#ifndef NSYNC_MU_H_
#define NSYNC_MU_H_
#include "libc/intrin/dll.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/atomic.h"

/* An nsync_mu is a lock. If initialized to zero, it's valid and unlocked.

   An nsync_mu can be "free", held by a single thread (aka fiber,
   goroutine) in "write" (exclusive) mode, or by many threads in "read"
   (shared) mode. A thread that acquires it should eventually release
   it. It is illegal to acquire an nsync_mu in one thread and release it
   in another. It is illegal for a thread to reacquire an nsync_mu while
   holding it (even a second share of a "read" lock).

   Example usage:

       static struct foo {
         nsync_mu mu; // protects invariant a+b==0 on fields below.
         int a;
         int b;
       } p = { NSYNC_MU_INIT, 0, 0 };
       // ....
       nsync_mu_lock (&p.mu);
       // The current thread now has exclusive access to p.a and p.b;
       // invariant assumed true.
       p.b--; // restore invariant p.a+p.b==0 before releasing p.mu
       nsync_mu_unlock (&p.mu)

   Mutexes can be used with condition variables; see nsync_cv.h.

   nsync_mu_wait() and nsync_mu_wait_with_deadline() can be used instead
   of condition variables. See nsync_mu_wait.h for more details. Example
   use of nsync_mu_wait() to wait for p.a==0, using definition above:

        int a_is_zero (const void *condition_arg) {
                return (((const struct foo *)condition_arg)->a == 0);
        nsync_mu_lock (&p.mu);
        nsync_mu_wait (&p.mu, &a_is_zero, &p, NULL);
        // The current thread now has exclusive access to
        // p.a and p.b, and p.a==0.
        nsync_mu_unlock (&p.mu);

typedef struct nsync_mu_s_ {
  nsync_atomic_uint32_ word; /* internal use only */
  int _zero;                 /* c pthread_mutex_t */
  struct Dll *waiters;       /* internal use only */
} nsync_mu;

/* An nsync_mu should be zeroed to initialize, which can be accomplished
   by initializing with static initializer NSYNC_MU_INIT, or by setting
   the entire structure to all zeroes, or using nsync_mu_init(). */
#define NSYNC_MU_INIT \
void nsync_mu_init(nsync_mu *mu);

/* Block until *mu is free and then acquire it in writer mode. Requires
   that the calling thread not already hold *mu in any mode. */
void nsync_mu_lock(nsync_mu *mu);

/* Unlock *mu, which must have been acquired in write mode by the
   calling thread, and wake waiters, if appropriate. */
void nsync_mu_unlock(nsync_mu *mu);

/* Attempt to acquire *mu in writer mode without blocking, and return
   non-zero iff successful. Return non-zero with high probability if *mu
   was free on entry. */
int nsync_mu_trylock(nsync_mu *mu);

/* Block until *mu can be acquired in reader mode and then acquire it.
   Requires that the calling thread not already hold *mu in any mode. */
void nsync_mu_rlock(nsync_mu *mu);

/* Unlock *mu, which must have been acquired in read mode by the calling
   thread, and wake waiters, if appropriate. */
void nsync_mu_runlock(nsync_mu *mu);

/* Attempt to acquire *mu in reader mode without blocking, and return
   non-zero iff successful. Return non-zero with high probability if *mu
   was free on entry. Perhaps fail to acquire if a writer is waiting, to
   avoid starvation. */
int nsync_mu_rtrylock(nsync_mu *mu);

/* May abort if *mu is not held in write mode by the calling thread. */
void nsync_mu_assert_held(const nsync_mu *mu);

/* May abort if *mu is not held in read or write mode
   by the calling thread.  */
void nsync_mu_rassert_held(const nsync_mu *mu);

/* Return whether *mu is held in read mode.
   Requires that the calling thread holds *mu in some mode. */
int nsync_mu_is_reader(const nsync_mu *mu);

#endif /* NSYNC_MU_H_ */