/* clang-format off */ /* sprtf.c * SPRTF - Log output utility - part of the HTML Tidy project * * Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Geoff R. McLane and HTACG * * See tidy.h for the copyright notice. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning( disable : 4995 ) #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER # if (defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)) # endif #else /* !_MSC_VER */ #endif /* _MSC_VER y/n */ #include "third_party/tidy/sprtf.h" #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG #ifdef _MSC_VER # ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE # endif /* #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE */ # pragma warning( disable:4996 ) #else # define strcmpi strcasecmp #endif #ifndef MX_ONE_BUF # define MX_ONE_BUF 1024 #endif #ifndef MX_BUFFERS # define MX_BUFFERS 1024 #endif static char _s_strbufs[MX_ONE_BUF * MX_BUFFERS]; static int iNextBuf = 0; char *GetNxtBuf() { iNextBuf++; if(iNextBuf >= MX_BUFFERS) iNextBuf = 0; return &_s_strbufs[MX_ONE_BUF * iNextBuf]; } #define MXIO 512 static char def_log[] = "temptidy.txt"; /* use local log */ static char logfile[264] = "\0"; static FILE * outfile = NULL; static int addsystime = 0; static int addsysdate = 0; static int addstdout = 1; static int addflush = 1; static int add2screen = 0; static int add2listview = 0; static int append_to_log = 0; #ifndef VFP # define VFP(a) ( a && ( a != (FILE *)-1 ) ) #endif int add_list_out( int val ) { int i = add2listview; add2listview = val; return i; } int add_std_out( int val ) { int i = addstdout; addstdout = val; return i; } int add_screen_out( int val ) { int i = add2screen; add2screen = val; return i; } int add_sys_time( int val ) { int i = addsystime; addsystime = val; return i; } int add_sys_date( int val ) { int i = addsysdate; addsysdate = val; return i; } int add_append_log( int val ) { int i = append_to_log; append_to_log = val; return i; } #ifdef _MSC_VER static const char *mode = "wb"; /* in window sprtf looks after the line endings */ #else static const char *mode = "w"; #endif int open_log_file( void ) { if (logfile[0] == 0) strcpy(logfile,def_log); if (append_to_log) { #ifdef _MSC_VER mode = "ab"; /* in window sprtf looks after the line endings */ #else mode = "a"; #endif } outfile = fopen(logfile, mode); if( outfile == 0 ) { outfile = (FILE *)-1; sprtf("ERROR: Failed to open log file [%s] ...\n", logfile); /* exit(1); failed */ return 0; /* failed */ } return 1; /* success */ } void close_log_file( void ) { if( VFP(outfile) ) { fclose(outfile); } outfile = NULL; } char * get_log_file( void ) { if (logfile[0] == 0) strcpy(logfile,def_log); if (outfile == (FILE *)-1) /* disable the log file */ return (char *)"none"; return logfile; } void set_log_file( char * nf, int open ) { if (logfile[0] == 0) strcpy(logfile,def_log); if ( nf && *nf && strcmpi(nf,logfile) ) { close_log_file(); /* remove any previous */ strcpy(logfile,nf); /* set new name */ if (strcmp(logfile,"none") == 0) { /* if equal 'none' */ outfile = (FILE *)-1; /* disable the log file */ } else if (open) { open_log_file(); /* and open it ... anything previous written is 'lost' */ } else outfile = 0; /* else set 0 to open on first write */ } } #ifdef _MSC_VER int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, void *tzp) { #ifdef WIN32 struct _timeb timebuffer; _ftime(&timebuffer); tp->tv_sec = (long)timebuffer.time; tp->tv_usec = timebuffer.millitm * 1000; #else tp->tv_sec = time(NULL); tp->tv_usec = 0; #endif return 0; } #endif /* _MSC_VER */ void add_date_stg( char *ps, struct timeval *ptv ) { time_t curtime; struct tm * ptm; curtime = (ptv->tv_sec & 0xffffffff); ptm = localtime(&curtime); if (ptm) { strftime(EndBuf(ps),128,"%Y/%m/%d",ptm); } } void add_time_stg( char *ps, struct timeval *ptv ) { time_t curtime; struct tm * ptm; curtime = (ptv->tv_sec & 0xffffffff); ptm = localtime(&curtime); if (ptm) { strftime(EndBuf(ps),128,"%H:%M:%S",ptm); } } char *get_date_stg() { char *ps; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( (struct timeval *)&tv, (struct timezone *)0 ); ps = GetNxtBuf(); *ps = 0; add_date_stg( ps, &tv ); return ps; } char *get_time_stg() { char *ps; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( (struct timeval *)&tv, (struct timezone *)0 ); ps = GetNxtBuf(); *ps = 0; add_time_stg( ps, &tv ); return ps; } char *get_date_time_stg() { char *ps; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( (struct timeval *)&tv, (struct timezone *)0 ); ps = GetNxtBuf(); *ps = 0; add_date_stg( ps, &tv ); strcat(ps," "); add_time_stg( ps, &tv ); return ps; } static void oi( char * psin ) { int len, w; char * ps = psin; if (!ps) return; len = (int)strlen(ps); if (len) { if( outfile == 0 ) { open_log_file(); } if( VFP(outfile) ) { char *tb; if (addsysdate) { tb = GetNxtBuf(); len = sprintf( tb, "%s - %s", get_date_time_stg(), ps ); ps = tb; } else if( addsystime ) { tb = GetNxtBuf(); len = sprintf( tb, "%s - %s", get_time_stg(), ps ); ps = tb; } w = (int)fwrite( ps, 1, len, outfile ); if( w != len ) { fclose(outfile); outfile = (FILE *)-1; sprtf("WARNING: Failed write to log file [%s] ...\n", logfile); exit(1); } else if (addflush) { fflush( outfile ); } } if( addstdout ) { fwrite( ps, 1, len, stderr ); /* 20170917 - Switch to using 'stderr' in place of 'stdout' */ } #ifdef ADD_LISTVIEW if (add2listview) { LVInsertItem(ps); } #endif /* ADD_LISTVIEW */ #ifdef ADD_SCREENOUT if (add2screen) { Add_String(ps); /* add string to screen list */ } #endif /* #ifdef ADD_SCREENOUT */ } } #ifdef _MSC_VER /* service to ensure line endings in windows only */ static void prt( char * ps ) { static char _s_buf[1024]; char * pb = _s_buf; size_t i, j, k; char c, d; i = strlen(ps); k = 0; d = 0; if(i) { k = 0; d = 0; for( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { c = ps[j]; if( c == 0x0d ) { if( (j+1) < i ) { if( ps[j+1] != 0x0a ) { pb[k++] = c; c = 0x0a; } } else { pb[k++] = c; c = 0x0a; } } else if( c == 0x0a ) { if( d != 0x0d ) { pb[k++] = 0x0d; } } pb[k++] = c; d = c; if( k >= MXIO ) { pb[k] = 0; oi(pb); k = 0; } } /* for length of string */ if( k ) { pb[k] = 0; oi( pb ); } } } #endif /* #ifdef _MSC_VER */ int direct_out_it( char *cp ) { #ifdef _MSC_VER prt(cp); #else oi(cp); #endif return (int)strlen(cp); } /* STDAPI StringCchVPrintf( OUT LPTSTR pszDest, * IN size_t cchDest, IN LPCTSTR pszFormat, IN va_list argList ); */ int MCDECL sprtf( const char *pf, ... ) { static char _s_sprtfbuf[M_MAX_SPRTF+4]; char * pb = _s_sprtfbuf; int i; va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, pf); i = vsnprintf( pb, M_MAX_SPRTF, pf, arglist ); va_end(arglist); #ifdef _MSC_VER prt(pb); /* ensure CR/LF */ #else oi(pb); #endif return i; } #ifdef UNICODE /* WIDE VARIETY */ static void wprt( PTSTR ps ) { static char _s_woibuf[1024]; char * cp = _s_woibuf; int len = (int)lstrlen(ps); if(len) { int ret = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, /* UINT CodePage, // code page */ 0, /* DWORD dwFlags, // performance and mapping flags */ ps, /* LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, // wide-character string */ len, /* int cchWideChar, // number of chars in string. */ cp, /* LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, // buffer for new string */ 1024, /* int cbMultiByte, // size of buffer */ NULL, /* LPCSTR lpDefaultChar, // default for unmappable chars */ NULL ); /* LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar // set when default char used */ /* oi(cp); */ prt(cp); } } int MCDECL wsprtf( PTSTR pf, ... ) { static WCHAR _s_sprtfwbuf[1024]; PWSTR pb = _s_sprtfwbuf; int i = 1; va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, pf); *pb = 0; StringCchVPrintf(pb,1024,pf,arglist); va_end(arglist); wprt(pb); return i; } #endif /* #ifdef UNICODE */ #endif /* #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG */ /* eof - sprtf.c */