# Makefile for MSVC x64 Command Line Developer Tools # # nmake /f Makefile.msvc check # nmake /f Makefile.msvc MODE=debug check # # Compiler and linker CC=cl LINK=link # Build mode (can be overridden from command line) !IFNDEF MODE MODE=release !ENDIF # Library dependencies. TEST_LIBS=OneCore.lib # Compiler flags CFLAGS_COMMON=/nologo /W4 /Gy /EHsc CFLAGS_DEBUG=/Od /Zi /MDd /D_DEBUG CFLAGS_RELEASE=/O2 /MD /DNDEBUG !IF "$(MODE)"=="debug" CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS_COMMON) $(CFLAGS_DEBUG) LDFLAGS=/DEBUG OUT_DIR=Debug !ELSE CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS_COMMON) $(CFLAGS_RELEASE) /GL LDFLAGS=/RELEASE /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF /LTCG /INCREMENTAL:NO OUT_DIR=Release !ENDIF # Additional flags for DLL DLL_CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /D_USRDLL /D_WINDLL # Linker flags LDFLAGS=/NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE $(LDFLAGS) # Output file names DLL_TARGET=$(OUT_DIR)\cosmoaudio.dll TEST_TARGET=$(OUT_DIR)\test.exe # Source files DLL_SOURCES=cosmoaudio.c TEST_SOURCES=test.c # Object files DLL_OBJECTS=$(OUT_DIR)\cosmoaudio.obj TEST_OBJECTS=$(OUT_DIR)\test.obj # Default target all: $(OUT_DIR) $(DLL_TARGET) $(TEST_TARGET) # Create output directory $(OUT_DIR): if not exist $(OUT_DIR) mkdir $(OUT_DIR) # Rule to build the DLL $(DLL_TARGET): $(OUT_DIR) $(DLL_OBJECTS) $(LINK) /DLL $(LDFLAGS) /OUT:$(DLL_TARGET) $(DLL_OBJECTS) # Rule to build the test program $(TEST_TARGET): $(OUT_DIR) $(TEST_OBJECTS) $(DLL_TARGET) $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) /OUT:$(TEST_TARGET) $(TEST_OBJECTS) $(DLL_TARGET:.dll=.lib) $(TEST_LIBS) # Rules to compile .c files to .obj files with header dependencies {.}.c{$(OUT_DIR)}.obj: $(CC) $(DLL_CFLAGS) /c /Fo$(OUT_DIR)\ $< $(OUT_DIR)\test.obj: $(OUT_DIR) test.c cosmoaudio.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c /Fo$(OUT_DIR)\ test.c $(OUT_DIR)\cosmoaudio.obj: $(OUT_DIR) cosmoaudio.c miniaudio.h cosmoaudio.h $(CC) $(DLL_CFLAGS) /c /Fo$(OUT_DIR)\ cosmoaudio.c # Clean target clean: if exist $(OUT_DIR) rmdir /s /q $(OUT_DIR) # Run tests (now called 'check') check: $(TEST_TARGET) $(TEST_TARGET) # Phony targets .PHONY: all clean check