mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 19:06:24 +00:00
The whole repository is now buildable with GNU Make Landlock sandboxing. This proves that no Makefile targets exist which touch files other than their declared prerequisites. In order to do this, we had to: 1. Stop code morphing GCC output in package.com and instead run a newly introduced FIXUPOBJ.COM command after GCC invocations. 2. Disable all the crumby Python unit tests that do things like create files in the current directory, or rename() files between folders. This ended up being a lot of tests, but most of them are still ok. 3. Introduce an .UNSANDBOXED variable to GNU Make to disable Landlock. We currently only do this for things like `make tags`. 4. This change deletes some GNU Make code that was preventing the execve() optimization from working. This means it should no longer be necessary in most cases for command invocations to be indirected through the cocmd interpreter. 5. Missing dependencies had to be declared in certain places, in cases where they couldn't be automatically determined by MKDEPS.COM 6. The libcxx header situation has finally been tamed. One of the things that makes this difficult is MKDEPS.COM only wants to consider the first 64kb of a file, in order to go fast. But libcxx likes to have #include lines buried after huge documentation. 7. An .UNVEIL variable has been introduced to GNU Make just in case we ever wish to explicitly specify additional things that need to be whitelisted which aren't strictly prerequisites. This works in a manner similar to the recently introduced .EXTRA_PREREQS feature. There's now a new build/bootstrap/make.com prebuilt binary available. It should no longer be possible to write invalid Makefile code.
1619 lines
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1619 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
//===-------------------------- utility -----------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "third_party/libcxx/__config"
#include "third_party/libcxx/__tuple"
#include "third_party/libcxx/type_traits"
#include "third_party/libcxx/initializer_list"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstddef"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstring"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstdint"
#include "third_party/libcxx/version"
#include "third_party/libcxx/__debug"
#pragma GCC system_header
utility synopsis
#include "third_party/libcxx/initializer_list"
namespace std
template <class T>
swap(T& a, T& b);
namespace rel_ops
template<class T> bool operator!=(const T&, const T&);
template<class T> bool operator> (const T&, const T&);
template<class T> bool operator<=(const T&, const T&);
template<class T> bool operator>=(const T&, const T&);
template<class T>
swap(T& a, T& b) noexcept(is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value &&
template <class T, size_t N>
swap(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]) noexcept(noexcept(swap(*a, *b)));
template <class T> T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type& t) noexcept; // constexpr in C++14
template <class T> T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type&& t) noexcept; // constexpr in C++14
template <class T> typename remove_reference<T>::type&& move(T&&) noexcept; // constexpr in C++14
template <class T>
typename conditional
!is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value && is_copy_constructible<T>::value,
const T&,
move_if_noexcept(T& x) noexcept; // constexpr in C++14
template <class T> constexpr add_const_t<T>& as_const(T& t) noexcept; // C++17
template <class T> void as_const(const T&&) = delete; // C++17
template <class T> typename add_rvalue_reference<T>::type declval() noexcept;
template <class T1, class T2>
struct pair
typedef T1 first_type;
typedef T2 second_type;
T1 first;
T2 second;
pair(const pair&) = default;
pair(pair&&) = default;
explicit(see-below) constexpr pair();
explicit(see-below) pair(const T1& x, const T2& y); // constexpr in C++14
template <class U, class V> explicit(see-below) pair(U&& x, V&& y); // constexpr in C++14
template <class U, class V> explicit(see-below) pair(const pair<U, V>& p); // constexpr in C++14
template <class U, class V> explicit(see-below) pair(pair<U, V>&& p); // constexpr in C++14
template <class... Args1, class... Args2>
pair(piecewise_construct_t, tuple<Args1...> first_args,
tuple<Args2...> second_args);
template <class U, class V> pair& operator=(const pair<U, V>& p);
pair& operator=(pair&& p) noexcept(is_nothrow_move_assignable<T1>::value &&
template <class U, class V> pair& operator=(pair<U, V>&& p);
void swap(pair& p) noexcept(is_nothrow_swappable_v<T1> &&
template <class T1, class T2> bool operator==(const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&); // constexpr in C++14
template <class T1, class T2> bool operator!=(const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&); // constexpr in C++14
template <class T1, class T2> bool operator< (const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&); // constexpr in C++14
template <class T1, class T2> bool operator> (const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&); // constexpr in C++14
template <class T1, class T2> bool operator>=(const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&); // constexpr in C++14
template <class T1, class T2> bool operator<=(const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&); // constexpr in C++14
template <class T1, class T2> pair<V1, V2> make_pair(T1&&, T2&&); // constexpr in C++14
template <class T1, class T2>
swap(pair<T1, T2>& x, pair<T1, T2>& y) noexcept(noexcept(x.swap(y)));
struct piecewise_construct_t { explicit piecewise_construct_t() = default; };
inline constexpr piecewise_construct_t piecewise_construct = piecewise_construct_t();
template <class T> struct tuple_size;
template <size_t I, class T> struct tuple_element;
template <class T1, class T2> struct tuple_size<pair<T1, T2> >;
template <class T1, class T2> struct tuple_element<0, pair<T1, T2> >;
template <class T1, class T2> struct tuple_element<1, pair<T1, T2> >;
template<size_t I, class T1, class T2>
typename tuple_element<I, pair<T1, T2> >::type&
get(pair<T1, T2>&) noexcept; // constexpr in C++14
template<size_t I, class T1, class T2>
const typename tuple_element<I, pair<T1, T2> >::type&
get(const pair<T1, T2>&) noexcept; // constexpr in C++14
template<size_t I, class T1, class T2>
typename tuple_element<I, pair<T1, T2> >::type&&
get(pair<T1, T2>&&) noexcept; // constexpr in C++14
template<size_t I, class T1, class T2>
const typename tuple_element<I, pair<T1, T2> >::type&&
get(const pair<T1, T2>&&) noexcept; // constexpr in C++14
template<class T1, class T2>
constexpr T1& get(pair<T1, T2>&) noexcept; // C++14
template<class T1, class T2>
constexpr const T1& get(const pair<T1, T2>&) noexcept; // C++14
template<class T1, class T2>
constexpr T1&& get(pair<T1, T2>&&) noexcept; // C++14
template<class T1, class T2>
constexpr const T1&& get(const pair<T1, T2>&&) noexcept; // C++14
template<class T1, class T2>
constexpr T1& get(pair<T2, T1>&) noexcept; // C++14
template<class T1, class T2>
constexpr const T1& get(const pair<T2, T1>&) noexcept; // C++14
template<class T1, class T2>
constexpr T1&& get(pair<T2, T1>&&) noexcept; // C++14
template<class T1, class T2>
constexpr const T1&& get(const pair<T2, T1>&&) noexcept; // C++14
// C++14
template<class T, T... I>
struct integer_sequence
typedef T value_type;
static constexpr size_t size() noexcept;
template<size_t... I>
using index_sequence = integer_sequence<size_t, I...>;
template<class T, T N>
using make_integer_sequence = integer_sequence<T, 0, 1, ..., N-1>;
template<size_t N>
using make_index_sequence = make_integer_sequence<size_t, N>;
template<class... T>
using index_sequence_for = make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T)>;
template<class T, class U=T>
T exchange(T& obj, U&& new_value);
// 20.2.7, in-place construction // C++17
struct in_place_t {
explicit in_place_t() = default;
inline constexpr in_place_t in_place{};
template <class T>
struct in_place_type_t {
explicit in_place_type_t() = default;
template <class T>
inline constexpr in_place_type_t<T> in_place_type{};
template <size_t I>
struct in_place_index_t {
explicit in_place_index_t() = default;
template <size_t I>
inline constexpr in_place_index_t<I> in_place_index{};
} // std
namespace rel_ops
template<class _Tp>
operator!=(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y)
return !(__x == __y);
template<class _Tp>
operator> (const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y)
return __y < __x;
template<class _Tp>
operator<=(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y)
return !(__y < __x);
template<class _Tp>
operator>=(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y)
return !(__x < __y);
} // rel_ops
// swap_ranges is defined in <type_traits>`
// swap is defined in <type_traits>
// move_if_noexcept
template <class _Tp>
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
typename conditional
!is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Tp>::value && is_copy_constructible<_Tp>::value,
const _Tp&,
#else // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
const _Tp&
move_if_noexcept(_Tp& __x) _NOEXCEPT
return _VSTD::move(__x);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
template <class _Tp> constexpr add_const_t<_Tp>& as_const(_Tp& __t) noexcept { return __t; }
template <class _Tp> void as_const(const _Tp&&) = delete;
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS piecewise_construct_t { explicit piecewise_construct_t() = default; };
#if defined(_LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG) || defined(_LIBCPP_BUILDING_LIBRARY)
extern _LIBCPP_EXPORTED_FROM_ABI const piecewise_construct_t piecewise_construct;// = piecewise_construct_t();
/* _LIBCPP_INLINE_VAR */ constexpr piecewise_construct_t piecewise_construct = piecewise_construct_t();
template <class, class>
struct __non_trivially_copyable_base {
__non_trivially_copyable_base() _NOEXCEPT {}
__non_trivially_copyable_base(__non_trivially_copyable_base const&) _NOEXCEPT {}
template <class _T1, class _T2>
: private __non_trivially_copyable_base<_T1, _T2>
typedef _T1 first_type;
typedef _T2 second_type;
_T1 first;
_T2 second;
#if !defined(_LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG)
pair(pair const&) = default;
pair(pair&&) = default;
// Use the implicitly declared copy constructor in C++03
pair() : first(), second() {}
pair(_T1 const& __t1, _T2 const& __t2) : first(__t1), second(__t2) {}
template <class _U1, class _U2>
pair(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __p) : first(__p.first), second(__p.second) {}
pair& operator=(pair const& __p) {
first = __p.first;
second = __p.second;
return *this;
template <bool _Val>
using _EnableB _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = typename enable_if<_Val, bool>::type;
struct _CheckArgs {
template <int&...>
static constexpr bool __enable_explicit_default() {
return is_default_constructible<_T1>::value
&& is_default_constructible<_T2>::value
&& !__enable_implicit_default<>();
template <int&...>
static constexpr bool __enable_implicit_default() {
return __is_implicitly_default_constructible<_T1>::value
&& __is_implicitly_default_constructible<_T2>::value;
template <class _U1, class _U2>
static constexpr bool __enable_explicit() {
return is_constructible<first_type, _U1>::value
&& is_constructible<second_type, _U2>::value
&& (!is_convertible<_U1, first_type>::value
|| !is_convertible<_U2, second_type>::value);
template <class _U1, class _U2>
static constexpr bool __enable_implicit() {
return is_constructible<first_type, _U1>::value
&& is_constructible<second_type, _U2>::value
&& is_convertible<_U1, first_type>::value
&& is_convertible<_U2, second_type>::value;
template <bool _MaybeEnable>
using _CheckArgsDep _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = typename conditional<
_MaybeEnable, _CheckArgs, __check_tuple_constructor_fail>::type;
struct _CheckTupleLikeConstructor {
template <class _Tuple>
static constexpr bool __enable_implicit() {
return __tuple_convertible<_Tuple, pair>::value;
template <class _Tuple>
static constexpr bool __enable_explicit() {
return __tuple_constructible<_Tuple, pair>::value
&& !__tuple_convertible<_Tuple, pair>::value;
template <class _Tuple>
static constexpr bool __enable_assign() {
return __tuple_assignable<_Tuple, pair>::value;
template <class _Tuple>
using _CheckTLC _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = typename conditional<
__tuple_like_with_size<_Tuple, 2>::value
&& !is_same<typename decay<_Tuple>::type, pair>::value,
template<bool _Dummy = true, _EnableB<
> = false>
pair() _NOEXCEPT_(is_nothrow_default_constructible<first_type>::value &&
: first(), second() {}
template<bool _Dummy = true, _EnableB<
> = false>
pair() _NOEXCEPT_(is_nothrow_default_constructible<first_type>::value &&
: first(), second() {}
template <bool _Dummy = true, _EnableB<
_CheckArgsDep<_Dummy>::template __enable_explicit<_T1 const&, _T2 const&>()
> = false>
explicit pair(_T1 const& __t1, _T2 const& __t2)
_NOEXCEPT_(is_nothrow_copy_constructible<first_type>::value &&
: first(__t1), second(__t2) {}
template<bool _Dummy = true, _EnableB<
_CheckArgsDep<_Dummy>::template __enable_implicit<_T1 const&, _T2 const&>()
> = false>
pair(_T1 const& __t1, _T2 const& __t2)
_NOEXCEPT_(is_nothrow_copy_constructible<first_type>::value &&
: first(__t1), second(__t2) {}
template<class _U1, class _U2, _EnableB<
_CheckArgs::template __enable_explicit<_U1, _U2>()
> = false>
explicit pair(_U1&& __u1, _U2&& __u2)
_NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<first_type, _U1>::value &&
is_nothrow_constructible<second_type, _U2>::value))
: first(_VSTD::forward<_U1>(__u1)), second(_VSTD::forward<_U2>(__u2)) {}
template<class _U1, class _U2, _EnableB<
_CheckArgs::template __enable_implicit<_U1, _U2>()
> = false>
pair(_U1&& __u1, _U2&& __u2)
_NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<first_type, _U1>::value &&
is_nothrow_constructible<second_type, _U2>::value))
: first(_VSTD::forward<_U1>(__u1)), second(_VSTD::forward<_U2>(__u2)) {}
template<class _U1, class _U2, _EnableB<
_CheckArgs::template __enable_explicit<_U1 const&, _U2 const&>()
> = false>
explicit pair(pair<_U1, _U2> const& __p)
_NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<first_type, _U1 const&>::value &&
is_nothrow_constructible<second_type, _U2 const&>::value))
: first(__p.first), second(__p.second) {}
template<class _U1, class _U2, _EnableB<
_CheckArgs::template __enable_implicit<_U1 const&, _U2 const&>()
> = false>
pair(pair<_U1, _U2> const& __p)
_NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<first_type, _U1 const&>::value &&
is_nothrow_constructible<second_type, _U2 const&>::value))
: first(__p.first), second(__p.second) {}
template<class _U1, class _U2, _EnableB<
_CheckArgs::template __enable_explicit<_U1, _U2>()
> = false>
explicit pair(pair<_U1, _U2>&&__p)
_NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<first_type, _U1&&>::value &&
is_nothrow_constructible<second_type, _U2&&>::value))
: first(_VSTD::forward<_U1>(__p.first)), second(_VSTD::forward<_U2>(__p.second)) {}
template<class _U1, class _U2, _EnableB<
_CheckArgs::template __enable_implicit<_U1, _U2>()
> = false>
pair(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __p)
_NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<first_type, _U1&&>::value &&
is_nothrow_constructible<second_type, _U2&&>::value))
: first(_VSTD::forward<_U1>(__p.first)), second(_VSTD::forward<_U2>(__p.second)) {}
template<class _Tuple, _EnableB<
_CheckTLC<_Tuple>::template __enable_explicit<_Tuple>()
> = false>
explicit pair(_Tuple&& __p)
: first(_VSTD::get<0>(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__p))),
second(_VSTD::get<1>(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__p))) {}
template<class _Tuple, _EnableB<
_CheckTLC<_Tuple>::template __enable_implicit<_Tuple>()
> = false>
pair(_Tuple&& __p)
: first(_VSTD::get<0>(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__p))),
second(_VSTD::get<1>(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__p))) {}
template <class... _Args1, class... _Args2>
pair(piecewise_construct_t __pc,
tuple<_Args1...> __first_args, tuple<_Args2...> __second_args)
_NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_constructible<first_type, _Args1...>::value &&
is_nothrow_constructible<second_type, _Args2...>::value))
: pair(__pc, __first_args, __second_args,
typename __make_tuple_indices<sizeof...(_Args1)>::type(),
typename __make_tuple_indices<sizeof...(_Args2) >::type()) {}
pair& operator=(typename conditional<
is_copy_assignable<first_type>::value &&
pair, __nat>::type const& __p)
_NOEXCEPT_(is_nothrow_copy_assignable<first_type>::value &&
first = __p.first;
second = __p.second;
return *this;
pair& operator=(typename conditional<
is_move_assignable<first_type>::value &&
pair, __nat>::type&& __p)
_NOEXCEPT_(is_nothrow_move_assignable<first_type>::value &&
first = _VSTD::forward<first_type>(__p.first);
second = _VSTD::forward<second_type>(__p.second);
return *this;
template <class _Tuple, _EnableB<
_CheckTLC<_Tuple>::template __enable_assign<_Tuple>()
> = false>
pair& operator=(_Tuple&& __p) {
first = _VSTD::get<0>(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__p));
second = _VSTD::get<1>(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__p));
return *this;
swap(pair& __p) _NOEXCEPT_(__is_nothrow_swappable<first_type>::value &&
using _VSTD::swap;
swap(first, __p.first);
swap(second, __p.second);
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <class... _Args1, class... _Args2, size_t... _I1, size_t... _I2>
tuple<_Args1...>& __first_args, tuple<_Args2...>& __second_args,
__tuple_indices<_I1...>, __tuple_indices<_I2...>);
template<class _T1, class _T2>
pair(_T1, _T2) -> pair<_T1, _T2>;
template <class _T1, class _T2>
operator==(const pair<_T1,_T2>& __x, const pair<_T1,_T2>& __y)
return __x.first == __y.first && __x.second == __y.second;
template <class _T1, class _T2>
operator!=(const pair<_T1,_T2>& __x, const pair<_T1,_T2>& __y)
return !(__x == __y);
template <class _T1, class _T2>
operator< (const pair<_T1,_T2>& __x, const pair<_T1,_T2>& __y)
return __x.first < __y.first || (!(__y.first < __x.first) && __x.second < __y.second);
template <class _T1, class _T2>
operator> (const pair<_T1,_T2>& __x, const pair<_T1,_T2>& __y)
return __y < __x;
template <class _T1, class _T2>
operator>=(const pair<_T1,_T2>& __x, const pair<_T1,_T2>& __y)
return !(__x < __y);
template <class _T1, class _T2>
operator<=(const pair<_T1,_T2>& __x, const pair<_T1,_T2>& __y)
return !(__y < __x);
template <class _T1, class _T2>
typename enable_if
__is_swappable<_T1>::value &&
swap(pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, pair<_T1, _T2>& __y)
_NOEXCEPT_((__is_nothrow_swappable<_T1>::value &&
template <class _Tp>
struct __unwrap_reference { typedef _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE _Tp type; };
template <class _Tp>
struct __unwrap_reference<reference_wrapper<_Tp> > { typedef _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE _Tp& type; };
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 17
template <class _Tp>
struct unwrap_reference : __unwrap_reference<_Tp> { };
template <class _Tp>
struct unwrap_ref_decay : unwrap_reference<typename decay<_Tp>::type> { };
#endif // > C++17
template <class _Tp>
struct __unwrap_ref_decay
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 17
: unwrap_ref_decay<_Tp>
: __unwrap_reference<typename decay<_Tp>::type>
{ };
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <class _T1, class _T2>
pair<typename __unwrap_ref_decay<_T1>::type, typename __unwrap_ref_decay<_T2>::type>
make_pair(_T1&& __t1, _T2&& __t2)
return pair<typename __unwrap_ref_decay<_T1>::type, typename __unwrap_ref_decay<_T2>::type>
(_VSTD::forward<_T1>(__t1), _VSTD::forward<_T2>(__t2));
#else // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <class _T1, class _T2>
make_pair(_T1 __x, _T2 __y)
return pair<_T1, _T2>(__x, __y);
#endif // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <class _T1, class _T2>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS tuple_size<pair<_T1, _T2> >
: public integral_constant<size_t, 2> {};
template <size_t _Ip, class _T1, class _T2>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS tuple_element<_Ip, pair<_T1, _T2> >
static_assert(_Ip < 2, "Index out of bounds in std::tuple_element<std::pair<T1, T2>>");
template <class _T1, class _T2>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS tuple_element<0, pair<_T1, _T2> >
typedef _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE _T1 type;
template <class _T1, class _T2>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS tuple_element<1, pair<_T1, _T2> >
typedef _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE _T2 type;
template <size_t _Ip> struct __get_pair;
template <>
struct __get_pair<0>
template <class _T1, class _T2>
get(pair<_T1, _T2>& __p) _NOEXCEPT {return __p.first;}
template <class _T1, class _T2>
const _T1&
get(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __p) _NOEXCEPT {return __p.first;}
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <class _T1, class _T2>
get(pair<_T1, _T2>&& __p) _NOEXCEPT {return _VSTD::forward<_T1>(__p.first);}
template <class _T1, class _T2>
const _T1&&
get(const pair<_T1, _T2>&& __p) _NOEXCEPT {return _VSTD::forward<const _T1>(__p.first);}
#endif // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <>
struct __get_pair<1>
template <class _T1, class _T2>
get(pair<_T1, _T2>& __p) _NOEXCEPT {return __p.second;}
template <class _T1, class _T2>
const _T2&
get(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __p) _NOEXCEPT {return __p.second;}
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <class _T1, class _T2>
get(pair<_T1, _T2>&& __p) _NOEXCEPT {return _VSTD::forward<_T2>(__p.second);}
template <class _T1, class _T2>
const _T2&&
get(const pair<_T1, _T2>&& __p) _NOEXCEPT {return _VSTD::forward<const _T2>(__p.second);}
#endif // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <size_t _Ip, class _T1, class _T2>
typename tuple_element<_Ip, pair<_T1, _T2> >::type&
get(pair<_T1, _T2>& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<_Ip>::get(__p);
template <size_t _Ip, class _T1, class _T2>
const typename tuple_element<_Ip, pair<_T1, _T2> >::type&
get(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<_Ip>::get(__p);
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <size_t _Ip, class _T1, class _T2>
typename tuple_element<_Ip, pair<_T1, _T2> >::type&&
get(pair<_T1, _T2>&& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<_Ip>::get(_VSTD::move(__p));
template <size_t _Ip, class _T1, class _T2>
const typename tuple_element<_Ip, pair<_T1, _T2> >::type&&
get(const pair<_T1, _T2>&& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<_Ip>::get(_VSTD::move(__p));
#endif // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
template <class _T1, class _T2>
constexpr _T1 & get(pair<_T1, _T2>& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<0>::get(__p);
template <class _T1, class _T2>
constexpr _T1 const & get(pair<_T1, _T2> const& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<0>::get(__p);
template <class _T1, class _T2>
constexpr _T1 && get(pair<_T1, _T2>&& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<0>::get(_VSTD::move(__p));
template <class _T1, class _T2>
constexpr _T1 const && get(pair<_T1, _T2> const&& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<0>::get(_VSTD::move(__p));
template <class _T1, class _T2>
constexpr _T1 & get(pair<_T2, _T1>& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<1>::get(__p);
template <class _T1, class _T2>
constexpr _T1 const & get(pair<_T2, _T1> const& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<1>::get(__p);
template <class _T1, class _T2>
constexpr _T1 && get(pair<_T2, _T1>&& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<1>::get(_VSTD::move(__p));
template <class _T1, class _T2>
constexpr _T1 const && get(pair<_T2, _T1> const&& __p) _NOEXCEPT
return __get_pair<1>::get(_VSTD::move(__p));
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
template<class _Tp, _Tp... _Ip>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS integer_sequence
typedef _Tp value_type;
static_assert( is_integral<_Tp>::value,
"std::integer_sequence can only be instantiated with an integral type" );
size() noexcept { return sizeof...(_Ip); }
template<size_t... _Ip>
using index_sequence = integer_sequence<size_t, _Ip...>;
#if __has_builtin(__make_integer_seq) && !defined(_LIBCPP_TESTING_FALLBACK_MAKE_INTEGER_SEQUENCE)
template <class _Tp, _Tp _Ep>
using __make_integer_sequence _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = __make_integer_seq<integer_sequence, _Tp, _Ep>;
template<typename _Tp, _Tp _Np> using __make_integer_sequence_unchecked _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE =
typename __detail::__make<_Np>::type::template __convert<integer_sequence, _Tp>;
template <class _Tp, _Tp _Ep>
struct __make_integer_sequence_checked
"std::make_integer_sequence can only be instantiated with an integral type" );
static_assert(0 <= _Ep, "std::make_integer_sequence must have a non-negative sequence length");
// Workaround GCC bug by preventing bad installations when 0 <= _Ep
// https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=68929
typedef _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE __make_integer_sequence_unchecked<_Tp, 0 <= _Ep ? _Ep : 0> type;
template <class _Tp, _Tp _Ep>
using __make_integer_sequence _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = typename __make_integer_sequence_checked<_Tp, _Ep>::type;
template<class _Tp, _Tp _Np>
using make_integer_sequence = __make_integer_sequence<_Tp, _Np>;
template<size_t _Np>
using make_index_sequence = make_integer_sequence<size_t, _Np>;
template<class... _Tp>
using index_sequence_for = make_index_sequence<sizeof...(_Tp)>;
#endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
template<class _T1, class _T2 = _T1>
_T1 exchange(_T1& __obj, _T2 && __new_value)
_T1 __old_value = _VSTD::move(__obj);
__obj = _VSTD::forward<_T2>(__new_value);
return __old_value;
#endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
struct _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS in_place_t {
explicit in_place_t() = default;
_LIBCPP_INLINE_VAR constexpr in_place_t in_place{};
template <class _Tp>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS in_place_type_t {
explicit in_place_type_t() = default;
template <class _Tp>
_LIBCPP_INLINE_VAR constexpr in_place_type_t<_Tp> in_place_type{};
template <size_t _Idx>
struct _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS in_place_index_t {
explicit in_place_index_t() = default;
template <size_t _Idx>
_LIBCPP_INLINE_VAR constexpr in_place_index_t<_Idx> in_place_index{};
template <class _Tp> struct __is_inplace_type_imp : false_type {};
template <class _Tp> struct __is_inplace_type_imp<in_place_type_t<_Tp>> : true_type {};
template <class _Tp>
using __is_inplace_type = __is_inplace_type_imp<__uncvref_t<_Tp>>;
template <class _Tp> struct __is_inplace_index_imp : false_type {};
template <size_t _Idx> struct __is_inplace_index_imp<in_place_index_t<_Idx>> : true_type {};
template <class _Tp>
using __is_inplace_index = __is_inplace_index_imp<__uncvref_t<_Tp>>;
#endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
template <class _Arg, class _Result>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS unary_function
typedef _Arg argument_type;
typedef _Result result_type;
template <class _Size>
__loadword(const void* __p)
_Size __r;
std::memcpy(&__r, __p, sizeof(__r));
return __r;
// We use murmur2 when size_t is 32 bits, and cityhash64 when size_t
// is 64 bits. This is because cityhash64 uses 64bit x 64bit
// multiplication, which can be very slow on 32-bit systems.
template <class _Size, size_t = sizeof(_Size)*__CHAR_BIT__>
struct __murmur2_or_cityhash;
template <class _Size>
struct __murmur2_or_cityhash<_Size, 32>
inline _Size operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len)
// murmur2
template <class _Size>
__murmur2_or_cityhash<_Size, 32>::operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len)
const _Size __m = 0x5bd1e995;
const _Size __r = 24;
_Size __h = __len;
const unsigned char* __data = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(__key);
for (; __len >= 4; __data += 4, __len -= 4)
_Size __k = __loadword<_Size>(__data);
__k *= __m;
__k ^= __k >> __r;
__k *= __m;
__h *= __m;
__h ^= __k;
switch (__len)
case 3:
__h ^= __data[2] << 16;
case 2:
__h ^= __data[1] << 8;
case 1:
__h ^= __data[0];
__h *= __m;
__h ^= __h >> 13;
__h *= __m;
__h ^= __h >> 15;
return __h;
template <class _Size>
struct __murmur2_or_cityhash<_Size, 64>
inline _Size operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len) _LIBCPP_DISABLE_UBSAN_UNSIGNED_INTEGER_CHECK;
// Some primes between 2^63 and 2^64.
static const _Size __k0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127ULL;
static const _Size __k1 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273ULL;
static const _Size __k2 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fULL;
static const _Size __k3 = 0xc949d7c7509e6557ULL;
static _Size __rotate(_Size __val, int __shift) {
return __shift == 0 ? __val : ((__val >> __shift) | (__val << (64 - __shift)));
static _Size __rotate_by_at_least_1(_Size __val, int __shift) {
return (__val >> __shift) | (__val << (64 - __shift));
static _Size __shift_mix(_Size __val) {
return __val ^ (__val >> 47);
static _Size __hash_len_16(_Size __u, _Size __v)
const _Size __mul = 0x9ddfea08eb382d69ULL;
_Size __a = (__u ^ __v) * __mul;
__a ^= (__a >> 47);
_Size __b = (__v ^ __a) * __mul;
__b ^= (__b >> 47);
__b *= __mul;
return __b;
static _Size __hash_len_0_to_16(const char* __s, _Size __len)
if (__len > 8) {
const _Size __a = __loadword<_Size>(__s);
const _Size __b = __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 8);
return __hash_len_16(__a, __rotate_by_at_least_1(__b + __len, __len)) ^ __b;
if (__len >= 4) {
const uint32_t __a = __loadword<uint32_t>(__s);
const uint32_t __b = __loadword<uint32_t>(__s + __len - 4);
return __hash_len_16(__len + (__a << 3), __b);
if (__len > 0) {
const unsigned char __a = __s[0];
const unsigned char __b = __s[__len >> 1];
const unsigned char __c = __s[__len - 1];
const uint32_t __y = static_cast<uint32_t>(__a) +
(static_cast<uint32_t>(__b) << 8);
const uint32_t __z = __len + (static_cast<uint32_t>(__c) << 2);
return __shift_mix(__y * __k2 ^ __z * __k3) * __k2;
return __k2;
static _Size __hash_len_17_to_32(const char *__s, _Size __len)
const _Size __a = __loadword<_Size>(__s) * __k1;
const _Size __b = __loadword<_Size>(__s + 8);
const _Size __c = __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 8) * __k2;
const _Size __d = __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 16) * __k0;
return __hash_len_16(__rotate(__a - __b, 43) + __rotate(__c, 30) + __d,
__a + __rotate(__b ^ __k3, 20) - __c + __len);
// Return a 16-byte hash for 48 bytes. Quick and dirty.
// Callers do best to use "random-looking" values for a and b.
static pair<_Size, _Size> __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(
_Size __w, _Size __x, _Size __y, _Size __z, _Size __a, _Size __b)
__a += __w;
__b = __rotate(__b + __a + __z, 21);
const _Size __c = __a;
__a += __x;
__a += __y;
__b += __rotate(__a, 44);
return pair<_Size, _Size>(__a + __z, __b + __c);
// Return a 16-byte hash for s[0] ... s[31], a, and b. Quick and dirty.
static pair<_Size, _Size> __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(
const char* __s, _Size __a, _Size __b)
return __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__loadword<_Size>(__s),
__loadword<_Size>(__s + 8),
__loadword<_Size>(__s + 16),
__loadword<_Size>(__s + 24),
// Return an 8-byte hash for 33 to 64 bytes.
static _Size __hash_len_33_to_64(const char *__s, size_t __len)
_Size __z = __loadword<_Size>(__s + 24);
_Size __a = __loadword<_Size>(__s) +
(__len + __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 16)) * __k0;
_Size __b = __rotate(__a + __z, 52);
_Size __c = __rotate(__a, 37);
__a += __loadword<_Size>(__s + 8);
__c += __rotate(__a, 7);
__a += __loadword<_Size>(__s + 16);
_Size __vf = __a + __z;
_Size __vs = __b + __rotate(__a, 31) + __c;
__a = __loadword<_Size>(__s + 16) + __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 32);
__z += __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 8);
__b = __rotate(__a + __z, 52);
__c = __rotate(__a, 37);
__a += __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 24);
__c += __rotate(__a, 7);
__a += __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 16);
_Size __wf = __a + __z;
_Size __ws = __b + __rotate(__a, 31) + __c;
_Size __r = __shift_mix((__vf + __ws) * __k2 + (__wf + __vs) * __k0);
return __shift_mix(__r * __k0 + __vs) * __k2;
// cityhash64
template <class _Size>
__murmur2_or_cityhash<_Size, 64>::operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len)
const char* __s = static_cast<const char*>(__key);
if (__len <= 32) {
if (__len <= 16) {
return __hash_len_0_to_16(__s, __len);
} else {
return __hash_len_17_to_32(__s, __len);
} else if (__len <= 64) {
return __hash_len_33_to_64(__s, __len);
// For strings over 64 bytes we hash the end first, and then as we
// loop we keep 56 bytes of state: v, w, x, y, and z.
_Size __x = __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 40);
_Size __y = __loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 16) +
__loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 56);
_Size __z = __hash_len_16(__loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 48) + __len,
__loadword<_Size>(__s + __len - 24));
pair<_Size, _Size> __v = __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__s + __len - 64, __len, __z);
pair<_Size, _Size> __w = __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__s + __len - 32, __y + __k1, __x);
__x = __x * __k1 + __loadword<_Size>(__s);
// Decrease len to the nearest multiple of 64, and operate on 64-byte chunks.
__len = (__len - 1) & ~static_cast<_Size>(63);
do {
__x = __rotate(__x + __y + __v.first + __loadword<_Size>(__s + 8), 37) * __k1;
__y = __rotate(__y + __v.second + __loadword<_Size>(__s + 48), 42) * __k1;
__x ^= __w.second;
__y += __v.first + __loadword<_Size>(__s + 40);
__z = __rotate(__z + __w.first, 33) * __k1;
__v = __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__s, __v.second * __k1, __x + __w.first);
__w = __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__s + 32, __z + __w.second,
__y + __loadword<_Size>(__s + 16));
std::swap(__z, __x);
__s += 64;
__len -= 64;
} while (__len != 0);
return __hash_len_16(
__hash_len_16(__v.first, __w.first) + __shift_mix(__y) * __k1 + __z,
__hash_len_16(__v.second, __w.second) + __x);
template <class _Tp, size_t = sizeof(_Tp) / sizeof(size_t)>
struct __scalar_hash;
template <class _Tp>
struct __scalar_hash<_Tp, 0>
: public unary_function<_Tp, size_t>
size_t operator()(_Tp __v) const _NOEXCEPT
_Tp __t;
size_t __a;
} __u;
__u.__a = 0;
__u.__t = __v;
return __u.__a;
template <class _Tp>
struct __scalar_hash<_Tp, 1>
: public unary_function<_Tp, size_t>
size_t operator()(_Tp __v) const _NOEXCEPT
_Tp __t;
size_t __a;
} __u;
__u.__t = __v;
return __u.__a;
template <class _Tp>
struct __scalar_hash<_Tp, 2>
: public unary_function<_Tp, size_t>
size_t operator()(_Tp __v) const _NOEXCEPT
_Tp __t;
size_t __a;
size_t __b;
} __s;
} __u;
__u.__t = __v;
return __murmur2_or_cityhash<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
template <class _Tp>
struct __scalar_hash<_Tp, 3>
: public unary_function<_Tp, size_t>
size_t operator()(_Tp __v) const _NOEXCEPT
_Tp __t;
size_t __a;
size_t __b;
size_t __c;
} __s;
} __u;
__u.__t = __v;
return __murmur2_or_cityhash<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
template <class _Tp>
struct __scalar_hash<_Tp, 4>
: public unary_function<_Tp, size_t>
size_t operator()(_Tp __v) const _NOEXCEPT
_Tp __t;
size_t __a;
size_t __b;
size_t __c;
size_t __d;
} __s;
} __u;
__u.__t = __v;
return __murmur2_or_cityhash<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
struct _PairT {
size_t first;
size_t second;
inline size_t __hash_combine(size_t __lhs, size_t __rhs) _NOEXCEPT {
typedef __scalar_hash<_PairT> _HashT;
const _PairT __p = {__lhs, __rhs};
return _HashT()(__p);
template<class _Tp>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<_Tp*>
: public unary_function<_Tp*, size_t>
size_t operator()(_Tp* __v) const _NOEXCEPT
_Tp* __t;
size_t __a;
} __u;
__u.__t = __v;
return __murmur2_or_cityhash<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<bool>
: public unary_function<bool, size_t>
size_t operator()(bool __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<char>
: public unary_function<char, size_t>
size_t operator()(char __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<signed char>
: public unary_function<signed char, size_t>
size_t operator()(signed char __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<unsigned char>
: public unary_function<unsigned char, size_t>
size_t operator()(unsigned char __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<char16_t>
: public unary_function<char16_t, size_t>
size_t operator()(char16_t __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<char32_t>
: public unary_function<char32_t, size_t>
size_t operator()(char32_t __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<wchar_t>
: public unary_function<wchar_t, size_t>
size_t operator()(wchar_t __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<short>
: public unary_function<short, size_t>
size_t operator()(short __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<unsigned short>
: public unary_function<unsigned short, size_t>
size_t operator()(unsigned short __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<int>
: public unary_function<int, size_t>
size_t operator()(int __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<unsigned int>
: public unary_function<unsigned int, size_t>
size_t operator()(unsigned int __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<long>
: public unary_function<long, size_t>
size_t operator()(long __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<unsigned long>
: public unary_function<unsigned long, size_t>
size_t operator()(unsigned long __v) const _NOEXCEPT {return static_cast<size_t>(__v);}
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<long long>
: public __scalar_hash<long long>
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<unsigned long long>
: public __scalar_hash<unsigned long long>
#ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_INT128
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<__int128_t>
: public __scalar_hash<__int128_t>
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<__uint128_t>
: public __scalar_hash<__uint128_t>
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<float>
: public __scalar_hash<float>
size_t operator()(float __v) const _NOEXCEPT
// -0.0 and 0.0 should return same hash
if (__v == 0.0f)
return 0;
return __scalar_hash<float>::operator()(__v);
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<double>
: public __scalar_hash<double>
size_t operator()(double __v) const _NOEXCEPT
// -0.0 and 0.0 should return same hash
if (__v == 0.0)
return 0;
return __scalar_hash<double>::operator()(__v);
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<long double>
: public __scalar_hash<long double>
size_t operator()(long double __v) const _NOEXCEPT
// -0.0 and 0.0 should return same hash
if (__v == 0.0L)
return 0;
#if defined(__i386__)
// Zero out padding bits
long double __t;
size_t __a;
size_t __b;
size_t __c;
size_t __d;
} __s;
} __u;
__u.__s.__a = 0;
__u.__s.__b = 0;
__u.__s.__c = 0;
__u.__s.__d = 0;
__u.__t = __v;
return __u.__s.__a ^ __u.__s.__b ^ __u.__s.__c ^ __u.__s.__d;
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
// Zero out padding bits
long double __t;
size_t __a;
size_t __b;
} __s;
} __u;
__u.__s.__a = 0;
__u.__s.__b = 0;
__u.__t = __v;
return __u.__s.__a ^ __u.__s.__b;
return __scalar_hash<long double>::operator()(__v);
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
template <class _Tp, bool = is_enum<_Tp>::value>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS __enum_hash
: public unary_function<_Tp, size_t>
size_t operator()(_Tp __v) const _NOEXCEPT
typedef typename underlying_type<_Tp>::type type;
return hash<type>{}(static_cast<type>(__v));
template <class _Tp>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS __enum_hash<_Tp, false> {
__enum_hash() = delete;
__enum_hash(__enum_hash const&) = delete;
__enum_hash& operator=(__enum_hash const&) = delete;
template <class _Tp>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash : public __enum_hash<_Tp>
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
template <>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<nullptr_t>
: public unary_function<nullptr_t, size_t>
size_t operator()(nullptr_t) const _NOEXCEPT {
return 662607004ull;
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
template <class _Key, class _Hash>
using __check_hash_requirements _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = integral_constant<bool,
is_copy_constructible<_Hash>::value &&
is_move_constructible<_Hash>::value &&
__invokable_r<size_t, _Hash, _Key const&>::value
template <class _Key, class _Hash = std::hash<_Key> >
using __has_enabled_hash _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = integral_constant<bool,
__check_hash_requirements<_Key, _Hash>::value &&
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
template <class _Type, class>
using __enable_hash_helper_imp _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = _Type;
template <class _Type, class ..._Keys>
using __enable_hash_helper _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = __enable_hash_helper_imp<_Type,
typename enable_if<__all<__has_enabled_hash<_Keys>::value...>::value>::type
template <class _Type, class ...>
using __enable_hash_helper _LIBCPP_NODEBUG_TYPE = _Type;
#endif // !_LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG