/* * QuickJS Read Eval Print Loop * * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Fabrice Bellard * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Charlie Gordon * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ "use strip"; import * as std from "std"; import * as os from "os"; (function(g) { /* add 'os' and 'std' bindings */ g.os = os; g.std = std; /* close global objects */ var Object = g.Object; var String = g.String; var Array = g.Array; var Date = g.Date; var Math = g.Math; var isFinite = g.isFinite; var parseFloat = g.parseFloat; /* XXX: use preprocessor ? */ var config_numcalc = (typeof os.open === "undefined"); var has_jscalc = (typeof Fraction === "function"); var has_bignum = (typeof BigFloat === "function"); var colors = { none: "\x1b[0m", black: "\x1b[30m", red: "\x1b[31m", green: "\x1b[32m", yellow: "\x1b[33m", blue: "\x1b[34m", magenta: "\x1b[35m", cyan: "\x1b[36m", white: "\x1b[37m", gray: "\x1b[30;1m", grey: "\x1b[30;1m", bright_red: "\x1b[31;1m", bright_green: "\x1b[32;1m", bright_yellow: "\x1b[33;1m", bright_blue: "\x1b[34;1m", bright_magenta: "\x1b[35;1m", bright_cyan: "\x1b[36;1m", bright_white: "\x1b[37;1m", }; var styles; if (config_numcalc) { styles = { 'default': 'black', 'comment': 'white', 'string': 'green', 'regex': 'cyan', 'number': 'green', 'keyword': 'blue', 'function': 'gray', 'type': 'bright_magenta', 'identifier': 'yellow', 'error': 'bright_red', 'result': 'black', 'error_msg': 'bright_red', }; } else { styles = { 'default': 'bright_green', 'comment': 'white', 'string': 'bright_cyan', 'regex': 'cyan', 'number': 'green', 'keyword': 'bright_white', 'function': 'bright_yellow', 'type': 'bright_magenta', 'identifier': 'bright_green', 'error': 'red', 'result': 'bright_white', 'error_msg': 'bright_red', }; } var history = []; var clip_board = ""; var prec; var expBits; var log2_10; var pstate = ""; var prompt = ""; var plen = 0; var ps1; if (config_numcalc) ps1 = ">: "; else ps1 = "qjs >: "; var ps2 = " ... "; var utf8 = true; var show_time = false; var show_colors = true; var eval_time = 0; var mexpr = ""; var level = 0; var cmd = ""; var cursor_pos = 0; var last_cmd = ""; var last_cursor_pos = 0; var history_index; var this_fun, last_fun; var quote_flag = false; var utf8_state = 0; var utf8_val = 0; var term_fd; var term_read_buf; var term_width; /* current X position of the cursor in the terminal */ var term_cursor_x = 0; function termInit() { var tab; term_fd = std.in.fileno(); /* get the terminal size */ term_width = 80; if (os.isatty(term_fd)) { if (os.ttyGetWinSize) { tab = os.ttyGetWinSize(term_fd); if (tab) term_width = tab[0]; } if (os.ttySetRaw) { /* set the TTY to raw mode */ os.ttySetRaw(term_fd); } } /* install a Ctrl-C signal handler */ os.signal(os.SIGINT, sigint_handler); /* install a handler to read stdin */ term_read_buf = new Uint8Array(64); os.setReadHandler(term_fd, term_read_handler); } function sigint_handler() { /* send Ctrl-C to readline */ handle_byte(3); } function term_read_handler() { var l, i; l = os.read(term_fd, term_read_buf.buffer, 0, term_read_buf.length); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) handle_byte(term_read_buf[i]); } function handle_byte(c) { if (!utf8) { handle_char(c); } else if (utf8_state !== 0 && (c >= 0x80 && c < 0xc0)) { utf8_val = (utf8_val << 6) | (c & 0x3F); utf8_state--; if (utf8_state === 0) { handle_char(utf8_val); } } else if (c >= 0xc0 && c < 0xf8) { utf8_state = 1 + (c >= 0xe0) + (c >= 0xf0); utf8_val = c & ((1 << (6 - utf8_state)) - 1); } else { utf8_state = 0; handle_char(c); } } function is_alpha(c) { return typeof c === "string" && ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')); } function is_digit(c) { return typeof c === "string" && (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } function is_word(c) { return typeof c === "string" && (is_alpha(c) || is_digit(c) || c == '_' || c == '$'); } function ucs_length(str) { var len, c, i, str_len = str.length; len = 0; /* we never count the trailing surrogate to have the following property: ucs_length(str) = ucs_length(str.substring(0, a)) + ucs_length(str.substring(a, str.length)) for 0 <= a <= str.length */ for(i = 0; i < str_len; i++) { c = str.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 0xdc00 || c >= 0xe000) len++; } return len; } function is_trailing_surrogate(c) { var d; if (typeof c !== "string") return false; d = c.codePointAt(0); /* can be NaN if empty string */ return d >= 0xdc00 && d < 0xe000; } function is_balanced(a, b) { switch (a + b) { case "()": case "[]": case "{}": return true; } return false; } function print_color_text(str, start, style_names) { var i, j; for (j = start; j < str.length;) { var style = style_names[i = j]; while (++j < str.length && style_names[j] == style) continue; std.puts(colors[styles[style] || 'default']); std.puts(str.substring(i, j)); std.puts(colors['none']); } } function print_csi(n, code) { std.puts("\x1b[" + ((n != 1) ? n : "") + code); } /* XXX: handle double-width characters */ function move_cursor(delta) { var i, l; if (delta > 0) { while (delta != 0) { if (term_cursor_x == (term_width - 1)) { std.puts("\n"); /* translated to CRLF */ term_cursor_x = 0; delta--; } else { l = Math.min(term_width - 1 - term_cursor_x, delta); print_csi(l, "C"); /* right */ delta -= l; term_cursor_x += l; } } } else { delta = -delta; while (delta != 0) { if (term_cursor_x == 0) { print_csi(1, "A"); /* up */ print_csi(term_width - 1, "C"); /* right */ delta--; term_cursor_x = term_width - 1; } else { l = Math.min(delta, term_cursor_x); print_csi(l, "D"); /* left */ delta -= l; term_cursor_x -= l; } } } } function update() { var i, cmd_len; /* cursor_pos is the position in 16 bit characters inside the UTF-16 string 'cmd' */ if (cmd != last_cmd) { if (!show_colors && last_cmd.substring(0, last_cursor_pos) == cmd.substring(0, last_cursor_pos)) { /* optimize common case */ std.puts(cmd.substring(last_cursor_pos)); } else { /* goto the start of the line */ move_cursor(-ucs_length(last_cmd.substring(0, last_cursor_pos))); if (show_colors) { var str = mexpr ? mexpr + '\n' + cmd : cmd; var start = str.length - cmd.length; var colorstate = colorize_js(str); print_color_text(str, start, colorstate[2]); } else { std.puts(cmd); } } term_cursor_x = (term_cursor_x + ucs_length(cmd)) % term_width; if (term_cursor_x == 0) { /* show the cursor on the next line */ std.puts(" \x08"); } /* remove the trailing characters */ std.puts("\x1b[J"); last_cmd = cmd; last_cursor_pos = cmd.length; } if (cursor_pos > last_cursor_pos) { move_cursor(ucs_length(cmd.substring(last_cursor_pos, cursor_pos))); } else if (cursor_pos < last_cursor_pos) { move_cursor(-ucs_length(cmd.substring(cursor_pos, last_cursor_pos))); } last_cursor_pos = cursor_pos; std.out.flush(); } /* editing commands */ function insert(str) { if (str) { cmd = cmd.substring(0, cursor_pos) + str + cmd.substring(cursor_pos); cursor_pos += str.length; } } function quoted_insert() { quote_flag = true; } function abort() { cmd = ""; cursor_pos = 0; return -2; } function alert() { } function beginning_of_line() { cursor_pos = 0; } function end_of_line() { cursor_pos = cmd.length; } function forward_char() { if (cursor_pos < cmd.length) { cursor_pos++; while (is_trailing_surrogate(cmd.charAt(cursor_pos))) cursor_pos++; } } function backward_char() { if (cursor_pos > 0) { cursor_pos--; while (is_trailing_surrogate(cmd.charAt(cursor_pos))) cursor_pos--; } } function skip_word_forward(pos) { while (pos < cmd.length && !is_word(cmd.charAt(pos))) pos++; while (pos < cmd.length && is_word(cmd.charAt(pos))) pos++; return pos; } function skip_word_backward(pos) { while (pos > 0 && !is_word(cmd.charAt(pos - 1))) pos--; while (pos > 0 && is_word(cmd.charAt(pos - 1))) pos--; return pos; } function forward_word() { cursor_pos = skip_word_forward(cursor_pos); } function backward_word() { cursor_pos = skip_word_backward(cursor_pos); } function accept_line() { std.puts("\n"); history_add(cmd); return -1; } function history_add(str) { if (str) { history.push(str); } history_index = history.length; } function previous_history() { if (history_index > 0) { if (history_index == history.length) { history.push(cmd); } history_index--; cmd = history[history_index]; cursor_pos = cmd.length; } } function next_history() { if (history_index < history.length - 1) { history_index++; cmd = history[history_index]; cursor_pos = cmd.length; } } function history_search(dir) { var pos = cursor_pos; for (var i = 1; i <= history.length; i++) { var index = (history.length + i * dir + history_index) % history.length; if (history[index].substring(0, pos) == cmd.substring(0, pos)) { history_index = index; cmd = history[index]; return; } } } function history_search_backward() { return history_search(-1); } function history_search_forward() { return history_search(1); } function delete_char_dir(dir) { var start, end; start = cursor_pos; if (dir < 0) { start--; while (is_trailing_surrogate(cmd.charAt(start))) start--; } end = start + 1; while (is_trailing_surrogate(cmd.charAt(end))) end++; if (start >= 0 && start < cmd.length) { if (last_fun === kill_region) { kill_region(start, end, dir); } else { cmd = cmd.substring(0, start) + cmd.substring(end); cursor_pos = start; } } } function delete_char() { delete_char_dir(1); } function control_d() { if (cmd.length == 0) { std.puts("\n"); return -3; /* exit read eval print loop */ } else { delete_char_dir(1); } } function backward_delete_char() { delete_char_dir(-1); } function transpose_chars() { var pos = cursor_pos; if (cmd.length > 1 && pos > 0) { if (pos == cmd.length) pos--; cmd = cmd.substring(0, pos - 1) + cmd.substring(pos, pos + 1) + cmd.substring(pos - 1, pos) + cmd.substring(pos + 1); cursor_pos = pos + 1; } } function transpose_words() { var p1 = skip_word_backward(cursor_pos); var p2 = skip_word_forward(p1); var p4 = skip_word_forward(cursor_pos); var p3 = skip_word_backward(p4); if (p1 < p2 && p2 <= cursor_pos && cursor_pos <= p3 && p3 < p4) { cmd = cmd.substring(0, p1) + cmd.substring(p3, p4) + cmd.substring(p2, p3) + cmd.substring(p1, p2); cursor_pos = p4; } } function upcase_word() { var end = skip_word_forward(cursor_pos); cmd = cmd.substring(0, cursor_pos) + cmd.substring(cursor_pos, end).toUpperCase() + cmd.substring(end); } function downcase_word() { var end = skip_word_forward(cursor_pos); cmd = cmd.substring(0, cursor_pos) + cmd.substring(cursor_pos, end).toLowerCase() + cmd.substring(end); } function kill_region(start, end, dir) { var s = cmd.substring(start, end); if (last_fun !== kill_region) clip_board = s; else if (dir < 0) clip_board = s + clip_board; else clip_board = clip_board + s; cmd = cmd.substring(0, start) + cmd.substring(end); if (cursor_pos > end) cursor_pos -= end - start; else if (cursor_pos > start) cursor_pos = start; this_fun = kill_region; } function clear_screen() { std.puts("\e[H\e[2J"); return -1; } function kill_line() { kill_region(cursor_pos, cmd.length, 1); } function backward_kill_line() { kill_region(0, cursor_pos, -1); } function kill_word() { kill_region(cursor_pos, skip_word_forward(cursor_pos), 1); } function backward_kill_word() { kill_region(skip_word_backward(cursor_pos), cursor_pos, -1); } function yank() { insert(clip_board); } function control_c() { if (last_fun === control_c) { std.puts("\n"); std.exit(0); } else { std.puts("\n(Press Ctrl-C again to quit)\n"); readline_print_prompt(); } } function reset() { cmd = ""; cursor_pos = 0; } function get_context_word(line, pos) { var s = ""; while (pos > 0 && is_word(line[pos - 1])) { pos--; s = line[pos] + s; } return s; } function get_context_object(line, pos) { var obj, base, c; if (pos <= 0 || " ~!%^&*(-+={[|:;,<>?/".indexOf(line[pos - 1]) >= 0) return g; if (pos >= 2 && line[pos - 1] === ".") { pos--; obj = {}; switch (c = line[pos - 1]) { case '\'': case '\"': return "a"; case ']': return []; case '}': return {}; case '/': return / /; default: if (is_word(c)) { base = get_context_word(line, pos); if (["true", "false", "null", "this"].includes(base) || !isNaN(+base)) return eval(base); obj = get_context_object(line, pos - base.length); if (obj === null || obj === void 0) return obj; if (obj === g && obj[base] === void 0) return eval(base); else return obj[base]; } return {}; } } return void 0; } function get_completions(line, pos) { var s, obj, ctx_obj, r, i, j, paren; s = get_context_word(line, pos); ctx_obj = get_context_object(line, pos - s.length); r = []; /* enumerate properties from object and its prototype chain, add non-numeric regular properties with s as e prefix */ for (i = 0, obj = ctx_obj; i < 10 && obj !== null && obj !== void 0; i++) { var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj); /* add non-numeric regular properties */ for (j = 0; j < props.length; j++) { var prop = props[j]; if (typeof prop == "string" && ""+(+prop) != prop && prop.startsWith(s)) r.push(prop); } obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); } if (r.length > 1) { /* sort list with internal names last and remove duplicates */ function symcmp(a, b) { if (a[0] != b[0]) { if (a[0] == '_') return 1; if (b[0] == '_') return -1; } if (a < b) return -1; if (a > b) return +1; return 0; } r.sort(symcmp); for(i = j = 1; i < r.length; i++) { if (r[i] != r[i - 1]) r[j++] = r[i]; } r.length = j; } /* 'tab' = list of completions, 'pos' = cursor position inside the completions */ return { tab: r, pos: s.length, ctx: ctx_obj }; } function completion() { var tab, res, s, i, j, len, t, max_width, col, n_cols, row, n_rows; res = get_completions(cmd, cursor_pos); tab = res.tab; if (tab.length === 0) return; s = tab[0]; len = s.length; /* add the chars which are identical in all the completions */ for(i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) { t = tab[i]; for(j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (t[j] !== s[j]) { len = j; break; } } } for(i = res.pos; i < len; i++) { insert(s[i]); } if (last_fun === completion && tab.length == 1) { /* append parentheses to function names */ var m = res.ctx[tab[0]]; if (typeof m == "function") { insert('('); if (m.length == 0) insert(')'); } else if (typeof m == "object") { insert('.'); } } /* show the possible completions */ if (last_fun === completion && tab.length >= 2) { max_width = 0; for(i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) max_width = Math.max(max_width, tab[i].length); max_width += 2; n_cols = Math.max(1, Math.floor((term_width + 1) / max_width)); n_rows = Math.ceil(tab.length / n_cols); std.puts("\n"); /* display the sorted list column-wise */ for (row = 0; row < n_rows; row++) { for (col = 0; col < n_cols; col++) { i = col * n_rows + row; if (i >= tab.length) break; s = tab[i]; if (col != n_cols - 1) s = s.padEnd(max_width); std.puts(s); } std.puts("\n"); } /* show a new prompt */ readline_print_prompt(); } } var commands = { /* command table */ "\x01": beginning_of_line, /* ^A - bol */ "\x02": backward_char, /* ^B - backward-char */ "\x03": control_c, /* ^C - abort */ "\x04": control_d, /* ^D - delete-char or exit */ "\x05": end_of_line, /* ^E - eol */ "\x06": forward_char, /* ^F - forward-char */ "\x07": abort, /* ^G - bell */ "\x08": backward_delete_char, /* ^H - backspace */ "\x09": completion, /* ^I - history-search-backward */ "\x0a": accept_line, /* ^J - newline */ "\x0b": kill_line, /* ^K - delete to end of line */ "\x0c": clear_screen, /* ^L - clear screen */ "\x0d": accept_line, /* ^M - enter */ "\x0e": next_history, /* ^N - down */ "\x10": previous_history, /* ^P - up */ "\x11": quoted_insert, /* ^Q - quoted-insert */ "\x12": alert, /* ^R - reverse-search */ "\x13": alert, /* ^S - search */ "\x14": transpose_chars, /* ^T - transpose */ "\x15": backward_kill_line, /* ^U - clear backwards */ "\x18": reset, /* ^X - cancel */ "\x19": yank, /* ^Y - yank */ "\x1bOA": previous_history, /* ^[OA - up */ "\x1bOB": next_history, /* ^[OB - down */ "\x1bOC": forward_char, /* ^[OC - right */ "\x1bOD": backward_char, /* ^[OD - left */ "\x1bOF": forward_word, /* ^[OF - ctrl-right */ "\x1bOH": backward_word, /* ^[OH - ctrl-left */ "\x1b[1;5C": forward_word, /* ^[[1;5C - ctrl-right */ "\x1b[1;5D": backward_word, /* ^[[1;5D - ctrl-left */ "\x1b[1~": beginning_of_line, /* ^[[1~ - bol */ "\x1b[3~": delete_char, /* ^[[3~ - delete */ "\x1b[4~": end_of_line, /* ^[[4~ - eol */ "\x1b[5~": history_search_backward,/* ^[[5~ - page up */ "\x1b[6~": history_search_forward, /* ^[[5~ - page down */ "\x1b[A": previous_history, /* ^[[A - up */ "\x1b[B": next_history, /* ^[[B - down */ "\x1b[C": forward_char, /* ^[[C - right */ "\x1b[D": backward_char, /* ^[[D - left */ "\x1b[F": end_of_line, /* ^[[F - end */ "\x1b[H": beginning_of_line, /* ^[[H - home */ "\x1b\x7f": backward_kill_word, /* M-C-? - backward_kill_word */ "\x1bb": backward_word, /* M-b - backward_word */ "\x1bd": kill_word, /* M-d - kill_word */ "\x1bf": forward_word, /* M-f - backward_word */ "\x1bk": backward_kill_line, /* M-k - backward_kill_line */ "\x1bl": downcase_word, /* M-l - downcase_word */ "\x1bt": transpose_words, /* M-t - transpose_words */ "\x1bu": upcase_word, /* M-u - upcase_word */ "\x7f": backward_delete_char, /* ^? - delete */ }; function dupstr(str, count) { var res = ""; while (count-- > 0) res += str; return res; } var readline_keys; var readline_state; var readline_cb; function readline_print_prompt() { std.puts(prompt); term_cursor_x = ucs_length(prompt) % term_width; last_cmd = ""; last_cursor_pos = 0; } function readline_start(defstr, cb) { cmd = defstr || ""; cursor_pos = cmd.length; history_index = history.length; readline_cb = cb; prompt = pstate; if (mexpr) { prompt += dupstr(" ", plen - prompt.length); prompt += ps2; } else { if (show_time) { var t = Math.round(eval_time) + " "; eval_time = 0; t = dupstr("0", 5 - t.length) + t; prompt += t.substring(0, t.length - 4) + "." + t.substring(t.length - 4); } plen = prompt.length; prompt += ps1; } readline_print_prompt(); update(); readline_state = 0; } function handle_char(c1) { var c; c = String.fromCodePoint(c1); switch(readline_state) { case 0: if (c == '\x1b') { /* '^[' - ESC */ readline_keys = c; readline_state = 1; } else { handle_key(c); } break; case 1: /* '^[ */ readline_keys += c; if (c == '[') { readline_state = 2; } else if (c == 'O') { readline_state = 3; } else { handle_key(readline_keys); readline_state = 0; } break; case 2: /* '^[[' - CSI */ readline_keys += c; if (!(c == ';' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))) { handle_key(readline_keys); readline_state = 0; } break; case 3: /* '^[O' - ESC2 */ readline_keys += c; handle_key(readline_keys); readline_state = 0; break; } } function handle_key(keys) { var fun; if (quote_flag) { if (ucs_length(keys) === 1) insert(keys); quote_flag = false; } else if (fun = commands[keys]) { this_fun = fun; switch (fun(keys)) { case -1: readline_cb(cmd); return; case -2: readline_cb(null); return; case -3: /* uninstall a Ctrl-C signal handler */ os.signal(os.SIGINT, null); /* uninstall the stdin read handler */ os.setReadHandler(term_fd, null); return; } last_fun = this_fun; } else if (ucs_length(keys) === 1 && keys >= ' ') { insert(keys); last_fun = insert; } else { alert(); /* beep! */ } cursor_pos = (cursor_pos < 0) ? 0 : (cursor_pos > cmd.length) ? cmd.length : cursor_pos; update(); } var hex_mode = false; var eval_mode = "std"; function number_to_string(a, radix) { var s; if (!isFinite(a)) { /* NaN, Infinite */ return a.toString(); } else { if (a == 0) { if (1 / a < 0) s = "-0"; else s = "0"; } else { if (radix == 16 && a === Math.floor(a)) { var s; if (a < 0) { a = -a; s = "-"; } else { s = ""; } s += "0x" + a.toString(16); } else { s = a.toString(); } } return s; } } function bigfloat_to_string(a, radix) { var s; if (!BigFloat.isFinite(a)) { /* NaN, Infinite */ if (eval_mode !== "math") { return "BigFloat(" + a.toString() + ")"; } else { return a.toString(); } } else { if (a == 0) { if (1 / a < 0) s = "-0"; else s = "0"; } else { if (radix == 16) { var s; if (a < 0) { a = -a; s = "-"; } else { s = ""; } s += "0x" + a.toString(16); } else { s = a.toString(); } } if (typeof a === "bigfloat" && eval_mode !== "math") { s += "l"; } else if (eval_mode !== "std" && s.indexOf(".") < 0 && ((radix == 16 && s.indexOf("p") < 0) || (radix == 10 && s.indexOf("e") < 0))) { /* add a decimal point so that the floating point type is visible */ s += ".0"; } return s; } } function bigint_to_string(a, radix) { var s; if (radix == 16) { var s; if (a < 0) { a = -a; s = "-"; } else { s = ""; } s += "0x" + a.toString(16); } else { s = a.toString(); } if (eval_mode === "std") s += "n"; return s; } function print(a) { var stack = []; function print_rec(a) { var n, i, keys, key, type, s; type = typeof(a); if (type === "object") { if (a === null) { std.puts(a); } else if (stack.indexOf(a) >= 0) { std.puts("[circular]"); } else if (has_jscalc && (a instanceof Fraction || a instanceof Complex || a instanceof Mod || a instanceof Polynomial || a instanceof PolyMod || a instanceof RationalFunction || a instanceof Series)) { std.puts(a.toString()); } else { stack.push(a); if (Array.isArray(a)) { n = a.length; std.puts("[ "); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i !== 0) std.puts(", "); if (i in a) { print_rec(a[i]); } else { std.puts("<empty>"); } if (i > 20) { std.puts("..."); break; } } std.puts(" ]"); } else if (Object.__getClass(a) === "RegExp") { std.puts(a.toString()); } else { keys = Object.keys(a); n = keys.length; std.puts("{ "); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i !== 0) std.puts(", "); key = keys[i]; std.puts(key, ": "); print_rec(a[key]); } std.puts(" }"); } stack.pop(a); } } else if (type === "string") { s = a.__quote(); if (s.length > 79) s = s.substring(0, 75) + "...\""; std.puts(s); } else if (type === "number") { std.puts(number_to_string(a, hex_mode ? 16 : 10)); } else if (type === "bigint") { std.puts(bigint_to_string(a, hex_mode ? 16 : 10)); } else if (type === "bigfloat") { std.puts(bigfloat_to_string(a, hex_mode ? 16 : 10)); } else if (type === "bigdecimal") { std.puts(a.toString() + "m"); } else if (type === "symbol") { std.puts(String(a)); } else if (type === "function") { std.puts("function " + a.name + "()"); } else { std.puts(a); } } print_rec(a); } function extract_directive(a) { var pos; if (a[0] !== '\\') return ""; for (pos = 1; pos < a.length; pos++) { if (!is_alpha(a[pos])) break; } return a.substring(1, pos); } /* return true if the string after cmd can be evaluted as JS */ function handle_directive(cmd, expr) { var param, prec1, expBits1; if (cmd === "h" || cmd === "?" || cmd == "help") { help(); } else if (cmd === "load") { var filename = expr.substring(cmd.length + 1).trim(); if (filename.lastIndexOf(".") <= filename.lastIndexOf("/")) filename += ".js"; std.loadScript(filename); return false; } else if (cmd === "x") { hex_mode = true; } else if (cmd === "d") { hex_mode = false; } else if (cmd === "t") { show_time = !show_time; } else if (has_bignum && cmd === "p") { param = expr.substring(cmd.length + 1).trim().split(" "); if (param.length === 1 && param[0] === "") { std.puts("BigFloat precision=" + prec + " bits (~" + Math.floor(prec / log2_10) + " digits), exponent size=" + expBits + " bits\n"); } else if (param[0] === "f16") { prec = 11; expBits = 5; } else if (param[0] === "f32") { prec = 24; expBits = 8; } else if (param[0] === "f64") { prec = 53; expBits = 11; } else if (param[0] === "f128") { prec = 113; expBits = 15; } else { prec1 = parseInt(param[0]); if (param.length >= 2) expBits1 = parseInt(param[1]); else expBits1 = BigFloatEnv.expBitsMax; if (Number.isNaN(prec1) || prec1 < BigFloatEnv.precMin || prec1 > BigFloatEnv.precMax) { std.puts("Invalid precision\n"); return false; } if (Number.isNaN(expBits1) || expBits1 < BigFloatEnv.expBitsMin || expBits1 > BigFloatEnv.expBitsMax) { std.puts("Invalid exponent bits\n"); return false; } prec = prec1; expBits = expBits1; } return false; } else if (has_bignum && cmd === "digits") { param = expr.substring(cmd.length + 1).trim(); prec1 = Math.ceil(parseFloat(param) * log2_10); if (prec1 < BigFloatEnv.precMin || prec1 > BigFloatEnv.precMax) { std.puts("Invalid precision\n"); return false; } prec = prec1; expBits = BigFloatEnv.expBitsMax; return false; } else if (has_bignum && cmd === "mode") { param = expr.substring(cmd.length + 1).trim(); if (param === "") { std.puts("Running mode=" + eval_mode + "\n"); } else if (param === "std" || param === "math") { eval_mode = param; } else { std.puts("Invalid mode\n"); } return false; } else if (cmd === "clear") { std.puts("\x1b[H\x1b[J"); } else if (cmd === "q") { std.exit(0); } else if (has_jscalc && cmd === "a") { algebraicMode = true; } else if (has_jscalc && cmd === "n") { algebraicMode = false; } else { std.puts("Unknown directive: " + cmd + "\n"); return false; } return true; } if (config_numcalc) { /* called by the GUI */ g.execCmd = function (cmd) { switch(cmd) { case "dec": hex_mode = false; break; case "hex": hex_mode = true; break; case "num": algebraicMode = false; break; case "alg": algebraicMode = true; break; } } } function help() { function sel(n) { return n ? "*": " "; } std.puts("\\h this help\n" + "\\x " + sel(hex_mode) + "hexadecimal number display\n" + "\\d " + sel(!hex_mode) + "decimal number display\n" + "\\t " + sel(show_time) + "toggle timing display\n" + "\\clear clear the terminal\n"); if (has_jscalc) { std.puts("\\a " + sel(algebraicMode) + "algebraic mode\n" + "\\n " + sel(!algebraicMode) + "numeric mode\n"); } if (has_bignum) { std.puts("\\p [m [e]] set the BigFloat precision to 'm' bits\n" + "\\digits n set the BigFloat precision to 'ceil(n*log2(10))' bits\n"); if (!has_jscalc) { std.puts("\\mode [std|math] change the running mode (current = " + eval_mode + ")\n"); } } if (!config_numcalc) { std.puts("\\q exit\n"); } } function eval_and_print(expr) { var result; try { if (eval_mode === "math") expr = '"use math"; void 0;' + expr; var now = (new Date).getTime(); /* eval as a script */ result = std.evalScript(expr, { backtrace_barrier: true }); eval_time = (new Date).getTime() - now; std.puts(colors[styles.result]); print(result); std.puts("\n"); std.puts(colors.none); /* set the last result */ g._ = result; } catch (error) { std.puts(colors[styles.error_msg]); if (error instanceof Error) { console.log(error); if (error.stack) { std.puts(error.stack); } } else { std.puts("Throw: "); console.log(error); } std.puts(colors.none); } } function cmd_start() { if (!config_numcalc) { if (has_jscalc) std.puts('QJSCalc - Type "\\h" for help\n'); else std.puts('QuickJS - Type "\\h" for help\n'); } if (has_bignum) { log2_10 = Math.log(10) / Math.log(2); prec = 113; expBits = 15; if (has_jscalc) { eval_mode = "math"; /* XXX: numeric mode should always be the default ? */ g.algebraicMode = config_numcalc; } } cmd_readline_start(); } function cmd_readline_start() { readline_start(dupstr(" ", level), readline_handle_cmd); } function readline_handle_cmd(expr) { handle_cmd(expr); cmd_readline_start(); } function handle_cmd(expr) { var colorstate, cmd; if (expr === null) { expr = ""; return; } if (expr === "?") { help(); return; } cmd = extract_directive(expr); if (cmd.length > 0) { if (!handle_directive(cmd, expr)) return; expr = expr.substring(cmd.length + 1); } if (expr === "") return; if (mexpr) expr = mexpr + '\n' + expr; colorstate = colorize_js(expr); pstate = colorstate[0]; level = colorstate[1]; if (pstate) { mexpr = expr; return; } mexpr = ""; if (has_bignum) { BigFloatEnv.setPrec(eval_and_print.bind(null, expr), prec, expBits); } else { eval_and_print(expr); } level = 0; /* run the garbage collector after each command */ std.gc(); } function colorize_js(str) { var i, c, start, n = str.length; var style, state = "", level = 0; var primary, can_regex = 1; var r = []; function push_state(c) { state += c; } function last_state(c) { return state.substring(state.length - 1); } function pop_state(c) { var c = last_state(); state = state.substring(0, state.length - 1); return c; } function parse_block_comment() { style = 'comment'; push_state('/'); for (i++; i < n - 1; i++) { if (str[i] == '*' && str[i + 1] == '/') { i += 2; pop_state('/'); break; } } } function parse_line_comment() { style = 'comment'; for (i++; i < n; i++) { if (str[i] == '\n') { break; } } } function parse_string(delim) { style = 'string'; push_state(delim); while (i < n) { c = str[i++]; if (c == '\n') { style = 'error'; continue; } if (c == '\\') { if (i >= n) break; i++; } else if (c == delim) { pop_state(); break; } } } function parse_regex() { style = 'regex'; push_state('/'); while (i < n) { c = str[i++]; if (c == '\n') { style = 'error'; continue; } if (c == '\\') { if (i < n) { i++; } continue; } if (last_state() == '[') { if (c == ']') { pop_state() } // ECMA 5: ignore '/' inside char classes continue; } if (c == '[') { push_state('['); if (str[i] == '[' || str[i] == ']') i++; continue; } if (c == '/') { pop_state(); while (i < n && is_word(str[i])) i++; break; } } } function parse_number() { style = 'number'; while (i < n && (is_word(str[i]) || (str[i] == '.' && (i == n - 1 || str[i + 1] != '.')))) { i++; } } var js_keywords = "|" + "break|case|catch|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|" + "else|finally|for|function|if|in|instanceof|new|" + "return|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|while|with|" + "class|const|enum|import|export|extends|super|" + "implements|interface|let|package|private|protected|" + "public|static|yield|" + "undefined|null|true|false|Infinity|NaN|" + "eval|arguments|" + "await|"; var js_no_regex = "|this|super|undefined|null|true|false|Infinity|NaN|arguments|"; var js_types = "|void|var|"; function parse_identifier() { can_regex = 1; while (i < n && is_word(str[i])) i++; var w = '|' + str.substring(start, i) + '|'; if (js_keywords.indexOf(w) >= 0) { style = 'keyword'; if (js_no_regex.indexOf(w) >= 0) can_regex = 0; return; } var i1 = i; while (i1 < n && str[i1] == ' ') i1++; if (i1 < n && str[i1] == '(') { style = 'function'; return; } if (js_types.indexOf(w) >= 0) { style = 'type'; return; } style = 'identifier'; can_regex = 0; } function set_style(from, to) { while (r.length < from) r.push('default'); while (r.length < to) r.push(style); } for (i = 0; i < n;) { style = null; start = i; switch (c = str[i++]) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; case '+': case '-': if (i < n && str[i] == c) { i++; continue; } can_regex = 1; continue; case '/': if (i < n && str[i] == '*') { // block comment parse_block_comment(); break; } if (i < n && str[i] == '/') { // line comment parse_line_comment(); break; } if (can_regex) { parse_regex(); can_regex = 0; break; } can_regex = 1; continue; case '\'': case '\"': case '`': parse_string(c); can_regex = 0; break; case '(': case '[': case '{': can_regex = 1; level++; push_state(c); continue; case ')': case ']': case '}': can_regex = 0; if (level > 0 && is_balanced(last_state(), c)) { level--; pop_state(); continue; } style = 'error'; break; default: if (is_digit(c)) { parse_number(); can_regex = 0; break; } if (is_word(c) || c == '$') { parse_identifier(); break; } can_regex = 1; continue; } if (style) set_style(start, i); } set_style(n, n); return [ state, level, r ]; } termInit(); cmd_start(); })(globalThis);