-- example of how to run the ls command -- and pipe its output to the http user local unix = require "unix" function main() if GetHostOs() == 'WINDOWS' then cmd = 'dir' else cmd = 'ls' end syscall = 'commandv' ls = assert(unix.commandv(cmd)) syscall = 'pipe' reader, writer = assert(unix.pipe(unix.O_CLOEXEC)) oldint = assert(unix.sigaction(unix.SIGINT, unix.SIG_IGN)) oldquit = assert(unix.sigaction(unix.SIGQUIT, unix.SIG_IGN)) oldmask = assert(unix.sigprocmask(unix.SIG_BLOCK, unix.Sigset(unix.SIGCHLD))) syscall = 'fork' child = assert(unix.fork()) if child == 0 then unix.close(0) unix.open("/dev/null", unix.O_RDONLY) unix.close(1) unix.dup(writer) unix.close(2) unix.open("/dev/null", unix.O_RDONLY) unix.sigaction(unix.SIGINT, oldint) unix.sigaction(unix.SIGQUIT, oldquit) unix.sigprocmask(unix.SIG_SETMASK, oldmask) unix.execve(ls, {ls, '-Shal'}) unix.exit(127) else unix.close(writer) SetStatus(200) SetHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') while true do data, err = unix.read(reader) if data then if data ~= '' then Write(data) else break end elseif err:errno() ~= unix.EINTR then Log(kLogWarn, 'read() failed: %s' % {tostring(err)}) break end end unix.close(reader) Log(kLogWarn, 'wait() begin') unix.wait(-1) Log(kLogWarn, 'wait() end') unix.sigaction(unix.SIGINT, oldint) unix.sigaction(unix.SIGQUIT, oldquit) unix.sigprocmask(unix.SIG_SETMASK, oldmask) return end end main()