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M(2, g, "+", Add, x + y, "add")
M(2, g, "-", Sub, x - y, "sub")
M(2, g, "*", Mul, x *y, "multiply")
M(2, f, "/", Div, x / y, "division")
M(2, i, "%", Rem, x % y, "integer remainder")
M(2, i, "//", Idiv, x / y, "integer division")
M(2, g, "**", Expo, powl(x, y), "exponentiation")
M(1, i, "~", Not, ~x, "bitwise not")
M(2, i, "^", Xor, x ^ y, "bitwise xor")
M(2, i, "|", Or, x | y, "bitwise or")
M(2, i, "&", And, x &y, "bitwise and")
M(2, i, ">>", Shr, x >> y, "shift right")
M(2, i, "<<", Shl, x << y, "shift left")
M(1, i, "!", LogicalNot, !x, "logical not")
M(2, i, "||", LogicalOr, x || y, "logical or")
M(2, i, "&&", LogicalAnd, x &&y, "logical and")
M(2, g, "=", Equal1, x == y, "equal to")
M(2, g, "!=", Notequal, x != y, "not equal to")
M(2, g, "<", LessThan, x < y, "less than")
M(2, g, ">", GreaterThan, x > y, "greater than")
M(2, g, "<=", LessThanEqual, x <= y, "less than or equal to")
M(2, g, ">=", GreaterThanEqual, x >= y, "greater than or equal to")
M(1, i, "gray", Gray, gray(x), "gray coding")
M(1, i, "ungray", Ungray, ungray(x), "inverse gray coding")
M(1, i, "popcnt", Popcnt, Popcnt(x), "count bits")
M(1, g, "abs", Abs, fabsl(x), "absolute value")
M(2, g, "min", Min, fminl(x, y), "pops two values and pushes minimum")
M(2, g, "max", Max, fmaxl(x, y), "pops two values and pushes maximum")
M(2, g, "fmod", Fmod, fmodl(x, y), "trunc remainder")
M(2, g, "emod", Emod, emodl(x, y), "euclidean remainder")
M(2, g, "remainder", Remainder, remainderl(x, y), "rint remainder")
M(2, g, "hypot", Hypot, hypotl(x, y), "euclidean distance")
M(0, i, "false", False, 0, "0")
M(0, i, "true", True, 1, "1")
M(0, i, "intmin", IntMin, INT128_MIN, "native integer minimum")
M(0, i, "intmax", IntMax, INT128_MAX, "native integer maximum")
M(0, f, "e", Euler, M_E, "𝑒")
M(0, f, "pi", Fldpi, M_PI, "π")
M(0, f, "epsilon", Epsilon, EPSILON, "ɛ")
M(0, f, "inf", Inf, INFINITY, "∞")
M(0, f, "nan", Nan, NAN, "NAN")
M(0, f, "-0", Negzero, -0., "wut")
M(0, f, "l2t", Fldl2t, M_LOG2_10, "log₂10")
M(0, f, "lg2", Fldlg2, M_LOG10_2, "log₁₀2")
M(0, f, "ln2", Fldln2, M_LN2, "logₑ2")
M(0, f, "l2e", Fldl2e, M_LOG2E, "logₑ10")
M(2, f, "nextafter", Nextafter, nextafterl(x, y), "next ulp")
M(1, f, "significand", Significand, significandl(x), "mantissa")
M(1, f, "sqrt", Sqrt, sqrtl(x), "√𝑥")
M(1, f, "exp", Exp, expl(x), "𝑒ˣ")
M(1, g, "expm1", Expm1, expm1l(x), "𝑒ˣ-1")
M(1, g, "exp2", Exp2, exp2l(x), "2ˣ")
M(1, g, "exp10", Exp10, exp10l(x), "10ˣ")
M(2, g, "ldexp", Ldexp, ldexpl(x, y), "𝑥×2ʸ")
M(2, g, "scalb", Scalb, scalbl(x, y), "𝑥×2ʸ")
M(1, f, "log", Log, logl(x), "logₑ𝑥")
M(1, g, "log2", Log2, log2l(x), "log₂𝑥")
M(1, g, "log10", Log10, log10l(x), "log₁₀𝑥")
M(1, g, "ilogb", Ilogb, ilogbl(x), "exponent")
M(1, g, "sin", Sin, sinl(x), "sine")
M(1, g, "cos", Cos, cosl(x), "cosine")
M(1, g, "tan", Tan, tanl(x), "tangent")
M(1, g, "asin", Asin, asinl(x), "arcsine")
M(1, g, "acos", Acos, acosl(x), "arccosine")
M(1, g, "atan", Atan, atanl(x), "arctangent")
M(2, g, "atan2", Atan2, atan2l(x, y), "arctangent of 𝑥/𝑦")
M(1, g, "sinh", Sinh, sinhl(x), "hyperbolic sine")
M(1, g, "cosh", Cosh, coshl(x), "hyperbolic cosine")
M(1, g, "tanh", Tanh, tanhl(x), "hyperbolic tangent")
M(1, g, "asinh", Asinh, asinhl(x), "hyperbolic arcsine")
M(1, g, "acosh", Acosh, acoshl(x), "hyperbolic arccosine")
M(1, g, "atanh", Atanh, atanhl(x), "hyperbolic arctangent")
M(1, g, "round", Round, roundl(x), "round away from zero")
M(1, g, "trunc", Trunc, truncl(x), "round towards zero")
M(1, g, "rint", Rint, rintl(x), "round to even")
M(1, g, "nearbyint", Nearbyint, nearbyintl(x), "round to nearest integer")
M(1, g, "ceil", Ceil, ceill(x), "smallest integral not less than 𝑥")
M(1, g, "floor", Floor, floorl(x), "largest integral not greater than 𝑥")
M(1, f, "isnan", Isnan, isnan(x), "returns true if 𝑥=NAN")
M(1, f, "isinf", Isinf, isinf(x), "returns true if 𝑥=INFINITY")
M(1, f, "signbit", Signbit, signbit(x), "clears all bits but sign bit")
M(1, f, "isfinite", Isfinite, isfinite(x), "returns true if 𝑥≠INFINITY")
M(1, f, "isnormal", Isnormal, isnormal(x), "returns true if not denormal")
M(1, f, "fpclassify", Fpclassify, fpclassify(x),
M(0, i, "rand", Rand, rand(), "deterministic random number")
M(0, i, "rand64", _Rand64, _rand64(), "64-bit random number")