Add special errno handling to libcxx

This commit is contained in:
Justine Tunney 2024-07-25 01:05:39 -07:00
parent 0f486a13c8
commit 2c4b88753b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: BE714B4575D6E328
10 changed files with 235 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -83,10 +83,6 @@
#define __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ 16
#define _PAGESIZE 4096
#if defined(__LP64__) && !defined(__INT64_TYPE__)
#include "libc/integral/"
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INT64_TYPE__)

View file

@ -1094,6 +1094,7 @@ third_party/libcxx/fs/filesystem_clock.cpp \
third_party/libcxx/fs/filesystem_error.cpp \
third_party/libcxx/fs/int128_builtins.cpp \
third_party/libcxx/fs/operations.cpp \
third_party/libcxx/fs/cosmo.cpp \
third_party/libcxx/fs/path.cpp \
third_party/libcxx/ryu/d2fixed.cpp \
third_party/libcxx/ryu/d2s.cpp \

View file

@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ ORIGIN
- Wrote __config_site
- Add special handling for cosmo errno
- Shaped and molded directory structure
- Kludged (and probably broke) awful `cerr` feature

View file

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ _LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD
// This leads to the odd pushing and popping of the deprecated
// diagnostic.
address_family_not_supported, // = EAFNOSUPPORT,
address_family_not_supported = 65536, // = EAFNOSUPPORT,
address_in_use, // = EADDRINUSE,
address_not_available, // = EADDRNOTAVAIL,
already_connected, // = EISCONN,

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
// No _LIBCPP_ELAST needed on Emscripten
#elif defined(__COSMOPOLITAN__)
#define _LIBCPP_ELAST 65535
// No _LIBCPP_ELAST needed on Cosmopolitan
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_MUSL_LIBC)
#define _LIBCPP_ELAST 4095
#elif defined(__APPLE__)

third_party/libcxx/fs/cosmo.cpp vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
#include <filesystem>
namespace detail {
std::errc __cosmo_err_to_errc_impl(int err) {
if (err == EAFNOSUPPORT) return errc::address_family_not_supported;
if (err == EADDRINUSE) return errc::address_in_use;
if (err == EADDRNOTAVAIL) return errc::address_not_available;
if (err == EISCONN) return errc::already_connected;
if (err == E2BIG) return errc::argument_list_too_long;
if (err == EDOM) return errc::argument_out_of_domain;
if (err == EFAULT) return errc::bad_address;
if (err == EBADF) return errc::bad_file_descriptor;
if (err == EBADMSG) return errc::bad_message;
if (err == EPIPE) return errc::broken_pipe;
if (err == ECONNABORTED) return errc::connection_aborted;
if (err == EALREADY) return errc::connection_already_in_progress;
if (err == ECONNREFUSED) return errc::connection_refused;
if (err == ECONNRESET) return errc::connection_reset;
if (err == EXDEV) return errc::cross_device_link;
if (err == EDESTADDRREQ) return errc::destination_address_required;
if (err == EBUSY) return errc::device_or_resource_busy;
if (err == ENOTEMPTY) return errc::directory_not_empty;
if (err == ENOEXEC) return errc::executable_format_error;
if (err == EEXIST) return errc::file_exists;
if (err == EFBIG) return errc::file_too_large;
if (err == ENAMETOOLONG) return errc::filename_too_long;
if (err == ENOSYS) return errc::function_not_supported;
if (err == EHOSTUNREACH) return errc::host_unreachable;
if (err == EIDRM) return errc::identifier_removed;
if (err == EILSEQ) return errc::illegal_byte_sequence;
if (err == ENOTTY) return errc::inappropriate_io_control_operation;
if (err == EINTR) return errc::interrupted;
if (err == EINVAL) return errc::invalid_argument;
if (err == ESPIPE) return errc::invalid_seek;
if (err == EIO) return errc::io_error;
if (err == EISDIR) return errc::is_a_directory;
if (err == EMSGSIZE) return errc::message_size;
if (err == ENETDOWN) return errc::network_down;
if (err == ENETRESET) return errc::network_reset;
if (err == ENETUNREACH) return errc::network_unreachable;
if (err == ENOBUFS) return errc::no_buffer_space;
if (err == ECHILD) return errc::no_child_process;
if (err == ENOLINK) return errc::no_link;
if (err == ENOLCK) return errc::no_lock_available;
if (err == ENOMSG) return errc::no_message;
if (err == (ENODATA ? ENODATA : ENOMSG)) return errc::no_message_available;
if (err == ENOPROTOOPT) return errc::no_protocol_option;
if (err == ENOSPC) return errc::no_space_on_device;
if (err == ENOMEM) return errc::not_enough_memory;
if (err == (ENOSR ? ENOSR : ENOMEM)) return errc::no_stream_resources;
if (err == ENXIO) return errc::no_such_device_or_address;
if (err == ENODEV) return errc::no_such_device;
if (err == ENOENT) return errc::no_such_file_or_directory;
if (err == ESRCH) return errc::no_such_process;
if (err == ENOTDIR) return errc::not_a_directory;
if (err == ENOTSOCK) return errc::not_a_socket;
if (err == (ENOSTR ? ENOSTR : EINVAL)) return errc::not_a_stream;
if (err == ENOTCONN) return errc::not_connected;
if (err == ENOTSUP) return errc::not_supported;
if (err == ECANCELED) return errc::operation_canceled;
if (err == EINPROGRESS) return errc::operation_in_progress;
if (err == EPERM) return errc::operation_not_permitted;
if (err == EOPNOTSUPP) return errc::operation_not_supported;
if (err == EWOULDBLOCK) return errc::operation_would_block;
if (err == EOWNERDEAD) return errc::owner_dead;
if (err == EACCES) return errc::permission_denied;
if (err == EPROTO) return errc::protocol_error;
if (err == EPROTONOSUPPORT) return errc::protocol_not_supported;
if (err == EROFS) return errc::read_only_file_system;
if (err == EDEADLK) return errc::resource_deadlock_would_occur;
if (err == EAGAIN) return errc::resource_unavailable_try_again;
if (err == ERANGE) return errc::result_out_of_range;
if (err == ENOTRECOVERABLE) return errc::state_not_recoverable;
if (err == ETIME) return errc::stream_timeout;
if (err == ETXTBSY) return errc::text_file_busy;
if (err == ETIMEDOUT) return errc::timed_out;
if (err == ENFILE) return errc::too_many_files_open_in_system;
if (err == EMFILE) return errc::too_many_files_open;
if (err == EMLINK) return errc::too_many_links;
if (err == ELOOP) return errc::too_many_symbolic_link_levels;
if (err == EOVERFLOW) return errc::value_too_large;
if (err == EPROTOTYPE) return errc::wrong_protocol_type;
return errc::not_supported;
int __cosmo_errc_to_err_impl(std::errc err) {
if (err == errc::address_family_not_supported) return EAFNOSUPPORT;
if (err == errc::address_in_use) return EADDRINUSE;
if (err == errc::address_not_available) return EADDRNOTAVAIL;
if (err == errc::already_connected) return EISCONN;
if (err == errc::argument_list_too_long) return E2BIG;
if (err == errc::argument_out_of_domain) return EDOM;
if (err == errc::bad_address) return EFAULT;
if (err == errc::bad_file_descriptor) return EBADF;
if (err == errc::bad_message) return EBADMSG;
if (err == errc::broken_pipe) return EPIPE;
if (err == errc::connection_aborted) return ECONNABORTED;
if (err == errc::connection_already_in_progress) return EALREADY;
if (err == errc::connection_refused) return ECONNREFUSED;
if (err == errc::connection_reset) return ECONNRESET;
if (err == errc::cross_device_link) return EXDEV;
if (err == errc::destination_address_required) return EDESTADDRREQ;
if (err == errc::device_or_resource_busy) return EBUSY;
if (err == errc::directory_not_empty) return ENOTEMPTY;
if (err == errc::executable_format_error) return ENOEXEC;
if (err == errc::file_exists) return EEXIST;
if (err == errc::file_too_large) return EFBIG;
if (err == errc::filename_too_long) return ENAMETOOLONG;
if (err == errc::function_not_supported) return ENOSYS;
if (err == errc::host_unreachable) return EHOSTUNREACH;
if (err == errc::identifier_removed) return EIDRM;
if (err == errc::illegal_byte_sequence) return EILSEQ;
if (err == errc::inappropriate_io_control_operation) return ENOTTY;
if (err == errc::interrupted) return EINTR;
if (err == errc::invalid_argument) return EINVAL;
if (err == errc::invalid_seek) return ESPIPE;
if (err == errc::io_error) return EIO;
if (err == errc::is_a_directory) return EISDIR;
if (err == errc::message_size) return EMSGSIZE;
if (err == errc::network_down) return ENETDOWN;
if (err == errc::network_reset) return ENETRESET;
if (err == errc::network_unreachable) return ENETUNREACH;
if (err == errc::no_buffer_space) return ENOBUFS;
if (err == errc::no_child_process) return ECHILD;
if (err == errc::no_link) return ENOLINK;
if (err == errc::no_lock_available) return ENOLCK;
if (err == errc::no_message) return ENOMSG;
if (err == errc::no_message_available) return (ENODATA ? ENODATA : ENOMSG);
if (err == errc::no_protocol_option) return ENOPROTOOPT;
if (err == errc::no_space_on_device) return ENOSPC;
if (err == errc::not_enough_memory) return ENOMEM;
if (err == errc::no_stream_resources) return (ENOSR ? ENOSR : ENOMEM);
if (err == errc::no_such_device_or_address) return ENXIO;
if (err == errc::no_such_device) return ENODEV;
if (err == errc::no_such_file_or_directory) return ENOENT;
if (err == errc::no_such_process) return ESRCH;
if (err == errc::not_a_directory) return ENOTDIR;
if (err == errc::not_a_socket) return ENOTSOCK;
if (err == errc::not_a_stream) return (ENOSTR ? ENOSTR : EINVAL);
if (err == errc::not_connected) return ENOTCONN;
if (err == errc::not_supported) return ENOTSUP;
if (err == errc::operation_canceled) return ECANCELED;
if (err == errc::operation_in_progress) return EINPROGRESS;
if (err == errc::operation_not_permitted) return EPERM;
if (err == errc::operation_not_supported) return EOPNOTSUPP;
if (err == errc::operation_would_block) return EWOULDBLOCK;
if (err == errc::owner_dead) return EOWNERDEAD;
if (err == errc::permission_denied) return EACCES;
if (err == errc::protocol_error) return EPROTO;
if (err == errc::protocol_not_supported) return EPROTONOSUPPORT;
if (err == errc::read_only_file_system) return EROFS;
if (err == errc::resource_deadlock_would_occur) return EDEADLK;
if (err == errc::resource_unavailable_try_again) return EAGAIN;
if (err == errc::result_out_of_range) return ERANGE;
if (err == errc::state_not_recoverable) return ENOTRECOVERABLE;
if (err == errc::stream_timeout) return ETIME;
if (err == errc::text_file_busy) return ETXTBSY;
if (err == errc::timed_out) return ETIMEDOUT;
if (err == errc::too_many_files_open_in_system) return ENFILE;
if (err == errc::too_many_files_open) return EMFILE;
if (err == errc::too_many_links) return EMLINK;
if (err == errc::too_many_symbolic_link_levels) return ELOOP;
if (err == errc::value_too_large) return EOVERFLOW;
if (err == errc::wrong_protocol_type) return EPROTOTYPE;
return ENOTSUP;
std::errc __cosmo_err_to_errc(int err) {
if (err >= 65536)
return (std::errc)err;
return __cosmo_err_to_errc_impl(err);
int __cosmo_errc_to_err(std::errc err) {
if ((int)err < 65536)
return (int)err;
return __cosmo_errc_to_err_impl(err);
} // end namespace detail
#endif // __COSMOPOLITAN__

View file

@ -118,7 +118,11 @@ public:
if ((__stream_ = ::opendir(root.c_str())) == nullptr) {
ec = detail::capture_errno();
const bool allow_eacces = bool(opts & directory_options::skip_permission_denied);
if (allow_eacces && ec.value() == (int)errc::permission_denied)
if (allow_eacces && ec.value() == EACCES)
@ -307,7 +311,11 @@ bool recursive_directory_iterator::__try_recursion(error_code* ec) {
if (m_ec) {
const bool allow_eacess = bool(__imp_->__options_ & directory_options::skip_permission_denied);
if (m_ec.value() == (int)errc::permission_denied && allow_eacess) {
if (m_ec.value() == EACCES && allow_eacess) {
if (ec)
} else {

View file

@ -98,9 +98,16 @@ inline errc __win_err_to_errc(int err) {
#endif // _LIBCPP_WIN32API
errc __cosmo_err_to_errc(int);
int __cosmo_errc_to_err(errc);
inline error_code capture_errno() {
_LIBCPP_ASSERT_INTERNAL(errno != 0, "Expected errno to be non-zero");
return error_code((int)__cosmo_err_to_errc(errno), generic_category());
return error_code(errno, generic_category());
#if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)

View file

@ -194,7 +194,12 @@ inline perms posix_get_perms(const StatT& st) noexcept { return static_cast<perm
inline file_status create_file_status(error_code& m_ec, path const& p, const StatT& path_stat, error_code* ec) {
if (ec)
*ec = m_ec;
if (m_ec && (m_ec.value() == (int)errc::no_such_file_or_directory ||
m_ec.value() == (int)errc::not_a_directory)) {
if (m_ec && (m_ec.value() == ENOENT || m_ec.value() == ENOTDIR)) {
return file_status(file_type::not_found);
} else if (m_ec) {
ErrorHandler<void> err("posix_stat", ec, &p);

View file

@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
# include <android/api-level.h>
#include <fs/error.h>
namespace {
@ -35,6 +39,9 @@ string do_strerror_r(int ev);
# if defined(_LIBCPP_MSVCRT_LIKE)
string do_strerror_r(int ev) {
ev = (int)filesystem::detail::__cosmo_errc_to_err(ev);
char buffer[strerror_buff_size];
if (::strerror_s(buffer, strerror_buff_size, ev) == 0)
return string(buffer);
@ -81,6 +88,9 @@ string do_strerror_r(int ev) {
// Preserve errno around the call. (The C++ standard requires that
// system_error functions not modify errno).
const int old_errno = errno;
ev = filesystem::detail::__cosmo_errc_to_err((errc)ev);
const char* error_message = handle_strerror_r_return(::strerror_r(ev, buffer, strerror_buff_size), buffer);
// If we didn't get any message, print one now.
if (!error_message[0]) {
@ -129,6 +139,9 @@ public:
const char* __generic_error_category::name() const noexcept { return "generic"; }
string __generic_error_category::message(int ev) const {
ev = filesystem::detail::__cosmo_errc_to_err((errc)ev);
if (ev > _LIBCPP_ELAST)
return string("unspecified generic_category error");
@ -156,6 +169,9 @@ public:
const char* __system_error_category::name() const noexcept { return "system"; }
string __system_error_category::message(int ev) const {
ev = filesystem::detail::__cosmo_errc_to_err((errc)ev);
if (ev > _LIBCPP_ELAST)
return string("unspecified system_category error");
@ -164,6 +180,9 @@ string __system_error_category::message(int ev) const {
error_condition __system_error_category::default_error_condition(int ev) const noexcept {
ev = filesystem::detail::__cosmo_errc_to_err((errc)ev);
if (ev > _LIBCPP_ELAST)
return error_condition(ev, system_category());
@ -212,7 +231,11 @@ system_error::~system_error() noexcept {}
void __throw_system_error(int ev, const char* what_arg) {
std::__throw_system_error(error_code((int)filesystem::detail::__cosmo_err_to_errc(ev), system_category()), what_arg);
std::__throw_system_error(error_code(ev, system_category()), what_arg);
// The above could also handle the no-exception case, but for size, avoid referencing system_category() unnecessarily.