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#ifndef __TIDY_H__
#define __TIDY_H__
/* clang-format off */
* @file
* Defines HTML Tidy public API implemented by LibTidy.
* This public interface provides the entire public API for LibTidy, and
* is the sole interface that you should use when implementing LibTidy in
* your own applications.
* See tidy.c as an example application implementing the public API.
* This API is const-correct and doesn't explicitly depend on any globals.
* Thus, thread-safety may be introduced without changing the interface.
* The API limits all exposure to internal structures and provides only
* accessors that return simple types such as C strings and integers, which
* makes it quite suitable for integration with any number of other languages.
* @author Dave Raggett [dsr@w3.org]
* @author HTACG, et al (consult git log)
* @remarks The contributing author(s) would like to thank all those who
* helped with testing, bug fixes and suggestions for improvements.
* This wouldn't have been possible without your help.
* @copyright
* Copyright (c) 1998-2017 World Wide Web Consortium (Massachusetts
* Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics
* and Mathematics, Keio University).
* @par
* All Rights Reserved.
* @par
* This software and documentation is provided "as is," and the copyright
* holders and contributing author(s) make no representations or warranties,
* express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of
* merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or that the use of
* the software or documentation will not infringe any third party patents,
* copyrights, trademarks or other rights.
* @par
* The copyright holders and contributing author(s) will not be held liable
* for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of
* any use of the software or documentation, even if advised of the
* possibility of such damage.
* @par
* Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* source code, or portions hereof, documentation and executables, for any
* purpose, without fee, subject to the following restrictions:
* @par
* 1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.
* 2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original source.
* 3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* or altered source distribution.
* @par
* The copyright holders and contributing author(s) specifically permit,
* without fee, and encourage the use of this source code as a component for
* supporting the Hypertext Markup Language in commercial products. If you
* use this source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required but
* would be appreciated.
* @date Created 2001-05-20 by Charles Reitzel
* @date Updated 2002-07-01 by Charles Reitzel - 1st Implementation
* @date Updated 2015-06-09 by Geoff R. McLane - Add more doxygen syntax
* @date Additional updates: consult git log
#include "third_party/tidy/tidyplatform.h"
#include "libc/stdio/stdio.h"
#include "third_party/tidy/tidyenum.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
** @defgroup internal_api Internal API
** The Internal API is used exclusively within LibTidy. If you are an
** HTML Tidy developer, then the internals API will be of especial
** importance to you.
** @note Always check first to determine whether or not an internal API
** representation exists for a public API function before invoking a
** public API function internally. In most cases, the public API
** functions simply call an internal function.
** - - -
** @note This documentation _is not_ a substitute for browsing the source
** code. Although the public API is fairly well documented, the
** internal API is a very long, very slow, work-in-progress.
** @defgroup public_api External Public API
** The Public API is the API that LibTidy programmers must access in order
** to harness HTML Tidy as a library. The API limits all exposure to internal
** structures and provides only accessors that return simple types such as
** C strings and integers, which makes it quite suitable for integration with
** any number of other languages.
** @{
/* MARK: - Opaque Types */
** @defgroup Opaque Opaque Types
** Instances of these types are returned by LibTidy API functions, however
** they are opaque; you cannot see into them, and must use accessor functions
** to access the contents. This ensures that interfacing to LibTidy remains
** as universal as possible.
** @note Internally LibTidy developers will cast these to internal
** implementation types with access to all member fields.
** @{
/** @struct TidyDoc
** Instances of this represent a Tidy document, which encapsulates everything
** there is to know about a single Tidy session. Many of the API functions
** return instance of TidyDoc, or expect instances as parameters.
/** @struct TidyOption
** Instances of this represent a Tidy configuration option, which contains
** useful data about these options. Functions related to configuration options
** return or accept instances of this type.
/** @struct TidyNode
** Single nodes of a TidyDocument are represented by this datatype. It can be
** returned by various API functions, or accepted as a function argument.
/** @struct TidyAttr
** Attributes of a TidyNode are represented by this data type. The public API
** functions related to attributes work with this type.
/** @struct TidyMessage
** Instances of this type represent messages generated by Tidy in reference
** to your document. This API is available in some of Tidy's message callback
** functions.
/** @struct TidyMessageArgument
** Instances of this type represent the arguments that compose part of the
** message represented by TidyMessage. These arguments have an API to query
** information about them.
/* Prevent Doxygen from listing these as functions. */
opaque_type( TidyDoc );
opaque_type( TidyOption );
opaque_type( TidyNode );
opaque_type( TidyAttr );
opaque_type( TidyMessage );
opaque_type( TidyMessageArgument );
/** @} end Opaque group */
/* MARK: - Memory Allocation */
** @defgroup Memory Memory Allocation
** Tidy can use a user-provided allocator for all memory allocations. If this
** allocator is not provided, then a default allocator is used which simply
** wraps standard C malloc()/free() calls. These wrappers call the panic()
** function upon any failure. The default panic function prints an out of
** memory message to **stderr**, and calls `exit(2)`.
** For applications in which it is unacceptable to abort in the case of memory
** allocation, then the panic function can be replaced with one which
** `longjmps()` out of the LibTidy code. For this to clean up completely, you
** should be careful not to use any Tidy methods that open files as these will
** not be closed before `panic()` is called.
** Calling the `xxxWithAllocator()` family (`tidyCreateWithAllocator`,
** `tidyBufInitWithAllocator`, `tidyBufAllocWithAllocator`) allow setting
** custom allocators.
** All parts of the document use the same allocator. Calls that require a
** user-provided buffer can optionally use a different allocator.
** For reference in designing a plug-in allocator, most allocations made by
** LibTidy are less than 100 bytes, corresponding to attribute names and
** values, etc.
** There is also an additional class of much larger allocations which are where
** most of the data from the lexer is stored. It is not currently possible to
** use a separate allocator for the lexer; this would be a useful extension.
** In general, approximately 1/3rd of the memory used by LibTidy is freed
** during the parse, so if memory usage is an issue then an allocator that can
** reuse this memory is a good idea.
** **To create your own allocator, do something like the following:**
** @code{.c}
** typedef struct _MyAllocator {
** TidyAllocator base;
** // ...other custom allocator state...
** } MyAllocator;
** void* MyAllocator_alloc(TidyAllocator *base, void *block, size_t nBytes) {
** MyAllocator *self = (MyAllocator*)base;
** // ...
** }
** // etc.
** static const TidyAllocatorVtbl MyAllocatorVtbl = {
** MyAllocator_alloc,
** MyAllocator_realloc,
** MyAllocator_free,
** MyAllocator_panic
** };
** myAllocator allocator;
** TidyDoc doc;
** allocator.base.vtbl = &MyAllocatorVtbl;
** //...initialise allocator specific state...
** doc = tidyCreateWithAllocator(&allocator);
** @endcode
** Although this looks slightly long-winded, the advantage is that to create a
** custom allocator you simply need to set the vtbl pointer correctly. The vtbl
** itself can reside in static/global data, and hence does not need to be
** initialised each time an allocator is created, and furthermore the memory
** is shared amongst all created allocators.
** @{
/* Forward declarations and typedefs. */
struct _TidyAllocatorVtbl;
struct _TidyAllocator;
typedef struct _TidyAllocatorVtbl TidyAllocatorVtbl;
typedef struct _TidyAllocator TidyAllocator;
/** Tidy's built-in default allocator. */
struct _TidyAllocator {
const TidyAllocatorVtbl *vtbl; /**< The allocator's function table. */
/** This structure is the function table for an allocator. Note that all
functions in this table must be provided. */
struct _TidyAllocatorVtbl
/* Doxygen has no idea how to parse these. */
void* (TIDY_CALL *alloc)( TidyAllocator *self, size_t nBytes );
void* (TIDY_CALL *realloc)(TidyAllocator *self, void *block, size_t nBytes );
void (TIDY_CALL *free)(TidyAllocator *self, void *block);
void (TIDY_CALL *panic)(TidyAllocator *self, ctmbstr msg);
/** Called to allocate a block of nBytes of memory */
void* *alloc(TidyAllocator *self, /**< The TidyAllocator to use to alloc memory. */
size_t nBytes /**< The number of bytes to allocate. */
/** Called to resize (grow, in general) a block of memory.
Must support being called with `NULL`. */
void* *realloc(TidyAllocator *self, /**< The TidyAllocator to use to realloc memory. */
void *block, /**< The pointer to the existing block. */
size_t nBytes /**< The number of bytes to allocate. */
/** Called to free a previously allocated block of memory.
void *free(TidyAllocator *self, /**< The TidyAllocator to use to free memory. */
void *block /**< The block to free. */
/** Called when a panic condition is detected. Must support `block == NULL`.
This function is not called if either alloc() or realloc() fails; it is
up to the allocator to do this. Currently this function can only be
called if an error is detected in the tree integrity via the internal
function CheckNodeIntegrity(). This is a situation that can only arise
in the case of a programming error in LibTidy. You can turn off node
integrity checking by defining the constant `NO_NODE_INTEGRITY_CHECK`
during the build.
void *panic(TidyAllocator *self, /**< The TidyAllocator to use to panic. */
ctmbstr msg /**< The panic message. */
#endif /* Doxygen Fix */
/** Callback for `malloc` replacement */
typedef void* (TIDY_CALL *TidyMalloc)( size_t len );
/** Callback for `realloc` replacement */
typedef void* (TIDY_CALL *TidyRealloc)( void* buf, size_t len );
/** Callback for `free` replacement */
typedef void (TIDY_CALL *TidyFree)( void* buf );
/** Callback for out of memory panic state */
typedef void (TIDY_CALL *TidyPanic)( ctmbstr mssg );
/** Give Tidy a `malloc()` replacement */
Bool tidySetMallocCall( TidyMalloc fmalloc );
/** Give Tidy a `realloc()` replacement */
Bool tidySetReallocCall( TidyRealloc frealloc );
/** Give Tidy a `free()` replacement */
Bool tidySetFreeCall( TidyFree ffree );
/** Give Tidy an "out of memory" handler */
Bool tidySetPanicCall( TidyPanic fpanic );
/** @} end Memory group */
/* MARK: - Basic Operations */
** @defgroup Basic Basic Operations
** For an excellent example of how to invoke LibTidy, please consult
** `console/tidy.c:main()` for in-depth implementation details. A simplified
** example can be seen on our site: https://www.html-tidy.org/developer/
** @{
/** @name Instantiation and Destruction
** @{
/** The primary creation of a document instance. Instances of a TidyDoc are used
** throughout the API as a token to represent a particular document. You must
** create at least one TidyDoc instance to initialize the library and begin
** interaction with the API. When done using a TidyDoc instance, be sure to
** `tidyRelease(myTidyDoc);` in order to free related memory.
** @result Returns a TidyDoc instance.
TidyDoc tidyCreate(void);
/** Create a document supplying your own, custom TidyAllocator instead of using
** the built-in default. See the @ref Memory module if you want to create and
** use your own allocator.
** @param allocator The allocator to use for creating the document.
** @result Returns a TidyDoc instance.
TidyDoc tidyCreateWithAllocator(TidyAllocator *allocator);
/** Free all memory and release the TidyDoc. The TidyDoc can not be used after
** this call.
** @param tdoc The TidyDoc to free.
void tidyRelease(TidyDoc tdoc);
/** @}
** @name Host Application Data
** @{
/** Allows the host application to store a chunk of data with each TidyDoc
** instance. This can be useful for callbacks, such as saving a reference to
** `self` within the document.
void tidySetAppData(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document in which to store the data. */
void* appData /**< The pointer to a block of data to store. */
/** Returns the data previously stored with `tidySetAppData()`.
** @param tdoc document where data has been stored.
** @result The pointer to the data block previously stored.
void* tidyGetAppData(TidyDoc tdoc);
/** @}
** @name LibTidy Version Information
** @{
/** Get the release date for the current library.
** @result The string representing the release date.
ctmbstr tidyReleaseDate(void);
/** Get the version number for the current library.
** @result The string representing the version number.
ctmbstr tidyLibraryVersion(void);
/** Get the platform for which Tidy was built.
** @result The string representing the version number.
ctmbstr tidyPlatform(void);
/** @}
** @name Diagnostics and Repair
** @{
/** Get status of current document.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns the highest of `2` indicating that errors were present in
** the document, `1` indicating warnings, and `0` in the case of
** everything being okay.
int tidyStatus( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Gets the version of HTML that was output, as an integer, times 100. For
** example, HTML5 will return 500; HTML4.0.1 will return 401.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns the HTML version number (x100).
int tidyDetectedHtmlVersion( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Indicates whether the output document is or isn't XHTML.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns `yes` if the document is an XHTML type.
Bool tidyDetectedXhtml( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Indicates whether or not the input document was XML. If TidyXml tags is
** true, or there was an XML declaration in the input document, then this
** function will return yes.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns `yes` if the input document was XML.
Bool tidyDetectedGenericXml( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Indicates the number of TidyError messages that were generated. For any
** value greater than `0`, output is suppressed unless TidyForceOutput is set.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns the number of TidyError messages that were generated.
uint tidyErrorCount( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Indicates the number of TidyWarning messages that were generated.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns the number of TidyWarning messages that were generated.
uint tidyWarningCount( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Indicates the number of TidyAccess messages that were generated.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns the number of TidyAccess messages that were generated.
uint tidyAccessWarningCount( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Indicates the number of configuration error messages that were generated.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns the number of configuration error messages that were
** generated.
uint tidyConfigErrorCount( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Write more complete information about errors to current error sink.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
void tidyErrorSummary( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Write more general information about markup to current error sink.
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
void tidyGeneralInfo( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** @}
** @name Configuration, File, and Encoding Operations
** @{
/** Load an ASCII Tidy configuration file and set the configuration per its
** contents. Reports config option errors, which can be filtered.
** @result Returns 0 upon success, or any other value if there was an option error.
int tidyLoadConfig(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The TidyDoc to which to apply the configuration. */
ctmbstr configFile /**< The complete path to the file to load. */
/** Load a Tidy configuration file with the specified character encoding, and
** set the configuration per its contents. Reports config option errors, which can be filtered.
** @result Returns 0 upon success, or any other value if there was an option error.
int tidyLoadConfigEnc(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The TidyDoc to which to apply the configuration. */
ctmbstr configFile, /**< The complete path to the file to load. */
ctmbstr charenc /**< The encoding to use. See the _enc2iana struct for valid values. */
/** Determine whether or not a particular file exists. On Unix systems, the use
** of the tilde to represent the user's home directory is supported.
** @result Returns `yes` or `no`, indicating whether or not the file exists.
Bool tidyFileExists(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The TidyDoc on whose behalf you are checking. */
ctmbstr filename /**< The path to the file whose existence you wish to check. */
/** Set the input/output character encoding for parsing markup. Valid values
** include `ascii`, `latin1`, `raw`, `utf8`, `iso2022`, `mac`, `win1252`,
** `utf16le`, `utf16be`, `utf16`, `big5`, and `shiftjis`. These values are not
** case sensitive.
** @note This is the same as using TidySetInCharEncoding() and
** TidySetOutCharEncoding() to set the same value.
** @result Returns 0 upon success, or a system standard error number `EINVAL`.
int tidySetCharEncoding(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The TidyDoc for which you are setting the encoding. */
ctmbstr encnam /**< The encoding name as described above. */
/** Set the input encoding for parsing markup. Valid values include `ascii`,
** `latin1`, `raw`, `utf8`, `iso2022`, `mac`, `win1252`, `utf16le`, `utf16be`,
** `utf16`, `big5`, and `shiftjis`. These values are not case sensitive.
** @result Returns 0 upon success, or a system standard error number `EINVAL`.
int tidySetInCharEncoding(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The TidyDoc for which you are setting the encoding. */
ctmbstr encnam /**< The encoding name as described above. */
/** Set the input encoding for writing markup. Valid values include `ascii`,
** `latin1`, `raw`, `utf8`, `iso2022`, `mac`, `win1252`, `utf16le`, `utf16be`,
** `utf16`, `big5`, and `shiftjis`. These values are not case sensitive.
** @result Returns 0 upon success, or a system standard error number `EINVAL`.
int tidySetOutCharEncoding(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The TidyDoc for which you are setting the encoding. */
ctmbstr encnam /**< The encoding name as described above. */
/** @} */
/** @} end Basic group */
/* MARK: - Configuration Options */
** @defgroup Configuration Configuration Options
** Functions for getting and setting Tidy configuration options.
** @note In general, you should expect that options you set should stay set.
** This isn't always the case, though, because Tidy will adjust options
** for internal use during the lexing, parsing, cleaning, and printing
** phases. If you require access to user configuration values at any
** time after the tidyParseXXX() process, make sure to keep your own
** copy, or use tidyOptResetToSnapshot() when you no longer need to
** use any other tidy functions.
** @{
/** @name Option Callback Functions
** @{
/** This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback
** function should you wish to register one with tidySetOptionCallback().
** Your callback function will be provided with the following parameters.
** Note that this is deprecated and you should instead migrate to
** tidySetConfigCallback().
** @param option The option name that was provided.
** @param value The option value that was provided
** @return Your callback function will return `yes` if it handles the provided
** option, or `no` if it does not. In the latter case, Tidy will issue
** an unknown configuration option error.
typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyOptCallback)(ctmbstr option, ctmbstr value);
/** Applications using TidyLib may want to augment command-line and
** configuration file options. Setting this callback allows a LibTidy
** application developer to examine command-line and configuration file options
** after LibTidy has examined them and failed to recognize them.
** Note that this is deprecated and you should instead migrate to
** tidySetConfigCallback().
** @result Returns `yes` upon success.
Bool tidySetOptionCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to apply the callback to. */
TidyOptCallback pOptCallback /**< The name of a function of type TidyOptCallback() to serve as your callback. */
/** This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback
** function should you wish to register one with tidySetConfigCallback().
** Your callback function will be provided with the following parameters.
** @param tdoc The document instance for which the callback was invoked.
** @param option The option name that was provided.
** @param value The option value that was provided
** @return Your callback function will return `yes` if it handles the provided
** option, or `no` if it does not. In the latter case, Tidy will issue
** an unknown configuration option error.
typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyConfigCallback)(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr option, ctmbstr value);
/** Applications using TidyLib may want to augment command-line and
** configuration file options. Setting this callback allows a LibTidy
** application developer to examine command-line and configuration file options
** after LibTidy has examined them and failed to recognize them.
** @result Returns `yes` upon success.
Bool tidySetConfigCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to apply the callback to. */
TidyConfigCallback pConfigCallback /**< The name of a function of type TidyConfigCallback() to serve as your callback. */
/** This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback
** function should you wish to register one with tidySetConfigChangeCallback().
** Your callback function will be provided with the following parameters.
** @param tdoc The document instance for which the callback was invoked.
** @param option The option that will be changed.
typedef void (TIDY_CALL *TidyConfigChangeCallback)(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOption option);
/** Applications using TidyLib may want to be informed when changes to options
** are made. Temporary changes made internally by Tidy are not reported, but
** permanent changes made by Tidy (such as indent-spaces or output-encoding)
** will be reported.
** @note This callback is not currently implemented.
** @result Returns `yes` upon success.
Bool tidySetConfigChangeCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to apply the callback to. */
TidyConfigChangeCallback pCallback /**< The name of a function of type TidyConfigChangeCallback() to serve as your callback. */
/** @}
** @name Option ID Discovery
** @{
/** Get ID of given Option
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result The TidyOptionId of the given option.
TidyOptionId tidyOptGetId( TidyOption opt );
/** Returns the TidyOptionId (enum value) by providing the name of a Tidy
** configuration option.
** @param optnam The name of the option ID to retrieve.
** @result The TidyOptionId of the given `optname`.
TidyOptionId tidyOptGetIdForName(ctmbstr optnam);
/** @}
** @name Getting Instances of Tidy Options
** @{
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of TidyOption instances, which allows you
** to iterate through all of the available options. In order to iterate through
** the available options, initiate the iterator with this function, and then
** use tidyGetNextOption() to retrieve the first and subsequent options. For
** example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itOpt = tidyGetOptionList( tdoc );
** while ( itOpt ) {
** TidyOption opt = tidyGetNextOption( tdoc, &itOpt );
** // Use other API to query or set set option values
** }
** @endcode
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator tidyGetOptionList( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyGetOptionList(), returns
** the instance of the next TidyOption.
** @note This function will return internal-only option types including
** `TidyInternalCategory`; you should *never* use these. Always ensure
** that you use `tidyOptGetCategory()` before assuming that an option
** is okay to use in your application.
** @result An instance of TidyOption.
TidyOption tidyGetNextOption(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document for which you are retrieving options. */
TidyIterator* pos /**< The TidyIterator (initiated with tidyGetOptionList()) token. */
/** Retrieves an instance of TidyOption given a valid TidyOptionId.
** @result An instance of TidyOption matching the provided TidyOptionId.
TidyOption tidyGetOption(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document for which you are retrieving the option. */
TidyOptionId optId /**< The TidyOptionId to retrieve. */
/** Returns an instance of TidyOption by providing the name of a Tidy
** configuration option.
** @result The TidyOption of the given `optname`.
TidyOption tidyGetOptionByName(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document for which you are retrieving the option. */
ctmbstr optnam /**< The name of the Tidy configuration option. */
/** @}
** @name Information About Options
** @{
/** Get name of given Option
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result The name of the given option.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetName( TidyOption opt );
/** Get datatype of given Option
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result The TidyOptionType of the given option.
TidyOptionType tidyOptGetType( TidyOption opt );
/** Indicates that an option takes a list of items.
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result A bool indicating whether or not the option accepts a list.
Bool tidyOptionIsList( TidyOption opt );
/** Is Option read-only? Some options (mainly internal use only options) are
** read-only.
** @deprecated This is no longer a valid test for the public API; instead
** you should test an option's availability using `tidyOptGetCategory()`
** against `TidyInternalCategory`. This API will be removed!
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result Returns `yes` or `no` depending on whether or not the specified
** option is read-only.
Bool tidyOptIsReadOnly( TidyOption opt );
/** Get category of given Option
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result The TidyConfigCategory of the specified option.
TidyConfigCategory tidyOptGetCategory( TidyOption opt );
/** Get default value of given Option as a string
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result A string indicating the default value of the specified option.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetDefault( TidyOption opt );
/** Get default value of given Option as an unsigned integer
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result An unsigned integer indicating the default value of the specified
** option.
ulong tidyOptGetDefaultInt( TidyOption opt );
/** Get default value of given Option as a Boolean value
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result A boolean indicating the default value of the specified option.
Bool tidyOptGetDefaultBool( TidyOption opt );
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of TidyOption pick-list values, which
** allows you iterate through all of the available option values. In order to
** iterate through the available values, initiate the iterator with this
** function, and then use tidyOptGetNextPick() to retrieve the first and
** subsequent option values. For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itOpt = tidyOptGetPickList( opt );
** while ( itOpt ) {
** printf("%s", tidyOptGetNextPick( opt, &itOpt ));
** }
** @endcode
** @param opt An instance of a TidyOption to query.
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator tidyOptGetPickList( TidyOption opt );
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetPickList(), returns a
** string representing a possible option value.
** @result A string containing the next pick-list option value.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetNextPick(TidyOption opt, /**< An instance of a TidyOption to query. */
TidyIterator* pos /**< The TidyIterator (initiated with tidyOptGetPickList()) token. */
/** @}
** @name Option Value Functions
** @{
/** Get the current value of the option ID for the given document.
** @remark The optId *must* have a @ref TidyOptionType of @ref TidyString!
ctmbstr tidyOptGetValue(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document whose option value you wish to check. */
TidyOptionId optId /**< The option ID whose value you wish to check. */
/** Set the option value as a string.
** @remark The optId *must* have a @ref TidyOptionType of @ref TidyString!
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptSetValue(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which to set the value. */
TidyOptionId optId, /**< The option ID of the value to set. */
ctmbstr val /**< The string value to set. */
/** Set named option value as a string, regardless of the @ref TidyOptionType.
** @remark This is good setter if you are unsure of the type.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptParseValue(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which to set the value. */
ctmbstr optnam, /**< The name of the option to set; this is the string value from the UI, e.g., `error-file`. */
ctmbstr val /**< The value to set, as a string. */
/** Get current option value as an integer.
** @result Returns the integer value of the specified option.
ulong tidyOptGetInt(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which to get the value. */
TidyOptionId optId /**< The option ID to get. */
/** Set option value as an integer.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptSetInt(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which to set the value. */
TidyOptionId optId, /**< The option ID to set. */
ulong val /**< The value to set. */
/** Get current option value as a Boolean flag.
** @result Returns a bool indicating the value.
Bool tidyOptGetBool(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which to get the value. */
TidyOptionId optId /**< The option ID to get. */
/** Set option value as a Boolean flag.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptSetBool(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which to set the value. */
TidyOptionId optId, /**< The option ID to set. */
Bool val /**< The value to set. */
/** Reset option to default value by ID.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptResetToDefault(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which to reset the value. */
TidyOptionId opt /**< The option ID to reset. */
/** Reset all options to their default values.
** @param tdoc The tidy document for which to reset all values.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptResetAllToDefault( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Take a snapshot of current config settings. These settings are stored
** within the tidy document. Note, however, that snapshots do not reliably
** survive the tidyParseXXX() process, as Tidy uses the snapshot mechanism
** in order to store the current configuration right at the beginning of the
** parsing process.
** @param tdoc The tidy document for which to take a snapshot.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptSnapshot( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Apply a snapshot of config settings to a document.
** @param tdoc The tidy document for which to apply a snapshot.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptResetToSnapshot( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Any settings different than default?
** @param tdoc The tidy document to check.
** @result Returns a bool indicating whether or not a difference exists.
Bool tidyOptDiffThanDefault( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Any settings different than snapshot?
** @param tdoc The tidy document to check.
** @result Returns a bool indicating whether or not a difference exists.
Bool tidyOptDiffThanSnapshot( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Copy current configuration settings from one document to another. Note
** that the destination document's existing settings will be stored as that
** document's snapshot prior to having its option values overwritten by the
** source document's settings.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyOptCopyConfig(TidyDoc tdocTo, /**< The destination tidy document. */
TidyDoc tdocFrom /**< The source tidy document. */
/** Get character encoding name. Used with @ref TidyCharEncoding,
** @ref TidyOutCharEncoding, and @ref TidyInCharEncoding.
** @result The encoding name as a string for the specified option.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetEncName(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to query. */
TidyOptionId optId /**< The option ID whose value to check. */
/** Get the current pick list value for the option ID, which can be useful for
** enum types.
** @result Returns a string indicating the current value of the specified
** option.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetCurrPick(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to query. */
TidyOptionId optId /**< The option ID whose value to check. */
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of user-declared tags, including autonomous
** custom tags detected in the document if @ref TidyUseCustomTags is not set to
** **no**. This iterator allows you to iterate through all of the custom tags.
** In order to iterate through the tags, initiate the iterator with this
** function, and then use tidyOptGetNextDeclTag() to retrieve the first and
** subsequent tags. For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itTag = tidyOptGetDeclTagList( tdoc );
** while ( itTag ) {
** printf("%s", tidyOptGetNextDeclTag( tdoc, TidyBlockTags, &itTag ));
** }
** @endcode
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator tidyOptGetDeclTagList( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetDeclTagList(), returns a
** string representing a user-declared or autonomous custom tag.
** @remark Specifying optId limits the scope of the tags to one of
** @ref TidyInlineTags, @ref TidyBlockTags, @ref TidyEmptyTags, or
** @ref TidyPreTags. Note that autonomous custom tags (if used) are
** added to one of these option types, depending on the value of
** @ref TidyUseCustomTags.
** @result A string containing the next tag.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetNextDeclTag(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to query. */
TidyOptionId optId, /**< The option ID matching the type of tag to retrieve. */
TidyIterator* iter /**< The TidyIterator (initiated with tidyOptGetDeclTagList()) token. */
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of priority attributes. This iterator
** allows you to iterate through all of the priority attributes defined with
** the `priority-attributes` configuration option. In order to iterate through
** the attributes, initiate the iterator with this function, and then use
** tidyOptGetNextPriorityAttr() to retrieve the first and subsequent attributes.
** For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itAttr = tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList( tdoc );
** while ( itAttr ) {
** printf("%s", tidyOptGetNextPriorityAttr( tdoc, &itAttr ));
** }
** @endcode
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList(),
** returns a string representing a priority attribute.
** @result A string containing the next tag.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetNextPriorityAttr(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to query. */
TidyIterator* iter /**< The TidyIterator (initiated with tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList()) token. */
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of muted messages. This iterator allows
** you to iterate through all of the priority attributes defined with the
** `mute` configuration option. In order to iterate through the list, initiate
** with this function, and then use tidyOptGetNextMutedMessage() to retrieve
** the first and subsequent attributes.
** For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itAttr = tidyOptGetMutedMessageList( tdoc );
** while ( itAttr ) {
** printf("%s", tidyOptGetNextMutedMessage( tdoc, &itAttr ));
** }
** @endcode
** @param tdoc An instance of a TidyDoc to query.
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator tidyOptGetMutedMessageList( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetMutedMessageList(),
** returns a string representing a muted message.
** @result A string containing the next tag.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetNextMutedMessage(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to query. */
TidyIterator* iter /**< The TidyIterator (initiated with tidyOptGetMutedMessageList()) token. */
/** @}
** @name Option Documentation
** @{
/** Get the description of the specified option.
** @result Returns a string containing a description of the given option.
ctmbstr tidyOptGetDoc(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to query. */
TidyOption opt /**< The option ID of the option. */
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of options related to a given option. This
** iterator allows you to iterate through all of the related options, if any.
** In order to iterate through the options, initiate the iterator with this
** function, and then use tidyOptGetNextDocLinks() to retrieve the first and
** subsequent options. For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itOpt = tidyOptGetDocLinksList( tdoc, TidyJoinStyles );
** while ( itOpt ) {
** TidyOption my_option = tidyOptGetNextDocLinks( tdoc, &itOpt );
** // do something with my_option
** }
** @endcode
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator tidyOptGetDocLinksList(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to query. */
TidyOption opt /**< The option whose related options you wish to find. */
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetDocLinksList(), returns
** a TidyOption instance.
** @result Returns in instance of TidyOption.
TidyOption tidyOptGetNextDocLinks(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to query. */
TidyIterator* pos /**< The TidyIterator (initiated with tidyOptGetDocLinksList()) token. */
/** @} */
/** @} end Configuration group */
/* MARK: - I/O and Messages */
** @defgroup IO I/O and Messages
** Tidy provides flexible I/O. By default, Tidy will define, create and use
** instances of input and output handlers for standard C buffered I/O (i.e.,
** `FILE* stdin`, `FILE* stdout`, and `FILE* stderr` for content input,
** content output and diagnostic output, respectively. A `FILE* cfgFile`
** input handler will be used for config files. Command line options will
** just be set directly.
** @{
/** @name Forward declarations and typedefs.
** @{
TIDY_STRUCT struct _TidyBuffer;
typedef struct _TidyBuffer TidyBuffer;
/** @}
** @name Input Source
** If you wish to write to your own input sources, then these types, structs,
** and functions will allow them to work seamlessly with Tidy.
** @{
/** End of input "character" */
#define EndOfStream (~0u)
/** Input Callback: get next byte of input */
typedef int (TIDY_CALL *TidyGetByteFunc)( void* sourceData );
/** Input Callback: unget a byte of input */
typedef void (TIDY_CALL *TidyUngetByteFunc)( void* sourceData, byte bt );
/** Input Callback: is end of input? */
typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyEOFFunc)( void* sourceData );
/** This type defines an input source capable of delivering raw bytes of input.
typedef struct _TidyInputSource
void* sourceData; /**< Input context. Passed to callbacks. */
TidyGetByteFunc getByte; /**< Pointer to "get byte" callback. */
TidyUngetByteFunc ungetByte; /**< Pointer to "unget" callback. */
TidyEOFFunc eof; /**< Pointer to "eof" callback. */
} TidyInputSource;
/** Facilitates user defined source by providing an entry point to marshal
** pointers-to-functions. This is needed by .NET, and possibly other language
** bindings.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyInitSource(TidyInputSource* source, /**< The source to populate with data. */
void* srcData, /**< The input context. */
TidyGetByteFunc gbFunc, /**< Pointer to the "get byte" callback. */
TidyUngetByteFunc ugbFunc, /**< Pointer to the "unget" callback. */
TidyEOFFunc endFunc /**< Pointer to the "eof" callback. */
/** Helper: get next byte from input source.
** @param source A pointer to your input source.
** @result Returns a byte as an unsigned integer.
uint tidyGetByte( TidyInputSource* source );
/** Helper: unget byte back to input source. */
void tidyUngetByte(TidyInputSource* source, /**< The input source. */
uint byteValue /**< The byte to push back. */
/** Helper: check if input source at end.
** @param source The input source.
** @result Returns a bool indicating whether or not the source is at EOF.
Bool tidyIsEOF( TidyInputSource* source );
/** @}
** @name Output Sink
** @{
/** Output callback: send a byte to output */
typedef void (TIDY_CALL *TidyPutByteFunc)( void* sinkData, byte bt );
/** This type defines an output destination capable of accepting raw bytes
** of output
typedef struct _TidyOutputSink
void* sinkData; /**< Output context. Passed to callbacks. */
TidyPutByteFunc putByte; /**< Pointer to "put byte" callback */
} TidyOutputSink;
/** Facilitates user defined sinks by providing an entry point to marshal
** pointers-to-functions. This is needed by .NET, and possibly other language
** bindings.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or failure.
Bool tidyInitSink(TidyOutputSink* sink, /**< The sink to populate with data. */
void* snkData, /**< The output context. */
TidyPutByteFunc pbFunc /**< Pointer to the "put byte" callback function. */
/** Helper: send a byte to output. */
void tidyPutByte(TidyOutputSink* sink, /**< The output sink to send a byte. */
uint byteValue /**< The byte to be sent. */
/** @}
** @name Emacs-compatible reporting support.
** If you work with Emacs and prefer Tidy's report output to be in a form
** that is easy for Emacs to parse, then these functions may be valuable.
** @{
/** Set the file path to use for reports when `TidyEmacs` is being used. This
** function provides a proper interface for using the hidden, internal-only
** `TidyEmacsFile` configuration option.
void tidySetEmacsFile(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which you are setting the filePath. */
ctmbstr filePath /**< The path of the document that should be reported. */
/** Get the file path to use for reports when `TidyEmacs` is being used. This
** function provides a proper interface for using the hidden, internal-only
** `TidyEmacsFile` configuration option.
** @param tdoc The tidy document for which you want to fetch the file path.
** @result Returns a string indicating the file path.
ctmbstr tidyGetEmacsFile( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** @}
** @name Error Sink
** Send Tidy's output to any of several destinations with these functions.
** @{
/** Set error sink to named file.
** @result Returns a file handle.
FILE* tidySetErrorFile(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to set. */
ctmbstr errfilnam /**< The file path to send output. */
/** Set error sink to given buffer.
** @result Returns 0 upon success or a standard error number.
int tidySetErrorBuffer(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to set. */
TidyBuffer* errbuf /**< The TidyBuffer to collect output. */
/** Set error sink to given generic sink.
** @result Returns 0 upon success or a standard error number.
int tidySetErrorSink(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to set. */
TidyOutputSink* sink /**< The TidyOutputSink to collect output. */
/** @}
** @name Error and Message Callbacks - TidyReportFilter
** A simple callback to filter or collect messages by diagnostic level,
** for example, TidyInfo, TidyWarning, etc. Its name reflects its original
** purpose as a filter, by which your application can inform LibTidy whether
** or not to output a particular report.
** @{
/** This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback
** function should you wish to register one with tidySetReportFilter().
** Your callback function will be provided with the following parameters.
** @param tdoc Indicates the tidy document the message comes from.
** @param lvl Specifies the TidyReportLevel of the message.
** @param line Indicates the line number in the source document the message applies to.
** @param col Indicates the column in the source document the message applies to.
** @param mssg Specifies the complete message as Tidy would emit it.
** @return Your callback function will return `yes` if Tidy should include the
** report in its own output sink, or `no` if Tidy should suppress it.
typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyReportFilter)( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportLevel lvl, uint line, uint col, ctmbstr mssg );
/** This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports. */
Bool tidySetReportFilter(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which the callback applies. */
TidyReportFilter filtCallback /**< A pointer to your callback function of type TidyReportFilter. */
/** @}
** @name Error and Message Callbacks - TidyReportCallback
** A simple callback to filter or collect messages reported by Tidy.
** Unlike TidyReportFilter, more data are provided (including a `va_list`),
** making this callback suitable for applications that provide more
** sophisticated handling of reports.
** @remark The use of a `va_list` may preclude using this callback from
** non-C-like languages, which is uncharacteristic of Tidy. For more
** flexibility, consider using TidyMessageCallback instead.
** @note This callback was previously `TidyMessageFilter3` in older versions
** of LibTidy.
** @{
/** This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback
** function should you wish to register one with tidySetReportCallback().
** Your callback function will be provided with the following parameters.
** @param tdoc Indicates the tidy document the message comes from.
** @param lvl Specifies the TidyReportLevel of the message.
** @param line Indicates the line number in the source document the message applies to.
** @param col Indicates the column in the source document the message applies to.
** @param code Specifies the message code representing the message. Note that
** this code is a string value that the API promises to hold constant,
** as opposed to an enum value that can change at any time. Although
** this is intended so that you can look up your own application's
** strings, you can retrieve Tidy's format string with this code by
** using tidyErrorCodeFromKey() and then the tidyLocalizedString()
** family of functions.
** @param args Is a `va_list` of arguments used to fill Tidy's message format string.
** @return Your callback function will return `yes` if Tidy should include the
** report in its own output sink, or `no` if Tidy should suppress it.
typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyReportCallback)( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportLevel lvl,
uint line, uint col, ctmbstr code, va_list args );
/** This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports. */
Bool tidySetReportCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which the callback applies. */
TidyReportCallback filtCallback /**< A pointer to your callback function of type TidyReportCallback. */
/** @}
** @name Error and Message Callbacks - TidyMessageCallback
** A sophisticated and extensible callback to filter or collect messages
** reported by Tidy. It returns only an opaque type `TidyMessage` for every
** report and dialogue message, and this message can be queried with the
** TidyMessageCallback API, below. Note that unlike the older filters, this
** callback exposes *all* output that LibTidy emits (excluding the console
** application, which is a client of LibTidy).
/** This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback
** function should you wish to register one with tidySetMessageCallback().
** Your callback function will be provided with the following parameters.
** @param tmessage An opaque type used as a token against which other API
** calls can be made.
** @return Your callback function will return `yes` if Tidy should include the
** report in its own output sink, or `no` if Tidy should suppress it.
typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyMessageCallback)( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports. */
Bool tidySetMessageCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document for which the callback applies. */
TidyMessageCallback filtCallback /**< A pointer to your callback function of type TidyMessageCallback. */
/** @name TidyMessageCallback API
** When using `TidyMessageCallback` you will be supplied with a TidyMessage
** object, which is used as a token to be interrogated with the following
** API before the callback returns.
** @remark Upon returning from the callback, this object is destroyed so do
** not attempt to copy it, or keep it around, or use it in any way.
** @{
/** Get the tidy document this message comes from.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the TidyDoc that generated the message.
TidyDoc tidyGetMessageDoc( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the message code.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns a code representing the message. This code can be used
** directly with the localized strings API; however we never make
** any guarantees about the value of these codes. For code stability
** don't store this value in your own application. Instead use the
** enum field or use the message key string value.
uint tidyGetMessageCode( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the message key string.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns a string representing the message. This string is intended
** to be stable by the LibTidy API, and is suitable for use as a key
** in your own applications.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessageKey( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the line number the message applies to.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the line number, if any, that generated the message.
int tidyGetMessageLine( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the column the message applies to.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the column number, if any, that generated the message.
int tidyGetMessageColumn( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the TidyReportLevel of the message.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns a TidyReportLevel indicating the severity or status of the
** message.
TidyReportLevel tidyGetMessageLevel( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the muted status of the message, that is, whether or not the
** current configuration indicated that this message should be muted.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns a Bool indicating that the config indicates muting this
** message.
Bool tidyGetMessageIsMuted( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the default format string, which is the format string for the message
** in Tidy's default localization (en_us).
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the default localization format string of the message.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessageFormatDefault( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the localized format string. If a localized version of the format string
** doesn't exist, then the default version will be returned.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the localized format string of the message.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessageFormat( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the message with the format string already completed, in Tidy's
** default localization.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the message in the default localization.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessageDefault( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the message with the format string already completed, in Tidy's
** current localization.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the message in the current localization.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessage( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the position part part of the message in the default language.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the positional part of a string as Tidy would display it
** in the console application.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessagePosDefault( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the position part part of the message in the current language.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the positional part of a string as Tidy would display it
** in the console application.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessagePos( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the prefix part of a message in the default language.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the message prefix part of a string as Tidy would display
** it in the console application.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessagePrefixDefault( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the prefix part of a message in the current language.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the message prefix part of a string as Tidy would display
** it in the console application.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessagePrefix( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the complete message as Tidy would emit it in the default localization.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the complete message just as Tidy would display it on the
** console.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessageOutputDefault( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Get the complete message as Tidy would emit it in the current localization.
** @param tmessage Specify the message that you are querying.
** @result Returns the complete message just as Tidy would display it on the
** console.
ctmbstr tidyGetMessageOutput( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** @} end subgroup TidyMessageCallback API */
/** @name TidyMessageCallback Arguments API
** When using `TidyMessageCallback` you will be supplied with a TidyMessage
** object which can be used as a token against which to query using this API.
** This API deals strictly with _arguments_ that a message may or may not have;
** these are the same arguments that Tidy would apply to a format string in
** order to fill in the placeholder fields and deliver a complete report or
** dialogue string to you.
** @{
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of arguments related to a given message.
** This iterator allows you to iterate through all of the arguments, if any.
** In order to iterate through the arguments, initiate the iterator with this
** function, and then use tidyGetNextMessageArgument() to retrieve the first
** and subsequent arguments. For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itArg = tidyGetMessageArguments( tmessage );
** while ( itArg ) {
** TidyMessageArgument my_arg = tidyGetNextMessageArgument( tmessage, &itArg );
** // do something with my_arg, such as inspect its value or format
** }
** @endcode
** @param tmessage The message about whose arguments you wish to query.
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator tidyGetMessageArguments( TidyMessage tmessage );
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyGetMessageArguments(), returns
** an instance of the opaque type TidyMessageArgument, which serves as a token
** against which the remaining argument API functions may be used to query
** information.
** @result Returns an instance of TidyMessageArgument.
TidyMessageArgument tidyGetNextMessageArgument(TidyMessage tmessage, /**< The message whose arguments you want to access. */
TidyIterator* iter /**< The TidyIterator (initiated with tidyOptGetDocLinksList()) token. */
/** Returns the `TidyFormatParameterType` of the given message argument.
** @result Returns the type of parameter of type TidyFormatParameterType.
TidyFormatParameterType tidyGetArgType(TidyMessage tmessage, /**< The message whose arguments you want to access. */
TidyMessageArgument* arg /**< The argument that you are querying. */
/** Returns the format specifier of the given message argument. The memory for
** this string is cleared upon termination of the callback, so do be sure to
** make your own copy.
** @result Returns the format specifier string of the given argument.
ctmbstr tidyGetArgFormat(TidyMessage tmessage, /**< The message whose arguments you want to access. */
TidyMessageArgument* arg /**< The argument that you are querying. */
/** Returns the string value of the given message argument. An assertion
** will be generated if the argument type is not a string.
** @result Returns the string value of the given argument.
ctmbstr tidyGetArgValueString(TidyMessage tmessage, /**< The message whose arguments you want to access. */
TidyMessageArgument* arg /**< The argument that you are querying. */
/** Returns the unsigned integer value of the given message argument. An
** assertion will be generated if the argument type is not an unsigned int.
** @result Returns the unsigned integer value of the given argument.
uint tidyGetArgValueUInt(TidyMessage tmessage, /**< The message whose arguments you want to access. */
TidyMessageArgument* arg /**< The argument that you are querying. */
/** Returns the integer value of the given message argument. An assertion
** will be generated if the argument type is not an integer.
** @result Returns the integer value of the given argument.
int tidyGetArgValueInt(TidyMessage tmessage, /**< The message whose arguments you want to access. */
TidyMessageArgument* arg /**< The argument that you are querying. */
* Returns the double value of the given message argument. An assertion
* will be generated if the argument type is not a double.
** @result Returns the double value of the given argument.
double tidyGetArgValueDouble(TidyMessage tmessage, /**< The message whose arguments you want to access. */
TidyMessageArgument* arg /**< The argument that you are querying. */
/** @} end subgroup TidyMessageCallback Arguments API */
/** @name Printing
** LibTidy applications can somewhat track the progress of the tidying process
** by using this provided callback. It relates where something in the source
** document ended up in the output.
** @{
/** This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback
** function should you wish to register one with tidySetMessageCallback().
** Your callback function will be provided with the following parameters.
** @param tdoc Indicates the source tidy document.
** @param line Indicates the line in the source document at this point in the process.
** @param col Indicates the column in the source document at this point in the process.
** @param destLine Indicates the line number in the output document at this point in the process.
typedef void (TIDY_CALL *TidyPPProgress)( TidyDoc tdoc, uint line, uint col, uint destLine );
/** This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback for tracking the
** pretty-printing process progress.
Bool tidySetPrettyPrinterCallback(TidyDoc tdoc,
TidyPPProgress callback
/** @} */
/** @} end IO group */
/* MARK: - Document Parse */
** @defgroup Parse Document Parse
** Functions for parsing markup from a given input source, as well as string
** and filename functions for added convenience. HTML/XHTML version determined
** from input.
** @{
/** Parse markup in named file.
** @result Returns the highest of `2` indicating that errors were present in
** the document, `1` indicating warnings, and `0` in the case of
** everything being okay.
int tidyParseFile(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to use for parsing. */
ctmbstr filename /**< The filename to parse. */
/** Parse markup from the standard input.
** @param tdoc The tidy document to use for parsing.
** @result Returns the highest of `2` indicating that errors were present in
** the document, `1` indicating warnings, and `0` in the case of
** everything being okay.
int tidyParseStdin( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Parse markup in given string. Note that the supplied string is of type
** `ctmbstr` based on `char` and therefore doesn't support the use of
** UTF-16 strings. Use `tidyParseBuffer()` if parsing multibyte strings.
** @result Returns the highest of `2` indicating that errors were present in
** the document, `1` indicating warnings, and `0` in the case of
** everything being okay.
int tidyParseString(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to use for parsing. */
ctmbstr content /**< The string to parse. */
/** Parse markup in given buffer.
** @result Returns the highest of `2` indicating that errors were present in
** the document, `1` indicating warnings, and `0` in the case of
** everything being okay.
int tidyParseBuffer(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to use for parsing. */
TidyBuffer* buf /**< The TidyBuffer containing data to parse. */
/** Parse markup in given generic input source.
** @result Returns the highest of `2` indicating that errors were present in
** the document, `1` indicating warnings, and `0` in the case of
** everything being okay.
int tidyParseSource(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to use for parsing. */
TidyInputSource* source /**< A TidyInputSource containing data to parse. */
/** @} End Parse group */
/* MARK: - Diagnostics and Repair */
** @defgroup Clean Diagnostics and Repair
** After parsing the document, you can use these functions to attempt cleanup,
** repair, get additional diagnostics, and determine the document type.
** @{
/** Execute configured cleanup and repair operations on parsed markup.
** @param tdoc The tidy document to use.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidyCleanAndRepair( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Reports the document type and diagnostic statistics on parsed and repaired
** markup. You must call tidyCleanAndRepair() before using this function.
** @param tdoc The tidy document to use.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidyRunDiagnostics( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Reports the document type into the output sink.
** @param tdoc The tidy document to use.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidyReportDoctype( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** @} end Clean group */
/* MARK: - Document Save Functions */
** @defgroup Save Document Save Functions
** Save currently parsed document to the given output sink. File name
** and string/buffer functions provided for convenience.
** @{
/** Save the tidy document to the named file.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidySaveFile(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to save. */
ctmbstr filename /**< The destination file name. */
/** Save the tidy document to standard output (FILE*).
** @param tdoc The tidy document to save.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidySaveStdout( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Save the tidy document to given TidyBuffer object.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidySaveBuffer(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to save. */
TidyBuffer* buf /**< The buffer to place the output. */
/** Save the tidy document to an application buffer. If TidyShowMarkup and the
** document has no errors, or TidyForceOutput, then the current document (per
** the current configuration) will be pretty printed to this application
** buffer. The document byte length (not character length) will be placed into
** *buflen. The document will not be null terminated. If the buffer is not big
** enough, ENOMEM will be returned, else the actual document status.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidySaveString(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to save. */
tmbstr buffer, /**< The buffer to save to. */
uint* buflen /**< [out] The byte length written. */
/** Save to given generic output sink.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidySaveSink(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to save. */
TidyOutputSink* sink /**< The output sink to save to. */
/** Save current settings to named file. Only writes non-default values.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidyOptSaveFile(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to save. */
ctmbstr cfgfil /**< The filename to save the configuration to. */
/** Save current settings to given output sink. Only non-default values are
** written.
** @result An integer representing the status.
int tidyOptSaveSink(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document to save. */
TidyOutputSink* sink /**< The output sink to save the configuration to. */
/** @} end Save group */
/* MARK: - Document Tree */
** @defgroup Tree Document Tree
** A parsed (and optionally repaired) document is represented by Tidy as a
** tree, much like a W3C DOM. This tree may be traversed using these
** functions. The following snippet gives a basic idea how these functions
** can be used.
** @code{.c}
** void dumpNode( TidyNode tnod, int indent ) {
** TidyNode child;
** for ( child = tidyGetChild(tnod); child; child = tidyGetNext(child) ) {
** ctmbstr name;
** switch ( tidyNodeGetType(child) ) {
** case TidyNode_Root: name = "Root"; break;
** case TidyNode_DocType: name = "DOCTYPE"; break;
** case TidyNode_Comment: name = "Comment"; break;
** case TidyNode_ProcIns: name = "Processing Instruction"; break;
** case TidyNode_Text: name = "Text"; break;
** case TidyNode_CDATA: name = "CDATA"; break;
** case TidyNode_Section: name = "XML Section"; break;
** case TidyNode_Asp: name = "ASP"; break;
** case TidyNode_Jste: name = "JSTE"; break;
** case TidyNode_Php: name = "PHP"; break;
** case TidyNode_XmlDecl: name = "XML Declaration"; break;
** case TidyNode_Start:
** case TidyNode_End:
** case TidyNode_StartEnd:
** default:
** name = tidyNodeGetName( child );
** break;
** }
** assert( name != NULL );
** printf( "\%*.*sNode: \%s\\n", indent, indent, " ", name );
** dumpNode( child, indent + 4 );
** }
** }
** void dumpDoc( TidyDoc tdoc ) {
** dumpNode( tidyGetRoot(tdoc), 0 );
** }
** void dumpBody( TidyDoc tdoc ) {
** dumpNode( tidyGetBody(tdoc), 0 );
** }
** @endcode
** @{
/** @name Nodes for Document Sections
** @{
/** Get the root node.
** @param tdoc The document to query.
** @result Returns a tidy node.
TidyNode tidyGetRoot( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Get the HTML node.
** @param tdoc The document to query.
** @result Returns a tidy node.
TidyNode tidyGetHtml( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Get the HEAD node.
** @param tdoc The document to query.
** @result Returns a tidy node.
TidyNode tidyGetHead( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** Get the BODY node.
** @param tdoc The document to query.
** @result Returns a tidy node.
TidyNode tidyGetBody( TidyDoc tdoc );
/** @}
** @name Relative Nodes
** @{
/** Get the parent of the indicated node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns a tidy node.
TidyNode tidyGetParent( TidyNode tnod );
/** Get the child of the indicated node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns a tidy node.
TidyNode tidyGetChild( TidyNode tnod );
/** Get the next sibling node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns a tidy node.
TidyNode tidyGetNext( TidyNode tnod );
/** Get the previous sibling node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns a tidy node.
TidyNode tidyGetPrev( TidyNode tnod );
/** @}
** @name Miscellaneous Node Functions
** @{
/** Remove the indicated node.
** @result Returns the next tidy node.
TidyNode tidyDiscardElement(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The tidy document from which to remove the node. */
TidyNode tnod /**< The node to remove */
/** @}
** @name Node Attribute Functions
** @{
/** Get the first attribute.
** @param tnod The node for which to get attributes.
** @result Returns an instance of TidyAttr.
TidyAttr tidyAttrFirst( TidyNode tnod );
/** Get the next attribute.
** @param tattr The current attribute, so the next one can be returned.
** @result Returns and instance of TidyAttr.
TidyAttr tidyAttrNext( TidyAttr tattr );
/** Get the name of a TidyAttr instance.
** @param tattr The tidy attribute to query.
** @result Returns a string indicating the name of the attribute.
ctmbstr tidyAttrName( TidyAttr tattr );
/** Get the value of a TidyAttr instance.
** @param tattr The tidy attribute to query.
** @result Returns a string indicating the value of the attribute.
ctmbstr tidyAttrValue( TidyAttr tattr );
/** Discard an attribute. */
void tidyAttrDiscard(TidyDoc itdoc, /**< The tidy document from which to discard the attribute. */
TidyNode tnod, /**< The node from which to discard the attribute. */
TidyAttr tattr /**< The attribute to discard. */
/** Get the attribute ID given a tidy attribute.
** @param tattr The attribute to query.
** @result Returns the TidyAttrId of the given attribute.
TidyAttrId tidyAttrGetId( TidyAttr tattr );
/** Indicates whether or not a given attribute is an event attribute.
** @param tattr The attribute to query.
** @result Returns a bool indicating whether or not the attribute is an event.
Bool tidyAttrIsEvent( TidyAttr tattr );
/** Get an instance of TidyAttr by specifying an attribute ID.
** @result Returns a TidyAttr instance.
TidyAttr tidyAttrGetById(TidyNode tnod, /**< The node to query. */
TidyAttrId attId /**< The attribute ID to find. */
/** @}
** @name Additional Node Interrogation
** @{
/** Get the type of node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns the type of node as TidyNodeType.
TidyNodeType tidyNodeGetType( TidyNode tnod );
/** Get the name of the node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns a string indicating the name of the node.
ctmbstr tidyNodeGetName( TidyNode tnod );
/** Indicates whether or not a node is a text node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns a bool indicating whether or not the node is a text node.
Bool tidyNodeIsText( TidyNode tnod );
/** Indicates whether or not the node is a propriety type.
** @result Returns a bool indicating whether or not the node is a proprietary type.
Bool tidyNodeIsProp(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to query. */
TidyNode tnod /**< The node to query */
/** Indicates whether or not a node represents and HTML header element, such
** as h1, h2, etc.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns a bool indicating whether or not the node is an HTML header.
Bool tidyNodeIsHeader( TidyNode tnod );
/** Indicates whether or not the node has text.
** @result Returns the type of node as TidyNodeType.
Bool tidyNodeHasText(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to query. */
TidyNode tnod /**< The node to query. */
/** Gets the text of a node and places it into the given TidyBuffer. The text will be terminated with a `TidyNewline`.
** If you want the raw utf-8 stream see `tidyNodeGetValue()`.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or not.
Bool tidyNodeGetText(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to query. */
TidyNode tnod, /**< The node to query. */
TidyBuffer* buf /**< [out] A TidyBuffer used to receive the node's text. */
/** Get the value of the node. This copies the unescaped value of this node into
** the given TidyBuffer at UTF-8.
** @result Returns a bool indicating success or not.
Bool tidyNodeGetValue(TidyDoc tdoc, /**< The document to query */
TidyNode tnod, /**< The node to query */
TidyBuffer* buf /**< [out] A TidyBuffer used to receive the node's value. */
/** Get the tag ID of the node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns the tag ID of the node as TidyTagId.
TidyTagId tidyNodeGetId( TidyNode tnod );
/** Get the line number where the node occurs.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns the line number.
uint tidyNodeLine( TidyNode tnod );
/** Get the column location of the node.
** @param tnod The node to query.
** @result Returns the column location of the node.
uint tidyNodeColumn( TidyNode tnod );
/** @} */
/** @} end Tree group */
/* MARK: - Message Key Management */
** @defgroup MessagesKeys Message Key Management
** These functions serve to manage message codes, i.e., codes that are used
** Tidy and communicated via its callback filters to represent reports and
** dialogue that Tidy emits.
** @remark These codes only reflect complete messages, and are specifically
** distinct from the internal codes that are used to lookup individual
** strings for localization purposes.
** @{
** Given a message code, return the text key that represents it.
** @param code The error code to lookup.
** @result The string representing the error code.
ctmbstr tidyErrorCodeAsKey(uint code);
** Given a text key representing a message code, return the uint that
** represents it.
** @remark We establish that for external purposes, the API will ensure that
** string keys remain consistent. *Never* count on the integer value
** of a message code. Always use this function to ensure that the
** integer is valid if you need one.
** @param code The string representing the error code.
** @result Returns an integer that represents the error code, which can be
** used to lookup Tidy's built-in strings. If the provided string does
** not have a matching message code, then UINT_MAX will be returned.
uint tidyErrorCodeFromKey(ctmbstr code);
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of message codes available in Tidy.
** This iterator allows you to iterate through all of the code. In orde to
** iterate through the codes, initiate the iterator with this function, and
** then use getNextErrorCode() to retrieve the first and subsequent codes.
** For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itMessage = getErrorCodeList();
** while ( itMessage ) {
** uint code = getNextErrorCode( &itMessage );
** // do something with the code, such as lookup a string.
** }
** @endcode
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator getErrorCodeList(void);
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getErrorCodeList(), returns
** an instance of the opaque type TidyMessageArgument, which serves as a token
** against which the remaining argument API functions may be used to query
** information.
** @param iter The TidyIterator (initiated with getErrorCodeList()) token.
** @result Returns a message code.
uint getNextErrorCode( TidyIterator* iter );
/** @} end MessagesKeys group */
/* MARK: - Localization Support */
** @defgroup Localization Localization Support
** These functions help manage localization in Tidy.
** @{
/** @name Tidy's Locale
** @{
/** Tells Tidy to use a different language for output.
** @param languageCode A Windows or POSIX language code, and must match
** a TIDY_LANGUAGE for an installed language.
** @result Indicates that a setting was applied, but not necessarily the
** specific request, i.e., true indicates a language and/or region
** was applied. If es_mx is requested but not installed, and es is
** installed, then es will be selected and this function will return
** true. However the opposite is not true; if es is requested but
** not present, Tidy will not try to select from the es_XX variants.
Bool tidySetLanguage( ctmbstr languageCode );
/** Gets the current language used by Tidy.
** @result Returns a string indicating the currently set language.
ctmbstr tidyGetLanguage(void);
/** @}
** @name Locale Mappings
** @{
/** @struct tidyLocaleMapItem
** Represents an opaque type we can use for tidyLocaleMapItem, which
** is used to iterate through the language list, and used to access
** the windowsName() and the posixName().
/* Prevent Doxygen from listing this as a function. */
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of Tidy's Windows<->POSIX locale mappings.
** This iterator allows you to iterate through this list. In order to
** iterate through the list, initiate the iterator with this function, and then
** use getNextWindowsLanguage() to retrieve the first and subsequent codes.
** For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itList = getWindowsLanguageList();
** while ( itList ) {
** tidyLocaleMapItem *item = getNextWindowsLanguage( &itList );
** // do something such as get the TidyLangWindowsName(item).
** }
** @endcode
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator getWindowsLanguageList(void);
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getWindowsLanguageList(), returns
** a pointer to a tidyLocaleMapItem, which can be further interrogated with
** TidyLangWindowsName() or TidyLangPosixName().
** @param iter The TidyIterator (initiated with getWindowsLanguageList()) token.
** @result Returns a pointer to a tidyLocaleMapItem.
const tidyLocaleMapItem* getNextWindowsLanguage( TidyIterator* iter );
/** Given a `tidyLocaleMapItem`, return the Windows name.
** @param item An instance of tidyLocaleMapItem to query.
** @result Returns a string with the Windows name of the mapping.
ctmbstr TidyLangWindowsName( const tidyLocaleMapItem *item );
/** Given a `tidyLocaleMapItem`, return the POSIX name.
** @param item An instance of tidyLocaleMapItem to query.
** @result Returns a string with the POSIX name of the mapping.
ctmbstr TidyLangPosixName( const tidyLocaleMapItem *item );
/** @}
** @name Getting Localized Strings
** @{
/** Provides a string given `messageType` in the current localization for
** `quantity`. Some strings have one or more plural forms, and this function
** will ensure that the correct singular or plural form is returned for the
** specified quantity.
** @result Returns the desired string.
ctmbstr tidyLocalizedStringN(uint messageType, /**< The message type. */
uint quantity /**< The quantity. */
/** Provides a string given `messageType` in the current localization for the
** single case.
** @param messageType The message type.
** @result Returns the desired string.
ctmbstr tidyLocalizedString( uint messageType );
/** Provides a string given `messageType` in the default localization for
** `quantity`. Some strings have one or more plural forms, and this function
** will ensure that the correct singular or plural form is returned for the
** specified quantity.
** @result Returns the desired string.
ctmbstr tidyDefaultStringN(uint messageType, /**< The message type. */
uint quantity /**< The quantity. */
/** Provides a string given `messageType` in the default localization (which
** is `en`).
** @param messageType The message type.
** @result Returns the desired string.
ctmbstr tidyDefaultString( uint messageType );
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of string key codes available in Tidy.
** This iterator allows you to iterate through all of the codes. In order to
** iterate through the codes, initiate the iterator with this function, and
** then use getNextStringKey() to retrieve the first and subsequent codes.
** For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itKey = getErrorCodeList();
** while ( itKey ) {
** uint code = getNextStringKey( &itKey );
** // do something with the code, such as lookup a string.
** }
** @endcode
** @remark These are provided for documentation generation purposes, and
** probably aren't of much use to the average LibTidy implementor.
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator getStringKeyList(void);
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getStringKeyList(), returns
** an unsigned integer representing the next key value.
** @remark These are provided for documentation generation purposes, and
** probably aren't of much use to the average LibTidy implementor.
** @param iter The TidyIterator (initiated with getStringKeyList()) token.
** @result Returns a message code.
uint getNextStringKey( TidyIterator* iter );
/** @}
** @name Available Languages
** @{
/** Initiates an iterator for a list of Tidy's installed languages. This
** iterator allows you to iterate through this list. In order to iterate
** through the list, initiate the iterator with this function, and then use
** use getNextInstalledLanguage() to retrieve the first and subsequent strings.
** For example:
** @code{.c}
** TidyIterator itList = getInstalledLanguageList();
** while ( itList ) {
** printf("%s", getNextInstalledLanguage( &itList ));
** }
** @endcode
** @result Returns a TidyIterator, which is a token used to represent the
** current position in a list within LibTidy.
TidyIterator getInstalledLanguageList(void);
/** Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getInstalledLanguageList(),
** returns a string representing a language name that is installed in Tidy.
** @param iter The TidyIterator (initiated with getInstalledLanguageList())
** token.
** @result Returns a string indicating the installed language.
ctmbstr getNextInstalledLanguage( TidyIterator* iter );
/** @} */
/** @} end MessagesKeys group */
/** @} end public_api group */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* __TIDY_H__ */
* local variables:
* mode: c
* indent-tabs-mode: nil
* c-basic-offset: 4
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