/*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-basic-offset:2;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 -*-│ │vi: set net ft=c ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi│ ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡ │ Copyright 2021 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney │ │ │ │ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for │ │ any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the │ │ above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. │ │ │ │ THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL │ │ WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED │ │ WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE │ │ AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL │ │ DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR │ │ PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER │ │ TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR │ │ PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. │ ╚─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ #define ShouldUseMsabiAttribute() 1 #include "libc/bits/likely.h" #include "libc/bits/safemacros.internal.h" #include "libc/bits/weaken.h" #include "libc/calls/calls.h" #include "libc/calls/internal.h" #include "libc/dce.h" #include "libc/errno.h" #include "libc/fmt/divmod10.internal.h" #include "libc/fmt/fmt.h" #include "libc/intrin/cmpxchg.h" #include "libc/intrin/kprintf.h" #include "libc/intrin/lockcmpxchg.h" #include "libc/intrin/spinlock.h" #include "libc/limits.h" #include "libc/macros.internal.h" #include "libc/nexgen32e/rdtsc.h" #include "libc/nexgen32e/uart.internal.h" #include "libc/nt/process.h" #include "libc/nt/runtime.h" #include "libc/nt/thunk/msabi.h" #include "libc/runtime/memtrack.internal.h" #include "libc/runtime/runtime.h" #include "libc/str/str.h" #include "libc/str/tpenc.h" #include "libc/str/utf16.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/nr.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/prot.h" #include "libc/time/clockstonanos.internal.h" struct Timestamps { unsigned long long birth; unsigned long long start; }; extern int __pid; extern bool __replmode; extern bool __nomultics; unsigned long long __kbirth; // see fork-nt.c privileged static struct Timestamps kenter(void) { struct Timestamps ts; ts.start = rdtsc(); ts.birth = __kbirth; if (!ts.birth) { ts.birth = kStartTsc; if (!ts.birth) ts.birth = 1; _lockcmpxchg(&__kbirth, 0, ts.birth); } return ts; } privileged static void kleave(struct Timestamps ts) { uint64_t finish, elapse, adjust; finish = rdtsc(); elapse = unsignedsubtract(finish, ts.start); adjust = ts.birth + elapse; if (!adjust) adjust = 1; if (__kbirth == ts.birth) { _lockcmpxchg(&__kbirth, ts.birth, adjust); // ignore overlapping intervals } } privileged static inline char *kadvance(char *p, char *e, long n) { intptr_t t = (intptr_t)p; if (__builtin_add_overflow(t, n, &t)) t = (intptr_t)e; return (char *)t; } privileged static char *kemitquote(char *p, char *e, signed char t, unsigned c) { if (t) { if (p < e) { *p = t < 0 ? 'u' : 'L'; } ++p; } if (p < e) { *p = c; } ++p; return p; } privileged static unsigned long long kgetint(va_list va, signed char t, bool s) { #ifdef __LP64__ int bits; unsigned long long x; x = va_arg(va, unsigned long); if (t <= 0) { bits = 64 - (32 >> MIN(5, -t)); x <<= bits; if (s) { x = (signed long)x >> bits; } else { x >>= bits; } } return x; #else if (s) { switch (t) { case -2: return (signed char)va_arg(va, int); case -1: return (signed short)va_arg(va, int); default: return va_arg(va, signed int); case 1: return va_arg(va, signed long); case 2: return va_arg(va, signed long long); } } else { switch (t) { case -2: return (unsigned char)va_arg(va, int); case -1: return (unsigned short)va_arg(va, int); default: return va_arg(va, unsigned int); case 1: return va_arg(va, unsigned long); case 2: return va_arg(va, unsigned long long); } } #endif } privileged static inline bool kiskernelpointer(const void *p) { return 0x7f0000000000 <= (intptr_t)p && (intptr_t)p < 0x800000000000; } privileged static inline bool kistextpointer(const void *p) { return _base <= (const unsigned char *)p && (const unsigned char *)p < _etext; } privileged static inline bool kisimagepointer(const void *p) { return _base <= (const unsigned char *)p && (const unsigned char *)p < _end; } privileged static inline bool kischarmisaligned(const char *p, signed char t) { if (t == -1) return (intptr_t)p & 1; if (t >= 1) return !!((intptr_t)p & 3); return false; } privileged static inline bool kismemtrackhosed(void) { return !((weaken(_mmi)->i <= weaken(_mmi)->n) && (weaken(_mmi)->p == weaken(_mmi)->s || weaken(_mmi)->p == (struct MemoryInterval *)kMemtrackStart)); } privileged static bool kismapped(int x) { size_t m, r, l = 0; if (!weaken(_mmi)) return true; if (kismemtrackhosed()) return false; r = weaken(_mmi)->i; while (l < r) { m = (l + r) >> 1; if (weaken(_mmi)->p[m].y < x) { l = m + 1; } else { r = m; } } if (l < weaken(_mmi)->i && x >= weaken(_mmi)->p[l].x) { return !!(weaken(_mmi)->p[l].prot & PROT_READ); } else { return false; } } privileged bool kisdangerous(const void *p) { int frame; if (kisimagepointer(p)) return false; if (kiskernelpointer(p)) return false; if (IsLegalPointer(p)) { frame = (intptr_t)p >> 16; if (IsStackFrame(frame)) return false; if (IsOldStackFrame(frame)) return false; if (kismapped(frame)) return false; } return true; } privileged static void klog(const char *b, size_t n) { int e; size_t i; uint16_t dx; uint32_t wrote; unsigned char al; long rax, rdi, rsi, rdx; if (IsWindows()) { e = __imp_GetLastError(); __imp_WriteFile(__imp_GetStdHandle(kNtStdErrorHandle), b, n, &wrote, 0); __imp_SetLastError(e); } else if (IsMetal()) { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for (;;) { dx = 0x3F8 + UART_LSR; asm("inb\t%1,%0" : "=a"(al) : "dN"(dx)); if (al & UART_TTYTXR) break; asm("pause"); } dx = 0x3F8; asm volatile("outb\t%0,%1" : /* no inputs */ : "a"(b[i]), "dN"(dx)); } } else { asm volatile("syscall" : "=a"(rax), "=D"(rdi), "=S"(rsi), "=d"(rdx) : "0"(__NR_write), "1"(2), "2"(b), "3"(n) : "rcx", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "memory", "cc"); } } privileged static size_t kformat(char *b, size_t n, const char *fmt, va_list va, struct Timestamps ts) { int si; wint_t t, u; const char *abet; signed char type; const char *s, *f; unsigned long long x; unsigned i, j, m, rem, sign, hash, cols, prec; char c, *p, *e, pdot, zero, flip, dang, base, quot, z[128]; if (kistextpointer(b) || kisdangerous(b)) n = 0; if (!kistextpointer(fmt)) fmt = "!!WONTFMT"; p = b; f = fmt; e = p + n; for (;;) { for (;;) { if (!(c = *f++) || c == '%') break; EmitFormatByte: if (p < e) *p = c; ++p; } if (!c) break; pdot = 0; flip = 0; dang = 0; hash = 0; sign = 0; prec = 0; quot = 0; type = 0; cols = 0; zero = 0; abet = "0123456789abcdef"; for (;;) { switch ((c = *f++)) { default: goto EmitFormatByte; case '\0': break; case '.': pdot = 1; continue; case '-': flip = 1; continue; case '#': hash = '0'; continue; case '_': case ',': case '\'': quot = c; continue; case ' ': case '+': sign = c; continue; case 'h': --type; continue; case 'j': case 'l': case 'z': ++type; continue; case '!': dang = 1; continue; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': si = pdot ? prec : cols; si *= 10; si += c - '0'; goto UpdateCols; case '*': si = va_arg(va, int); UpdateCols: if (pdot) { if (si >= 0) { prec = si; } } else { if (si < 0) { flip = 1; si = -si; } cols = si; if (!cols) { zero = 1; } } continue; case 'T': x = ClocksToNanos(ts.start, ts.birth) % 86400000000000; goto FormatUnsigned; case 'P': if (!__vforked) { x = __pid; } else { asm volatile("syscall" : "=a"(x) : "0"(__NR_getpid) : "rcx", "rdx", "r11", "memory", "cc"); } goto FormatUnsigned; case 'u': case 'd': if (UNLIKELY(type <= -3)) { s = va_arg(va, int) ? "true" : "false"; goto FormatString; } x = kgetint(va, type, c == 'd'); FormatDecimal: if ((long long)x < 0 && c != 'u') { x = -x; sign = '-'; } FormatUnsigned: if (x && hash) sign = hash; for (i = j = 0;;) { x = DivMod10(x, &rem); z[i++ & 127] = '0' + rem; if (pdot ? i >= prec : !x) break; if (quot && ++j == 3) { z[i++ & 127] = quot; j = 0; } } EmitNumber: if (flip || pdot) zero = 0; while (zero && sign) { if (p < e) *p = sign; if (cols) --cols; sign >>= 8; ++p; } t = !!sign + !!(sign >> 8); if (!flip && cols >= t) { for (j = i; j < cols - t; ++j) { if (p < e) { *p++ = zero ? '0' : ' '; } else { p = kadvance(p, e, cols - t - j); break; } } } while (sign) { if (p < e) *p = sign; sign >>= 8; ++p; } for (j = i; j; ++p) { --j; if (p < e) { *p = z[j & 127]; } } if (flip && cols >= t) { for (j = i; j < cols - t; ++j) { if (p < e) { *p++ = ' '; } else { p = kadvance(p, e, cols - t - j); break; } } } break; case 'b': base = 1; if (hash) hash = '0' | 'b' << 8; BinaryNumber: x = kgetint(va, type, false); FormatNumber: i = 0; m = (1 << base) - 1; if (hash && x) sign = hash; do z[i++ & 127] = abet[x & m]; while ((x >>= base) || (pdot && i < prec)); goto EmitNumber; case 'X': abet = "0123456789ABCDEF"; /* fallthrough */ case 'x': base = 4; if (hash) hash = '0' | 'x' << 8; goto BinaryNumber; case 'o': base = 3; goto BinaryNumber; case 'p': x = va_arg(va, intptr_t); if (!x && pdot) pdot = 0; if ((long)x == -1) { pdot = 0; goto FormatDecimal; } hash = '0' | 'x' << 8; base = 4; goto FormatNumber; case 'C': c = 'c'; type = 1; // fallthrough case 'c': i = 1; j = 0; x = 0; s = (const char *)&x; t = va_arg(va, int); if (!type) t &= 255; if (hash) { quot = 1; hash = '\''; p = kemitquote(p, e, type, hash); if (cols && type) --cols; // u/L if (cols) --cols; // start quote if (cols) --cols; // end quote } goto EmitChar; case 'm': if (!(x = errno) && sign == ' ' /* && */ /* (!IsWindows() || !__imp_GetLastError()) */) { break; } else if (weaken(strerror_r) && !weaken(strerror_r)(x, z, sizeof(z))) { s = z; goto FormatString; } else { goto FormatDecimal; } case 'G': x = va_arg(va, int); if (weaken(strsignal)) { s = weaken(strsignal)(x); goto FormatString; } else { if (p + 3 <= e) { p[0] = 'S'; p[1] = 'I'; p[2] = 'G'; } p += 3; goto FormatDecimal; } case 'n': // nonstandard %n specifier // used to print newlines that work in raw terminal modes if (__nomultics) { if (p < e) *p = '\r'; ++p; } if (p < e) *p = '\n'; ++p; break; case 'r': // undocumented %r specifier // used for good carriage return // helps integrate loggers with repls if (!__replmode) { break; } else { s = "\r\033[K"; goto FormatString; } case 'S': c = 's'; type = 1; // fallthrough case 's': if (!(s = va_arg(va, const void *))) { s = sign != ' ' ? "NULL" : ""; FormatString: type = 0; hash = 0; } else if (!dang && (kisdangerous(s) || kischarmisaligned(s, type))) { if (sign == ' ') { if (p < e) *p = ' '; ++p; } x = (intptr_t)s; base = 4; hash = '!' | '!' << 8; goto FormatNumber; } else if (hash) { quot = 1; hash = '"'; if (cols && type) --cols; // u/L if (cols) --cols; // start quote if (cols) --cols; // end quote p = kemitquote(p, e, type, hash); } if (sign == ' ' && (!pdot || prec) && *s) { if (p < e) *p = ' '; ++p; } for (i = j = 0; !pdot || j < prec; ++j) { if (UNLIKELY(!((intptr_t)s & (PAGESIZE - 1)))) { if (!dang && kisdangerous(s)) break; } if (!type) { if (!(t = *s++ & 255)) break; if ((t & 0300) == 0200) goto ActuallyEmitByte; ++i; EmitByte: if (UNLIKELY(quot) && (t == '\\' || ((t == '"' && c == 's') || (t == '\'' && c == 'c')))) { if (p + 2 <= e) { p[0] = '\\'; p[1] = t; } p += 2; i += 1; continue; } if (pdot || (t != 0x7F && (t >= 0x20 || (t == '\n' || t == '\t' || t == '\r' || t == '\e')))) { ActuallyEmitByte: if (p < e) *p = t; p += 1; continue; } else if (quot) { if (p + 4 <= e) { p[0] = '\\'; p[1] = '0' + ((t & 0300) >> 6); p[2] = '0' + ((t & 0070) >> 3); p[3] = '0' + ((t & 0007) >> 0); } p += 4; i += 3; continue; } else { /* Control Pictures ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════ 2400 │ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 2400 │ ␀ ␁ ␂ ␃ ␄ ␅ ␆ ␇ ␈ ␉ ␊ ␋ ␌ ␍ ␎ ␏ 2410 │ ␐ ␑ ␒ ␓ ␔ ␕ ␖ ␗ ␘ ␙ ␚ ␛ ␜ ␝ ␞ ␟ 2420 │ ␠ ␡ ␢ ␣ ␤ ␥ ␦ */ if (t != 0x7F) { t += 0x2400; } else { t = 0x2421; } goto EmitChar; } } else if (type < -1) { if ((t = *s++ & 255) || prec) { t = kCp437[t]; } } else if (type < 0) { t = *(const char16_t *)s; s += sizeof(char16_t); if (IsHighSurrogate(t)) { if (!pdot || j + 1 < prec) { if (UNLIKELY(!((intptr_t)s & (PAGESIZE - 1)))) { if (!dang && kisdangerous(s)) break; } u = *(const char16_t *)s; if (IsLowSurrogate(u)) { t = MergeUtf16(t, u); s += sizeof(char16_t); j += 1; } } else { break; } } else if (!t) { break; } } else { t = *(const wchar_t *)s; s += sizeof(wchar_t); } if (!t) break; ++i; EmitChar: if (t <= 0x7f) { goto EmitByte; } else if (t <= 0x7ff) { if (p + 2 <= e) { p[0] = 0300 | (t >> 6); p[1] = 0200 | (t & 077); } p += 2; } else if (t <= 0xffff) { if (UNLIKELY(IsSurrogate(t))) { EncodeReplacementCharacter: t = 0xfffd; } if (p + 3 <= e) { p[0] = 0340 | (t >> 12); p[1] = 0200 | ((t >> 6) & 077); p[2] = 0200 | (t & 077); } p += 3; } else if (~(t >> 18) & 007) { if (p + 4 <= e) { p[0] = 0360 | (t >> 18); p[1] = 0200 | ((t >> 12) & 077); p[2] = 0200 | ((t >> 6) & 077); p[3] = 0200 | (t & 077); } p += 4; } else { goto EncodeReplacementCharacter; } } if (hash) { if (p < e) *p = hash; ++p; } for (; cols > i; --cols) { if (p < e) { *p++ = ' '; } else { p = kadvance(p, e, cols - i); break; } } break; } break; } } if (p < e) { *p = 0; } else if (e > b) { u = 0; *--e = 0; s = "\n..."; if (!(((f - fmt) >= 2 && f[-2] == '\n') || ((f - fmt) >= 3 && f[-3] == '%' && f[-2] == 'n'))) { ++s; } while ((t = *s++) && e > b) { u = *--e; *e = t; } if ((u & 0300) == 0200) { while (e > b) { u = *--e; *e = '.'; if ((u & 0300) != 0200) { break; } } } } return p - b; } /** * Privileged snprintf(). * * @param b is buffer, and guaranteed a NUL-terminator if `n>0` * @param n is number of bytes available in buffer * @return length of output excluding NUL, which may exceed `n` * @see kprintf() for documentation * @asyncsignalsafe * @vforksafe */ privileged size_t ksnprintf(char *b, size_t n, const char *fmt, ...) { size_t m; va_list v; struct Timestamps t; t = kenter(); va_start(v, fmt); m = kformat(b, n, fmt, v, t); va_end(v); kleave(t); return m; } /** * Privileged snprintf() w/o timestamp feature. * * This provides a marginal performance boost, but it means %T can no * longer be used. * * snprintf(".") l: 25𝑐 8𝑛𝑠 * kusnprintf(".") l: 22𝑐 7𝑛𝑠 * ksnprintf(".") l: 54𝑐 17𝑛𝑠 * * @param b is buffer, and guaranteed a NUL-terminator if `n>0` * @param n is number of bytes available in buffer * @return length of output excluding NUL, which may exceed `n` * @see kprintf() for documentation * @asyncsignalsafe * @vforksafe */ privileged size_t kusnprintf(char *b, size_t n, const char *fmt, ...) { size_t m; va_list v; va_start(v, fmt); m = kformat(b, n, fmt, v, (struct Timestamps){0}); va_end(v); return m; } /** * Privileged vsnprintf(). * * @param b is buffer, and guaranteed a NUL-terminator if `n>0` * @param n is number of bytes available in buffer * @return length of output excluding NUL, which may exceed `n` * @see kprintf() for documentation * @asyncsignalsafe * @vforksafe */ privileged size_t kvsnprintf(char *b, size_t n, const char *fmt, va_list v) { size_t m; struct Timestamps t; t = kenter(); m = kformat(b, n, fmt, v, t); kleave(t); return m; } /** * Privileged vprintf. * * @see kprintf() for documentation * @asyncsignalsafe * @vforksafe */ privileged void kvprintf(const char *fmt, va_list v) { size_t n; char b[2048]; struct Timestamps t; if (!v) return; t = kenter(); n = kformat(b, sizeof(b), fmt, v, t); klog(b, MIN(n, sizeof(b))); kleave(t); } /** * Privileged printf(). * * This function is intended for crash reporting. It's designed to be as * unbreakable as possible, so that error messages can always be printed * even when the rest of the runtime is broken. As such, it has continue * on error semantics, doesn't support buffering between invocations and * floating point is not supported. Output is also truncated if the line * gets too long, but care is taken to preserve your newline characters. * Your errno and GetLastError() state will not be clobbered, and ftrace * and other runtime magic won't be invoked, since all the runtime magic * depends on this function. * * Directives: * * %[FLAGS][WIDTH|*][.[PRECISION|*]][TYPE]SPECIFIER * * Specifiers: * * - `P` pid * - `c` char * - `o` octal * - `b` binary * - `s` string * - `p` pointer * - `d` decimal * - `n` newline * - `u` unsigned * - `r` carriage * - `m` strerror * - `G` strsignal * - `X` uppercase * - `T` timestamp * - `x` hexadecimal * * Types: * * - `hhh` bool * - `hh` char or cp437 * - `h` short or char16_t * - `l` long or wchar_t * - `ll` long long * * Flags: * * - `0` zero padding * - `-` flip alignment * - `!` bypass memory safety * - `,` thousands grouping w/ comma * - `'` thousands grouping w/ apostrophe * - `_` thousands grouping w/ underscore * - `+` plus leftpad if positive (aligns w/ negatives) * - ` ` space leftpad if positive (aligns w/ negatives) * - `#` represent value with literal syntax, e.g. 0x, 0b, quotes * * @asyncsignalsafe * @vforksafe */ privileged void kprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { /* system call support runtime depends on this function */ /* function tracing runtime depends on this function */ /* asan runtime depends on this function */ va_list v; va_start(v, fmt); kvprintf(fmt, v); va_end(v); }