mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:38:22 +00:00
You can now use the hardest fastest and most dangerous language there is with Cosmopolitan. So far about 75% of LLVM libcxx has been added. A few breaking changes needed to be made to help this go smoothly. - Rename nothrow to dontthrow - Rename nodiscard to dontdiscard - Add some libm functions, e.g. lgamma, nan, etc. - Change intmax_t from int128 to int64 like everything else - Introduce %jjd formatting directive for int128_t - Introduce strtoi128(), strtou128(), etc. - Rename bsrmax() to bsr128() Some of the templates that should be working currently are std::vector, std::string, std::map, std::set, std::deque, etc.
237 lines
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237 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
//===--------------------------- version ----------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
version synopsis
Macro name Value Headers
__cpp_lib_addressof_constexpr 201603L <memory>
__cpp_lib_allocator_traits_is_always_equal 201411L <memory> <scoped_allocator> <string>
<deque> <forward_list> <list>
<vector> <map> <set>
<unordered_map> <unordered_set>
__cpp_lib_any 201606L <any>
__cpp_lib_apply 201603L <tuple>
__cpp_lib_array_constexpr 201603L <iterator> <array>
__cpp_lib_as_const 201510L <utility>
__cpp_lib_atomic_is_always_lock_free 201603L <atomic>
__cpp_lib_atomic_ref 201806L <atomic>
__cpp_lib_bind_front 201811L <functional>
__cpp_lib_bit_cast 201806L <bit>
__cpp_lib_bool_constant 201505L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_boyer_moore_searcher 201603L <functional>
__cpp_lib_byte 201603L <cstddef>
__cpp_lib_char8_t 201811L <atomic> <filesystem> <istream>
<limits> <locale> <ostream>
<string> <string_view>
__cpp_lib_chrono 201611L <chrono>
__cpp_lib_chrono_udls 201304L <chrono>
__cpp_lib_clamp 201603L <algorithm>
__cpp_lib_complex_udls 201309L <complex>
__cpp_lib_concepts 201806L <concepts>
__cpp_lib_constexpr_misc 201811L <array> <functional> <iterator>
<string_view> <tuple> <utility>
__cpp_lib_constexpr_swap_algorithms 201806L <algorithm>
__cpp_lib_destroying_delete 201806L <new>
__cpp_lib_enable_shared_from_this 201603L <memory>
__cpp_lib_erase_if 201811L <string> <deque> <forward_list>
<list> <vector> <map>
<set> <unordered_map> <unordered_set>
__cpp_lib_exchange_function 201304L <utility>
__cpp_lib_execution 201603L <execution>
__cpp_lib_filesystem 201703L <filesystem>
__cpp_lib_gcd_lcm 201606L <numeric>
__cpp_lib_generic_associative_lookup 201304L <map> <set>
__cpp_lib_generic_unordered_lookup 201811L <unordered_map> <unordered_set>
__cpp_lib_hardware_interference_size 201703L <new>
__cpp_lib_has_unique_object_representations 201606L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_hypot 201603L <cmath>
__cpp_lib_incomplete_container_elements 201505L <forward_list> <list> <vector>
__cpp_lib_integer_sequence 201304L <utility>
__cpp_lib_integral_constant_callable 201304L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_interpolate 201902L <numeric>
__cpp_lib_invoke 201411L <functional>
__cpp_lib_is_aggregate 201703L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated 201811L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_is_final 201402L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_is_invocable 201703L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_is_null_pointer 201309L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_is_swappable 201603L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_launder 201606L <new>
__cpp_lib_list_remove_return_type 201806L <forward_list> <list>
__cpp_lib_logical_traits 201510L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_make_from_tuple 201606L <tuple>
__cpp_lib_make_reverse_iterator 201402L <iterator>
__cpp_lib_make_unique 201304L <memory>
__cpp_lib_map_try_emplace 201411L <map>
__cpp_lib_math_special_functions 201603L <cmath>
__cpp_lib_memory_resource 201603L <memory_resource>
__cpp_lib_node_extract 201606L <map> <set> <unordered_map>
__cpp_lib_nonmember_container_access 201411L <iterator> <array> <deque>
<forward_list> <list> <map>
<regex> <set> <string>
<unordered_map> <unordered_set> <vector>
__cpp_lib_not_fn 201603L <functional>
__cpp_lib_null_iterators 201304L <iterator>
__cpp_lib_optional 201606L <optional>
__cpp_lib_parallel_algorithm 201603L <algorithm> <numeric>
__cpp_lib_quoted_string_io 201304L <iomanip>
__cpp_lib_ranges 201811L <algorithm> <functional> <iterator>
<memory> <ranges>
__cpp_lib_raw_memory_algorithms 201606L <memory>
__cpp_lib_result_of_sfinae 201210L <functional> <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_robust_nonmodifying_seq_ops 201304L <algorithm>
__cpp_lib_sample 201603L <algorithm>
__cpp_lib_scoped_lock 201703L <mutex>
__cpp_lib_shared_mutex 201505L <shared_mutex>
__cpp_lib_shared_ptr_arrays 201611L <memory>
__cpp_lib_shared_ptr_weak_type 201606L <memory>
__cpp_lib_shared_timed_mutex 201402L <shared_mutex>
__cpp_lib_string_udls 201304L <string>
__cpp_lib_string_view 201606L <string> <string_view>
__cpp_lib_three_way_comparison 201711L <compare>
__cpp_lib_to_chars 201611L <utility>
__cpp_lib_transformation_trait_aliases 201304L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_transparent_operators 201510L <functional>
201210L // C++14
__cpp_lib_tuple_element_t 201402L <tuple>
__cpp_lib_tuples_by_type 201304L <utility> <tuple>
__cpp_lib_type_trait_variable_templates 201510L <type_traits>
__cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions 201411L <exception>
__cpp_lib_unordered_map_try_emplace 201411L <unordered_map>
__cpp_lib_variant 201606L <variant>
__cpp_lib_void_t 201411L <type_traits>
#include "third_party/libcxx/__config"
#pragma GCC system_header
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
# define __cpp_lib_chrono_udls 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_complex_udls 201309L
# define __cpp_lib_exchange_function 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_generic_associative_lookup 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_integer_sequence 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_integral_constant_callable 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_is_final 201402L
# define __cpp_lib_is_null_pointer 201309L
# define __cpp_lib_make_reverse_iterator 201402L
# define __cpp_lib_make_unique 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_null_iterators 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_quoted_string_io 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_result_of_sfinae 201210L
# define __cpp_lib_robust_nonmodifying_seq_ops 201304L
# if !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)
# define __cpp_lib_shared_timed_mutex 201402L
# endif
# define __cpp_lib_string_udls 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_transformation_trait_aliases 201304L
# define __cpp_lib_transparent_operators 201210L
# define __cpp_lib_tuple_element_t 201402L
# define __cpp_lib_tuples_by_type 201304L
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
# define __cpp_lib_addressof_constexpr 201603L
# endif
# define __cpp_lib_allocator_traits_is_always_equal 201411L
# define __cpp_lib_any 201606L
# define __cpp_lib_apply 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_array_constexpr 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_as_const 201510L
# if !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)
# define __cpp_lib_atomic_is_always_lock_free 201603L
# endif
# define __cpp_lib_bool_constant 201505L
// # define __cpp_lib_boyer_moore_searcher 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_byte 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_chrono 201611L
# define __cpp_lib_clamp 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_enable_shared_from_this 201603L
// # define __cpp_lib_execution 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_filesystem 201703L
# define __cpp_lib_gcd_lcm 201606L
# define __cpp_lib_hardware_interference_size 201703L
# define __cpp_lib_has_unique_object_representations 201606L
# endif
# define __cpp_lib_hypot 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_incomplete_container_elements 201505L
# define __cpp_lib_invoke 201411L
# define __cpp_lib_is_aggregate 201703L
# endif
# define __cpp_lib_is_invocable 201703L
# define __cpp_lib_is_swappable 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_launder 201606L
# define __cpp_lib_logical_traits 201510L
# define __cpp_lib_make_from_tuple 201606L
# define __cpp_lib_map_try_emplace 201411L
// # define __cpp_lib_math_special_functions 201603L
// # define __cpp_lib_memory_resource 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_node_extract 201606L
# define __cpp_lib_nonmember_container_access 201411L
# define __cpp_lib_not_fn 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_optional 201606L
// # define __cpp_lib_parallel_algorithm 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_raw_memory_algorithms 201606L
# define __cpp_lib_sample 201603L
# define __cpp_lib_scoped_lock 201703L
# if !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)
# define __cpp_lib_shared_mutex 201505L
# endif
// # define __cpp_lib_shared_ptr_arrays 201611L
# define __cpp_lib_shared_ptr_weak_type 201606L
# define __cpp_lib_string_view 201606L
// # define __cpp_lib_to_chars 201611L
# undef __cpp_lib_transparent_operators
# define __cpp_lib_transparent_operators 201510L
# define __cpp_lib_type_trait_variable_templates 201510L
# define __cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions 201411L
# define __cpp_lib_unordered_map_try_emplace 201411L
# define __cpp_lib_variant 201606L
# define __cpp_lib_void_t 201411L
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 17
# if !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)
// # define __cpp_lib_atomic_ref 201806L
# endif
// # define __cpp_lib_bind_front 201811L
// # define __cpp_lib_bit_cast 201806L
# if !defined(_LIBCPP_NO_HAS_CHAR8_T)
# define __cpp_lib_char8_t 201811L
# endif
// # define __cpp_lib_concepts 201806L
// # define __cpp_lib_constexpr_misc 201811L
// # define __cpp_lib_constexpr_swap_algorithms 201806L
# if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 17 && defined(__cpp_impl_destroying_delete) && __cpp_impl_destroying_delete >= 201806L
# define __cpp_lib_destroying_delete 201806L
# endif
# define __cpp_lib_erase_if 201811L
// # define __cpp_lib_generic_unordered_lookup 201811L
# define __cpp_lib_interpolate 201902L
# define __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated 201811L
# endif
// # define __cpp_lib_list_remove_return_type 201806L
// # define __cpp_lib_ranges 201811L
// # define __cpp_lib_three_way_comparison 201711L