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synced 2025-03-03 07:29:23 +00:00
Update redbean api definitions (#652)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 349 additions and 38 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
error("Tried to evaluate definition file.")
--Documents redbean 2.0.16, lsqlite3 0.9.4
--Documents redbean 2.0.19, lsqlite3 0.9.4
@ -630,14 +630,15 @@ function OnWorkerStop() end
---@class Url
---@field scheme string?
---@field user string?
---@field pass string?
---@field host string?
---@field port string?
---@field path string?
---@field params string?
---@field fragment string?
---@field scheme string e.g. `"http"`
---@field user string? the username string, or nil if absent
---@field pass string? the password string, or nil if absent
---@field host string? the hostname string, or nil if `url` was a path
---@field port string? the port string, or nil if absent
---@field path string? the path string, or nil if absent
---@field params string[][]? the URL paramaters e.g. `/?a=b&c` would be
--- represented as the data structure `{{"a", "b"}, {"c"}, ...}`
---@field fragment string? the stuff after the `#` character
---@alias uint32 integer Unsigned 32-bit integer
---@alias uint16 integer Unsigned 16-bit integer
@ -1392,27 +1393,52 @@ function Log(level, message) end
function ParseHttpDateTime(rfc1123) end
--- Parses URL, returning object having the following fields: scheme, user, pass,
--- host, port, path, params, fragment. This parser is charset agnostic. Percent
--- encoded bytes are decoded for all fields. Returned values might contain things
--- like NUL characters, spaces, control codes, and non-canonical encodings. Absent
--- can be discerned from empty by checking if the pointer is set. There's no
--- failure condition for this routine. This is a permissive parser. This doesn't
--- normalize path segments like `.` or `..` so use `IsAcceptablePath()` to check
--- for those. No restrictions are imposed beyond that which is strictly necessary
--- for parsing. All the data that is provided will be consumed to the one of the
--- fields. Strict conformance is enforced on some fields more than others, like
--- scheme, since it's the most non-deterministically defined field of them all.
--- Please note this is a URL parser, not a URI parser. Which means we support
--- everything everything the URI spec says we should do except for the things
--- we won't do, like tokenizing path segments into an array and then nesting
--- another array beneath each of those for storing semicolon parameters. So this
--- parser won't make SIP easy. What it can do is parse HTTP URLs and most URIs
--- like data:opaque, better in fact than most things which claim to be URI parsers.
--- Parses URL.
---@return Url url An object containing the following fields is returned:
--- - `scheme` is a string, e.g. `"http"`
--- - `user` is the username string, or nil if absent
--- - `pass` is the password string, or nil if absent
--- - `host` is the hostname string, or nil if `url` was a path
--- - `port` is the port string, or nil if absent
--- - `path` is the path string, or nil if absent
--- - `params` is the URL paramaters, e.g. `/?a=b&c` would be
--- represented as the data structure `{{"a", "b"}, {"c"}, ...}`
--- - `fragment` is the stuff after the `#` character
---@param url string
---@return Url url
---@param flags integer? may have:
--- - `kUrlPlus` to turn `+` into space
--- - `kUrlLatin1` to transcode ISO-8859-1 input into UTF-8
--- This parser is charset agnostic. Percent encoded bytes are
--- decoded for all fields. Returned values might contain things
--- like NUL characters, spaces, control codes, and non-canonical
--- encodings. Absent can be discerned from empty by checking if
--- the pointer is set.
--- There's no failure condition for this routine. This is a
--- permissive parser. This doesn't normalize path segments like
--- `.` or `..` so use IsAcceptablePath() to check for those. No
--- restrictions are imposed beyond that which is strictly
--- necessary for parsing. All the data that is provided will be
--- consumed to the one of the fields. Strict conformance is
--- enforced on some fields more than others, like scheme, since
--- it's the most non-deterministically defined field of them all.
--- Please note this is a URL parser, not a URI parser. Which
--- means we support everything everything the URI spec says we
--- should do except for the things we won't do, like tokenizing
--- path segments into an array and then nesting another array
--- beneath each of those for storing semicolon parameters. So
--- this parser won't make SIP easy. What it can do is parse HTTP
--- URLs and most URIs like data:opaque, better in fact than most
--- things which claim to be URI parsers.
function ParseUrl(url) end
function ParseUrl(url, flags) end
---@param str string
---@return boolean # `true` if path doesn't contain ".", ".." or "//" segments See `isacceptablepath.c`
@ -2387,7 +2413,7 @@ Database.errcode = Database.error_code
---@return string message an error message for the most recent failed call associated with database `db`.
function Database.error_message() end
function Database:error_message() end
Database.errmsg = Database.error_message
@ -5247,8 +5273,9 @@ function unix.clock_gettime(clock) end
--- Returns `EINTR` if a signal was received while waiting.
---@param seconds integer
---@param nanos integer
---@return integer|nil remseconds, integer|unix.Errno remnanos `remseconds, remnanos` or `nil, error`
---@param nanos integer?
---@return integer remseconds, integer remnanos
---@overload fun(seconds: integer, nanos?: integer): nil, error: unix.Errno
function unix.nanosleep(seconds, nanos) end
--- These functions are used to make programs slower by asking the
@ -6362,6 +6389,290 @@ function unix.isatty(fd) end
---@overload fun(fd: integer): nil, error: unix.Errno
function unix.tiocgwinsz(fd) end
--- Returns file descriptor of open anonymous file.
--- This creates a secure temporary file inside `$TMPDIR`. If it isn't
--- defined, then `/tmp` is used on UNIX and GetTempPath() is used on
--- the New Technology. This resolution of `$TMPDIR` happens once in a
--- ctor, which is copied to the `kTmpDir` global.
--- Once close() is called, the returned file is guaranteed to be
--- deleted automatically. On UNIX the file is unlink()'d before this
--- function returns. On the New Technology it happens upon close().
--- On the New Technology, temporary files created by this function
--- should have better performance, because `kNtFileAttributeTemporary`
--- asks the kernel to more aggressively cache and reduce i/o ops.
---@return integer fd
---@overload fun(): nil, error: unix.Errno
function unix.tmpfd() end
--- Relinquishes scheduled quantum.
function unix.sched_yield() end
--- Creates interprocess shared memory mapping.
--- This function allocates special memory that'll be inherited across
--- fork in a shared way. By default all memory in Redbean is "private"
--- memory that's only viewable and editable to the process that owns
--- it. When unix.fork() happens, memory is copied appropriately so
--- that changes to memory made in the child process, don't clobber
--- the memory at those same addresses in the parent process. If you
--- don't want that to happen, and you want the memory to be shared
--- similar to how it would be shared if you were using threads, then
--- you can use this function to achieve just that.
--- The memory object this function returns may be accessed using its
--- methods, which support atomics and futexes. It's very low-level.
--- For example, you can use it to implement scalable mutexes:
--- mem = unix.mapshared(8000 * 8)
--- LOCK = 0 -- pick an arbitrary word index for lock
--- -- From Futexes Are Tricky Version 1.1 § Mutex, Take 3;
--- -- Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Incorporated, June 27, 2004.
--- function Lock()
--- local ok, old = mem:cmpxchg(LOCK, 0, 1)
--- if not ok then
--- if old == 1 then
--- old = mem:xchg(LOCK, 2)
--- end
--- while old > 0 do
--- mem:wait(LOCK, 2)
--- old = mem:xchg(LOCK, 2)
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- function Unlock()
--- old = mem:add(LOCK, -1)
--- if old == 2 then
--- mem:store(LOCK, 0)
--- mem:wake(LOCK, 1)
--- end
--- end
--- It's possible to accomplish the same thing as unix.mapshared()
--- using files and unix.fcntl() advisory locks. However this goes
--- significantly faster. For example, that's what SQLite does and
--- we recommend using SQLite for IPC in redbean. But, if your app
--- has thousands of forked processes fighting for a file lock you
--- might need something lower level than file locks, to implement
--- things like throttling. Shared memory is a good way to do that
--- since there's nothing that's faster.
---@param size integer
--- The `size` parameter needs to be a multiple of 8. The returned
--- memory is zero initialized. When allocating shared memory, you
--- should try to get as much use out of it as possible, since the
--- overhead of allocating a single shared mapping is 500 words of
--- resident memory and 8000 words of virtual memory. It's because
--- the Cosmopolitan Libc mmap() granularity is 2**16.
--- This system call does not fail. An exception is instead thrown
--- if sufficient memory isn't available.
---@return unix.Memory
function unix.mapshared(size) end
---@class unix.Memory
--- unix.Memory encapsulates memory that's shared across fork() and
--- this module provides the fundamental synchronization primitives
--- Redbean memory maps may be used in two ways:
--- 1. as an array of bytes a.k.a. a string
--- 2. as an array of words a.k.a. integers
--- They're aliased, union, or overlapped views of the same memory.
--- For example if you write a string to your memory region, you'll
--- be able to read it back as an integer.
--- Reads, writes, and word operations will throw an exception if a
--- memory boundary error or overflow occurs.
unix.Memory = {}
---@param offset integer?
--- The starting byte index from which memory is copied, which defaults to zero.
---@param bytes integer?
--- If `bytes` is none or nil, then the nul-terminated string at
--- `offset` is returned. You may specify `bytes` to safely read
--- binary data.
--- This operation happens atomically. Each shared mapping has a
--- single lock which is used to synchronize reads and writes to
--- that specific map. To make it scale, create additional maps.
---@return string
function unix.Memory:read(offset, bytes) end
--- Writes bytes to memory region.
---@param data string
---@param offset integer?
--- `offset` is the starting byte index to which memory is copied,
--- which defaults to zero.
---@param bytes integer?
--- If `bytes` is none or nil, then an implicit nil-terminator
--- will be included after your `data` so things like json can
--- be easily serialized to shared memory.
--- This operation happens atomically. Each shared mapping has a
--- single lock which is used to synchronize reads and writes to
--- that specific map. To make it scale, create additional maps.
function unix.Memory:write(data, offset, bytes) end
--- Loads word from memory region.
--- This operation is atomic and has relaxed barrier semantics.
---@param word_index integer
---@return integer
function unix.Memory:load(word_index) end
--- Stores word from memory region.
--- This operation is atomic and has relaxed barrier semantics.
---@param word_index integer
---@param value integer
function unix.Memory:store(word_index, value) end
--- Exchanges value.
--- This sets word at `word_index` to `value` and returns the value
--- previously held in by the word.
--- This operation is atomic and provides the same memory barrier
--- semantics as the aligned x86 LOCK XCHG instruction.
---@param word_index integer
---@param value integer
---@return integer
function unix.Memory:xchg(word_index, value) end
--- Compares and exchanges value.
--- This inspects the word at `word_index` and if its value is the same
--- as `old` then it'll be replaced by the value `new`, in which case
--- `true, old` shall be returned. If a different value was held at
--- word, then `false` shall be returned along with the word.
--- This operation happens atomically and provides the same memory
--- barrier semantics as the aligned x86 LOCK CMPXCHG instruction.
---@param word_index integer
---@param old integer
---@param new integer
---@return boolean success, integer old
function unix.Memory:cmpxchg(word_index, old, new) end
--- Fetches then adds value.
--- This method modifies the word at `word_index` to contain the sum of
--- value and the `value` paremeter. This method then returns the value
--- as it existed before the addition was performed.
--- This operation is atomic and provides the same memory barrier
--- semantics as the aligned x86 LOCK XADD instruction.
---@param word_index integer
---@param value integer
---@return integer old
function unix.Memory:fetch_add(word_index, value) end
--- Fetches and bitwise ands value.
--- This operation happens atomically and provides the same memory
--- barrier ordering semantics as its x86 implementation.
---@param word_index integer
---@param value integer
---@return integer
function unix.Memory:fetch_and(word_index, value) end
--- Fetches and bitwise ors value.
--- This operation happens atomically and provides the same memory
--- barrier ordering semantics as its x86 implementation.
---@param word_index integer
---@param value integer
---@return integer
function unix.Memory:fetch_or(word_index, value) end
--- Fetches and bitwise xors value.
--- This operation happens atomically and provides the same memory
--- barrier ordering semantics as its x86 implementation.
---@param word_index integer
---@param value integer
---@return integer
function unix.Memory:fetch_xor(word_index, value) end
--- Waits for word to have a different value.
--- This method asks the kernel to suspend the process until either the
--- absolute deadline expires or we're woken up by another process that
--- calls `unix.Memory:wake()`.
--- The `expect` parameter is used only upon entry to synchronize the
--- transition to kernelspace. The kernel doesn't actually poll the
--- memory location. It uses `expect` to make sure the process doesn't
--- get added to the wait list unless it's sure that it needs to wait,
--- since the kernel can only control the ordering of wait / wake calls
--- across processes.
--- The default behavior is to wait until the heat death of the universe
--- if necessary. You may alternatively specify an absolute deadline. If
--- it's less than or equal to the value returned by clock_gettime, then
--- this routine is non-blocking. Otherwise we'll block at most until
--- the current time reaches the absolute deadline.
--- Futexes are currently supported on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD. On other
--- platforms this method calls sched_yield() and will either (1) return
--- unix.EINTR if a deadline is specified, otherwise (2) 0 is returned.
--- This means futexes will *work* on Windows, Mac, and NetBSD but they
--- won't be scalable in terms of CPU usage when many processes wait on
--- one process that holds a lock for a long time. In the future we may
--- polyfill futexes in userspace for these platforms to improve things
--- for folks who've adopted this api. If lock scalability is something
--- you need on Windows and MacOS today, then consider fcntl() which is
--- well-supported on all supported platforms but requires using files.
--- Please test your use case though, because it's kind of an edge case
--- to have the scenario above, and chances are this op will work fine.
---@return 0
---@overload fun(self, word_index: integer, expect: integer, abs_deadline?: integer, nanos?: integer): nil, error: unix.Errno
--- `EINTR` if a signal is delivered while waiting on deadline. Callers
--- should use futexes inside a loop that is able to cope with spurious
--- wakeups. We don't actually guarantee the value at word has in fact
--- changed when this returns.
--- `EAGAIN` is raised if, upon entry, the word at `word_index` had a
--- different value than what's specified at `expect`.
--- `ETIMEDOUT` is raised when the absolute deadline expires.
---@param word_index integer
---@param expect integer
---@param abs_deadline integer?
---@param nanos integer?
function unix.Memory:wait(word_index, expect, abs_deadline, nanos) end
--- Wakes other processes waiting on word.
--- This method may be used to signal or broadcast to waiters. The
--- `count` specifies the number of processes that should be woken,
--- which defaults to `INT_MAX`.
--- The return value is the number of processes that were actually woken
--- as a result of the system call. No failure conditions are defined.
---@param index integer
---@param count integer?
---@return integer woken
function unix.Memory:wake(index, count) end
---@class unix.Dir
--- `unix.Dir` objects are created by `opendir()` or `fdopendir()`.
unix.Dir = {}
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local function main()
SetHeader("Content-Type", GetHeader("Content-Type") or "text/plain")
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ local function main()
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ local function main()
-- redbean command line arguments
-- these come *after* the c getopt server arguments
Write('<h3>command line arguments</h3>\r\n')
if #argv > 0 then
if #arg > 0 then
for i = 1,#argv do
for i = 1,#arg do
@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ local function main()
Write('Size: ')
if GetComment(paths[i]) then
if GetAssetComment(paths[i]) then
Write('Comment: ')
Add table
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