// clang-format off //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//// #ifndef FILESYSTEM_COMMON_H #define FILESYSTEM_COMMON_H #include "third_party/libcxx/__config" #include "third_party/libcxx/filesystem" #include "third_party/libcxx/filesystem_common.hh" #include "third_party/libcxx/array" #include "third_party/libcxx/chrono" #include "third_party/libcxx/cstdlib" #include "libc/calls/struct/stat.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/at.h" #include "third_party/libcxx/climits" #define _LIBCPP_USE_UTIMENSAT #if defined(__GNUC__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #endif _LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_FILESYSTEM namespace detail { namespace { static string format_string_imp(const char* msg, ...) { // we might need a second shot at this, so pre-emptivly make a copy struct GuardVAList { va_list& target; bool active = true; GuardVAList(va_list& target) : target(target), active(true) {} void clear() { if (active) va_end(target); active = false; } ~GuardVAList() { if (active) va_end(target); } }; va_list args; va_start(args, msg); GuardVAList args_guard(args); va_list args_cp; va_copy(args_cp, args); GuardVAList args_copy_guard(args_cp); std::string result; array local_buff; size_t size_with_null = local_buff.size(); auto ret = ::vsnprintf(local_buff.data(), size_with_null, msg, args_cp); args_copy_guard.clear(); // handle empty expansion if (ret == 0) return result; if (static_cast(ret) < size_with_null) { result.assign(local_buff.data(), static_cast(ret)); return result; } // we did not provide a long enough buffer on our first attempt. The // return value is the number of bytes (excluding the null byte) that are // needed for formatting. size_with_null = static_cast(ret) + 1; result.__resize_default_init(size_with_null - 1); ret = ::vsnprintf(&result[0], size_with_null, msg, args); _LIBCPP_ASSERT(static_cast(ret) == (size_with_null - 1), "TODO"); return result; } const char* unwrap(string const& s) { return s.c_str(); } const char* unwrap(path const& p) { return p.native().c_str(); } template Arg const& unwrap(Arg const& a) { static_assert(!is_class::value, "cannot pass class here"); return a; } template string format_string(const char* fmt, Args const&... args) { return format_string_imp(fmt, unwrap(args)...); } error_code capture_errno() { _LIBCPP_ASSERT(errno, "Expected errno to be non-zero"); return error_code(errno, generic_category()); } template T error_value(); template <> _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 void error_value() {} template <> bool error_value() { return false; } template <> uintmax_t error_value() { return uintmax_t(-1); } template <> _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 file_time_type error_value() { return file_time_type::min(); } template <> path error_value() { return {}; } template struct ErrorHandler { const char* func_name; error_code* ec = nullptr; const path* p1 = nullptr; const path* p2 = nullptr; ErrorHandler(const char* fname, error_code* ec, const path* p1 = nullptr, const path* p2 = nullptr) : func_name(fname), ec(ec), p1(p1), p2(p2) { if (ec) ec->clear(); } T report(const error_code& m_ec) const { if (ec) { *ec = m_ec; return error_value(); } string what = string("in ") + func_name; switch (bool(p1) + bool(p2)) { case 0: __throw_filesystem_error(what, m_ec); case 1: __throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1, m_ec); case 2: __throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1, *p2, m_ec); } _LIBCPP_UNREACHABLE(); } template T report(const error_code& m_ec, const char* msg, Args const&... args) const { if (ec) { *ec = m_ec; return error_value(); } string what = string("in ") + func_name + ": " + format_string(msg, args...); switch (bool(p1) + bool(p2)) { case 0: __throw_filesystem_error(what, m_ec); case 1: __throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1, m_ec); case 2: __throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1, *p2, m_ec); } _LIBCPP_UNREACHABLE(); } T report(errc const& err) const { return report(make_error_code(err)); } template T report(errc const& err, const char* msg, Args const&... args) const { return report(make_error_code(err), msg, args...); } private: ErrorHandler(ErrorHandler const&) = delete; ErrorHandler& operator=(ErrorHandler const&) = delete; }; using chrono::duration; using chrono::duration_cast; using TimeSpec = struct ::timespec; using StatT = struct ::stat; template ::value> struct time_util_base { using rep = typename FileTimeT::rep; using fs_duration = typename FileTimeT::duration; using fs_seconds = duration; using fs_nanoseconds = duration; using fs_microseconds = duration; static constexpr rep max_seconds = duration_cast(FileTimeT::duration::max()).count(); static constexpr rep max_nsec = duration_cast(FileTimeT::duration::max() - fs_seconds(max_seconds)) .count(); static constexpr rep min_seconds = duration_cast(FileTimeT::duration::min()).count(); static constexpr rep min_nsec_timespec = duration_cast( (FileTimeT::duration::min() - fs_seconds(min_seconds)) + fs_seconds(1)) .count(); private: #if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11 && !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_CXX14_CONSTEXPR) static constexpr fs_duration get_min_nsecs() { return duration_cast( fs_nanoseconds(min_nsec_timespec) - duration_cast(fs_seconds(1))); } // Static assert that these values properly round trip. static_assert(fs_seconds(min_seconds) + get_min_nsecs() == FileTimeT::duration::min(), "value doesn't roundtrip"); static constexpr bool check_range() { // This kinda sucks, but it's what happens when we don't have __int128_t. if (sizeof(TimeT) == sizeof(rep)) { typedef duration > Years; return duration_cast(fs_seconds(max_seconds)) > Years(250) && duration_cast(fs_seconds(min_seconds)) < Years(-250); } return max_seconds >= numeric_limits::max() && min_seconds <= numeric_limits::min(); } static_assert(check_range(), "the representable range is unacceptable small"); #endif }; template struct time_util_base { using rep = typename FileTimeT::rep; using fs_duration = typename FileTimeT::duration; using fs_seconds = duration; using fs_nanoseconds = duration; using fs_microseconds = duration; static const rep max_seconds; static const rep max_nsec; static const rep min_seconds; static const rep min_nsec_timespec; }; template const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base::max_seconds = duration_cast(FileTimeT::duration::max()).count(); template const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base::max_nsec = duration_cast(FileTimeT::duration::max() - fs_seconds(max_seconds)) .count(); template const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base::min_seconds = duration_cast(FileTimeT::duration::min()).count(); template const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base::min_nsec_timespec = duration_cast((FileTimeT::duration::min() - fs_seconds(min_seconds)) + fs_seconds(1)) .count(); template struct time_util : time_util_base { using Base = time_util_base; using Base::max_nsec; using Base::max_seconds; using Base::min_nsec_timespec; using Base::min_seconds; using typename Base::fs_duration; using typename Base::fs_microseconds; using typename Base::fs_nanoseconds; using typename Base::fs_seconds; public: template static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool checked_set(CType* out, ChronoType time) { using Lim = numeric_limits; if (time > Lim::max() || time < Lim::min()) return false; *out = static_cast(time); return true; } static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool is_representable(TimeSpecT tm) { if (tm.tv_sec >= 0) { return tm.tv_sec < max_seconds || (tm.tv_sec == max_seconds && tm.tv_nsec <= max_nsec); } else if (tm.tv_sec == (min_seconds - 1)) { return tm.tv_nsec >= min_nsec_timespec; } else { return tm.tv_sec >= min_seconds; } } static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool is_representable(FileTimeT tm) { auto secs = duration_cast(tm.time_since_epoch()); auto nsecs = duration_cast(tm.time_since_epoch() - secs); if (nsecs.count() < 0) { secs = secs + fs_seconds(1); nsecs = nsecs + fs_seconds(1); } using TLim = numeric_limits; if (secs.count() >= 0) return secs.count() <= TLim::max(); return secs.count() >= TLim::min(); } static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 FileTimeT convert_from_timespec(TimeSpecT tm) { if (tm.tv_sec >= 0 || tm.tv_nsec == 0) { return FileTimeT(fs_seconds(tm.tv_sec) + duration_cast(fs_nanoseconds(tm.tv_nsec))); } else { // tm.tv_sec < 0 auto adj_subsec = duration_cast(fs_seconds(1) - fs_nanoseconds(tm.tv_nsec)); auto Dur = fs_seconds(tm.tv_sec + 1) - adj_subsec; return FileTimeT(Dur); } } template static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool set_times_checked(TimeT* sec_out, SubSecT* subsec_out, FileTimeT tp) { auto dur = tp.time_since_epoch(); auto sec_dur = duration_cast(dur); auto subsec_dur = duration_cast(dur - sec_dur); // The tv_nsec and tv_usec fields must not be negative so adjust accordingly if (subsec_dur.count() < 0) { if (sec_dur.count() > min_seconds) { sec_dur = sec_dur - fs_seconds(1); subsec_dur = subsec_dur + fs_seconds(1); } else { subsec_dur = fs_nanoseconds::zero(); } } return checked_set(sec_out, sec_dur.count()) && checked_set(subsec_out, subsec_dur.count()); } static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool convert_to_timespec(TimeSpecT& dest, FileTimeT tp) { if (!is_representable(tp)) return false; return set_times_checked(&dest.tv_sec, &dest.tv_nsec, tp); } }; using fs_time = time_util; #if defined(__APPLE__) TimeSpec extract_mtime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_mtimespec; } TimeSpec extract_atime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_atimespec; } #else TimeSpec extract_mtime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_mtim; } TimeSpec extract_atime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_atim; } #endif // allow the utimes implementation to compile even it we're not going // to use it. bool posix_utimes(const path& p, std::array const& TS, error_code& ec) { using namespace chrono; auto Convert = [](long nsec) { using int_type = decltype(std::declval< ::timeval>().tv_usec); auto dur = duration_cast(nanoseconds(nsec)).count(); return static_cast(dur); }; struct ::timeval ConvertedTS[2] = {{TS[0].tv_sec, Convert(TS[0].tv_nsec)}, {TS[1].tv_sec, Convert(TS[1].tv_nsec)}}; if (::utimes(p.c_str(), ConvertedTS) == -1) { ec = capture_errno(); return true; } return false; } #if defined(_LIBCPP_USE_UTIMENSAT) bool posix_utimensat(const path& p, std::array const& TS, error_code& ec) { if (::utimensat(AT_FDCWD, p.c_str(), TS.data(), 0) == -1) { ec = capture_errno(); return true; } return false; } #endif bool set_file_times(const path& p, std::array const& TS, error_code& ec) { #if !defined(_LIBCPP_USE_UTIMENSAT) return posix_utimes(p, TS, ec); #else return posix_utimensat(p, TS, ec); #endif } } // namespace } // end namespace detail _LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_FILESYSTEM #endif // FILESYSTEM_COMMON_H