mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:18:44 +00:00
Audit every single JSON test
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 473 additions and 285 deletions
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include "net/http/escape.h"
* Filters out control codes from string.
* Makes control codes and trojan source plainly viewable.
* This is useful for logging data like HTTP messages, where we don't
* want full blown C string literal escaping, but we don't want things
@ -67,6 +67,32 @@ char *VisualizeControlCodes(const char *data, size_t size, size_t *out_size) {
// remap trojan source characters
if (x == 0x2028) {
x = L'↵'; // line separator
} else if (x == 0x2029) {
x = L'¶'; // paragraph separator
} else if (x == 0x202A) {
x = L'⟫'; // left-to-right embedding
} else if (x == 0x202B) {
x = L'⟪'; // right-to-left embedding
} else if (x == 0x202D) {
x = L'❯'; // left-to-right override
} else if (x == 0x202E) {
x = L'❮'; // right-to-left override
} else if (x == 0x2066) {
x = L'⟩'; // left-to-right isolate
} else if (x == 0x2067) {
x = L'⟨'; // right-to-left isolate
} else if (x == 0x2068) {
x = L'⧽'; // first strong isolate
} else if (x == 0x202C) {
x = L'⇮'; // pop directional formatting
} else if (x == 0x2069) {
x = L'⇯'; // pop directional isolate
if (0x80 <= x && x < 0xA0) {
q[0] = '\\';
q[1] = 'u';
@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ assert(err == "won't serialize cyclic lua table")
-- pass the parser to itself lool
json, err = EncodeJson(EncodeJson)
assert(not json)
assert(err == "unsupported lua type")
-- EncodeJson() sorts table entries
@ -145,6 +144,9 @@ assert(ParseHttpDateTime("Fri, 08 Jul 2022 16:17:43 GMT") == 1657297063)
assert(FormatHttpDateTime(1657297063) == "Fri, 08 Jul 2022 16:17:43 GMT")
assert(VisualizeControlCodes("hello\x00") == "hello␀")
assert(VisualizeControlCodes("\xe2\x80\xa8") == "↵") -- line separator
assert(VisualizeControlCodes("\xe2\x80\xaa") == "⟫") -- left-to-right embedding
assert(VisualizeControlCodes("\xe2\x80\xab") == "⟪") -- right-to-left embedding
assert(math.floor(10 * MeasureEntropy(" ") + .5) == 0)
assert(math.floor(10 * MeasureEntropy("abcabcabcabc") + .5) == 16)
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ 0 ]])) == '0' )
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ [1] ]])) == '{1}')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ 2.3 ]])) == '2.3')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ [1,3,2] ]])) == '{1, 3, 2}')
-- assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ {1: 2, 3: 4} ]])) == '{[1]=2, [3]=4}')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ {"foo": 2, "bar": 4} ]])) == '{bar=4, foo=2}')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ -123 ]])) == '-123')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ 1e6 ]])) == '1000000.')
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ 1e-06 ]])) == '0.000001')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ 9.123e6 ]])) == '9123000.')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ [{"heh": [1,3,2]}] ]])) == '{{heh={1, 3, 2}}}')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ 3.14159 ]])) == '3.14159')
-- assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ {3=4} ]])) == '{[3]=4}')
assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ 1e-12 ]])) == '1e-12')
assert(EncodeJson(assert(DecodeJson[[ 1e-12 ]])) == '1e-12')
@ -52,6 +50,14 @@ assert(EncodeJson(assert(DecodeJson[[ 9223372036854775807.0 ]])) == '9223372036
assert(EncodeJson(assert(DecodeJson[[ 2.7182818284590452354 ]])) == '2.718281828459045') -- euler constant w/ 17 digit precision
assert( EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson[[ 2.7182818284590452354 ]])) == '2.718281828459045') -- euler constant w/ 17 digit precision
res, err = DecodeJson[[ null ]]
assert(res == nil)
assert(err == nil)
res, err = DecodeJson[[ false ]]
assert(res == false)
assert(err == nil)
res, err = DecodeJson[[ ]]
assert(not res)
assert(err == 'unexpected eof')
@ -60,14 +66,6 @@ res, err = DecodeJson[[ {} {} ]]
assert(not res)
assert(err == "junk after expression")
res, err = DecodeJson[[ null ]]
assert(not res)
assert(err == "toplevel json can't be null")
res, err = DecodeJson[[ false ]]
assert(not res)
assert(err == "toplevel json can't be false")
res, err = DecodeJson[[ {3:4} ]]
assert(not res)
assert(err == "object key must be string")
@ -96,6 +94,26 @@ res, err = DecodeJson[[ {true:3} ]]
assert(not res)
assert(err == "object key must be string")
res, err = DecodeJson('"\x00"')
assert(res == nil)
assert(err == 'non-del c0 in string')
res, err = DecodeJson('"e')
assert(res == nil)
assert(err == 'unexpected eof in string')
res, err = DecodeJson('"\\xcc\\xa9"')
assert(res == nil)
assert(err == 'hex escape not printable')
res, err = DecodeJson('"\\xcj"')
assert(res == nil)
assert(err == 'invalid hex escape')
res, err = DecodeJson('"\\ucjcc"')
assert(res == nil)
assert(err == 'invalid unicode escape')
res, err = DecodeJson('[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[')
assert(not res)
assert(err == "maximum depth exceeded")
@ -236,8 +236,7 @@ assert(not DecodeJson(' ["x" '))
assert(not DecodeJson(' ["": 1] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_a_invalid_utf8.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x61\xe5\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [a\xe5] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_comma_instead_of_colon.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' {"x", null} '))
@ -252,3 +251,21 @@ assert(not DecodeJson(' 123\x00 '))
-- (added spaces between [[ and ]] so lua doesn't get confused)
assert(not DecodeJson([[
[ "x"] ] ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_with_leading_zero.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' [012] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_neg_int_starting_with_zero.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' [-012] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_1_000.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' [1 000.0] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_-01.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' [-01] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_minus_space_1.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' [- 1] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_just_minus.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' [-] '))
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
-- these test cases are prefixed with n_
-- ljson should reject all of them as invalid
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- Nicolas Seriot's JSONTestSuite
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@
-- these test cases are prefixed with n_
-- ljson should reject all of them as invalid
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- Nicolas Seriot's JSONTestSuite
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite
@ -31,48 +30,40 @@
-- ljson should reject all of them as invalid
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_start_escape_unclosed.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"\\ "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_single_string_no_double_quotes.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x61\x62\x63 '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" abc "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_single_quote.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x27\x73\x69\x6e\x67\x6c\x65\x20\x71\x75\x6f\x74\x65\x27\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\'single quote\'] "))
-- disallow escape code outside string
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_no_quotes_with_bad_escape.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x5c\x6e\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\\n] "))
-- disallow unicode escape outside string
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_leading_uescaped_thinspace.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x5c\x75\x30\x30\x32\x30\x22\x61\x73\x64\x22\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\\u0020\"asd\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_incomplete_surrogate_escape_invalid.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x78\x22\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"\\uD800\\uD800\\x\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_incomplete_escape.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x22\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"\\\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_escaped_backslash_bad.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x5c\x5c\x22\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"\\\\\\\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_accentuated_char_no_quotes.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\xc3\xa9\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [é] "))
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"é\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x22\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"\\uD800\\\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_with_single_string.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(not DecodeJson(' \x7b\x20\x22\x66\x6f\x6f\x22\x20\x3a\x20\x22\x62\x61\x72\x22\x2c\x20\x22\x61\x22\x20\x7d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" { \"foo\" : \"bar\", \"a\" } "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_unterminated-value.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' {"a":"a '))
@ -174,3 +165,15 @@ assert(not DecodeJson(' {"a":"b"}/**// '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_trailing_comment.json
assert(not DecodeJson(' {"a":"b"}/**/ '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_unescaped_ctrl_char.json
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"a\x00a\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_escape_x.json
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"a\\x00a\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_unescaped_tab.json
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"\t\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_unescaped_newline.json
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\"new\nline\"] "))
@ -26,111 +26,111 @@
-- [jart] these tests deviate from the expectations of the upstream test
-- suite. most of these failures are because we permit syntax
-- like this since it saves bandwidth and makes the impl smaller.
-- we're also more permissive about things like the encoding of
-- double exponents and empty double fraction.
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson('[0 1 2 3 4]')) == '{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}')
-- from fail4.lua
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_escape_x.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"\\x00\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_unescaped_tab.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(DecodeJson([[ [" "] ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_unescaped_newline.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"new\nline\"] "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_string_unescaped_ctrl_char.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson(" [\"a\x00a\"] ")))) == assert(EncodeLua({"a\x00a"})))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_two_commas_in_a_row.json
assert(assert(EncodeLua(assert(DecodeJson(' {"a":"b",,"c":"d"} ')))) == assert(EncodeLua({a="b", c="d"})))
assert(DecodeJson(' {"a":"b",,"c":"d"} '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' {"a":"b",,"c":"d"} ')) == '{a="b", c="d"}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_trailing_comma.json
assert(DecodeJson(' {"id":0,} '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' {"id":0,} ')) == '{id=0}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_several_trailing_commas.json
assert(DecodeJson(' {"id":0,,,,,} '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' {"id":0,,,,,} ')) == '{id=0}')
-- from fail1.lua
-- [jart] v8 permits the \xb9 but doesn't permit the trailing comma
-- therefore this succeeds beacuse we don't care about comma
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_lone_continuation_byte_in_key_and_trailing_comma.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(DecodeJson(" {\"\xb9\":\"0\",} "))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(" {\"\xb9\":\"0\",} ")) == '{["\\xb9"]="0"}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_missing_semicolon.json
assert(DecodeJson(' {"a" "b"} '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' {"a" "b"} ')) == '{a="b"}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_object_double_colon.json
assert(DecodeJson(' {"x"::"b"} '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_with_leading_zero.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [012] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' {"x"::"b"} ')) == '{x="b"}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_real_without_fractional_part.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [1.] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_neg_int_starting_with_zero.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [-012] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_minus_space_1.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [- 1] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [1.] ')) == EncodeLua({1.0}))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_2.e3.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [2.e3] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [2.e3] ')) == '{2000.}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_2.e-3.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [2.e-3] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [2.e-3] ')) == '{0.002}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_2.e+3.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [2.e+3] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_1_000.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [1 000.0] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [2.e+3] ')) == '{2000.}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_0.e1.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [0.e1] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [0.e1] ')) == '{0.}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_-2..json
assert(DecodeJson(' [-2.] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [-2.] ')) == '{-2.}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_number_-01.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [-01] '))
-- lool
assert(not DecodeJson(' [--2.] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_number_and_several_commas.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [1,,] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [1,,] ')) == '{1}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_number_and_comma.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [1,] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [1,] ')) == '{1}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_missing_value.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [ , ""] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_just_minus.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [-] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [ , ""] ')) == '{""}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_just_comma.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [,] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [,] ')) == EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [] ')))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_inner_array_no_comma.json
-- (added spaces between [[ and ]] so lua doesn't get confused)
[ 3[ 4] ] ]]))
[ 3[ 4] ] ]])) == '{3, {4}}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_extra_comma.json
assert(DecodeJson(' ["",] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' ["",] ')) == '{""}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_double_extra_comma.json
assert(DecodeJson(' ["x",,] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' ["x",,] ')) == '{"x"}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_double_comma.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [1,,2] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [1,,2] ')) == '{1, 2}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_comma_and_number.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [,1] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [,1] ')) == '{1}')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/n_array_1_true_without_comma.json
assert(DecodeJson(' [1 true] '))
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [1 true] ')) == '{1, true}')
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- Nicolas Seriot's JSONTestSuite
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite
@ -27,18 +26,17 @@
-- these test cases are prefixed with i_
-- ljson is free to accept or reject,
-- but we run them anyway to check for segfaults
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_structure_UTF-8_BOM_empty_object.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \xef\xbb\xbf{} '))
assert(not DecodeJson(' \xef\xbb\xbf{} '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_structure_500_nested_arrays.json
-- (added spaces between [[ and ]] so lua doesn't get confused)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [
assert(not DecodeJson([[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [
@ -66,124 +64,154 @@ assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [
] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_utf16LE_no_BOM.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x00\x22\x00\xe9\x00\x22\x00\x5d\x00 '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" [\x00\"\x00\xe9\x00\"\x00]\x00 "))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_utf16BE_no_BOM.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x00\x5b\x00\x22\x00\xe9\x00\x22\x00\x5d '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" \x00[\x00\"\x00\xe9\x00\"\x00] "))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_truncated-utf-8.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xe0\xff\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"\xe0\xff\"] "))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_overlong_sequence_6_bytes_null.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"\xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\"] "))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_overlong_sequence_6_bytes.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xfc\x83\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"\xfc\x83\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\"] "))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_overlong_sequence_2_bytes.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xc0\xaf\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\xc0\xaf\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_not_in_unicode_range.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xf4\xbf\xbf\xbf\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"\xf4\xbf\xbf\xbf\"] "))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_lone_utf8_continuation_byte.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x81\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x81\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] our behavior here is consistent with v8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_lone_second_surrogate.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x46\x41\x41\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"\\uDFAA\"] "))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(" [\"\\uDFAA\"] ")) == "[\"\\\\uDFAA\"]")
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_iso_latin_1.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xe9\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\xe9\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_inverted_surrogates_U+1D11E.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x64\x31\x65\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x33\x34\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x64\x31\x65\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x33\x34\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_invalid_utf-8.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xff\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\xff\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_invalid_surrogate.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x64\x38\x30\x30\x61\x62\x63\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x64\x38\x30\x30\x61\x62\x63\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_invalid_lonely_surrogate.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x64\x38\x30\x30\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x64\x38\x30\x30\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_incomplete_surrogates_escape_valid.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x6e\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x6e\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_incomplete_surrogate_pair.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x64\x31\x65\x61\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x64\x31\x65\x61\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_incomplete_surrogate_and_escape_valid.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x6e\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x30\x30\x5c\x6e\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_UTF8_surrogate_U+D800.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xed\xa0\x80\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\xed\xa0\x80\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_UTF-8_invalid_sequence.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa\x22\x5d '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_UTF-16LE_with_BOM.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \xff\xfe\x5b\x00\x22\x00\xe9\x00\x22\x00\x5d\x00 '))
assert(not DecodeJson(" \xff\xfe[\x00\"\x00\xe9\x00\"\x00]\x00 "))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_1st_valid_surrogate_2nd_invalid.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x38\x38\x5c\x75\x31\x32\x33\x34\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x38\x38\x38\x5c\x75\x31\x32\x33\x34\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_string_1st_surrogate_but_2nd_missing.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x41\x44\x41\x22\x5d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x5b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x41\x44\x41\x22\x5d '))
-- [jart] ljson currently doesn't validate utf-8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_object_key_lone_2nd_surrogate.json
-- (converted to binary for safety)
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' \x7b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x46\x41\x41\x22\x3a\x30\x7d '))
assert(DecodeJson(' \x7b\x22\x5c\x75\x44\x46\x41\x41\x22\x3a\x30\x7d '))
-- [jart] ljson is precicely the same as v8 with integers larger than int64_t
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_very_big_negative_int.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [-237462374673276894279832749832423479823246327846] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [-237462374673276894279832749832423479823246327846] '))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(' [-237462374673276894279832749832423479823246327846] ')) == '[-2.374623746732769e+47]')
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_too_big_pos_int.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [100000000000000000000] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [100000000000000000000] '))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_too_big_neg_int.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [-123123123123123123123123123123] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [-123123123123123123123123123123] '))
-- [jart] once again consistent with v8
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_real_underflow.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [123e-10000000] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [123e-10000000] '))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(' [123e-10000000] ')) == '[0]')
assert(EncodeLua(DecodeJson(' [123e-10000000] ')) == '{0.}')
-- [jart] consistent with v8 we encode Infinity as null (wut?)
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_real_pos_overflow.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [123123e100000] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [123123e100000] '))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(' [123123e100000] ')) == '[null]')
-- [jart] consistent with v8 we encode -Infinity as null (wut?)
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_real_neg_overflow.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [-123123e100000] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [-123123e100000] '))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(' [-123123e100000] ')) == '[null]')
-- [jart] consistent with v8 we encode Infinity as null (wut?)
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_pos_double_huge_exp.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [1.5e+9999] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [1.5e+9999] '))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(' [1.5e+9999] ')) == '[null]')
-- [jart] consistent with v8 we encode -Infinity as null (wut?)
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_neg_int_huge_exp.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [-1e+9999] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [-1e+9999] '))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(' [-1e+9999] ')) == '[null]')
-- [jart] consistent with v8 we encode Infinity as null (wut?)
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_huge_exp.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [0.4e00669999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999969999999006] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [0.4e00669999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999969999999006] '))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(' [0.4e00669999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999969999999006] ')) == '[null]')
-- [jart] consistent with v8 we encode underflow as 0
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/i_number_double_huge_neg_exp.json
assert(nil ~= pcall(DecodeJson, ' [123.456e-789] '))
assert(DecodeJson(' [123.456e-789] '))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(' [123.456e-789] ')) == '[0]')
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- Nicolas Seriot's JSONTestSuite
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite
@ -27,10 +26,21 @@
-- these test cases are prefixed with y_
-- ljson should accept all of them as valid
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_structure_lonely_null.json
val, err = DecodeJson([[ null ]])
assert(not val)
assert(val == nil)
assert(err == nil)
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_structure_lonely_false.json
val, err = DecodeJson([[ false ]])
assert(not val)
assert(val == false)
assert(err == nil)
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_structure_whitespace_array.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ [] ]]))
@ -49,27 +59,29 @@ assert(DecodeJson([[ true ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_structure_lonely_string.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ "asd" ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_structure_lonely_null.json
assert(not DecodeJson([[ null ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_structure_lonely_negative_real.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ -0.1 ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_structure_lonely_int.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ 42 ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_structure_lonely_false.json
assert(not DecodeJson([[ false ]]))
-- Raw ASCII DEL allowed in string literals
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_string_with_del_character.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ ["aa"] ]]))
assert(DecodeJson(" [\"a\x7fa\"] "))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson(" [\"a\x7fa\"] ")) == '["a\\u007fa"]')
-- EURO SIGN (20AC) and MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF (1D11E) in string literal
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_string_utf8.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ ["€𝄞"] ]]))
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson([[ ["€𝄞"] ]])) == "[\"\\u20ac\\ud834\\udd1e\"]")
assert(EncodeJson(DecodeJson([[ ["€𝄞"] ]])) == EncodeJson(DecodeJson(" [\"\xe2\x82\xac\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e\"] ")))
-- unicode escape for double quote
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_string_unicode_escaped_double_quote.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ ["\u0022"] ]]))
assert(DecodeJson([[ ["\u0022"] ]])[1] == '"')
-- replacement character
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_string_unicode_U+FFFE_nonchar.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ ["\uFFFE"] ]]))
@ -106,9 +118,11 @@ assert(DecodeJson([[ ["new\u000Aline"] ]]))
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_string_uEscape.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ ["\u0061\u30af\u30EA\u30b9"] ]]))
-- paragraph separator trojan source
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_string_u+2029_par_sep.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ ["
"] ]]))
-- line separator trojan source
-- https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/tree/d64aefb55228d9584d3e5b2433f720ea8fd00c82/test_parsing/y_string_u+2028_line_sep.json
assert(DecodeJson([[ ["
"] ]]))
@ -322,4 +336,3 @@ assert(DecodeJson([[ [""] ]]))
-- (added spaces between [[ and ]] so lua doesn't get confused)
[ [ ] ] ]]))
@ -9,30 +9,35 @@ assert(DecodeJson([[
[ "extra comma",]
-- [jart] we deviate from json.org because we don't care about commas
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail5.json
[ "double extra comma",,]
-- [jart] we deviate from json.org because we don't care about commas
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail6.json
[ , "<-- missing value"]
-- [jart] we deviate from json.org because we don't care about commas
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail9.json
{"Extra comma": true,}
-- [jart] we deviate from json.org because we don't care about colons
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail19.json
{"Missing colon" null}
-- [jart] we deviate from json.org because we don't care about colons
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail20.json
@ -41,19 +46,19 @@ assert(DecodeJson([[
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail25.json
assert(not DecodeJson([[
[ " tab character in string "]
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail27.json
assert(not DecodeJson([[
[ "line
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail15.json
assert(not DecodeJson([[
[ "Illegal backslash escape: \x15"]
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: pass1.json
assert(pcall(DecodeJson, [[
"JSON Test Pattern pass1",
{"object with 1 member":[ "array with 1 element"] },
@ -63,14 +63,13 @@ assert(pcall(DecodeJson, [[
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: pass2.json
assert(pcall(DecodeJson, [[
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ "Not too deep"] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: pass3.json
assert(pcall(DecodeJson, [[
"JSON Test Pattern pass3": {
"The outermost value": "must be an object or array.",
@ -80,18 +79,20 @@ assert(pcall(DecodeJson, [[
-- json.org says these should fail, but many parsers,
-- including python's json.load allow the following
-- [jart] our behavior is consistent with v8
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail1.json (actually passes)
assert(pcall(DecodeJson, [[
"A JSON payload should be an object or array, not a string."
-- [jart] this deviates from json.org
-- we permit depth up to 128
-- https://www.json.org/JSON_checker/test.zip
-- JSON parsing sample test case: fail18.json (actually passes)
assert(pcall(DecodeJson, [[
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ "Too deep"] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "libc/bits/bits.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "third_party/double-conversion/double-conversion.h"
#include "third_party/double-conversion/double-to-string.h"
@ -32,6 +33,21 @@ char* DoubleToEcmascript(char buf[128], double x) {
return b.Finalize();
char* DoubleToJson(char buf[128], double x) {
StringBuilder b(buf, 128);
static const DoubleToStringConverter kDoubleToJson(
DoubleToStringConverter::UNIQUE_ZERO |
"null", "null", 'e', -6, 21, 6, 0);
kDoubleToJson.ToShortest(x, &b);
if (READ32LE(buf) != READ32LE("-nul")) {
return buf;
} else {
return strcpy(buf, "null");
char* DoubleToLua(char buf[128], double x) {
static const DoubleToStringConverter kDoubleToLua(
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
char *DoubleToLua(char[128], double);
char *DoubleToJson(char[128], double);
char *DoubleToEcmascript(char[128], double);
double StringToDouble(const char *, size_t, int *);
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static int LuaEncodeJsonDataImpl(lua_State *L, char **buf, int level,
buf, ibuf, FormatInt64(ibuf, luaL_checkinteger(L, idx)) - ibuf));
} else {
appends(buf, DoubleToEcmascript(ibuf, lua_tonumber(L, idx))));
appends(buf, DoubleToJson(ibuf, lua_tonumber(L, idx))));
return 0;
@ -679,21 +679,61 @@ FUNCTIONS
├─→ double
├─→ array
├─→ object
├─→ false
├─→ true
├─→ nil
└─→ nil, error:str
Turns JSON string into a Lua data structure.
This is a very permissive parser. That means it should always
parse correctly formatted JSON correctly. However it will not
complain if the `input` string is weirdly formatted. There is
currently no validation performed, other than what we need to
ensure security. For example `{3=4}` will decode as `{[3]=4}`
even though that structure won't round-trip with `EncodeJson`
since redbean won't generate invalid JSON (see Postel's Law).
This is a generally permissive parser, in the sense that like
v8, it permits scalars as top-level values. Therefore we must
note that this API can be thought of as special, in the sense
This parser permits top-level values regardless of type, with
the exception of `false`, `null`, and absent.
val = assert(DecodeJson(str))
will usually do the right thing, except in cases where false
or null are the top-level value. In those cases, it's needed
to check the second value too in order to discern from error
val, err = DecodeJson(str)
if not val then
if err then
print('bad json', err)
elseif val == nil then
print('val is null')
elseif val == false then
print('val is false')
This parser supports 64-bit signed integers. If an overflow
happens, then the integer is silently coerced to double, as
consistent with v8. If a double overflows into Infinity, we
coerce it to `null` since that's what v8 does, and the same
goes for underflows which, like v8, are coerced to 0.0.
This parser does not validate UTF-8 which is copied how the
JSON specifies. It may therefore contain underlong overlong
characters, trojan source and even numbers banned the IETF.
You can use VisualizeControlCodes() and Underlong(), to see
if a string round-trips, to detect these weirdo codepoints.
This parser does some validation of UTF-16. Consistent with
v8, bad surrogate characters will be silently preserved, as
their original escape sequence text. Thereby ensuring utf-8
output is valid. Please note that invalid utf-8 could still
happen if it's encoded as utf-8.
This parser is lenient about commas and colons. For example
it's permissible to say `DecodeJson('[1 2 3 4]')`. Trailing
commas are allowed. Even prefix commas are allowed. However
it's not recommended that you rely on this behavior, and it
won't round-trip with EncodeJson() currently.
When objects are parsed, your Lua object can't preserve the
the original ordering of fields. As such, they'll be sorted
by EncodeJson() and may not round-trip with original intent
├─→ json:str
@ -726,6 +766,8 @@ FUNCTIONS
When arrays and objects are serialized, entries will be sorted
in a deterministic order.
This parser does not support UTF-8
├─→ luacode:str
├─→ true [if useoutput]
@ -1385,10 +1427,10 @@ FUNCTIONS
access log and message logging.
VisualizeControlCodes(str) → str
Replaces C0 control codes with their UNICODE pictures
representation. This function also canonicalizes overlong
encodings. C1 control codes are replaced with a JavaScript-like
escape sequence.
Replaces C0 control codes and trojan source characters with
descriptive UNICODE pictorial representation. This function
also canonicalizes overlong encodings. C1 control codes are
replaced with a JavaScript-like escape sequence.
Underlong(str) → str
Canonicalizes overlong encodings.
@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
#include "libc/bits/bits.h"
#include "libc/bits/likely.h"
#include "libc/intrin/kprintf.h"
#include "libc/log/check.h"
#include "libc/log/log.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "libc/str/tpenc.h"
#include "libc/str/utf16.h"
#include "third_party/double-conversion/wrapper.h"
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ static struct DecodeJson Parse(struct lua_State *L, const char *p,
char w[4];
const char *a;
luaL_Buffer b;
const char *reason;
struct DecodeJson r;
int A, B, C, D, c, d, i, u;
if (UNLIKELY(!--depth)) {
@ -74,9 +77,6 @@ static struct DecodeJson Parse(struct lua_State *L, const char *p,
case 'n': // null
if (UNLIKELY(context == OBJECT_KEY)) goto BadObjectKey;
if (UNLIKELY(context == TOP_LEVEL)) {
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "toplevel json can't be null"};
if (p + 3 <= e && READ32LE(p - 1) == READ32LE("null")) {
return (struct DecodeJson){1, p + 3};
@ -86,9 +86,6 @@ static struct DecodeJson Parse(struct lua_State *L, const char *p,
case 'f': // false
if (UNLIKELY(context == OBJECT_KEY)) goto BadObjectKey;
if (UNLIKELY(context == TOP_LEVEL)) {
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "toplevel json can't be false"};
if (p + 4 <= e && READ32LE(p) == READ32LE("alse")) {
lua_pushboolean(L, false);
return (struct DecodeJson){1, p + 4};
@ -105,15 +102,26 @@ static struct DecodeJson Parse(struct lua_State *L, const char *p,
goto IllegalCharacter;
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "object key must be string"};
case '-': // negative
if (UNLIKELY(context == OBJECT_KEY)) goto BadObjectKey;
d = -1;
if (p < e && isdigit(*p)) {
d = -1;
} else {
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "bad negative"};
case '0': // zero or number
if (UNLIKELY(context == OBJECT_KEY)) goto BadObjectKey;
if (p < e && (*p == '.' || *p == 'e' || *p == 'E')) {
goto UseDubble;
if (p < e) {
if ((*p == '.' || *p == 'e' || *p == 'E')) {
goto UseDubble;
} else if (isdigit(*p)) {
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "unexpected octal"};
lua_pushinteger(L, 0);
return (struct DecodeJson){1, p};
@ -138,6 +146,7 @@ static struct DecodeJson Parse(struct lua_State *L, const char *p,
UseDubble: // number
lua_pushnumber(L, StringToDouble(a, e - a, &c));
DCHECK(c > 0, "paranoid avoiding infinite loop");
return (struct DecodeJson){1, a + c};
case '[': // Array
@ -206,134 +215,146 @@ static struct DecodeJson Parse(struct lua_State *L, const char *p,
case '"': // string
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
while (p < e) {
for (;;) {
if (UNLIKELY(p >= e)) {
reason = "unexpected eof in string";
goto StringFailureWithReason;
c = *p++ & 255;
if (c == '"') {
return (struct DecodeJson){1, p};
} else if (c == '\\') {
goto HandleEscape;
} else if (UNLIKELY(c <= 0x1F)) {
reason = "non-del c0 in string";
goto StringFailureWithReason;
} else {
luaL_addchar(&b, c);
if (UNLIKELY(p >= e)) {
goto UnexpectedEofString;
switch ((c = *p++ & 255)) {
case '"':
case '/':
case '\\':
luaL_addchar(&b, c);
case '\\':
if (p < e) {
switch ((c = *p++ & 255)) {
goto InvalidEscapeCharacter;
case '"':
case '/':
case '\\':
goto AddByte;
case 'b':
c = '\b';
goto AddByte;
case 'f':
c = '\f';
goto AddByte;
case 'n':
c = '\n';
goto AddByte;
case 'r':
c = '\r';
goto AddByte;
case 't':
c = '\t';
goto AddByte;
case 'x':
if (p + 2 <= e && //
(A = kHexToInt[p[0] & 255]) != -1 && // HEX
(B = kHexToInt[p[1] & 255]) != -1) { //
c = A << 4 | B;
p += 2;
goto AddByte;
} else {
goto InvalidEscapeCharacter;
case 'u':
if (p + 4 <= e && //
(A = kHexToInt[p[0] & 255]) != -1 && //
(B = kHexToInt[p[1] & 255]) != -1 && // UCS-2
(C = kHexToInt[p[2] & 255]) != -1 && //
(D = kHexToInt[p[3] & 255]) != -1) { //
c = A << 12 | B << 8 | C << 4 | D;
if (!IsSurrogate(c)) {
p += 4;
} else if (IsHighSurrogate(c)) {
if (p + 4 + 6 <= e && //
p[4] == '\\' && //
p[5] == 'u' && //
(A = kHexToInt[p[6] & 255]) != -1 && // UTF-16
(B = kHexToInt[p[7] & 255]) != -1 && //
(C = kHexToInt[p[8] & 255]) != -1 && //
(D = kHexToInt[p[9] & 255]) != -1) { //
u = A << 12 | B << 8 | C << 4 | D;
if (IsLowSurrogate(u)) {
p += 4 + 6;
c = MergeUtf16(c, u);
} else {
goto BadUnicode;
} else {
goto BadUnicode;
} else {
goto BadUnicode;
// UTF-8
if (c < 0x7f) {
w[0] = c;
i = 1;
} else if (c <= 0x7ff) {
w[0] = 0300 | (c >> 6);
w[1] = 0200 | (c & 077);
i = 2;
} else if (c <= 0xffff) {
if (UNLIKELY(IsSurrogate(c))) {
c = 0xfffd;
w[0] = 0340 | (c >> 12);
w[1] = 0200 | ((c >> 6) & 077);
w[2] = 0200 | (c & 077);
i = 3;
} else if (~(c >> 18) & 007) {
w[0] = 0360 | (c >> 18);
w[1] = 0200 | ((c >> 12) & 077);
w[2] = 0200 | ((c >> 6) & 077);
w[3] = 0200 | (c & 077);
i = 4;
} else {
goto ReplacementCharacter;
luaL_addlstring(&b, w, i);
} else {
goto InvalidEscapeCharacter;
// Echo invalid \uXXXX sequences
// Rather than corrupting UTF-8!
luaL_addstring(&b, "\\u");
case 'b':
luaL_addchar(&b, '\b');
case 'f':
luaL_addchar(&b, '\f');
case 'n':
luaL_addchar(&b, '\n');
case 'r':
luaL_addchar(&b, '\r');
case 't':
luaL_addchar(&b, '\t');
case 'x':
if (p + 2 <= e && //
(A = kHexToInt[p[0] & 255]) != -1 && // HEX
(B = kHexToInt[p[1] & 255]) != -1) { //
c = A << 4 | B;
if (!(0x20 <= c && c <= 0x7E)) {
reason = "hex escape not printable";
goto StringFailureWithReason;
p += 2;
luaL_addchar(&b, c);
} else {
goto InvalidEscapeCharacter;
reason = "invalid hex escape";
goto StringFailureWithReason;
case 'u':
if (p + 4 <= e && //
(A = kHexToInt[p[0] & 255]) != -1 && //
(B = kHexToInt[p[1] & 255]) != -1 && // UCS-2
(C = kHexToInt[p[2] & 255]) != -1 && //
(D = kHexToInt[p[3] & 255]) != -1) { //
c = A << 12 | B << 8 | C << 4 | D;
if (!IsSurrogate(c)) {
p += 4;
} else if (IsHighSurrogate(c)) {
if (p + 4 + 6 <= e && //
p[4] == '\\' && //
p[5] == 'u' && //
(A = kHexToInt[p[6] & 255]) != -1 && // UTF-16
(B = kHexToInt[p[7] & 255]) != -1 && //
(C = kHexToInt[p[8] & 255]) != -1 && //
(D = kHexToInt[p[9] & 255]) != -1) { //
u = A << 12 | B << 8 | C << 4 | D;
if (IsLowSurrogate(u)) {
p += 4 + 6;
c = MergeUtf16(c, u);
} else {
goto BadUnicode;
} else {
goto BadUnicode;
} else {
goto BadUnicode;
// UTF-8
if (c < 0x7f) {
w[0] = c;
i = 1;
} else if (c <= 0x7ff) {
w[0] = 0300 | (c >> 6);
w[1] = 0200 | (c & 077);
i = 2;
} else if (c <= 0xffff) {
if (UNLIKELY(IsSurrogate(c))) {
c = 0xfffd;
w[0] = 0340 | (c >> 12);
w[1] = 0200 | ((c >> 6) & 077);
w[2] = 0200 | (c & 077);
i = 3;
} else if (~(c >> 18) & 007) {
w[0] = 0360 | (c >> 18);
w[1] = 0200 | ((c >> 12) & 077);
w[2] = 0200 | ((c >> 6) & 077);
w[3] = 0200 | (c & 077);
i = 4;
} else {
goto ReplacementCharacter;
luaL_addlstring(&b, w, i);
} else {
reason = "invalid unicode escape";
goto StringFailureWithReason;
// Echo invalid \uXXXX sequences
// Rather than corrupting UTF-8!
luaL_addstring(&b, "\\u");
case '"':
return (struct DecodeJson){1, p};
reason = "invalid escape character";
goto StringFailureWithReason;
luaL_pushresultsize(&b, 0);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "unexpected eof in string"};
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, reason};
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "illegal character"};
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "object key must be string"};
luaL_pushresultsize(&b, 0);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return (struct DecodeJson){-1, "invalid escape character"};
if (UNLIKELY(context == TOP_LEVEL)) {
@ -357,16 +378,14 @@ static struct DecodeJson Parse(struct lua_State *L, const char *p,
* converted to a floating-point number instead. Invalid surrogate
* escape sequences in strings won't be decoded.
* A weird case exists when parsing empty objects. In order to let Lua
* tell them apart from empty arrays, we insert a special key that's
* ignored by our JSON serializer, called `[__json_object__]=true`.
* @param L is Lua interpreter state
* @param p is input string
* @param n is byte length of `p` or -1 for automatic strlen()
* @return res.rc is 1 if value pushed, 0 on eof, otherwise -1
* @return res.p is is advanced `p` pointer if `rc` isn't -1
* @return res.p is string describing error if `rc` is -1
* @return r.rc is 1 if value is pushed on lua stack
* @return r.rc is 0 on eof
* @return r.rc is -1 on error
* @return r.p is is advanced `p` pointer if `rc ≥ 0`
* @return r.p is string describing error if `rc < 0`
struct DecodeJson DecodeJson(struct lua_State *L, const char *p, size_t n) {
if (n == -1) n = p ? strlen(p) : 0;
Add table
Reference in a new issue