mymodule = require "mymodule" sqlite3 = require "lsqlite3" -- ddos protection ProgramTokenBucket() -- /.init.lua is loaded at startup in redbean's main process HidePath('/usr/share/zoneinfo/') HidePath('/usr/share/ssl/') -- open a browser tab using explorer/open/xdg-open LaunchBrowser('/tool/net/demo/index.html') -- sql database (see sql.lua) db = sqlite3.open_memory() db:exec[[ CREATE TABLE test ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, content TEXT ); INSERT INTO test (content) VALUES ('Hello World'); INSERT INTO test (content) VALUES ('Hello Lua'); INSERT INTO test (content) VALUES ('Hello Sqlite3'); ]] -- shared memory hit counter SHM_LOCK = 0 -- index zero (first eight bytes) will hold mutex SHM_JSON = 8 -- store json payload starting at the index eight shm = unix.mapshared(65520) function Lock() local ok, old = shm:cmpxchg(SHM_LOCK, 0, 1) if not ok then if old == 1 then old = shm:xchg(SHM_LOCK, 2) end while old > 0 do shm:wait(SHM_LOCK, 2) old = shm:xchg(SHM_LOCK, 2) end end end function Unlock() old = shm:fetch_add(SHM_LOCK, -1) if old == 2 then shm:store(SHM_LOCK, 0) shm:wake(SHM_LOCK, 1) end end function OnServerListen(fd, ip, port) unix.setsockopt(fd, unix.SOL_TCP, unix.TCP_SAVE_SYN, true) return false end function OnClientConnection(ip, port, serverip, serverport) syn, synerr = unix.getsockopt(GetClientFd(), unix.SOL_TCP, unix.TCP_SAVED_SYN) end function UpdateHitCounter() local s, t, k Lock() s = shm:read(SHM_JSON) if s == '' then s = '{}' end t = DecodeJson(s) k = GetPath() if not t[k] then t[k] = 0 end t[k] = t[k] + 1 shm:write(SHM_JSON, EncodeJson(t)) Unlock() end -- this intercepts all requests if it's defined function OnHttpRequest() UpdateHitCounter() if GetHeader('User-Agent') then Log(kLogInfo, "client is running %s and reports %s" % { finger.GetSynFingerOs(finger.FingerSyn(syn)), VisualizeControlCodes(GetHeader('User-Agent'))}) end if HasParam('magic') then Write('<p>\r\n') Write('OnHttpRequest() has intercepted your request<br>\r\n') Write('because you specified the magic parameter\r\n') Write('<pre>\r\n') Write(EscapeHtml(LoadAsset('/.init.lua'))) Write('</pre>\r\n') else Route() -- this asks redbean to do the default thing end SetHeader('Server', 'redbean!') end function Adder(x, y) return x + y end