local top = [[ ]] local bottom = [[ Show The Code ]] local nrows = 10 local ncols = 10 local sqsize = 20 local seed = math.random() local sat = 80 local light = 70 local function rect(x, y, w, h, rx) local style = string.format('class="shadow" fill="hsla(%s, %s%%, %s%%, %s)"', seed * 360 - 180, sat, light, math.random(100) / 100.0) return string.format( '', x, y, w, h, math.random(5, 12), style) end local function writeBlock(i, j) if math.random() < 0.45 then return end local cellsize = (math.random() > 0.25) and sqsize or math.random(1,4) * sqsize Write('') Write(rect(i * sqsize - sqsize, j * sqsize - sqsize, cellsize, cellsize)) Write('') end local function render() nrows = nrows * 3 ncols = ncols * 3 local xsize = nrows * sqsize local ysize = ncols * sqsize local style = string.format('style="background-color: hsl(%s,%s%%,%s%%);"', seed * 360, sat, light) Write('') for i = 1, nrows, 1 do for j = 1, ncols, 1 do writeBlock(i, j) end end Write('') end Write(top) Write("

Let's Generate Some SVG

") Write("

If you don't like it, maybe refresh?

") render() Write('
') Write('Walk Through') Write('
') Write(bottom)