-- Copyright 2022 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for -- any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the -- above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL -- WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR -- PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER -- TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR -- PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. unix.pledge("stdio") x = Rdtsc() y = Rdtsc() assert(y > x) assert(Rdrand() ~= Rdrand()) assert(Rdseed() ~= Rdseed()) assert(Bsr(1) == 0) assert(Bsr(2) == 1) assert(Bsr(3) == 1) assert(Bsr(4) == 2) assert(Bsr(0x80000001) == 31) assert(Bsf(1) == 0) assert(Bsf(2) == 1) assert(Bsf(3) == 0) assert(Bsf(4) == 2) assert(Bsf(0x80000001) == 0) assert(Popcnt(0) == 0) assert(Popcnt(1) == 1) assert(Popcnt(2) == 1) assert(Popcnt(3) == 2) assert(Popcnt(0b0111101001101001) == 9) assert(Lemur64() == 0x1940efe9d47ae889) assert(Lemur64() == 0xd4b3103f567f9974) assert(hex(0x1940efe9d47ae889) == "0x1940efe9d47ae889") assert(oct(0x1940efe9d47ae889) == "0145007376472436564211") assert(bin(0x1940efe9d47ae889) == "0b0001100101000000111011111110100111010100011110101110100010001001") assert(EscapeHtml(nil) == nil) assert(EscapeHtml("?hello&there<>") == "?hello&there<>") assert(EscapeParam(nil) == nil) assert(EscapeParam("?hello&there<>") == "%3Fhello%26there%3C%3E") assert(DecodeLatin1(nil) == nil) assert(DecodeLatin1("hello\xff\xc0") == "helloÿÀ") assert(EncodeLatin1("helloÿÀ") == "hello\xff\xc0") url = ParseUrl("https://jart:pass@redbean.dev/2.0.html?x&y=z#frag") assert(url.scheme == "https") assert(url.user == "jart") assert(url.pass == "pass") assert(url.host == "redbean.dev") assert(not url.port) assert(url.path == "/2.0.html") assert(EncodeLua(url.params) == '{{"x"}, {"y", "z"}}') assert(url.fragment == "frag") assert(Decimate("\xff\xff\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00") == "\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00") assert(Underlong(nil) == nil) assert(Underlong("hello") == "hello") assert(Underlong("hello\xc0\x80") == "hello\x00") assert(ParseIp("x") == -1) assert(ParseIp("") == 0x7f000001) assert(GetMonospaceWidth('c') == 1) assert(GetMonospaceWidth(string.byte('c')) == 1) assert(GetMonospaceWidth(0) == 0) assert(GetMonospaceWidth(1) == -1) assert(GetMonospaceWidth(32) == 1) assert(GetMonospaceWidth(0x3061) == 2) assert(GetMonospaceWidth("ちち") == 4) assert(IsPublicIp(0x08080808)) assert(not IsPublicIp(0x0a000000)) assert(not IsPublicIp(0x7f000001)) assert(not IsPrivateIp(0x08080808)) assert(IsPrivateIp(0x0a000000)) assert(not IsPrivateIp(0x7f000001)) assert(not IsLoopbackIp(0x08080808)) assert(not IsLoopbackIp(0x0a000000)) assert(IsLoopbackIp(0x7f000001)) assert(IndentLines(nil) == nil) assert(IndentLines("hi\nthere") == " hi\n there") assert(IndentLines("hi\nthere\n") == " hi\n there\n") assert(IndentLines("hi\nthere\n", 2) == " hi\n there\n") assert(ParseHttpDateTime("Fri, 08 Jul 2022 16:17:43 GMT") == 1657297063) assert(FormatHttpDateTime(1657297063) == "Fri, 08 Jul 2022 16:17:43 GMT") assert(VisualizeControlCodes("hello\x00") == "hello␀") assert(VisualizeControlCodes("\xe2\x80\xa8") == "↵") -- line separator assert(VisualizeControlCodes("\xe2\x80\xaa") == "⟫") -- left-to-right embedding assert(VisualizeControlCodes("\xe2\x80\xab") == "⟪") -- right-to-left embedding assert(math.floor(10 * MeasureEntropy(" ") + .5) == 0) assert(math.floor(10 * MeasureEntropy("abcabcabcabc") + .5) == 16) assert(Crc32(0, "123456789") == 0xcbf43926) assert(Crc32c(0, "123456789") == 0xe3069283) assert(assert(Deflate("hello")) == "\xcbH\xcd\xc9\xc9\x07\x00") assert(assert(Inflate("\xcbH\xcd\xc9\xc9\x07\x00", 5)) == "hello") -- deprecated compression api we wish to forget as quickly as possible assert(Uncompress(Compress("hello")) == "hello") assert(Compress("hello") == "\x05\x86\xa6\x106x\x9c\xcbH\xcd\xc9\xc9\x07\x00\x06,\x02\x15") assert(Compress("hello", 0) == "\x05\x86\xa6\x106x\x01\x01\x05\x00\xfa\xffhello\x06,\x02\x15") assert(Compress("hello", 0, true) == "x\x01\x01\x05\x00\xfa\xffhello\x06,\x02\x15")