// clang-format off /* $Copyright: $ * Copyright (c) 1996 - 2023 by Steve Baker (ice@mama.indstate.edu) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "libc/mem/mem.h" #include "libc/mem/alg.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/s.h" #include "third_party/tree/tree.h" extern bool dflag, Fflag, aflag, fflag, pruneflag, gitignore, showinfo; extern bool noindent, force_color, matchdirs, fflinks; extern bool reverse; extern int pattern, ipattern; extern int (*topsort)(); extern FILE *outfile; extern int Level, *dirs, maxdirs; extern bool colorize; extern char *endcode; extern char *file_comment, *file_pathsep; /* 64K paths maximum */ #define MAXPATH 64*1024 enum ftok { T_PATHSEP, T_DIR, T_FILE, T_EOP }; char *nextpc(char **p, int *tok) { static char prev = 0; char *s = *p; if (!**p) { *tok = T_EOP; /* Shouldn't happen. */ return NULL; } if (prev) { prev = 0; *tok = T_PATHSEP; return NULL; } if (strchr(file_pathsep, **p) != NULL) { (*p)++; *tok = T_PATHSEP; return NULL; } while(**p && strchr(file_pathsep,**p) == NULL) (*p)++; if (**p) { *tok = T_DIR; prev = **p; *(*p)++ = '\0'; } else *tok = T_FILE; return s; } struct _info *newent(char *name) { struct _info *n = xmalloc(sizeof(struct _info)); memset(n,0,sizeof(struct _info)); n->name = scopy(name); n->child = NULL; n->tchild = n->next = NULL; return n; } /* Should replace this with a Red-Black tree implementation or the like */ struct _info *search(struct _info **dir, char *name) { struct _info *ptr, *prev, *n; int cmp; if (*dir == NULL) return (*dir = newent(name)); for(prev = ptr = *dir; ptr != NULL; ptr=ptr->next) { cmp = strcmp(ptr->name,name); if (cmp == 0) return ptr; if (cmp > 0) break; prev = ptr; } n = newent(name); n->next = ptr; if (prev == ptr) *dir = n; else prev->next = n; return n; } void freefiletree(struct _info *ent) { struct _info *ptr = ent, *t; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->tchild) freefiletree(ptr->tchild); t = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; free(t); } } /** * Recursively prune (unset show flag) files/directories of matches/ignored * patterns: */ struct _info **fprune(struct _info *head, char *path, bool matched, bool root) { struct _info **dir, *new = NULL, *end = NULL, *ent, *t; struct comment *com; struct ignorefile *ig = NULL; struct infofile *inf = NULL; char *cur, *fpath = xmalloc(sizeof(char) * MAXPATH); int i, show, count = 0; strcpy(fpath, path); cur = fpath + strlen(fpath); *(cur++) = '/'; push_files(path, &ig, &inf, root); for(ent = head; ent != NULL;) { strcpy(cur, ent->name); if (ent->tchild) ent->isdir = 1; show = 1; if (dflag && !ent->isdir) show = 0; if (!aflag && !root && ent->name[0] == '.') show = 0; if (show && !matched) { if (!ent->isdir) { if (pattern && !patinclude(ent->name, 0)) show = 0; if (ipattern && patignore(ent->name, 0)) show = 0; } if (ent->isdir && show && matchdirs && pattern) { if (patinclude(ent->name, 1)) matched = TRUE; } } if (pruneflag && !matched && ent->isdir && ent->tchild == NULL) show = 0; if (gitignore && filtercheck(path, ent->name, ent->isdir)) show = 0; if (show && showinfo && (com = infocheck(path, ent->name, inf != NULL, ent->isdir))) { for(i = 0; com->desc[i] != NULL; i++); ent->comment = xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * (i+1)); for(i = 0; com->desc[i] != NULL; i++) ent->comment[i] = scopy(com->desc[i]); ent->comment[i] = NULL; } if (show && ent->tchild != NULL) ent->child = fprune(ent->tchild, fpath, matched, FALSE); t = ent; ent = ent->next; if (show) { if (end) end = end->next = t; else new = end = t; count++; } else { t->next = NULL; freefiletree(t); } } if (end) end->next = NULL; dir = xmalloc(sizeof(struct _info *) * (count+1)); for(count = 0, ent = new; ent != NULL; ent = ent->next, count++) { dir[count] = ent; } dir[count] = NULL; if (topsort) qsort(dir,count,sizeof(struct _info *),topsort); if (ig != NULL) ig = pop_filterstack(); if (inf != NULL) inf = pop_infostack(); free(fpath); return dir; } struct _info **file_getfulltree(char *d, u_long lev, dev_t dev, off_t *size, char **err) { FILE *fp = (strcmp(d,".")? fopen(d,"r") : stdin); char *path, *spath, *s, *link; struct _info *root = NULL, **cwd, *ent; int l, tok; *size = 0; if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"tree: Error opening %s for reading.\n", d); return NULL; } path = xmalloc(sizeof(char) * MAXPATH); while(fgets(path, MAXPATH, fp) != NULL) { if (file_comment != NULL && strncmp(path,file_comment,strlen(file_comment)) == 0) continue; l = strlen(path); while(l && (path[l-1] == '\n' || path[l-1] == '\r')) path[--l] = '\0'; if (l == 0) continue; spath = path; cwd = &root; link = fflinks? strstr(path, " -> ") : NULL; if (link) { *link = '\0'; link += 4; } ent = NULL; do { s = nextpc(&spath, &tok); if (tok == T_PATHSEP) continue; switch(tok) { case T_PATHSEP: continue; case T_FILE: case T_DIR: /* Should probably handle '.' and '..' entries here */ ent = search(cwd, s); /* Might be empty, but should definitely be considered a directory: */ if (tok == T_DIR) { ent->isdir = 1; ent->mode = S_IFDIR; } else { ent->mode = S_IFREG; } cwd = &(ent->tchild); break; } } while (tok != T_FILE && tok != T_EOP); if (link) { ent->isdir = 0; ent->mode = S_IFLNK; ent->lnk = scopy(link); } } if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); free(path); /* Prune accumulated directory tree: */ return fprune(root, "", FALSE, TRUE); } struct _info **tabedfile_getfulltree(char *d, u_long lev, dev_t dev, off_t *size, char **err) { FILE *fp = (strcmp(d,".")? fopen(d,"r") : stdin); char *path, *spath, *link; struct _info *root = NULL, **istack, *ent; int line = 0, tabs, maxstack = 2048, top = 0, l; *size = 0; if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"tree: Error opening %s for reading.\n", d); return NULL; } path = xmalloc(sizeof(char) * MAXPATH); istack = xmalloc(sizeof(struct _info *) * maxstack); memset(istack, 0, sizeof(struct _info *) * maxstack); while(fgets(path, MAXPATH, fp) != NULL) { line++; if (file_comment != NULL && strncmp(path,file_comment,strlen(file_comment)) == 0) continue; l = strlen(path); while(l && (path[l-1] == '\n' || path[l-1] == '\r')) path[--l] = '\0'; if (l == 0) continue; for(tabs=0; path[tabs] == '\t'; tabs++); if (tabs >= maxstack) { fprintf(stderr, "tree: Tab depth exceeds maximum path depth (%d >= %d) on line %d\n", tabs, maxstack, line); continue; } spath = path+tabs; link = fflinks? strstr(spath, " -> ") : NULL; if (link) { *link = '\0'; link += 4; } if (tabs-1 > top) { fprintf(stderr, "tree: Orphaned file [%s] on line %d, check tab depth in file.\n", spath, line); continue; } ent = istack[tabs] = search(tabs? &(istack[tabs-1]->tchild) : &root, spath); ent->mode = S_IFREG; if (tabs) { istack[tabs-1]->isdir = 1; istack[tabs-1]->mode = S_IFDIR; } if (link) { ent->isdir = 0; ent->mode = S_IFLNK; ent->lnk = scopy(link); } top = tabs; } if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); free(path); free(istack); /* Prune accumulated directory tree: */ return fprune(root, "", FALSE, TRUE); }