#!/bin/sh m=tinylinux t=/tmp/pledge-test if [ $# = 0 ]; then if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then make -j16 MODE= \ o//examples/ls.com \ o//examples/curl.com \ o//examples/life.com \ o//examples/hello.com \ o//examples/printargs.com \ o//tool/build/pledge.com || exit make -j16 MODE=$m \ o/$m/examples/ls.com \ o/$m/examples/curl.com \ o/$m/examples/life.com \ o/$m/examples/hello.com \ o/$m/examples/printargs.com \ o/$m/tool/build/pledge.com || exit test/tool/build/pledge_test.sh ape_binfmt_test_suite || exit test/tool/build/pledge_test.sh ape_loader_test_suite || exit test/tool/build/pledge_test.sh ape_assimilated_test_suite || exit test/tool/build/pledge_test.sh ape_native_test_suite || exit sudo test/tool/build/pledge_test.sh setuid_setup || exit test/tool/build/pledge_test.sh setuid_test_suite || exit else echo need to run as an unprivileged user with sudo access >&2 exit 1 fi fi check() { if [ $? = 0 ]; then printf '\e[32mok\e[0m\n' else echo failed >&2 exit 1 fi } startit() { printf 'testing %-30s ' "$*" >&2 } checkem() { if [ $? = 0 ]; then printf '\e[1;32mOK\e[0m\n' else printf '\e[1;31mFAILED\e[0m\n' exit 1 fi } if [ "$1" = setuid_setup ]; then rm -rf $t || exit mkdir -p $t || exit chmod 01777 $t || exit cp o/$m/tool/build/pledge.com $t || exit chmod 06755 $t/pledge.com || exit elif [ "$1" = ape_binfmt_test_suite ]; then ape/apeinstall.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 startit ape binfmt life.com o//tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath prot_exec' o//examples/life.com [ $? = 42 ] checkem startit ape binfmt hello.com [ "$(o//tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath prot_exec' o//examples/hello.com)" = "hello world" ] checkem startit ape binfmt curl.com [ "$(o//tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio inet dns rpath prot_exec' o//examples/curl.com https://justine.lol/hello.txt)" = "hello world" ] checkem elif [ "$1" = ape_loader_test_suite ]; then ape/apeuninstall.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 startit ape loader life.com o//tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath prot_exec' o//examples/life.com [ $? = 42 ] checkem startit ape loader hello.com [ "$(o//tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath prot_exec' o//examples/hello.com)" = "hello world" ] checkem startit ape loader curl.com [ "$(o//tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio inet dns rpath prot_exec' o//examples/curl.com https://justine.lol/hello.txt)" = "hello world" ] checkem ape/apeinstall.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$1" = ape_assimilated_test_suite ]; then mkdir -p $t/assimilated startit ape assimilated life.com cp o//examples/life.com $t/assimilated o//tool/build/assimilate.com $t/assimilated/life.com o/$m/tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio' $t/assimilated/life.com [ $? = 42 ] checkem startit ape assimilated hello.com cp o//examples/hello.com $t/assimilated o//tool/build/assimilate.com $t/assimilated/hello.com [ "$(o/$m/tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio' $t/assimilated/hello.com)" = "hello world" ] checkem startit ape assimilated curl.com cp o//examples/curl.com $t/assimilated o//tool/build/assimilate.com $t/assimilated/curl.com [ "$(o/$m/tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath inet dns' $t/assimilated/curl.com https://justine.lol/hello.txt)" = "hello world" ] checkem elif [ "$1" = ape_native_test_suite ]; then startit ape native life.com o/$m/tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio' o/$m/examples/life.com [ $? = 42 ] checkem startit ape native hello.com [ "$(o/$m/tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio' o/$m/examples/hello.com)" = "hello world" ] checkem startit ape native curl.com [ "$(o/$m/tool/build/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath inet dns' o/$m/examples/curl.com https://justine.lol/hello.txt)" = "hello world" ] checkem elif [ "$1" = setuid_test_suite ]; then startit setuid life.com $t/pledge.com -p 'stdio' o/$m/examples/life.com [ $? = 42 ] checkem startit setuid hello.com [ "$($t/pledge.com -p 'stdio' o/$m/examples/hello.com)" = "hello world" ] checkem startit setuid curl.com [ "$($t/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath inet dns' o/$m/examples/curl.com https://justine.lol/hello.txt)" = "hello world" ] checkem startit setuid getuid [ "$($t/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath proc tty' o/$m/examples/printargs.com 2>&1 | grep getuid | grep -o [[:digit:]]*)" = "$(id -u)" ] checkem startit setuid geteuid [ "$($t/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath proc tty' o/$m/examples/printargs.com 2>&1 | grep geteuid | grep -o [[:digit:]]*)" = "$(id -u)" ] checkem startit setuid no capabilities [ "$($t/pledge.com -p 'stdio rpath proc tty' o/$m/examples/printargs.com 2>&1 | grep CAP_ | wc -l)" = 0 ] checkem startit setuid maximum nice $t/pledge.com -np 'stdio rpath proc tty' o/$m/examples/printargs.com 2>&1 | grep SCHED_IDLE >/dev/null checkem startit setuid chroot mkdir $t/jail && touch $t/jail/hi && cp o/$m/examples/ls.com $t/jail && $t/pledge.com -v / -c $t/jail -p 'stdio rpath' /ls.com / | grep 'DT_REG /hi' >/dev/null checkem fi