SYNOPSIS [-hvduzmbagf] [-p PORT] [-- SCRIPTARGS...] DESCRIPTION redbean - single-file distributable web server OVERVIEW redbean makes it possible to share web applications that run offline as a single-file Actually Portable Executable PKZIP archive which contains your assets. All you need to do is download the program below, change the filename to .zip, add your content in a zip editing tool, and then change the extension back to .com. redbean can serve 1 million+ gzip encoded responses per second on a cheap personal computer. That performance is thanks to zip and gzip using the same compression format, which enables kernelspace copies. Another reason redbean goes fast is that it's a tiny static binary, which makes fork memory paging nearly free. redbean is also easy to modify to suit your own needs. The program itself is written as a single .c file. It embeds the Lua programming language and SQLite which let you write dynamic pages. FLAGS -h help -d daemonize -u uniprocess -z print port -m log messages -b log message bodies -a log resource usage -g log handler latency -j enable ssl client verify -k disable ssl fetch verify -B use stronger cryptography -f log worker function calls -s increase silence [repeatable] -v increase verbosity [repeatable] -V increase ssl verbosity [repeatable] -H K:V sets http header globally [repeatable] -D DIR overlay assets in local directory [repeatable] -r /X=/Y redirect X to Y [repeatable] -R /X=/Y rewrites X to Y [repeatable] -K PATH tls private key path [repeatable] -C PATH tls certificate(s) path [repeatable] -M INT tunes max message payload size [def. 65536] -t INT timeout ms or keepalive sec if <0 [def. 60000] -p PORT listen port [def. 8080; repeatable] -l ADDR listen addr [def.; repeatable] -c SEC configures static cache-control -L PATH log file location -P PATH pid file location -U INT daemon set user id -G INT daemon set group id FEATURES - Lua v5.4 - SQLite 3.35.5 - TLS v1.2 / v1.1 / v1.0 - HTTP v1.1 / v1.0 / v0.9 - Chromium-Zlib Compression - Statusz Monitoring Statistics - Self-Modifying PKZIP Object Store - Linux + Windows + Mac + FreeBSD + OpenBSD + NetBSD USAGE This executable is also a ZIP file that contains static assets. You can run redbean interactively in your terminal as follows: ./ -vvvmbag # starts server verbosely open # shows zip listing page CTRL-C # 1x: graceful shutdown CTRL-C # 2x: forceful shutdown You can override the default listing page by adding: zip index.lua # lua server pages take priority zip index.html # default page for directory The listing page only applies to the root directory. However the default index page applies to subdirectories too. In order for it to work, there needs to be an empty directory entry in the zip. That should already be the default practice of your zip editor. wget \ --mirror \ --convert-links \ --adjust-extension \ --page-requisites \ --no-parent \ --no-if-modified-since \ http://a.example/index.html zip -r a.example/ # default page for directory redbean normalizes the trailing slash for you automatically: $ printf 'GET /a.example HTTP/1.0\n\n' | nc 8080 HTTP/1.0 307 Temporary Redirect Location: /a.example/ Virtual hosting is accomplished this way too. The Host is simply prepended to the path, and if it doesn't exist, it gets removed. $ printf 'GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost:a.example\n\n' | nc 8080 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Link: ; rel="canonical" If you mirror a lot of websites within your redbean then you can actually tell your browser that redbean is your proxy server, in which redbean will act as your private version of the Internet. $ printf 'GET http://a.example HTTP/1.0\n\n' | nc 8080 HTTP/1.0 200 OK Link: ; rel="canonical" If you use a reverse proxy, then redbean recognizes the following provided that the proxy forwards requests over the local network: X-Forwarded-For: X-Forwarded-Host: foo.example:80 There's a text/plain statistics page called /statusz that makes it easy to track and monitor the health of your redbean: printf 'GET /statusz\n\n' | nc 8080 redbean will display an error page using the /redbean.png logo by default, embedded as a bas64 data uri. You can override the custom page for various errors by adding files to the zip root. zip 404.html # custom not found page Audio video content should not be compressed in your ZIP files. Uncompressed assets enable browsers to send Range HTTP request. On the other hand compressed assets are best for gzip encoding. zip index.html # adds file zip -0 video.mp4 # adds without compression You can have redbean run as a daemon by doing the following: sudo ./ -vvdp80 -p443 -L redbean.log -P kill -TERM $(cat # 1x: graceful shutdown kill -TERM $(cat # 2x: forceful shutdown redbean currently has a 32kb limit on request messages and 64kb including the payload. redbean will grow to whatever the system limits allow. Should fork() or accept() fail redbean will react by going into "meltdown mode" which closes lingering workers. You can trigger this at any time using: kill -USR2 $(cat Another failure condition is running out of disk space in which case redbean reacts by truncating the log file. Lastly, redbean does the best job possible reporting on resource usage when the logger is in debug mode noting that NetBSD is the best at this. Your redbean is an actually portable executable, that's able to run on six different operating systems. To do that, it needs to overwrite its own MZ header at startup, with ELF or Mach-O, and then puts the original back once the program loads. If you want your redbean to follow the platform-local executable convention then delete the /.ape file from zip. redbean contains software licensed ISC, MIT, BSD-2, BSD-3, zlib which makes it a permissively licensed gift to anyone who might find it useful. The transitive closure of legalese can be found inside the binary. redbean also respects your privacy and won't phone home because your computer is its home. SECURITY redbean uses a protocol polyglot for serving HTTP and HTTPS on the same port numbers. For example, both of these are valid: The easiest way to use a self-signed certificate is to provide redbean with a key-signing key: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 \ -keyout .ca.key -out .ca.crt -days 6570 -nodes \ -subj '/C=US/ST=CA/O=Jane Doe/CN=My Root CA 1' \ -addext 'keyUsage = critical,cRLSign,keyCertSign' sudo ./ -C ca.crt -K .ca.key -p 80 -p 443 Let's say you're migrating away from NGINX and you use Let's Encrypt. In that case you'll likely want something like the following: certbot certonly --nginx --key-type ecdsa \ --cert-name redbean-ecdsa -d -d certbot certonly --nginx --key-type rsa \ --cert-name redbean-rsa -d -d You can then program /var/www/html/.init.lua as such: ProgramPrivateKey(Slurp('/etc/letsencrypt/live/redbean-ecdsa/privkey.pem')) ProgramCertificate(Slurp('/etc/letsencrypt/live/redbean-ecdsa/fullchain.pem')) ProgramPrivateKey(Slurp('/etc/letsencrypt/live/redbean-rsa/privkey.pem')) ProgramCertificate(Slurp('/etc/letsencrypt/live/redbean-rsa/fullchain.pem')) if IsDaemon() then ProgramUid(33) # see `vipw` to get appropriate number ProgramGid(33) # see `vigr` to get appropriate number ProgramPort(80) ProgramPort(443) ProgramLogPath('/var/log/redbean.log') ProgramPidPath('/var/run/') end function OnHttpRequest() path = GetPath() if path == '/favicon.ico' or path == '/site.webmanifest' or path == '/favicon-16x16.png' or path == '/favicon-32x32.png' or path == '/apple-touch-icon' then SetLogLevel(kLogWarn) end Route() SetHeader('Content-Language', 'en-US') end You'd then run redbean as follows: -dD /var/www/html You can load as many public and private keys as you want. They can be specified as pem, der, concatenated ascii, bundles, or chains. If you don't specify specific chains then redbean will automatically infer it based on SUBJECT → ISSUER relationships. Your redbean won't serve the self-signed root certificate at the end of the chain where self-signed is defined as SUBJECT == ISSUER. Otherwise you can control when chains terminate by setting the max length constraint to zero. Your redbean supports SSL virtual hosting. 99.76% of TLS clients send a Server Name Indicator (SNI), which is matched against DNS or IPs in Subject Alternative Names (SAN) or the Common Name (CN) of subject if SAN isn't used. This means you don't need to reveal your whole domain portfolio to each client just to have ssl. You can just use different certificates for each domain if you choose to do so. Your redbean has been secured with algorithms so strong that, until a few decades ago, it was illegal to share them with with those outside the United States. By default, your redbean uses Suite C cryptography since it goes a little bit faster. If you want stronger Suite B stuff then you can pass the -B flag. SSL verbosity is controlled as follows for troubleshooting: -V log ssl errors -VV log ssl state changes too -VVV log ssl informational messages too -VVVV log ssl verbose details too That's in addition to existing flags like -vvvm. LUA SERVER PAGES Any files with the extension .lua will be dynamically served by redbean. Here's the simplest possible example: Write('Hello World') The Lua Server Page above should be able to perform at 700,000 responses per second on a Core i9, without any sort of caching. If you want a Lua handler that can do 1,000,000 responses per second, then try adding the following global handler to your /.init.lua file: function OnHttpRequest() Write('Hello World') end Here's an example of a more typical workflow for Lua Server Pages using the redbean API: SetStatus(200) SetHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8') Write('

Hello ') Write(EscapeHtml(GetParam('name'))) We didn't need the first two lines in the previous example, because they're implied by redbean automatically if you don't set them. Responses are also buffered until the script finishes executing. That enables redbean to make HTTP as easy as possible. In the future, API capabilities will be expanded to make possible things like websockets. redbean embeds the Lua standard library. You can use packages such as io to persist and share state across requests and connections, as well as the StoreAsset function, and the lsqlite3 module. Your Lua interpreter begins its life in the main process at startup in the .init.lua, which is likely where you'll want to perform all your expensive one-time operations like importing modules. Then, as requests roll in, isolated processes are cloned from the blueprint you created. SPECIAL PATHS / redbean will generate a zip central directory listing for this page, and this page only, but only if there isn't an /index.lua or /index.html file defined. /.init.lua This script is run once in the main process at startup. This lets you modify the state of the Lua interpreter before connection processes are forked off. For example, it's a good idea to do expensive one-time computations here. You can also use this file to call the ProgramFOO() functions below. The init module load happens after redbean's arguments and zip assets have been parsed, but before calling functions like socket() and fork(). Note that this path is a hidden file so that it can't be unintentionally run by the network client. /.reload.lua This script is run from the main process when SIGHUP is received. This only applies to redbean when running in daemon mode. Any changes that are made to the Lua interpreter state will be inherited by future forked connection processes. Note that this path is a hidden file so that it can't be unintentionally run by the network client. /.lua/... Your Lua modules go in this directory. The way it works is redbean sets Lua's package.path to zip:.lua/?.lua;zip:.lua/?/init.lua by default. Cosmopolitan Libc lets system calls like open read from the ZIP structure, if the filename is prefixed with zip:. So this works like magic. /redbean.png If it exists, it'll be used as the / listing page icon, embedded as a base64 URI. /usr/share/ssl/root This directory contains your root certificate authorities. It is needed so the Fetch() HTTPS client API can verify that a remote certificate was signed by a third party. You can add your own certificate files to this directory within the ZIP executable. If you enable HTTPS client verification then redbean will check that HTTPS clients (a) have a certificate and (b) it was signed. GLOBALS argv: array[str] Array of command line arguments, excluding those parsed by getopt() in the C code, which stops parsing at the first non-hyphenated arg. In some cases you can use the magic -- argument to delimit C from Lua arguments. HOOKS OnHttpRequest() If this function is defined in the global scope by your /.init.lua then redbean will call it at the ealiest possible moment to handover control for all messages (with the exception of OPTIONS *). See functions like Route which asks redbean to do its default thing from the handler. OnClientConnection(ip:int,port:int,serverip:int,serverport:int) → bool If this function is defined it'll be called from the main process each time redbean accepts a new client connection. If it returns true then redbean will close the connection without calling fork. OnProcessCreate(pid:int,ip:int,port:int,serverip:int,serverport:int) If this function is defined it'll be called from the main process each time redbean forks a connection handler worker process. The ip/port of the remote client is provided, along with the ip/port of the listening interface that accepted the connection. This may be used to create a server activity dashboard, in which case the data provider handler should set SetHeader('Connection','Close'). This won't be called in unprocess mode. OnProcessDestroy(pid:int) If this function is defined it'll be called from the main process each time redbean reaps a child connection process using wait4(). This won't be called in unprocess mode. OnServerStart() If this function is defined it'll be called from the main process right before the main event loop starts. OnServerStop() If this function is defined it'll be called from the main process after all the connection processes have been reaped and exit() is ready to be called. OnWorkerStart() If this function is defined it'll be called from the child worker process after it's been forked and before messages are handled. This won't be called in unprocess mode. OnWorkerStop() If this function is defined it'll be called from the child worker process once _exit() is ready to be called. This won't be called in unprocess mode. FUNCTIONS Write(data:str) Appends data to HTTP response payload buffer. This is buffered independently of headers. SetStatus(code:int[,reason:str]) Starts an HTTP response, specifying the parameters on its first line. reason is optional since redbean can fill in the appropriate text for well-known magic numbers, e.g. 200, 404, etc. This method will reset the response and is therefore mutually exclusive with ServeAsset and ServeError. If a status setting function isn't called, then the default behavior is to send 200 OK. SetHeader(name:str,value:str) Appends HTTP header to response header buffer. name is case-insensitive and restricted to non-space ASCII. value is a UTF-8 string that must be encodable as ISO-8859-1. Leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed automatically. Overlong characters are canonicalized. C0 and C1 control codes are forbidden, with the exception of tab. This function automatically calls SetStatus(200, "OK") if a status has not yet been set. The header buffer is independent of the payload buffer. Neither are written to the wire until the Lua Server Page has finished executing. This function disallows the setting of certain headers such as Date and Content-Range which are abstracted by the transport layer. In such cases, consider calling ServeAsset. GetParam(name:str) → value:str Returns first value associated with name. name is handled in a case-sensitive manner. This function checks Request-URL parameters first. Then it checks application/x-www-form-urlencoded from the message body, if it exists, which is common for HTML forms sending POST requests. If a parameter is supplied matching name that has no value, e.g. foo in ?foo&bar=value, then the returned value will be nil, whereas for ?foo=&bar=value it would be "". To differentiate between no-equal and absent, use the HasParam function. The returned value is decoded from ISO-8859-1 (only in the case of Request-URL) and we assume that percent-encoded characters were supplied by the client as UTF-8 sequences, which are returned exactly as the client supplied them, and may therefore may contain overlong sequences, control codes, NUL characters, and even numbers which have been banned by the IETF. It is the responsibility of the caller to impose further restrictions on validity, if they're desired. EscapeHtml(str) → str Escapes HTML entities: The set of entities is &><"' which become &><"'. This function is charset agnostic and will not canonicalize overlong encodings. It is assumed that a UTF-8 string will be supplied. See escapehtml.c. LaunchBrowser([path:str]) Launches web browser on local machine with URL to this redbean server. This function may be called from your /.init.lua. CategorizeIp(ip:uint32) → str Returns a string describing an IP address. This is currently Class A granular. It can tell you if traffic originated from private networks, ARIN, APNIC, DOD, etc. DecodeBase64(ascii:str) → binary:str Turns ASCII into binary, in a permissive way that ignores characters outside the base64 alphabet, such as whitespace. See decodebase64.c. DecodeLatin1(iso-8859-1:str) → utf-8:str Turns ISO-8859-1 string into UTF-8. EncodeBase64(binary:str) → ascii:str Turns binary into ASCII. This can be used to create HTML data: URIs that do things like embed a PNG file in a web page. See encodebase64.c. EncodeLatin1(utf-8:str[,flags:int]) → iso-8859-1:str Turns UTF-8 into ISO-8859-1 string. EscapeFragment(str) → str Escapes URL #fragment. The allowed characters are -/?.~_@:!$&'()*+,;=0-9A-Za-z and everything else gets %XX encoded. Please note that '& can still break HTML and that '() can still break CSS URLs. This function is charset agnostic and will not canonicalize overlong encodings. It is assumed that a UTF-8 string will be supplied. See kescapefragment.c. EscapeHost(str) → str Escapes URL host. See kescapeauthority.c EscapeLiteral(str) → str Escapes JavaScript or JSON string literal content. The caller is responsible for adding the surrounding quotation marks. This implementation \uxxxx sequences for all non-ASCII sequences. HTML entities are also encoded, so the output doesn't need EscapeHtml. This function assumes UTF-8 input. Overlong encodings are canonicalized. Invalid input sequences are assumed to be ISO-8859-1. The output is UTF-16 since that's what JavaScript uses. For example, some individual codepoints such as emoji characters will encode as multiple \uxxxx sequences. Ints that are impossible to encode as UTF-16 are substituted with the \xFFFD replacement character. See escapejsstringliteral.c. EscapeParam(str) → str Escapes URL parameter name or value. The allowed characters are -.*_0-9A-Za-z and everything else gets %XX encoded. This function is charset agnostic and will not canonicalize overlong encodings. It is assumed that a UTF-8 string will be supplied. See kescapeparam.c. EscapePass(str) → str Escapes URL password. See kescapeauthority.c. EscapePath(str) → str Escapes URL path. This is the same as EscapeSegment except slash is allowed. The allowed characters are -.~_@:!$&'()*+,;=0-9A-Za-z/ and everything else gets %XX encoded. Please note that '& can still break HTML, so the output may need EscapeHtml too. Also note that '() can still break CSS URLs. This function is charset agnostic and will not canonicalize overlong encodings. It is assumed that a UTF-8 string will be supplied. See kescapepath.c. EscapeSegment(str) → str Escapes URL path segment. This is the same as EscapePath except slash isn't allowed. The allowed characters are -.~_@:!$&'()*+,;=0-9A-Za-z and everything else gets %XX encoded. Please note that '& can still break HTML, so the output may need EscapeHtml too. Also note that '() can still break CSS URLs. This function is charset agnostic and will not canonicalize overlong encodings. It is assumed that a UTF-8 string will be supplied. See kescapesegment.c. EscapeUser(str) → str Escapes URL username. See kescapeauthority.c. FormatHttpDateTime(seconds:int) → rfc1123:str Converts UNIX timestamp to an RFC1123 string that looks like this: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 15:37:13 GMT. See formathttpdatetime.c. FormatIp(uint32) → str Turns integer like 0x01020304 into a string like See also ParseIp for the inverse operation. GetAssetMode(path:str) → int Returns UNIX-style octal mode for ZIP asset (or local file if the -D flag is used) GetAssetSize(path:str) → int Returns byte size of uncompressed contents of ZIP asset (or local file if the -D flag is used) GetComment(path:str) → str Returns comment text associated with asset in the ZIP central directory. GetRemoteAddr() → ip:uint32,port:uint16 Returns client ip4 address and port, e.g. 0x01020304,31337 would represent This is the same as GetClientAddr except it will use the ip:port from the X-Forwarded-For header, only if it IsPrivateIp or IsPrivateIp. GetClientAddr() → ip:uint32,port:uint16 Returns client socket ip4 address and port, e.g. 0x01020304,31337 would represent Please consider using GetRemoteAddr instead, since the latter takes into consideration reverse proxy scenarios. GetServerAddr() → ip:uint32,port:uint16 Returns address to which listening server socket is bound, e.g. 0x01020304,8080 would represent If -p 0 was supplied as the listening port, then the port in this string will be whatever number the operating system assigned. GetDate() → seconds:int Returns date associated with request that's used to generate the Date header, which is now, give or take a second. The returned value is a UNIX timestamp. GetHeader(name:str) → value:str Returns HTTP header. name is case-insensitive. The header value is returned as a canonical UTF-8 string, with leading and trailing whitespace trimmed, which was decoded from ISO-8859-1, which is guaranteed to not have C0/C1 control sequences, with the exception of the tab character. Leading and trailing whitespace is automatically removed. In the event that the client suplies raw UTF-8 in the HTTP message headers, the original UTF-8 sequence can be losslessly restored by counter-intuitively recoding the returned string back to Latin1. If the requested header is defined by the RFCs as storing comma-separated values (e.g. Allow, Accept-Encoding) and the field name occurs multiple times in the message, then this function will fold those multiple entries into a single string. GetHeaders() → table[name:str,value:str] Returns HTTP headers as dictionary mapping header key strings to their UTF-8 decoded values. The ordering of headers from the request message is not preserved. Whether or not the same key can repeat depends on whether or not it's a standard header, and if so, if it's one of the ones that the RFCs define as repeatable. See khttprepeatable.c. Those headers will not be folded. Standard headers which aren't on that list, will be overwritten with the last-occurring one during parsing. Extended headers are always passed through exactly as they're received. Please consider using GetHeader API if possible since it does a better job abstracting these issues. GetLogLevel() → int Returns logger verbosity level. Likely return values are kLogDebug > kLogVerbose > kLogInfo > kLogWarn > kLogError > kLogFatal. GetHost() → str Returns host associated with request. This will be the Host header, if it's supplied. Otherwise it's the bind address. GetMonospaceWidth(str|char) → int Returns monospace display width of string. This is useful for fixed-width formatting. For example, CJK characters typically take up two cells. This function takes into consideration combining characters, which are discounted, as well as control codes and ANSI escape sequences. GetMethod() → str Returns HTTP method. Normally this will be GET, HEAD, or POST in which case redbean normalizes this value to its uppercase form. Anything else that the RFC classifies as a "token" string is accepted too, which might contain characters like &". GetParams() → array[array[str]] Returns name=value parameters from Request-URL and application/x-www-form-urlencoded message body in the order they were received. This may contain duplicates. The inner array will have either one or two items, depending on whether or not the equals sign was used. GetPath() → str Returns the Request-URL path. This is guaranteed to begin with "/". It is further guaranteed that no "//" or "/." exists in the path. The returned value is returned as a UTF-8 string which was decoded from ISO-8859-1. We assume that percent-encoded characters were supplied by the client as UTF-8 sequences, which are returned exactly as the client supplied them, and may therefore may contain overlong sequences, control codes, NUL characters, and even numbers which have been banned by the IETF. redbean takes those things into consideration when performing path safety checks. It is the responsibility of the caller to impose further restrictions on validity, if they're desired. GetEffectivePath() → str Returns path as it was resolved by the routing algorithms, which might contain the virtual host prepended if used. GetScheme() → str Returns scheme from Request-URL, if any. GetPayload() → str Returns the request message payload, or empty string if there isn't one. GetUrl() → str Returns the effective Request-URL as an ASCII string, where illegal characters or UTF-8 is guaranteed to be percent encoded, and has been normalized to include either the Host or X-Forwarded-Host headers, if they exist, and possibly a scheme too if redbean is being used as an HTTP proxy server. In the future this API might change to return an object instead. GetVersion() → int Returns the request HTTP protocol version, which can be 9 for HTTP/0.9, 10 for HTTP/1.0, or 11 for HTTP/1.1. GetZipPaths() → array[str] Returns paths of all assets in the zip central directory, prefixed by a slash. HasParam(name:str) → bool Returns true if parameter with name was supplied in either the Request-URL or an application/x-www-form-urlencoded message body. HidePath(prefix:str) Programs redbean / listing page to not display any paths beginning with prefix. This function should only be called from /.init.lua. IsPublicIp(uint32) → bool Returns true if IP address is not a private network (,, and is not localhost ( Note: we intentionally regard TEST-NET IPs as public. IsPrivateIp(uint32) → bool Returns true if IP address is part of a private network (,, IsLoopbackIp(uint32) → bool Returns true if IP address is part of the localhost network ( IsCompressed(path:str) → bool Returns true if ZIP artifact at path is stored on disk using DEFLATE compression. IndentLines(str[,int]) → str Adds spaces to beginnings of multiline string. If the int parameter is not supplied then 1 space will be added. LoadAsset(path:str) → str Returns contents of file as string. The asset may be sourced from either the zip (decompressed) or the local filesystem if the -D flag was used. If slurping large file into memory is a concern, then consider using ServeAsset which can serve directly off disk. StoreAsset(path:str,data:str,mode:int) Stores asset to executable's ZIP central directory. This currently happens in an append-only fashion and is still largely in the proof-of-concept stages. Currently only supported on Linux, XNU, and FreeBSD. Log(level:int,message:str) Emits message string to log, if level is less than or equal to GetLogLevel. If redbean is running in interactive mode, then this will log to the console. If redbean is running as a daemon or the -L LOGFILE flag is passed, then this will log to the file. Reasonable values for level are kLogDebug > kLogVerbose > kLogInfo > kLogWarn > kLogError > kLogFatal. The logger emits timestamps in the local timezone with microsecond precision. If log entries are emitted more frequently than once per second, then the log entry will display a delta timestamp, showing how much time has elapsed since the previous log entry. This behavior is useful for quickly measuring how long various portions of your code take to execute. ParseHttpDateTime(rfc1123:str) → seconds:int Converts RFC1123 string that looks like this: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 15:37:13 GMT to a UNIX timestamp. See parsehttpdatetime.c. ParseUrl(str) → URL Parses URL, returning object having the following fields: scheme, user, pass, host, port, path, params, fragment. This parser is charset agnostic. Percent encoded bytes are decoded for all fields. Returned values might contain things like NUL characters, spaces, control codes, and non-canonical encodings. Absent can be discerned from empty by checking if the pointer is set. There's no failure condition for this routine. This is a permissive parser. This doesn't normalize path segments like `.` or `..` so use IsAcceptablePath() to check for those. No restrictions are imposed beyond that which is strictly necessary for parsing. All the data that is provided will be consumed to the one of the fields. Strict conformance is enforced on some fields more than others, like scheme, since it's the most non-deterministically defined field of them all. Please note this is a URL parser, not a URI parser. Which means we support everything everything the URI spec says we should do except for the things we won't do, like tokenizing path segments into an array and then nesting another array beneath each of those for storing semicolon parameters. So this parser won't make SIP easy. What it can do is parse HTTP URLs and most URIs like data:opaque, better in fact than most things which claim to be URI parsers. EncodeUrl(URL) → str This function is the inverse of ParseUrl. The output will always be correctly formatted. The exception is if illegal characters are supplied in the scheme field, since there's no way of escaping those. Opaque parts are escaped as though they were paths, since many URI parsers won't understand things like an unescaped question mark in path. ParseIp(str) → int Converts IPv4 address string to integer, e.g. "" → 0x01020304, or returns -1 for invalid inputs. See also FormatIp for the inverse operation. ProgramBrand(str) Changes HTTP Server header, as well as the

title on the / listing page. The brand string needs to be a UTF-8 value that's encodable as ISO-8859-1. If the brand is changed to something other than redbean, then the promotional links will be removed from the listing page too. This function should only be called from /.init.lua. ProgramCache(seconds:int) Configures Cache-Control and Expires header generation for static asset serving. A negative value will disable the headers. Zero means don't cache. Greater than zero asks public proxies and browsers to cache for a given number of seconds. This should only be called from /.init.lua. ProgramPort(uint16) Hard-codes the port number on which to listen, which can be any number in the range 1..65535, or alternatively 0 to ask the operating system to choose a port, which may be revealed later on by GetServerAddr or the -z flag to stdout. ProgramRedirect(code:int,src:str,location:str) Configures fallback routing for paths which would otherwise return 404 Not Found. If code is 0 then the path is rewritten internally as an accelerated redirect. If code is 301, 302, 307, or 308 then a redirect response will be sent to the client. This should only be called from /.init.lua. ProgramCertificate(pem:str) Same as the -C flag if called from .init.lua, e.g. ProgramCertificate(LoadAsset("/.sign.crt")) for zip loading or ProgramCertificate(Slurp("/etc/")) for local file system only. ProgramPrivateKey(pem:str) Same as the -K flag if called from .init.lua, e.g. ProgramPrivateKey(LoadAsset("/.sign.key")) for zip loading or ProgramPrivateKey(Slurp("/etc/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem")) for local file system only. ProgramSslTicketLifetime(seconds:int) Defaults to 86400 (24 hours). This may be set to ≤0 to disable SSL tickets. It's a good idea to use these since it increases handshake performance 10x and eliminates a network round trip. EvadeDragnetSurveillance(bool) If this option is programmed then redbean will not transmit a Server Name Indicator (SNI) when performing Fetch() requests. IsDaemon() → bool Returns true if -d flag was passed to redbean. ProgramUid(int) Same as the -U flag if called from .init.lua for setuid() ProgramGid(int) Same as the -U flag if called from .init.lua for setgid() ProgramDirectory(str) Same as the -D flag if called from .init.lua for overlaying local file system directories. This may be called multiple times. The first directory programmed is preferred. These currently do not show up in the index page listing. ProgramLogMessages(bool) Same as the -m flag if called from .init.lua for logging message headers only. ProgramLogBodies(bool) Same as the -b flag if called from .init.lua for logging message bodies as part of POST / PUT / etc. requests. ProgramLogPath(str) Same as the -L flag if called from .init.lua for setting the log file path on the local file system. It's created if it doesn't exist. This is called before de-escalating the uesr / group id. The file is opened in append only mode. If the disk runs out of space then redbean will truncate the log file if has access to change the log file after daemonizing. ProgramPidPath(str) Same as the -P flag if called from .init.lua for setting the pid file path on the local file system. It's useful for reloading daemonized redbean using `kill -HUP $(cat /var/run/` or terminating redbean with `kill $(cat /var/run/` which will gracefully terminate all clients. Sending the TERM signal twice will cause a forceful shutdown, which might make someone with a slow internet connection who's downloading big files unhappy. Slurp(filename:str) → str Reads file data from local file system. Route([host:str,[path:str]]) Instructs redbean to follow the normal HTTP serving path. This function is useful when writing an OnHttpRequest handler, since that overrides the serving path entirely. So if the handler decides it doesn't want to do anything, it can simply call this function, to handover control back to the redbean core. By default, the host and path arguments are supplied from the resolved GetUrl value. This handler always resolves, since it will generate a 404 Not Found response if redbean couldn't find an appropriate endpoint. RouteHost([host:str,[path:str]]) → bool This is the same as Route except it only implements the subset of request routing needed for serving virtual-hosted assets, where redbean tries to prefix the path with the hostname when looking up a file. This function returns true if the request was resolved. If it was resolved, then your OnHttpRequest request handler can still set additional headers. RoutePath([path:str]) → bool This is the same as Route except it only implements the subset of request routing needed for serving assets. This function returns true if the request was resolved. If it was resolved, then your OnHttpRequest request handler can still set additional headers. ServeAsset(path:str) Instructs redbean to serve static asset at path. This function causes what would normally happen outside a dynamic handler to happen. The asset can be sourced from either the zip or local filesystem if -D is used. This function is mutually exclusive with SetStatus and ServeError. ServeError(code:int[,reason:str]) Instructs redbean to serve a boilerplate error page. This takes care of logging the error, setting the reason phrase, and adding a payload. This function is mutually exclusive with SetStatus and ServeAsset. SetLogLevel(level:int) Sets logger verbosity. Reasonable values for level are kLogDebug > kLogVerbose > kLogInfo > kLogWarn > kLogError > kLogFatal. This is reset at the end of the http request, so it can be used to disable access log and message logging. VisualizeControlCodes(str) → str Replaces C0 control codes with their UNICODE pictures representation. This function also canonicalizes overlong encodings. C1 control codes are replaced with a JavaScript-like escape sequence. Underlong(str) → str Canonicalizes overlong encodings. Crc32(initial:int,data:str) → int Computes 32-bit CRC-32 used by zip/zlib/gzip/etc. Crc32c(initial:int,data:str) → int Computes 32-bit Castagnoli Cyclic Redundancy Check. Md5(str) → str Computes MD5 checksum, returning 16 bytes of binary. Sha1(str) → str Computes SHA1 checksum, returning 20 bytes of binary. Sha224(str) → str Computes SHA224 checksum, returning 28 bytes of binary. Sha256(str) → str Computes SHA256 checksum, returning 32 bytes of binary. Sha384(str) → str Computes SHA384 checksum, returning 48 bytes of binary. Sha512(str) → str Computes SHA512 checksum, returning 64 bytes of binary. Bsf(x:int) → int Returns position of first bit set. Passing 0 will raise an error. Same as the Intel x86 instruction BSF. Bsr(x:int) → int Returns binary logarithm of 𝑥. Passing 0 will raise an error. Same as the Intel x86 instruction BSR. Popcnt(x:int) → int Returns number of bits set in integer. LSQLITE3 MODULE Please refer to the LuaSQLite3 Documentation. For example, you could put the following in your /.init.lua file: sqlite3 = require "lsqlite3" db = sqlite3.open_memory() db:exec[[ CREATE TABLE test ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, content TEXT ); INSERT INTO test (content) VALUES ('Hello World'); INSERT INTO test (content) VALUES ('Hello Lua'); INSERT INTO test (content) VALUES ('Hello Sqlite3'); ]] Then, your Lua server pages or OnHttpRequest handler may perform SQL queries by accessing the db global. The performance is good too, at about 400k qps. for row in db:nrows("SELECT * FROM test") do Write(" "..row.content.."
") end redbean supports a subset of what's defined in the upstream LuaSQLite3 project. Most of the unsupported APIs relate to pointers and database notification hooks. redbean also currently disables SQLite features which don't make sense for production serving, such as ALTER, VACUUM, ANALYZE, etc. For that reason we provide an APE build of the SQLite shell which you can use to administrate your redbean database. See the download above. RE MODULE This module exposes an API for POSIX regular expressions which enable you to validate input, search for substrings, extract pieces of strings, etc. Here's a usage example: # Example IPv4 Address Regular Expression (see also ParseIP) p = re.compile([[^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$]]) m,a,b,c,d = p:search(𝑠) if m then print("ok", tonumber(a), tonumber(b), tonumber(c), tonumber(d)) else print("not ok") end,text:str[,flags:int]) → [match[,group_1,...]] Shortcut for re.compile plus regex_t*:search. re.compile(regex:str[,flags:int]) → regex_t* Compiles regular expression, using the POSIX extended syntax. This has an O(2^𝑛) cost, so it's a good idea to do this from your /.init.lua file. Flags may contain re.BASIC, re.ICASE, re.NOSUB, and/or re.NEWLINE. See also regcomp() from libc. regex_t*:search(text:str[,flags:int]) → [match[,group_1,...]] Executes regular expression. This has an O(𝑛) cost. This returns nothing (nil) if the pattern doesn't match anything. Otherwise it pushes the matched substring and any parenthesis-captured values too. Flags may contain re.NOTBOL or re.NOTEOL to indicate whether or not text should be considered at the start and/or end of a line. re.BASIC Use this flag if you prefer the default POSIX regex syntax. We use extended regex notation by default. For example, an extended regular expression for matching an IP address might look like ([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*) whereas with basic syntax it would look like \([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\). This flag may only be used with re.compile and re.ICASE Use this flag to make your pattern case ASCII case-insensitive. This flag may only be used with re.compile and re.NEWLINE Use this flag to make your pattern case ASCII case-insensitive. This means [a-z] will mean the same thing as [A-Za-z]. This flag may only be used with re.compile and re.NOSUB Causes to only report success and failure. This is reported via the API by returning empty string for success. This flag may only be used with re.compile and re.NOTBOL The first character of the string pointed to by string is not the beginning of the line. This flag may only be used with and regex_t*:search re.NOTEOL The last character of the string pointed to by string is not the end of the line. This flag may only be used with and regex_t*:search CONSTANTS kLogDebug Integer for debug logging level. See Log. kLogVerbose Integer for verbose logging level, which is less than kLogDebug. kLogInfo Integer for info logging level, which is less than kLogVerbose. kLogWarn Integer for warn logging level, which is less than kLogVerbose. kLogError Integer for error logging level, which is less than kLogWarn. kLogFatal Integer for fatal logging level, which is less than kLogError. SEE ALSO