2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
#if 0
│ To the extent possible under law, Justine Tunney has waived │
│ all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this file, │
│ as it is written in the following disclaimers: │
│ • http://unlicense.org/ │
│ • http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ │
#include "libc/alg/alg.h"
2020-11-25 08:19:00 -08:00
#include "libc/alg/arraylist.internal.h"
#include "libc/alg/critbit0.h"
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
#include "libc/bits/bits.h"
#include "libc/calls/calls.h"
2020-12-09 15:04:54 -08:00
#include "libc/fmt/conv.h"
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
#include "libc/log/check.h"
#include "libc/log/log.h"
2021-02-28 23:42:35 -08:00
#include "libc/macros.internal.h"
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
#include "libc/mem/mem.h"
#include "libc/stdio/stdio.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h"
2020-11-25 08:19:00 -08:00
#include "libc/str/tpdecode.internal.h"
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
#include "libc/sysv/consts/fileno.h"
#include "libc/x/x.h"
2020-10-10 21:18:53 -07:00
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
* @fileoverview Simple Interactive Spell Checker.
* This is an attempt to get spell checking to work in Emacs across
* platforms. While the computer science behind spell checking is very
* simple, unfortunately Emacs probes all these System Five spell progs
* similar to how websites have been known to probe User-Agent strings.
* Here's how we believe the repl works:
* $ make -j8 o//examples/ispell.com
* $ o//examples/ispell.com
* @(#) Cosmopolitan Ispell Version 3.4.00 8 Feb 2015
* word: hello
* ok
* word: héllo
* how about: hills, hello, hilly, jello
* word: lova
* how about: diva, dona, dora, dove, elva, fora, hove, iota
* word: hecruhecrue
* not found
* The dictionary for this program is embedded as a text file within the
* zip structure of the binary. It can be edited after distribution.
* It's possible to go even fancier than what this code is doing, by
* using cmudict phonemes, bloom filters, unicode tables e.g. e vs. é,
* and even doing ML similar to Google's online spell checker.
* TODO: Figure out why Emacs rejects this interface.
FILE *f;
char *line;
size_t linesize;
const char *query;
struct critbit0 words; /* does O(log 𝑛) fast path lookup */
struct NearbyWords {
size_t i, n;
struct WordMatch {
long dist;
char *word;
} * p;
} nearby;
long WordDistance(const char *a, const char *b) {
long dist;
int gota, gotb;
unsigned long h, p;
wint_t chara, charb;
dist = p = 0;
for (;;) {
gota = abs(tpdecode(a, &chara)); /* parses utf-8 multibyte characters */
gotb = abs(tpdecode(b, &charb)); /* abs() handles -1, always yields <20> */
if (!chara && !charb) break;
if (!chara || !charb) {
} else if ((h = hamming(chara, charb))) {
dist += h + p++; /* penalize multiple mismatched letters */
if (chara) a += gota;
if (charb) b += gotb;
return dist;
intptr_t ConsiderWord(const char *word, void *arg) {
long dist;
if ((dist = WordDistance(word, query)) < MAX_NEARBY_WORD_DISTANCE) {
append(&nearby, &((struct WordMatch){dist, word}));
return 0;
int CompareWords(const struct WordMatch *a, const struct WordMatch *b) {
return a->dist < b->dist;
void FindNearbyWords(void) {
nearby.i = 0;
critbit0_allprefixed(&words, "", ConsiderWord, NULL);
qsort(nearby.p, nearby.i, sizeof(struct WordMatch), (void *)CompareWords);
void SpellChecker(void) {
int i;
printf("@(#) Cosmopolitan Ispell Version 3.4.00 8 Feb 2015\r\n");
while (!feof(stdin)) {
printf("word: ");
if (getline(&line, &linesize, stdin) > 0) {
2022-04-06 00:13:44 -07:00
query = strtolower(_chomp(line));
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
if (critbit0_contains(&words, query)) {
} else {
if (nearby.i) {
printf("how about: ");
for (i = 0; i < MIN(MAX_NEARBY_RESULTS, nearby.i); ++i) {
if (i) printf(", ");
fputs(nearby.p[i].word, stdout);
} else {
printf("not found\r\n");
CHECK_NE(-1, fclose(stdin));
CHECK_NE(-1, fclose(stdout));
void LoadWords(void) {
Improve ZIP filesystem and change its prefix
The ZIP filesystem has a breaking change. You now need to use /zip/ to
open() / opendir() / etc. assets within the ZIP structure of your APE
binary, instead of the previous convention of using zip: or zip! URIs.
This is needed because Python likes to use absolute paths, and having
ZIP paths encoded like URIs simply broke too many things.
Many more system calls have been updated to be able to operate on ZIP
files and file descriptors. In particular fcntl() and ioctl() since
Python would do things like ask if a ZIP file is a terminal and get
confused when the old implementation mistakenly said yes, because the
fastest way to guarantee native file descriptors is to dup(2). This
change also improves the async signal safety of zipos and ensures it
doesn't maintain any open file descriptors beyond that which the user
has opened.
This change makes a lot of progress towards adding magic numbers that
are specific to platforms other than Linux. The philosophy here is that,
if you use an operating system like FreeBSD, then you should be able to
take advantage of FreeBSD exclusive features, even if we don't polyfill
them on other platforms. For example, you can now open() a file with the
O_VERIFY flag. If your program runs on other platforms, then Cosmo will
automatically set O_VERIFY to zero. This lets you safely use it without
the need for #ifdef or ifstatements which detract from readability.
One of the blindspots of the ASAN memory hardening we use to offer Rust
like assurances has always been that memory passed to the kernel via
system calls (e.g. writev) can't be checked automatically since the
kernel wasn't built with MODE=asan. This change makes more progress
ensuring that each system call will verify the soundness of memory
before it's passed to the kernel. The code for doing these checks is
fast, particularly for buffers, where it can verify 64 bytes a cycle.
- Correct O_LOOP definition on NT
- Introduce program_executable_name
- Add ASAN guards to more system calls
- Improve termios compatibility with BSDs
- Fix bug in Windows auxiliary value encoding
- Add BSD and XNU specific errnos and open flags
- Add check to ensure build doesn't talk to internet
2021-08-22 01:04:18 -07:00
CHECK_NOTNULL((f = fopen("/zip/usr/share/dict/words", "r")));
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
while (getline(&line, &linesize, f) > 0) {
2022-04-06 00:13:44 -07:00
critbit0_insert(&words, strtolower(_chomp(line)));
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
CHECK_NE(-1, fclose(f));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
2022-03-21 03:46:16 -07:00
2020-06-27 12:00:43 -07:00
return 0;