 *  Object enumeration support.
 *  Creates an internal enumeration state object to be used e.g. with for-in
 *  enumeration.  The state object contains a snapshot of target object keys
 *  and internal control state for enumeration.  Enumerator flags allow caller
 *  to e.g. request internal/non-enumerable properties, and to enumerate only
 *  "own" properties.
 *  Also creates the result value for e.g. Object.keys() based on the same
 *  internal structure.
 *  This snapshot-based enumeration approach is used to simplify enumeration:
 *  non-snapshot-based approaches are difficult to reconcile with mutating
 *  the enumeration target, running multiple long-lived enumerators at the
 *  same time, garbage collection details, etc.  The downside is that the
 *  enumerator object is memory inefficient especially for iterating arrays.

#include "third_party/duktape/duk_internal.h"

/* XXX: identify enumeration target with an object index (not top of stack) */

/* First enumerated key index in enumerator object, must match exactly the
 * number of control properties inserted to the enumerator.

/* Current implementation suffices for ES2015 for now because there's no symbol
 * sorting, so commented out for now.

 *  Helper to sort enumeration keys using a callback for pairwise duk_hstring
 *  comparisons.  The keys are in the enumeration object entry part, starting
 *  from DUK__ENUM_START_INDEX, and the entry part is dense.  Entry part values
 *  are all "true", e.g. "1" -> true, "3" -> true, "foo" -> true, "2" -> true,
 *  so it suffices to just switch keys without switching values.
 *  ES2015 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] enumeration order for ordinary objects:
 *  (1) array indices in ascending order,
 *  (2) non-array-index keys in insertion order, and
 *  (3) symbols in insertion order.
 *  http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-ordinary-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-ownpropertykeys.
 *  This rule is applied to "own properties" at each inheritance level;
 *  non-duplicate parent keys always follow child keys.  For example,
 *  an inherited array index will enumerate -after- a symbol in the
 *  child.
 *  Insertion sort is used because (1) it's simple and compact, (2) works
 *  in-place, (3) minimizes operations if data is already nearly sorted,
 *  (4) doesn't reorder elements considered equal.
 *  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort

/* Sort key, must hold array indices, "not array index" marker, and one more
 * higher value for symbols.
typedef duk_uint32_t duk__sort_key_t;
#elif defined(DUK_USE_64BIT_OPS)
typedef duk_uint64_t duk__sort_key_t;
typedef duk_double_t duk__sort_key_t;

/* Get sort key for a duk_hstring. */
DUK_LOCAL duk__sort_key_t duk__hstring_sort_key(duk_hstring *x) {
	duk__sort_key_t val;

	/* For array indices [0,0xfffffffe] use the array index as is.
	 * For strings, use 0xffffffff, the marker 'arridx' already in
	 * duk_hstring.  For symbols, any value above 0xffffffff works,
	 * as long as it is the same for all symbols; currently just add
	 * the masked flag field into the arridx temporary.

	val = (duk__sort_key_t) DUK_HSTRING_GET_ARRIDX_FAST(x);

	val = val + (duk__sort_key_t) (DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_FLAGS_RAW((duk_heaphdr *) x) & DUK_HSTRING_FLAG_SYMBOL);

	return (duk__sort_key_t) val;

/* Insert element 'b' after element 'a'? */
DUK_LOCAL duk_bool_t duk__sort_compare_es6(duk_hstring *a, duk_hstring *b, duk__sort_key_t val_b) {
	duk__sort_key_t val_a;

	DUK_UNREF(b);  /* Not actually needed now, val_b suffices. */

	val_a = duk__hstring_sort_key(a);

	if (val_a > val_b) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		return 1;

DUK_LOCAL void duk__sort_enum_keys_es6(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hobject *h_obj, duk_int_fast32_t idx_start, duk_int_fast32_t idx_end) {
	duk_hstring **keys;
	duk_int_fast32_t idx;

	DUK_ASSERT(h_obj != NULL);
	DUK_ASSERT(idx_end >= idx_start);

	if (idx_end <= idx_start + 1) {
		return;  /* Zero or one element(s). */

	keys = DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_KEY_BASE(thr->heap, h_obj);

	for (idx = idx_start + 1; idx < idx_end; idx++) {
		duk_hstring *h_curr;
		duk_int_fast32_t idx_insert;
		duk__sort_key_t val_curr;

		h_curr = keys[idx];
		DUK_ASSERT(h_curr != NULL);

		/* Scan backwards for insertion place.  This works very well
		 * when the elements are nearly in order which is the common
		 * (and optimized for) case.

		val_curr = duk__hstring_sort_key(h_curr);  /* Remains same during scanning. */
		for (idx_insert = idx - 1; idx_insert >= idx_start; idx_insert--) {
			duk_hstring *h_insert;
			h_insert = keys[idx_insert];
			DUK_ASSERT(h_insert != NULL);

			if (duk__sort_compare_es6(h_insert, h_curr, val_curr)) {
		/* If we're out of indices, idx_insert == idx_start - 1 and idx_insert++
		 * brings us back to idx_start.
		DUK_ASSERT(idx_insert >= 0 && idx_insert <= idx);

		/*        .-- p_insert   .-- p_curr
		 *        v              v
		 *  | ... | insert | ... | curr

		/* This could also done when the keys are in order, i.e.
		 * idx_insert == idx.  The result would be an unnecessary
		 * memmove() but we use an explicit check because the keys
		 * are very often in order already.
		if (idx != idx_insert) {
			duk_memmove((void *) (keys + idx_insert + 1),
			            (const void *) (keys + idx_insert),
			            ((size_t) (idx - idx_insert) * sizeof(duk_hstring *)));
			keys[idx_insert] = h_curr;

 *  Create an internal enumerator object E, which has its keys ordered
 *  to match desired enumeration ordering.  Also initialize internal control
 *  properties for enumeration.
 *  Note: if an array was used to hold enumeration keys instead, an array
 *  scan would be needed to eliminate duplicates found in the prototype chain.

DUK_LOCAL void duk__add_enum_key(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hstring *k) {
	/* 'k' may be unreachable on entry so must push without any
	 * potential for GC.
	duk_push_hstring(thr, k);
	duk_put_prop(thr, -3);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__add_enum_key_stridx(duk_hthread *thr, duk_small_uint_t stridx) {
	duk__add_enum_key(thr, DUK_HTHREAD_GET_STRING(thr, stridx));

DUK_INTERNAL void duk_hobject_enumerator_create(duk_hthread *thr, duk_small_uint_t enum_flags) {
	duk_hobject *enum_target;
	duk_hobject *curr;
	duk_hobject *res;
#if defined(DUK_USE_ES6_PROXY)
	duk_hobject *h_proxy_target;
	duk_hobject *h_proxy_handler;
	duk_hobject *h_trap_result;
	duk_uint_fast32_t i, len;  /* used for array, stack, and entry indices */
	duk_uint_fast32_t sort_start_index;


	enum_target = duk_require_hobject(thr, -1);
	DUK_ASSERT(enum_target != NULL);

	res = duk_known_hobject(thr, -1);

	/* [enum_target res] */

	/* Target must be stored so that we can recheck whether or not
	 * keys still exist when we enumerate.  This is not done if the
	 * enumeration result comes from a proxy trap as there is no
	 * real object to check against.
	duk_push_hobject(thr, enum_target);
	duk_put_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_TARGET);  /* Target is bare, plain put OK. */

	/* Initialize index so that we skip internal control keys. */
	duk_push_int(thr, DUK__ENUM_START_INDEX);
	duk_put_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_NEXT);  /* Target is bare, plain put OK. */

	 *  Proxy object handling

#if defined(DUK_USE_ES6_PROXY)
	if (DUK_LIKELY((enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_NO_PROXY_BEHAVIOR) != 0)) {
		goto skip_proxy;
	if (DUK_LIKELY(!duk_hobject_proxy_check(enum_target,
	                                        &h_proxy_handler))) {
		goto skip_proxy;

	/* XXX: share code with Object.keys() Proxy handling */

	/* In ES2015 for-in invoked the "enumerate" trap; in ES2016 "enumerate"
	 * has been obsoleted and "ownKeys" is used instead.
	DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("proxy enumeration"));
	duk_push_hobject(thr, h_proxy_handler);
	if (!duk_get_prop_stridx_short(thr, -1, DUK_STRIDX_OWN_KEYS)) {
		/* No need to replace the 'enum_target' value in stack, only the
		 * enum_target reference.  This also ensures that the original
		 * enum target is reachable, which keeps the proxy and the proxy
		 * target reachable.  We do need to replace the internal _Target.
		DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("no ownKeys trap, enumerate proxy target instead"));
		DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("h_proxy_target=%!O", (duk_heaphdr *) h_proxy_target));
		enum_target = h_proxy_target;

		duk_push_hobject(thr, enum_target);  /* -> [ ... enum_target res handler undefined target ] */
		duk_put_prop_stridx_short(thr, -4, DUK_STRIDX_INT_TARGET);  /* Target is bare, plain put OK. */

		duk_pop_2(thr);  /* -> [ ... enum_target res ] */
		goto skip_proxy;

	/* [ ... enum_target res handler trap ] */
	duk_insert(thr, -2);
	duk_push_hobject(thr, h_proxy_target);    /* -> [ ... enum_target res trap handler target ] */
	duk_call_method(thr, 1 /*nargs*/);        /* -> [ ... enum_target res trap_result ] */
	h_trap_result = duk_require_hobject(thr, -1);

	duk_proxy_ownkeys_postprocess(thr, h_proxy_target, enum_flags);
	/* -> [ ... enum_target res trap_result keys_array ] */

	/* Copy cleaned up trap result keys into the enumerator object. */
	/* XXX: result is a dense array; could make use of that. */
	DUK_ASSERT(duk_is_array(thr, -1));
	len = (duk_uint_fast32_t) duk_get_length(thr, -1);
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		(void) duk_get_prop_index(thr, -1, (duk_uarridx_t) i);
		DUK_ASSERT(duk_is_string(thr, -1));  /* postprocess cleaned up */
		/* [ ... enum_target res trap_result keys_array val ] */
		/* [ ... enum_target res trap_result keys_array val true ] */
		duk_put_prop(thr, -5);
	/* [ ... enum_target res trap_result keys_array ] */

	/* [ ... res ] */

	/* The internal _Target property is kept pointing to the original
	 * enumeration target (the proxy object), so that the enumerator
	 * 'next' operation can read property values if so requested.  The
	 * fact that the _Target is a proxy disables key existence check
	 * during enumeration.
	DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("proxy enumeration, final res: %!O", (duk_heaphdr *) res));
	goto compact_and_return;

#endif  /* DUK_USE_ES6_PROXY */

	curr = enum_target;
	sort_start_index = DUK__ENUM_START_INDEX;
	while (curr) {
		duk_uint_fast32_t sort_end_index;
#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
		duk_bool_t need_sort = 0;
		duk_bool_t cond;

		/* Enumeration proceeds by inheritance level.  Virtual
		 * properties need to be handled specially, followed by
		 * array part, and finally entry part.
		 * If there are array index keys in the entry part or any
		 * other risk of the ES2015 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] order being
		 * violated, need_sort is set and an explicit ES2015 sort is
		 * done for the inheritance level.

		/* XXX: inheriting from proxy */

		 *  Virtual properties.
		 *  String and buffer indices are virtual and always enumerable,
		 *  'length' is virtual and non-enumerable.  Array and arguments
		 *  object props have special behavior but are concrete.
		 *  String and buffer objects don't have an array part so as long
		 *  as virtual array index keys are enumerated first, we don't
		 *  need to set need_sort.

		cond = cond && !(enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_EXCLUDE_STRINGS);
		if (cond) {
			duk_bool_t have_length = 1;

			/* String and buffer enumeration behavior is identical now,
			 * so use shared handler.
				duk_hstring *h_val;
				h_val = duk_hobject_get_internal_value_string(thr->heap, curr);
				DUK_ASSERT(h_val != NULL);  /* string objects must not created without internal value */
				len = (duk_uint_fast32_t) DUK_HSTRING_GET_CHARLEN(h_val);
			else {
				duk_hbufobj *h_bufobj;
				h_bufobj = (duk_hbufobj *) curr;

				if (h_bufobj == NULL || !h_bufobj->is_typedarray) {
					/* Zero length seems like a good behavior for neutered buffers.
					 * ArrayBuffer (non-view) and DataView don't have index properties
					 * or .length property.
					len = 0;
					have_length = 0;
				} else {
					/* There's intentionally no check for
					 * current underlying buffer length.
					len = (duk_uint_fast32_t) (h_bufobj->length >> h_bufobj->shift);

			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				duk_hstring *k;

				/* This is a bit fragile: the string is not
				 * reachable until it is pushed by the helper.
				k = duk_heap_strtable_intern_u32_checked(thr, (duk_uint32_t) i);

				duk__add_enum_key(thr, k);

				/* [enum_target res] */

			/* 'length' and other virtual properties are not
			 * enumerable, but are included if non-enumerable
			 * properties are requested.

			if (have_length && (enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_NONENUMERABLE)) {
				duk__add_enum_key_stridx(thr, DUK_STRIDX_LENGTH);

		 *  Array part

		cond = !(enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_EXCLUDE_STRINGS);
		if (cond) {
			for (i = 0; i < (duk_uint_fast32_t) DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ASIZE(curr); i++) {
				duk_hstring *k;
				duk_tval *tv;

				tv = DUK_HOBJECT_A_GET_VALUE_PTR(thr->heap, curr, i);
				if (DUK_TVAL_IS_UNUSED(tv)) {
				k = duk_heap_strtable_intern_u32_checked(thr, (duk_uint32_t) i);  /* Fragile reachability. */

				duk__add_enum_key(thr, k);

				/* [enum_target res] */

				/* Array .length comes after numeric indices. */
				if (enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_NONENUMERABLE) {
					duk__add_enum_key_stridx(thr, DUK_STRIDX_LENGTH);

		 *  Entries part

		for (i = 0; i < (duk_uint_fast32_t) DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ENEXT(curr); i++) {
			duk_hstring *k;

			k = DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_KEY(thr->heap, curr, i);
			if (!k) {
			if (!(enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_NONENUMERABLE) &&
			    !DUK_HOBJECT_E_SLOT_IS_ENUMERABLE(thr->heap, curr, i)) {
				if (!(enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_HIDDEN) &&
				if (!(enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_INCLUDE_SYMBOLS)) {
#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
				need_sort = 1;
			} else {
				DUK_ASSERT(!DUK_HSTRING_HAS_HIDDEN(k));  /* would also have symbol flag */
				if (enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_EXCLUDE_STRINGS) {
				/* This in currently only possible if the
				 * object has no array part: the array part
				 * is exhaustive when it is present.
#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
				need_sort = 1;
			} else {
				if (enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_ARRAY_INDICES_ONLY) {

			           !DUK_TVAL_IS_UNUSED(&DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_VALUE_PTR(thr->heap, curr, i)->v));

			duk__add_enum_key(thr, k);

			/* [enum_target res] */

		/* Sort enumerated keys according to ES2015 requirements for
		 * the "inheritance level" just processed.  This is far from
		 * optimal, ES2015 semantics could be achieved more efficiently
		 * by handling array index string keys (and symbol keys)
		 * specially above in effect doing the sort inline.
		 * Skip the sort if array index sorting is requested because
		 * we must consider all keys, also inherited, so an explicit
		 * sort is done for the whole result after we're done with the
		 * prototype chain.
		 * Also skip the sort if need_sort == 0, i.e. we know for
		 * certain that the enumerated order is already correct.
		sort_end_index = DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ENEXT(res);

		if (!(enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_SORT_ARRAY_INDICES)) {
#if defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
			duk__sort_enum_keys_es6(thr, res, (duk_int_fast32_t) sort_start_index, (duk_int_fast32_t) sort_end_index);
			if (need_sort) {
				DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("need to sort"));
				duk__sort_enum_keys_es6(thr, res, (duk_int_fast32_t) sort_start_index, (duk_int_fast32_t) sort_end_index);
			} else {
				DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("no need to sort"));

		sort_start_index = sort_end_index;

		if (enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_OWN_PROPERTIES_ONLY) {

		curr = DUK_HOBJECT_GET_PROTOTYPE(thr->heap, curr);

	/* [enum_target res] */


	/* [res] */

	if (enum_flags & DUK_ENUM_SORT_ARRAY_INDICES) {
		/* Some E5/E5.1 algorithms require that array indices are iterated
		 * in a strictly ascending order.  This is the case for e.g.
		 * Array.prototype.forEach() and JSON.stringify() PropertyList
		 * handling.  The caller can request an explicit sort in these
		 * cases.

		/* Sort to ES2015 order which works for pure array incides but
		 * also for mixed keys.
		duk__sort_enum_keys_es6(thr, res, (duk_int_fast32_t) DUK__ENUM_START_INDEX, (duk_int_fast32_t) DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ENEXT(res));

#if defined(DUK_USE_ES6_PROXY)
	/* compact; no need to seal because object is internal */
	duk_hobject_compact_props(thr, res);

	DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("created enumerator object: %!iT", (duk_tval *) duk_get_tval(thr, -1)));

 *  Returns non-zero if a key and/or value was enumerated, and:
 *   [enum] -> [key]        (get_value == 0)
 *   [enum] -> [key value]  (get_value == 1)
 *  Returns zero without pushing anything on the stack otherwise.
DUK_INTERNAL duk_bool_t duk_hobject_enumerator_next(duk_hthread *thr, duk_bool_t get_value) {
	duk_hobject *e;
	duk_hobject *enum_target;
	duk_hstring *res = NULL;
	duk_uint_fast32_t idx;
	duk_bool_t check_existence;


	/* [... enum] */

	e = duk_require_hobject(thr, -1);

	/* XXX use get tval ptr, more efficient */
	duk_get_prop_stridx_short(thr, -1, DUK_STRIDX_INT_NEXT);
	idx = (duk_uint_fast32_t) duk_require_uint(thr, -1);
	DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("enumeration: index is: %ld", (long) idx));

	/* Enumeration keys are checked against the enumeration target (to see
	 * that they still exist).  In the proxy enumeration case _Target will
	 * be the proxy, and checking key existence against the proxy is not
	 * required (or sensible, as the keys may be fully virtual).
	duk_xget_owndataprop_stridx_short(thr, -1, DUK_STRIDX_INT_TARGET);
	enum_target = duk_require_hobject(thr, -1);
	DUK_ASSERT(enum_target != NULL);
#if defined(DUK_USE_ES6_PROXY)
	check_existence = (!DUK_HOBJECT_IS_PROXY(enum_target));
	check_existence = 1;
	duk_pop(thr);  /* still reachable */

	DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("getting next enum value, enum_target=%!iO, enumerator=%!iT",
	                     (duk_heaphdr *) enum_target, (duk_tval *) duk_get_tval(thr, -1)));

	/* no array part */
	for (;;) {
		duk_hstring *k;

		if (idx >= DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ENEXT(e)) {
			DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("enumeration: ran out of elements"));

		/* we know these because enum objects are internally created */
		k = DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_KEY(thr->heap, e, idx);


		/* recheck that the property still exists */
		if (check_existence && !duk_hobject_hasprop_raw(thr, enum_target, k)) {
			DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("property deleted during enumeration, skip"));

		DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("enumeration: found element, key: %!O", (duk_heaphdr *) k));
		res = k;

	DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("enumeration: updating next index to %ld", (long) idx));

	duk_push_u32(thr, (duk_uint32_t) idx);
	duk_put_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_NEXT);

	/* [... enum] */

	if (res) {
		duk_push_hstring(thr, res);
		if (get_value) {
			duk_push_hobject(thr, enum_target);
			duk_dup_m2(thr);       /* -> [... enum key enum_target key] */
			duk_get_prop(thr, -2); /* -> [... enum key enum_target val] */
			duk_remove_m2(thr);    /* -> [... enum key val] */
			duk_remove(thr, -3);   /* -> [... key val] */
		} else {
			duk_remove_m2(thr);    /* -> [... key] */
		return 1;
	} else {
		duk_pop(thr);  /* -> [...] */
		return 0;

 *  Get enumerated keys in an ECMAScript array.  Matches Object.keys() behavior
 *  described in E5 Section

DUK_INTERNAL duk_ret_t duk_hobject_get_enumerated_keys(duk_hthread *thr, duk_small_uint_t enum_flags) {
	duk_hobject *e;
	duk_hstring **keys;
	duk_tval *tv;
	duk_uint_fast32_t count;

	DUK_ASSERT(duk_get_hobject(thr, -1) != NULL);

	/* Create a temporary enumerator to get the (non-duplicated) key list;
	 * the enumerator state is initialized without being needed, but that
	 * has little impact.

	duk_hobject_enumerator_create(thr, enum_flags);
	e = duk_known_hobject(thr, -1);

	/* [enum_target enum res] */

	/* Create dense result array to exact size. */
	count = (duk_uint32_t) (DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ENEXT(e) - DUK__ENUM_START_INDEX);

	/* XXX: uninit would be OK */
	tv = duk_push_harray_with_size_outptr(thr, (duk_uint32_t) count);
	DUK_ASSERT(count == 0 || tv != NULL);
	DUK_ASSERT(!duk_is_bare_object(thr, -1));

	/* Fill result array, no side effects. */

	keys = DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_KEY_BASE(thr->heap, e);

	while (count-- > 0) {
		duk_hstring *k;

		k = *keys++;
		DUK_ASSERT(k != NULL);  /* enumerator must have no keys deleted */


	/* [enum_target enum res] */

	/* [enum_target res] */

	return 1;  /* return 1 to allow callers to tail call */