Generate ZIP files the same way as Windows

This commit is contained in:
Justine Tunney 2021-03-01 06:24:11 -08:00
parent d932948fb4
commit f4298f10c2
11 changed files with 112 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -364,13 +364,18 @@ SECTIONS {
PROVIDE_HIDDEN(edata = .);
} :Ram
/*END: file content that's loaded by o/s */
/*BEGIN: bss memory void */
.zip . : {
HIDDEN(_efile = .);
HIDDEN(_ezip = .);
.bss . : {
/*END: file content */
/*BEGIN: bss memory that's addressable */
@ -540,8 +545,9 @@ HIDDEN(v_ape_highsectors =
#define ZIPCONST(NAME, VAL) HIDDEN(NAME = DEFINED(__zip_start) ? VAL : 0);
ZIPCONST(v_zip_cdoffset, __zip_start - IMAGE_BASE_VIRTUAL);
ZIPCONST(v_zip_cdirsize, __zip_end - __zip_start);
ASSERT(v_zip_cdirsize % kZipCdirHdrLinkableSize == 0, "bad zip cdir");
ZIPCONST(v_zip_records, v_zip_cdirsize / kZipCdirHdrLinkableSize);
ZIPCONST(v_zip_commentsize, _efile - __zip_end - kZipCdirHdrMinSize);
ZIPCONST(v_zip_commentsize, _ezip - __zip_end - kZipCdirHdrMinSize);
#if SupportsXnu()
/* Generates deterministic ID. */

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -25,19 +25,17 @@
.hidden __zip_start
.globl __zip_start
.type __zip_start,@object
.align kZipCdirAlign
decentralized content
*/.section .zip.5,"",@progbits
.align kZipCdirAlign
.long kZipCdirHdrMagic # magic
.short 0 # disk
.short 0 # starting disk
.short v_zip_records # records on disk
.short v_zip_records # number of records on disk
.short v_zip_records # records
.long v_zip_cdirsize # size of central directory
.long RVA(__zip_start) # central directory offset

View file

@ -18,16 +18,34 @@
#include "libc/zip.h"
uint8_t *zipfindcentraldir(const uint8_t *map, size_t mapsize) {
const uint8_t *p, *pe;
for (p = map + mapsize - kZipCdirHdrMinSize,
pe = mapsize > 65536 + kZipCdirHdrMinSize
? map + mapsize - 65536 - kZipCdirHdrMinSize
: map;
p >= pe; --p) {
if (ZIP_CDIR_MAGIC(p) == kZipCdirHdrMagic) {
return (/*unconst*/ uint8_t *)p;
* Locates End Of Central Directory record in ZIP file.
* We search backwards for the End Of Central Directory Record magnum.
* The ZIP spec says this can be anywhere in the last 64kb. We go all
* the way since .com.dbg binaries will have lots of DWARF stuff after
* the embedded .com binary. As such, we sanity check the other fields
* too to make sure the record seems legit and it's not just a random
* occurrence of the magnum.
* @param p points to file memory
* @param n is byte size of file
uint8_t *zipfindcentraldir(const uint8_t *p, size_t n) {
size_t i;
if (n >= kZipCdirHdrMinSize) {
i = n - kZipCdirHdrMinSize;
do {
if (ZIP_CDIR_MAGIC(p + i) == kZipCdirHdrMagic &&
i + ZIP_CDIR_HDRSIZE(p + i) <= n &&
ZIP_CDIR_RECORDS(p + i) * kZipCdirHdrMinSize <=
ZIP_CDIR_SIZE(p + i) &&
ZIP_CDIR_OFFSET(p + i) + ZIP_CDIR_SIZE(p + i) <= i) {
return (/*unconst*/ uint8_t *)(p + i);
} while (i--);
return NULL;

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#define kZipAlign 2
#define kZipCosmopolitanVersion 1
#define kZipCosmopolitanVersion 20
#define kZipOsDos 0
#define kZipOsAmiga 1
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
#define kZipCdirHdrMagic 0x06054b50 /* PK♣♠ "PK\5\6" */
#define kZipCdirHdrMinSize 22
#define kZipCdirAlign 64 /* our choice; actually 2 */
#define kZipCdirAlign kZipAlign
#define kZipCdirHdrLinkableSize \
ROUNDUP(kZipCfileHdrMinSize + PATH_MAX, kZipCdirAlign)

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ ssize_t __zipos_find(struct Zipos *zipos, const struct ZiposUri *name) {
for (i = 0, cf = ZIP_CDIR_OFFSET(zipos->cdir);
i < ZIP_CDIR_RECORDS(zipos->cdir);
++i, cf += ZIP_CFILE_HDRSIZE(zipos->map + cf)) {
if (ZIP_CFILE_MAGIC(zipos->map + cf) != kZipCfileHdrMagic) DebugBreak();
assert(ZIP_CFILE_MAGIC(zipos->map + cf) == kZipCfileHdrMagic);
if (name->len == ZIP_CFILE_NAMESIZE(zipos->map + cf) &&
memcmp(name->path, ZIP_CFILE_NAME(zipos->map + cf), name->len) == 0) {

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "libc/calls/struct/stat.h"
#include "libc/limits.h"
#include "libc/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/auxv.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/map.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/o.h"
@ -36,9 +37,8 @@ struct Zipos *__zipos_get(void) {
static bool once;
const char *exe, *dir;
char path[PATH_MAX];
size_t mapsize;
uint8_t *cdir;
void *map;
size_t size;
uint8_t *map, *base, *cdir;
if (!once) {
dir = nulltoempty(getenv("PWD")); /* suboptimal */
exe = (const char *)getauxval(AT_EXECFN);
@ -47,14 +47,23 @@ struct Zipos *__zipos_get(void) {
exe = path;
if ((zipos.fd = open(exe, O_RDONLY)) != -1) {
if ((mapsize = getfiledescriptorsize(zipos.fd)) != SIZE_MAX &&
(map = mmap(NULL, mapsize, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, zipos.fd, 0)) !=
if ((size = getfiledescriptorsize(zipos.fd)) != SIZE_MAX &&
(map = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, zipos.fd, 0)) !=
if ((cdir = zipfindcentraldir(map, mapsize))) { = map;
if (endswith(exe, ".com.dbg")) {
if ((base = memmem(map, size, "MZqFpD", 6))) {
size -= base - map;
} else {
base = map;
} else {
base = map;
if ((cdir = zipfindcentraldir(base, size))) { = base;
zipos.cdir = cdir;
} else {
munmap(map, mapsize);
munmap(map, size);

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
if [ $MODE = dbg ]; then
if [ "$MODE" = dbg ]; then
exit # TODO

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
if [ $MODE = dbg ]; then
if [ "$MODE" = dbg ]; then
exit # TODO

View file

@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ TEST(undeflate, testEmbeddedCompressedZipFile_theHardWay) {
for (i = 0, cf = map + ZIP_CDIR_OFFSET(cd); i < ZIP_CDIR_RECORDS(cd);
++i, cf += ZIP_CFILE_HDRSIZE(cf)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", ZIP_CFILE_NAMESIZE(cf), ZIP_CFILE_NAME(cf));
if (strncmp("libc/testlib/hyperion.txt", ZIP_CFILE_NAME(cf),
lf = map + ZIP_CFILE_OFFSET(cf);

View file

@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
#define PUT32(P, V) \
P[0] = V & 0xff, P[1] = V >> 010 & 0xff, P[2] = V >> 020 & 0xff, \
P[3] = V >> 030 & 0xff, P += 4
#define PUT64(P, V) \
P[0] = V & 0xff, P[1] = V >> 010 & 0xff, P[2] = V >> 020 & 0xff, \
P[3] = V >> 030 & 0xff, P[4] = V >> 040 & 0xff, P[5] = V >> 050 & 0xff, \
P[6] = V >> 060 & 0xff, P[7] = V >> 070 & 0xff, P += 8
(((YEAR)-1980) << 9 | (MONTH_IDX1) << 5 | (DAY_IDX1))
@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ static unsigned char *EmitZipLfileHdr(unsigned char *op, const void *name,
uint16_t mdate, size_t compsize,
size_t uncompsize) {
PUT32(op, kZipLfileHdrMagic);
PUT8(op, era);
PUT8(op, kZipEra1993);
PUT8(op, kZipOsDos);
PUT16(op, gflags);
PUT16(op, method);
@ -168,28 +172,60 @@ static void EmitZipCdirHdr(unsigned char *op, const void *name, size_t namesize,
uint16_t method, uint16_t mtime, uint16_t mdate,
uint16_t iattrs, uint16_t dosmode, uint16_t unixmode,
size_t compsize, size_t uncompsize,
size_t commentsize) {
size_t commentsize, struct stat *st) {
uint64_t mt, at, ct;
PUT32(op, kZipCfileHdrMagic);
PUT8(op, kZipCosmopolitanVersion);
PUT8(op, kZipOsUnix);
PUT8(op, era);
PUT8(op, 20);
PUT8(op, kZipOsDos);
PUT8(op, kZipEra1993);
PUT8(op, kZipOsDos);
PUT16(op, gflags);
PUT16(op, method);
PUT16(op, mtime);
PUT16(op, mdate);
/* 16 */
PUT32(op, crc);
PUT32(op, compsize);
PUT32(op, uncompsize);
PUT16(op, namesize);
#if 0
#define CFILE_HDR_SIZE kZipCfileHdrMinSize
PUT16(op, 0); /* extra size */
/* 32 */
PUT16(op, commentsize);
PUT16(op, 0); /* disk */
PUT16(op, iattrs);
PUT16(op, dosmode);
PUT16(op, unixmode);
PUT32(op, 0); /* RELOCATE ME (kZipCfileOffsetOffset) */
/* 46 */
memcpy(op, name, namesize);
#define CFILE_HDR_SIZE (kZipCfileHdrMinSize + 36)
PUT16(op, 36); /* extra size */
/* 32 */
PUT16(op, commentsize);
PUT16(op, 0); /* disk */
PUT16(op, iattrs);
PUT32(op, dosmode);
PUT32(op, 0); /* RELOCATE ME (kZipCfileOffsetOffset) */
/* 46 */
memcpy(op, name, namesize);
op += namesize;
PUT16(op, kZipExtraNtfs);
PUT16(op, 32);
PUT32(op, 0);
PUT16(op, 1);
PUT16(op, 24);
#define NTTIME(t) \
(t.tv_sec + MODERNITYSECONDS) * HECTONANOSECONDS + t.tv_nsec / 100
mt = NTTIME(st->st_mtim);
at = NTTIME(st->st_atim);
ct = NTTIME(st->st_ctim);
PUT64(op, mt);
PUT64(op, at);
PUT64(op, ct);
void EmitZip(struct ElfWriter *elf, const char *name, size_t namesize,
@ -209,7 +245,7 @@ void EmitZip(struct ElfWriter *elf, const char *name, size_t namesize,
crc = crc32_z(0, data, uncompsize);
GetDosLocalTime(st->st_mtim.tv_sec, &mtime, &mdate);
gflags = IsPureAscii(name, namesize) ? 0 : kZipGflagUtf8;
commentsize = kZipCdirHdrLinkableSize - (kZipCfileHdrMinSize + namesize);
commentsize = kZipCdirHdrLinkableSize - (CFILE_HDR_SIZE + namesize);
iattrs = IsPureAscii(data, st->st_size) ? kZipIattrAscii : kZipIattrBinary;
dosmode = !(st->st_mode & 0200) ? kNtFileAttributeReadonly : 0;
method = (st->st_size >= kMinCompressSize && ShouldCompress(name, namesize))
@ -217,9 +253,10 @@ void EmitZip(struct ElfWriter *elf, const char *name, size_t namesize,
: kZipCompressionNone;
/* emit embedded file content w/ pkzip local file header */
elfwriter_align(elf, kZipCdirAlign, 0);
elf, gc(xasprintf("%s%s", ZIP_LOCALFILE_SECTION, name)), SHT_PROGBITS, 0);
elfwriter_align(elf, 1, 0);
gc(xasprintf("%s%s", ZIP_LOCALFILE_SECTION, name)),
if (method == kZipCompressionDeflate) {
CHECK_EQ(Z_OK, deflateInit2(memset(&zs, 0, sizeof(zs)),
@ -255,12 +292,13 @@ void EmitZip(struct ElfWriter *elf, const char *name, size_t namesize,
/* emit central directory record */
elfwriter_align(elf, kZipCdirAlign, 0);
elf, gc(xasprintf("%s%s", ZIP_DIRECTORY_SECTION, name)), SHT_PROGBITS, 0);
elfwriter_align(elf, 1, 0);
gc(xasprintf("%s%s", ZIP_DIRECTORY_SECTION, name)),
EmitZipCdirHdr((cfile = elfwriter_reserve(elf, kZipCdirHdrLinkableSize)),
name, namesize, crc, era, gflags, method, mtime, mdate, iattrs,
dosmode, st->st_mode, compsize, uncompsize, commentsize);
dosmode, st->st_mode, compsize, uncompsize, commentsize, st);
elfwriter_appendsym(elf, gc(xasprintf("%s%s", "zip+cdir:", name)),