// This file implements the C preprocessor. // // The preprocessor takes a list of tokens as an input and returns a // new list of tokens as an output. // // The preprocessing language is designed in such a way that that's // guaranteed to stop even if there is a recursive macro. // Informally speaking, a macro is applied only once for each token. // That is, if a macro token T appears in a result of direct or // indirect macro expansion of T, T won't be expanded any further. // For example, if T is defined as U, and U is defined as T, then // token T is expanded to U and then to T and the macro expansion // stops at that point. // // To achieve the above behavior, we attach for each token a set of // macro names from which the token is expanded. The set is called // "hideset". Hideset is initially empty, and every time we expand a // macro, the macro name is added to the resulting tokens' hidesets. // // The above macro expansion algorithm is explained in this document // written by Dave Prossor, which is used as a basis for the // standard's wording: // https://github.com/rui314/chibicc/wiki/cpp.algo.pdf #include "libc/fmt/libgen.h" #include "libc/log/libfatal.internal.h" #include "libc/runtime/runtime.h" #include "libc/stdio/stdio.h" #include "libc/x/xasprintf.h" #include "third_party/chibicc/chibicc.h" #include "third_party/chibicc/kw.h" typedef struct CondIncl CondIncl; typedef struct Hideset Hideset; typedef struct MacroArg MacroArg; typedef enum { STR_NONE, STR_UTF8, STR_UTF16, STR_UTF32, STR_WIDE, } StringKind; struct MacroArg { MacroArg *next; char *name; bool is_va_args; Token *tok; }; // `#if` can be nested, so we use a stack to manage nested `#if`s. struct CondIncl { CondIncl *next; enum { IN_THEN, IN_ELIF, IN_ELSE } ctx; Token *tok; bool included; }; struct Hideset { Hideset *next; char *name; }; HashMap macros; static CondIncl *cond_incl; static HashMap pragma_once; static int include_next_idx; static Token *preprocess2(Token *); static Macro *find_macro(Token *); static inline bool is_hash(Token *tok) { return tok->at_bol && tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == '#'; } // Some preprocessor directives such as #include allow extraneous // tokens before newline. This function skips such tokens. static Token *skip_line(Token *tok) { if (tok->at_bol) return tok; warn_tok(tok, "extra token"); while (tok->at_bol) tok = tok->next; return tok; } static Token *copy_token(Token *tok) { Token *t = alloc_token(); *t = *tok; t->next = NULL; return t; } static Token *new_eof(Token *tok) { Token *t = copy_token(tok); t->kind = TK_EOF; t->len = 0; return t; } static Hideset *new_hideset(char *name) { Hideset *hs = calloc(1, sizeof(Hideset)); hs->name = name; return hs; } static Hideset *hideset_union(Hideset *hs1, Hideset *hs2) { Hideset head = {}; Hideset *cur = &head; for (; hs1; hs1 = hs1->next) { cur = cur->next = new_hideset(hs1->name); } cur->next = hs2; return head.next; } static bool hideset_contains(Hideset *hs, char *s, int len) { for (; hs; hs = hs->next) { if (strlen(hs->name) == len && !strncmp(hs->name, s, len)) { return true; } } return false; } static Hideset *hideset_intersection(Hideset *hs1, Hideset *hs2) { Hideset head = {}; Hideset *cur = &head; for (; hs1; hs1 = hs1->next) { if (hideset_contains(hs2, hs1->name, strlen(hs1->name))) { cur = cur->next = new_hideset(hs1->name); } } return head.next; } static Token *add_hideset(Token *tok, Hideset *hs) { Token head = {}; Token *cur = &head; for (; tok; tok = tok->next) { Token *t = copy_token(tok); t->hideset = hideset_union(t->hideset, hs); cur = cur->next = t; } return head.next; } // Append tok2 to the end of tok1. static Token *append(Token *tok1, Token *tok2) { if (tok1->kind == TK_EOF) return tok2; Token head = {}; Token *cur = &head; for (; tok1->kind != TK_EOF; tok1 = tok1->next) cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok1); cur->next = tok2; return head.next; } static Token *skip_cond_incl2(Token *tok) { unsigned char kw; while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) { if (is_hash(tok) && (kw = GetKw(tok->next->loc, tok->next->len))) { if (kw == KW_IF || kw == KW_IFDEF || kw == KW_IFNDEF) { tok = skip_cond_incl2(tok->next->next); continue; } if (kw == KW_ENDIF) { return tok->next->next; } } tok = tok->next; } return tok; } // Skip until next `#else`, `#elif` or `#endif`. // Nested `#if` and `#endif` are skipped. static Token *skip_cond_incl(Token *tok) { unsigned char kw; while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) { if (is_hash(tok) && (kw = GetKw(tok->next->loc, tok->next->len))) { if (kw == KW_IF || kw == KW_IFDEF || kw == KW_IFNDEF) { tok = skip_cond_incl2(tok->next->next); continue; } if (kw == KW_ELIF || kw == KW_ELSE || kw == KW_ENDIF) { break; } } tok = tok->next; } return tok; } // Double-quote a given string and returns it. static char *quote_string(char *str) { int bufsize = 3; for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if (str[i] == '\\' || str[i] == '"') bufsize++; bufsize++; } char *buf = calloc(1, bufsize); char *p = buf; *p++ = '"'; for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if (str[i] == '\\' || str[i] == '"') *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = str[i]; } *p++ = '"'; *p++ = '\0'; return buf; } static Token *new_str_token(char *str, Token *tmpl) { char *buf = quote_string(str); return tokenize(new_file(tmpl->file->name, tmpl->file->file_no, buf)); } // Copy all tokens until the next newline, terminate them with // an EOF token and then returns them. This function is used to // create a new list of tokens for `#if` arguments. static Token *copy_line(Token **rest, Token *tok) { Token head = {}; Token *cur = &head; for (; !tok->at_bol; tok = tok->next) { cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok); } cur->next = new_eof(tok); *rest = tok; return head.next; } static Token *new_num_token(int val, Token *tmpl) { char *p, *buf; p = buf = malloc(13); p = FormatInt32(p, val); p[0] = '\n'; p[1] = 0; return tokenize(new_file(tmpl->file->name, tmpl->file->file_no, buf)); } static Token *read_const_expr(Token **rest, Token *tok) { tok = copy_line(rest, tok); Token head = {}; Token *cur = &head; while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) { // "defined(foo)" or "defined foo" becomes "1" if macro "foo" // is defined. Otherwise "0". if (EQUAL(tok, "defined")) { Token *start = tok; bool has_paren = CONSUME(&tok, tok->next, "("); if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT) error_tok(start, "macro name must be an identifier"); Macro *m = find_macro(tok); tok = tok->next; if (has_paren) tok = skip(tok, ')'); cur = cur->next = new_num_token(m ? 1 : 0, start); continue; } cur = cur->next = tok; tok = tok->next; } cur->next = tok; return head.next; } // Read and evaluate a constant expression. static long eval_const_expr(Token **rest, Token *tok) { Token *start = tok; Token *expr = read_const_expr(rest, tok->next); expr = preprocess2(expr); if (expr->kind == TK_EOF) error_tok(start, "no expression"); // [https://www.sigbus.info/n1570#6.10.1p4] The standard requires // we replace remaining non-macro identifiers with "0" before // evaluating a constant expression. For example, `#if foo` is // equivalent to `#if 0` if foo is not defined. for (Token *t = expr; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) { if (t->kind == TK_IDENT) { Token *next = t->next; *t = *new_num_token(0, t); t->next = next; } } // Convert pp-numbers to regular numbers convert_pp_tokens(expr); Token *rest2; long val = const_expr(&rest2, expr); if (rest2->kind != TK_EOF && rest2->kind != TK_JAVADOWN) { error_tok(rest2, "extra token"); } return val; } static CondIncl *push_cond_incl(Token *tok, bool included) { CondIncl *ci = calloc(1, sizeof(CondIncl)); ci->next = cond_incl; ci->ctx = IN_THEN; ci->tok = tok; ci->included = included; cond_incl = ci; return ci; } static Macro *find_macro(Token *tok) { if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT) return NULL; return hashmap_get2(¯os, tok->loc, tok->len); } static Macro *add_macro(char *name, bool is_objlike, Token *body) { Macro *m = calloc(1, sizeof(Macro)); m->name = name; m->is_objlike = is_objlike; m->body = body; hashmap_put(¯os, name, m); return m; } static MacroParam *read_macro_params(Token **rest, Token *tok, char **va_args_name) { MacroParam head = {}; MacroParam *cur = &head; while (!EQUAL(tok, ")")) { if (cur != &head) tok = skip(tok, ','); if (EQUAL(tok, "...")) { *va_args_name = "__VA_ARGS__"; *rest = skip(tok->next, ')'); return head.next; } if (tok->kind == TK_JAVADOWN) { tok = tok->next; } if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT) { error_tok(tok, "expected an identifier"); } if (EQUAL(tok->next, "...")) { *va_args_name = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len); *rest = skip(tok->next->next, ')'); return head.next; } MacroParam *m = calloc(1, sizeof(MacroParam)); m->name = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len); cur = cur->next = m; tok = tok->next; } *rest = tok->next; return head.next; } static Macro *read_macro_definition(Token **rest, Token *tok) { Macro *m; char *name; if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT) error_tok(tok, "macro name must be an identifier"); name = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len); tok = tok->next; if (!tok->has_space && tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == '(') { // Function-like macro char *va_args_name = NULL; MacroParam *params = read_macro_params(&tok, tok->next, &va_args_name); m = add_macro(name, false, copy_line(rest, tok)); m->params = params; m->va_args_name = va_args_name; } else { // Object-like macro m = add_macro(name, true, copy_line(rest, tok)); } return m; } static MacroArg *read_macro_arg_one(Token **rest, Token *tok, bool read_rest) { Token head = {}; Token *cur = &head; int level = 0; for (;;) { if (level == 0 && tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == ')') { break; } if (level == 0 && !read_rest && tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == ',') { break; } if (tok->kind == TK_EOF) error_tok(tok, "premature end of input"); if (tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == '(') { level++; } else if (tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == ')') { level--; } cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok); tok = tok->next; } cur->next = new_eof(tok); MacroArg *arg = calloc(1, sizeof(MacroArg)); arg->tok = head.next; *rest = tok; return arg; } static MacroArg *read_macro_args(Token **rest, Token *tok, MacroParam *params, char *va_args_name) { Token *start = tok; tok = tok->next->next; MacroArg head = {}; MacroArg *cur = &head; MacroParam *pp = params; for (; pp; pp = pp->next) { if (cur != &head) tok = skip(tok, ','); cur = cur->next = read_macro_arg_one(&tok, tok, false); cur->name = pp->name; } if (va_args_name) { MacroArg *arg; if (tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == ')') { arg = calloc(1, sizeof(MacroArg)); arg->tok = new_eof(tok); } else { if (pp != params) tok = skip(tok, ','); arg = read_macro_arg_one(&tok, tok, true); } arg->name = va_args_name; arg->is_va_args = true; cur = cur->next = arg; } else if (pp) { error_tok(start, "too many arguments"); } skip(tok, ')'); *rest = tok; return head.next; } static MacroArg *find_arg(MacroArg *args, Token *tok) { for (MacroArg *ap = args; ap; ap = ap->next) { if (tok->len == strlen(ap->name) && !strncmp(tok->loc, ap->name, tok->len)) { return ap; } } return NULL; } // Concatenates all tokens in `tok` and returns a new string. static char *join_tokens(Token *tok, Token *end) { // Compute the length of the resulting token. int len = 1; for (Token *t = tok; t != end && t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) { if (t != tok && t->has_space) len++; len += t->len; } char *buf = calloc(1, len); // Copy token texts. int pos = 0; for (Token *t = tok; t != end && t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) { if (t != tok && t->has_space) buf[pos++] = ' '; strncpy(buf + pos, t->loc, t->len); pos += t->len; } buf[pos] = '\0'; return buf; } // Concatenates all tokens in `arg` and returns a new string token. // This function is used for the stringizing operator (#). static Token *stringize(Token *hash, Token *arg) { // Create a new string token. We need to set some value to its // source location for error reporting function, so we use a macro // name token as a template. char *s = join_tokens(arg, NULL); return new_str_token(s, hash); } // Concatenate two tokens to create a new token. static Token *paste(Token *lhs, Token *rhs) { // Paste the two tokens. char *buf = xasprintf("%.*s%.*s", lhs->len, lhs->loc, rhs->len, rhs->loc); // Tokenize the resulting string. Token *tok = tokenize(new_file(lhs->file->name, lhs->file->file_no, buf)); if (tok->next->kind != TK_EOF) error_tok(lhs, "pasting forms '%s', an invalid token", buf); return tok; } static bool has_varargs(MacroArg *args) { for (MacroArg *ap = args; ap; ap = ap->next) { if (!strcmp(ap->name, "__VA_ARGS__")) { return ap->tok->kind != TK_EOF; } } return false; } // Replace func-like macro parameters with given arguments. static Token *subst(Token *tok, MacroArg *args) { Token head = {}; Token *cur = &head; while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) { // "#" followed by a parameter is replaced with stringized actuals. if (tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == '#') { MacroArg *arg = find_arg(args, tok->next); if (!arg) { error_tok(tok->next, "'#' is not followed by a macro parameter"); } cur = cur->next = stringize(tok, arg->tok); tok = tok->next->next; continue; } // [GNU] If __VA_ARG__ is empty, `,##__VA_ARGS__` is expanded // to the empty token list. Otherwise, its expaned to `,` and // __VA_ARGS__. if (tok->len == 1 && tok->loc[0] == ',' && (tok->next->len == 2 && (tok->next->loc[0] == '#' && tok->next->loc[1] == '#'))) { MacroArg *arg = find_arg(args, tok->next->next); if (arg && arg->is_va_args) { if (arg->tok->kind == TK_EOF) { tok = tok->next->next->next; } else { cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok); tok = tok->next->next; } continue; } } if (tok->len == 2 && tok->loc[0] == '#' && tok->loc[1] == '#') { if (cur == &head) error_tok(tok, "'##' cannot appear at start of macro expansion"); if (tok->next->kind == TK_EOF) error_tok(tok, "'##' cannot appear at end of macro expansion"); MacroArg *arg = find_arg(args, tok->next); if (arg) { if (arg->tok->kind != TK_EOF) { *cur = *paste(cur, arg->tok); for (Token *t = arg->tok->next; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) cur = cur->next = copy_token(t); } tok = tok->next->next; continue; } *cur = *paste(cur, tok->next); tok = tok->next->next; continue; } MacroArg *arg = find_arg(args, tok); if (arg && (tok->next->len == 2 && (tok->next->loc[0] == '#' && tok->next->loc[1] == '#'))) { Token *rhs = tok->next->next; if (arg->tok->kind == TK_EOF) { MacroArg *arg2 = find_arg(args, rhs); if (arg2) { for (Token *t = arg2->tok; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) cur = cur->next = copy_token(t); } else { cur = cur->next = copy_token(rhs); } tok = rhs->next; continue; } for (Token *t = arg->tok; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) cur = cur->next = copy_token(t); tok = tok->next; continue; } // If __VA_ARG__ is empty, __VA_OPT__(x) is expanded to the // empty token list. Otherwise, __VA_OPT__(x) is expanded to x. if (EQUAL(tok, "__VA_OPT__") && EQUAL(tok->next, "(")) { MacroArg *arg = read_macro_arg_one(&tok, tok->next->next, true); if (has_varargs(args)) for (Token *t = arg->tok; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) cur = cur->next = t; tok = skip(tok, ')'); continue; } // Handle a macro token. Macro arguments are completely macro-expanded // before they are substituted into a macro body. if (arg) { Token *t = preprocess2(arg->tok); t->at_bol = tok->at_bol; t->has_space = tok->has_space; for (; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) cur = cur->next = copy_token(t); tok = tok->next; continue; } // Handle a non-macro token. cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok); tok = tok->next; continue; } cur->next = tok; return head.next; } // If tok is a macro, expand it and return true. // Otherwise, do nothing and return false. static bool expand_macro(Token **rest, Token *tok) { if (hideset_contains(tok->hideset, tok->loc, tok->len)) return false; Macro *m = find_macro(tok); if (!m) return false; // Built-in dynamic macro application such as __LINE__ if (m->handler) { *rest = m->handler(tok); (*rest)->next = tok->next; return true; } // Object-like macro application if (m->is_objlike) { Hideset *hs = hideset_union(tok->hideset, new_hideset(m->name)); Token *body = add_hideset(m->body, hs); for (Token *t = body; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) { t->origin = tok; } *rest = append(body, tok->next); (*rest)->at_bol = tok->at_bol; (*rest)->has_space = tok->has_space; return true; } // If a funclike macro token is not followed by an argument list, // treat it as a normal identifier. if (!(tok->next->len == 1 && tok->next->loc[0] == '(')) return false; // Function-like macro application Token *macro_token = tok; MacroArg *args = read_macro_args(&tok, tok, m->params, m->va_args_name); Token *rparen = tok; // Tokens that consist a func-like macro invocation may have different // hidesets, and if that's the case, it's not clear what the hideset // for the new tokens should be. We take the interesection of the // macro token and the closing parenthesis and use it as a new hideset // as explained in the Dave Prossor's algorithm. Hideset *hs = hideset_intersection(macro_token->hideset, rparen->hideset); hs = hideset_union(hs, new_hideset(m->name)); Token *body = subst(m->body, args); body = add_hideset(body, hs); for (Token *t = body; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) t->origin = macro_token; *rest = append(body, tok->next); (*rest)->at_bol = macro_token->at_bol; (*rest)->has_space = macro_token->has_space; return true; } char *search_include_paths(char *filename) { if (filename[0] == '/') return filename; static HashMap cache; char *cached = hashmap_get(&cache, filename); if (cached) return cached; // Search a file from the include paths. for (int i = 0; i < include_paths.len; i++) { char *path = xjoinpaths(include_paths.data[i], filename); if (!fileexists(path)) continue; hashmap_put(&cache, filename, path); include_next_idx = i + 1; return path; } return NULL; } static char *search_include_next(char *filename) { for (; include_next_idx < include_paths.len; include_next_idx++) { char *path = xasprintf("%s/%s", include_paths.data[include_next_idx], filename); if (fileexists(path)) return path; } return NULL; } // Read an #include argument. static char *read_include_filename(Token **rest, Token *tok, bool *is_dquote) { // Pattern 1: #include "foo.h" if (tok->kind == TK_STR) { // A double-quoted filename for #include is a special kind of // token, and we don't want to interpret any escape sequences in it. // For example, "\f" in "C:\foo" is not a formfeed character but // just two non-control characters, backslash and f. // So we don't want to use token->str. *is_dquote = true; *rest = skip_line(tok->next); return strndup(tok->loc + 1, tok->len - 2); } // Pattern 2: #include <foo.h> if (EQUAL(tok, "<")) { // Reconstruct a filename from a sequence of tokens between // "<" and ">". Token *start = tok; // Find closing ">". for (; !EQUAL(tok, ">"); tok = tok->next) if (tok->at_bol || tok->kind == TK_EOF) error_tok(tok, "expected '>'"); *is_dquote = false; *rest = skip_line(tok->next); return join_tokens(start->next, tok); } // Pattern 3: #include FOO // In this case FOO must be macro-expanded to either // a single string token or a sequence of "<" ... ">". if (tok->kind == TK_IDENT) { Token *tok2 = preprocess2(copy_line(rest, tok)); return read_include_filename(&tok2, tok2, is_dquote); } error_tok(tok, "expected a filename"); } // Detect the following "include guard" pattern. // // #ifndef FOO_H // #define FOO_H // ... // #endif static char *detect_include_guard(Token *tok) { // Detect the first two lines. if (!is_hash(tok) || !EQUAL(tok->next, "ifndef")) return NULL; tok = tok->next->next; if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT) return NULL; char *macro = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len); tok = tok->next; if (!is_hash(tok) || !EQUAL(tok->next, "define") || !equal(tok->next->next, macro, strlen(macro))) return NULL; // Read until the end of the file. while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) { if (!is_hash(tok)) { tok = tok->next; continue; } if (EQUAL(tok->next, "endif") && tok->next->next->kind == TK_EOF) return macro; if (EQUAL(tok, "if") || EQUAL(tok, "ifdef") || EQUAL(tok, "ifndef")) tok = skip_cond_incl(tok->next); else tok = tok->next; } return NULL; } static Token *include_file(Token *tok, char *path, Token *filename_tok) { // Check for "#pragma once" if (hashmap_get(&pragma_once, path)) return tok; // If we read the same file before, and if the file was guarded // by the usual #ifndef ... #endif pattern, we may be able to // skip the file without opening it. static HashMap include_guards; char *guard_name = hashmap_get(&include_guards, path); if (guard_name && hashmap_get(¯os, guard_name)) return tok; Token *tok2 = tokenize_file(path); if (!tok2) error_tok(filename_tok, "%s: cannot open file: %s", path, strerror(errno)); guard_name = detect_include_guard(tok2); if (guard_name) hashmap_put(&include_guards, path, guard_name); return append(tok2, tok); } // Read #line arguments static void read_line_marker(Token **rest, Token *tok) { // TODO: This is broken if file is different? See gperf codegen. Token *start = tok; tok = preprocess(copy_line(rest, tok)); if (tok->kind != TK_NUM || tok->ty->kind != TY_INT) error_tok(tok, "invalid line marker"); start->file->line_delta = tok->val - start->line_no; tok = tok->next; if (tok->kind == TK_EOF) return; if (tok->kind != TK_STR) error_tok(tok, "filename expected"); start->file->display_name = tok->str; } // Visit all tokens in `tok` while evaluating preprocessing // macros and directives. static Token *preprocess2(Token *tok) { unsigned char kw; Token head = {}; Token *cur = &head; while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) { // If it is a macro, expand it. if (expand_macro(&tok, tok)) continue; // make sure javadown is removed if it's for a macro definition if (tok->kind == TK_JAVADOWN && is_hash(tok->next) && EQUAL(tok->next->next, "define")) { read_macro_definition(&tok, tok->next->next->next)->javadown = tok; continue; } // Pass through if it is not a "#". if (!is_hash(tok)) { tok->line_delta = tok->file->line_delta; tok->filename = tok->file->display_name; cur = cur->next = tok; tok = tok->next; continue; } Token *start = tok; tok = tok->next; if ((kw = GetKw(tok->loc, tok->len))) { if (kw == KW_INCLUDE) { bool is_dquote; char *filename = read_include_filename(&tok, tok->next, &is_dquote); if (filename[0] != '/' && is_dquote) { char *tmp = strdup(start->file->name); char *path = xasprintf("%s/%s", dirname(tmp), filename); free(tmp); bool exists = fileexists(path); free(path); if (exists) { tok = include_file(tok, path, start->next->next); continue; } } char *path = search_include_paths(filename); tok = include_file(tok, path ? path : filename, start->next->next); continue; } if (kw == KW_INCLUDE_NEXT) { bool ignore; char *filename = read_include_filename(&tok, tok->next, &ignore); char *path = search_include_next(filename); tok = include_file(tok, path ? path : filename, start->next->next); continue; } if (kw == KW_DEFINE) { read_macro_definition(&tok, tok->next); continue; } if (kw == KW_UNDEF) { tok = tok->next; if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT) error_tok(tok, "macro name must be an identifier"); undef_macro(strndup(tok->loc, tok->len)); tok = skip_line(tok->next); continue; } if (kw == KW_IF) { long val = eval_const_expr(&tok, tok); push_cond_incl(start, val); if (!val) tok = skip_cond_incl(tok); continue; } if (kw == KW_IFDEF) { bool defined = find_macro(tok->next); push_cond_incl(tok, defined); tok = skip_line(tok->next->next); if (!defined) tok = skip_cond_incl(tok); continue; } if (kw == KW_IFNDEF) { bool defined = find_macro(tok->next); push_cond_incl(tok, !defined); tok = skip_line(tok->next->next); if (defined) tok = skip_cond_incl(tok); continue; } if (kw == KW_ELIF) { if (!cond_incl || cond_incl->ctx == IN_ELSE) error_tok(start, "stray #elif"); cond_incl->ctx = IN_ELIF; if (!cond_incl->included && eval_const_expr(&tok, tok)) cond_incl->included = true; else tok = skip_cond_incl(tok); continue; } if (kw == KW_ELSE) { if (!cond_incl || cond_incl->ctx == IN_ELSE) error_tok(start, "stray #else"); cond_incl->ctx = IN_ELSE; tok = skip_line(tok->next); if (cond_incl->included) tok = skip_cond_incl(tok); continue; } if (kw == KW_ENDIF) { if (!cond_incl) error_tok(start, "stray #endif"); cond_incl = cond_incl->next; tok = skip_line(tok->next); continue; } if (kw == KW_LINE) { read_line_marker(&tok, tok->next); continue; } } if (tok->kind == TK_PP_NUM) { read_line_marker(&tok, tok); continue; } if (kw == KW_PRAGMA && EQUAL(tok->next, "once")) { hashmap_put(&pragma_once, tok->file->name, (void *)1); tok = skip_line(tok->next->next); continue; } if (kw == KW_PRAGMA) { do { tok = tok->next; } while (!tok->at_bol); continue; } if (kw == KW_ERROR) { error_tok(tok, "error"); } // `#`-only line is legal. It's called a null directive. if (tok->at_bol) continue; error_tok(tok, "invalid preprocessor directive"); } cur->next = tok; return head.next; } void define_macro(char *name, char *buf) { Token *tok = tokenize(new_file("<built-in>", 1, buf)); add_macro(name, true, tok); } void undef_macro(char *name) { hashmap_delete(¯os, name); } static Macro *add_builtin(char *name, macro_handler_fn *fn) { Macro *m = add_macro(name, true, NULL); m->handler = fn; return m; } static Token *file_macro(Token *tmpl) { while (tmpl->origin) tmpl = tmpl->origin; return new_str_token(tmpl->file->display_name, tmpl); } static Token *line_macro(Token *tmpl) { while (tmpl->origin) tmpl = tmpl->origin; int i = tmpl->line_no + tmpl->file->line_delta; return new_num_token(i, tmpl); } // __COUNTER__ is expanded to serial values starting from 0. static Token *counter_macro(Token *tmpl) { static int i = 0; return new_num_token(i++, tmpl); } // __TIMESTAMP__ is expanded to a string describing the last // modification time of the current file. E.g. // "Fri Jul 24 01:32:50 2020" static Token *timestamp_macro(Token *tmpl) { struct stat st; if (stat(tmpl->file->name, &st) != 0) return new_str_token("??? ??? ?? ??:??:?? ????", tmpl); char buf[64]; ctime_r(&st.st_mtim.tv_sec, buf); buf[24] = '\0'; return new_str_token(buf, tmpl); } static Token *base_file_macro(Token *tmpl) { return new_str_token(base_file, tmpl); } // __DATE__ is expanded to the current date, e.g. "May 17 2020". static char *format_date(struct tm *tm) { return xasprintf("\"%s %2d %d\"", kMonthNameShort[tm->tm_mon], tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_year + 1900); } // __TIME__ is expanded to the current time, e.g. "13:34:03". static char *format_time(struct tm *tm) { return xasprintf("\"%02d:%02d:%02d\"", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); } void init_macros_conditional(void) { if (opt_pg) define_macro("__PG__", "1"); if (opt_pic) define_macro("__PIC__", "1"); if (opt_sse3) define_macro("__SSE3__", "1"); if (opt_sse4) define_macro("__SSE4__", "1"); if (opt_popcnt) define_macro("__POPCNT__", "1"); if (opt_fentry) define_macro("__MFENTRY__", "1"); } void init_macros(void) { char *val, *name = "\ __chibicc__\000\ 1\000\ __cosmopolitan__\000\ 1\000\ __GNUC__\000\ 9\000\ __GNUC_MINOR__\000\ 0\000\ __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__\000\ 0\000\ __NO_INLINE__\000\ 16\000\ __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__\000\ 1\000\ __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__\000\ 16\000\ __C99_MACRO_WITH_VA_ARGS\000\ 1\000\ __GCC_ASM_FLAG_OUTPUTS__\000\ 1\000\ __ELF__\000\ 1\000\ __LP64__\000\ 1\000\ _LP64\000\ 1\000\ __STDC__\000\ 1\000\ __STDC_HOSTED__\000\ 1\000\ __STDC_NO_COMPLEX__\000\ 1\000\ __STDC_UTF_16__\000\ 1\000\ __STDC_UTF_32__\000\ 1\000\ __STDC_VERSION__\000\ 201112L\000\ __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__\000\ \000\ __alignof__\000\ _Alignof\000\ __const__\000\ const\000\ __inline__\000\ inline\000\ __signed__\000\ signed\000\ __typeof__\000\ typeof\000\ __volatile__\000\ volatile\000\ __unix\000\ 1\000\ __unix__\000\ 1\000\ __gnu_linux__\000\ 1\000\ __BYTE_ORDER__\000\ 1234\000\ __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__\000\ 1234\000\ __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__\000\ 4321\000\ __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__\000\ 1234\000\ __INT8_MAX__\000\ 0x7f\000\ __UINT8_MAX__\000\ 0xff\000\ __INT16_MAX__\000\ 0x7fff\000\ __UINT16_MAX__\000\ 0xffff\000\ __SHRT_MAX__\000\ 0x7fff\000\ __INT_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffff\000\ __INT32_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffff\000\ __UINT32_MAX__\000\ 0xffffffffu\000\ __INT64_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffffffffffffl\000\ __INTMAX_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffffffffffffl\000\ __LONG_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffffffffffffl\000\ __LONG_LONG_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffffffffffffl\000\ __UINT64_MAX__\000\ 0xfffffffffffffffful\000\ __UINTMAX_MAX__\000\ 0xfffffffffffffffful\000\ __SIZE_MAX__\000\ 0xfffffffffffffffful\000\ __INTPTR_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffffffffffffl\000\ __UINTPTR_MAX__\000\ 0xfffffffffffffffful\000\ __WINT_MAX__\000\ 0xffffffffu\000\ __CHAR_BIT__\000\ 8\000\ __SIZEOF_SHORT__\000\ 2\000\ __SIZEOF_INT__\000\ 4\000\ __SIZEOF_LONG__\000\ 8\000\ __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__\000\ 8\000\ __SIZEOF_POINTER__\000\ 8\000\ __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__\000\ 8\000\ __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__\000\ 8\000\ __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__\000\ 4\000\ __SIZEOF_WINT_T__\000\ 4\000\ __SIZEOF_FLOAT__\000\ 4\000\ __SIZEOF_FLOAT128__\000\ 16\000\ __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__\000\ 8\000\ __SIZEOF_FLOAT80__\000\ 16\000\ __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__\000\ 16\000\ __INT8_TYPE__\000\ signed char\000\ __UINT8_TYPE__\000\ unsigned char\000\ __INT16_TYPE__\000\ short int\000\ __UINT16_TYPE__\000\ short unsigned int\000\ __INT32_TYPE__\000\ int\000\ __UINT32_TYPE__\000\ unsigned int\000\ __INT64_TYPE__\000\ long int\000\ __INTMAX_TYPE__\000\ long int\000\ __UINT64_TYPE__\000\ long unsigned int\000\ __UINTMAX_TYPE__\000\ long unsigned int\000\ __INTMAX_TYPE__\000\ long int\000\ __UINTMAX_TYPE__\000\ long unsigned int\000\ __INTPTR_TYPE__\000\ long int\000\ __UINTPTR_TYPE__\000\ long unsigned int\000\ __PTRDIFF_TYPE__\000\ long int\000\ __SIZE_TYPE__\000\ long unsigned int\000\ __WCHAR_TYPE__\000\ int\000\ __CHAR16_TYPE__\000\ short unsigned int\000\ __CHAR32_TYPE__\000\ unsigned int\000\ __WINT_TYPE__\000\ unsigned int\000\ __CHAR16_TYPE__\000\ short unsigned int\000\ __WCHAR_TYPE__\000\ int\000\ __CHAR32_TYPE__\000\ unsigned int\000\ __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__\000\ signed char\000\ __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__\000\ unsigned char\000\ __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__\000\ int\000\ __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__\000\ unsigned short\000\ __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__\000\ short\000\ __UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__\000\ unsigned int\000\ __INT_LEAST64_TYPE__\000\ long\000\ __UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__\000\ unsigned long\000\ __INT_FAST8_TYPE__\000\ signed char\000\ __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__\000\ unsigned char\000\ __INT_FAST16_TYPE__\000\ int\000\ __UINT_FAST16_TYPE__\000\ unsigned\000\ __INT_FAST32_TYPE__\000\ int\000\ __UINT_FAST32_TYPE__\000\ unsigned\000\ __INT_FAST8_MAX__\000\ 0x7f\000\ __INT_FAST16_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffff\000\ __INT_FAST32_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffff\000\ __INT_FAST64_MAX__\000\ 0x7fffffffffffffffl\000\ __INT_FAST64_TYPE__\000\ long\000\ __UINT_FAST64_TYPE__\000\ unsigned long\000\ __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__\000\ 17\000\ __DBL_DENORM_MIN__\000\ ((double)4.94065645841246544176568792868221372e-324L)\000\ __DBL_DIG__\000\ 15\000\ __DBL_EPSILON__\000\ ((double)2.22044604925031308084726333618164062e-16L)\000\ __DBL_HAS_DENORM__\000\ 1\000\ __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__\000\ 1\000\ __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__\000\ 1\000\ __DBL_MANT_DIG__\000\ 53\000\ __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__\000\ 308\000\ __DBL_MAX_EXP__\000\ 1024\000\ __DBL_MAX__\000\ ((double)1.79769313486231570814527423731704357e+308L)\000\ __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__\000\ (-307)\000\ __DBL_MIN_EXP__\000\ (-1021)\000\ __DBL_MIN__\000\ ((double)2.22507385850720138309023271733240406e-308L)\000\ __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__\000\ 9\000\ __FLT_DENORM_MIN__\000\ 1.40129846432481707092372958328991613e-45F\000\ __FLT_DIG__\000\ 6\000\ __FLT_EPSILON__\000\ 1.19209289550781250000000000000000000e-7F\000\ __FLT_EVAL_METHOD_TS_18661_3__\000\ 0\000\ __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__\000\ 0\000\ __FLT_HAS_DENORM__\000\ 1\000\ __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__\000\ 1\000\ __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__\000\ 1\000\ __FLT_MANT_DIG__\000\ 24\000\ __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__\000\ 38\000\ __FLT_MAX_EXP__\000\ 128\000\ __FLT_MAX__\000\ 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925e+38F\000\ __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__\000\ (-37)\000\ __FLT_MIN_EXP__\000\ (-125)\000\ __FLT_MIN__\000\ 1.17549435082228750796873653722224568e-38F\000\ __FLT_RADIX__\000\ 2\000\ __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__\000\ 21\000\ __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__\000\ 3.64519953188247460252840593361941982e-4951L\000\ __LDBL_DIG__\000\ 18\000\ __LDBL_EPSILON__\000\ 1.08420217248550443400745280086994171e-19L\000\ __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__\000\ 1\000\ __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__\000\ 1\000\ __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__\000\ 1\000\ __LDBL_MANT_DIG__\000\ 64\000\ __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__\000\ 4932\000\ __LDBL_MAX_EXP__\000\ 16384\000\ __LDBL_MAX__\000\ 1.18973149535723176502126385303097021e+4932L\000\ __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__\000\ (-4931)\000\ __LDBL_MIN_EXP__\000\ (-16381)\000\ __LDBL_MIN__\000\ 3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932L\000\ __x86_64\000\ 1\000\ __x86_64__\000\ 1\000\ __amd64\000\ 1\000\ __amd64__\000\ 1\000\ __MMX__\000\ 1\000\ __SSE__\000\ 1\000\ __SSE_MATH__\000\ 1\000\ __SSE2__\000\ 1\000\ __SSE2_MATH__\000\ 1\000\ __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE\000\ 2\000\ __ATOMIC_HLE_RELEASE\000\ 131072\000\ __ATOMIC_HLE_ACQUIRE\000\ 65536\000\ __ATOMIC_RELAXED\000\ 0\000\ __ATOMIC_CONSUME\000\ 1\000\ __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST\000\ 5\000\ __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL\000\ 4\000\ __ATOMIC_RELEASE\000\ 3\000\ \000"; do { val = name + strlen(name) + 1; define_macro(name, val); name = val + strlen(val) + 1; } while (*name); add_builtin("__FILE__", file_macro); add_builtin("__LINE__", line_macro); add_builtin("__COUNTER__", counter_macro); add_builtin("__TIMESTAMP__", timestamp_macro); add_builtin("__BASE_FILE__", base_file_macro); time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *tm = localtime(&now); define_macro("__DATE__", format_date(tm)); define_macro("__TIME__", format_time(tm)); } static StringKind getStringKind(Token *tok) { if (!strcmp(tok->loc, "u8")) return STR_UTF8; switch (tok->loc[0]) { case '"': return STR_NONE; case 'u': return STR_UTF16; case 'U': return STR_UTF32; case 'L': return STR_WIDE; } UNREACHABLE(); } // Concatenate adjacent string literals into a single string literal // as per the C spec. static void join_adjacent_string_literals(Token *tok) { // First pass: If regular string literals are adjacent to wide // string literals, regular string literals are converted to a wide // type before concatenation. In this pass, we do the conversion. for (Token *tok1 = tok; tok1->kind != TK_EOF;) { if (tok1->kind != TK_STR || tok1->next->kind != TK_STR) { tok1 = tok1->next; continue; } StringKind kind = getStringKind(tok1); Type *basety = tok1->ty->base; for (Token *t = tok1->next; t->kind == TK_STR; t = t->next) { StringKind k = getStringKind(t); if (kind == STR_NONE) { kind = k; basety = t->ty->base; } else if (k != STR_NONE && kind != k) { error_tok(t, "unsupported non-standard concatenation of string literals"); } } if (basety->size > 1) { for (Token *t = tok1; t->kind == TK_STR; t = t->next) { if (t->ty->base->size == 1) { *t = *tokenize_string_literal(t, basety); } } } while (tok1->kind == TK_STR) tok1 = tok1->next; } // Second pass: concatenate adjacent string literals. for (Token *tok1 = tok; tok1->kind != TK_EOF;) { if (tok1->kind != TK_STR || tok1->next->kind != TK_STR) { tok1 = tok1->next; continue; } Token *tok2 = tok1->next; while (tok2->kind == TK_STR) tok2 = tok2->next; int len = tok1->ty->array_len; for (Token *t = tok1->next; t != tok2; t = t->next) { len = len + t->ty->array_len - 1; } char *buf = calloc(tok1->ty->base->size, len); int j = 0; int i = 0; for (Token *t = tok1; t != tok2; t = t->next) { ++j; memcpy(buf + i, t->str, t->ty->size); i = i + t->ty->size - t->ty->base->size; } *tok1 = *copy_token(tok1); tok1->ty = array_of(tok1->ty->base, len); tok1->str = buf; tok1->next = tok2; tok1 = tok2; } } // Entry point function of the preprocessor. Token *preprocess(Token *tok) { tok = preprocess2(tok); if (cond_incl) { error_tok(cond_incl->tok, "unterminated conditional directive"); } convert_pp_tokens(tok); join_adjacent_string_literals(tok); for (Token *t = tok; t; t = t->next) { t->line_no += t->line_delta; } return tok; }