mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 14:59:03 +00:00
This change makes a second pass, at fixing the errno issue with libcxx's filesystem code. Previously, 89.01% of LLVM's test suite was passing and now 98.59% of their tests pass. Best of all, it's now possible for Clang to be built as a working APE binary that can to compile the Cosmopolitan repository. Please note it has only been vetted so far for some objects, and more work would obviously need to be done in cosmo, to fix warnings.
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#include <__system_error/errc.h>
static std::errc __err_to_errc_impl(int err) noexcept {
if (err == EAFNOSUPPORT) return errc::address_family_not_supported;
if (err == EADDRINUSE) return errc::address_in_use;
if (err == EADDRNOTAVAIL) return errc::address_not_available;
if (err == EISCONN) return errc::already_connected;
if (err == E2BIG) return errc::argument_list_too_long;
if (err == EDOM) return errc::argument_out_of_domain;
if (err == EFAULT) return errc::bad_address;
if (err == EBADF) return errc::bad_file_descriptor;
if (err == EBADMSG) return errc::bad_message;
if (err == EPIPE) return errc::broken_pipe;
if (err == ECONNABORTED) return errc::connection_aborted;
if (err == EALREADY) return errc::connection_already_in_progress;
if (err == ECONNREFUSED) return errc::connection_refused;
if (err == ECONNRESET) return errc::connection_reset;
if (err == EXDEV) return errc::cross_device_link;
if (err == EDESTADDRREQ) return errc::destination_address_required;
if (err == EBUSY) return errc::device_or_resource_busy;
if (err == ENOTEMPTY) return errc::directory_not_empty;
if (err == ENOEXEC) return errc::executable_format_error;
if (err == EEXIST) return errc::file_exists;
if (err == EFBIG) return errc::file_too_large;
if (err == ENAMETOOLONG) return errc::filename_too_long;
if (err == ENOSYS) return errc::function_not_supported;
if (err == EHOSTUNREACH) return errc::host_unreachable;
if (err == EIDRM) return errc::identifier_removed;
if (err == EILSEQ) return errc::illegal_byte_sequence;
if (err == ENOTTY) return errc::inappropriate_io_control_operation;
if (err == EINTR) return errc::interrupted;
if (err == EINVAL) return errc::invalid_argument;
if (err == ESPIPE) return errc::invalid_seek;
if (err == EIO) return errc::io_error;
if (err == EISDIR) return errc::is_a_directory;
if (err == EMSGSIZE) return errc::message_size;
if (err == ENETDOWN) return errc::network_down;
if (err == ENETRESET) return errc::network_reset;
if (err == ENETUNREACH) return errc::network_unreachable;
if (err == ENOBUFS) return errc::no_buffer_space;
if (err == ECHILD) return errc::no_child_process;
if (err == ENOLINK) return errc::no_link;
if (err == ENOLCK) return errc::no_lock_available;
if (err == ENOMSG) return errc::no_message;
if (err == (ENODATA ? ENODATA : ENOMSG)) return errc::no_message_available;
if (err == ENOPROTOOPT) return errc::no_protocol_option;
if (err == ENOSPC) return errc::no_space_on_device;
if (err == ENOMEM) return errc::not_enough_memory;
if (err == (ENOSR ? ENOSR : ENOMEM)) return errc::no_stream_resources;
if (err == ENXIO) return errc::no_such_device_or_address;
if (err == ENODEV) return errc::no_such_device;
if (err == ENOENT) return errc::no_such_file_or_directory;
if (err == ESRCH) return errc::no_such_process;
if (err == ENOTDIR) return errc::not_a_directory;
if (err == ENOTSOCK) return errc::not_a_socket;
if (err == (ENOSTR ? ENOSTR : EINVAL)) return errc::not_a_stream;
if (err == ENOTCONN) return errc::not_connected;
if (err == ENOTSUP) return errc::not_supported;
if (err == ECANCELED) return errc::operation_canceled;
if (err == EINPROGRESS) return errc::operation_in_progress;
if (err == EPERM) return errc::operation_not_permitted;
if (err == EOPNOTSUPP) return errc::operation_not_supported;
if (err == EWOULDBLOCK) return errc::operation_would_block;
if (err == EOWNERDEAD) return errc::owner_dead;
if (err == EACCES) return errc::permission_denied;
if (err == EPROTO) return errc::protocol_error;
if (err == EPROTONOSUPPORT) return errc::protocol_not_supported;
if (err == EROFS) return errc::read_only_file_system;
if (err == EDEADLK) return errc::resource_deadlock_would_occur;
if (err == EAGAIN) return errc::resource_unavailable_try_again;
if (err == ERANGE) return errc::result_out_of_range;
if (err == ENOTRECOVERABLE) return errc::state_not_recoverable;
if (err == ETIME) return errc::stream_timeout;
if (err == ETXTBSY) return errc::text_file_busy;
if (err == ETIMEDOUT) return errc::timed_out;
if (err == ENFILE) return errc::too_many_files_open_in_system;
if (err == EMFILE) return errc::too_many_files_open;
if (err == EMLINK) return errc::too_many_links;
if (err == ELOOP) return errc::too_many_symbolic_link_levels;
if (err == EOVERFLOW) return errc::value_too_large;
if (err == EPROTOTYPE) return errc::wrong_protocol_type;
return errc::not_supported;
static int __errc_to_err_impl(std::errc err) noexcept {
if (err == errc::address_family_not_supported) return EAFNOSUPPORT;
if (err == errc::address_in_use) return EADDRINUSE;
if (err == errc::address_not_available) return EADDRNOTAVAIL;
if (err == errc::already_connected) return EISCONN;
if (err == errc::argument_list_too_long) return E2BIG;
if (err == errc::argument_out_of_domain) return EDOM;
if (err == errc::bad_address) return EFAULT;
if (err == errc::bad_file_descriptor) return EBADF;
if (err == errc::bad_message) return EBADMSG;
if (err == errc::broken_pipe) return EPIPE;
if (err == errc::connection_aborted) return ECONNABORTED;
if (err == errc::connection_already_in_progress) return EALREADY;
if (err == errc::connection_refused) return ECONNREFUSED;
if (err == errc::connection_reset) return ECONNRESET;
if (err == errc::cross_device_link) return EXDEV;
if (err == errc::destination_address_required) return EDESTADDRREQ;
if (err == errc::device_or_resource_busy) return EBUSY;
if (err == errc::directory_not_empty) return ENOTEMPTY;
if (err == errc::executable_format_error) return ENOEXEC;
if (err == errc::file_exists) return EEXIST;
if (err == errc::file_too_large) return EFBIG;
if (err == errc::filename_too_long) return ENAMETOOLONG;
if (err == errc::function_not_supported) return ENOSYS;
if (err == errc::host_unreachable) return EHOSTUNREACH;
if (err == errc::identifier_removed) return EIDRM;
if (err == errc::illegal_byte_sequence) return EILSEQ;
if (err == errc::inappropriate_io_control_operation) return ENOTTY;
if (err == errc::interrupted) return EINTR;
if (err == errc::invalid_argument) return EINVAL;
if (err == errc::invalid_seek) return ESPIPE;
if (err == errc::io_error) return EIO;
if (err == errc::is_a_directory) return EISDIR;
if (err == errc::message_size) return EMSGSIZE;
if (err == errc::network_down) return ENETDOWN;
if (err == errc::network_reset) return ENETRESET;
if (err == errc::network_unreachable) return ENETUNREACH;
if (err == errc::no_buffer_space) return ENOBUFS;
if (err == errc::no_child_process) return ECHILD;
if (err == errc::no_link) return ENOLINK;
if (err == errc::no_lock_available) return ENOLCK;
if (err == errc::no_message) return ENOMSG;
if (err == errc::no_message_available) return (ENODATA ? ENODATA : ENOMSG);
if (err == errc::no_protocol_option) return ENOPROTOOPT;
if (err == errc::no_space_on_device) return ENOSPC;
if (err == errc::not_enough_memory) return ENOMEM;
if (err == errc::no_stream_resources) return (ENOSR ? ENOSR : ENOMEM);
if (err == errc::no_such_device_or_address) return ENXIO;
if (err == errc::no_such_device) return ENODEV;
if (err == errc::no_such_file_or_directory) return ENOENT;
if (err == errc::no_such_process) return ESRCH;
if (err == errc::not_a_directory) return ENOTDIR;
if (err == errc::not_a_socket) return ENOTSOCK;
if (err == errc::not_a_stream) return (ENOSTR ? ENOSTR : EINVAL);
if (err == errc::not_connected) return ENOTCONN;
if (err == errc::not_supported) return ENOTSUP;
if (err == errc::operation_canceled) return ECANCELED;
if (err == errc::operation_in_progress) return EINPROGRESS;
if (err == errc::operation_not_permitted) return EPERM;
if (err == errc::operation_not_supported) return EOPNOTSUPP;
if (err == errc::operation_would_block) return EWOULDBLOCK;
if (err == errc::owner_dead) return EOWNERDEAD;
if (err == errc::permission_denied) return EACCES;
if (err == errc::protocol_error) return EPROTO;
if (err == errc::protocol_not_supported) return EPROTONOSUPPORT;
if (err == errc::read_only_file_system) return EROFS;
if (err == errc::resource_deadlock_would_occur) return EDEADLK;
if (err == errc::resource_unavailable_try_again) return EAGAIN;
if (err == errc::result_out_of_range) return ERANGE;
if (err == errc::state_not_recoverable) return ENOTRECOVERABLE;
if (err == errc::stream_timeout) return ETIME;
if (err == errc::text_file_busy) return ETXTBSY;
if (err == errc::timed_out) return ETIMEDOUT;
if (err == errc::too_many_files_open_in_system) return ENFILE;
if (err == errc::too_many_files_open) return EMFILE;
if (err == errc::too_many_links) return EMLINK;
if (err == errc::too_many_symbolic_link_levels) return ELOOP;
if (err == errc::value_too_large) return EOVERFLOW;
if (err == errc::wrong_protocol_type) return EPROTOTYPE;
return ENOTSUP;
std::errc __err_to_errc(int err) noexcept {
if (!err)
return (std::errc)0;
if (err >= 65536)
return (std::errc)err;
return __err_to_errc_impl(err);
int __errc_to_err(std::errc err) noexcept {
if (!(int)err)
return 0;
if ((int)err < 65536)
return (int)err;
return __errc_to_err_impl(err);