-- UNIX Domain Sockets Example -- So we can detect that child died. died = false function OnSigchld(sig) died = true unix.wait() -- Prevent it from becoming a zombie end assert(unix.sigaction(unix.SIGCHLD, OnSigchld)) -- So keyboard interurpts only go to subprocess. oldint = assert(unix.sigaction(unix.SIGINT, unix.SIG_IGN)) oldquit = assert(unix.sigaction(unix.SIGQUIT, unix.SIG_IGN)) -- UNIX domain sockets need a file tmpdir = os.getenv('TMPDIR') or '/tmp' unixpath = '%s/redbean-unix.sock.%d' % {tmpdir, unix.getpid()} -- Create child process which is the server. child = assert(unix.fork()) if child == 0 then server = assert(unix.socket(unix.AF_UNIX, unix.SOCK_STREAM)) assert(unix.setsockopt(server, unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_RCVTIMEO, 2)) assert(unix.bind(server, unixpath)) assert(unix.listen(server)) client = assert(unix.accept(server)) data = assert(unix.read(client)) assert(data == 'ping!') assert(assert(unix.write(client, 'pong!')) == 5) assert(unix.close(client)) unix.exit(0) end -- Wait for the child to create the the socket file. function FileExists(path) st, err = unix.stat(path) return not err end expobackoff = 1 while not died do if FileExists(unixpath) then break else expobackoff = expobackoff << 1 unix.nanosleep(expobackoff // 1000000000, expobackoff % 1000000000) end end -- Now connect to the socket. if not died then client = assert(unix.socket(unix.AF_UNIX, unix.SOCK_STREAM)) assert(unix.connect(client, unixpath)) assert(assert(unix.write(client, 'ping!')) == 5) data = assert(unix.read(client)) assert(data == 'pong!') itworked = true else itworked = false end -- Wait for client to terminate. We don't check error here because if -- the child already died and the signal handler reaped it, then this -- returns a ECHILD error which is fine. unix.wait() assert(itworked) -- Now clean up the socket file. unix.unlink(unixpath) SetStatus(200) SetHeader('Connection', 'close') -- be lazy and let _Exit() clean up signal handlers SetHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8') Write('<!doctype html>\r\n') Write('<title>redbean unix domain sockets example</title>\r\n') Write('<h1>\r\n') Write('<img style="vertical-align:middle" src="data:image/png;base64,\r\n') Write(EncodeBase64(LoadAsset('/redbean.png'))) Write('">\r\n') Write('redbean unix domain sockets example\r\n') Write('</h1>\r\n') Write([[ <p> <strong>It worked!</strong> We successfully sent a ping pong via UNIX local sockets. Please check out the source code to this example inside your redbean at unix-unix.lua. </p> ]]) Write('</h1>\r\n')