Justine Tunney 5660ec4741
Release Cosmopolitan v3.6.0
This release is an atomic upgrade to GCC 14.1.0 with C23 and C++23
2024-07-23 03:28:19 -07:00

232 lines
6.9 KiB

// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <__assert>
#include <__config>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <string>
#include <system_error>
#include <utility> // __libcpp_unreachable
#include "format_string.h"
#if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# define NOMINMAX
# include <windows.h> // ERROR_* macros
namespace detail {
#if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
inline errc __win_err_to_errc(int err) {
constexpr struct {
DWORD win;
errc errc;
} win_error_mapping[] = {
{ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, errc::permission_denied},
{ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, errc::file_exists},
{ERROR_BAD_NETPATH, errc::no_such_file_or_directory},
{ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME, errc::no_such_file_or_directory},
{ERROR_BAD_UNIT, errc::no_such_device},
{ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE, errc::broken_pipe},
{ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, errc::filename_too_long},
{ERROR_BUSY, errc::device_or_resource_busy},
{ERROR_BUSY_DRIVE, errc::device_or_resource_busy},
{ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE, errc::permission_denied},
{ERROR_CANTOPEN, errc::io_error},
{ERROR_CANTREAD, errc::io_error},
{ERROR_CANTWRITE, errc::io_error},
{ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY, errc::permission_denied},
{ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST, errc::no_such_device},
{ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE, errc::device_or_resource_busy},
{ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY, errc::directory_not_empty},
{ERROR_DIRECTORY, errc::invalid_argument},
{ERROR_DISK_FULL, errc::no_space_on_device},
{ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, errc::file_exists},
{ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, errc::no_such_file_or_directory},
{ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL, errc::no_space_on_device},
{ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS, errc::permission_denied},
{ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE, errc::no_such_device},
{ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION, errc::function_not_supported},
{ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, errc::invalid_argument},
{ERROR_INVALID_NAME, errc::no_such_file_or_directory},
{ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, errc::invalid_argument},
{ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION, errc::no_lock_available},
{ERROR_LOCKED, errc::no_lock_available},
{ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK, errc::invalid_argument},
{ERROR_NOACCESS, errc::permission_denied},
{ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, errc::not_enough_memory},
{ERROR_NOT_READY, errc::resource_unavailable_try_again},
{ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE, errc::cross_device_link},
{ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, errc::not_supported},
{ERROR_OPEN_FAILED, errc::io_error},
{ERROR_OPEN_FILES, errc::device_or_resource_busy},
{ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED, errc::operation_canceled},
{ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, errc::not_enough_memory},
{ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, errc::no_such_file_or_directory},
{ERROR_READ_FAULT, errc::io_error},
{ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_INVALID, errc::invalid_argument},
{ERROR_RETRY, errc::resource_unavailable_try_again},
{ERROR_SEEK, errc::io_error},
{ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION, errc::permission_denied},
{ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES, errc::too_many_files_open},
{ERROR_WRITE_FAULT, errc::io_error},
{ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT, errc::permission_denied},
for (const auto& pair : win_error_mapping)
if ( == static_cast<DWORD>(err))
return pair.errc;
return errc::invalid_argument;
#endif // _LIBCPP_WIN32API
inline error_code capture_errno() {
_LIBCPP_ASSERT_INTERNAL(errno != 0, "Expected errno to be non-zero");
return error_code(errno, generic_category());
#if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
inline error_code make_windows_error(int err) { return make_error_code(__win_err_to_errc(err)); }
template <class T>
T error_value();
template <>
inline constexpr void error_value<void>() {}
template <>
inline bool error_value<bool>() {
return false;
template <>
inline size_t error_value<size_t>() {
return size_t(-1);
template <>
inline uintmax_t error_value<uintmax_t>() {
return uintmax_t(-1);
template <>
inline constexpr file_time_type error_value<file_time_type>() {
return file_time_type::min();
template <>
inline path error_value<path>() {
return {};
template <class T>
struct ErrorHandler {
const char* func_name_;
error_code* ec_ = nullptr;
const path* p1_ = nullptr;
const path* p2_ = nullptr;
ErrorHandler(const char* fname, error_code* ec, const path* p1 = nullptr, const path* p2 = nullptr)
: func_name_(fname), ec_(ec), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {
if (ec_)
T report(const error_code& ec) const {
if (ec_) {
*ec_ = ec;
return error_value<T>();
string what = string("in ") + func_name_;
switch (bool(p1_) + bool(p2_)) {
case 0:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, ec);
case 1:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1_, ec);
case 2:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1_, *p2_, ec);
_LIBCPP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(__printf__, 3, 0)
void report_impl(const error_code& ec, const char* msg, va_list ap) const {
if (ec_) {
*ec_ = ec;
string what = string("in ") + func_name_ + ": " + detail::vformat_string(msg, ap);
switch (bool(p1_) + bool(p2_)) {
case 0:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, ec);
case 1:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1_, ec);
case 2:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1_, *p2_, ec);
_LIBCPP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(__printf__, 3, 4)
T report(const error_code& ec, const char* msg, ...) const {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, msg);
try {
report_impl(ec, msg, ap);
} catch (...) {
return error_value<T>();
T report(errc const& err) const { return report(make_error_code(err)); }
_LIBCPP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(__printf__, 3, 4)
T report(errc const& err, const char* msg, ...) const {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, msg);
try {
report_impl(make_error_code(err), msg, ap);
} catch (...) {
return error_value<T>();
ErrorHandler(ErrorHandler const&) = delete;
ErrorHandler& operator=(ErrorHandler const&) = delete;
} // end namespace detail