mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 22:18:29 +00:00
The whole repository is now buildable with GNU Make Landlock sandboxing. This proves that no Makefile targets exist which touch files other than their declared prerequisites. In order to do this, we had to: 1. Stop code morphing GCC output in package.com and instead run a newly introduced FIXUPOBJ.COM command after GCC invocations. 2. Disable all the crumby Python unit tests that do things like create files in the current directory, or rename() files between folders. This ended up being a lot of tests, but most of them are still ok. 3. Introduce an .UNSANDBOXED variable to GNU Make to disable Landlock. We currently only do this for things like `make tags`. 4. This change deletes some GNU Make code that was preventing the execve() optimization from working. This means it should no longer be necessary in most cases for command invocations to be indirected through the cocmd interpreter. 5. Missing dependencies had to be declared in certain places, in cases where they couldn't be automatically determined by MKDEPS.COM 6. The libcxx header situation has finally been tamed. One of the things that makes this difficult is MKDEPS.COM only wants to consider the first 64kb of a file, in order to go fast. But libcxx likes to have #include lines buried after huge documentation. 7. An .UNVEIL variable has been introduced to GNU Make just in case we ever wish to explicitly specify additional things that need to be whitelisted which aren't strictly prerequisites. This works in a manner similar to the recently introduced .EXTRA_PREREQS feature. There's now a new build/bootstrap/make.com prebuilt binary available. It should no longer be possible to write invalid Makefile code.
518 lines
22 KiB
518 lines
22 KiB
#include "libc/nt/struct/fdset.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/guid.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/iovec.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/overlapped.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/pollfd.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/timeval.h"
#include "libc/sock/sock.h"
#include "libc/sock/struct/sockaddr.h"
/* ░▓█████████████████████████████████████████████▓▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒▒▒ ▓██▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▓▓▓▒ ▓██▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▓██▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓██▓▒▒
░█▓░ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒░ ▒█▓░ ▒█▓▒▒
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░█▓░ ░░░░ ░░░░░▒▒▓███▓░░░░░░░░▒▓▓▓▓▒ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒ ░░░░░░░▒▒████▓░░░░░░░░░░▒██▓ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒ ░░░░░░░▒▒▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░▒▒██▓ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒ ░░▒▒▒▒░░░░░ ░▒▒▒▒░░░░░▒▒██▓ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒ ░░▒▓█▓░░░░░░░▒▓██▓░░░░▒▒██▓ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒ ░░▒▓█▓░░░░░░░▒▓██▓░░░░▒▒██▓ ▒█▓▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒ ░░▒▓█▓░░░░░░░▒▓██▓░░░░▒▒██▓ ░▓█▓▒▒▒▒
░█▓░ ░▒▒ ░░▒▓█▓░░░░░░░▒▓██▓░░░░░▒██▓ ░████▓▒░
░█▓░ ░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░▒▒▓▓▒░░ ░░▓███▓▒░
░█▓░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▓▓▓▒░ ▒████▓▒░░░░░░
░█▓░ ░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒░░ ░▓▓▓▓██▒░░░░░░░░
░█▓░ ▒█████████████████▒ ▓█▓▒░ ▒█▓ ░█▓ ░▓▓░
░█▓░ ░▓████▒░ ▒█▓▒░ ░░░░░░░ ▓█▓░
░█▓░ ░▓████▒░ ░▒░ ░░░░░░░░░░░ ░█▓
░█▓ ▒███▓▒▒░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▒▓▓
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▒█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▓▒░ ░█▓
▒█████████████▓▒▒░ ░██▒
│ cosmopolitan § new technology » winsock ─╬─│┼
#define kNtWsaFlagOverlapped 0x01
#define kNtWsaFlagNoHandleInherit 0x80
#define kNtCompEqual 0
#define kNtCompNotless 1
#define kNtTfDisconnect 0x01
#define kNtTfReuseSocket 0x02
#define kNtTfWriteBehind 0x04
#define kNtTfUseDefaultWorker 0x00
#define kNtTfUseSystemThread 0x10
#define kNtTfUseKernelApc 0x20
#define kNtSoConnectTime 0x700C
#define kNtSoUpdateAcceptContext 0x700B
#define kNtSoUpdateConnectContext 0x7010
#define kNtNspNotifyImmediately 0
#define kNtNspNotifyHwnd 1
#define kNtNspNotifyEvent 2
#define kNtNspNotifyPort 3
#define kNtNspNotifyApc 4
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
struct NtMsgHdr {
struct sockaddr *name;
int32_t namelen;
struct NtIovec *lpBuffers;
uint32_t dwBufferCount;
struct NtIovec Control;
uint32_t dwFlags;
struct NtWsaData {
uint16_t wVersion;
uint16_t wHighVersion;
uint16_t iMaxSockets;
uint16_t iMaxUdpDg;
char *lpVendorInfo;
char szDescription[257];
char szSystemStatus[129];
struct NtSocketAddress {
struct sockaddr *lpSockaddr;
int32_t iSockaddrLength;
struct NtSocketAddressList {
int32_t iAddressCount;
struct NtSocketAddress Address[1];
struct NtAddrInfoEx { /* win8+ */
int32_t ai_family; /* PF_XXX */
int32_t ai_socktype; /* SOCK_XXX */
int32_t ai_protocol;
uint64_t ai_addrlen;
char16_t *ai_canonname;
struct sockaddr *ai_addr;
void *ai_blob;
uint64_t ai_bloblen;
struct NtGuid *ai_provider;
struct NtAddrInfoEx *ai_next;
int32_t ai_version; /* v2 */
char16_t *ai_fqdn; /* v2 */
int32_t ai_interfaceindex; /* v3 */
int64_t ai_resolutionhandle; /* v4 */
struct NtWsaProtocolChain {
int32_t ChainLen;
uint32_t ChainEntries[7];
struct NtWsaProtocolInfo {
uint32_t dwServiceFlags1;
uint32_t dwServiceFlags2;
uint32_t dwServiceFlags3;
uint32_t dwServiceFlags4;
uint32_t dwProviderFlags;
struct NtGuid ProviderId;
uint32_t dwCatalogEntryId;
struct NtWsaProtocolChain ProtocolChain;
int32_t iVersion;
int32_t iAddressFamily;
int32_t iMaxSockAddr;
int32_t iMinSockAddr;
int32_t iSocketType;
int32_t iProtocol;
int32_t iProtocolMaxOffset;
int32_t iNetworkByteOrder;
int32_t iSecurityScheme;
uint32_t dwMessageSize;
uint32_t dwProviderReserved;
char16_t szProtocol[256];
struct NtFlowSpec {
uint32_t TokenRate; /* bytes/sec */
uint32_t TokenBucketSize; /* bytes */
uint32_t PeakBandwidth; /* bytes/sec */
uint32_t Latency; /* µs */
uint32_t DelayVariation; /* µs */
uint32_t ServiceType; /* kNtServicetypeXxx */
uint32_t MaxSduSize; /* bytes */
uint32_t MinimumPolicedSize; /* bytes */
struct NtQos {
struct NtFlowSpec SendingFlowspec;
struct NtFlowSpec ReceivingFlowspec;
struct NtIovec ProviderSpecific;
struct NtWsaVersion {
uint32_t dwVersion;
int ecHow;
struct NtAfProtocols {
int32_t iAddressFamily;
int32_t iProtocol;
struct NtBlob {
uint32_t cbSize;
uint8_t pBlobData;
struct NtCsAddrInfo {
struct NtSocketAddress LocalAddr;
struct NtSocketAddress RemoteAddr;
int32_t iSocketType;
int32_t iProtocol;
struct NtWsaQuerySet {
uint32_t dwSize; /* of this */
char16_t *lpszServiceInstanceName;
struct NtGuid *lpServiceClassId;
struct NtWsaVersion *lpVersion;
char16_t *lpszComment;
uint32_t dwNameSpace;
struct NtGuid *lpNSProviderId;
char16_t *lpszContext;
uint32_t dwNumberOfProtocols;
struct NtAfProtocols *lpafpProtocols /*[dwNumberOfProtocols]*/;
char16_t *lpszQueryString;
uint32_t dwNumberOfCsAddrs;
struct NtCsAddrInfo *lpcsaBuffer /*[dwNumberOfCsAddrs]*/;
uint32_t dwOutputFlags;
struct NtBlob *lpBlob;
struct NtWsaNamespaceInfoEx {
struct NtGuid NSProviderId;
uint32_t dwNameSpace;
bool32 fActive;
uint32_t dwVersion;
char16_t *lpszIdentifier;
struct NtBlob *ProviderSpecific;
struct NtWsansClassInfo {
char16_t *lpszName;
uint32_t dwNameSpace;
uint32_t dwValueType;
uint32_t dwValueSize;
void *lpValue;
struct NtWsaServiceClassInfo {
struct NtGuid *lpServiceClassId;
char16_t *lpszServiceClassName;
uint32_t dwCount;
struct NtWsansClassInfo *lpClassInfos;
struct NtWsaNetworkEvents {
int32_t lNetworkEvents;
int32_t iErrorCode[10];
struct NtTransmitFileBuffers {
void *Head;
uint32_t HeadLength;
void *Tail;
uint32_t TailLength;
typedef int (*NtConditionProc)(
const struct NtIovec *lpCallerId, const struct NtIovec *lpCallerData,
struct NtQos *inout_lpSQOS, struct NtQos *inout_lpGQOS,
const struct NtIovec *lpCalleeId, const struct NtIovec *lpCalleeData,
uint32_t *out_group, const uint32_t *dwCallbackData);
typedef void (*NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine)(
uint32_t dwError, uint32_t cbTransferred,
const struct NtOverlapped *lpOverlapped, uint32_t dwFlags);
struct NtWsaCompletion {
int Type;
union {
struct {
int64_t hWnd;
uint32_t uMsg;
uintptr_t context;
} WindowMessage;
struct {
struct NtOverlapped *lpOverlapped;
} Event;
struct {
struct NtOverlapped *lpOverlapped;
NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine lpfnCompletionProc;
} Apc;
struct {
struct NtOverlapped *lpOverlapped;
int64_t hPort;
uint32_t Key;
} Port;
} Parameters;
struct NtInterfaceInfo {
uint64_t iiFlags;
struct sockaddr_in iiAddress;
struct sockaddr_in iiBroadcastAddress;
struct sockaddr_in iiNetmask;
* Winsock2 prototypes.
* @note Some of the functions exported by WS2_32.DLL, e.g. bind(),
* overlap with the names used by System V. Prototypes for these
* functions are declared within their respective wrappers.
int32_t WSAStartup(uint16_t wVersionRequested, struct NtWsaData *lpWSAData)
paramsnonnull() dontdiscard;
int WSACleanup(void);
int WSAGetLastError(void);
void WSASetLastError(int);
int __sys_bind_nt(uint64_t, const void *, int);
int __sys_closesocket_nt(uint64_t);
int __sys_getpeername_nt(uint64_t, void *, uint32_t *);
int __sys_getsockname_nt(uint64_t, void *, uint32_t *);
int __sys_getsockopt_nt(uint64_t, int, int, void *, uint32_t *);
int __sys_ioctlsocket_nt(uint64_t, int32_t, uint32_t *);
int __sys_listen_nt(uint64_t, int);
int __sys_setsockopt_nt(uint64_t, int, int, const void *, int);
int __sys_shutdown_nt(uint64_t, int);
int __sys_select_nt(int, struct NtFdSet *, struct NtFdSet *, struct NtFdSet *,
struct NtTimeval *);
uint64_t WSASocket(int af, int type, int protocol,
const struct NtWsaProtocolInfo *opt_lpProtocolInfo,
const uint32_t opt_group, uint32_t dwFlags) dontdiscard;
int WSAConnect(uint64_t s, const struct sockaddr *name, const int namelen,
const struct NtIovec *opt_lpCallerData,
struct NtIovec *opt_out_lpCalleeData,
const struct NtQos *opt_lpSQOS, const struct NtQos *opt_lpGQOS)
bool32 WSAConnectByName(uint64_t s, const char16_t *nodename,
const char16_t *servicename,
uint32_t *opt_inout_LocalAddressLength,
struct sockaddr *out_LocalAddress,
uint32_t *opt_inout_RemoteAddressLength,
struct sockaddr *out_RemoteAddress,
const struct NtTimeval *opt_timeout,
struct NtOverlapped *__Reserved) paramsnonnull((2, 3));
bool32 WSAConnectByList(uint64_t s,
const struct NtSocketAddressList *SocketAddress,
uint32_t *opt_inout_LocalAddressLength,
struct sockaddr *out_LocalAddress,
uint32_t *opt_inout_RemoteAddressLength,
struct sockaddr *out_RemoteAddress,
const struct NtTimeval *opt_timeout,
struct NtOverlapped *__Reserved) paramsnonnull((2));
int64_t WSAAccept(uint64_t s, struct sockaddr *out_addr,
int32_t *opt_inout_addrlen,
const NtConditionProc opt_lpfnCondition,
const uint32_t *opt_dwCallbackData)
paramsnonnull((2)) dontdiscard;
int WSASend(uint64_t s, const struct NtIovec *lpBuffers, uint32_t dwBufferCount,
uint32_t *opt_out_lpNumberOfBytesSent, uint32_t dwFlags,
struct NtOverlapped *opt_inout_lpOverlapped,
const NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine opt_lpCompletionRoutine)
int WSASendMsg(int64_t Handle, const struct NtMsgHdr *lpMsg, uint32_t dwFlags,
uint32_t *opt_out_lpNumberOfBytesSent,
struct NtOverlapped *opt_inout_lpOverlapped,
const NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine opt_lpCompletionRoutine)
int WSASendTo(uint64_t s, const struct NtIovec *lpBuffers,
uint32_t dwBufferCount,
uint32_t *opt_out_lpNumberOfBytesSent /* opt if !overlapped */,
uint32_t dwFlags, const void *opt_tosockaddr,
int32_t tosockaddrlen,
struct NtOverlapped *opt_inout_lpOverlapped,
const NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine opt_lpCompletionRoutine)
int WSAPoll(struct sys_pollfd_nt *inout_fdArray, uint32_t nfds,
signed timeout_ms) paramsnonnull();
int WSARecv(uint64_t s, const struct NtIovec *inout_lpBuffers,
uint32_t dwBufferCount, uint32_t *opt_out_lpNumberOfBytesRecvd,
uint32_t *inout_lpFlags,
struct NtOverlapped *opt_inout_lpOverlapped,
const NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine opt_lpCompletionRoutine)
paramsnonnull((2, 5));
int WSARecvFrom(uint64_t s, const struct NtIovec *inout_lpBuffers,
uint32_t dwBufferCount, uint32_t *opt_out_lpNumberOfBytesRecvd,
uint32_t *inout_lpFlags, void *out_fromsockaddr,
uint32_t *opt_inout_fromsockaddrlen,
struct NtOverlapped *opt_inout_lpOverlapped,
const NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine opt_lpCompletionRoutine)
paramsnonnull((2, 5));
int WSARecvDisconnect(uint64_t s, struct NtIovec *out_InboundDisconnectData);
int WSASendDisconnect(int64_t s, struct NtIovec *opt_OutboundDisconnectData);
int WSADuplicateSocket(uint64_t s, uint32_t dwProcessId,
struct NtWsaProtocolInfo *out_lpProtocolInfo)
int WSAIoctl(uint64_t s, uint32_t dwIoControlCode, const void *lpvInBuffer,
uint32_t cbInBuffer, void *out_lpvOutBuffer, uint32_t cbOutBuffer,
uint32_t *out_lpcbBytesReturned,
struct NtOverlapped *opt_inout_lpOverlapped,
const NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine opt_lpCompletionRoutine)
paramsnonnull((5, 7));
int WSANSPIoctl(int64_t hLookup, uint32_t dwControlCode,
const void *lpvInBuffer, uint32_t cbInBuffer,
void *out_lpvOutBuffer, uint32_t cbOutBuffer,
uint32_t *out_lpcbBytesReturned,
const struct NtWsaCompletion *opt_lpCompletion)
paramsnonnull((3, 5, 7));
int64_t WSACreateEvent(void) dontdiscard;
bool32 WSACloseEvent(const int64_t hEvent);
bool32 WSAResetEvent(const int64_t hEvent);
bool32 WSASetEvent(const int64_t hEvent);
int WSAEventSelect(uint64_t s, const int64_t opt_hEventObject,
long lNetworkEvents);
uint32_t WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(uint32_t cEvents, const int64_t *lphEvents,
bool32 fWaitAll, uint32_t dwTimeout_ms,
bool32 fAlertable) paramsnonnull();
int WSAEnumNetworkEvents(uint64_t s, const int64_t hEventObject,
struct NtWsaNetworkEvents *out_lpNetworkEvents)
bool32 WSAGetOverlappedResult(uint64_t s,
const struct NtOverlapped *lpOverlapped,
uint32_t *out_lpcbTransfer, bool32 fWait,
uint32_t *out_lpdwFlags) paramsnonnull();
int WSAEnumProtocols(const int32_t *opt_lpiProtocols,
struct NtWsaProtocolInfo *out_lpProtocolBuffer,
uint32_t *inout_lpdwBufferLength) paramsnonnull();
bool32 WSAGetQOSByName(uint64_t s, const struct NtIovec *lpQOSName,
struct NtQos *out_lpQOS) paramsnonnull();
uint64_t WSAJoinLeaf(uint64_t s, const struct sockaddr *name, const int namelen,
const struct NtIovec *opt_lpCallerData,
struct NtIovec *opt_out_lpCalleeData,
const struct NtQos *opt_lpSQOS,
const struct NtQos *opt_lpGQOS, uint32_t dwFlags)
paramsnonnull((2, 4));
int WSALookupServiceBegin(const struct NtWsaQuerySet *lpqsRestrictions,
uint32_t dwControlFlags, int64_t *out_lphLookup)
int WSALookupServiceNext(const int64_t hLookup, uint32_t dwControlFlags,
uint32_t *inout_lpdwBufferLength,
struct NtWsaQuerySet *out_lpqsResults) paramsnonnull();
int WSALookupServiceEnd(int64_t hLookup);
int WSAAddressToString(const struct sockaddr *lpsaAddress,
uint32_t dwAddressLength,
const struct NtWsaProtocolInfo *opt_lpProtocolInfo,
char16_t *out_lpszAddressString,
uint32_t *inout_lpdwAddressStringLength)
paramsnonnull((1, 4, 5));
int WSAStringToAddress(const char16_t *AddressString, int AddressFamily,
const struct NtWsaProtocolInfo *opt_lpProtocolInfo,
struct sockaddr *out_lpAddress,
int *inout_lpAddressLength) paramsnonnull((1, 3, 4));
int WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx(uint32_t *inout_lpdwBufferLength,
struct NtWsaNamespaceInfoEx *out_lpnspBuffer)
int WSAProviderConfigChange(
int64_t *inout_lpNotificationHandle,
struct NtOverlapped *opt_inout_lpOverlapped,
NtWsaOverlappedCompletionRoutine opt_lpCompletionRoutine)
int WSAInstallServiceClass(
const struct NtWsaServiceClassInfo *lpServiceClassInfo) paramsnonnull();
int WSARemoveServiceClass(const struct NtGuid *lpServiceClassId)
int WSAGetServiceClassInfo(const struct NtGuid *lpProviderId,
const struct NtGuid *lpServiceClassId,
uint32_t *inout_lpdwBufSize,
struct NtWsaServiceClassInfo *out_lpServiceClassInfo)
paramsnonnull((1, 2, 3));
int WSASetService(const struct NtWsaQuerySet *lpqsRegInfo, int essoperation,
uint32_t dwControlFlags) paramsnonnull();
int /* success==0 */ WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassId(
const struct NtGuid *lpServiceClassId, char16_t *out_lpszServiceClassName,
uint32_t *inout_lpdwBufferLength) paramsnonnull();
bool32 TransmitFile(int64_t hSocket, int64_t hFile,
uint32_t opt_nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
uint32_t opt_nNumberOfBytesPerSend,
struct NtOverlapped *opt_inout_lpOverlapped,
const struct NtTransmitFileBuffers *opt_lpTransmitBuffers,
uint32_t dwReserved);
bool32 AcceptEx(int64_t sListenSocket, int64_t sAcceptSocket,
void *out_lpOutputBuffer /*[recvlen+local+remoteaddrlen]*/,
uint32_t dwReceiveDataLength, uint32_t dwLocalAddressLength,
uint32_t dwRemoteAddressLength, uint32_t *out_lpdwBytesReceived,
struct NtOverlapped *inout_lpOverlapped);
void GetAcceptExSockaddrs(
const void *lpOutputBuffer /*[recvsize+addrsize+addrlen]*/,
uint32_t dwReceiveDataLength, uint32_t dwLocalAddressLength,
uint32_t dwRemoteAddressLength,
struct sockaddr **out_LocalSockaddr /*[*LocalSockaddrLength]*/,
int *out_LocalSockaddrLength,
struct sockaddr **out_RemoteSockaddr /*[*RemoteSockaddrLength]*/,
int *out_RemoteSockaddrLength);
bool32 DisconnectEx(int64_t s, struct NtOverlapped *inout_opt_lpOverlapped,
uint32_t dwFlags, uint32_t dwReserved);
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */