/* Automatically generated. Do not edit */ /* See the tool/mkopcodeh.tcl script for details */ #define OP_Savepoint 0 #define OP_AutoCommit 1 #define OP_Transaction 2 #define OP_SorterNext 3 /* jump */ #define OP_Prev 4 /* jump */ #define OP_Next 5 /* jump */ #define OP_Checkpoint 6 #define OP_JournalMode 7 #define OP_Vacuum 8 #define OP_VFilter 9 /* jump, synopsis: iplan=r[P3] zplan='P4' */ #define OP_VUpdate 10 /* synopsis: data=r[P3@P2] */ #define OP_Goto 11 /* jump */ #define OP_Gosub 12 /* jump */ #define OP_InitCoroutine 13 /* jump */ #define OP_Yield 14 /* jump */ #define OP_MustBeInt 15 /* jump */ #define OP_Jump 16 /* jump */ #define OP_Once 17 /* jump */ #define OP_If 18 /* jump */ #define OP_Not 19 /* same as TK_NOT, synopsis: r[P2]= !r[P1] */ #define OP_IfNot 20 /* jump */ #define OP_IfNullRow \ 21 /* jump, synopsis: if P1.nullRow then r[P3]=NULL, goto P2 */ #define OP_SeekLT 22 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_SeekLE 23 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_SeekGE 24 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_SeekGT 25 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_IfNotOpen 26 /* jump, synopsis: if( !csr[P1] ) goto P2 */ #define OP_IfNoHope 27 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_NoConflict 28 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_NotFound 29 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_Found 30 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_SeekRowid 31 /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */ #define OP_NotExists 32 /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */ #define OP_Last 33 /* jump */ #define OP_IfSmaller 34 /* jump */ #define OP_SorterSort 35 /* jump */ #define OP_Sort 36 /* jump */ #define OP_Rewind 37 /* jump */ #define OP_IdxLE 38 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_IdxGT 39 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_IdxLT 40 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_IdxGE 41 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */ #define OP_RowSetRead 42 /* jump, synopsis: r[P3]=rowset(P1) */ #define OP_Or 43 /* same as TK_OR, synopsis: r[P3]=(r[P1] || r[P2]) */ #define OP_And 44 /* same as TK_AND, synopsis: r[P3]=(r[P1] && r[P2]) */ #define OP_RowSetTest 45 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P3] in rowset(P1) goto P2 */ #define OP_Program 46 /* jump */ #define OP_FkIfZero 47 /* jump, synopsis: if fkctr[P1]==0 goto P2 */ #define OP_IfPos 48 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P1]-=P3, goto P2 */ #define OP_IfNotZero 49 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]!=0 then r[P1]--, goto P2 \ */ #define OP_IsNull \ 50 /* jump, same as TK_ISNULL, synopsis: if r[P1]==NULL goto P2 */ #define OP_NotNull \ 51 /* jump, same as TK_NOTNULL, synopsis: if r[P1]!=NULL goto P2 */ #define OP_Ne 52 /* jump, same as TK_NE, synopsis: IF r[P3]!=r[P1] */ #define OP_Eq 53 /* jump, same as TK_EQ, synopsis: IF r[P3]==r[P1] */ #define OP_Gt 54 /* jump, same as TK_GT, synopsis: IF r[P3]>r[P1] */ #define OP_Le 55 /* jump, same as TK_LE, synopsis: IF r[P3]<=r[P1] */ #define OP_Lt 56 /* jump, same as TK_LT, synopsis: IF r[P3]<r[P1] */ #define OP_Ge 57 /* jump, same as TK_GE, synopsis: IF r[P3]>=r[P1] */ #define OP_ElseNotEq 58 /* jump, same as TK_ESCAPE */ #define OP_DecrJumpZero 59 /* jump, synopsis: if (--r[P1])==0 goto P2 */ #define OP_IncrVacuum 60 /* jump */ #define OP_VNext 61 /* jump */ #define OP_Init 62 /* jump, synopsis: Start at P2 */ #define OP_PureFunc 63 /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP]) */ #define OP_Function 64 /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP]) */ #define OP_Return 65 #define OP_EndCoroutine 66 #define OP_HaltIfNull 67 /* synopsis: if r[P3]=null halt */ #define OP_Halt 68 #define OP_Integer 69 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P1 */ #define OP_Int64 70 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */ #define OP_String 71 /* synopsis: r[P2]='P4' (len=P1) */ #define OP_Null 72 /* synopsis: r[P2..P3]=NULL */ #define OP_SoftNull 73 /* synopsis: r[P1]=NULL */ #define OP_Blob 74 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 (len=P1) */ #define OP_Variable 75 /* synopsis: r[P2]=parameter(P1,P4) */ #define OP_Move 76 /* synopsis: r[P2@P3]=r[P1@P3] */ #define OP_Copy 77 /* synopsis: r[P2@P3+1]=r[P1@P3+1] */ #define OP_SCopy 78 /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */ #define OP_IntCopy 79 /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */ #define OP_ChngCntRow 80 /* synopsis: output=r[P1] */ #define OP_ResultRow 81 /* synopsis: output=r[P1@P2] */ #define OP_CollSeq 82 #define OP_AddImm 83 /* synopsis: r[P1]=r[P1]+P2 */ #define OP_RealAffinity 84 #define OP_Cast 85 /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1]) */ #define OP_Permutation 86 #define OP_Compare 87 /* synopsis: r[P1@P3] <-> r[P2@P3] */ #define OP_IsTrue 88 /* synopsis: r[P2] = coalesce(r[P1]==TRUE,P3) ^ P4 */ #define OP_Offset 89 /* synopsis: r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1) */ #define OP_Column 90 /* synopsis: r[P3]=PX */ #define OP_Affinity 91 /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1@P2]) */ #define OP_MakeRecord 92 /* synopsis: r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2]) */ #define OP_Count 93 /* synopsis: r[P2]=count() */ #define OP_ReadCookie 94 #define OP_SetCookie 95 #define OP_ReopenIdx 96 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */ #define OP_OpenRead 97 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */ #define OP_OpenWrite 98 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */ #define OP_OpenDup 99 #define OP_OpenAutoindex 100 /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */ #define OP_OpenEphemeral 101 /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */ #define OP_BitAnd 102 /* same as TK_BITAND, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2] */ #define OP_BitOr 103 /* same as TK_BITOR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2] */ #define OP_ShiftLeft 104 /* same as TK_LSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]<<r[P1] */ #define OP_ShiftRight 105 /* same as TK_RSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]>>r[P1] \ */ #define OP_Add 106 /* same as TK_PLUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2] */ #define OP_Subtract 107 /* same as TK_MINUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1] */ #define OP_Multiply 108 /* same as TK_STAR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2] */ #define OP_Divide 109 /* same as TK_SLASH, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1] */ #define OP_Remainder 110 /* same as TK_REM, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1] */ #define OP_Concat 111 /* same as TK_CONCAT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1] */ #define OP_SorterOpen 112 #define OP_BitNot 113 /* same as TK_BITNOT, synopsis: r[P2]= ~r[P1] */ #define OP_SequenceTest 114 /* synopsis: if( cursor[P1].ctr++ ) pc = P2 */ #define OP_OpenPseudo 115 /* synopsis: P3 columns in r[P2] */ #define OP_String8 116 /* same as TK_STRING, synopsis: r[P2]='P4' */ #define OP_Close 117 #define OP_ColumnsUsed 118 #define OP_SeekScan 119 /* synopsis: Scan-ahead up to P1 rows */ #define OP_SeekHit 120 /* synopsis: set P2<=seekHit<=P3 */ #define OP_Sequence 121 /* synopsis: r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++ */ #define OP_NewRowid 122 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */ #define OP_Insert 123 /* synopsis: intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2] */ #define OP_RowCell 124 #define OP_Delete 125 #define OP_ResetCount 126 #define OP_SorterCompare 127 /* synopsis: if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2 \ */ #define OP_SorterData 128 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */ #define OP_RowData 129 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */ #define OP_Rowid 130 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */ #define OP_NullRow 131 #define OP_SeekEnd 132 #define OP_IdxInsert 133 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */ #define OP_SorterInsert 134 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */ #define OP_IdxDelete 135 /* synopsis: key=r[P2@P3] */ #define OP_DeferredSeek 136 /* synopsis: Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed */ #define OP_IdxRowid 137 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */ #define OP_FinishSeek 138 #define OP_Destroy 139 #define OP_Clear 140 #define OP_ResetSorter 141 #define OP_CreateBtree 142 /* synopsis: r[P2]=root iDb=P1 flags=P3 */ #define OP_SqlExec 143 #define OP_ParseSchema 144 #define OP_LoadAnalysis 145 #define OP_DropTable 146 #define OP_DropIndex 147 #define OP_DropTrigger 148 #define OP_IntegrityCk 149 #define OP_RowSetAdd 150 /* synopsis: rowset(P1)=r[P2] */ #define OP_Param 151 #define OP_Real 152 /* same as TK_FLOAT, synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */ #define OP_FkCounter 153 /* synopsis: fkctr[P1]+=P2 */ #define OP_MemMax 154 /* synopsis: r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2]) */ #define OP_OffsetLimit \ 155 /* synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1) */ #define OP_AggInverse 156 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5]) */ #define OP_AggStep 157 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */ #define OP_AggStep1 158 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */ #define OP_AggValue 159 /* synopsis: r[P3]=value N=P2 */ #define OP_AggFinal 160 /* synopsis: accum=r[P1] N=P2 */ #define OP_Expire 161 #define OP_CursorLock 162 #define OP_CursorUnlock 163 #define OP_TableLock 164 /* synopsis: iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3 */ #define OP_VBegin 165 #define OP_VCreate 166 #define OP_VDestroy 167 #define OP_VOpen 168 #define OP_VColumn 169 /* synopsis: r[P3]=vcolumn(P2) */ #define OP_VRename 170 #define OP_Pagecount 171 #define OP_MaxPgcnt 172 #define OP_Trace 173 #define OP_CursorHint 174 #define OP_ReleaseReg 175 /* synopsis: release r[P1@P2] mask P3 */ #define OP_Noop 176 #define OP_Explain 177 #define OP_Abortable 178 /* clang-format off */ /* Properties such as "out2" or "jump" that are specified in ** comments following the "case" for each opcode in the vdbe.c ** are encoded into bitvectors as follows: */ #define OPFLG_JUMP 0x01 /* jump: P2 holds jmp target */ #define OPFLG_IN1 0x02 /* in1: P1 is an input */ #define OPFLG_IN2 0x04 /* in2: P2 is an input */ #define OPFLG_IN3 0x08 /* in3: P3 is an input */ #define OPFLG_OUT2 0x10 /* out2: P2 is an output */ #define OPFLG_OUT3 0x20 /* out3: P3 is an output */ #define OPFLG_INITIALIZER {\ /* 0 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10,\ /* 8 */ 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03,\ /* 16 */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x12, 0x03, 0x01, 0x09, 0x09,\ /* 24 */ 0x09, 0x09, 0x01, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09,\ /* 32 */ 0x09, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,\ /* 40 */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x23, 0x26, 0x26, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x01,\ /* 48 */ 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x0b,\ /* 56 */ 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00,\ /* 64 */ 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,\ /* 72 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10,\ /* 80 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,\ /* 88 */ 0x12, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00,\ /* 96 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x26, 0x26,\ /* 104 */ 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26,\ /* 112 */ 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ /* 120 */ 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ /* 128 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00,\ /* 136 */ 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00,\ /* 144 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x10,\ /* 152 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x04, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ /* 160 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ /* 168 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ /* 176 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,} /* The sqlite3P2Values() routine is able to run faster if it knows ** the value of the largest JUMP opcode. The smaller the maximum ** JUMP opcode the better, so the mkopcodeh.tcl script that ** generated this include file strives to group all JUMP opcodes ** together near the beginning of the list. */ #define SQLITE_MX_JUMP_OPCODE 62 /* Maximum JUMP opcode */