*__p = std::move(__tmp.get());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + 1), __p - this->__begin_, __a);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__p = __swap_out_circular_buffer(__v, __p);
return __make_iter(__p);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, size_type __n, const_reference __x)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__position)) == this,
"vector::insert(iterator, n, x) called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
pointer __p = this->__begin_ + (__position - begin());
if (__n > 0)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
// We can't compare unrelated pointers inside constant expressions
if (!__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated() && __n <= static_cast<size_type>(this->__end_cap() - this->__end_))
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type __old_n = __n;
pointer __old_last = this->__end_;
if (__n > static_cast<size_type>(this->__end_ - __p))
size_type __cx = __n - (this->__end_ - __p);
__construct_at_end(__cx, __x);
__n -= __cx;
if (__n > 0)
__move_range(__p, __old_last, __p + __old_n);
const_pointer __xr = pointer_traits<const_pointer>::pointer_to(__x);
if (__p <= __xr && __xr < this->__end_)
__xr += __old_n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::fill_n(__p, __n, *__xr);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + __n), __p - this->__begin_, __a);
__v.__construct_at_end(__n, __x);
__p = __swap_out_circular_buffer(__v, __p);
return __make_iter(__p);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator, __enable_if_t<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<_Tp, typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference>::value,
int> >
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return __insert_with_sentinel(__position, __first, __last);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__insert_with_sentinel(const_iterator __position, _InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last) {
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__position)) == this,
"vector::insert called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
difference_type __off = __position - begin();
pointer __p = this->__begin_ + __off;
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
pointer __old_last = this->__end_;
for (; this->__end_ != this->__end_cap() && __first != __last; ++__first)
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__a);
if (__first != __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__v.__construct_at_end_with_sentinel(std::move(__first), std::move(__last));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
difference_type __old_size = __old_last - this->__begin_;
difference_type __old_p = __p - this->__begin_;
reserve(__recommend(size() + __v.size()));
__p = this->__begin_ + __old_p;
__old_last = this->__begin_ + __old_size;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
catch (...)
erase(__make_iter(__old_last), end());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__p = std::rotate(__p, __old_last, this->__end_);
insert(__make_iter(__p), std::make_move_iterator(__v.begin()),
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return begin() + __off;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _ForwardIterator, __enable_if_t<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value &&
is_constructible<_Tp, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference>::value,
int> >
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return __insert_with_size(__position, __first, __last, std::distance(__first, __last));
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
template <class _Iterator, class _Sentinel>
typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__insert_with_size(const_iterator __position, _Iterator __first, _Sentinel __last,
difference_type __n) {
_LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__get_const_db()->__find_c_from_i(std::addressof(__position)) == this,
"vector::insert called with an iterator not referring to this vector");
auto __insertion_size = __n;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
pointer __p = this->__begin_ + (__position - begin());
if (__n > 0)
if (__n <= this->__end_cap() - this->__end_)
size_type __old_n = __n;
pointer __old_last = this->__end_;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_Iterator __m = std::next(__first, __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
difference_type __dx = this->__end_ - __p;
if (__n > __dx)
__m = __first;
difference_type __diff = this->__end_ - __p;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::advance(__m, __diff);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__m, __last, __n - __diff);
__n = __dx;
if (__n > 0)
__move_range(__p, __old_last, __p + __old_n);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::copy(__first, __m, __p);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
allocator_type& __a = this->__alloc();
__split_buffer<value_type, allocator_type&> __v(__recommend(size() + __n), __p - this->__begin_, __a);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__v.__construct_at_end_with_size(__first, __insertion_size);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__p = __swap_out_circular_buffer(__v, __p);
return __make_iter(__p);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::resize(size_type __sz)
size_type __cs = size();
if (__cs < __sz)
this->__append(__sz - __cs);
else if (__cs > __sz)
this->__destruct_at_end(this->__begin_ + __sz);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::resize(size_type __sz, const_reference __x)
size_type __cs = size();
if (__cs < __sz)
this->__append(__sz - __cs, __x);
else if (__cs > __sz)
this->__destruct_at_end(this->__begin_ + __sz);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::swap(vector& __x)
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
_NOEXCEPT_(!__alloc_traits::propagate_on_container_swap::value ||
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__alloc_traits::propagate_on_container_swap::value ||
this->__alloc() == __x.__alloc(),
"vector::swap: Either propagate_on_container_swap must be true"
" or the allocators must compare equal");
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::swap(this->__begin_, __x.__begin_);
std::swap(this->__end_, __x.__end_);
std::swap(this->__end_cap(), __x.__end_cap());
std::__swap_allocator(this->__alloc(), __x.__alloc(),
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::__debug_db_swap(this, std::addressof(__x));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__invariants() const
if (this->__begin_ == nullptr)
if (this->__end_ != nullptr || this->__end_cap() != nullptr)
return false;
if (this->__begin_ > this->__end_)
return false;
if (this->__begin_ == this->__end_cap())
return false;
if (this->__end_ > this->__end_cap())
return false;
return true;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__dereferenceable(const const_iterator* __i) const
return this->__begin_ <= __i->base() && __i->base() < this->__end_;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__decrementable(const const_iterator* __i) const
return this->__begin_ < __i->base() && __i->base() <= this->__end_;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__addable(const const_iterator* __i, ptrdiff_t __n) const
const_pointer __p = __i->base() + __n;
return this->__begin_ <= __p && __p <= this->__end_;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__subscriptable(const const_iterator* __i, ptrdiff_t __n) const
const_pointer __p = __i->base() + __n;
return this->__begin_ <= __p && __p < this->__end_;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::__invalidate_iterators_past(pointer __new_last) {
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__c_node* __c = __get_db()->__find_c_and_lock(this);
for (__i_node** __p = __c->end_; __p != __c->beg_; ) {
const_iterator* __i = static_cast<const_iterator*>((*__p)->__i_);
if (__i->base() > __new_last) {
(*__p)->__c_ = nullptr;
if (--__c->end_ != __p)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::memmove(__p, __p+1, (__c->end_ - __p)*sizeof(__i_node*));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
// vector<bool>
template <class _Allocator> class vector<bool, _Allocator>;
template <class _Allocator> struct hash<vector<bool, _Allocator> >;
template <class _Allocator>
struct __has_storage_type<vector<bool, _Allocator> >
static const bool value = true;
template <class _Allocator>
class _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS vector<bool, _Allocator>
typedef vector __self;
typedef bool value_type;
typedef _Allocator allocator_type;
typedef allocator_traits<allocator_type> __alloc_traits;
typedef typename __alloc_traits::size_type size_type;
typedef typename __alloc_traits::difference_type difference_type;
typedef size_type __storage_type;
typedef __bit_iterator<vector, false> pointer;
typedef __bit_iterator<vector, true> const_pointer;
typedef pointer iterator;
typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typedef __rebind_alloc<__alloc_traits, __storage_type> __storage_allocator;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typedef allocator_traits<__storage_allocator> __storage_traits;
typedef typename __storage_traits::pointer __storage_pointer;
typedef typename __storage_traits::const_pointer __const_storage_pointer;
__storage_pointer __begin_;
size_type __size_;
__compressed_pair<size_type, __storage_allocator> __cap_alloc_;
typedef __bit_reference<vector> reference;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
using const_reference = bool;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typedef __bit_const_reference<vector> const_reference;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type& __cap() _NOEXCEPT
{return __cap_alloc_.first();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const size_type& __cap() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __cap_alloc_.first();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__storage_allocator& __alloc() _NOEXCEPT
{return __cap_alloc_.second();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const __storage_allocator& __alloc() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __cap_alloc_.second();}
static const unsigned __bits_per_word = static_cast<unsigned>(sizeof(__storage_type) * CHAR_BIT);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
static size_type __internal_cap_to_external(size_type __n) _NOEXCEPT
{return __n * __bits_per_word;}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
static size_type __external_cap_to_internal(size_type __n) _NOEXCEPT
{return (__n - 1) / __bits_per_word + 1;}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector() _NOEXCEPT_(is_nothrow_default_constructible<allocator_type>::value);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 explicit vector(const allocator_type& __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER <= 14
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
class __destroy_vector {
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI __destroy_vector(vector& __vec) : __vec_(__vec) {}
if (__vec_.__begin_ != nullptr)
__storage_traits::deallocate(__vec_.__alloc(), __vec_.__begin_, __vec_.__cap());
vector& __vec_;
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 ~vector() { __destroy_vector(*this)(); }
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 explicit vector(size_type __n);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 explicit vector(size_type __n, const allocator_type& __a);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(size_type __n, const value_type& __v);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(size_type __n, const value_type& __v, const allocator_type& __a);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
typename enable_if<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a,
typename enable_if<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _ForwardIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
typename enable_if<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value>::type* = 0);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _ForwardIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a,
typename enable_if<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value>::type* = 0);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <_ContainerCompatibleRange<bool> _Range>
vector(from_range_t, _Range&& __range, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type())
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, static_cast<__storage_allocator>(__a)) {
if constexpr (ranges::forward_range<_Range> || ranges::sized_range<_Range>) {
auto __n = static_cast<size_type>(ranges::distance(__range));
__init_with_size(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range), __n);
} else {
__init_with_sentinel(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(const vector& __v, const allocator_type& __a);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector& operator=(const vector& __v);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il, const allocator_type& __a);
vector& operator=(initializer_list<value_type> __il)
{assign(__il.begin(), __il.end()); return *this;}
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#endif // !_LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(vector&& __v)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector(vector&& __v, const __type_identity_t<allocator_type>& __a);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector& operator=(vector&& __v)
_NOEXCEPT_((__noexcept_move_assign_container<_Allocator, __alloc_traits>::value));
template <class _InputIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typename enable_if <__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value,
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 assign(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _ForwardIterator>
typename enable_if
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 assign(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <_ContainerCompatibleRange<bool> _Range>
constexpr void assign_range(_Range&& __range) {
if constexpr (ranges::forward_range<_Range> || ranges::sized_range<_Range>) {
auto __n = static_cast<size_type>(ranges::distance(__range));
__assign_with_size(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range), __n);
} else {
__assign_with_sentinel(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void assign(size_type __n, const value_type& __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void assign(initializer_list<value_type> __il)
{assign(__il.begin(), __il.end());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 allocator_type get_allocator() const _NOEXCEPT
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
{return allocator_type(this->__alloc());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type capacity() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __internal_cap_to_external(__cap());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type size() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __size_;}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
bool empty() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __size_ == 0;}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void reserve(size_type __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator begin() _NOEXCEPT
{return __make_iter(0);}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_iterator begin() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __make_iter(0);}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator end() _NOEXCEPT
{return __make_iter(__size_);}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_iterator end() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __make_iter(__size_);}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
reverse_iterator rbegin() _NOEXCEPT
{return reverse_iterator(end());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
{return const_reverse_iterator(end());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
reverse_iterator rend() _NOEXCEPT
{return reverse_iterator(begin());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_reverse_iterator rend() const _NOEXCEPT
{return const_reverse_iterator(begin());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_iterator cbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __make_iter(0);}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_iterator cend() const _NOEXCEPT
{return __make_iter(__size_);}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
{return rbegin();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_reverse_iterator crend() const _NOEXCEPT
{return rend();}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 reference operator[](size_type __n) {return __make_ref(__n);}
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 const_reference operator[](size_type __n) const {return __make_ref(__n);}
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI reference at(size_type __n);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI const_reference at(size_type __n) const;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 reference front() {return __make_ref(0);}
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 const_reference front() const {return __make_ref(0);}
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 reference back() {return __make_ref(__size_ - 1);}
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 const_reference back() const {return __make_ref(__size_ - 1);}
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void push_back(const value_type& __x);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class... _Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 reference emplace_back(_Args&&... __args)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void emplace_back(_Args&&... __args)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
push_back ( value_type ( std::forward<_Args>(__args)... ));
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return this->back();
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <_ContainerCompatibleRange<bool> _Range>
constexpr void append_range(_Range&& __range) {
insert_range(end(), std::forward<_Range>(__range));
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void pop_back() {--__size_;}
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class... _Args>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 iterator emplace(const_iterator __position, _Args&&... __args)
{ return insert ( __position, value_type ( std::forward<_Args>(__args)... )); }
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 iterator insert(const_iterator __position, const value_type& __x);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 iterator insert(const_iterator __position, size_type __n, const value_type& __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typename enable_if <__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value,
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 insert(const_iterator __position, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _ForwardIterator>
typename enable_if
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 insert(const_iterator __position, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <_ContainerCompatibleRange<bool> _Range>
constexpr iterator insert_range(const_iterator __position, _Range&& __range) {
if constexpr (ranges::forward_range<_Range> || ranges::sized_range<_Range>) {
auto __n = static_cast<size_type>(ranges::distance(__range));
return __insert_with_size(__position, ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range), __n);
} else {
return __insert_with_sentinel(__position, ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator insert(const_iterator __position, initializer_list<value_type> __il)
{return insert(__position, __il.begin(), __il.end());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 iterator erase(const_iterator __position);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 iterator erase(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void clear() _NOEXCEPT {__size_ = 0;}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
_NOEXCEPT_(!__alloc_traits::propagate_on_container_swap::value ||
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 static void swap(reference __x, reference __y) _NOEXCEPT { std::swap(__x, __y); }
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void resize(size_type __sz, value_type __x = false);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
void __throw_length_error() const {
void __throw_out_of_range() const {
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
void __init_with_size(_InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, size_type __n) {
auto __guard = std::__make_exception_guard(__destroy_vector(*this));
if (__n > 0) {
__construct_at_end(std::move(__first), std::move(__last), __n);
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
void __init_with_sentinel(_InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last) {
try {
for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
} catch (...) {
if (__begin_ != nullptr)
__storage_traits::deallocate(__alloc(), __begin_, __cap());
template <class _Iterator, class _Sentinel>
void __assign_with_sentinel(_Iterator __first, _Sentinel __last);
template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Sentinel>
void __assign_with_size(_ForwardIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, difference_type __ns);
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
iterator __insert_with_sentinel(const_iterator __position, _InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last);
template <class _Iterator, class _Sentinel>
iterator __insert_with_size(const_iterator __position, _Iterator __first, _Sentinel __last, difference_type __n);
// Allocate space for __n objects
// throws length_error if __n > max_size()
// throws (probably bad_alloc) if memory run out
// Precondition: __begin_ == __end_ == __cap() == 0
// Precondition: __n > 0
// Postcondition: capacity() >= __n
// Postcondition: size() == 0
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void __vallocate(size_type __n) {
if (__n > max_size())
auto __allocation = std::__allocate_at_least(__alloc(), __external_cap_to_internal(__n));
__begin_ = __allocation.ptr;
__size_ = 0;
__cap() = __allocation.count;
if (__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated()) {
for (size_type __i = 0; __i != __cap(); ++__i)
std::__construct_at(std::__to_address(__begin_) + __i);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
static size_type __align_it(size_type __new_size) _NOEXCEPT
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
{return (__new_size + (__bits_per_word-1)) & ~((size_type)__bits_per_word-1);}
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 size_type __recommend(size_type __new_size) const;
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void __construct_at_end(size_type __n, bool __x);
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
void __construct_at_end(_InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, size_type __n);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void __append(size_type __n, const_reference __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
reference __make_ref(size_type __pos) _NOEXCEPT
{return reference(__begin_ + __pos / __bits_per_word, __storage_type(1) << __pos % __bits_per_word);}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
const_reference __make_ref(size_type __pos) const _NOEXCEPT {
return __bit_const_reference<vector>(__begin_ + __pos / __bits_per_word,
__storage_type(1) << __pos % __bits_per_word);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator __make_iter(size_type __pos) _NOEXCEPT
{return iterator(__begin_ + __pos / __bits_per_word, static_cast<unsigned>(__pos % __bits_per_word));}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const_iterator __make_iter(size_type __pos) const _NOEXCEPT
{return const_iterator(__begin_ + __pos / __bits_per_word, static_cast<unsigned>(__pos % __bits_per_word));}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
iterator __const_iterator_cast(const_iterator __p) _NOEXCEPT
{return begin() + (__p - cbegin());}
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __copy_assign_alloc(const vector& __v)
{__copy_assign_alloc(__v, integral_constant<bool,
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __copy_assign_alloc(const vector& __c, true_type)
if (__alloc() != __c.__alloc())
__alloc() = __c.__alloc();
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __copy_assign_alloc(const vector&, false_type)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void __move_assign(vector& __c, false_type);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 void __move_assign(vector& __c, true_type)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __move_assign_alloc(vector& __c)
!__storage_traits::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value ||
{__move_assign_alloc(__c, integral_constant<bool,
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __move_assign_alloc(vector& __c, true_type)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__alloc() = std::move(__c.__alloc());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
void __move_assign_alloc(vector&, false_type)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
friend class __bit_reference<vector>;
friend class __bit_const_reference<vector>;
friend class __bit_iterator<vector, false>;
friend class __bit_iterator<vector, true>;
friend struct __bit_array<vector>;
friend struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<vector>;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__vdeallocate() _NOEXCEPT
if (this->__begin_ != nullptr)
__storage_traits::deallocate(this->__alloc(), this->__begin_, __cap());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
this->__begin_ = nullptr;
this->__size_ = this->__cap() = 0;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::size_type
vector<bool, _Allocator>::max_size() const _NOEXCEPT
size_type __amax = __storage_traits::max_size(__alloc());
size_type __nmax = numeric_limits<size_type>::max() / 2; // end() >= begin(), always
if (__nmax / __bits_per_word <= __amax)
return __nmax;
return __internal_cap_to_external(__amax);
// Precondition: __new_size > capacity()
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::size_type
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__recommend(size_type __new_size) const
const size_type __ms = max_size();
if (__new_size > __ms)
const size_type __cap = capacity();
if (__cap >= __ms / 2)
return __ms;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return std::max(2 * __cap, __align_it(__new_size));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
// Default constructs __n objects starting at __end_
// Precondition: __n > 0
// Precondition: size() + __n <= capacity()
// Postcondition: size() == size() + __n
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__construct_at_end(size_type __n, bool __x)
size_type __old_size = this->__size_;
this->__size_ += __n;
if (__old_size == 0 || ((__old_size - 1) / __bits_per_word) != ((this->__size_ - 1) / __bits_per_word))
if (this->__size_ <= __bits_per_word)
this->__begin_[0] = __storage_type(0);
this->__begin_[(this->__size_ - 1) / __bits_per_word] = __storage_type(0);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::fill_n(__make_iter(__old_size), __n, __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
void vector<bool, _Allocator>::__construct_at_end(_InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, size_type __n) {
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type __old_size = this->__size_;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
this->__size_ += __n;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__old_size == 0 || ((__old_size - 1) / __bits_per_word) != ((this->__size_ - 1) / __bits_per_word))
if (this->__size_ <= __bits_per_word)
this->__begin_[0] = __storage_type(0);
this->__begin_[(this->__size_ - 1) / __bits_per_word] = __storage_type(0);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::__copy<_ClassicAlgPolicy>(__first, __last, __make_iter(__old_size));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector()
: __begin_(nullptr),
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__cap_alloc_(0, __default_init_tag())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(const allocator_type& __a)
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER <= 14
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, static_cast<__storage_allocator>(__a))
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(size_type __n)
: __begin_(nullptr),
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__cap_alloc_(0, __default_init_tag())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__n > 0)
__construct_at_end(__n, false);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(size_type __n, const allocator_type& __a)
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, static_cast<__storage_allocator>(__a))
if (__n > 0)
__construct_at_end(__n, false);
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(size_type __n, const value_type& __x)
: __begin_(nullptr),
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__cap_alloc_(0, __default_init_tag())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__n > 0)
__construct_at_end(__n, __x);
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(size_type __n, const value_type& __x, const allocator_type& __a)
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, static_cast<__storage_allocator>(__a))
if (__n > 0)
__construct_at_end(__n, __x);
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _InputIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typename enable_if<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value>::type*)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
: __begin_(nullptr),
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__cap_alloc_(0, __default_init_tag())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__init_with_sentinel(__first, __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _InputIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a,
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typename enable_if<__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value>::type*)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, static_cast<__storage_allocator>(__a))
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__init_with_sentinel(__first, __last);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _ForwardIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typename enable_if<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value>::type*)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
: __begin_(nullptr),
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__cap_alloc_(0, __default_init_tag())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
auto __n = static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(__first, __last));
__init_with_size(__first, __last, __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _ForwardIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a,
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
typename enable_if<__has_forward_iterator_category<_ForwardIterator>::value>::type*)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, static_cast<__storage_allocator>(__a))
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
auto __n = static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(__first, __last));
__init_with_size(__first, __last, __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il)
: __begin_(nullptr),
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__cap_alloc_(0, __default_init_tag())
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_type __n = static_cast<size_type>(__il.size());
if (__n > 0)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__il.begin(), __il.end(), __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il, const allocator_type& __a)
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, static_cast<__storage_allocator>(__a))
size_type __n = static_cast<size_type>(__il.size());
if (__n > 0)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__il.begin(), __il.end(), __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#endif // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(const vector& __v)
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, __storage_traits::select_on_container_copy_construction(__v.__alloc()))
if (__v.size() > 0)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__v.begin(), __v.end(), __v.size());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(const vector& __v, const allocator_type& __a)
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, __a)
if (__v.size() > 0)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__v.begin(), __v.end(), __v.size());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>&
vector<bool, _Allocator>::operator=(const vector& __v)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
if (this != std::addressof(__v))
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__v.__size_)
if (__v.__size_ > capacity())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::copy(__v.__begin_, __v.__begin_ + __external_cap_to_internal(__v.__size_), __begin_);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__size_ = __v.__size_;
return *this;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
inline _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(vector&& __v)
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
: __begin_(__v.__begin_),
__cap_alloc_(std::move(__v.__cap_alloc_)) {
__v.__begin_ = nullptr;
__v.__size_ = 0;
__v.__cap() = 0;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::vector(vector&& __v, const __type_identity_t<allocator_type>& __a)
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
: __begin_(nullptr),
__cap_alloc_(0, __a)
if (__a == allocator_type(__v.__alloc()))
this->__begin_ = __v.__begin_;
this->__size_ = __v.__size_;
this->__cap() = __v.__cap();
__v.__begin_ = nullptr;
__v.__cap() = __v.__size_ = 0;
else if (__v.size() > 0)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__v.begin(), __v.end(), __v.size());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>&
vector<bool, _Allocator>::operator=(vector&& __v)
_NOEXCEPT_((__noexcept_move_assign_container<_Allocator, __alloc_traits>::value))
__move_assign(__v, integral_constant<bool,
return *this;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__move_assign(vector& __c, false_type)
if (__alloc() != __c.__alloc())
assign(__c.begin(), __c.end());
__move_assign(__c, true_type());
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__move_assign(vector& __c, true_type)
this->__begin_ = __c.__begin_;
this->__size_ = __c.__size_;
this->__cap() = __c.__cap();
__c.__begin_ = nullptr;
__c.__cap() = __c.__size_ = 0;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::assign(size_type __n, const value_type& __x)
__size_ = 0;
if (__n > 0)
size_type __c = capacity();
if (__n <= __c)
__size_ = __n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector __v(get_allocator());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__v.__size_ = __n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::fill_n(begin(), __n, __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _InputIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 typename enable_if <__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value,
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::assign(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__assign_with_sentinel(__first, __last);
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _Iterator, class _Sentinel>
void vector<bool, _Allocator>::__assign_with_sentinel(_Iterator __first, _Sentinel __last) {
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _ForwardIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename enable_if
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::assign(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__assign_with_size(__first, __last, std::distance(__first, __last));
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Sentinel>
void vector<bool, _Allocator>::__assign_with_size(_ForwardIterator __first, _Sentinel __last, difference_type __ns) {
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__ns >= 0, "invalid range specified");
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
const size_t __n = static_cast<size_type>(__ns);
if (__n)
if (__n > capacity())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__construct_at_end(__first, __last, __n);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::reserve(size_type __n)
if (__n > capacity())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
if (__n > max_size())
vector __v(this->get_allocator());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__v.__construct_at_end(this->begin(), this->end(), this->size());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::shrink_to_fit() _NOEXCEPT
if (__external_cap_to_internal(size()) > __cap())
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector(*this, allocator_type(__alloc())).swap(*this);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
catch (...)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Allocator>
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::reference
vector<bool, _Allocator>::at(size_type __n)
if (__n >= size())
return (*this)[__n];
template <class _Allocator>
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::const_reference
vector<bool, _Allocator>::at(size_type __n) const
if (__n >= size())
return (*this)[__n];
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::push_back(const value_type& __x)
if (this->__size_ == this->capacity())
reserve(__recommend(this->__size_ + 1));
back() = __x;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::iterator
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, const value_type& __x)
iterator __r;
if (size() < capacity())
const_iterator __old_end = end();
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::copy_backward(__position, __old_end, end());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__r = __const_iterator_cast(__position);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector __v(get_allocator());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__v.reserve(__recommend(__size_ + 1));
__v.__size_ = __size_ + 1;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__r = std::copy(cbegin(), __position, __v.begin());
std::copy_backward(__position, cend(), __v.end());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
*__r = __x;
return __r;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::iterator
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, size_type __n, const value_type& __x)
iterator __r;
size_type __c = capacity();
if (__n <= __c && size() <= __c - __n)
const_iterator __old_end = end();
__size_ += __n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::copy_backward(__position, __old_end, end());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__r = __const_iterator_cast(__position);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector __v(get_allocator());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__v.reserve(__recommend(__size_ + __n));
__v.__size_ = __size_ + __n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__r = std::copy(cbegin(), __position, __v.begin());
std::copy_backward(__position, cend(), __v.end());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::fill_n(__r, __n, __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return __r;
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _InputIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20 typename enable_if <__has_exactly_input_iterator_category<_InputIterator>::value,
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<bool, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return __insert_with_sentinel(__position, __first, __last);
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _InputIterator, class _Sentinel>
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__insert_with_sentinel(const_iterator __position, _InputIterator __first, _Sentinel __last) {
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
difference_type __off = __position - begin();
iterator __p = __const_iterator_cast(__position);
iterator __old_end = end();
for (; size() != capacity() && __first != __last; ++__first)
back() = *__first;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector __v(get_allocator());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
if (__first != __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__v.__assign_with_sentinel(std::move(__first), std::move(__last));
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
difference_type __old_size = static_cast<difference_type>(__old_end - begin());
difference_type __old_p = __p - begin();
reserve(__recommend(size() + __v.size()));
__p = begin() + __old_p;
__old_end = begin() + __old_size;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
catch (...)
erase(__old_end, end());
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__p = std::rotate(__p, __old_end, end());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
insert(__p, __v.begin(), __v.end());
return begin() + __off;
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _ForwardIterator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename enable_if
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<bool, _Allocator>::insert(const_iterator __position, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return __insert_with_size(__position, __first, __last, std::distance(__first, __last));
template <class _Allocator>
template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Sentinel>
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__insert_with_size(const_iterator __position, _ForwardIterator __first, _Sentinel __last,
difference_type __n_signed) {
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n_signed >= 0, "invalid range specified");
const size_type __n = static_cast<size_type>(__n_signed);
iterator __r;
size_type __c = capacity();
if (__n <= __c && size() <= __c - __n)
const_iterator __old_end = end();
__size_ += __n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::copy_backward(__position, __old_end, end());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__r = __const_iterator_cast(__position);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector __v(get_allocator());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__v.reserve(__recommend(__size_ + __n));
__v.__size_ = __size_ + __n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__r = std::copy(cbegin(), __position, __v.begin());
std::copy_backward(__position, cend(), __v.end());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::__copy<_ClassicAlgPolicy>(__first, __last, __r);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return __r;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<bool, _Allocator>::erase(const_iterator __position)
iterator __r = __const_iterator_cast(__position);
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::copy(__position + 1, this->cend(), __r);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
return __r;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
typename vector<bool, _Allocator>::iterator
vector<bool, _Allocator>::erase(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last)
iterator __r = __const_iterator_cast(__first);
difference_type __d = __last - __first;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::copy(__last, this->cend(), __r);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__size_ -= __d;
return __r;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::swap(vector& __x)
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
_NOEXCEPT_(!__alloc_traits::propagate_on_container_swap::value ||
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::swap(this->__begin_, __x.__begin_);
std::swap(this->__size_, __x.__size_);
std::swap(this->__cap(), __x.__cap());
std::__swap_allocator(this->__alloc(), __x.__alloc(),
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
integral_constant<bool, __alloc_traits::propagate_on_container_swap::value>());
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::resize(size_type __sz, value_type __x)
size_type __cs = size();
if (__cs < __sz)
iterator __r;
size_type __c = capacity();
size_type __n = __sz - __cs;
if (__n <= __c && __cs <= __c - __n)
__r = end();
__size_ += __n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
vector __v(get_allocator());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__v.reserve(__recommend(__size_ + __n));
__v.__size_ = __size_ + __n;
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
__r = std::copy(cbegin(), cend(), __v.begin());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
std::fill_n(__r, __n, __x);
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
__size_ = __sz;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::flip() _NOEXCEPT
// do middle whole words
size_type __n = __size_;
__storage_pointer __p = __begin_;
for (; __n >= __bits_per_word; ++__p, __n -= __bits_per_word)
*__p = ~*__p;
// do last partial word
if (__n > 0)
__storage_type __m = ~__storage_type(0) >> (__bits_per_word - __n);
__storage_type __b = *__p & __m;
*__p &= ~__m;
*__p |= ~__b & __m;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__invariants() const
if (this->__begin_ == nullptr)
if (this->__size_ != 0 || this->__cap() != 0)
return false;
if (this->__cap() == 0)
return false;
if (this->__size_ > this->capacity())
return false;
return true;
template <class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
vector<bool, _Allocator>::__hash_code() const _NOEXCEPT
size_t __h = 0;
// do middle whole words
size_type __n = __size_;
__storage_pointer __p = __begin_;
for (; __n >= __bits_per_word; ++__p, __n -= __bits_per_word)
__h ^= *__p;
// do last partial word
if (__n > 0)
const __storage_type __m = ~__storage_type(0) >> (__bits_per_word - __n);
__h ^= *__p & __m;
return __h;
template <class _Allocator>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<vector<bool, _Allocator> >
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
: public __unary_function<vector<bool, _Allocator>, size_t>
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
size_t operator()(const vector<bool, _Allocator>& __vec) const _NOEXCEPT
{return __vec.__hash_code();}
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
operator==(const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __x, const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __y)
const typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::size_type __sz = __x.size();
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return __sz == __y.size() && std::equal(__x.begin(), __x.end(), __y.begin());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
operator!=(const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __x, const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __y)
return !(__x == __y);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
operator< (const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __x, const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __y)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
return std::lexicographical_compare(__x.begin(), __x.end(), __y.begin(), __y.end());
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
operator> (const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __x, const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __y)
return __y < __x;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
operator>=(const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __x, const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __y)
return !(__x < __y);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
operator<=(const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __x, const vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __y)
return !(__y < __x);
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
swap(vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __x, vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __y)
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 20
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator, class _Up>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
inline _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::size_type
erase(vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __c, const _Up& __v) {
auto __old_size = __c.size();
__c.erase(std::remove(__c.begin(), __c.end(), __v), __c.end());
return __old_size - __c.size();
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator, class _Predicate>
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
inline _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI typename vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::size_type
erase_if(vector<_Tp, _Allocator>& __c, _Predicate __pred) {
auto __old_size = __c.size();
__c.erase(std::remove_if(__c.begin(), __c.end(), __pred), __c.end());
return __old_size - __c.size();
template <>
inline constexpr bool __format::__enable_insertable<vector<char>> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool __format::__enable_insertable<vector<wchar_t>> = true;
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
#endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 20
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
template <class _Tp, class CharT>
// Since is-vector-bool-reference is only used once it's inlined here.
requires same_as<typename _Tp::__container, vector<bool, typename _Tp::__container::allocator_type>>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS formatter<_Tp, CharT> {
formatter<bool, CharT> __underlying_;
template <class _ParseContext>
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr typename _ParseContext::iterator parse(_ParseContext& __ctx) {
return __underlying_.parse(__ctx);
template <class _FormatContext>
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI typename _FormatContext::iterator format(const _Tp& __ref, _FormatContext& __ctx) const {
return __underlying_.format(__ref, __ctx);
#endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
namespace pmr {
template <class _ValueT>
using vector = std::vector<_ValueT, polymorphic_allocator<_ValueT>>;
} // namespace pmr
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
Import C++ Standard Template Library
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is
with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few
breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly.
- Rename nothrow to dontthrow
- Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard
- Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc.
- Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else
- Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t
- Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc.
- Rename bsrmax() to bsr128()
Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector,
std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
2022-03-22 05:51:41 -07:00
2024-05-27 02:12:27 -07:00
# include <algorithm>
# include <atomic>
# include <concepts>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <type_traits>
# include <typeinfo>
# include <utility>
#endif // _LIBCPP_VECTOR