This is similar to the --ftrace (c function call trace) flag, except it's less noisy since it only logs system calls to stderr. Having this flag is valuable because (1) system call tracing tells us a lot about the behavior of complex programs and (2) it's usually very hard to get system call tracing on various operating systems, e.g. strace, ktrace, dtruss, truss, nttrace, etc. Especially on Apple platforms where even with the special boot trick, debuggers still aren't guaranteed to work. make -j8 o//examples o//examples/ --strace This is enabled by default in MODE=, MODE=opt, and MODE=dbg. In MODE=dbg extra information will be printed. make -j8 MODE=dbg o/dbg/examples o/dbg/examples/ --strace |& less This change also changes: - Rename IsText() → _istext() - Rename IsUtf8() → _isutf8() - Fix madvise() on Windows NT - Fix empty string case of inet_ntop() - vfork() wrapper now saves and restores errno - Update xsigaction() to yoink syscall support |
.. | ||
calls | ||
consts | ||
errfuns | ||
machcalls | || | ||
describeos.greg.c | ||
errfuns.h | || | ||
g_syscount.S | || | || | ||
macros.internal.h | || | ||
restorert.S | ||
strace.greg.c | ||
syscall.S | || | ||
systemfive.S | || |
System Five Import Libraries
Bell System Five is the umbrella term we use to describe Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Mac OS X which all have nearly-identical application binary interfaces that stood the test of time, having definitions nearly the same as those of AT&T back in the 1980's.
Cosmopolitan aims to help you build apps that can endure over the course of decades, just like these systems have: without needing to lift a finger for maintenance churn, broken builds, broken hearts.
The challenge to System V binary compatibility basically boils down to numbers. All these systems agree on what services are provided, but tend to grant them wildly different numbers.
We address this by putting all the numbers in a couple big shell scripts, ask the GNU Assembler to encode them into binaries using an efficient LEB128 encoding, unpacked by _init(), and ref'd via extern const. It gives us good debuggability, and any costs are gained back by fewer branches in wrapper functions.z