mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:48:21 +00:00
- This change fixes a bug that allowed unbuffered printf() output (to streams like stderr) to be truncated. This regression was introduced some time between now and the last release. - POSIX specifies all functions as thread safe by default. This change works towards cleaning up our use of the @threadsafe / @threadunsafe documentation annotations to reflect that. The goal is (1) to use @threadunsafe to document functions which POSIX say needn't be thread safe, and (2) use @threadsafe to document functions that we chose to implement as thread safe even though POSIX didn't mandate it. - Tidy up the clock_gettime() implementation. We're now trying out a cleaner approach to system call support that aims to maintain the Linux errno convention as long as possible. This also fixes bugs that existed previously, where the vDSO errno wasn't being translated properly. The gettimeofday() system call is now a wrapper for clock_gettime(), which reduces bloat in apps that use both. - The recently-introduced improvements to the execute bit on Windows has had bugs fixed. access(X_OK) on a directory on Windows now succeeds. fstat() will now perform the MZ/#! ReadFile() operation correctly. - Windows.h is no longer included in libc/isystem/, because it confused PCRE's build system into thinking Cosmopolitan is a WIN32 platform. Cosmo's Windows.h polyfill was never even really that good, since it only defines a subset of the subset of WIN32 APIs that Cosmo defines. - The setlongerjmp() / longerjmp() APIs are removed. While they're nice APIs that are superior to the standardized setjmp / longjmp functions, they weren't superior enough to not be dead code in the monorepo. If you use these APIs, please file an issue and they'll be restored. - The .com appending magic has now been removed from APE Loader.
426 lines
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426 lines
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// clang-format off
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "third_party/libcxx/__config"
#include "third_party/libcxx/filesystem"
#include "third_party/libcxx/filesystem_common.hh"
#include "third_party/libcxx/array"
#include "third_party/libcxx/chrono"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstdlib"
#include "libc/calls/struct/stat.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/at.h"
#include "libc/calls/struct/timeval.h"
#include "third_party/libcxx/climits"
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
namespace detail {
namespace {
static string format_string_imp(const char* msg, ...) {
// we might need a second shot at this, so pre-emptivly make a copy
struct GuardVAList {
va_list& target;
bool active = true;
GuardVAList(va_list& target) : target(target), active(true) {}
void clear() {
if (active)
active = false;
~GuardVAList() {
if (active)
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
GuardVAList args_guard(args);
va_list args_cp;
va_copy(args_cp, args);
GuardVAList args_copy_guard(args_cp);
std::string result;
array<char, 256> local_buff;
size_t size_with_null = local_buff.size();
auto ret = ::vsnprintf(local_buff.data(), size_with_null, msg, args_cp);
// handle empty expansion
if (ret == 0)
return result;
if (static_cast<size_t>(ret) < size_with_null) {
result.assign(local_buff.data(), static_cast<size_t>(ret));
return result;
// we did not provide a long enough buffer on our first attempt. The
// return value is the number of bytes (excluding the null byte) that are
// needed for formatting.
size_with_null = static_cast<size_t>(ret) + 1;
result.__resize_default_init(size_with_null - 1);
ret = ::vsnprintf(&result[0], size_with_null, msg, args);
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(ret) == (size_with_null - 1), "TODO");
return result;
const char* unwrap(string const& s) { return s.c_str(); }
const char* unwrap(path const& p) { return p.native().c_str(); }
template <class Arg>
Arg const& unwrap(Arg const& a) {
static_assert(!is_class<Arg>::value, "cannot pass class here");
return a;
template <class... Args>
string format_string(const char* fmt, Args const&... args) {
return format_string_imp(fmt, unwrap(args)...);
error_code capture_errno() {
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(errno, "Expected errno to be non-zero");
return error_code(errno, generic_category());
template <class T>
T error_value();
template <>
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 void error_value<void>() {}
template <>
bool error_value<bool>() {
return false;
template <>
uintmax_t error_value<uintmax_t>() {
return uintmax_t(-1);
template <>
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 file_time_type error_value<file_time_type>() {
return file_time_type::min();
template <>
path error_value<path>() {
return {};
template <class T>
struct ErrorHandler {
const char* func_name;
error_code* ec = nullptr;
const path* p1 = nullptr;
const path* p2 = nullptr;
ErrorHandler(const char* fname, error_code* ec, const path* p1 = nullptr,
const path* p2 = nullptr)
: func_name(fname), ec(ec), p1(p1), p2(p2) {
if (ec)
T report(const error_code& m_ec) const {
if (ec) {
*ec = m_ec;
return error_value<T>();
string what = string("in ") + func_name;
switch (bool(p1) + bool(p2)) {
case 0:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, m_ec);
case 1:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1, m_ec);
case 2:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1, *p2, m_ec);
template <class... Args>
T report(const error_code& m_ec, const char* msg, Args const&... args) const {
if (ec) {
*ec = m_ec;
return error_value<T>();
string what =
string("in ") + func_name + ": " + format_string(msg, args...);
switch (bool(p1) + bool(p2)) {
case 0:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, m_ec);
case 1:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1, m_ec);
case 2:
__throw_filesystem_error(what, *p1, *p2, m_ec);
T report(errc const& err) const { return report(make_error_code(err)); }
template <class... Args>
T report(errc const& err, const char* msg, Args const&... args) const {
return report(make_error_code(err), msg, args...);
ErrorHandler(ErrorHandler const&) = delete;
ErrorHandler& operator=(ErrorHandler const&) = delete;
using chrono::duration;
using chrono::duration_cast;
using TimeSpec = struct ::timespec;
using StatT = struct ::stat;
template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT,
bool IsFloat = is_floating_point<typename FileTimeT::rep>::value>
struct time_util_base {
using rep = typename FileTimeT::rep;
using fs_duration = typename FileTimeT::duration;
using fs_seconds = duration<rep>;
using fs_nanoseconds = duration<rep, nano>;
using fs_microseconds = duration<rep, micro>;
static constexpr rep max_seconds =
static constexpr rep max_nsec =
duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(FileTimeT::duration::max() -
static constexpr rep min_seconds =
static constexpr rep min_nsec_timespec =
(FileTimeT::duration::min() - fs_seconds(min_seconds)) +
static constexpr fs_duration get_min_nsecs() {
return duration_cast<fs_duration>(
fs_nanoseconds(min_nsec_timespec) -
// Static assert that these values properly round trip.
static_assert(fs_seconds(min_seconds) + get_min_nsecs() ==
"value doesn't roundtrip");
static constexpr bool check_range() {
// This kinda sucks, but it's what happens when we don't have __int128_t.
if (sizeof(TimeT) == sizeof(rep)) {
typedef duration<long long, ratio<3600 * 24 * 365> > Years;
return duration_cast<Years>(fs_seconds(max_seconds)) > Years(250) &&
duration_cast<Years>(fs_seconds(min_seconds)) < Years(-250);
return max_seconds >= numeric_limits<TimeT>::max() &&
min_seconds <= numeric_limits<TimeT>::min();
static_assert(check_range(), "the representable range is unacceptable small");
template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
struct time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true> {
using rep = typename FileTimeT::rep;
using fs_duration = typename FileTimeT::duration;
using fs_seconds = duration<rep>;
using fs_nanoseconds = duration<rep, nano>;
using fs_microseconds = duration<rep, micro>;
static const rep max_seconds;
static const rep max_nsec;
static const rep min_seconds;
static const rep min_nsec_timespec;
template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
const typename FileTimeT::rep
time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true>::max_seconds =
template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true>::max_nsec =
duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(FileTimeT::duration::max() -
template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
const typename FileTimeT::rep
time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true>::min_seconds =
template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
const typename FileTimeT::rep
time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true>::min_nsec_timespec =
duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>((FileTimeT::duration::min() -
fs_seconds(min_seconds)) +
template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT, class TimeSpecT>
struct time_util : time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT> {
using Base = time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT>;
using Base::max_nsec;
using Base::max_seconds;
using Base::min_nsec_timespec;
using Base::min_seconds;
using typename Base::fs_duration;
using typename Base::fs_microseconds;
using typename Base::fs_nanoseconds;
using typename Base::fs_seconds;
template <class CType, class ChronoType>
static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool checked_set(CType* out,
ChronoType time) {
using Lim = numeric_limits<CType>;
if (time > Lim::max() || time < Lim::min())
return false;
*out = static_cast<CType>(time);
return true;
static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool is_representable(TimeSpecT tm) {
if (tm.tv_sec >= 0) {
return tm.tv_sec < max_seconds ||
(tm.tv_sec == max_seconds && tm.tv_nsec <= max_nsec);
} else if (tm.tv_sec == (min_seconds - 1)) {
return tm.tv_nsec >= min_nsec_timespec;
} else {
return tm.tv_sec >= min_seconds;
static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool is_representable(FileTimeT tm) {
auto secs = duration_cast<fs_seconds>(tm.time_since_epoch());
auto nsecs = duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(tm.time_since_epoch() - secs);
if (nsecs.count() < 0) {
secs = secs + fs_seconds(1);
nsecs = nsecs + fs_seconds(1);
using TLim = numeric_limits<TimeT>;
if (secs.count() >= 0)
return secs.count() <= TLim::max();
return secs.count() >= TLim::min();
convert_from_timespec(TimeSpecT tm) {
if (tm.tv_sec >= 0 || tm.tv_nsec == 0) {
return FileTimeT(fs_seconds(tm.tv_sec) +
} else { // tm.tv_sec < 0
auto adj_subsec = duration_cast<fs_duration>(fs_seconds(1) -
auto Dur = fs_seconds(tm.tv_sec + 1) - adj_subsec;
return FileTimeT(Dur);
template <class SubSecT>
set_times_checked(TimeT* sec_out, SubSecT* subsec_out, FileTimeT tp) {
auto dur = tp.time_since_epoch();
auto sec_dur = duration_cast<fs_seconds>(dur);
auto subsec_dur = duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(dur - sec_dur);
// The tv_nsec and tv_usec fields must not be negative so adjust accordingly
if (subsec_dur.count() < 0) {
if (sec_dur.count() > min_seconds) {
sec_dur = sec_dur - fs_seconds(1);
subsec_dur = subsec_dur + fs_seconds(1);
} else {
subsec_dur = fs_nanoseconds::zero();
return checked_set(sec_out, sec_dur.count()) &&
checked_set(subsec_out, subsec_dur.count());
static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 bool convert_to_timespec(TimeSpecT& dest,
FileTimeT tp) {
if (!is_representable(tp))
return false;
return set_times_checked(&dest.tv_sec, &dest.tv_nsec, tp);
using fs_time = time_util<file_time_type, time_t, TimeSpec>;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
TimeSpec extract_mtime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_mtimespec; }
TimeSpec extract_atime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_atimespec; }
TimeSpec extract_mtime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_mtim; }
TimeSpec extract_atime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_atim; }
// allow the utimes implementation to compile even it we're not going
// to use it.
bool posix_utimes(const path& p, std::array<TimeSpec, 2> const& TS,
error_code& ec) {
using namespace chrono;
auto Convert = [](long nsec) {
using int_type = decltype(std::declval< ::timeval>().tv_usec);
auto dur = duration_cast<microseconds>(nanoseconds(nsec)).count();
return static_cast<int_type>(dur);
struct ::timeval ConvertedTS[2] = {{TS[0].tv_sec, Convert(TS[0].tv_nsec)},
{TS[1].tv_sec, Convert(TS[1].tv_nsec)}};
if (::utimes(p.c_str(), ConvertedTS) == -1) {
ec = capture_errno();
return true;
return false;
bool posix_utimensat(const path& p, std::array<TimeSpec, 2> const& TS,
error_code& ec) {
if (::utimensat(AT_FDCWD, p.c_str(), TS.data(), 0) == -1) {
ec = capture_errno();
return true;
return false;
bool set_file_times(const path& p, std::array<TimeSpec, 2> const& TS,
error_code& ec) {
return posix_utimes(p, TS, ec);
return posix_utimensat(p, TS, ec);
} // namespace
} // end namespace detail