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synced 2025-03-04 16:06:23 +00:00
The worst issue I had with consts.sh for clock_gettime is how it defined too many clocks. So I looked into these clocks all day to figure out how how they overlap in functionality. I discovered counter-intuitive things such as how CLOCK_MONOTONIC should be CLOCK_UPTIME on MacOS and BSD, and that CLOCK_BOOTTIME should be CLOCK_MONOTONIC on MacOS / BSD. Windows 10 also has some incredible new APIs, that let us simplify clock_gettime(). - Linux CLOCK_REALTIME -> GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime() - Linux CLOCK_MONOTONIC -> QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise() - Linux CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW -> QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise() - Linux CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE -> GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() - Linux CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE -> QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime() - Linux CLOCK_BOOTTIME -> QueryInterruptTimePrecise() Documentation on the clock crew has been added to clock_gettime() in the docstring and in redbean's documentation too. You can read that to learn interesting facts about eight essential clocks that survived this purge. This is original research you will not find on Google, OpenAI, or Claude I've tested this change by porting *NSYNC to become fully clock agnostic since it has extensive tests for spotting irregularities in time. I have also included these tests in the default build so they no longer need to be run manually. Both CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONIC are good across the entire amd64 and arm64 test fleets.
274 lines
12 KiB
274 lines
12 KiB
#include "libc/assert.h"
#include "libc/intrin/dll.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/atomic.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/atomic.internal.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/cv.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/mu.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/mu_semaphore.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/note.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/time.h"
#include "third_party/nsync/wait_s.internal.h"
#ifdef MODE_DBG
#define NSYNC_DEBUG 1
#define NSYNC_DEBUG 0
/* Yield the CPU. Platform specific. */
void nsync_yield_(void);
/* Retrieve the per-thread cache of the waiter object. Platform specific. */
void *nsync_per_thread_waiter_(void (*dest)(void *));
/* Spin until (*w & test) == 0, then atomically perform *w = ((*w | set) &
~clear), perform an acquire barrier, and return the previous value of *w.
uint32_t nsync_spin_test_and_set_(nsync_atomic_uint32_ *w, uint32_t test,
uint32_t set, uint32_t clear, void *symbol);
/* Abort after printing the nul-temrinated string s[]. */
void nsync_panic_(const char *s) wontreturn;
/* ---------- */
#define MIN_(a_, b_) ((a_) < (b_) ? (a_) : (b_))
#define MAX_(a_, b_) ((a_) > (b_) ? (a_) : (b_))
/* ---------- */
/* Fields in nsync_mu.word.
- At least one of the MU_WLOCK or MU_RLOCK_FIELD fields must be zero.
- MU_WLOCK indicates that a write lock is held.
- MU_RLOCK_FIELD is a count of readers with read locks.
- MU_SPINLOCK represents a spinlock that must be held when manipulating the
waiter queue.
- MU_DESIG_WAKER indicates that a former waiter has been woken, but has
neither acquired the lock nor gone back to sleep. Legal to fail to set it;
illegal to set it when no such waiter exists.
- MU_WAITING indicates whether the waiter queue is non-empty.
The following bits should be zero if MU_WAITING is zero.
- MU_CONDITION indicates that some waiter may have an associated condition
(from nsync_mu_wait, etc.). Legal to set it with no such waiter exists,
but illegal to fail to set it with such a waiter.
- MU_WRITER_WAITING indicates that a reader that has not yet blocked
at least once should not acquire in order not to starve waiting writers.
It set when a writer blocks or a reader is woken with a writer waiting.
It is reset when a writer acquires, but set again when that writer
releases if it wakes readers and there is a waiting writer.
- MU_LONG_WAIT indicates that a waiter has been woken many times but
repeatedly failed to acquire when competing for the lock. This is used
only to prevent long-term starvation by writers. The thread that sets it
clears it when if acquires.
- MU_ALL_FALSE indicates that a complete scan of the waiter list found no
waiters with true conditions, and the lock has not been acquired by a
writer since then. This allows a reader lock to be released without
testing conditions again. It is legal to fail to set this, but illegal
to set it inappropriately.
#define MU_WLOCK ((uint32_t)(1 << 0)) /* writer lock is held. */
#define MU_SPINLOCK \
((uint32_t)(1 << 1)) /* spinlock is held (protects waiters). */
#define MU_WAITING ((uint32_t)(1 << 2)) /* waiter list is non-empty. */
#define MU_DESIG_WAKER \
((uint32_t)(1 << 3)) /* a former waiter awoke, and hasn't yet acquired or \
slept anew */
#define MU_CONDITION \
((uint32_t)(1 << 4)) /* the wait list contains some conditional waiters. */
#define MU_WRITER_WAITING ((uint32_t)(1 << 5)) /* there is a writer waiting */
#define MU_LONG_WAIT \
((uint32_t)(1 << 6)) /* the waiter at the head of the queue has been waiting \
a long time */
#define MU_ALL_FALSE \
((uint32_t)(1 << 7)) /* all waiter conditions are false \
#define MU_RLOCK \
((uint32_t)(1 << 8)) /* low-order bit of reader count, which uses rest of \
word */
/* The constants below are derived from those above. */
#define MU_RLOCK_FIELD \
(~(uint32_t)(MU_RLOCK - 1)) /* mask of reader count field */
#define MU_ANY_LOCK (MU_WLOCK | MU_RLOCK_FIELD) /* mask for any lock held */
(MU_ANY_LOCK | MU_LONG_WAIT) /* bits to be zero to acquire write lock */
#define MU_WADD_TO_ACQUIRE (MU_WLOCK) /* add to acquire a write lock */
(MU_WLOCK) /* if any of these bits are set, write lock is held */
(MU_WAITING | MU_WRITER_WAITING) /* a writer is waiting */
(MU_WRITER_WAITING) /* clear MU_WRITER_WAITING when a writer acquires */
(MU_ALL_FALSE) /* clear if a writer releases w/o waking */
/* bits to be zero to acquire read lock */
#define MU_RADD_TO_ACQUIRE (MU_RLOCK) /* add to acquire a read lock */
(MU_RLOCK_FIELD) /* if any of these bits are set, read lock is held */
(MU_WAITING) /* indicate that some thread is waiting */
((uint32_t)0) /* nothing to clear when a read acquires */
((uint32_t)0) /* nothing to clear when a read releases */
/* A lock_type holds the values needed to manipulate a mu in some mode (read or
write). This allows some of the code to be generic, and parameterized by
the lock type. */
typedef struct lock_type_s {
uint32_t zero_to_acquire; /* bits that must be zero to acquire */
uint32_t add_to_acquire; /* constant to add to acquire */
held_if_non_zero; /* if any of these bits are set, the lock is held */
uint32_t set_when_waiting; /* set when thread waits */
uint32_t clear_on_acquire; /* clear when thread acquires */
uint32_t clear_on_uncontended_release; /* clear when thread releases without
waking */
} lock_type;
/* writer_type points to a lock_type that describes how to manipulate a mu for a
* writer. */
extern lock_type *nsync_writer_type_;
/* reader_type points to a lock_type that describes how to manipulate a mu for a
* reader. */
extern lock_type *nsync_reader_type_;
/* ---------- */
/* Bits in nsync_cv.word */
#define CV_SPINLOCK ((uint32_t)(1 << 0)) /* protects waiters */
#define CV_NON_EMPTY ((uint32_t)(1 << 1)) /* waiters list is non-empty */
/* ---------- */
/* Hold a pair of condition function and its argument. */
struct wait_condition_s {
int (*f)(const void *v);
const void *v;
int (*eq)(const void *a, const void *b);
/* Return whether wait conditions *a_ and *b_ are equal and non-null. */
#define WAIT_CONDITION_EQ(a_, b_) \
((a_)->f != NULL && (a_)->f == (b_)->f && \
((a_)->v == (b_)->v || \
((a_)->eq != NULL && (*(a_)->eq)((a_)->v, (b_)->v))))
/* If a waiter has waited this many times, it may set the MU_LONG_WAIT bit. */
/* ---------- */
#define NOTIFIED_TIME(n_) \
(ATM_LOAD_ACQ(&(n_)->notified) != 0 ? nsync_time_zero \
: (n_)->expiry_time_valid ? (n_)->expiry_time \
: nsync_time_no_deadline)
/* A waiter represents a single waiter on a cv or a mu.
To wait:
Allocate a waiter struct *w with new_waiter(), set w.waiting=1, and
w.cv_mu=nil or to the associated mu if waiting on a condition variable, then
queue w.nsync_dll on some queue, and then wait using:
while (ATM_LOAD_ACQ (&w.waiting) != 0) { nsync_mu_semaphore_p (&w.sem); }
Return *w to the freepool by calling free_waiter (w).
To wakeup:
Remove *w from the relevant queue then:
ATM_STORE_REL (&w.waiting, 0);
nsync_mu_semaphore_v (&w.sem); */
typedef struct waiter_s {
int flags; /* see WAITER_* bits below */
nsync_semaphore sem; /* Thread waits on this semaphore. */
struct nsync_waiter_s nw; /* An embedded nsync_waiter_s. */
struct nsync_mu_s_ *cv_mu; /* pointer to nsync_mu associated with a cv wait */
*l_type; /* Lock type of the mu, or nil if not associated with a mu. */
nsync_atomic_uint32_ remove_count; /* count of removals from queue */
struct wait_condition_s cond; /* A condition on which to acquire a mu. */
struct Dll same_condition; /* Links neighbours in nw.q with same
non-nil condition. */
struct waiter_s * next_free;
} waiter;
static const uint32_t WAITER_TAG = 0x0590239f;
static const uint32_t NSYNC_WAITER_TAG = 0x726d2ba9;
0x1 /* waiter reserved by a thread, even when not in use */
#define WAITER_IN_USE 0x2 /* waiter in use by a thread */
#define ASSERT(x) unassert(x)
/* Return a pointer to the nsync_waiter_s containing struct Dll *e. */
#define DLL_NSYNC_WAITER(e) \
(NSYNC_DEBUG ? nsync_dll_nsync_waiter_(e) \
: DLL_CONTAINER(struct nsync_waiter_s, q, e))
struct nsync_waiter_s *nsync_dll_nsync_waiter_(struct Dll *e);
/* Return a pointer to the waiter struct that *e is embedded in, where *e is an
* nw.q field. */
#define DLL_WAITER(e) \
(NSYNC_DEBUG ? nsync_dll_waiter_(e) \
waiter *nsync_dll_waiter_(struct Dll *e);
/* Return a pointer to the waiter struct that *e is embedded in, where *e is a
same_condition field. */
(NSYNC_DEBUG ? nsync_dll_waiter_samecond_(e) \
: DLL_CONTAINER(struct waiter_s, same_condition, e))
waiter *nsync_dll_waiter_samecond_(struct Dll *e);
/* Return a pointer to an unused waiter struct.
Ensures that the enclosed timer is stopped and its channel drained. */
waiter *nsync_waiter_new_(void);
/* Return an unused waiter struct *w to the free pool. */
void nsync_waiter_free_(waiter *w);
/* ---------- */
/* The internals of an nync_note. See internal/note.c for details of locking
discipline. */
struct nsync_note_s_ {
struct Dll parent_child_link; /* parent's children, under parent->note_mu */
int clock; /* system clock that should be used */
int expiry_time_valid; /* whether expiry_time is valid; r/o after init */
expiry_time; /* expiry time, if expiry_time_valid != 0; r/o after init */
nsync_mu note_mu; /* protects fields below except "notified" */
nsync_cv no_children_cv; /* signalled when children becomes empty */
uint32_t disconnecting; /* non-zero => node is being disconnected */
nsync_atomic_uint32_ notified; /* non-zero if the note has been notified */
struct nsync_note_s_ *parent; /* points to parent, if any */
struct Dll *children; /* list of children */
struct Dll *waiters; /* list of waiters */
/* ---------- */
void nsync_mu_lock_slow_(nsync_mu *mu, waiter *w, uint32_t clear,
lock_type *l_type);
void nsync_mu_unlock_slow_(nsync_mu *mu, lock_type *l_type);
struct Dll *nsync_remove_from_mu_queue_(struct Dll *mu_queue, struct Dll *e);
void nsync_maybe_merge_conditions_(struct Dll *p, struct Dll *n);
nsync_time nsync_note_notified_deadline_(nsync_note n);
int nsync_sem_wait_with_cancel_(waiter *w, int clock, nsync_time abs_deadline,
nsync_note cancel_note);
#endif /* NSYNC_COMMON_H_ */