/* * QuickJS Javascript Engine * * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Fabrice Bellard * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Charlie Gordon * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "libc/calls/struct/timeval.h" #include "libc/calls/weirdtypes.h" #include "libc/time/struct/tm.h" #include "libc/time/time.h" #include "third_party/quickjs/internal.h" #include "third_party/quickjs/libregexp.h" #include "third_party/quickjs/quickjs.h" asm(".ident\t\"\\n\\n\ QuickJS (MIT License)\\n\ Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Fabrice Bellard\\n\ Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Charlie Gordon\""); asm(".include \"libc/disclaimer.inc\""); #if 0 /* OS dependent: return the UTC time in ms since 1970. */ static JSValue js___date_now(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { int64_t d; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); d = (int64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec / 1000); return JS_NewInt64(ctx, d); } #endif /* OS dependent: return the UTC time in microseconds since 1970. */ JSValue js___date_clock(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { int64_t d; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); d = (int64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec; return JS_NewInt64(ctx, d); } /* OS dependent. d = argv[0] is in ms from 1970. Return the difference between UTC time and local time 'd' in minutes */ static int getTimezoneOffset(int64_t time) { #if defined(_WIN32) /* XXX: TODO */ return 0; #else time_t ti; struct tm tm; time /= 1000; /* convert to seconds */ if (sizeof(time_t) == 4) { /* on 32-bit systems, we need to clamp the time value to the range of `time_t`. This is better than truncating values to 32 bits and hopefully provides the same result as 64-bit implementation of localtime_r. */ if ((time_t)-1 < 0) { if (time < INT32_MIN) { time = INT32_MIN; } else if (time > INT32_MAX) { time = INT32_MAX; } } else { if (time < 0) { time = 0; } else if (time > UINT32_MAX) { time = UINT32_MAX; } } } ti = time; localtime_r(&ti, &tm); return -tm.tm_gmtoff / 60; #endif } #if 0 static JSValue js___date_getTimezoneOffset(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { double dd; if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &dd, argv[0])) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (isnan(dd)) return __JS_NewFloat64(ctx, dd); else return JS_NewInt32(ctx, getTimezoneOffset((int64_t)dd)); } static JSValue js_get_prototype_from_ctor(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst ctor, JSValueConst def_proto) { JSValue proto; proto = JS_GetProperty(ctx, ctor, JS_ATOM_prototype); if (JS_IsException(proto)) return proto; if (!JS_IsObject(proto)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto); proto = JS_DupValue(ctx, def_proto); } return proto; } /* create a new date object */ static JSValue js___date_create(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { JSValue obj, proto; proto = js_get_prototype_from_ctor(ctx, argv[0], argv[1]); if (JS_IsException(proto)) return proto; obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, proto, JS_CLASS_DATE); JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto); if (!JS_IsException(obj)) JS_SetObjectData(ctx, obj, JS_DupValue(ctx, argv[2])); return obj; } #endif static int64_t math_mod(int64_t a, int64_t b) { /* return positive modulo */ int64_t m = a % b; return m + (m < 0) * b; } static int64_t floor_div(int64_t a, int64_t b) { /* integer division rounding toward -Infinity */ int64_t m = a % b; return (a - (m + (m < 0) * b)) / b; } static JSValue js_Date_parse(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv); static __exception int JS_ThisTimeValue(JSContext *ctx, double *valp, JSValueConst this_val) { if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) { JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val); if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_DATE && JS_IsNumber(p->u.object_data)) return JS_ToFloat64(ctx, valp, p->u.object_data); } JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a Date object"); return -1; } static JSValue JS_SetThisTimeValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, double v) { if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) { JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val); if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_DATE) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, p->u.object_data); p->u.object_data = JS_NewFloat64(ctx, v); return JS_DupValue(ctx, p->u.object_data); } } return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a Date object"); } static int64_t days_from_year(int64_t y) { return 365 * (y - 1970) + floor_div(y - 1969, 4) - floor_div(y - 1901, 100) + floor_div(y - 1601, 400); } static int64_t days_in_year(int64_t y) { return 365 + !(y % 4) - !(y % 100) + !(y % 400); } /* return the year, update days */ static int64_t year_from_days(int64_t *days) { int64_t y, d1, nd, d = *days; y = floor_div(d * 10000, 3652425) + 1970; /* the initial approximation is very good, so only a few iterations are necessary */ for(;;) { d1 = d - days_from_year(y); if (d1 < 0) { y--; d1 += days_in_year(y); } else { nd = days_in_year(y); if (d1 < nd) break; d1 -= nd; y++; } } *days = d1; return y; } static int const month_days[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; static char const month_names[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; static char const day_names[] = "SunMonTueWedThuFriSat"; static __exception int get_date_fields(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst obj, double fields[9], int is_local, int force) { double dval; int64_t d, days, wd, y, i, md, h, m, s, ms, tz = 0; if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &dval, obj)) return -1; if (isnan(dval)) { if (!force) return FALSE; /* NaN */ d = 0; /* initialize all fields to 0 */ } else { d = dval; if (is_local) { tz = -getTimezoneOffset(d); d += tz * 60000; } } /* result is >= 0, we can use % */ h = math_mod(d, 86400000); days = (d - h) / 86400000; ms = h % 1000; h = (h - ms) / 1000; s = h % 60; h = (h - s) / 60; m = h % 60; h = (h - m) / 60; wd = math_mod(days + 4, 7); /* week day */ y = year_from_days(&days); for(i = 0; i < 11; i++) { md = month_days[i]; if (i == 1) md += days_in_year(y) - 365; if (days < md) break; days -= md; } fields[0] = y; fields[1] = i; fields[2] = days + 1; fields[3] = h; fields[4] = m; fields[5] = s; fields[6] = ms; fields[7] = wd; fields[8] = tz; return TRUE; } static double time_clip(double t) { if (t >= -8.64e15 && t <= 8.64e15) return trunc(t) + 0.0; /* convert -0 to +0 */ else return NAN; } /* The spec mandates the use of 'double' and it fixes the order of the operations */ static double set_date_fields(double fields[], int is_local) { int64_t y; double days, d, h, m1; int i, m, md; m1 = fields[1]; m = fmod(m1, 12); if (m < 0) m += 12; y = (int64_t)(fields[0] + floor(m1 / 12)); days = days_from_year(y); for(i = 0; i < m; i++) { md = month_days[i]; if (i == 1) md += days_in_year(y) - 365; days += md; } days += fields[2] - 1; h = fields[3] * 3600000 + fields[4] * 60000 + fields[5] * 1000 + fields[6]; d = days * 86400000 + h; if (is_local) d += getTimezoneOffset(d) * 60000; return time_clip(d); } static JSValue get_date_field(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int magic) { // get_date_field(obj, n, is_local) double fields[9]; int res, n, is_local; is_local = magic & 0x0F; n = (magic >> 4) & 0x0F; res = get_date_fields(ctx, this_val, fields, is_local, 0); if (res < 0) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (!res) return JS_NAN; if (magic & 0x100) { // getYear fields[0] -= 1900; } return JS_NewFloat64(ctx, fields[n]); } static JSValue set_date_field(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int magic) { // _field(obj, first_field, end_field, args, is_local) double fields[9]; int res, first_field, end_field, is_local, i, n; double d, a; d = NAN; first_field = (magic >> 8) & 0x0F; end_field = (magic >> 4) & 0x0F; is_local = magic & 0x0F; res = get_date_fields(ctx, this_val, fields, is_local, first_field == 0); if (res < 0) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (res && argc > 0) { n = end_field - first_field; if (argc < n) n = argc; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &a, argv[i])) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (!isfinite(a)) goto done; fields[first_field + i] = trunc(a); } d = set_date_fields(fields, is_local); } done: return JS_SetThisTimeValue(ctx, this_val, d); } /* fmt: 0: toUTCString: "Tue, 02 Jan 2018 23:04:46 GMT" 1: toString: "Wed Jan 03 2018 00:05:22 GMT+0100 (CET)" 2: toISOString: "2018-01-02T23:02:56.927Z" 3: toLocaleString: "1/2/2018, 11:40:40 PM" part: 1=date, 2=time 3=all XXX: should use a variant of strftime(). */ static JSValue get_date_string(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int magic) { // _string(obj, fmt, part) char buf[64]; double fields[9]; int res, fmt, part, pos; int y, mon, d, h, m, s, ms, wd, tz; fmt = (magic >> 4) & 0x0F; part = magic & 0x0F; res = get_date_fields(ctx, this_val, fields, fmt & 1, 0); if (res < 0) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (!res) { if (fmt == 2) return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "Date value is NaN"); else return JS_NewString(ctx, "Invalid Date"); } y = fields[0]; mon = fields[1]; d = fields[2]; h = fields[3]; m = fields[4]; s = fields[5]; ms = fields[6]; wd = fields[7]; tz = fields[8]; pos = 0; if (part & 1) { /* date part */ switch(fmt) { case 0: pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%.3s, %02d %.3s %0*d ", day_names + wd * 3, d, month_names + mon * 3, 4 + (y < 0), y); break; case 1: pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%.3s %.3s %02d %0*d", day_names + wd * 3, month_names + mon * 3, d, 4 + (y < 0), y); if (part == 3) { buf[pos++] = ' '; } break; case 2: if (y >= 0 && y <= 9999) { pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%04d", y); } else { pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%+07d", y); } pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "-%02d-%02dT", mon + 1, d); break; case 3: pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%02d/%02d/%0*d", mon + 1, d, 4 + (y < 0), y); if (part == 3) { buf[pos++] = ','; buf[pos++] = ' '; } break; } } if (part & 2) { /* time part */ switch(fmt) { case 0: pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%02d:%02d:%02d GMT", h, m, s); break; case 1: pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%02d:%02d:%02d GMT", h, m, s); if (tz < 0) { buf[pos++] = '-'; tz = -tz; } else { buf[pos++] = '+'; } /* tz is >= 0, can use % */ pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%02d%02d", tz / 60, tz % 60); /* XXX: tack the time zone code? */ break; case 2: pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ", h, m, s, ms); break; case 3: pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%02d:%02d:%02d %cM", (h + 1) % 12 - 1, m, s, (h < 12) ? 'A' : 'P'); break; } } return JS_NewStringLen(ctx, buf, pos); } /* OS dependent: return the UTC time in ms since 1970. */ static int64_t date_now(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return (int64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec / 1000); } static JSValue js_date_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst new_target, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // Date(y, mon, d, h, m, s, ms) JSValue rv; int i, n; double a, val; if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) { /* invoked as function */ argc = 0; } n = argc; if (n == 0) { val = date_now(); } else if (n == 1) { JSValue v, dv; if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) { JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(argv[0]); if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_DATE && JS_IsNumber(p->u.object_data)) { if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &val, p->u.object_data)) return JS_EXCEPTION; val = time_clip(val); goto has_val; } } v = JS_ToPrimitive(ctx, argv[0], HINT_NONE); if (JS_IsString(v)) { dv = js_Date_parse(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, (JSValueConst *)&v); JS_FreeValue(ctx, v); if (JS_IsException(dv)) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &val, dv)) return JS_EXCEPTION; } else { if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &val, v)) return JS_EXCEPTION; } val = time_clip(val); } else { double fields[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (n > 7) n = 7; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &a, argv[i])) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (!isfinite(a)) break; fields[i] = trunc(a); if (i == 0 && fields[0] >= 0 && fields[0] < 100) fields[0] += 1900; } val = (i == n) ? set_date_fields(fields, 1) : NAN; } has_val: #if 0 JSValueConst args[3]; args[0] = new_target; args[1] = ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATE]; args[2] = JS_NewFloat64(ctx, val); rv = js___date_create(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 3, args); #else rv = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_DATE); if (!JS_IsException(rv)) JS_SetObjectData(ctx, rv, JS_NewFloat64(ctx, val)); #endif if (!JS_IsException(rv) && JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) { /* invoked as a function, return (new Date()).toString(); */ JSValue s; s = get_date_string(ctx, rv, 0, NULL, 0x13); JS_FreeValue(ctx, rv); rv = s; } return rv; } static JSValue js_Date_UTC(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // UTC(y, mon, d, h, m, s, ms) double fields[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int i, n; double a; n = argc; if (n == 0) return JS_NAN; if (n > 7) n = 7; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &a, argv[i])) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (!isfinite(a)) return JS_NAN; fields[i] = trunc(a); if (i == 0 && fields[0] >= 0 && fields[0] < 100) fields[0] += 1900; } return JS_NewFloat64(ctx, set_date_fields(fields, 0)); } static void string_skip_spaces(JSString *sp, int *pp) { while (*pp < sp->len && string_get(sp, *pp) == ' ') *pp += 1; } static void string_skip_non_spaces(JSString *sp, int *pp) { while (*pp < sp->len && string_get(sp, *pp) != ' ') *pp += 1; } /* parse a numeric field with an optional sign if accept_sign is TRUE */ static int string_get_digits(JSString *sp, int *pp, int64_t *pval) { int64_t v = 0; int c, p = *pp, p_start; if (p >= sp->len) return -1; p_start = p; while (p < sp->len) { c = string_get(sp, p); if (!(c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { if (p == p_start) return -1; else break; } v = v * 10 + c - '0'; p++; } *pval = v; *pp = p; return 0; } static int string_get_signed_digits(JSString *sp, int *pp, int64_t *pval) { int res, sgn, p = *pp; if (p >= sp->len) return -1; sgn = string_get(sp, p); if (sgn == '-' || sgn == '+') p++; res = string_get_digits(sp, &p, pval); if (res == 0 && sgn == '-') *pval = -*pval; *pp = p; return res; } /* parse a fixed width numeric field */ static int string_get_fixed_width_digits(JSString *sp, int *pp, int n, int64_t *pval) { int64_t v = 0; int i, c, p = *pp; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (p >= sp->len) return -1; c = string_get(sp, p); if (!(c >= '0' && c <= '9')) return -1; v = v * 10 + c - '0'; p++; } *pval = v; *pp = p; return 0; } static int string_get_milliseconds(JSString *sp, int *pp, int64_t *pval) { /* parse milliseconds as a fractional part, round to nearest */ /* XXX: the spec does not indicate which rounding should be used */ int mul = 1000, ms = 0, p = *pp, c, p_start; if (p >= sp->len) return -1; p_start = p; while (p < sp->len) { c = string_get(sp, p); if (!(c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { if (p == p_start) return -1; else break; } if (mul == 1 && c >= '5') ms += 1; ms += (c - '0') * (mul /= 10); p++; } *pval = ms; *pp = p; return 0; } static int find_abbrev(JSString *sp, int p, const char *list, int count) { int n, i; if (p + 3 <= sp->len) { for (n = 0; n < count; n++) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (string_get(sp, p + i) != month_names[n * 3 + i]) goto next; } return n; next:; } } return -1; } static int string_get_month(JSString *sp, int *pp, int64_t *pval) { int n; string_skip_spaces(sp, pp); n = find_abbrev(sp, *pp, month_names, 12); if (n < 0) return -1; *pval = n; *pp += 3; return 0; } static JSValue js_Date_parse(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // parse(s) JSValue s, rv; int64_t fields[] = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; double fields1[7]; int64_t tz, hh, mm; double d; int p, i, c, sgn, l; JSString *sp; BOOL is_local; rv = JS_NAN; s = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]); if (JS_IsException(s)) return JS_EXCEPTION; sp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(s); p = 0; if (p < sp->len && (((c = string_get(sp, p)) >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '+' || c == '-')) { /* ISO format */ /* year field can be negative */ if (string_get_signed_digits(sp, &p, &fields[0])) goto done; for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { if (p >= sp->len) break; switch(i) { case 1: case 2: c = '-'; break; case 3: c = 'T'; break; case 4: case 5: c = ':'; break; case 6: c = '.'; break; } if (string_get(sp, p) != c) break; p++; if (i == 6) { if (string_get_milliseconds(sp, &p, &fields[i])) goto done; } else { if (string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[i])) goto done; } } /* no time: UTC by default */ is_local = (i > 3); fields[1] -= 1; /* parse the time zone offset if present: [+-]HH:mm or [+-]HHmm */ tz = 0; if (p < sp->len) { sgn = string_get(sp, p); if (sgn == '+' || sgn == '-') { p++; l = sp->len - p; if (l != 4 && l != 5) goto done; if (string_get_fixed_width_digits(sp, &p, 2, &hh)) goto done; if (l == 5) { if (string_get(sp, p) != ':') goto done; p++; } if (string_get_fixed_width_digits(sp, &p, 2, &mm)) goto done; tz = hh * 60 + mm; if (sgn == '-') tz = -tz; is_local = FALSE; } else if (sgn == 'Z') { p++; is_local = FALSE; } else { goto done; } /* error if extraneous characters */ if (p != sp->len) goto done; } } else { /* toString or toUTCString format */ /* skip the day of the week */ string_skip_non_spaces(sp, &p); string_skip_spaces(sp, &p); if (p >= sp->len) goto done; c = string_get(sp, p); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { /* day of month first */ if (string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[2])) goto done; if (string_get_month(sp, &p, &fields[1])) goto done; } else { /* month first */ if (string_get_month(sp, &p, &fields[1])) goto done; string_skip_spaces(sp, &p); if (string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[2])) goto done; } /* year */ string_skip_spaces(sp, &p); if (string_get_signed_digits(sp, &p, &fields[0])) goto done; /* hour, min, seconds */ string_skip_spaces(sp, &p); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == 1 || i == 2) { if (p >= sp->len) goto done; if (string_get(sp, p) != ':') goto done; p++; } if (string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[3 + i])) goto done; } // XXX: parse optional milliseconds? /* parse the time zone offset if present: [+-]HHmm */ is_local = FALSE; tz = 0; for (tz = 0; p < sp->len; p++) { sgn = string_get(sp, p); if (sgn == '+' || sgn == '-') { p++; if (string_get_fixed_width_digits(sp, &p, 2, &hh)) goto done; if (string_get_fixed_width_digits(sp, &p, 2, &mm)) goto done; tz = hh * 60 + mm; if (sgn == '-') tz = -tz; break; } } } for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) fields1[i] = fields[i]; d = set_date_fields(fields1, is_local) - tz * 60000; rv = JS_NewFloat64(ctx, d); done: JS_FreeValue(ctx, s); return rv; } static JSValue js_Date_now(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // now() return JS_NewInt64(ctx, date_now()); } static JSValue js_date_Symbol_toPrimitive(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // Symbol_toPrimitive(hint) JSValueConst obj = this_val; JSAtom hint = JS_ATOM_NULL; int hint_num; if (!JS_IsObject(obj)) return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx); if (JS_IsString(argv[0])) { hint = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, argv[0]); if (hint == JS_ATOM_NULL) return JS_EXCEPTION; JS_FreeAtom(ctx, hint); } switch (hint) { case JS_ATOM_number: #ifdef CONFIG_BIGNUM case JS_ATOM_integer: #endif hint_num = HINT_NUMBER; break; case JS_ATOM_string: case JS_ATOM_default: hint_num = HINT_STRING; break; default: return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid hint"); } return JS_ToPrimitive(ctx, obj, hint_num | HINT_FORCE_ORDINARY); } static JSValue js_date_getTimezoneOffset(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // getTimezoneOffset() double v; if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &v, this_val)) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (isnan(v)) return JS_NAN; else return JS_NewInt64(ctx, getTimezoneOffset((int64_t)trunc(v))); } static JSValue js_date_getTime(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // getTime() double v; if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &v, this_val)) return JS_EXCEPTION; return JS_NewFloat64(ctx, v); } static JSValue js_date_setTime(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // setTime(v) double v; if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &v, this_val) || JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &v, argv[0])) return JS_EXCEPTION; return JS_SetThisTimeValue(ctx, this_val, time_clip(v)); } static JSValue js_date_setYear(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // setYear(y) double y; JSValueConst args[1]; if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &y, this_val) || JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &y, argv[0])) return JS_EXCEPTION; y = +y; if (isfinite(y)) { y = trunc(y); if (y >= 0 && y < 100) y += 1900; } args[0] = JS_NewFloat64(ctx, y); return set_date_field(ctx, this_val, 1, args, 0x011); } static JSValue js_date_toJSON(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst *argv) { // toJSON(key) JSValue obj, tv, method, rv; double d; rv = JS_EXCEPTION; tv = JS_UNDEFINED; obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val); tv = JS_ToPrimitive(ctx, obj, HINT_NUMBER); if (JS_IsException(tv)) goto exception; if (JS_IsNumber(tv)) { if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, tv) < 0) goto exception; if (!isfinite(d)) { rv = JS_NULL; goto done; } } method = JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, obj, "toISOString"); if (JS_IsException(method)) goto exception; if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, method)) { JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "object needs toISOString method"); JS_FreeValue(ctx, method); goto exception; } rv = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, obj, 0, NULL); exception: done: JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj); JS_FreeValue(ctx, tv); return rv; } static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_date_funcs[] = { JS_CFUNC_DEF("now", 0, js_Date_now ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("parse", 1, js_Date_parse ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("UTC", 7, js_Date_UTC ), }; static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_date_proto_funcs[] = { JS_CFUNC_DEF("valueOf", 0, js_date_getTime ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toString", 0, get_date_string, 0x13 ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.toPrimitive]", 1, js_date_Symbol_toPrimitive ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toUTCString", 0, get_date_string, 0x03 ), JS_ALIAS_DEF("toGMTString", "toUTCString" ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toISOString", 0, get_date_string, 0x23 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toDateString", 0, get_date_string, 0x11 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toTimeString", 0, get_date_string, 0x12 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleString", 0, get_date_string, 0x33 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleDateString", 0, get_date_string, 0x31 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleTimeString", 0, get_date_string, 0x32 ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("getTimezoneOffset", 0, js_date_getTimezoneOffset ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("getTime", 0, js_date_getTime ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getYear", 0, get_date_field, 0x101 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getFullYear", 0, get_date_field, 0x01 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCFullYear", 0, get_date_field, 0x00 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getMonth", 0, get_date_field, 0x11 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCMonth", 0, get_date_field, 0x10 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getDate", 0, get_date_field, 0x21 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCDate", 0, get_date_field, 0x20 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getHours", 0, get_date_field, 0x31 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCHours", 0, get_date_field, 0x30 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getMinutes", 0, get_date_field, 0x41 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCMinutes", 0, get_date_field, 0x40 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getSeconds", 0, get_date_field, 0x51 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCSeconds", 0, get_date_field, 0x50 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getMilliseconds", 0, get_date_field, 0x61 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCMilliseconds", 0, get_date_field, 0x60 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getDay", 0, get_date_field, 0x71 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCDay", 0, get_date_field, 0x70 ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("setTime", 1, js_date_setTime ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setMilliseconds", 1, set_date_field, 0x671 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCMilliseconds", 1, set_date_field, 0x670 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setSeconds", 2, set_date_field, 0x571 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCSeconds", 2, set_date_field, 0x570 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setMinutes", 3, set_date_field, 0x471 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCMinutes", 3, set_date_field, 0x470 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setHours", 4, set_date_field, 0x371 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCHours", 4, set_date_field, 0x370 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setDate", 1, set_date_field, 0x231 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCDate", 1, set_date_field, 0x230 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setMonth", 2, set_date_field, 0x131 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCMonth", 2, set_date_field, 0x130 ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("setYear", 1, js_date_setYear ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setFullYear", 3, set_date_field, 0x031 ), JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCFullYear", 3, set_date_field, 0x030 ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("toJSON", 1, js_date_toJSON ), }; void JS_AddIntrinsicDate(JSContext *ctx) { JSValueConst obj; /* Date */ ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATE] = JS_NewObject(ctx); JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATE], js_date_proto_funcs, countof(js_date_proto_funcs)); obj = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "Date", js_date_constructor, 7, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATE]); JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj, js_date_funcs, countof(js_date_funcs)); }