#-*-mode:makefile-gmake;indent-tabs-mode:t;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8-*-┐ #───vi: set et ft=make ts=8 tw=8 fenc=utf-8 :vi───────────────────────┘ # # SYNOPSIS # # Freestanding Hermetically-Sealed Monolithic Repository # # REQUIREMENTS # # You can run your programs on any operating system, but you have # to build them on Linux 2.6+ (or WSL) using GNU Make. A modern C # compiler that's statically-linked comes included as a courtesy. # # EXAMPLES # # # build and run everything # make -j8 -O # make -j8 -O MODE=dbg # make -j8 -O MODE=opt # make -j8 -O MODE=rel # make -j8 -O MODE=tiny # # # build individual target # make -j8 -O o//examples/hello.com # o//examples/hello.com # # # view source # less examples/hello.c # # # view binary # o//tool/viz/bing.com o//examples/hello.com | # o//tool/viz/fold.com # # # view transitive closure of legalese # o//tool/viz/bing.com -n o//examples/hello.com | # o//tool/viz/fold.com # # # basic debugging # make -j8 -O MODE=dbg o/dbg/examples/crashreport.com # o/dbg/examples/crashreport.com # less examples/crashreport.c # # # extremely tiny binaries (scout's honor escape hatch) # # please pay the $1k for commercial license if you can # make -j8 -O MODE=tiny \ # LDFLAGS+=-s \ # CPPFLAGS+=-DIM_FEELING_NAUGHTY \ # CPPFLAGS+=-DSUPPORT_VECTOR=0b00000001 \ # o/tiny/examples/hello4.elf # ls -hal o/tiny/examples/hello4.elf # o/tiny/examples/hello4.elf # # TROUBLESHOOTING # # make -j8 -O SILENT=0 o//examples/hello.com # make o//examples/life.elf -pn |& less # etc. # # SEE ALSO # # build/config.mk SHELL = /bin/sh HOSTS ?= freebsd openbsd alpine SANITY := $(shell build/sanitycheck $$PPID) GNUMAKEFLAGS += --output-sync .SUFFIXES: .DELETE_ON_ERROR: .FEATURES: output-sync .PHONY: all o bins check test depend tags all: o o: o/$(MODE)/ape \ o/$(MODE)/dsp \ o/$(MODE)/net \ o/$(MODE)/libc \ o/$(MODE)/test \ o/$(MODE)/tool \ o/$(MODE)/examples \ o/$(MODE)/third_party PKGS = -include ~/.cosmo.mk #──No.1 include build/functions.mk #─┐ include build/definitions.mk # ├──meta include build/config.mk # │ include build/rules.mk # │ include build/online.mk # │ include libc/stubs/stubs.mk #─┘ include libc/nexgen32e/nexgen32e.mk #─┐ include libc/intrin/intrin.mk # │ include libc/linux/linux.mk # │ include libc/math/math.mk # ├──metal include libc/tinymath/tinymath.mk # │ include third_party/compiler_rt/compiler_rt.mk # │ include libc/bits/bits.mk # │ include libc/str/str.mk # │ include third_party/xed/xed.mk # │ include third_party/zlib/zlib.mk # │ include libc/elf/elf.mk # │ include ape/lib/apelib.mk # │ include ape/ape.mk #─┘ include libc/sysv/sysv.mk #─┐ include libc/nt/nt.mk # ├──system include libc/fmt/fmt.mk # │ include libc/rand/rand.mk #─┘ include libc/calls/calls.mk #─┐ include libc/runtime/runtime.mk # ├──systems include libc/crt/crt.mk # │ include libc/unicode/unicode.mk # │ include third_party/dlmalloc/dlmalloc.mk # │ include libc/mem/mem.mk # │ include libc/ohmyplus/ohmyplus.mk # │ include libc/zipos/zipos.mk # │ include third_party/gdtoa/gdtoa.mk # │ include libc/time/time.mk # │ include libc/alg/alg.mk # │ include libc/calls/hefty/hefty.mk # │ include libc/stdio/stdio.mk # │ include third_party/f2c/f2c.mk # │ include third_party/blas/blas.mk # │ include net/net.mk # │ include libc/log/log.mk # │ include dsp/core/core.mk # │ include libc/x/x.mk # │ include third_party/stb/stb.mk # │ include dsp/scale/scale.mk # │ include dsp/mpeg/mpeg.mk # │ include dsp/dsp.mk # │ include third_party/musl/musl.mk # │ include third_party/getopt/getopt.mk # │ include libc/libc.mk #─┘ include libc/sock/sock.mk #─┐ include dsp/tty/tty.mk # ├──online include libc/dns/dns.mk # │ include libc/crypto/crypto.mk # │ include net/http/http.mk #─┘ include third_party/chibicc/chibicc.mk include third_party/chibicc/test/test.mk include third_party/lemon/lemon.mk include third_party/linenoise/linenoise.mk include third_party/editline/editline.mk include third_party/duktape/duktape.mk include third_party/regex/regex.mk include third_party/avir/avir.mk include third_party/ctags/ctags.mk include third_party/third_party.mk include libc/testlib/testlib.mk include tool/viz/lib/vizlib.mk include examples/examples.mk include third_party/lex/lex.mk include third_party/m4/m4.mk include third_party/lz4cli/lz4cli.mk include third_party/bzip2/bzip2.mk include tool/build/lib/buildlib.mk include tool/build/emucrt/emucrt.mk include tool/build/emubin/emubin.mk include tool/build/build.mk include tool/calc/calc.mk include tool/decode/lib/decodelib.mk include tool/decode/decode.mk include tool/hash/hash.mk include tool/net/net.mk include tool/viz/viz.mk include tool/tool.mk include test/libc/alg/test.mk include test/libc/tinymath/test.mk include test/libc/math/test.mk include test/libc/intrin/test.mk include test/libc/mem/test.mk include test/libc/nexgen32e/test.mk include test/libc/runtime/test.mk include test/libc/sock/test.mk include test/libc/bits/test.mk include test/libc/crypto/test.mk include test/libc/str/test.mk include test/libc/unicode/test.mk include test/libc/calls/test.mk include test/libc/x/test.mk include test/libc/xed/test.mk include test/libc/fmt/test.mk include test/libc/dns/test.mk include test/libc/rand/test.mk include test/libc/time/test.mk include test/libc/stdio/test.mk include test/libc/release/test.mk include test/libc/test.mk include test/ape/lib/test.mk include test/ape/test.mk include test/net/http/test.mk include test/net/test.mk include test/tool/build/lib/test.mk include test/tool/build/test.mk include test/tool/viz/lib/test.mk include test/tool/viz/test.mk include test/tool/test.mk include test/dsp/core/test.mk include test/dsp/scale/test.mk include test/dsp/tty/test.mk include test/dsp/test.mk include examples/package/lib/build.mk include examples/package/build.mk #-φ-examples/package/new.sh include test/test.mk OBJS = $(foreach x,$(PKGS),$($(x)_OBJS)) SRCS = $(foreach x,$(PKGS),$($(x)_SRCS)) HDRS = $(foreach x,$(PKGS),$($(x)_HDRS)) BINS = $(foreach x,$(PKGS),$($(x)_BINS)) TESTS = $(foreach x,$(PKGS),$($(x)_TESTS)) CHECKS = $(foreach x,$(PKGS),$($(x)_CHECKS)) bins: $(BINS) check: $(CHECKS) test: $(TESTS) depend: o/$(MODE)/depend tags: TAGS HTAGS o/$(MODE)/.x: @$(MKDIR) $(@D) && touch $@ o/$(MODE)/srcs.txt: o/$(MODE)/.x $(MAKEFILES) $(call uniq,$(foreach x,$(SRCS),$(dir $(x)))) $(file >$@) $(foreach x,$(SRCS),$(file >>$@,$(x))) o/$(MODE)/hdrs.txt: o/$(MODE)/.x $(MAKEFILES) $(call uniq,$(foreach x,$(HDRS),$(dir $(x)))) $(file >$@) $(foreach x,$(HDRS),$(file >>$@,$(x))) o/$(MODE)/depend: o/$(MODE)/.x o/$(MODE)/srcs.txt o/$(MODE)/hdrs.txt $(SRCS) $(HDRS) @build/mkdeps -o $@ -r o/$(MODE)/ o/$(MODE)/srcs.txt o/$(MODE)/hdrs.txt TAGS: o/$(MODE)/srcs.txt $(SRCS) @rm -f $@ @ACTION=TAGS TARGET=$@ build/do $(TAGS) $(TAGSFLAGS) -L $< -o $@ HTAGS: o/$(MODE)/hdrs.txt $(HDRS) @rm -f $@ @ACTION=TAGS TARGET=$@ build/do build/htags -L $< -o $@ loc: o/$(MODE)/tool/build/summy.com find -name \*.h -or -name \*.c -or -name \*.S | \ $(XARGS) wc -l | grep total | awk '{print $$1}' | $< COSMOPOLITAN_OBJECTS = \ APE_LIB \ LIBC \ LIBC_ALG \ LIBC_BITS \ LIBC_CALLS \ LIBC_CALLS_HEFTY \ LIBC_CRYPTO \ LIBC_DNS \ LIBC_ELF \ LIBC_FMT \ LIBC_INTRIN \ LIBC_LOG \ LIBC_MEM \ LIBC_NEXGEN32E \ LIBC_NT \ LIBC_OHMYPLUS \ LIBC_RAND \ LIBC_RUNTIME \ LIBC_SOCK \ LIBC_STDIO \ LIBC_STR \ LIBC_STUBS \ LIBC_SYSV \ LIBC_TIME \ LIBC_TINYMATH \ LIBC_UNICODE \ LIBC_X \ LIBC_ZIPOS \ THIRD_PARTY_COMPILER_RT \ THIRD_PARTY_DLMALLOC \ THIRD_PARTY_GDTOA \ THIRD_PARTY_GETOPT \ THIRD_PARTY_MUSL \ THIRD_PARTY_REGEX COSMOPOLITAN_HEADERS = \ LIBC \ LIBC_ALG \ LIBC_BITS \ LIBC_CALLS \ LIBC_CRYPTO \ LIBC_DNS \ LIBC_ELF \ LIBC_FMT \ LIBC_INTRIN \ LIBC_LOG \ LIBC_MEM \ LIBC_NEXGEN32E \ LIBC_NT \ LIBC_OHMYPLUS \ LIBC_RAND \ LIBC_RUNTIME \ LIBC_SOCK \ LIBC_STDIO \ LIBC_STR \ LIBC_SYSV \ LIBC_TIME \ LIBC_TINYMATH \ LIBC_UNICODE \ LIBC_X \ LIBC_ZIPOS \ THIRD_PARTY_DLMALLOC \ THIRD_PARTY_GDTOA \ THIRD_PARTY_GETOPT \ THIRD_PARTY_MUSL \ THIRD_PARTY_REGEX o/$(MODE)/cosmopolitan.a: $(filter-out o/libc/stubs/exit11.o,$(foreach x,$(COSMOPOLITAN_OBJECTS),$($(x)_OBJS))) o/cosmopolitan.h: \ o/$(MODE)/tool/build/rollup.com \ libc/integral/normalize.inc \ $(foreach x,$(COSMOPOLITAN_HEADERS),$($(x)_HDRS)) @ACTION=ROLLUP TARGET=$@ build/do $^ >$@ # UNSPECIFIED PREREQUISITES TUTORIAL # # A build rule must exist for all files that make needs to consider in # order to build the requested goal. That includes input source files, # even if the rule is empty and does nothing. Otherwise, the .DEFAULT # rule gets triggered. # # This is a normal and neecssary behavior when source files get deleted. # The build reacts automatically to this happening, by simply deleting # and regenerating the dependency graph; so we can safely use wildcard. # # This is abnormal if it needs to keep doing that repeatedly. That can # only mean the build config is broken. # # Also note that a suboptimal in-between state may exist, where running # `make -pn` reveals rules being generated with the .DEFAULT target, but # never get executed since they're not members of the transitive closure # of `make all`. In that case the build config could be improved. %.mk: ~/.cosmo.mk: $(SRCS): $(HDRS): .DEFAULT: @echo >&2 @echo NOTE: deleting o/$(MODE)/depend because of an unspecified prerequisite: $@ >&2 @echo >&2 rm -f o/$(MODE)/depend -include o/$(MODE)/depend