// -*- mode:c++; indent-tabs-mode:nil; c-basic-offset:4; coding:utf-8 -*- // vi: set et ft=cpp ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 fenc=utf-8 :vi // // Copyright 2024 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for // any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the // above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL // WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR // PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER // TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR // PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. #include "ctl/string.h" #include <__type_traits/is_same.h> #include <__utility/move.h> #include "libc/runtime/runtime.h" #include "libc/str/str.h" using String = ctl::string; // #include // using String = std::string; int main() { { String s; s += 'h'; s += 'i'; if (s != "hi") return 1; } { String s; if (!s.empty()) return 6; s.reserve(32); if (!s.empty()) return 7; if (!s.starts_with("")) return 8; if (s.starts_with("a")) return 9; s += "abc"; if (!s.starts_with("a")) return 10; } { String s; s += "hello world how are you"; s.reserve(3); if (s != "hello world how are you") return 11; } { String s(4, 'x'); if (s != "xxxx") return 12; s.resize(3); if (s != "xxx") return 13; s.resize(4, 'y'); if (s != "xxxy") return 14; } { String a = "a"; String b = "a"; if (a.compare(b) != 0) return 17; } { String a = "a"; String b = "b"; if (a.compare(b) >= 0) return 18; } { String a = "a"; String b = "ab"; if (a.compare(b) >= 0) return 19; } { String a = "ab"; String b = "a"; if (a.compare(b) <= 0) return 20; } { String a = ""; String b = ""; if (a.compare(b) != 0) return 21; } { String a = "fooBARbaz"; if (a.substr(3, 3) != "BAR") return 22; if (a.replace(3, 3, "MOO") != "fooMOObaz") return 23; } { String a = "fooBAR"; if (a.substr(3, 3) != "BAR") return 24; if (a.replace(3, 3, "MOO") != "fooMOO") return 25; } { String a = "fooBAR"; if (a.substr(1, 0) != "") return 26; if (a.replace(1, 0, "MOO") != "fMOOooBAR") return 27; if (!a.starts_with("fMOOooBAR")) return 28; if (!a.ends_with("")) return 29; if (!a.ends_with("BAR")) return 30; if (a.ends_with("bar")) return 31; } { String s1 = "hello"; String s2 = "world"; String s3 = s1 + " " + s2; if (s3 != "hello world") return 32; } { String s = "hello"; if (s.size() != 5) return 33; if (s.length() != 5) return 34; if (s.capacity() < 5) return 35; } { String s = "hello"; if (s[0] != 'h' || s[1] != 'e' || s[2] != 'l' || s[3] != 'l' || s[4] != 'o') return 36; s[0] = 'H'; if (s != "Hello") return 37; } { String s = "hello"; if (s.find('e') != 1) return 38; if (s.find('l') != 2) return 39; if (s.find('x') != s.npos) return 40; } { String s = "hello"; if (!s.ends_with("lo")) return 41; if (s.ends_with("el")) return 42; } { String s = "hello"; String sub = s.substr(1, 3); if (sub != "ell") return 43; sub = s.substr(2); if (sub != "llo") return 44; } { String s = "hello"; String s2 = s; if (s != s2) return 45; s2[0] = 'H'; if (s == s2) return 46; } { String s = "hello"; String s2 = std::move(s); if (s2 != "hello") return 47; if (!s.empty()) return 48; } { String s = "hello"; const char* cstr = s.c_str(); if (strcmp(cstr, "hello") != 0) return 49; } // { // String s = "hello"; // char buffer[10]; // s.copy(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // if (strcmp(buffer, "hello") != 0) // return 50; // } { String s = "hello"; s.resize(3); if (s != "hel") return 51; s.resize(10, 'x'); if (s != "helxxxxxxx") return 52; } { String s = "hello"; s.clear(); if (!s.empty()) return 53; } { String s = "hello"; auto it = s.begin(); if (*it != 'h') return 54; ++it; if (*it != 'e') return 55; } // { // String s = "hello"; // String s2 = "world"; // s.swap(s2); // if (s != "world" || s2 != "hello") // return 56; // } { String s = "hello"; if (s.front() != 'h' || s.back() != 'o') return 57; } { String s = "hello"; s.push_back('!'); if (s != "hello!") return 58; s.pop_back(); if (s != "hello") return 59; } { String s = "hello"; s.insert(2, "XYZ"); if (s != "heXYZllo") return 60; } { String s = "hello"; s.erase(1, 2); if (s != "hlo") return 61; } { String s = "hello"; s.replace(1, 2, "XYZ"); if (s != "hXYZlo") return 62; } { String s = "hello"; s.append(" world"); if (s != "hello world") return 63; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { s.append(" world"); } if (s != "hello world world world world world world world world world " "world world") { return 64; } } // { // String s = "hello"; // s.assign("world"); // if (s != "world") // return 64; // } { String s = "hello"; if (s.compare("world") >= 0) return 65; if (s.compare("hello") != 0) return 66; if (s.compare("hallo") <= 0) return 67; } { String s = "hello"; if (s == "world") return 68; if (s != "hello") return 69; if (s < "hallo") return 70; if (s > "world") return 71; } { if ("hello"s != "hello") return 77; if ("hell"s + "o" != "hello") return 78; } { String s; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // tests the small-string optimization on ctl::string char* d = s.data(); for (int i = 0; i < 23; ++i) { s.append("a"); if (s.data() != d) { return 79 + i; } } s.append("a"); if (s.data() == d) { return 103; } } else { // just check that append in a loop works for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { s.append("a"); } } if (s != "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") { return 104; } } CheckForMemoryLeaks(); return 0; }