If an "index.lua" or "index.html" doesn't exist in zip file or the
filesystem, and no redirects have been defined for it either, then
redbean will render a listing of the zip central directory content
only if the request uri points to the root path.
- Emulator can now test the αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε bootloader
- Whipped up a webserver named redbean. It services 150k requests per
second on a single core. Bundling assets inside zip enables extremely
fast serving for two reasons. The first is that zip central directory
lookups go faster than stat() system calls. The second is that both
zip and gzip content-encoding use DEFLATE, therefore, compressed
responses can be served via the sendfile() system call which does an
in-kernel copy directly from the zip executable structure. Also note
that red bean zip executables can be deployed easily to all platforms,
since these native executables work on Linux, Mac, BSD, and Windows.
- Address sanitizer now works very well