#if 0 /*─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ │ To the extent possible under law, Justine Tunney has waived │ │ all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this file, │ │ as it is written in the following disclaimers: │ │ • http://unlicense.org/ │ │ • http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ │ ╚─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ #endif #include "libc/bits/bits.h" #include "libc/calls/internal.h" #include "libc/fmt/itoa.h" #include "libc/macros.internal.h" #include "libc/runtime/memtrack.internal.h" #include "libc/stdio/stdio.h" // clang-format off struct WinArgs { char *argv[4096]; char *envp[4092]; intptr_t auxv[2][2]; char argblock[ARG_MAX / 2]; char envblock[ARG_MAX / 2]; }; //#define INCREMENT roundup2pow(kAutomapSize/16) #define INCREMENT (64L*1024*1024*1024) uint64_t last; void plan2(uint64_t addr, uint64_t end, const char *name) { char sz[32]; FormatMemorySize(sz, end-addr+1); printf("%08x-%08x %-6s %s\n", addr>>16, end>>16, sz, name); } void plan(uint64_t addr, uint64_t end, const char *name) { uint64_t incr, next; while (addr > last) { if ((incr = last % INCREMENT)) { incr = INCREMENT - incr; } else { incr = INCREMENT; } plan2(last,MIN(last+incr,addr)-1,"free"); last = MIN(last+incr,addr); } while (addr <= end) { if (end-addr+1 <= INCREMENT) { plan2(addr,end,name); last = end + 1; break; } if (!(addr % INCREMENT)) { plan2(addr, addr + INCREMENT - 1, name); last = addr + INCREMENT; addr += INCREMENT; } else { next = INCREMENT - addr % INCREMENT + addr; plan2(addr, next - 1, name); last = next; addr = next; } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint64_t x, y; plan(0x00000000, 0x00200000-1, "null"); plan(0x00200000, 0x00400000-1, "loader"); if (!IsWindows() || IsAtLeastWindows10()) { plan(0x00400000, 0x50000000-1, "image"); plan(0x50000000, 0x7ffdffff, "arena"); plan(0x7fff0000, 0x10007fffffff, "asan"); } else { plan(0x00400000, 0x01000000-1, "image"); } plan(kAutomapStart, kAutomapStart + kAutomapSize - 1, "automap"); plan(kMemtrackStart, kMemtrackStart + kMemtrackSize - 1, "memtrack"); plan(kFixedmapStart, kFixedmapStart + kFixedmapSize - 1, "fixedmap"); if (IsWindows() && !IsAtLeastWindows10()) { plan(0x50000000, 0x7ffdffff, "arena"); } x = (intptr_t)GetStaticStackAddr(0); y = ROUNDUP(sizeof(struct WinArgs), FRAMESIZE); plan(x - y, x - 1, "winargs"); plan(x, x + GetStackSize() - 1, "stack"); if (!IsWindows() || IsAtLeastWindows10()) { plan(0x7f0000000000, 0x800000000000 - 1, "kernel"); } return 0; }