/* * QuickJS Javascript Engine * * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Fabrice Bellard * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Charlie Gordon * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "libc/assert.h" #include "libc/mem/mem.h" #include "libc/runtime/gc.internal.h" #include "third_party/quickjs/internal.h" asm(".ident\t\"\\n\\n\ QuickJS (MIT License)\\n\ Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Fabrice Bellard\\n\ Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Charlie Gordon\""); asm(".include \"libc/disclaimer.inc\""); /* clang-format off */ static const uint16_t func_kind_to_class_id[] = { [JS_FUNC_NORMAL] = JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION, [JS_FUNC_GENERATOR] = JS_CLASS_GENERATOR_FUNCTION, [JS_FUNC_ASYNC] = JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION, [JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR] = JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_FUNCTION, }; static JSValue JS_CallConstructorInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, JSValueConst new_target, int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags); JSValue js_closure2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj, JSFunctionBytecode *b, JSVarRef **cur_var_refs, JSStackFrame *sf) { JSObject *p; JSVarRef **var_refs; int i; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj); p->u.func.function_bytecode = b; p->u.func.home_object = NULL; p->u.func.var_refs = NULL; if (b->closure_var_count) { var_refs = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(var_refs[0]) * b->closure_var_count); if (!var_refs) goto fail; p->u.func.var_refs = var_refs; for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) { JSClosureVar *cv = &b->closure_var[i]; JSVarRef *var_ref; if (cv->is_local) { /* reuse the existing variable reference if it already exists */ var_ref = get_var_ref(ctx, sf, cv->var_idx, cv->is_arg); if (!var_ref) goto fail; } else { var_ref = cur_var_refs[cv->var_idx]; var_ref->header.ref_count++; } var_refs[i] = var_ref; } } return func_obj; fail: /* bfunc is freed when func_obj is freed */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj); return JS_EXCEPTION; } JSValue js_closure(JSContext *ctx, JSValue bfunc, JSVarRef **cur_var_refs, JSStackFrame *sf) { JSFunctionBytecode *b; JSValue func_obj; JSAtom name_atom; b = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(bfunc); func_obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, func_kind_to_class_id[b->func_kind]); if (JS_IsException(func_obj)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, bfunc); return JS_EXCEPTION; } func_obj = js_closure2(ctx, func_obj, b, cur_var_refs, sf); if (JS_IsException(func_obj)) { /* bfunc has been freed */ goto fail; } name_atom = b->func_name; if (name_atom == JS_ATOM_NULL) name_atom = JS_ATOM_empty_string; js_function_set_properties(ctx, func_obj, name_atom, b->defined_arg_count); if (b->func_kind & JS_FUNC_GENERATOR) { JSValue proto; int proto_class_id; /* generators have a prototype field which is used as prototype for the generator object */ if (b->func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR) proto_class_id = JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR; else proto_class_id = JS_CLASS_GENERATOR; proto = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->class_proto[proto_class_id]); if (JS_IsException(proto)) goto fail; JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_prototype, proto, JS_PROP_WRITABLE); } else if (b->has_prototype) { /* add the 'prototype' property: delay instantiation to avoid creating cycles for every javascript function. The prototype object is created on the fly when first accessed */ JS_SetConstructorBit(ctx, func_obj, TRUE); JS_DefineAutoInitProperty(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_prototype, JS_AUTOINIT_ID_PROTOTYPE, NULL, JS_PROP_WRITABLE); } return func_obj; fail: /* bfunc is freed when func_obj is freed */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj); return JS_EXCEPTION; } JSValue js_call_c_function(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, JSValueConst this_obj, int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int flags) { JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt; JSCFunctionType func; JSObject *p; JSStackFrame sf_s, *sf = &sf_s, *prev_sf; JSValue ret_val; JSValueConst *arg_buf; int arg_count, i; JSCFunctionEnum cproto; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj); cproto = p->u.cfunc.cproto; arg_count = p->u.cfunc.length; /* better to always check stack overflow */ if (js_check_stack_overflow(rt, sizeof(arg_buf[0]) * arg_count)) return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx); prev_sf = rt->current_stack_frame; sf->prev_frame = prev_sf; rt->current_stack_frame = sf; ctx = p->u.cfunc.realm; /* change the current realm */ #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM /* we only propagate the bignum mode as some runtime functions test it */ if (prev_sf) sf->js_mode = prev_sf->js_mode & JS_MODE_MATH; else sf->js_mode = 0; #else sf->js_mode = 0; #endif sf->cur_func = (JSValue)func_obj; sf->arg_count = argc; arg_buf = argv; if (UNLIKELY(argc < arg_count)) { /* ensure that at least argc_count arguments are readable */ arg_buf = gc(malloc(sizeof(arg_buf[0]) * arg_count)); for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) arg_buf[i] = argv[i]; for(i = argc; i < arg_count; i++) arg_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED; sf->arg_count = arg_count; } sf->arg_buf = (JSValue*)arg_buf; func = p->u.cfunc.c_function; switch(cproto) { case JS_CFUNC_constructor: case JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func: if (!(flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCTOR)) { if (cproto == JS_CFUNC_constructor) { not_a_constructor: ret_val = JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "must be called with new"); break; } else { this_obj = JS_UNDEFINED; } } /* here this_obj is new_target */ /* fall thru */ case JS_CFUNC_generic: ret_val = func.generic(ctx, this_obj, argc, arg_buf); break; case JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic: case JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func_magic: if (!(flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCTOR)) { if (cproto == JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic) { goto not_a_constructor; } else { this_obj = JS_UNDEFINED; } } /* fall thru */ case JS_CFUNC_generic_magic: ret_val = func.generic_magic(ctx, this_obj, argc, arg_buf, p->u.cfunc.magic); break; case JS_CFUNC_getter: ret_val = func.getter(ctx, this_obj); break; case JS_CFUNC_setter: ret_val = func.setter(ctx, this_obj, arg_buf[0]); break; case JS_CFUNC_getter_magic: ret_val = func.getter_magic(ctx, this_obj, p->u.cfunc.magic); break; case JS_CFUNC_setter_magic: ret_val = func.setter_magic(ctx, this_obj, arg_buf[0], p->u.cfunc.magic); break; case JS_CFUNC_f_f: { double d1; if (UNLIKELY(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d1, arg_buf[0]))) { ret_val = JS_EXCEPTION; break; } ret_val = JS_NewFloat64(ctx, func.f_f(d1)); } break; case JS_CFUNC_f_f_f: { double d1, d2; if (UNLIKELY(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d1, arg_buf[0]))) { ret_val = JS_EXCEPTION; break; } if (UNLIKELY(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d2, arg_buf[1]))) { ret_val = JS_EXCEPTION; break; } ret_val = JS_NewFloat64(ctx, func.f_f_f(d1, d2)); } break; case JS_CFUNC_iterator_next: { int done; ret_val = func.iterator_next(ctx, this_obj, argc, arg_buf, &done, p->u.cfunc.magic); if (!JS_IsException(ret_val) && done != 2) { ret_val = js_create_iterator_result(ctx, ret_val, done); } } break; default: abort(); } rt->current_stack_frame = sf->prev_frame; return ret_val; } JSValue js_call_bound_function(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, JSValueConst this_obj, int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int flags) { JSObject *p; JSBoundFunction *bf; JSValueConst *arg_buf, new_target; int arg_count, i; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj); bf = p->u.bound_function; arg_count = bf->argc + argc; if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, sizeof(JSValue) * arg_count)) return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx); arg_buf = gc(malloc(sizeof(JSValue) * arg_count)); for(i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++) { arg_buf[i] = bf->argv[i]; } for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { arg_buf[bf->argc + i] = argv[i]; } if (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCTOR) { new_target = this_obj; if (js_same_value(ctx, func_obj, new_target)) new_target = bf->func_obj; return JS_CallConstructor2(ctx, bf->func_obj, new_target, arg_count, arg_buf); } else { return JS_Call(ctx, bf->func_obj, bf->this_val, arg_count, arg_buf); } } JSValue JS_CallConstructor2(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, JSValueConst new_target, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { return JS_CallConstructorInternal(ctx, func_obj, new_target, argc, (JSValue *)argv, JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV); } JSValue JS_CallConstructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { return JS_CallConstructorInternal(ctx, func_obj, func_obj, argc, (JSValue *)argv, JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV); } JSValue JS_Invoke(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, JSAtom atom, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { JSValue func_obj; func_obj = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, atom); if (JS_IsException(func_obj)) return func_obj; return JS_CallFree(ctx, func_obj, this_val, argc, argv); } JSValue JS_InvokeFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, JSAtom atom, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { JSValue res = JS_Invoke(ctx, this_val, atom, argc, argv); JS_FreeValue(ctx, this_val); return res; } static JSValue js_build_arguments(JSContext *ctx, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { JSValue val, *tab; JSProperty *pr; JSObject *p; int i; val = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT], JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS); if (JS_IsException(val)) return val; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val); /* add the length field (cannot fail) */ pr = add_property(ctx, p, JS_ATOM_length, JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE); pr->u.value = JS_NewInt32(ctx, argc); /* initialize the fast array part */ tab = NULL; if (argc > 0) { tab = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(tab[0]) * argc); if (!tab) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, val); return JS_EXCEPTION; } for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { tab[i] = JS_DupValue(ctx, argv[i]); } } p->u.array.u.values = tab; p->u.array.count = argc; JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator, JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->array_proto_values), JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE); /* add callee property to throw a TypeError in strict mode */ JS_DefineProperty(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_callee, JS_UNDEFINED, ctx->throw_type_error, ctx->throw_type_error, JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET); return val; } /* legacy arguments object: add references to the function arguments */ static JSValue js_build_mapped_arguments(JSContext *ctx, int argc, JSValueConst *argv, JSStackFrame *sf, int arg_count) { JSValue val; JSProperty *pr; JSObject *p; int i; val = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT], JS_CLASS_MAPPED_ARGUMENTS); if (JS_IsException(val)) return val; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val); /* add the length field (cannot fail) */ pr = add_property(ctx, p, JS_ATOM_length, JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE); pr->u.value = JS_NewInt32(ctx, argc); for(i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) { JSVarRef *var_ref; var_ref = get_var_ref(ctx, sf, i, TRUE); if (!var_ref) goto fail; pr = add_property(ctx, p, __JS_AtomFromUInt32(i), JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_VARREF); if (!pr) { free_var_ref(ctx->rt, var_ref); goto fail; } pr->u.var_ref = var_ref; } /* the arguments not mapped to the arguments of the function can be normal properties */ for(i = arg_count; i < argc; i++) { if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, val, i, JS_DupValue(ctx, argv[i]), JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0) goto fail; } JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator, JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->array_proto_values), JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE); /* callee returns this function in non strict mode */ JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_callee, JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->rt->current_stack_frame->cur_func), JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE); return val; fail: JS_FreeValue(ctx, val); return JS_EXCEPTION; } static JSValue js_import_meta(JSContext *ctx) { JSAtom filename; JSModuleDef *m; filename = JS_GetScriptOrModuleName(ctx, 0); if (filename == JS_ATOM_NULL) goto fail; /* XXX: inefficient, need to add a module or script pointer in JSFunctionBytecode */ m = js_find_loaded_module(ctx, filename); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, filename); if (!m) { fail: JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "import.meta not supported in this context"); return JS_EXCEPTION; } return JS_GetImportMeta(ctx, m); } static JSValue js_build_rest(JSContext *ctx, int first, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { JSValue val; int i, ret; val = JS_NewArray(ctx); if (JS_IsException(val)) return val; for (i = first; i < argc; i++) { ret = JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, val, i - first, JS_DupValue(ctx, argv[i]), JS_PROP_C_W_E); if (ret < 0) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, val); return JS_EXCEPTION; } } return val; } static int JS_CheckBrand(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst obj, JSValueConst func) { JSObject *p, *p1, *home_obj; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; JSValueConst brand; /* get the home object of 'func' */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) { not_obj: JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx); return -1; } p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func); if (!js_class_has_bytecode(p1->class_id)) goto not_obj; home_obj = p1->u.func.home_object; if (!home_obj) goto not_obj; prs = find_own_property(&pr, home_obj, JS_ATOM_Private_brand); if (!prs) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "expecting private field"); return -1; } brand = pr->u.value; /* safety check */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(brand) != JS_TAG_SYMBOL)) goto not_obj; /* get the brand array of 'obj' */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) goto not_obj; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj); prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, (JSValue)brand)); if (!prs) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid brand on object"); return -1; } return 0; } /* descr must be a non-numeric string atom */ static JSValue JS_NewSymbolFromAtom(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom descr, int atom_type) { JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt; JSString *p; assert(!__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(descr)); assert(descr < rt->atom_size); p = rt->atom_array[descr]; JS_DupValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p)); return JS_NewSymbol(ctx, p, atom_type); } static int JS_AddBrand(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst obj, JSValueConst home_obj) { JSObject *p, *p1; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; JSValue brand; JSAtom brand_atom; if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(home_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx); return -1; } p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(home_obj); prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, JS_ATOM_Private_brand); if (!prs) { brand = JS_NewSymbolFromAtom(ctx, JS_ATOM_brand, JS_ATOM_TYPE_PRIVATE); if (JS_IsException(brand)) return -1; /* if the brand is not present, add it */ pr = add_property(ctx, p, JS_ATOM_Private_brand, JS_PROP_C_W_E); if (!pr) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, brand); return -1; } pr->u.value = JS_DupValue(ctx, brand); } else { brand = JS_DupValue(ctx, pr->u.value); } brand_atom = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, brand); if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, brand_atom); return -1; } p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj); pr = add_property(ctx, p1, brand_atom, JS_PROP_C_W_E); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, brand_atom); if (!pr) return -1; pr->u.value = JS_UNDEFINED; return 0; } static JSValue js_dynamic_import_job(JSContext *ctx, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { JSValueConst *resolving_funcs = argv; JSValueConst basename_val = argv[2]; JSValueConst specifier = argv[3]; JSModuleDef *m; const char *basename = NULL, *filename; JSValue ret, err, ns; if (!JS_IsString(basename_val)) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "no function filename for import()"); goto exception; } basename = JS_ToCString(ctx, basename_val); if (!basename) goto exception; filename = JS_ToCString(ctx, specifier); if (!filename) goto exception; m = JS_RunModule(ctx, basename, filename); JS_FreeCString(ctx, filename); if (!m) goto exception; /* return the module namespace */ ns = js_get_module_ns(ctx, m); if (JS_IsException(ns)) goto exception; ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[0], JS_UNDEFINED, 1, (JSValueConst *)&ns); JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret); /* XXX: what to do if exception ? */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, ns); JS_FreeCString(ctx, basename); return JS_UNDEFINED; exception: err = JS_GetException(ctx); ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED, 1, (JSValueConst *)&err); JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret); /* XXX: what to do if exception ? */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, err); JS_FreeCString(ctx, basename); return JS_UNDEFINED; } static JSValue js_dynamic_import(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst specifier) { JSAtom basename; JSValue promise, resolving_funcs[2], basename_val; JSValueConst args[4]; basename = JS_GetScriptOrModuleName(ctx, 0); if (basename == JS_ATOM_NULL) basename_val = JS_NULL; else basename_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, basename); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, basename); if (JS_IsException(basename_val)) return basename_val; promise = JS_NewPromiseCapability(ctx, resolving_funcs); if (JS_IsException(promise)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, basename_val); return promise; } args[0] = resolving_funcs[0]; args[1] = resolving_funcs[1]; args[2] = basename_val; args[3] = specifier; JS_EnqueueJob(ctx, js_dynamic_import_job, 4, args); JS_FreeValue(ctx, basename_val); JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]); return promise; } /* use for strict variable access: test if the variable exists */ static int JS_CheckGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; int ret; /* no exotic behavior is possible in global_var_obj */ p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj); prs = find_own_property1(p, prop); if (prs) { ret = TRUE; } else { ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop); if (ret < 0) return -1; } return ret; } static JSValue JS_GetGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, BOOL throw_ref_error) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; /* no exotic behavior is possible in global_var_obj */ p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj); prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop); if (prs) { /* XXX: should handle JS_PROP_TMASK properties */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUninitialized(pr->u.value))) return JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom); return JS_DupValue(ctx, pr->u.value); } return JS_GetPropertyInternal(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop, ctx->global_obj, throw_ref_error); } /* flag = 0: normal variable write flag = 1: initialize lexical variable flag = 2: normal variable write, strict check was done before */ static int JS_SetGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, JSValue val, int flag) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; int flags; /* no exotic behavior is possible in global_var_obj */ p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj); prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop); if (prs) { /* XXX: should handle JS_PROP_AUTOINIT properties? */ if (flag != 1) { if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUninitialized(pr->u.value))) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, val); JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom); return -1; } if (UNLIKELY(!(prs->flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE))) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, val); return JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, JS_PROP_THROW, prop); } } set_value(ctx, &pr->u.value, val); return 0; } flags = JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT; if (is_strict_mode(ctx)) flags |= JS_PROP_NO_ADD; return JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop, val, flags); } /* flags is 0, DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR or DEFINE_GLOBAL_FUNC_VAR */ /* XXX: could support exotic global object. */ static int JS_CheckDefineGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, int flags) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_obj); prs = find_own_property1(p, prop); /* XXX: should handle JS_PROP_AUTOINIT */ if (flags & DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR) { if (prs && !(prs->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) goto fail_redeclaration; } else { if (!prs && !p->extensible) goto define_error; if (flags & DEFINE_GLOBAL_FUNC_VAR) { if (prs) { if (!(prs->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) && ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET || ((prs->flags & (JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)) != (JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)))) { define_error: JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "cannot define variable '%s'", prop); return -1; } } } } /* check if there already is a lexical declaration */ p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj); prs = find_own_property1(p, prop); if (prs) { fail_redeclaration: JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorVarRedeclaration(ctx, prop); return -1; } return 0; } /* def_flags is (0, DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR) | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE */ /* XXX: could support exotic global object. */ static int JS_DefineGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, int def_flags) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; JSValue val; int flags; if (def_flags & DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR) { p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj); flags = JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | (def_flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE) | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE; val = JS_UNINITIALIZED; } else { p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_obj); flags = JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE | (def_flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE); val = JS_UNDEFINED; } prs = find_own_property1(p, prop); if (prs) return 0; if (!p->extensible) return 0; pr = add_property(ctx, p, prop, flags); if (UNLIKELY(!pr)) return -1; pr->u.value = val; return 0; } /* 'def_flags' is 0 or JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE. */ /* XXX: could support exotic global object. */ static int JS_DefineGlobalFunction(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, JSValueConst func, int def_flags) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; int flags; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_obj); prs = find_own_property1(p, prop); flags = JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE | JS_PROP_THROW; if (!prs || (prs->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) { flags |= JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE | def_flags | JS_PROP_HAS_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_HAS_ENUMERABLE; } if (JS_DefineProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop, func, JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED, flags) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static void close_lexical_var(JSContext *ctx, JSStackFrame *sf, int idx, int is_arg) { struct list_head *el, *el1; JSVarRef *var_ref; int var_idx = idx; list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &sf->var_ref_list) { var_ref = list_entry(el, JSVarRef, header.link); if (var_idx == var_ref->var_idx && var_ref->is_arg == is_arg) { var_ref->value = JS_DupValue(ctx, sf->var_buf[var_idx]); var_ref->pvalue = &var_ref->value; list_del(&var_ref->header.link); /* the reference is no longer to a local variable */ var_ref->is_detached = TRUE; add_gc_object(ctx->rt, &var_ref->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_VAR_REF); } } } /* construct a reference to a global variable */ static int JS_GetGlobalVarRef(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, JSValue *sp) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; /* no exotic behavior is possible in global_var_obj */ p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj); prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop); if (prs) { /* XXX: should handle JS_PROP_AUTOINIT properties? */ /* XXX: conformance: do these tests in OP_put_var_ref/OP_get_var_ref ? */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUninitialized(pr->u.value))) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom); return -1; } if (UNLIKELY(!(prs->flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE))) { return JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, JS_PROP_THROW, prop); } sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->global_var_obj); } else { int ret; ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop); if (ret < 0) return -1; if (ret) { sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->global_obj); } else { sp[0] = JS_UNDEFINED; } } sp[1] = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, prop); return 0; } static JSValue build_for_in_iterator(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj) { JSObject *p; JSPropertyEnum *tab_atom; int i; JSValue enum_obj, obj1; JSForInIterator *it; uint32_t tag, tab_atom_count; tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj); if (tag != JS_TAG_OBJECT && tag != JS_TAG_NULL && tag != JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) { obj = JS_ToObjectFree(ctx, obj); } it = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*it)); if (!it) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj); return JS_EXCEPTION; } enum_obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, JS_NULL, JS_CLASS_FOR_IN_ITERATOR); if (JS_IsException(enum_obj)) { js_free(ctx, it); JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj); return JS_EXCEPTION; } it->is_array = FALSE; it->obj = obj; it->idx = 0; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(enum_obj); p->u.for_in_iterator = it; if (tag == JS_TAG_NULL || tag == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) return enum_obj; /* fast path: assume no enumerable properties in the prototype chain */ obj1 = JS_DupValue(ctx, obj); for(;;) { obj1 = JS_GetPrototypeFree(ctx, obj1); if (JS_IsNull(obj1)) break; if (JS_IsException(obj1)) goto fail; if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &tab_atom, &tab_atom_count, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj1), JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1); goto fail; } js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, tab_atom_count); if (tab_atom_count != 0) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1); goto slow_path; } /* must check for timeout to avoid infinite loop */ if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1); goto fail; } } p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj); if (p->fast_array) { JSShape *sh; JSShapeProperty *prs; /* check that there are no enumerable normal fields */ sh = p->shape; for(i = 0, prs = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count; i++, prs++) { if (prs->flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE) goto normal_case; } /* for fast arrays, we only store the number of elements */ it->is_array = TRUE; it->array_length = p->u.array.count; } else { normal_case: if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &tab_atom, &tab_atom_count, p, JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY)) goto fail; for(i = 0; i < tab_atom_count; i++) { JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, enum_obj, tab_atom[i].atom, JS_NULL, 0); } js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, tab_atom_count); } return enum_obj; slow_path: /* non enumerable properties hide the enumerables ones in the prototype chain */ obj1 = JS_DupValue(ctx, obj); for(;;) { if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &tab_atom, &tab_atom_count, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj1), JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_SET_ENUM)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1); goto fail; } for(i = 0; i < tab_atom_count; i++) { JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, enum_obj, tab_atom[i].atom, JS_NULL, (tab_atom[i].is_enumerable ? JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE : 0)); } js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, tab_atom_count); obj1 = JS_GetPrototypeFree(ctx, obj1); if (JS_IsNull(obj1)) break; if (JS_IsException(obj1)) goto fail; /* must check for timeout to avoid infinite loop */ if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1); goto fail; } } return enum_obj; fail: JS_FreeValue(ctx, enum_obj); return JS_EXCEPTION; } /* obj -> enum_obj */ static __exception int js_for_in_start(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp) { sp[-1] = build_for_in_iterator(ctx, sp[-1]); if (JS_IsException(sp[-1])) return -1; return 0; } /* enum_obj -> enum_obj value done */ static __exception int js_for_in_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp) { JSValueConst enum_obj; JSObject *p; JSAtom prop; JSForInIterator *it; int ret; enum_obj = sp[-1]; /* fail safe */ if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(enum_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) goto done; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(enum_obj); if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_FOR_IN_ITERATOR) goto done; it = p->u.for_in_iterator; for(;;) { if (it->is_array) { if (it->idx >= it->array_length) goto done; prop = __JS_AtomFromUInt32(it->idx); it->idx++; } else { JSShape *sh = p->shape; JSShapeProperty *prs; if (it->idx >= sh->prop_count) goto done; prs = get_shape_prop(sh) + it->idx; prop = prs->atom; it->idx++; if (prop == JS_ATOM_NULL || !(prs->flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)) continue; } /* check if the property was deleted */ ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, it->obj, prop); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (ret) break; } /* return the property */ sp[0] = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, prop); sp[1] = JS_FALSE; return 0; done: /* return the end */ sp[0] = JS_UNDEFINED; sp[1] = JS_TRUE; return 0; } /* enum_rec [objs] -> enum_rec [objs] value done. There are 'offset' objs. If 'done' is true or in case of exception, 'enum_rec' is set to undefined. If 'done' is true, 'value' is always set to undefined. */ static __exception int js_for_of_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp, int offset) { JSValue value = JS_UNDEFINED; int done = 1; if (LIKELY(!JS_IsUndefined(sp[offset]))) { value = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, sp[offset], sp[offset + 1], 0, NULL, &done); if (JS_IsException(value)) done = -1; if (done) { /* value is JS_UNDEFINED or JS_EXCEPTION */ /* replace the iteration object with undefined */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[offset]); sp[offset] = JS_UNDEFINED; if (done < 0) { return -1; } else { JS_FreeValue(ctx, value); value = JS_UNDEFINED; } } } sp[0] = value; sp[1] = JS_NewBool(ctx, done); return 0; } static __exception int js_iterator_get_value_done(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp) { JSValue obj, value; BOOL done; obj = sp[-1]; if (!JS_IsObject(obj)) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "iterator must return an object"); return -1; } value = JS_IteratorGetCompleteValue(ctx, obj, &done); if (JS_IsException(value)) return -1; JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj); sp[-1] = value; sp[0] = JS_NewBool(ctx, done); return 0; } static JSValue JS_GetPrivateField(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst obj, JSValueConst name) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; JSAtom prop; if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx); /* safety check */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(name) != JS_TAG_SYMBOL)) return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotASymbol(ctx); prop = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, (JSValue)name); p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj); prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop); if (!prs) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorPrivateNotFound(ctx, prop); return JS_EXCEPTION; } return JS_DupValue(ctx, pr->u.value); } static int JS_SetPrivateField(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst obj, JSValueConst name, JSValue val) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; JSAtom prop; if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx); goto fail; } /* safety check */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(name) != JS_TAG_SYMBOL)) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotASymbol(ctx); goto fail; } prop = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, (JSValue)name); p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj); prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop); if (!prs) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorPrivateNotFound(ctx, prop); fail: JS_FreeValue(ctx, val); return -1; } set_value(ctx, &pr->u.value, val); return 0; } /* Private fields can be added even on non extensible objects or Proxies */ static int JS_DefinePrivateField(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst obj, JSValueConst name, JSValue val) { JSObject *p; JSShapeProperty *prs; JSProperty *pr; JSAtom prop; if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx); goto fail; } /* safety check */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(name) != JS_TAG_SYMBOL)) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotASymbol(ctx); goto fail; } prop = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, (JSValue)name); p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj); prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop); if (prs) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "private class field '%s' already exists", prop); goto fail; } pr = add_property(ctx, p, prop, JS_PROP_C_W_E); if (UNLIKELY(!pr)) { fail: JS_FreeValue(ctx, val); return -1; } pr->u.value = val; return 0; } /* Modify the name of a method according to the atom and 'flags'. 'flags' is a bitmask of JS_PROP_HAS_GET and JS_PROP_HAS_SET. Also set the home object of the method. Return < 0 if exception. */ static int js_method_set_properties(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, JSAtom name, int flags, JSValueConst home_obj) { JSValue name_str; name_str = js_get_function_name(ctx, name); if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_GET) { name_str = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "get ", name_str, ""); } else if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_SET) { name_str = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "set ", name_str, ""); } if (JS_IsException(name_str)) return -1; if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_name, name_str, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) < 0) return -1; js_method_set_home_object(ctx, func_obj, home_obj); return 0; } static int js_op_define_class(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp, JSAtom class_name, int class_flags, JSVarRef **cur_var_refs, JSStackFrame *sf, BOOL is_computed_name) { JSValue bfunc, parent_class, proto = JS_UNDEFINED; JSValue ctor = JS_UNDEFINED, parent_proto = JS_UNDEFINED; JSFunctionBytecode *b; parent_class = sp[-2]; bfunc = sp[-1]; if (class_flags & JS_DEFINE_CLASS_HAS_HERITAGE) { if (JS_IsNull(parent_class)) { parent_proto = JS_NULL; parent_class = JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->function_proto); } else { if (!JS_IsConstructor(ctx, parent_class)) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "parent class must be constructor"); goto fail; } parent_proto = JS_GetProperty(ctx, parent_class, JS_ATOM_prototype); if (JS_IsException(parent_proto)) goto fail; if (!JS_IsNull(parent_proto) && !JS_IsObject(parent_proto)) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "parent prototype must be an object or null"); goto fail; } } } else { /* parent_class is JS_UNDEFINED in this case */ parent_proto = JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT]); parent_class = JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->function_proto); } proto = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, parent_proto); if (JS_IsException(proto)) goto fail; b = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(bfunc); assert(b->func_kind == JS_FUNC_NORMAL); ctor = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, parent_class, JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION); if (JS_IsException(ctor)) goto fail; ctor = js_closure2(ctx, ctor, b, cur_var_refs, sf); bfunc = JS_UNDEFINED; if (JS_IsException(ctor)) goto fail; js_method_set_home_object(ctx, ctor, proto); JS_SetConstructorBit(ctx, ctor, TRUE); JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ctor, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt32(ctx, b->defined_arg_count), JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE); if (is_computed_name) { if (JS_DefineObjectNameComputed(ctx, ctor, sp[-3], JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) < 0) goto fail; } else { if (JS_DefineObjectName(ctx, ctor, class_name, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) < 0) goto fail; } /* the constructor property must be first. It can be overriden by computed property names */ if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, proto, JS_ATOM_constructor, JS_DupValue(ctx, ctor), JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0) goto fail; /* set the prototype property */ if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ctor, JS_ATOM_prototype, JS_DupValue(ctx, proto), JS_PROP_THROW) < 0) goto fail; set_cycle_flag(ctx, ctor); set_cycle_flag(ctx, proto); JS_FreeValue(ctx, parent_proto); JS_FreeValue(ctx, parent_class); sp[-2] = ctor; sp[-1] = proto; return 0; fail: JS_FreeValue(ctx, parent_class); JS_FreeValue(ctx, parent_proto); JS_FreeValue(ctx, bfunc); JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto); JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor); sp[-2] = JS_UNDEFINED; sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED; return -1; } static __exception int js_append_enumerate(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp) { JSValue iterator, enumobj, method, value; int is_array_iterator; JSValue *arrp; uint32_t i, count32, pos; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-2]) != JS_TAG_INT) { JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid index for append"); return -1; } pos = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(sp[-2]); /* XXX: further optimisations: - use ctx->array_proto_values? - check if array_iterator_prototype next method is built-in and avoid constructing actual iterator object? - build this into js_for_of_start and use in all `for (x of o)` loops */ iterator = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sp[-1], JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator); if (JS_IsException(iterator)) return -1; is_array_iterator = JS_IsCFunction(ctx, iterator, (JSCFunction *)js_create_array_iterator, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUE); JS_FreeValue(ctx, iterator); enumobj = JS_GetIterator(ctx, sp[-1], FALSE); if (JS_IsException(enumobj)) return -1; method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, enumobj, JS_ATOM_next); if (JS_IsException(method)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, enumobj); return -1; } if (is_array_iterator && JS_IsCFunction(ctx, method, (JSCFunction *)js_array_iterator_next, 0) && js_get_fast_array(ctx, sp[-1], &arrp, &count32)) { uint32_t len; if (js_get_length32(ctx, &len, sp[-1])) goto exception; /* if len > count32, the elements >= count32 might be read in the prototypes and might have side effects */ if (len != count32) goto general_case; /* Handle fast arrays explicitly */ for (i = 0; i < count32; i++) { if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, sp[-3], pos++, JS_DupValue(ctx, arrp[i]), JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0) goto exception; } } else { general_case: for (;;) { BOOL done; value = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, enumobj, method, 0, NULL, &done); if (JS_IsException(value)) goto exception; if (done) { /* value is JS_UNDEFINED */ break; } if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, sp[-3], pos++, value, JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0) goto exception; } } /* Note: could raise an error if too many elements */ sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, pos); JS_FreeValue(ctx, enumobj); JS_FreeValue(ctx, method); return 0; exception: JS_IteratorClose(ctx, enumobj, TRUE); JS_FreeValue(ctx, enumobj); JS_FreeValue(ctx, method); return -1; } static nodiscard int js_operator_instanceof(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp) { JSValue op1, op2; BOOL ret; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; ret = JS_IsInstanceOf(ctx, op1, op2); if (ret < 0) return ret; JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1); JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2); sp[-2] = JS_NewBool(ctx, ret); return 0; } static nodiscard int js_operator_typeof(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst op1) { JSAtom atom; uint32_t tag; tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1); switch(tag) { #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM case JS_TAG_BIG_INT: atom = JS_ATOM_bigint; break; case JS_TAG_BIG_FLOAT: atom = JS_ATOM_bigfloat; break; case JS_TAG_BIG_DECIMAL: atom = JS_ATOM_bigdecimal; break; #endif case JS_TAG_INT: case JS_TAG_FLOAT64: atom = JS_ATOM_number; break; case JS_TAG_UNDEFINED: atom = JS_ATOM_undefined; break; case JS_TAG_BOOL: atom = JS_ATOM_boolean; break; case JS_TAG_STRING: atom = JS_ATOM_string; break; case JS_TAG_OBJECT: { JSObject *p; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(op1); if (UNLIKELY(p->is_HTMLDDA)) atom = JS_ATOM_undefined; else if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, op1)) atom = JS_ATOM_function; else goto obj_type; } break; case JS_TAG_NULL: obj_type: atom = JS_ATOM_object; break; case JS_TAG_SYMBOL: atom = JS_ATOM_symbol; break; default: atom = JS_ATOM_unknown; break; } return atom; } static nodiscard int js_operator_delete(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp) { JSValue op1, op2; JSAtom atom; int ret; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, op2); if (UNLIKELY(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)) return -1; ret = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, op1, atom, JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom); if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) return -1; JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1); JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2); sp[-2] = JS_NewBool(ctx, ret); return 0; } static nodiscard int js_has_unscopable(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst obj, JSAtom atom) { JSValue arr, val; int ret; arr = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_unscopables); if (JS_IsException(arr)) return -1; ret = 0; if (JS_IsObject(arr)) { val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, arr, atom); ret = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, val); } JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr); return ret; } /* Note: it is important that no exception is returned by this function */ static BOOL is_backtrace_needed(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst obj) { JSObject *p; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) return FALSE; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj); if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_ERROR) return FALSE; if (find_own_property1(p, JS_ATOM_stack)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* used to avoid catching interrupt exceptions */ static BOOL JS_IsUncatchableError(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst val) { JSObject *p; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) return FALSE; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val); return p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ERROR && p->is_uncatchable_error; } static void close_var_refs(JSRuntime *rt, JSStackFrame *sf) { struct list_head *el, *el1; JSVarRef *var_ref; int var_idx; list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &sf->var_ref_list) { var_ref = list_entry(el, JSVarRef, header.link); var_idx = var_ref->var_idx; if (var_ref->is_arg) var_ref->value = JS_DupValueRT(rt, sf->arg_buf[var_idx]); else var_ref->value = JS_DupValueRT(rt, sf->var_buf[var_idx]); var_ref->pvalue = &var_ref->value; /* the reference is no longer to a local variable */ var_ref->is_detached = TRUE; add_gc_object(rt, &var_ref->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_VAR_REF); } } /* argv[] is modified if (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV) = 0. */ static JSValue JS_CallInternal(JSContext *caller_ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, JSValueConst this_obj, JSValueConst new_target, int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags) { JSRuntime *rt = caller_ctx->rt; JSContext *ctx; JSObject *p; JSFunctionBytecode *b; JSStackFrame sf_s, *sf = &sf_s; const uint8_t *pc; int opcode, arg_allocated_size, i; JSValue *local_buf, *stack_buf, *var_buf, *arg_buf, *sp, ret_val, *pval; JSVarRef **var_refs; size_t alloca_size; #if !DIRECT_DISPATCH #define SWITCH(pc) switch (opcode = *pc++) #define CASE(op) case op #define DEFAULT default #define BREAK break #else static const void * const dispatch_table[256] = { #define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) && case_OP_ ## id, #if SHORT_OPCODES #define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) #else #define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) && case_default, #endif #include "third_party/quickjs/quickjs-opcode.inc" [ OP_COUNT ... 255 ] = &&case_default }; #define SWITCH(pc) goto *dispatch_table[opcode = *pc++]; #define CASE(op) case_ ## op #define DEFAULT case_default #define BREAK SWITCH(pc) #endif if (js_poll_interrupts(caller_ctx)) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) { if (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_GENERATOR) { JSAsyncFunctionState *s = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(func_obj); /* func_obj get contains a pointer to JSFuncAsyncState */ /* the stack frame is already allocated */ sf = &s->frame; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(sf->cur_func); b = p->u.func.function_bytecode; ctx = b->realm; var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs; local_buf = arg_buf = sf->arg_buf; var_buf = sf->var_buf; stack_buf = sf->var_buf + b->var_count; sp = sf->cur_sp; sf->cur_sp = NULL; /* cur_sp is NULL if the function is running */ pc = sf->cur_pc; sf->prev_frame = rt->current_stack_frame; rt->current_stack_frame = sf; if (s->throw_flag) goto exception; else goto restart; } else { goto not_a_function; } } p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj); if (UNLIKELY(p->class_id != JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION)) { JSClassCall *call_func; call_func = rt->class_array[p->class_id].call; if (!call_func) { not_a_function: return JS_ThrowTypeError(caller_ctx, "not a function"); } return call_func(caller_ctx, func_obj, this_obj, argc, (JSValueConst *)argv, flags); } b = p->u.func.function_bytecode; if (UNLIKELY(argc < b->arg_count || (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV))) { arg_allocated_size = b->arg_count; } else { arg_allocated_size = 0; } alloca_size = sizeof(JSValue) * (arg_allocated_size + b->var_count + b->stack_size); if (js_check_stack_overflow(rt, alloca_size)) return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(caller_ctx); sf->js_mode = b->js_mode; arg_buf = argv; sf->arg_count = argc; sf->cur_func = (JSValue)func_obj; init_list_head(&sf->var_ref_list); var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs; local_buf = gc(malloc(alloca_size)); if (UNLIKELY(arg_allocated_size)) { int n = min_int(argc, b->arg_count); arg_buf = local_buf; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) arg_buf[i] = JS_DupValue(caller_ctx, argv[i]); for(; i < b->arg_count; i++) arg_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED; sf->arg_count = b->arg_count; } var_buf = local_buf + arg_allocated_size; sf->var_buf = var_buf; sf->arg_buf = arg_buf; for(i = 0; i < b->var_count; i++) var_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED; stack_buf = var_buf + b->var_count; sp = stack_buf; pc = b->byte_code_buf; sf->prev_frame = rt->current_stack_frame; rt->current_stack_frame = sf; ctx = b->realm; /* set the current realm */ restart: for(;;) { int call_argc; JSValue *call_argv; SWITCH(pc) { CASE(OP_push_i32): *sp++ = JS_NewInt32(ctx, get_u32(pc)); pc += 4; BREAK; CASE(OP_push_const): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, b->cpool[get_u32(pc)]); pc += 4; BREAK; #if SHORT_OPCODES CASE(OP_push_minus1): CASE(OP_push_0): CASE(OP_push_1): CASE(OP_push_2): CASE(OP_push_3): CASE(OP_push_4): CASE(OP_push_5): CASE(OP_push_6): CASE(OP_push_7): *sp++ = JS_NewInt32(ctx, opcode - OP_push_0); BREAK; CASE(OP_push_i8): *sp++ = JS_NewInt32(ctx, get_i8(pc)); pc += 1; BREAK; CASE(OP_push_i16): *sp++ = JS_NewInt32(ctx, get_i16(pc)); pc += 2; BREAK; CASE(OP_push_const8): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, b->cpool[*pc++]); BREAK; CASE(OP_fclosure8): *sp++ = js_closure(ctx, JS_DupValue(ctx, b->cpool[*pc++]), var_refs, sf); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; BREAK; CASE(OP_push_empty_string): *sp++ = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_length): { JSValue val; val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sp[-1], JS_ATOM_length); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = val; } BREAK; #endif CASE(OP_push_atom_value): *sp++ = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, get_u32(pc)); pc += 4; BREAK; CASE(OP_undefined): *sp++ = JS_UNDEFINED; BREAK; CASE(OP_null): *sp++ = JS_NULL; BREAK; CASE(OP_push_this): /* OP_push_this is only called at the start of a function */ { JSValue val; if (!(b->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)) { uint32_t tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_obj); if (LIKELY(tag == JS_TAG_OBJECT)) goto normal_this; if (tag == JS_TAG_NULL || tag == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) { val = JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->global_obj); } else { val = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_obj); if (JS_IsException(val)) goto exception; } } else { normal_this: val = JS_DupValue(ctx, this_obj); } *sp++ = val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_push_false): *sp++ = JS_FALSE; BREAK; CASE(OP_push_true): *sp++ = JS_TRUE; BREAK; CASE(OP_object): *sp++ = JS_NewObject(ctx); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; BREAK; CASE(OP_special_object): { int arg = *pc++; switch(arg) { case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_ARGUMENTS: *sp++ = js_build_arguments(ctx, argc, (JSValueConst *)argv); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; break; case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_MAPPED_ARGUMENTS: *sp++ = js_build_mapped_arguments(ctx, argc, (JSValueConst *)argv, sf, min_int(argc, b->arg_count)); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; break; case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_THIS_FUNC: *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, sf->cur_func); break; case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_NEW_TARGET: *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, new_target); break; case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_HOME_OBJECT: { JSObject *p1; p1 = p->u.func.home_object; if (UNLIKELY(!p1)) *sp++ = JS_UNDEFINED; else *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p1)); } break; case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_VAR_OBJECT: *sp++ = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; break; case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_IMPORT_META: *sp++ = js_import_meta(ctx); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; break; default: abort(); } } BREAK; CASE(OP_rest): { int first = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; *sp++ = js_build_rest(ctx, first, argc, (JSValueConst *)argv); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_drop): JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp--; BREAK; CASE(OP_nip): JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp[-2] = sp[-1]; sp--; BREAK; CASE(OP_nip1): /* a b c -> b c */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]); sp[-3] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-1]; sp--; BREAK; CASE(OP_dup): sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp++; BREAK; CASE(OP_dup2): /* a b -> a b a b */ sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp[1] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp += 2; BREAK; CASE(OP_dup3): /* a b c -> a b c a b c */ sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-3]); sp[1] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp[2] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp += 3; BREAK; CASE(OP_dup1): /* a b -> a a b */ sp[0] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp++; BREAK; CASE(OP_insert2): /* obj a -> a obj a (dup_x1) */ sp[0] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[0]); sp++; BREAK; CASE(OP_insert3): /* obj prop a -> a obj prop a (dup_x2) */ sp[0] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[0]); sp++; BREAK; CASE(OP_insert4): /* this obj prop a -> a this obj prop a */ sp[0] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = sp[-4]; sp[-4] = JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[0]); sp++; BREAK; CASE(OP_perm3): /* obj a b -> a obj b (213) */ { JSValue tmp; tmp = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = tmp; } BREAK; CASE(OP_rot3l): /* x a b -> a b x (231) */ { JSValue tmp; tmp = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = tmp; } BREAK; CASE(OP_rot4l): /* x a b c -> a b c x */ { JSValue tmp; tmp = sp[-4]; sp[-4] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = tmp; } BREAK; CASE(OP_rot5l): /* x a b c d -> a b c d x */ { JSValue tmp; tmp = sp[-5]; sp[-5] = sp[-4]; sp[-4] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = tmp; } BREAK; CASE(OP_rot3r): /* a b x -> x a b (312) */ { JSValue tmp; tmp = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = tmp; } BREAK; CASE(OP_perm4): /* obj prop a b -> a obj prop b */ { JSValue tmp; tmp = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = sp[-4]; sp[-4] = tmp; } BREAK; CASE(OP_perm5): /* this obj prop a b -> a this obj prop b */ { JSValue tmp; tmp = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = sp[-4]; sp[-4] = sp[-5]; sp[-5] = tmp; } BREAK; CASE(OP_swap): /* a b -> b a */ { JSValue tmp; tmp = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = tmp; } BREAK; CASE(OP_swap2): /* a b c d -> c d a b */ { JSValue tmp1, tmp2; tmp1 = sp[-4]; tmp2 = sp[-3]; sp[-4] = sp[-2]; sp[-3] = sp[-1]; sp[-2] = tmp1; sp[-1] = tmp2; } BREAK; CASE(OP_fclosure): { JSValue bfunc = JS_DupValue(ctx, b->cpool[get_u32(pc)]); pc += 4; *sp++ = js_closure(ctx, bfunc, var_refs, sf); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; } BREAK; #if SHORT_OPCODES CASE(OP_call0): CASE(OP_call1): CASE(OP_call2): CASE(OP_call3): call_argc = opcode - OP_call0; goto has_call_argc; #endif CASE(OP_call): CASE(OP_tail_call): { call_argc = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; goto has_call_argc; has_call_argc: call_argv = sp - call_argc; sf->cur_pc = pc; ret_val = JS_CallInternal(ctx, call_argv[-1], JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED, call_argc, call_argv, 0); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(ret_val))) goto exception; if (opcode == OP_tail_call) goto done; for(i = -1; i < call_argc; i++) JS_FreeValue(ctx, call_argv[i]); sp -= call_argc + 1; *sp++ = ret_val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_call_constructor): { call_argc = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; call_argv = sp - call_argc; sf->cur_pc = pc; ret_val = JS_CallConstructorInternal(ctx, call_argv[-2], call_argv[-1], call_argc, call_argv, 0); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(ret_val))) goto exception; for(i = -2; i < call_argc; i++) JS_FreeValue(ctx, call_argv[i]); sp -= call_argc + 2; *sp++ = ret_val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_call_method): CASE(OP_tail_call_method): { call_argc = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; call_argv = sp - call_argc; sf->cur_pc = pc; ret_val = JS_CallInternal(ctx, call_argv[-1], call_argv[-2], JS_UNDEFINED, call_argc, call_argv, 0); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(ret_val))) goto exception; if (opcode == OP_tail_call_method) goto done; for(i = -2; i < call_argc; i++) JS_FreeValue(ctx, call_argv[i]); sp -= call_argc + 2; *sp++ = ret_val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_array_from): { int i, ret; call_argc = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; ret_val = JS_NewArray(ctx); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(ret_val))) goto exception; call_argv = sp - call_argc; for(i = 0; i < call_argc; i++) { ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret_val, __JS_AtomFromUInt32(i), call_argv[i], JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW); call_argv[i] = JS_UNDEFINED; if (ret < 0) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val); goto exception; } } sp -= call_argc; *sp++ = ret_val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_apply): { int magic; magic = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; ret_val = js_function_apply(ctx, sp[-3], 2, (JSValueConst *)&sp[-2], magic); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(ret_val))) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp -= 3; *sp++ = ret_val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_return): ret_val = *--sp; goto done; CASE(OP_return_undef): ret_val = JS_UNDEFINED; goto done; CASE(OP_check_ctor_return): /* return TRUE if 'this' should be returned */ if (!JS_IsObject(sp[-1])) { if (!JS_IsUndefined(sp[-1])) { JS_ThrowTypeError(caller_ctx, "derived class constructor must return an object or undefined"); goto exception; } sp[0] = JS_TRUE; } else { sp[0] = JS_FALSE; } sp++; BREAK; CASE(OP_check_ctor): if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "class constructors must be invoked with 'new'"); goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_check_brand): if (JS_CheckBrand(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]) < 0) goto exception; BREAK; CASE(OP_add_brand): if (JS_AddBrand(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]) < 0) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp -= 2; BREAK; CASE(OP_throw): JS_Throw(ctx, *--sp); goto exception; CASE(OP_throw_error): { JSAtom atom; int type; atom = get_u32(pc); type = pc[4]; pc += 5; if (type == JS_THROW_VAR_RO) JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, JS_PROP_THROW, atom); else if (type == JS_THROW_VAR_REDECL) JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorVarRedeclaration(ctx, atom); else if (type == JS_THROW_VAR_UNINITIALIZED) JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, atom); else if (type == JS_THROW_ERROR_DELETE_SUPER) JS_ThrowReferenceError(ctx, "unsupported reference to 'super'"); else if (type == JS_THROW_ERROR_ITERATOR_THROW) JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "iterator does not have a throw method"); else JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid throw var type %d", type); } goto exception; CASE(OP_eval): { JSValueConst obj; int scope_idx; call_argc = get_u16(pc); scope_idx = get_u16(pc + 2) - 1; pc += 4; call_argv = sp - call_argc; sf->cur_pc = pc; if (js_same_value(ctx, call_argv[-1], ctx->eval_obj)) { if (call_argc >= 1) obj = call_argv[0]; else obj = JS_UNDEFINED; ret_val = JS_EvalObject(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, obj, JS_EVAL_TYPE_DIRECT, scope_idx); } else { ret_val = JS_CallInternal(ctx, call_argv[-1], JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED, call_argc, call_argv, 0); } if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(ret_val))) goto exception; for(i = -1; i < call_argc; i++) JS_FreeValue(ctx, call_argv[i]); sp -= call_argc + 1; *sp++ = ret_val; } BREAK; /* could merge with OP_apply */ CASE(OP_apply_eval): { int scope_idx; uint32_t len; JSValue *tab; JSValueConst obj; scope_idx = get_u16(pc) - 1; pc += 2; tab = build_arg_list(ctx, &len, sp[-1]); if (!tab) goto exception; if (js_same_value(ctx, sp[-2], ctx->eval_obj)) { if (len >= 1) obj = tab[0]; else obj = JS_UNDEFINED; ret_val = JS_EvalObject(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, obj, JS_EVAL_TYPE_DIRECT, scope_idx); } else { ret_val = JS_Call(ctx, sp[-2], JS_UNDEFINED, len, (JSValueConst *)tab); } free_arg_list(ctx, tab, len); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(ret_val))) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp -= 2; *sp++ = ret_val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_regexp): { sp[-2] = js_regexp_constructor_internal(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, sp[-2], sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_super): { JSValue proto; proto = JS_GetPrototype(ctx, sp[-1]); if (JS_IsException(proto)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = proto; } BREAK; CASE(OP_import): { JSValue val; val = js_dynamic_import(ctx, sp[-1]); if (JS_IsException(val)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_check_var): { int ret; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; ret = JS_CheckGlobalVar(ctx, atom); if (ret < 0) goto exception; *sp++ = JS_NewBool(ctx, ret); } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_var_undef): CASE(OP_get_var): { JSValue val; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; val = JS_GetGlobalVar(ctx, atom, opcode - OP_get_var_undef); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; *sp++ = val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var): CASE(OP_put_var_init): { int ret; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; ret = JS_SetGlobalVar(ctx, atom, sp[-1], opcode - OP_put_var); sp--; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var_strict): { int ret; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; /* sp[-2] is JS_TRUE or JS_FALSE */ if (UNLIKELY(!JS_VALUE_GET_INT(sp[-2]))) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(ctx, atom); goto exception; } ret = JS_SetGlobalVar(ctx, atom, sp[-1], 2); sp -= 2; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_check_define_var): { JSAtom atom; int flags; atom = get_u32(pc); flags = pc[4]; pc += 5; if (JS_CheckDefineGlobalVar(ctx, atom, flags)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_define_var): { JSAtom atom; int flags; atom = get_u32(pc); flags = pc[4]; pc += 5; if (JS_DefineGlobalVar(ctx, atom, flags)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_define_func): { JSAtom atom; int flags; atom = get_u32(pc); flags = pc[4]; pc += 5; if (JS_DefineGlobalFunction(ctx, atom, sp[-1], flags)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_loc): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, var_buf[idx]); sp++; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_loc): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_set_loc): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_arg): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, arg_buf[idx]); sp++; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_arg): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[idx], sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_set_arg): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[idx], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); } BREAK; #if SHORT_OPCODES CASE(OP_get_loc8): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, var_buf[*pc++]); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_loc8): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[*pc++], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_loc8): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[*pc++], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_loc0): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, var_buf[0]); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_loc1): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, var_buf[1]); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_loc2): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, var_buf[2]); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_loc3): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, var_buf[3]); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_loc0): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[0], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_loc1): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[1], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_loc2): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[2], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_loc3): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[3], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_loc0): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[0], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_loc1): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[1], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_loc2): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[2], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_loc3): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[3], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_arg0): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, arg_buf[0]); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_arg1): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, arg_buf[1]); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_arg2): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, arg_buf[2]); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_arg3): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, arg_buf[3]); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_arg0): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[0], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_arg1): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[1], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_arg2): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[2], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_arg3): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[3], *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_arg0): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[0], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_arg1): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[1], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_arg2): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[2], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_arg3): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[3], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_var_ref0): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, *var_refs[0]->pvalue); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_var_ref1): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, *var_refs[1]->pvalue); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_var_ref2): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, *var_refs[2]->pvalue); BREAK; CASE(OP_get_var_ref3): *sp++ = JS_DupValue(ctx, *var_refs[3]->pvalue); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var_ref0): set_value(ctx, var_refs[0]->pvalue, *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var_ref1): set_value(ctx, var_refs[1]->pvalue, *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var_ref2): set_value(ctx, var_refs[2]->pvalue, *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var_ref3): set_value(ctx, var_refs[3]->pvalue, *--sp); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_var_ref0): set_value(ctx, var_refs[0]->pvalue, JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_var_ref1): set_value(ctx, var_refs[1]->pvalue, JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_var_ref2): set_value(ctx, var_refs[2]->pvalue, JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; CASE(OP_set_var_ref3): set_value(ctx, var_refs[3]->pvalue, JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); BREAK; #endif CASE(OP_get_var_ref): { int idx; JSValue val; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; val = *var_refs[idx]->pvalue; sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, val); sp++; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var_ref): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; set_value(ctx, var_refs[idx]->pvalue, sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_set_var_ref): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; set_value(ctx, var_refs[idx]->pvalue, JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_var_ref_check): { int idx; JSValue val; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; val = *var_refs[idx]->pvalue; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUninitialized(val))) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(ctx, b, idx, TRUE); goto exception; } sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, val); sp++; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var_ref_check): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUninitialized(*var_refs[idx]->pvalue))) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(ctx, b, idx, TRUE); goto exception; } set_value(ctx, var_refs[idx]->pvalue, sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_var_ref_check_init): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; if (UNLIKELY(!JS_IsUninitialized(*var_refs[idx]->pvalue))) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(ctx, b, idx, TRUE); goto exception; } set_value(ctx, var_refs[idx]->pvalue, sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_set_loc_uninitialized): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], JS_UNINITIALIZED); } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_loc_check): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUninitialized(var_buf[idx]))) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(ctx, b, idx, FALSE); goto exception; } sp[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, var_buf[idx]); sp++; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_loc_check): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUninitialized(var_buf[idx]))) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(ctx, b, idx, FALSE); goto exception; } set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_loc_check_init): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; if (UNLIKELY(!JS_IsUninitialized(var_buf[idx]))) { JS_ThrowReferenceError(ctx, "'this' can be initialized only once"); goto exception; } set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], sp[-1]); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_close_loc): { int idx; idx = get_u16(pc); pc += 2; close_lexical_var(ctx, sf, idx, FALSE); } BREAK; CASE(OP_make_loc_ref): CASE(OP_make_arg_ref): CASE(OP_make_var_ref_ref): { JSVarRef *var_ref; JSProperty *pr; JSAtom atom; int idx; atom = get_u32(pc); idx = get_u16(pc + 4); pc += 6; *sp++ = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(sp[-1]))) goto exception; if (opcode == OP_make_var_ref_ref) { var_ref = var_refs[idx]; var_ref->header.ref_count++; } else { var_ref = get_var_ref(ctx, sf, idx, opcode == OP_make_arg_ref); if (!var_ref) goto exception; } pr = add_property(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(sp[-1]), atom, JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_VARREF); if (!pr) { free_var_ref(rt, var_ref); goto exception; } pr->u.var_ref = var_ref; *sp++ = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom); } BREAK; CASE(OP_make_var_ref): { JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; if (JS_GetGlobalVarRef(ctx, atom, sp)) goto exception; sp += 2; } BREAK; CASE(OP_goto): pc += (int32_t)get_u32(pc); if (UNLIKELY(js_poll_interrupts(ctx))) goto exception; BREAK; #if SHORT_OPCODES CASE(OP_goto16): pc += (int16_t)get_u16(pc); if (UNLIKELY(js_poll_interrupts(ctx))) goto exception; BREAK; CASE(OP_goto8): pc += (int8_t)pc[0]; if (UNLIKELY(js_poll_interrupts(ctx))) goto exception; BREAK; #endif CASE(OP_if_true): { int res; JSValue op1; op1 = sp[-1]; pc += 4; if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) { res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); } else { res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1); } sp--; if (res) { pc += (int32_t)get_u32(pc - 4) - 4; } if (UNLIKELY(js_poll_interrupts(ctx))) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_if_false): { int res; JSValue op1; op1 = sp[-1]; pc += 4; if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) { res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); } else { res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1); } sp--; if (!res) { pc += (int32_t)get_u32(pc - 4) - 4; } if (UNLIKELY(js_poll_interrupts(ctx))) goto exception; } BREAK; #if SHORT_OPCODES CASE(OP_if_true8): { int res; JSValue op1; op1 = sp[-1]; pc += 1; if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) { res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); } else { res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1); } sp--; if (res) { pc += (int8_t)pc[-1] - 1; } if (UNLIKELY(js_poll_interrupts(ctx))) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_if_false8): { int res; JSValue op1; op1 = sp[-1]; pc += 1; if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) { res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); } else { res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1); } sp--; if (!res) { pc += (int8_t)pc[-1] - 1; } if (UNLIKELY(js_poll_interrupts(ctx))) goto exception; } BREAK; #endif CASE(OP_catch): { int32_t diff; diff = get_u32(pc); sp[0] = JS_NewCatchOffset(ctx, pc + diff - b->byte_code_buf); sp++; pc += 4; } BREAK; CASE(OP_gosub): { int32_t diff; diff = get_u32(pc); /* XXX: should have a different tag to avoid security flaw */ sp[0] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, pc + 4 - b->byte_code_buf); sp++; pc += diff; } BREAK; CASE(OP_ret): { JSValue op1; uint32_t pos; op1 = sp[-1]; if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) != JS_TAG_INT)) goto ret_fail; pos = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); if (UNLIKELY(pos >= b->byte_code_len)) { ret_fail: JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid ret value"); goto exception; } sp--; pc = b->byte_code_buf + pos; } BREAK; CASE(OP_for_in_start): if (js_for_in_start(ctx, sp)) goto exception; BREAK; CASE(OP_for_in_next): if (js_for_in_next(ctx, sp)) goto exception; sp += 2; BREAK; CASE(OP_for_of_start): if (js_for_of_start(ctx, sp, FALSE)) goto exception; sp += 1; *sp++ = JS_NewCatchOffset(ctx, 0); BREAK; CASE(OP_for_of_next): { int offset = -3 - pc[0]; pc += 1; if (js_for_of_next(ctx, sp, offset)) goto exception; sp += 2; } BREAK; CASE(OP_for_await_of_start): if (js_for_of_start(ctx, sp, TRUE)) goto exception; sp += 1; *sp++ = JS_NewCatchOffset(ctx, 0); BREAK; CASE(OP_iterator_get_value_done): if (js_iterator_get_value_done(ctx, sp)) goto exception; sp += 1; BREAK; CASE(OP_iterator_check_object): if (UNLIKELY(!JS_IsObject(sp[-1]))) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "iterator must return an object"); goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_iterator_close): /* iter_obj next catch_offset -> */ sp--; /* drop the catch offset to avoid getting caught by exception */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); /* drop the next method */ sp--; if (!JS_IsUndefined(sp[-1])) { if (JS_IteratorClose(ctx, sp[-1], FALSE)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); } sp--; BREAK; CASE(OP_iterator_close_return): { JSValue ret_val; /* iter_obj next catch_offset ... ret_val -> ret_eval iter_obj next catch_offset */ ret_val = *--sp; while (sp > stack_buf && JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) != JS_TAG_CATCH_OFFSET) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, *--sp); } if (UNLIKELY(sp < stack_buf + 3)) { JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "iterator_close_return"); JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val); goto exception; } sp[0] = sp[-1]; sp[-1] = sp[-2]; sp[-2] = sp[-3]; sp[-3] = ret_val; sp++; } BREAK; CASE(OP_iterator_next): /* stack: iter_obj next catch_offset val */ { JSValue ret; ret = JS_Call(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-4], 1, (JSValueConst *)(sp - 1)); if (JS_IsException(ret)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = ret; } BREAK; CASE(OP_iterator_call): /* stack: iter_obj next catch_offset val */ { JSValue method, ret; BOOL ret_flag; int flags; flags = *pc++; method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sp[-4], (flags & 1) ? JS_ATOM_throw : JS_ATOM_return); if (JS_IsException(method)) goto exception; if (JS_IsUndefined(method) || JS_IsNull(method)) { ret_flag = TRUE; } else { if (flags & 2) { /* no argument */ ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, sp[-4], 0, NULL); } else { ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, sp[-4], 1, (JSValueConst *)(sp - 1)); } if (JS_IsException(ret)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = ret; ret_flag = FALSE; } sp[0] = JS_NewBool(ctx, ret_flag); sp += 1; } BREAK; CASE(OP_lnot): { int res; JSValue op1; op1 = sp[-1]; if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) { res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) != 0; } else { res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1); } sp[-1] = JS_NewBool(ctx, !res); } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_field): { JSValue val; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sp[-1], atom); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_field2): { JSValue val; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sp[-1], atom); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; *sp++ = val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_field): { int ret; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; ret = JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, sp[-2], atom, sp[-1], JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp -= 2; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_private_symbol): { JSAtom atom; JSValue val; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; val = JS_NewSymbolFromAtom(ctx, atom, JS_ATOM_TYPE_PRIVATE); if (JS_IsException(val)) goto exception; *sp++ = val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_private_field): { JSValue val; val = JS_GetPrivateField(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp[-2] = val; sp--; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_private_field): { int ret; ret = JS_SetPrivateField(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-1], sp[-2]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp -= 3; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_define_private_field): { int ret; ret = JS_DefinePrivateField(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-2], sp[-1]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp -= 2; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_define_field): { int ret; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, sp[-2], atom, sp[-1], JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW); sp--; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_set_name): { int ret; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; ret = JS_DefineObjectName(ctx, sp[-1], atom, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE); if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_set_name_computed): { int ret; ret = JS_DefineObjectNameComputed(ctx, sp[-1], sp[-2], JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE); if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_set_proto): { JSValue proto; proto = sp[-1]; if (JS_IsObject(proto) || JS_IsNull(proto)) { if (JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, sp[-2], proto, TRUE) < 0) goto exception; } JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto); sp--; } BREAK; CASE(OP_set_home_object): js_method_set_home_object(ctx, sp[-1], sp[-2]); BREAK; CASE(OP_define_method): CASE(OP_define_method_computed): { JSValue getter, setter, value; JSValueConst obj; JSAtom atom; int flags, ret, op_flags; BOOL is_computed; is_computed = (opcode == OP_define_method_computed); if (is_computed) { atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-2]); if (UNLIKELY(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)) goto exception; opcode += OP_define_method - OP_define_method_computed; } else { atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; } op_flags = *pc++; obj = sp[-2 - is_computed]; flags = JS_PROP_HAS_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_HAS_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_THROW; if (op_flags & OP_DEFINE_METHOD_ENUMERABLE) flags |= JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE; op_flags &= 3; value = JS_UNDEFINED; getter = JS_UNDEFINED; setter = JS_UNDEFINED; if (op_flags == OP_DEFINE_METHOD_METHOD) { value = sp[-1]; flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE | JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE; } else if (op_flags == OP_DEFINE_METHOD_GETTER) { getter = sp[-1]; flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_GET; } else { setter = sp[-1]; flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_SET; } ret = js_method_set_properties(ctx, sp[-1], atom, flags, obj); if (ret >= 0) { ret = JS_DefineProperty(ctx, obj, atom, value, getter, setter, flags); } JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); if (is_computed) { JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); } sp -= 1 + is_computed; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_define_class): CASE(OP_define_class_computed): { int class_flags; JSAtom atom; atom = get_u32(pc); class_flags = pc[4]; pc += 5; if (js_op_define_class(ctx, sp, atom, class_flags, var_refs, sf, (opcode == OP_define_class_computed)) < 0) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_array_el): { JSValue val; val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp[-2] = val; sp--; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_array_el2): { JSValue val; val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]); sp[-1] = val; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_ref_value): { JSValue val; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUndefined(sp[-2]))) { JSAtom atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-1]); if (atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(ctx, atom); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom); } goto exception; } val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-2], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-1])); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; sp[0] = val; sp++; } BREAK; CASE(OP_get_super_value): { JSValue val; JSAtom atom; atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-1]); if (UNLIKELY(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)) goto exception; val = JS_GetPropertyInternal(ctx, sp[-2], atom, sp[-3], FALSE); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]); sp[-3] = val; sp -= 2; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_array_el): { int ret; ret = JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-2], sp[-1], JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]); sp -= 3; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_ref_value): { int ret, flags; flags = JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT; if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUndefined(sp[-3]))) { if (is_strict_mode(ctx)) { JSAtom atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-2]); if (atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) { JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(ctx, atom); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom); } goto exception; } else { sp[-3] = JS_DupValue(ctx, ctx->global_obj); } } else { if (is_strict_mode(ctx)) flags |= JS_PROP_NO_ADD; } ret = JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-2], sp[-1], flags); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]); sp -= 3; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_put_super_value): { int ret; JSAtom atom; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-3]) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) { JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx); goto exception; } atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-2]); if (UNLIKELY(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)) goto exception; ret = JS_SetPropertyGeneric(ctx, sp[-3], atom, sp[-1], sp[-4], JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT); JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-4]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]); sp -= 4; if (ret < 0) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_define_array_el): { int ret; ret = JS_DefinePropertyValueValue(ctx, sp[-3], JS_DupValue(ctx, sp[-2]), sp[-1], JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW); sp -= 1; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_append): /* array pos enumobj -- array pos */ { if (js_append_enumerate(ctx, sp)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, *--sp); } BREAK; CASE(OP_copy_data_properties): /* target source excludeList */ { /* stack offsets (-1 based): 2 bits for target, 3 bits for source, 2 bits for exclusionList */ int mask; mask = *pc++; if (JS_CopyDataProperties(ctx, sp[-1 - (mask & 3)], sp[-1 - ((mask >> 2) & 7)], sp[-1 - ((mask >> 5) & 7)], 0)) goto exception; } BREAK; CASE(OP_add): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { int64_t r; r = (int64_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) + JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2); if (UNLIKELY((int)r != r)) goto add_slow; sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, r); sp--; } else if (JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_FLOAT(op1, op2)) { sp[-2] = __JS_NewFloat64(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1) + JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2)); sp--; } else { add_slow: if (js_add_slow(ctx, sp)) goto exception; sp--; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_add_loc): { JSValue *pv; int idx; idx = *pc; pc += 1; pv = &var_buf[idx]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(*pv, sp[-1]))) { int64_t r; r = (int64_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(*pv) + JS_VALUE_GET_INT(sp[-1]); if (UNLIKELY((int)r != r)) goto add_loc_slow; *pv = JS_NewInt32(ctx, r); sp--; } else if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(*pv) == JS_TAG_STRING) { JSValue op1; op1 = sp[-1]; sp--; op1 = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, op1, HINT_NONE); if (JS_IsException(op1)) goto exception; op1 = JS_ConcatString(ctx, JS_DupValue(ctx, *pv), op1); if (JS_IsException(op1)) goto exception; set_value(ctx, pv, op1); } else { JSValue ops[2]; add_loc_slow: /* In case of exception, js_add_slow frees ops[0] and ops[1], so we must duplicate *pv */ ops[0] = JS_DupValue(ctx, *pv); ops[1] = sp[-1]; sp--; if (js_add_slow(ctx, ops + 2)) goto exception; set_value(ctx, pv, ops[0]); } } BREAK; CASE(OP_sub): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { int64_t r; r = (int64_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) - JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2); if (UNLIKELY((int)r != r)) goto binary_arith_slow; sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, r); sp--; } else if (JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_FLOAT(op1, op2)) { sp[-2] = __JS_NewFloat64(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1) - JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2)); sp--; } else { goto binary_arith_slow; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_mul): { JSValue op1, op2; double d; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { int32_t v1, v2; int64_t r; v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2); r = (int64_t)v1 * v2; if (UNLIKELY((int)r != r)) { #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM if (UNLIKELY(sf->js_mode & JS_MODE_MATH) && (r < -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || r > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)) goto binary_arith_slow; #endif d = (double)r; goto mul_fp_res; } /* need to test zero case for -0 result */ if (UNLIKELY(r == 0 && (v1 | v2) < 0)) { d = -0.0; goto mul_fp_res; } sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, r); sp--; } else if (JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_FLOAT(op1, op2)) { #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM if (UNLIKELY(sf->js_mode & JS_MODE_MATH)) goto binary_arith_slow; #endif d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1) * JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2); mul_fp_res: sp[-2] = __JS_NewFloat64(ctx, d); sp--; } else { goto binary_arith_slow; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_div): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { int v1, v2; if (UNLIKELY(sf->js_mode & JS_MODE_MATH)) goto binary_arith_slow; v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2); sp[-2] = JS_NewFloat64(ctx, (double)v1 / (double)v2); sp--; } else { goto binary_arith_slow; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_mod): #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM CASE(OP_math_mod): #endif { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { int v1, v2, r; v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2); /* We must avoid v2 = 0, v1 = INT32_MIN and v2 = -1 and the cases where the result is -0. */ if (UNLIKELY(v1 < 0 || v2 <= 0)) goto binary_arith_slow; r = v1 % v2; sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, r); sp--; } else { goto binary_arith_slow; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_pow): binary_arith_slow: if (js_binary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; sp--; BREAK; CASE(OP_plus): { JSValue op1; uint32_t tag; op1 = sp[-1]; tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1); if (tag == JS_TAG_INT || JS_TAG_IS_FLOAT64(tag)) { } else { if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_neg): { JSValue op1; uint32_t tag; int val; double d; op1 = sp[-1]; tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1); if (tag == JS_TAG_INT) { val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); /* Note: -0 cannot be expressed as integer */ if (UNLIKELY(val == 0)) { d = -0.0; goto neg_fp_res; } if (UNLIKELY(val == INT32_MIN)) { d = -(double)val; goto neg_fp_res; } sp[-1] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, -val); } else if (JS_TAG_IS_FLOAT64(tag)) { d = -JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1); neg_fp_res: sp[-1] = __JS_NewFloat64(ctx, d); } else { if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_inc): { JSValue op1; int val; op1 = sp[-1]; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) { val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); if (UNLIKELY(val == INT32_MAX)) goto inc_slow; sp[-1] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, val + 1); } else { inc_slow: if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_dec): { JSValue op1; int val; op1 = sp[-1]; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) { val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); if (UNLIKELY(val == INT32_MIN)) goto dec_slow; sp[-1] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, val - 1); } else { dec_slow: if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_post_inc): CASE(OP_post_dec): if (js_post_inc_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; sp++; BREAK; CASE(OP_inc_loc): { JSValue op1; int val; int idx; idx = *pc; pc += 1; op1 = var_buf[idx]; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) { val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); if (UNLIKELY(val == INT32_MAX)) goto inc_loc_slow; var_buf[idx] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, val + 1); } else { inc_loc_slow: /* must duplicate otherwise the variable value may be destroyed before JS code accesses it */ op1 = JS_DupValue(ctx, op1); if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, &op1 + 1, OP_inc)) goto exception; set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], op1); } } BREAK; CASE(OP_dec_loc): { JSValue op1; int val; int idx; idx = *pc; pc += 1; op1 = var_buf[idx]; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) { val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); if (UNLIKELY(val == INT32_MIN)) goto dec_loc_slow; var_buf[idx] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, val - 1); } else { dec_loc_slow: /* must duplicate otherwise the variable value may be destroyed before JS code accesses it */ op1 = JS_DupValue(ctx, op1); if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, &op1 + 1, OP_dec)) goto exception; set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], op1); } } BREAK; CASE(OP_not): { JSValue op1; op1 = sp[-1]; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) { sp[-1] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, ~JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1)); } else { if (js_not_slow(ctx, sp)) goto exception; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_shl): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { uint32_t v1, v2; v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1); v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2); #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM { int64_t r; if (UNLIKELY(sf->js_mode & JS_MODE_MATH)) { if (v2 > 0x1f) goto shl_slow; r = (int64_t)v1 << v2; if ((int)r != r) goto shl_slow; } else { v2 &= 0x1f; } } #else v2 &= 0x1f; #endif sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, v1 << v2); sp--; } else { #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM shl_slow: #endif if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; sp--; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_shr): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { uint32_t v2; v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2); /* v1 >>> v2 retains its JS semantics if CONFIG_BIGNUM */ v2 &= 0x1f; sp[-2] = JS_NewUint32(ctx, (uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) >> v2); sp--; } else { if (js_shr_slow(ctx, sp)) goto exception; sp--; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_sar): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { uint32_t v2; v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2); #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM if (UNLIKELY(v2 > 0x1f)) { if (UNLIKELY(sf->js_mode & JS_MODE_MATH)) goto sar_slow; else v2 &= 0x1f; } #else v2 &= 0x1f; #endif sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, (int)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) >> v2); sp--; } else { #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM sar_slow: #endif if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; sp--; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_and): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) & JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2)); sp--; } else { if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; sp--; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_or): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) | JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2)); sp--; } else { if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; sp--; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_xor): { JSValue op1, op2; op1 = sp[-2]; op2 = sp[-1]; if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { sp[-2] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) ^ JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2)); sp--; } else { if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)) goto exception; sp--; } } BREAK; #define OP_CMP(opcode, binary_op, slow_call) \ CASE(opcode): \ { \ JSValue op1, op2; \ op1 = sp[-2]; \ op2 = sp[-1]; \ if (LIKELY(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) { \ sp[-2] = JS_NewBool(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) binary_op JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2)); \ sp--; \ } else { \ if (slow_call) \ goto exception; \ sp--; \ } \ } \ BREAK OP_CMP(OP_lt, <, js_relational_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)); OP_CMP(OP_lte, <=, js_relational_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)); OP_CMP(OP_gt, >, js_relational_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)); OP_CMP(OP_gte, >=, js_relational_slow(ctx, sp, opcode)); OP_CMP(OP_eq, ==, js_eq_slow(ctx, sp, 0)); OP_CMP(OP_neq, !=, js_eq_slow(ctx, sp, 1)); OP_CMP(OP_strict_eq, ==, js_strict_eq_slow(ctx, sp, 0)); OP_CMP(OP_strict_neq, !=, js_strict_eq_slow(ctx, sp, 1)); #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM CASE(OP_mul_pow10): if (rt->bigfloat_ops.mul_pow10(ctx, sp)) goto exception; sp--; BREAK; #endif CASE(OP_in): if (js_operator_in(ctx, sp)) goto exception; sp--; BREAK; CASE(OP_instanceof): if (js_operator_instanceof(ctx, sp)) goto exception; sp--; BREAK; CASE(OP_typeof): { JSValue op1; JSAtom atom; op1 = sp[-1]; atom = js_operator_typeof(ctx, op1); JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1); sp[-1] = JS_AtomToString(ctx, atom); } BREAK; CASE(OP_delete): if (js_operator_delete(ctx, sp)) goto exception; sp--; BREAK; CASE(OP_delete_var): { JSAtom atom; int ret; atom = get_u32(pc); pc += 4; ret = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, atom, 0); if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; *sp++ = JS_NewBool(ctx, ret); } BREAK; CASE(OP_to_object): if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) { ret_val = JS_ToObject(ctx, sp[-1]); if (JS_IsException(ret_val)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = ret_val; } BREAK; CASE(OP_to_propkey): switch (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1])) { case JS_TAG_INT: case JS_TAG_STRING: case JS_TAG_SYMBOL: break; default: ret_val = JS_ToPropertyKey(ctx, sp[-1]); if (JS_IsException(ret_val)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = ret_val; break; } BREAK; CASE(OP_to_propkey2): /* must be tested first */ if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsUndefined(sp[-2]) || JS_IsNull(sp[-2]))) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "value has no property"); goto exception; } switch (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1])) { case JS_TAG_INT: case JS_TAG_STRING: case JS_TAG_SYMBOL: break; default: ret_val = JS_ToPropertyKey(ctx, sp[-1]); if (JS_IsException(ret_val)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = ret_val; break; } BREAK; #if 0 CASE(OP_to_string): if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) != JS_TAG_STRING) { ret_val = JS_ToString(ctx, sp[-1]); if (JS_IsException(ret_val)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = ret_val; } BREAK; #endif CASE(OP_with_get_var): CASE(OP_with_put_var): CASE(OP_with_delete_var): CASE(OP_with_make_ref): CASE(OP_with_get_ref): CASE(OP_with_get_ref_undef): { JSAtom atom; int32_t diff; JSValue obj, val; int ret, is_with; atom = get_u32(pc); diff = get_u32(pc + 4); is_with = pc[8]; pc += 9; obj = sp[-1]; ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, obj, atom); if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; if (ret) { if (is_with) { ret = js_has_unscopable(ctx, obj, atom); if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; if (ret) goto no_with; } switch (opcode) { case OP_with_get_var: val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; set_value(ctx, &sp[-1], val); break; case OP_with_put_var: /* XXX: check if strict mode */ ret = JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, obj, atom, sp[-2], JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT); JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp -= 2; if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; break; case OP_with_delete_var: ret = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, obj, atom, 0); if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = JS_NewBool(ctx, ret); break; case OP_with_make_ref: /* produce a pair object/propname on the stack */ *sp++ = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom); break; case OP_with_get_ref: /* produce a pair object/method on the stack */ val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; *sp++ = val; break; case OP_with_get_ref_undef: /* produce a pair undefined/function on the stack */ val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom); if (UNLIKELY(JS_IsException(val))) goto exception; JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED; *sp++ = val; break; } pc += diff - 5; } else { no_with: /* if not jumping, drop the object argument */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp--; } } BREAK; CASE(OP_await): ret_val = JS_NewInt32(ctx, FUNC_RET_AWAIT); goto done_generator; CASE(OP_yield): ret_val = JS_NewInt32(ctx, FUNC_RET_YIELD); goto done_generator; CASE(OP_yield_star): CASE(OP_async_yield_star): ret_val = JS_NewInt32(ctx, FUNC_RET_YIELD_STAR); goto done_generator; CASE(OP_return_async): CASE(OP_initial_yield): ret_val = JS_UNDEFINED; goto done_generator; CASE(OP_nop): BREAK; CASE(OP_is_undefined_or_null): if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED || JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) == JS_TAG_NULL) { goto set_true; } else { goto free_and_set_false; } #if SHORT_OPCODES CASE(OP_is_undefined): if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) { goto set_true; } else { goto free_and_set_false; } CASE(OP_is_null): if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) == JS_TAG_NULL) { goto set_true; } else { goto free_and_set_false; } /* XXX: could merge to a single opcode */ CASE(OP_typeof_is_undefined): /* different from OP_is_undefined because of isHTMLDDA */ if (js_operator_typeof(ctx, sp[-1]) == JS_ATOM_undefined) { goto free_and_set_true; } else { goto free_and_set_false; } CASE(OP_typeof_is_function): if (js_operator_typeof(ctx, sp[-1]) == JS_ATOM_function) { goto free_and_set_true; } else { goto free_and_set_false; } free_and_set_true: JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); #endif set_true: sp[-1] = JS_TRUE; BREAK; free_and_set_false: JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); sp[-1] = JS_FALSE; BREAK; CASE(OP_invalid): DEFAULT: JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid opcode: pc=%u opcode=0x%02x", (int)(pc - b->byte_code_buf - 1), opcode); goto exception; } } exception: if (is_backtrace_needed(ctx, rt->current_exception)) { /* add the backtrace information now (it is not done before if the exception happens in a bytecode operation */ sf->cur_pc = pc; build_backtrace(ctx, rt->current_exception, NULL, 0, 0); } if (!JS_IsUncatchableError(ctx, rt->current_exception)) { while (sp > stack_buf) { JSValue val = *--sp; JS_FreeValue(ctx, val); if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_CATCH_OFFSET) { int pos = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val); if (pos == 0) { /* enumerator: close it with a throw */ JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); /* drop the next method */ sp--; JS_IteratorClose(ctx, sp[-1], TRUE); } else { *sp++ = rt->current_exception; rt->current_exception = JS_NULL; pc = b->byte_code_buf + pos; goto restart; } } } } ret_val = JS_EXCEPTION; /* the local variables are freed by the caller in the generator case. Hence the label 'done' should never be reached in a generator function. */ if (b->func_kind != JS_FUNC_NORMAL) { done_generator: sf->cur_pc = pc; sf->cur_sp = sp; } else { done: if (UNLIKELY(!list_empty(&sf->var_ref_list))) { /* variable references reference the stack: must close them */ close_var_refs(rt, sf); } /* free the local variables and stack */ for(pval = local_buf; pval < sp; pval++) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, *pval); } } rt->current_stack_frame = sf->prev_frame; return ret_val; } JSValue JS_Call(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, JSValueConst this_obj, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { return JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, this_obj, JS_UNDEFINED, argc, (JSValue *)argv, JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV); } JSValue JS_CallFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj, JSValueConst this_obj, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { JSValue res = JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, this_obj, JS_UNDEFINED, argc, (JSValue *)argv, JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV); JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj); return res; } /* argv[] is modified if (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV) = 0. */ static JSValue JS_CallConstructorInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst func_obj, JSValueConst new_target, int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags) { JSObject *p; JSFunctionBytecode *b; if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx)) return JS_EXCEPTION; flags |= JS_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCTOR; if (UNLIKELY(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) goto not_a_function; p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj); if (UNLIKELY(!p->is_constructor)) return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a constructor"); if (UNLIKELY(p->class_id != JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION)) { JSClassCall *call_func; call_func = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].call; if (!call_func) { not_a_function: return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a function"); } return call_func(ctx, func_obj, new_target, argc, (JSValueConst *)argv, flags); } b = p->u.func.function_bytecode; if (b->is_derived_class_constructor) { return JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, JS_UNDEFINED, new_target, argc, argv, flags); } else { JSValue obj, ret; /* legacy constructor behavior */ obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_OBJECT); if (JS_IsException(obj)) return JS_EXCEPTION; ret = JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, obj, new_target, argc, argv, flags); if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(ret) == JS_TAG_OBJECT || JS_IsException(ret)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj); return ret; } else { JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret); return obj; } } } /* XXX: add a specific eval mode so that Function("}), ({") is rejected */ JSValue js_function_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst new_target, int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int magic) { JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind = magic; int i, n, ret; JSValue s, proto, obj = JS_UNDEFINED; StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s; string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0); string_buffer_putc8(b, '('); if (func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC || func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR) { string_buffer_puts8(b, "async "); } string_buffer_puts8(b, "function"); if (func_kind == JS_FUNC_GENERATOR || func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR) { string_buffer_putc8(b, '*'); } string_buffer_puts8(b, " anonymous("); n = argc - 1; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i != 0) { string_buffer_putc8(b, ','); } if (string_buffer_concat_value(b, argv[i])) goto fail; } string_buffer_puts8(b, "\n) {\n"); if (n >= 0) { if (string_buffer_concat_value(b, argv[n])) goto fail; } string_buffer_puts8(b, "\n})"); s = string_buffer_end(b); if (JS_IsException(s)) goto fail1; obj = JS_EvalObject(ctx, ctx->global_obj, s, JS_EVAL_TYPE_INDIRECT, -1); JS_FreeValue(ctx, s); if (JS_IsException(obj)) goto fail1; if (!JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) { /* set the prototype */ proto = JS_GetProperty(ctx, new_target, JS_ATOM_prototype); if (JS_IsException(proto)) goto fail1; if (!JS_IsObject(proto)) { JSContext *realm; JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto); realm = JS_GetFunctionRealm(ctx, new_target); if (!realm) goto fail1; proto = JS_DupValue(ctx, realm->class_proto[func_kind_to_class_id[func_kind]]); } ret = JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, obj, proto, TRUE); JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto); if (ret < 0) goto fail1; } return obj; fail: string_buffer_free(b); fail1: JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj); return JS_EXCEPTION; } /* JSAsyncFunctionState (used by generator and async functions) */ int async_func_init(JSContext *ctx, JSAsyncFunctionState *s, JSValueConst func_obj, JSValueConst this_obj, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { JSObject *p; JSFunctionBytecode *b; JSStackFrame *sf; int local_count, i, arg_buf_len, n; sf = &s->frame; init_list_head(&sf->var_ref_list); p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj); b = p->u.func.function_bytecode; sf->js_mode = b->js_mode; sf->cur_pc = b->byte_code_buf; arg_buf_len = max_int(b->arg_count, argc); local_count = arg_buf_len + b->var_count + b->stack_size; sf->arg_buf = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(JSValue) * max_int(local_count, 1)); if (!sf->arg_buf) return -1; sf->cur_func = JS_DupValue(ctx, func_obj); s->this_val = JS_DupValue(ctx, this_obj); s->argc = argc; sf->arg_count = arg_buf_len; sf->var_buf = sf->arg_buf + arg_buf_len; sf->cur_sp = sf->var_buf + b->var_count; for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) sf->arg_buf[i] = JS_DupValue(ctx, argv[i]); n = arg_buf_len + b->var_count; for(i = argc; i < n; i++) sf->arg_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED; return 0; } void async_func_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionState *s, JS_MarkFunc *mark_func) { JSStackFrame *sf; JSValue *sp; sf = &s->frame; JS_MarkValue(rt, sf->cur_func, mark_func); JS_MarkValue(rt, s->this_val, mark_func); if (sf->cur_sp) { /* if the function is running, cur_sp is not known so we cannot mark the stack. Marking the variables is not needed because a running function cannot be part of a removable cycle */ for(sp = sf->arg_buf; sp < sf->cur_sp; sp++) JS_MarkValue(rt, *sp, mark_func); } } void async_func_free(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionState *s) { JSStackFrame *sf; JSValue *sp; sf = &s->frame; /* close the closure variables. */ close_var_refs(rt, sf); if (sf->arg_buf) { /* cannot free the function if it is running */ assert(sf->cur_sp != NULL); for(sp = sf->arg_buf; sp < sf->cur_sp; sp++) { JS_FreeValueRT(rt, *sp); } js_free_rt(rt, sf->arg_buf); } JS_FreeValueRT(rt, sf->cur_func); JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->this_val); } JSValue async_func_resume(JSContext *ctx, JSAsyncFunctionState *s) { JSValue func_obj; if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0)) return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx); /* the tag does not matter provided it is not an object */ func_obj = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_INT, s); return JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, s->this_val, JS_UNDEFINED, s->argc, s->frame.arg_buf, JS_CALL_FLAG_GENERATOR); }