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synced 2025-02-28 22:18:29 +00:00
It's now possible to use redbean Fetch() with arbitrary HTTP methods, e.g. LIST which is used by Hashicorp. There's an eight char limit and uppercase canonicalization still happens. This change also includes a better function for launching a browser tab, that won't deadlock on a headless workstation running Debian. Closes #1107
209 lines
7.5 KiB
209 lines
7.5 KiB
#include "libc/serialize.h"
#include "libc/time/struct/tm.h"
#define kHttpRequest 0
#define kHttpResponse 1
#define kHttpGet READ32LE("GET")
#define kHttpHead READ32LE("HEAD")
#define kHttpPost READ32LE("POST")
#define kHttpPut READ32LE("PUT")
#define kHttpDelete READ64LE("DELETE\0")
#define kHttpOptions READ64LE("OPTIONS")
#define kHttpConnect READ64LE("CONNECT")
#define kHttpTrace READ64LE("TRACE\0\0")
#define kHttpStateStart 0
#define kHttpStateMethod 1
#define kHttpStateUri 2
#define kHttpStateVersion 3
#define kHttpStateStatus 4
#define kHttpStateMessage 5
#define kHttpStateName 6
#define kHttpStateColon 7
#define kHttpStateValue 8
#define kHttpStateCr 9
#define kHttpStateLf1 10
#define kHttpStateLf2 11
#define kHttpClientStateHeaders 0
#define kHttpClientStateBody 1
#define kHttpClientStateBodyChunked 2
#define kHttpClientStateBodyLengthed 3
#define kHttpStateChunkStart 0
#define kHttpStateChunkSize 1
#define kHttpStateChunkExt 2
#define kHttpStateChunkLf1 3
#define kHttpStateChunk 4
#define kHttpStateChunkCr2 5
#define kHttpStateChunkLf2 6
#define kHttpStateTrailerStart 7
#define kHttpStateTrailer 8
#define kHttpStateTrailerLf1 9
#define kHttpStateTrailerLf2 10
#define kHttpHost 0
#define kHttpCacheControl 1
#define kHttpConnection 2
#define kHttpAccept 3
#define kHttpAcceptLanguage 4
#define kHttpAcceptEncoding 5
#define kHttpUserAgent 6
#define kHttpReferer 7
#define kHttpXForwardedFor 8
#define kHttpOrigin 9
#define kHttpUpgradeInsecureRequests 10
#define kHttpPragma 11
#define kHttpCookie 12
#define kHttpDnt 13
#define kHttpSecGpc 14
#define kHttpFrom 15
#define kHttpIfModifiedSince 16
#define kHttpXRequestedWith 17
#define kHttpXForwardedHost 18
#define kHttpXForwardedProto 19
#define kHttpXCsrfToken 20
#define kHttpSaveData 21
#define kHttpRange 22
#define kHttpContentLength 23
#define kHttpContentType 24
#define kHttpVary 25
#define kHttpDate 26
#define kHttpServer 27
#define kHttpExpires 28
#define kHttpContentEncoding 29
#define kHttpLastModified 30
#define kHttpEtag 31
#define kHttpAllow 32
#define kHttpContentRange 33
#define kHttpAcceptCharset 34
#define kHttpAccessControlAllowCredentials 35
#define kHttpAccessControlAllowHeaders 36
#define kHttpAccessControlAllowMethods 37
#define kHttpAccessControlAllowOrigin 38
#define kHttpAccessControlMaxAge 39
#define kHttpAccessControlMethod 40
#define kHttpAccessControlRequestHeaders 41
#define kHttpAccessControlRequestMethod 42
#define kHttpAccessControlRequestMethods 43
#define kHttpAge 44
#define kHttpAuthorization 45
#define kHttpContentBase 46
#define kHttpContentDescription 47
#define kHttpContentDisposition 48
#define kHttpContentLanguage 49
#define kHttpContentLocation 50
#define kHttpContentMd5 51
#define kHttpExpect 52
#define kHttpIfMatch 53
#define kHttpIfNoneMatch 54
#define kHttpIfRange 55
#define kHttpIfUnmodifiedSince 56
#define kHttpKeepAlive 57
#define kHttpLink 58
#define kHttpLocation 59
#define kHttpMaxForwards 60
#define kHttpProxyAuthenticate 61
#define kHttpProxyAuthorization 62
#define kHttpProxyConnection 63
#define kHttpPublic 64
#define kHttpRetryAfter 65
#define kHttpTe 66
#define kHttpTrailer 67
#define kHttpTransferEncoding 68
#define kHttpUpgrade 69
#define kHttpWarning 70
#define kHttpWwwAuthenticate 71
#define kHttpVia 72
#define kHttpStrictTransportSecurity 73
#define kHttpXFrameOptions 74
#define kHttpXContentTypeOptions 75
#define kHttpAltSvc 76
#define kHttpReferrerPolicy 77
#define kHttpXXssProtection 78
#define kHttpAcceptRanges 79
#define kHttpSetCookie 80
#define kHttpSecChUa 81
#define kHttpSecChUaMobile 82
#define kHttpSecFetchSite 83
#define kHttpSecFetchMode 84
#define kHttpSecFetchUser 85
#define kHttpSecFetchDest 86
#define kHttpCfRay 87
#define kHttpCfVisitor 88
#define kHttpCfConnectingIp 89
#define kHttpCfIpcountry 90
#define kHttpSecChUaPlatform 91
#define kHttpCdnLoop 92
#define kHttpHeadersMax 93
struct HttpSlice {
short a, b;
struct HttpHeader {
struct HttpSlice k;
struct HttpSlice v;
struct HttpHeaders {
unsigned n, c;
struct HttpHeader *p;
struct HttpMessage {
int i, a, status;
unsigned char t;
unsigned char type;
unsigned char version;
uint64_t method;
struct HttpSlice k;
struct HttpSlice uri;
struct HttpSlice scratch;
struct HttpSlice message;
struct HttpSlice headers[kHttpHeadersMax];
struct HttpHeaders xheaders;
struct HttpUnchunker {
int t;
size_t i;
size_t j;
ssize_t m;
extern const char kHttpToken[256];
extern const bool kHttpRepeatable[kHttpHeadersMax];
const char *GetHttpReason(int);
const char *GetHttpHeaderName(int);
int GetHttpHeader(const char *, size_t);
void InitHttpMessage(struct HttpMessage *, int);
void DestroyHttpMessage(struct HttpMessage *);
int ParseHttpMessage(struct HttpMessage *, const char *, size_t);
bool HeaderHas(struct HttpMessage *, const char *, int, const char *, size_t);
int64_t ParseContentLength(const char *, size_t);
char *FormatHttpDateTime(char[hasatleast 30], struct tm *);
bool ParseHttpRange(const char *, size_t, long, long *, long *);
int64_t ParseHttpDateTime(const char *, size_t);
uint64_t ParseHttpMethod(const char *, size_t);
bool IsValidHttpToken(const char *, size_t);
bool IsValidCookieValue(const char *, size_t);
bool IsAcceptablePath(const char *, size_t);
bool IsAcceptableHost(const char *, size_t);
bool IsAcceptablePort(const char *, size_t);
bool IsReasonablePath(const char *, size_t);
int ParseForwarded(const char *, size_t, uint32_t *, uint16_t *);
bool IsMimeType(const char *, size_t, const char *);
ssize_t Unchunk(struct HttpUnchunker *, char *, size_t, size_t *);
const char *FindContentType(const char *, size_t);
bool IsNoCompressExt(const char *, size_t);
char *FoldHeader(struct HttpMessage *, const char *, int, size_t *);