2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
2022-10-05 06:37:15 -07:00
#include "libc/assert.h"
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
#include "libc/intrin/dll.h"
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
#include "third_party/nsync/atomic.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/atomic.internal.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/cv.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/mu.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/mu_semaphore.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/note.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/time.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/wait_s.internal.h"
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
2022-10-16 12:05:08 -07:00
#ifdef MODE_DBG
#define NSYNC_DEBUG 1
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
#define NSYNC_DEBUG 0
/* Yield the CPU. Platform specific. */
void nsync_yield_(void);
/* Retrieve the per-thread cache of the waiter object. Platform specific. */
void *nsync_per_thread_waiter_(void (*dest)(void *));
/* Set the per-thread cache of the waiter object. Platform specific. */
void nsync_set_per_thread_waiter_(void *v, void (*dest)(void *));
/* Used in spinloops to delay resumption of the loop.
unsigned attempts = 0;
while (try_something) {
attempts = nsync_spin_delay_ (attempts);
} */
unsigned nsync_spin_delay_(unsigned attempts);
/* Spin until (*w & test) == 0, then atomically perform *w = ((*w | set) &
~clear), perform an acquire barrier, and return the previous value of *w.
uint32_t nsync_spin_test_and_set_(nsync_atomic_uint32_ *w, uint32_t test,
uint32_t set, uint32_t clear);
/* Abort after printing the nul-temrinated string s[]. */
void nsync_panic_(const char *s);
/* ---------- */
#define MIN_(a_, b_) ((a_) < (b_) ? (a_) : (b_))
#define MAX_(a_, b_) ((a_) > (b_) ? (a_) : (b_))
/* ---------- */
/* Fields in nsync_mu.word.
- At least one of the MU_WLOCK or MU_RLOCK_FIELD fields must be zero.
- MU_WLOCK indicates that a write lock is held.
- MU_RLOCK_FIELD is a count of readers with read locks.
- MU_SPINLOCK represents a spinlock that must be held when manipulating the
waiter queue.
- MU_DESIG_WAKER indicates that a former waiter has been woken, but has
neither acquired the lock nor gone back to sleep. Legal to fail to set it;
illegal to set it when no such waiter exists.
- MU_WAITING indicates whether the waiter queue is non-empty.
The following bits should be zero if MU_WAITING is zero.
- MU_CONDITION indicates that some waiter may have an associated condition
(from nsync_mu_wait, etc.). Legal to set it with no such waiter exists,
but illegal to fail to set it with such a waiter.
- MU_WRITER_WAITING indicates that a reader that has not yet blocked
at least once should not acquire in order not to starve waiting writers.
It set when a writer blocks or a reader is woken with a writer waiting.
It is reset when a writer acquires, but set again when that writer
releases if it wakes readers and there is a waiting writer.
- MU_LONG_WAIT indicates that a waiter has been woken many times but
repeatedly failed to acquire when competing for the lock. This is used
only to prevent long-term starvation by writers. The thread that sets it
clears it when if acquires.
- MU_ALL_FALSE indicates that a complete scan of the waiter list found no
waiters with true conditions, and the lock has not been acquired by a
writer since then. This allows a reader lock to be released without
testing conditions again. It is legal to fail to set this, but illegal
to set it inappropriately.
#define MU_WLOCK ((uint32_t)(1 << 0)) /* writer lock is held. */
#define MU_SPINLOCK \
((uint32_t)(1 << 1)) /* spinlock is held (protects waiters). */
#define MU_WAITING ((uint32_t)(1 << 2)) /* waiter list is non-empty. */
#define MU_DESIG_WAKER \
((uint32_t)(1 << 3)) /* a former waiter awoke, and hasn't yet acquired or \
slept anew */
#define MU_CONDITION \
((uint32_t)(1 << 4)) /* the wait list contains some conditional waiters. */
#define MU_WRITER_WAITING ((uint32_t)(1 << 5)) /* there is a writer waiting */
#define MU_LONG_WAIT \
((uint32_t)(1 << 6)) /* the waiter at the head of the queue has been waiting \
a long time */
#define MU_ALL_FALSE \
((uint32_t)(1 << 7)) /* all waiter conditions are false \
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
#define MU_RLOCK \
((uint32_t)(1 << 8)) /* low-order bit of reader count, which uses rest of \
word */
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
/* The constants below are derived from those above. */
#define MU_RLOCK_FIELD \
(~(uint32_t)(MU_RLOCK - 1)) /* mask of reader count field */
#define MU_ANY_LOCK (MU_WLOCK | MU_RLOCK_FIELD) /* mask for any lock held */
(MU_ANY_LOCK | MU_LONG_WAIT) /* bits to be zero to acquire write lock */
#define MU_WADD_TO_ACQUIRE (MU_WLOCK) /* add to acquire a write lock */
(MU_WLOCK) /* if any of these bits are set, write lock is held */
(MU_WAITING | MU_WRITER_WAITING) /* a writer is waiting */
(MU_WRITER_WAITING) /* clear MU_WRITER_WAITING when a writer acquires */
(MU_ALL_FALSE) /* clear if a writer releases w/o waking */
/* bits to be zero to acquire read lock */
#define MU_RADD_TO_ACQUIRE (MU_RLOCK) /* add to acquire a read lock */
(MU_RLOCK_FIELD) /* if any of these bits are set, read lock is held */
(MU_WAITING) /* indicate that some thread is waiting */
((uint32_t)0) /* nothing to clear when a read acquires */
((uint32_t)0) /* nothing to clear when a read releases */
/* A lock_type holds the values needed to manipulate a mu in some mode (read or
write). This allows some of the code to be generic, and parameterized by
the lock type. */
typedef struct lock_type_s {
uint32_t zero_to_acquire; /* bits that must be zero to acquire */
uint32_t add_to_acquire; /* constant to add to acquire */
held_if_non_zero; /* if any of these bits are set, the lock is held */
uint32_t set_when_waiting; /* set when thread waits */
uint32_t clear_on_acquire; /* clear when thread acquires */
uint32_t clear_on_uncontended_release; /* clear when thread releases without
waking */
} lock_type;
/* writer_type points to a lock_type that describes how to manipulate a mu for a
* writer. */
extern lock_type *nsync_writer_type_;
/* reader_type points to a lock_type that describes how to manipulate a mu for a
* reader. */
extern lock_type *nsync_reader_type_;
/* ---------- */
/* Bits in nsync_cv.word */
#define CV_SPINLOCK ((uint32_t)(1 << 0)) /* protects waiters */
#define CV_NON_EMPTY ((uint32_t)(1 << 1)) /* waiters list is non-empty */
/* ---------- */
/* Hold a pair of condition function and its argument. */
struct wait_condition_s {
int (*f)(const void *v);
const void *v;
int (*eq)(const void *a, const void *b);
/* Return whether wait conditions *a_ and *b_ are equal and non-null. */
#define WAIT_CONDITION_EQ(a_, b_) \
((a_)->f != NULL && (a_)->f == (b_)->f && \
((a_)->v == (b_)->v || \
((a_)->eq != NULL && (*(a_)->eq)((a_)->v, (b_)->v))))
/* If a waiter has waited this many times, it may set the MU_LONG_WAIT bit. */
/* ---------- */
#define NOTIFIED_TIME(n_) \
(ATM_LOAD_ACQ(&(n_)->notified) != 0 ? nsync_time_zero \
: (n_)->expiry_time_valid ? (n_)->expiry_time \
: nsync_time_no_deadline)
/* A waiter represents a single waiter on a cv or a mu.
To wait:
Allocate a waiter struct *w with new_waiter(), set w.waiting=1, and
w.cv_mu=nil or to the associated mu if waiting on a condition variable, then
queue w.nsync_dll on some queue, and then wait using:
while (ATM_LOAD_ACQ (&w.waiting) != 0) { nsync_mu_semaphore_p (&w.sem); }
Return *w to the freepool by calling free_waiter (w).
To wakeup:
Remove *w from the relevant queue then:
ATM_STORE_REL (&w.waiting, 0);
nsync_mu_semaphore_v (&w.sem); */
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
typedef struct waiter_s {
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
2022-10-07 21:29:40 -07:00
int flags; /* see WAITER_* bits below */
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
nsync_semaphore sem; /* Thread waits on this semaphore. */
struct nsync_waiter_s nw; /* An embedded nsync_waiter_s. */
struct nsync_mu_s_ *cv_mu; /* pointer to nsync_mu associated with a cv wait */
*l_type; /* Lock type of the mu, or nil if not associated with a mu. */
nsync_atomic_uint32_ remove_count; /* count of removals from queue */
struct wait_condition_s cond; /* A condition on which to acquire a mu. */
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
struct Dll same_condition; /* Links neighbours in nw.q with same
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
non-nil condition. */
} waiter;
static const uint32_t WAITER_TAG = 0x0590239f;
static const uint32_t NSYNC_WAITER_TAG = 0x726d2ba9;
0x1 /* waiter reserved by a thread, even when not in use */
#define WAITER_IN_USE 0x2 /* waiter in use by a thread */
2023-07-26 13:54:49 -07:00
#define ASSERT(x) npassert(x)
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
/* Return a pointer to the nsync_waiter_s containing struct Dll *e. */
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
#define DLL_NSYNC_WAITER(e) \
(NSYNC_DEBUG ? nsync_dll_nsync_waiter_(e) \
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
: DLL_CONTAINER(struct nsync_waiter_s, q, e))
struct nsync_waiter_s *nsync_dll_nsync_waiter_(struct Dll *e);
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
/* Return a pointer to the waiter struct that *e is embedded in, where *e is an
* nw.q field. */
#define DLL_WAITER(e) \
(NSYNC_DEBUG ? nsync_dll_waiter_(e) \
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
waiter *nsync_dll_waiter_(struct Dll *e);
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
/* Return a pointer to the waiter struct that *e is embedded in, where *e is a
same_condition field. */
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
(NSYNC_DEBUG ? nsync_dll_waiter_samecond_(e) \
: DLL_CONTAINER(struct waiter_s, same_condition, e))
waiter *nsync_dll_waiter_samecond_(struct Dll *e);
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
2023-09-11 21:34:53 -07:00
void nsync_waiter_init_(waiter *);
void nsync_waiter_destroy_(waiter *);
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
/* ---------- */
/* The internals of an nync_note. See internal/note.c for details of locking
discipline. */
struct nsync_note_s_ {
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
struct Dll parent_child_link; /* parent's children, under parent->note_mu */
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
int expiry_time_valid; /* whether expiry_time is valid; r/o after init */
expiry_time; /* expiry time, if expiry_time_valid != 0; r/o after init */
nsync_mu note_mu; /* protects fields below except "notified" */
nsync_cv no_children_cv; /* signalled when children becomes empty */
uint32_t disconnecting; /* non-zero => node is being disconnected */
nsync_atomic_uint32_ notified; /* non-zero if the note has been notified */
struct nsync_note_s_ *parent; /* points to parent, if any */
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
struct Dll *children; /* list of children */
struct Dll *waiters; /* list of waiters */
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
/* ---------- */
void nsync_mu_lock_slow_(nsync_mu *mu, waiter *w, uint32_t clear,
lock_type *l_type);
void nsync_mu_unlock_slow_(nsync_mu *mu, lock_type *l_type);
2023-07-06 06:57:28 -07:00
struct Dll *nsync_remove_from_mu_queue_(struct Dll *mu_queue, struct Dll *e);
void nsync_maybe_merge_conditions_(struct Dll *p, struct Dll *n);
2022-09-11 11:02:07 -07:00
nsync_time nsync_note_notified_deadline_(nsync_note n);
int nsync_sem_wait_with_cancel_(waiter *w, nsync_time abs_deadline,
nsync_note cancel_note);
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */
#endif /* NSYNC_COMMON_H_ */